EDA-EDAAC Meeting Minutes 1999.12.16CITY OF EDA-EDAAC 7:00 DECEMBER 16 OTSEGO MEETING PM 0 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Fournier called the EDA-EDAAC Meeting to order at 7:30 PM. 2. ROLL CALL: EDA: Mayor Fournier, Councilmembers Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, and Vern Heidner, EDAAC: LeRoy Lindenfelser, Gabe Davis, Steve Ackerman, & Vince Peterson, Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson, 3. DISCUSSION OF 1999 PROJECTS Commissioners reviewed the advertising sign and the Development Forum. Robertson indicated that the sign had generated three calls. Steve Ackerman suggested Lighting the sign and the water tower (highway side )nly) for advertising purposes. Robertson was directed to obtain price estimates. Everyone was in agreement that the Development Forum had worked well and that the City should repeat it again in fall, 2000. 4. 2000 PROJECTS Commissioners discussed recruiti Mayor Fournier suggested examining whether the City should adopt an economic development (ED) plan. After discussion, Robertson was directed to give everyone a copy of the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan for review, and to contact NAC to obtain copies of other community's ED plans. Commissioners discussed what type of advertising to do for commercial/industrial businesses. Leroy Lindenfelser discussed the Rogers Area Chamber of Commerce's desire to change its name and become the Chamber for a number of communities along I-94. Robertson was directed to obtain a cost to join and bring it to the Council. Robertson was also directed to contact the Elk River Star News to see if they would do an insert for Otsego the same way they do an insert for Zimmerman. Mayor Fournier suggested developing information on Otsego work force characteristics to present to potential developers. After discussion, it was agreed to wait for the census information and to use that along with any information the State would have. Leroy Lindenfelser said that the Bank of Elk River was working with a variety of grant programs for economic development. Council said they would be interested depending on what strings were attached to any program. 5. ADJOURN Councilmember Heidner, seconded by Councilmember Ackerman, moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Carried 5-0. Larry Fournier, President 1 Robertson, City Administrator