EDA-EDAAC Meeting Minutes 1999.06.21CITY OF OTSEGO EDA-EDAAC MEETING 6:30 PM JUNE 211 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Fournier called the EDA-EDAAC Meeting to order at 6*30 PM. ROLL CALL: EDA; Mayor Fournier, Councilmembers Virginia Wendel and Vern Heidner. EDAAC, LeRoy Lindenfelser, Gabe Davis, & Rudy Thibodeau, Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson, 2. DISCUSSION OF EDAAC MARKETING PROPOSAL. Rudy reviewed his marketing plan. The EDA-EDAAC discussed this and came to the following conclusions; Signs - The EDA directed Administrator Robertson to obtain some bids on a 12 x 8 sign to be put up at each end of Highway 101. Incentives - There was considerable discussion of what types of businesses should be eligible for incentives and what incentives should be offered. The EDAAC will make a recommendation on the types of businesses that would be offered incentives. Discussion was to tie the I ncentive to a percentage of the building value. Developers Meetinas - The EDA agreed that only one meeting would be needed as most of the landowners already seem to be in contact with realtors. Developers, landowners, and realtors would be invited to this meeting. The EDAAC will work on the invitation. The EDA-EDAAC suggested the meeting be held on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 7#00 p.m. 3. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Larry Fournier, President _� Michael Robertson, City Administrator 3