EDA Minutes 1992.10.20OF 01 SLU" LUOhlC rHo �Fvr4tVV IiNVr1t.P`t fYllTiiCl�il fY 11�r `�IPdt; ��i1.f*Jr_l`TF C)F 10/20/92 oT 2 d 3opiq 1'1 eI) i.of, IFu31 1., .r'r�t_1'r' Tla,r,`r (,:z:1..1,Alill :.11<f C:f:7(1 L:.(a O.r(:I(of'r c1t� pl,� � No No e) f� e:> l ete 1J :1. 1"I nl o n1 ID e ; 1, w e �:, T' t3 :� Y' e ' "� No 1.rRRY FOUI I�I14 f'� IN I(1 f f?I �Led�KI: 1 Led(:)YD If(VW�E:N I:)i';)lAddl I.:N1 N171=1NN 1.:i._ SC":IR RI)1`1 BLACK I' I (dk, IN c) :I. ".1 o tefiJ a_ Tl < 1 t' :;t f f 4 J o NipV O i > r (� , � T.I It de (� 11 e� Y . e;) w 1�1,,.t c O1° .1" 1-1 kept r ` , (1 t. top y � , i:,,,:a )III I'd I 1 (a 1 1 , (l t;:, I,. ;r w Ot1.II I?( ilt1',I1y ;71,1(:Iy hltet(I- (:Jr1 ��"l e:9 1 n e' e i:� �, 1"I � t~J :t "> ,.�.. l_.l Y1" 1 � (:1 O �.l e� 7" i O `•tii i_..a rl 1v �..� ,i, :v' (> 1"1 t•^J h (� (;Y1-) ci.l,1I(.:C:i i�{'1(9 I�''r(.fIN hC?"'';r°CI I:�.c(;.rl4)r JV(J DC,`I.'..l.C�I tIl kTIi; I��.oll I�(iI f�iIec l.;��.i.y (;) Iy ido Ji . ,IN (IV j 3() :l1d UJe lli. (7L/e'1 is I1 t. t.tTl(-) :• ;t1_)1.e I"e:)1 i. �leIV 1III II 1.7() L�.)(h1:�i�.t (1 �,tl�:�Wl �c)C;G:1i t(�T'1 c")'f' I_i1(j (Not i.y Iir_`i...l.h f"Ly Vol i"Iil w J. 3 i.•1.1e!, Ye PIon (;�0V ),) C)?�1`11� pe-1 �'.�:i ,�i:. ?,I1 i,.:� 1�e).1,Yll.. „ I� <tJ t I. I, rn I> , 1 a, T1 c.1 n (r a,. rI wJ F� 1, r:,, rl r1(.� ! I . (a a (.3 r) �l, (. 1:; : , tI ra.).C� 1...1. 1 i"5e31.,.1 ,. I40 "I1e:a "ai;ol.J111:�, de1e <3Tl :. 1"1e')t?(;I l;J.(� Edo W())'Y le rAb(, tld ?'t° CIO 1 I 1 C;? `r` (i ol, 3 r l o (:1 1 . C : 0111 'I"1.IN Y' ci 'I C?; 1 > (T G cr te,l E. F J, i. J. id to i1(I .i, O C,: (* 1 ha fete I ; wI")l;3I... ied 3 dPiI"1�,� toIIJAI ':;� ztl"1e:� i:.I' o e,l 1, 3(;eil.JII, 1I 1 3t:?�V 1.s3 %t Y k.1.'1";_. ;rec.NI1i ..3 1T1C;71.1(11c" 1)oII(r1:J.lIt �1f.i�,(y'rll�..`jre op, to it d IE 1,7 (1 I. n c� :.t ,1, 1 e e 13 , C D A t�J 1. 1..I 1� <vt Y 9:. I"1 e:3 � r Ci l..J 1"1 i i'. 0 i ; I'll C,, i 1. y „ I ;1,? (� J "; r.11( 1, G3 s te l > r <r it (NI t h (� C i, i:, y h ,a rl (LLB 0 k:,1.1.. w) t:a III It o Tl () T1 P:.I1.7,.> I.")(711(;I (JTIt:?'. t, i 1,'> <:I(�T1e" . F.D I. .a J, a �1,t,died 1< a No (p') =?T1t.13 IolelC1 c%',M 1 (1r:1a.ng z 1 1.o It., Nle t;.1 ty U•JhOn 1,t„ 7Vj cIoTi L.. 11 keel t c:' e7l,.l .l. v3 ,i. I' J. (> 11 % ;3 1 ; e`.') I a .1 Y'" ;:'t t ?? t. ( 111 I' I 1. :: 3l l I:� i 1" ; J e, h. (3 cl (:) te,l i'„ „ W h � �' O V (;) Y" I., i 1(9 C .i. y 1 I < 1 .: ) �a 1. C1 �; r, 7 '�' old I: i � InJ � a Y' (�L_`; 1; I"1 G 1`�1 � 6^•1 C J. I, y (,: a 1111 e) to },� popY" e ' If) I U 1 ''Vf a old I,'. I7 e:) C: ,1. i y „ h" it .1. , a 3 I I t 1 J :::3 9 I"1 , 4, I, • I `1 e �; (,,X,l;;y 11t(:; a�.Yf�a(:Iy 1a .;1.(� (aIlI -;tirl0tell1�II:. I;:.C) T IIJ,:�; I�rY't1�..1(V(do'I'. r�11(:�i i"II;�i. I i.; t n O to i. l`1 t,j La (I) Tl c:l t � (� 1�' e� 1r` „ T'Ll(a dip�,T1:1.a„1 1a.1.diaT1 .J ctw� .1�01. J. C,V1 I� J. i (,N C 1 l,t 11 i,;• / \ �. I',. t 7 I J C3 c-1 e r %: e? ;1'" I n .l. i` 1€� e l I :� k ec)1 I':?CtT1(:I C;Ol111�;;E ./D`t .bt 'f'� ,ifl(3TiI• �; ,�' ,,(>(.1C) „(.i(i 1`1 7,.) 1...1. (11) rot o t J, C .I) If, O "I' 1. , ld it I I C E? 10 :.3 y O 0 (.; o 'I 13 t, Y' l..l ( t, 7. oT1 `3i 600 , (.) 0 0„ 0 0 I..Vanc:I Acglt .: %Io.t.o11 i.; 1:,30,()0().0 I , :: , .,, h, `::. I ( , t "; {"1 (; 0 T"'I t. Y L. I1) tote t, did. () I I.) y C: I. to y (:V) `i' CJ to i o:J <;� (� 11 2 :1. () , o ., Ca () Total). PYd-oiper,t. Co s to to be Ror®rded 4�6 5 0 9000 o00 1. X I I I.113 :I: 10 A o CJ � f o 1: i1 klep c n t V , (. `,Z'; O1. t_1 t..t. (.)11 rd,, I. (.r I , (.� ka � r, 1. 2 7 11 992 1.4�a 1' ea .IN 1, o w Es.t1mated Py Cost Breakdown ?a n 3 III, �I k,J e i:..i. C) I 1 i� + > F 3 t`3 � C7 0 (1 1 Tlw.:f I r10(NxY � T1c:� 13 1. ? r 000 ., 00 I... c� 1. a11e:I [;e711ti1,11f;:3 1..y 000,.00 0u III h o or 1, toy C() I, ,I, IN 3 ,000 1400 I._ 11"1e.J re;elttl :3.J iw,,I,()Tl 1.do 1 ;'3(>. (()()„,,,()() 750 �000.00 Total Projcct Core -A `e '�3409000w00 TO`I"li1_ F3C)h!f_)TNG F2kEC?UTF2IEi`) PAGE 2 IF :: 1 nlE n r,w F.;h1ot_!�.E_i c;<_t1,.1. c?r C wt nt;Yyc,.�,.t'r JA .i k� 3 w ;l . I A) %a n11. 1"1:l. Irl l:d rn i" 'i \1 e a ( i y ¢:3 <:11" (.. �zl .�. ,� I r C)1' l ;� .7. C)11 (�(+ i 1" ? U 1.. f? 0 l J < t 41 The Resolution Approving a C, rt:a.in Dovelopment, Fula"n was nioL oned for approval. by Ron Black with changes. Norman F IN Fresko seconded the motion. Motion car rl od unanlnloue;; y W �I"1c:)1.ctf J o is"l 61 7OAllo .1 01 (¢J) fo,t,11.1"1 C)(°�V'..� .oI.;rrl¢= 1"1i., F' 1j11 ('C,1" f.{14�> t.:DA I1 is I?E'•E?r"I r,i(::)f7'ro'.1 C,1 itrl(;1 W1,.1 .h. k) 4atJTl f;;.Ca t I1(3 11f, 1 {>,so)E> f':1.-1i1r1 _rls C;c)torn7, 1011 0r1 1.0/ 1../9of {' ► I Air;y r.lz l ¢0 f:.I1¢, tJ.1. 1..I. n(3c:d to a.grl ri F;o). oJ,t.Jf i.011 1.r1c;1 ( rld At I'10 01.G.!n:r,.1 k'(., c)It.lr.:.,oil tyo hI) ¢.�� �:. 7", t. y (" c) 111,41 (AN, IF IF c; , t. y (:,; c) t. l�l (., :i,1� w.. ;I, :I, n1 �, (: f. �a f' r c:> r f:, h H, f :1. �: Is) n i.. rl t (; (� rn I I I I , : I"k?3¢>f.7,1"I(j ovi 1.0/21../`�2 ,s;Xrld 6J, .1..I. Y "�"3o1,V¢:N 1,10 ¢..:3it I. ,'t 11tor'11 .i,rl;3 tllE:1 r r d t l to,(:3 o s I I c era. IFA 1, 11 u r1 c;l a. �; w :i. 1,�L �.� (a p , u h 1. 11 h l e> ca ,. .;,f :i. rn 13 l Y ►.: h1 ¢�: �. �.:: 1., k ¢ (� () ► . hl 'a k'I a 11 k 'r 1 e: I h R 1. Et ¢; r gal t 1 1 3 k; (;h1,:i(ry>1. t <inl< 1r1(1 (.1.a.<:;�,t! ;( cl whlt�'t.. 1) hlad 're;c c *AVC,d �l.:so r; t 1"' t) 1A .l. 111,. 1"1 E Y" y 1'I 1. ,! rl1 �J ¢' l a , I h 1' (a; W a O111 ¢:a (� 1.::, ¢.� l.d ,1"a h ()1"1 01�1 :A I'll ¢_; ,. 1�csl_1IF _e Y C'�'1' tI{"'I(., h;.t) n (1 t�.(;r {..era h �r,�'n(:1¢ ¢<1 n(:� f;;. t O ¢ ? ; G I" ¢.' ¢a3 C� : 3 C) i) ti (J O (:) „ C7 C.) „ 1 i i? �; 'l t.. y ICJ �!. ,1.. 1. ¢ ; 0111:;. cX C. f:, .� 11 :i3 t,.A r 1 r I (; ¢;:� 1 ! ¢'� t 1 i C.i'f ";;ran to(_i >Fa¢C..tl.'fii f,h ; �011(':1 'I c„,'r t:h i'r ;.,1 't,.!'f"E Y° o' f,i'IE hI. ',h.)E�„ h;.haF1 k 4t.1('1C e 'f". 11¢a 1.od:3 t.(J Imo,., l' 1.111. aI1¢�d <'1 , 3¢; i)11 9 k;)C):w J Is' so . fhlr? r (IF, i,4_ $21.. y0Q0 MOOIll(ai"1�;::y fr(INnl 'flhlI C::l.L. C;(rt!i1(;:L I, t.(;a i,{i t'()')" 1411,1 ( ) ,1 E)m"11 .: isc: ht.k7r 1c.113;;, wI..1I.1. IF to CJp¢: 1"1E Foo <:1 C3.1.r:1c;;I� w�.lJ;)<;; .t.r„ar.1 Lhl<:.'t h?( rAA lf;,f.yr, k' 'r'rritll'i, 41 rl 1 k~srrvt'r i,I1; 1. f,,mAji: t(A')ci ¢�h(?1 +%,IA) i,AIlo101,tllfFlo t .:; f Flh1E:3 I:)n ldr�C�:�f„. Fill too III dnV(3IOI>�1 tTl¢:)r�:. r m ( ) is. J, o n N, t.! 'r"I d Forr�sdko no toed IF had i_C101.k d 1:o Fle,;1l II'';inz,ln.+r1, h;.1i.i.oT (A) h(3 7f:<1" ¢6Nc,",1I,)Olul t:. .1 k2,F.,a! �'t:(:)1`'"h 1n¢¢3t:,;hn<:� Alt i.I'1E? k�i)w C.)i. �¢A(ar.)y k lei 1, UJ h r1 ,i t i. i' . if .,is r h .1<a i` .1..� �. i�(?,1"I `> il.;.. t. {1 ¢,..I1, %, f:. h¢- h. r�� p , �y I:.1 J. C;'". F3Ol,d i'1e�u1r" :i. e _: (;:t11I I' ¢i;, L'1lrl(>1"IE.1 C:1 1f:. 41'ly i..t.11l f.C� (:)(1>,. r1E:I E?'r ,l.rlEr,l,l.1c;:1(y <)f,hE:°'r° r.rl"cA;ii`, (;j i:.h1<° C a. f� y M It(° A w(Ci"(F,L7_rlr1 bda.t;:Ii-:7'rfl..� r1t: F1onl(: F)(f.(,yrld(:'(1 f0:;t_l., I I1(,lj A, ClNl` )II r-) �'. hl Ca r t,. h 1, 11 t:, h . t,, hl ¢� y � h c)l.11. <� c c) n % (i r� r . F?o(J Mot J.onod to advor l3e 'ior an Advj1AA y C olfi►llAi t Leo' to a is t the f7 ., Black seconded the mot )AC)n �. Lveryone agreed that five memLwov:E; t?%►oull.d be zq-,)Pw-op ) Late AN I3t� y W.X.1.1. a(,1v¢'1 1 l,.: 3 %1"1 Lhu1( p•�1 A)1 cA1"ld IrIJf; w7 .h 1. 1"(. (,1"t.,td,'11 k�(r„yk 1.c ,. I I1(, E: rif�p:�.I..colos.F..ic�t1.; ew;{1otl.l.c,1 l)(; r (',i:;t.Ir rl,c:l r1c� I i.('r f Iirwirl th() 201A o1" Mot"ton Cafr:7 c;)d unanimously ¢..� . p ¢a `a .l t.l ar,31"I C y 1, .:> r`1(�> t,. F 1 1 _ C3 (-� t„l .i_ 1 (.', rl'1 ¢' 1'1 i;. i" t)'1" IN) : �) t 1 1(; 1' ). c)1" 'y E�c�nlnl,l.h..tc c P1i`,lc,F�'r�,hlcl.'r' t <i'. c1 ".111(1 t:,hlE IAls tfl111`,F ', r(1>.,'r IF) otJ O 1%(fin 'f:.hly w(.)u, I (1 1.1. k¢� .',_1ht C(N:il rnC)tlf.hl (1,£; P1Cy,;,,) al, y(.;nl'(' wcl:a <tt.lf (,,(1 1.1><�1'I h)y f hlr: F C)A r;�0f111111 3 i r>1"1�Dr'3 . EDO calk"1 hll,,140 Ej1116"�l.oy'E'c, r clll(:1 t.;rt, J. h'j" lnd I=Oty wh):.l.t:. f.hloy (1 ¢ (:;1. E 1:? i, () I :) , y , l i, (IN]`I) t'. �111 h 1 1 1.. r> 01) t...:tnderrfelser root lone d to ad,jo�lrr► the meety.i:ng Roden seconded 'they mot Lon r Mot,�,on r� r r i_c�d unaami nousl..y L�l�RY F47lJf�t�ICF2 F�R��= �b�d� RC)P�lo�Lf� L�AC:� � CiJi"i�iT����C7�•�1 )T"T'EST Elaine Be af: ty, y Piss st ant SorY a afy