EDA-EDAAC Meeting Minutes 2002.01.22CITY OF OTSEGO EDA/EDAAC MEETING Tuesday, January 22, 2002 - 6:00 P1bI OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Call Meeting to order: EDA President Larry Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jerry Struthers, Suzanne Ackerman and Virginia Wendel. Planning Commission Chair Carl Swenson, Commission members: Steve Schuck, and David Thompson. EDA Advisory Committee Chair LeRoy Lindenfelser; Commission members: Rudy Thibodeau, Steve Ackerman, and Vince Peterson. Park and Recreation Commission members: Terry Long and Jim Gaikowski, Heritage Preservation Commission Chair Joy Swenson; Commission members: Arlene Holen, Freida Lobeck, Joan Nichols, Elaine Norin, and Sharon Carter. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson; City Clerk Judy Hudson; City Planner Dan Licht, and Dan Wilson, 2. Begin Economic Development Planning Process• Mayor Fournier introduced Dan Wilson of Wilson Development Services. Dan Wilson said his job was to help Otsego develop an Economic Development Plan. He said that if the plan did not have support, it would sit on a shelf and not be worth doing. Dan Wilson conducted a SWOT analyses, which consisted of the attendees listing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the City. STRENGTHS Freeway Frontage Mississippi River Residential growth Rural setting Open space Bedroom community New Waste Water Treatment Plant Location History Close to Metro Area Growth Outside Met Council Pretty Landscape Land values asy access E Low crime Riverwood Conference Center Good School System If Courses Well managed growth Friendly people Ordinances &Reulati g ons Comprehensive Plan CC Receptive to citizen concerns Relatively low Tax rate Not a Good Old Boy System Close to outside retail EDA EDAAC COMMISSION MEETING, January 22, 2002. WEAKNESSES Lack of Post Office Identity Large population without Businesses No Police Dept. or Fire Dept. No Community spirit Lack of jobs No Industrial base Lack of Restaurants Lack of Infrastructure Growth (School crowding) Lack of Senior Housing Page 2 Lack of Newspaper Hard to pronounce Lack of interest in Otsego No Teen Center No Grocery Store No Medical Clinic No Hospital River not Capitalized Junk & Blight OPPORTUNITIES Residential Base Home Prices Land set aside for Industrial Parks Freeway Frontage Expand Parks (Regional & Lo.cal) Large amount of Land Willingness to support growth Provide Sewer & Water to Freeway Areas Increased Tax base equals an increase in services Balance growth for homes A lot of room for Commercial with good access Creative Identity Capitalize on River More churches (Variety of Faiths) Festival Planned Recreation Young People Preserve old structures Different types of development 101 turned into Freeway Police Department & Fire Department Improve Transportation EDA EDAAC COMMISSION MEEING, January 22, 2002. Page 3 THREATS State Legislature Met Council Economic Development of neighbors Annexation Lack of Vision Crime & Drugs Gangs Economy Fire Department Issues Commuter Rail Over growth Agricultural community & Rural setting MN/DOT Increase in costs for services Dan Wilson summarized by saying the attendees did not seem to oppose rapid growth and this workshop did not turn into a gripe session. He was happy that no one was afraid of people moving into Otsego. Mr. Wilson said retail is very challenging to develop. When there is enough population, retail will come. Industry in a City tends to employ people from surrounding communities. He liked the idea of a Community Festival for Otsego. Mr. Wilson also pointed out that residents in bedroom communities have a tendency not to get involved with community functions. He said many of the people moving here don't want to be connected to the local community. Rudy Thibodeaux asked if it made sense after the new State tax law changes to chase after major industrial firms. Dan Wilson said no it didn't. The next meeting was set for February 19, 2002, Tuesday. 6 PM. Mike Robertson said agendas would be mailed out to everyone. Minutes recorded by: Judy Hudson