10-15-1992 Joint Meeting MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A combined meeting of the City COUNTY OF WRIGHT Council of Otsego and the EDA CITY OF OTSEGO of the City of Otsego was held this 15TH day of October, 1992 at 3:00PM. Norman F Freske, Mayor and Vice President of the EDA, Larry Fournier Council Member and President of the EDA, Floyd Roden Council Member and Treasurer of the EDA, Doug Lindenfelser and Ron Black, Council Members and EDA Commissioners, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm., Judy Hudson, Secretary, Andy MacArthur and Stan Ellison, Attorneys were present. The EDA meeting was called to order by President Larry Fournier. Motion by Ron Black to rescind the Motion of October 12, 1992, appointing Doug Lindenfelser as Secretary of the EDA, Seconded by Norman F Freske, all Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to amend the bylaw; to include the following officers of the EDA: President -w Larry Fournier Vice President - Norman F Freske Treasurer -- Floyd Rodent Secretary - Jerome Perrault Assistant Treas. -- James Barthel Assistant Secretary - Elaine Beatty Seconded by Norman F Freske, all Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to issue Bonds for up to $540,000.00 to finance City Hall construction. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all\,Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black ,to adopt a Resolution of intent by the EDA to re-imburse itself for the expenses of building a City Hall by the sale of Bonds. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. Stan Ellison advised the Commissioners they will also need to formulate a Redevelopment Plan and have a Public Hearing on the plan. The plan will specify the area where the EDA plans to build an approximately 8,600 Sq Ft building to be called the Community Center and lease the building to the City with an, option to purchase agreement. The financial assistance of the EDA by the sale of Bonds makes the development of the area possible. The Community Center Building will serve as a focal point to give the City of Otsego an identity. Motion by Floyd Roden to have a Special EDA Meeting on Tuesday, October 20, 1992 at 3:30PM, Seconded by Ron Black, all Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. Stan Ellison commented that the EDA also needs to adopt a budget. Motion by Floyd Roden to request the City Council for the maximum levy of $21,531.51 for an operating budget for the EDA. Seconded by Ron Black, all Commissioners voLed in STATE OF MN, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, CITY OF OTSEGO COMBINED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND EDA OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ON 10-15-92 AT 3PM - PAGE 2 - favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to adjourn the EDA meeting. Seconded by Ron Black, all Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. The City Council Meeting was then called to order by Mayor Norman F Freske. Motion by Ron Black to adopt a Resolution declaring the Official Intent of the City of Otsego to re-imburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of Bonds to be issued by the City. Seconded by Larry Fournier, all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Ron Black to have a Special Council Meeting on October 21, 1992, following the Planning Commission Meeting. Seconded by Floyd Roden/ all Council Members voted in favor of the motion. Ron Black reported to the Council on the recent meeting of the District 728 Area Recreation Board that he attended. Mr Black said there seems to be some confusion as to what the duties of the Recreation Director should be. The Recreation Director has plans for equipment purchases and the Townships and Cities other than Elk River who are participating in the District Recreation Program are not interested in maintaining athletic fields or in equipment purchase. There are also indications that a pay increase for the Recreation Director will be considered. Mr Black said he explained to those at the meeting that Otsego did not budget for an increase in it's contribution to the Recreation Fund. Another issue to be resolved is whether the Recreation Director's salary will be tied to the School District Pay schedule or to the pay schedule of the Communities involved. Doug Lindenfelser said he would like to see a report of what the District Recreation Program has done so far to benefit the citizens of Otsego. On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG,, I IbENFELSER .,_ y,COUNC IL RONALD BLACK, COUNCIL ATTEST JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK EB LARRY U 2MIER , COUNCIL