EDA Meeting Minutes 1999.12.27CITY OF OTSEGO EDA MEETING 6:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL DECEMBER 27, 1999 Open the EDA M .. ing by rres1ijent Fo urni r President Fournier opened the EDA Meeting at 6:31 PM. Pledge of Alle ian . . President Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call President Larry Fournier, Members: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel and Mark Berning, Suzanne Ackerman arrived at 6#35 PM. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Approval of min �tPs of 1 -16-99 M in„g President Fournier directed Mike Robertson to include in the Minutes of December 16, 1999 the directions and reasons the EDA gave the EDAAC. Also, the minutes should reflect the titles President and Members rather than Mayor and Councilmembers. Discussion of Economi D v .lopm .n ass's an for A�(rTohn Daniel, Pre_ident John Gries, Attorney, and Rod Pakonen, President of Apex. Mr. Gries proposes',the same type of agreement as done for I.the first phase New addition will strictly be warehouse, a sprinkler system needs to be installed and soil corrections were needed on site. The estimated cost of the addition is approximately 1.5 million dollars. Mr. Pakonen expressed to the Council the assistance is needed to make this project a go. Member Heidner: Is not in favor of assistance. He feels that since Otsego's tax rate is lower than Albertville's and other surrounding communities, that the developer is already saving money being in Otsego. Also, assistance would work out to about $3,000 a year. He can't imagine that would make or break a $1.5 million deal. Also, the developer would get a lot more money from a full fledged TIF on the property, as the County and School District taxes would then be available. President Fournier: He feels it should go to the EDAAC because of policy issue of whether expansions should get the same assistance as start ups. Member Bering: He was not in favor of the proposal unless developers agree to hook up to future sewer and water. Member Wendel: She would support some assistance, but less than proposed. Member Ackerman: She feels it should be referred to the EDAAC for recommendation. After Council discussion the following motion was made: Member Ackerman motioned to refer this to the EDAAC for comments and a recommendation and to address policy issues. Seconded by President Fournier, Voting For the Motion: President Fournier, Members Ackerman, Wendel and Heidner. EDA Meeting of December 27, 1999, cont'd. Page 2. Voting Against the Motion: Member Berning Motion carried four (4) to one (1). E�� Member Heidner motioned to adjourn. favor. Motion carried. Meeting ad�'ourned at 7 �5 PM. F ttest: Mike Seconded by Member Berning. Alt in City Administrator Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk