Item 3.1 06-11-24 Draft OHPC Meeting MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Lily Pond Conference Room at City Hall Tuesday, June 11, 2024 7:00 PM Call to Order. This mee1ng was called to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek, Commissioners Jim Penick, Kelly Kiffmeyer, Brooke Nault, and Tami S1nski. City Council: CM BriGany Moores. 1.Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner SHnski to approve the agenda as wriOen, seconded by Commissioner Kiffmeyer. All in favor. MoHon carried 5-0. 2.Consider the following minutes: 2.1 April 9, 2024. Commissioner Nault moHoned to approve the minutes as wriOen, seconded by Commissioner SHnski. All in favor. MoHon carried 5-0. 3.Interview Agreement Forms 4.1 Carol James - Commissioner Seroshek has not talked to Carol James yet. 4.2 Swenson Farm - Commissioner Wilson isn’t here for follow-up. 4.3 Teachers Cooley - CM Moores has not been successful with follow-up. Teacher Cooley replied to ini1al email, however, she has not received a response back since school has let out. Commissioner Penick will reach out to the Principal to try to get addi1onal contact informa1on. 4.4 Living History - Commissioner Kiffmeyer has been searching present day to 1991 on Google Earth Maps. She hopes to have a demonstra1on for the next mee1ng to show the growth of Otsego from 1991. 4. Naming Ashwood Park Ashwood, Big Woods and Friedrich Forest. Commissioner Seroshek contacted Vern Friedrich and he was honored that their name was in the running for naming of the park. His father, Wilfred, was born in St. Michael. In 1953 he purchased the farm in Otsego. They sold (2) 20 acre parcels leaving 100 acres. In 1998, the land was sold to a developer but nothing was done so Vern con1nued farming un1l 2021. He does have photos of the farm and family photos. Toni did not ask about previous land owners, but could definitely follow-up with more ques1ons if the city decides to go with the name Friedrich Forest. 5. Prairie Fes1val The fes1val is Saturday, September 21st. Commissioner Seroshek is looking into showcasing a 1906 Wright County Times ar1cle called ‘The Wages of Sin is Death’, regarding a murder in Otsego. Toni will go and see about geeng it the story on micro fiche in order to make it larger for a poten1al prairie fes1val poster. Commissioner Kiffmeyer men1oned asking people when they came to Otsego, what they liked, what has changed in the area. Something to think of to engage people in the community. Commissioner Seroshek said they had a canvas that people took photos in front of and also asked the community ques1ons about moving in at a previous fes1val. One idea is to get a large white board for people to add their comments / answer ques1ons so everyone can see. CM Moores will see if there is access to a white board. The commissioners will think of ques1ons to ask people. Commissioner Penick was wondering if word gets out about OHPC at the fes1val; for instance a specific men1on of OHPC connec1ng with the community to increase enthusiasm. 6. SHIPO Conference September 18-20th in Red Wing, MN this year. Commissioner Seroshek men1oned OHPC would like to have a commissioner aGend this year’s event. 7. Updates: 7.1 Updates on City Council ac1ons. City Council CM Moores updated OHPC on City Council Ac1on Items. Auto servicing will be in Target parking lot. Coborn’s is making more parking in their lot. Erbert’s and Gerbert’s is now open in Coborn’s. South of Dunkin’ Donuts a daycare will be going in. Ace and the Pet Store should be opening by September at the latest, poten1ally moving up to July. Costco hopeful for beginning of 2026. 7.2 Updates on Heritage Preserva1on items. Cemetery Sign has been repaired. The sign will be put up against the fence. The brick pillars will not be replaced. City staff will help put the sign back up. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Nault moHoned to adjourn the meeHng at 7:58 p.m. Seconded by Commiss ioner SHnski. All in favor. MoHon carried 5-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Nault