EDA Agenda 1992.10.15a CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1992 3PM ** A G E N ;D A Mayor F esk.e w,ill call meeting ,t.(,O) ordw Nw ANC: Y MAC. , F;THUR 2 .1 , Co n.�idevatl lon of pass aq(.. Cs r . ffi<:,. i I'll 1'1>' Resolutions for E tab Ii hn-ic;?rit )t the E .DI) g or ot,hc r action to th 2m24 other Any other CounC i l BL15ai n= ss> .1 . (Cont from Council Meeting of 10/12i c'2' B I' will give brief report: on Art,,?a RE�c Direr for .:. Ad.j<<�Jlarn rri ,et irig .