EDA-EDAAC Meeting Minutes 1998.09.21CITY OF OTSEGO EDA MEETING - JOINT MEETING WITH EDAAC 7:00 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Larry Fournier called ROLL CALL: EDA; Larry Fournier, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, Vern Heidner, and Virginia Wendel. EDAAC, Wally Odell, Liz Wilder, LeRoy Lindenfelser, Steve Ackerman, Gabe Davis, Rudy Thibodeau, and Vince Peterson, Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson, 2. DISCIISSION OF EDAAC MISSION. President Fournier said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the EDAAC mission and to hear from both the EDA (Economic Development Authority) and EDAAC (Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission). President Fournier asked to hear EDA comments first. EDA Comments Larry Fournier - He thought the EDAAC's mission was to advise the EDA, promote development, and encourage businesses to locate in Otsego. He favored keeping the EDAAC, stating that when sewer and water is installed development will start occurring and the EDA will need the EDAAC's assistance. Vern Heidner - He used to think the EDAAC could keep up with financing tools, but doesn't now. EDAAC members change and financing laws are complicated. He sees the EDAAC advising the EDA, and operating in a manner similar to the Planning Commission, Virginia Wendel - She thinks the EDAAC needs a project. They could help with promoting commercial/industrial development in the City. Susan Ackerman - She sees the EDAAC as advisory to the EDA and its main mission as promoting business development. Mark Bernina - Feels the EDAAC needs a specific mission and that they haven't had one for a while. He doesn't know how the EDAAC could promote business because it doesn't have all the necessary information. EDAAc comments Rudy Thibodeau - Noted he is one of the longest serving members and that the original EDAAC's mission was to actively draw commercial/industrial development to the community. They started the process for establishing a third industrial park by looking at alternatives and making recommendations to the EDA. When the EDAAC worked on the Home Business ordinance it upset staff and the EDA and problems developed. Since then the EDAAC has done only minor projects. Feels that the EDAAC should be given a mission or disbanded. He noted the Council is very busy and could delegate some of its work to the EDAAC. r.aRnX Lindenfelser - Feels EDAAC has been stagnating the last few years. They don't have the expertise to' pursue development since they are not here on a daily basis. They don't have the financing expertise to learn and apply financing programs. They can act as a Chamber of Commerce in terms of marketing. He doesn't know if the EDAAC has any more usefulness. r,;� Wil�P_r - She noted she is also an original member. She stated there has been increased conflict with staff and consultants over the last few years and that she doesn't know if the EDAAC has any usefulness anymore. Gabe Davis - In his two years on the EDAAC the only thing they've done is the City map. He would like to Jo marketing and promote business development. Vince Peterson - He agrees that a mission should be defined or the EDAAC should be disbanded. He thought that new development proposals should go to the EDAAC for advice. He thought that they would be involved in development related planning issues. Steve Ackerman - He said he had the same thoughts as other members. He joined to be of assistance to the City and to help shape the City's direction. He would like to promote Otsego as a place to do business. Wally Odell - He noted that the EDAAC is supposed to be an advisory body and that none of the members have the time or expertise to deal with financing issues. He has been frustrated because there has not been much economic activity lately. He noted that the EDAAC could give the EDA an additional perspective but questioned whether time constraints on development decisions would prevent the EDAAC from being useful. 2 Additional Discussion Larry Fournier noted that the City found out that an EDA could be useful during the building of City Hall because it was able to get lower rates on loans and save the taxpayers money. He noted that the EDA has not had a lot of development projects due to lack of sewer and water. He feels that will change in the future and that in the meantime the EDA and EDAAC should improve their communication with one another. He suggested that some members of the EDAAC could be appointed to the EDA. Vern Heidner indicated that the State has rules governing the length of terms of non -elected citizens who are appointed to an EDA. Once appointed it not easy to remove anyone until their term is up. He also said that an EDA has taxing authority and that he objected to anyone having taxing authority who was not an elected official. Liz Wilder thought that the City should spend money on promotion. Steve Ackerman and Rudy Thibodeau agreed, saying the City needed to decide whether it would just react to development proposals or try to be proactive and promote commercial/industrial growth. If the decision was pro -active, the EDAAC could help. Rudy suggested press releases on the sewer project, allowing more signage along Highway 101, and providing a list of landowners willing to sell to potential developers. Steve suggested the City work with a developer to establish an incubator building for small industrial companies. Rudy and Virginia Wendel suggested that the City could be more flexible on development standards for industrial companies. Wally suggested that the City should allow metal buildings for industrial uses. Administrator Robertson noted that the City did allow metal buildings in the third industrial park, located in the former Frankfort township area. Councilmember Ackerman left the meeting. President Fournier asked for specific comments on whether to abolish the EDAAC, maintain it, or combine it in some way with the EDA. Wally Odell - Abolish the EDAAC. Appoint some of its members to the EDA. LarrX Fournier - Keep the EDAAC. Appoint some of its members to the EDA to facilitate communication between the two bodies. Revise the EDAAC mission statement to make it more relevant. Mark Bernina - Would be willing to combine the two groups, Otherwise, specify mission for EDAAC. LeRoy Lindenfelser - Supports either (1) Phase out the EDAAC and add some of its members to the EDA, or (2) Take time off and do not meet unless they have a proposal to evaluate or a specific mission to accomplish. Liz wilder - Eliminate the EDAAC. Have EDA develop a specific plan for promoting development before determining whether additional members are needed on the EDA. Steve Ackerman - Combine the EDA and EDAAC. He would like to work on a promotional package for the City. Ru y Thibodeau - Combine City has a Chamber, those EDAAC. Determine whether Let's get that tax base! iesUntil the two bod. the functions would remain in the ti o be reactive or pro -act ve. Virginia Wendel - Keep the EDAAC and give them time off until they are needed for a project or to evaluate a financing proposal. Vince Peterson - Combine the two bodies. Gabe Davis - Combine ,the two bodies and give us a project to do. Vern Heidner - Is not in elected officials to the if it will be pro -active decision about the EDAAC. favor of appointing non - EDA. Thinks EDA should decide or reactive before it makes a Larry Fournier noted that EDAAC could not change was needed, that the majority consensus was continue as it had been, that After further discussion the Ewa%. agreed to meet at its regular time in October and to come up with a list of suggested strategies for the City to do to be proactive. Administrator Robertson was directed to prepare a memo for the EDAAC meeting which would list the State rules governing EDA membership. The EDA will meet with the EDAAC in November to discuss the suggestions and to make a decision regarding the status of the EDAAC. 3. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Larry Fournier, President son, City Administrator 5