EDA-EDAAC Meeting Minutes 1999.06.14CITY OF OTSEGO EDA-EDAAC MEETING 6:00 PM JUNE 14, 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Fournier called the EDA-EDAAC Meeting to order at 6:00 PM. ROLL CALL: EDA; Mayor Fournier, Councilmembers Mark Berning, Virginia Wendel, and Suzanne Ackerman. EDAAC; LeRoy Lindenfelser, Gabe Davis, Steve Ackerman, & Rudy Thibodeau. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson, 2. DISCUSSION OF EDAAC MARKETING PROPOSAL. Rudy Thibodeau discussed his $5,000 marketing plan. He suggested a sign at either end of the City on Highway 101 noting the construction and indicating that Otsego was constructing a sewer and water system and was open to business development. He suggested a meeting of landowners and local realtors to get everybody interested in selling the land. That would be followed by a meeting of landowners, realtors, and developers to get everyone interested in developing the land. These meetings would be run like the City Informational Meetings held as part of the Comprehensive Plan, with City staff in attendance to answer any questions. Rudy recommended that the City prepare an informational packet for the developers which would include the City's development regulations, a checklist of what needed to be done, and a list of development I ncentives. He suggested that the City use some of the money it had saved in constructing the sewer and water system for financial incentives. He thought that the City should also try and determine in advance what types of developments would be eligible for incentives. Mayor Fournier noted that the time allotted for the meeting was up. He thought that this was a good plan and should be reviewed and discussed as quickly as possible. After discussion the EDA and EDAAC agreed to meeting again Monday, June 21, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. 3. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Larry Fournier, President exxxmzewZzw Michael Robertson, City Administrator 2