ORD 2024-07 Amending the City Code Regarding Fee Schedule, Solid Waste, Alcohol Licensing Peddlers, and Rental HousingCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO: 2024-07 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING THE FEE SCHEDULE; SOLID WASTE; ALCOHOL LICENSING; PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS; AND RENTAL HOUSING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 3-1-2.A of the City Code (Finances and Taxation; Schedule of Fees; Licenses) is hereby amended to revise the following rows: Peddlers, c^'� ^'��;T ar transient merchants S�section 4-5-2 GB $100.00/applicant kense Section 2. Section 3-1-2.A of the City Code (Finances and Taxation; Schedule of Fees; Licenses) is hereby amended to amend the following rows: Liquor: Subsection 4-1-8.A.3 On -Sale 3.2 liquor $100400 Off -Sale 3.2 liquor $100400 Club $75.00 On -sale intoxicating liquor $4,500.00 Off -sale intoxicating liquor $150.00 Intoxicating liquor (Sunday) $200.00 Investigation Fee (single or corporation) $500.00 Set-ups No Ges Wine $150000 Consumption and display 100.00 Temporary liquor $75.00 Small brewer (off -sale) $150900 Brewpub o -sale $200.00 Brewpub (off -sale) 200 00 Taproom 2 0 Cocktail Room 4 500.00 Microdistillery (off-salel 200.00 1 Farm Winery 200.00 Section 3. Section 341 2.D. of the City Code (Finances and Taxation; Schedule of Fees; Licenses) is hereby amended to amend the following rows: b. Otsego Creek I I $^,'�004 765.00/net acre Section 4. 5ection 4-1-2 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Definitions) is hereby amended to revise following definitions: RESTAURANT: A business under the control of a single proprietor or manager having a full service kitchen, in consideration of payment, meals are regularly served ^++^"'�� *" to the general public with seating facilities for not less than thirty (30) people and which employs an adequate staff to provide the usual and suitable service to its guests, and part of the business of which is the serving of foods. S �^" establishmenthall have faeolities f9F seating not less than fifty (50) guests at one time. Section 5. Section 4-1-4 ofthe City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to add the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly. G Off -Sale Microdistillery License: A microdistillery license may be issued for off -sale of distilled spirits allowing the sale of up to a total of seven hundred fifty (7501 milliliters per customer per day of product manufactured on site, in any size container or combination of containers approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Section 6. Section 4-1-4.A of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Brewpub, Off -Sale License: An off -sale brewpub license may be issued only in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 340A.24, Subd. 2. Section 7. Section 4-1-4.B of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Brewpub, Off -Sale License: An off -sale brewpub license may be issued only in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 340A.24, Subd. 1. Section 8. Section 4-1-4.0 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations — Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Cocktail Room License: A cocktail room license may be issued only in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 340A.22. Subd. 2.(al. Section 9. Section 4-1-4.H of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: H. On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License: An on -sale intoxicating liquor license may be issued only to Festaw. those uses allowed by Minnesota Statutes 340A.404. Subd. 1. whose gFE)ss feed and 0 ) attFibutable to the sale of fee4y a copv of their food license from the Minnesota Department of Health is submitted to the City with application for a license in accordance with this chapter. :enrsr� .�&WAWAW mom maw MEN WA W ..fid 11AW Section 10. Section 4-1-4.1 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: I. On -Sale Sunday Liquor Sale License: An on -sale Sunday liquor sale license may be issued to establishments holding an on -sale liquor license hereunder in accordance with Minnesota {' Statutes 340A.504, Subd. 3. Sueh-REense sW^'ml-Fit-the ;^ ^�-�-; te beea,n;med-en t,"� A separate application for &ucAa Sunday liauor sale license shall be made to the City in the same manner as applications for other licenses to sell intoxicating liquor are made hereunder. Section 11. Section 4-1-4.P.1.a of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: a. Not more than four (4) consecutive days and no more than +"�^^ ��� ^ ^'^, f^� (4) 3 day, eF (6) 2 day tempeFaFy ii m"iRatien net t^ ^)(E;ee 1 twelve (12) days per year to any one organization or registered political committee, or for any one location, within a twelve (12) month period. Section 12. Section 4-1-4.P.5 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Types of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: Temporary licenses shall first be approved by the Citv before beine subject to review and approval of Commission of Public Safety before they become valid. Section 13. Section 4-1-5.A of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Term of License) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. License Term: All liquor licenses shall be issued for a term not greater than one year and shall expire on June 30 each year, except for temporary licenses reeulated by Section 4-1-4.P of this cha ter. Section 14. Section 4-1-6.A.3 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Conditions of License) is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Area Of License: No license shall be effective beyond the areas approved in the license for which it was granted, except for off -sale delivery as fie -allowed in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7515.0580. Section 15. Section 4-1-6.C.1 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Conditions of License) is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Hours Of Operation: a. The allowed hours _of_sale shall be as set forth by the provisions of Minnesota sb. Persons other than employees of the licensee may not be in the premises from thirty (30) minutes after the sale of malt liquor or intoxicating liquor is prohibited until thirty (30) minutes before the sale is permitted. Section 16. Section 4-1-6.C.3.b of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Conditions of License) is hereby amended to read as follows: b. Performance Standards: (1) The patio shall not be enclosed in such a manner that the space becomes an indoor area as defined by Minnesota Statute. (2) The patio shall be a�ae located on the same property as the licensed premises "". Sh.;;re "+ least one E)n wall with the iieeRsed pFepmses building in aeee.rd.aanee. with Minnesota Statute; t be adjacent to, but not required to be attached to, the principal building. and shall not be part of a public street, sidewalk, or other public gFesproperty or right-of-way. 44 EWA (43) Screening may be required if the premises is adjacent to a residential district established by the zoning ordinance, consistent with the fencing/screening/landscaping provisions of the zoning ordinance. (�4) Liquor and food may be served, dispensed, possessed, displayed, or furnished on a patio located within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a residential district between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10400) P.M. Sunday through Thursday, and between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Friday and Saturday. (g5) The patio shall be in compliance with the noise amplification and outdoor entertainment provisions of this Code. 5 (�6) The premises shall be in compliance with the following provisions oft#e ^nlRg ardonanGetitle 11 of this code, including, but not limited, to the following: (A) Exterior lighting. (B) Screening and landscaping. (�C) Off street parking. (GD) Signs. Section 17. Section 4-1-6.C,3.c of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Conditions of License) is hereby amended to read as follows: c. The patio site plan shall be subject to review by the City Clerl<, Zoning Administrator, Emergency Services Director, and Building Official for compliance with applicable City codes and the zoning ordinance. Section 18. Section 4-1-6.C.6.a of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Conditions of License) is hereby amended to read as follows: a ^���^��f{'� �^^+,T e City Clerk. Zoning Administrator. Emergency Services Dim Building Official. deputies of the Wright County Sheriff's Office, or any properly designated officer or employee of the City shall have the unqualified right to enter, inspect, and search the premises of any licensee hereunder at any time without a warrant. Section 19. Section 4-1-7.A of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Securities) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. All applicants for ane-eii^r, �.2 ^^.-,.^„+ w,.,l+ Us.,^:� or ,.,;.,^ w,,.�+a license under this chapter shall, as a condition to the issuance of the license, maintenance of the license and renewal of the license, demonstrate to the City proof of financial responsibility as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 340A.409 with regard to liability imposed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.801. Section 20. Section 4-1-8.D of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Administration of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: D. Investigations: At the time of making an initial application, renewal application, or request for a new operating officer, the applicant shall, in writing, authorize the City Clerk and/or Wright 0 County Sheriffs Office to investigate all facts set out in the application and do a personal background and felony criminal record check on the applicant. The applicant shall further authorize the City Clerk and/or Wright County Sheriff's Office to release information received from such investigation to the City Council. Section 21. Section 4-1-8.F.2.a of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Alcoholic Beverages; Administration of Licenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: a. Except in the case of a golf course, licenses shall only be issued �efor a efined space that is compact and contiguous and issued only for the exact rooms, patios, and square footage described in license the application. Section 22. Section 4-5-1 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Definitions) is hereby amended to add the following definitions: CITY CLERK: The Otsego city clerk appointed by the city council, or their designee. NON -COMMERICAL DOOR-TO-DOOR ADVOCATE: A person who goes door-to-door for the primary purpose of disseminating religious, political, social, or other ideological beliefs. For purpose of this ordinance the term door-to-door advocate shall fall under the term solicitor and include door-to-door canvassing and pamphleteering intended for non-commercial purposes. REGULAR BUSINESS DAY: Anv day during which the city hall is normally open for the purpose of conducting public business, not including holidays defined by Federal or State law. Section 23. Section 4-5-1 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Definitions) is hereby amended to revise following definitions: Ala a UP AS Aft •• • • out of mil fl Section 24. Section 4-5-2.6 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Licensing of Peddlers and Transient Merchants) is hereby amended to read as follows: Be Application For License: Application for a license to conduct business as a peddler or transient merchant shall be made at least �^�*^^^ ��"fifteen 115)115) regular business days before the 7 applicant desires to begin conducting business within the City limits. Application for a license shall be made on a form provided by the City. All applications shall be signed by the applicant. Any fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement on the application shall constitute a violation of this chapter. All applications shall include the following information: 1. Applicant's full legal name, and any other names used or known by in the past;. 2. All other names under which the applicant e-ts-has or does conduct businessf or to which the applicant officially answers;_ 3. A physical description ofthe applicant (hair color, ey_e color, height, weight, distinguishing marks and features, etc.) ;_ 4. Full address of the applicant's permanent residence;_ 5. Telephone number of the applicant's permanent residence;= 6. Full legal name of any and all business operation(=) owned, managed, or operated by the applicant, or for which the applicant is an employee or agent;_ 7. Full address of the applicant's regular place of business (if any) ;, 8. Any and all business related telephone number(=) of the applicant;. including cellular phones and facsimile machines and e-mail addresses 9. The type of business for which the applicant is applying for a license; 10. The dates during which the applicant intends to conduct business and the number of days he or she will be conducting business in the City;_ 11. Any and all address(es) and telephone number(s) where the applicant can be reached while conducting business within the City, including the location where a transient merchant intends to set up business;_ 12. A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been convicted within the last five (5) rye s of any felony, gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor, for violation of any State or Federal Statute or any local ordinance, other than traffic offenses;_ 13. A list of the five -(5three 3 most recent locations where the applicant has conducted business as a peddler or transient merchant;: 14. Written permission of the property owner or the property owner's agent for any property to be used by a transient merchant;, 0 �915. License plate number, ate -registration information, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and physical description for any vehicle to be used in conjunction with the licensed business and a sGiciptien of the „eh 4o. �A16. The applicant's driver's license number or other acceptable form of identification;_ ��. Recent passport style photograph of the applicant;_ 2318. Written consent authorizing the City to request a criminal history background investigation in accordance with title 1, chapter 6 of this Code. Section 25. Section 4-5-2.D of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Licensing of Peddlers and Transient Merchants) is hereby amended to read as follows: D. Procedure: 1. The Citv Clerl<shall determine if an aaalication for a license under this chapter is complete within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the application and payment of the license fee: Aan application shall be determined to be complete only if all required information is provided. 2. If the City Clerk determines that an application is incomplete, +tthey shall inform the applicant in writing of the information required to be provided prie�to R. 1'eensecomplete the aaalication. �3. a. The City shall review the application and order any investigation, including background investigations, necessary to verify the information provided with the application. b a. Applicants for a license under this chapter shall be subject to a criminal history background investigation, as required by subsection 1-6-2C of this Code and processed in accordance with section 1-6-3 of this Code. The City Clerl< shall either approve or deny the license within thirty (30) �-days after receipt of a complete application. certioF.aFI.Denial of an applications, Ihe city clerk shall provide an applicant application for license having been denied stating the reasons for the action and the right of the applicant to request a hearing to appeal the decision. b. Upon receiving the notice of an application for license being denied. the applicant shall ten (10) days to request a hearing to appeal the decision. c. If reauested by an applicant within the allowed timeframe. a hearing shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days from the date of the request. d. Hearing: (1) The hearing shall be conducted by the city council. 12) The applicant shall be provided opportunity to refute the reasons for the application having been denied, to plead for issuance of the license, or to justify the actions for which the city denied the license, including the cross examination of witnesses that testify against the applicant_ and the right to produce witnesses on their behalf. 131 The city council shall give full consideration to all evidence presented during the hearing and make a determination whether to deny or issue the reauested license. (4) The city clerk shall notify the applicant via first class U.S. Mail of the city council decision stating, in detail. the reasons for the action within ten (10) days of the close of the hearing, e. Appeal. Anv person whose license is denied following a hearing by the city council shall have the right to appeal that decision to Court of Aaaeals. Section 26. Section 4-5-4 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Exemptions from License) is hereby amended to read as follows: 4-5-4: EXEMPTIONS A. For the purpose of this chanter. the terms peddler, solicitor. and transient merchant shall not a I to: 1 Non-commercial door-to-door advocates. Nothing within this ordinance shall be interpreted to prohibit or restrict non-commercial door-to-door advocates. Person engaging in non-commercial door-to-door advocacy shall not be required to register as a solicitor under Section 7. 2. Any person 5 selling or attempting to sell at wholesale any goods, wares, products. merchandise. or other personal property to a retail seller of the items being sold by the s] wholesaler. 3 Any person who makes initial contacts with other people for the purpose of establishing or trying to establish a regular customer delivery route for the delivery of perishable food and dairy products, such as baked goods or milk. 4. Anv person making deliveries of perishable food and dairy products to the customers on his or her established delivery route, 5. Anv person making deliveries of newspapers, newsletters. or other similar publications on an established customer delivery route, when attempting to establish a regular delivery route, or when publications are delivered to the community at large. 6. Anv person conducting the type of sale commonly Known as garage sales, rummage sales. or estate sales. 7. Anv person participating in an organized multi -person bazaar or flea market. 8. Anv person conducting an auction as a properly licensed auctioneer. 9. Anv officer of the court conducting acourt-ordered sale. B. The licensing requirements of this chapter shall not apply to: 1. Any person selling or attempting to sell, or to take or attempt to take orders for, any product grown, produced, cultivated, or raised on any farm or garden within the City,, subiect to compliance with Title 11_of this code and other applicable regulations. Sueh . snMr:Mr. SSW RAM W 2. Persons exercising that person'= State or Federal constitutional rights, except if that person'= exercise of constitutional rights is merely incidental to a commercial activity;_ 3. Persons selling personal property at wholesale to retailers;_ 4. Daily newspaper sales;= 5. Merchants or their employees or agents delivering goods in the regular course of business;, 6. Persons age eighteen (18) years or younger soliciting for school -sponsored activities or for youth organizations where persona age eighteen (18) years or younger are the members of the organization where the proceeds of the sale benefit the school or youth organization;_ Section 27. Section 4-5-5 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Ineligibility for License) is hereby amended to read as follows: 11 4=5-5: INELIGIBILITY FOR LICENSE: The following shall be grounds for denying a license or registration under this chapter: A. The failure of the applicant to obtain and show proof of having obtained any required license;. B. The failure of the applicant to truthfully provide any of the information requested by the City as a part of the application, or the failure to sign the application, or the failure to pay the required fee at the time of application;_ C. T#e� conviction e#-t#e�t within the oast five (51 vears of the date of application for any violation of any Federal or State Statute or regulation, or of any local ordinance, which adversely reflects on the person's ability to conduct the business for which the license is being sought in an honest and legal manner that will not adversely affect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City:,Ssuch violations shall include, but not be limited to: burglary, theft, larceny, swindling, fraud, unlawful business practices, and any form of actual or threatened physical harm against another person;;-e� D. The revocation within the past five (5) years of any license issued to the applicant for the purpose of conducting business as a peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant. E When an applicant has a bad business reputation: evidence of a bad business reputation shall include, but is not limited to, the existence of more than three (3) complaints against an applicant with the Better Business Bureau, the Office of the Minnesota Attorney General or other state attorney general's office, or other similar business or consumer rights office or agency. with the preceding twelve (12) months, or three (3) complaints filed with the city against an applicant within the preceding five (5) years, Section 28. Section 4-5-7 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations- Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Transient Merchants) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Transient merchants are specifically prohibited within the City except in the following circumstances: 1. Transient merchants operating within a building; 2. The sale of plants, flowers or Christmas trees; 3. Persons selling local farm or garden products; and 4. Persons selling personal property at wholesale to retailers, to daily newspaper sales, to merchants or their employees or agents delivering goods in the regular course of business, or to a person selling or peddling the products of the farm or garden. 12 B. Transient merchants that are not prohibited ff+wj�Fs a I comply with the 61ty's wing ^Fu"nanee provisions of title 11 of this code and any other applicable ordinances. Section 29. Title 4, Chapter 5 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants) is hereby amended to add the following section with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: 4-5-8: REGISTRATION: All solicitors and any person exempt from the licensing requirements of this ordinance under 4-5-4 of this chapter shall be required to register with the city prior to engaging in those activities. A. Registration shall be made on the same form required for a license application, but no fee shall be required. B. Immediately upon completion of the registration form. the city clerk shall issue to the registrant a certificate of registration as proof of the registration. Certificates of registration shall be non transferrable. C. Individuals that will be engaging in non-commercial door-to-door advocacy shall not be required to register. Section 30. Section 4-5-8 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Exclusion by Placard) is hereby amended to read as follows: 4-5-8: EXCLUSION BY PLACARD: • • • • shall enter the property of another for the purpose of conducting business as a peddler, solicit or transient merchant, non�commercial door4oAoor advg�a or other similar activfty when t 'r, solicit When tl property is marked with a sign or placardat three and thFee fewahs inehes 0031, wide with pFint ef at least 48 peint n so;% stat4ng�41%1 B The sign or placard shall: 1. Be at least four (4) inches long. 2. Be least four (4) inches wide. 3. Have a font size of at least forty eight (481 point. 13 4. State No Peddlers. Solicitors. or Transient Merchants". "Peddlers. Solicitors. and Transient Merchants Prohibited", or other comparable statement C. No person other than the property owner or tenant shall remove, deface, or otherwise tamper with any sign or placard under this section. Section 31. Section 4-5-9 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Prohibited Activities) is hereby amended to read as follows: 4-5-9: PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: No peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant. non-commercial door-to- door advocate, or other person engaged in other similar activities shall conduct business in any of the following manners: A. Obstructing the free flow of either vehicular or pedestrian traffic on any street, alley, sidewalk, or other public right -of- way. B. Conducting business in such a way as to create a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of any I ndividual or the general public business •- •• OOffinegVht • •: OOof • day, unless suGh peFseR has been expicessly invited te de so D. Failing to provide proof of license or registration and identification when requested or using the license or registration of another person. E. Failing to wear or display the certificate of registration or licensure provided by the City on the licensed or registered individual's outermost clothing or to return the certificate to the City in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. F. �IyAlleeine false or misleading statements about the product or service being sold, including untrue statements of endorsement:�Alno peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant shall claim to have the endorsement of the City solely based on the City having issued a license or certificate of registration to that person. G. Remaining on the property of another when requested to leave, or to otherwise conduct business in a manner a reasonable person would find obscene, threatening, intimidating, or abusive. H. Entering upon any premises or attempting to enter in or upon any premises wherein a sign or placard bearing the notice "peddlers or solicitors prohibited" or language similar thereto, is located. Selling or soliciting sales by transient merchants from public property or right-of-way or from private property unless he owns the property or has written permission from the owner. 14 J Calling attention to the business or the items to be sold by means of blowing any horn or whistle, ringing any bell crying out, or by any other noise, so as to be unreasonably audible within an enclosed structure. Section 32. Section 4-5-11 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Suspension or Revocation of License or Registration) is hereby amended to read as follows: MVP Pr Mr sv�. _ NIL "Id 15 1 1 4-5-11: ENFORCEMENT: A. Violation: 1. Any license issued under this chanter may be subject to enforcement action at the discretion of the City Council for violation of any of the following: a. Fraud, misrearesentation, orincorrect statements on the aapiication form: b. Fraud. misrearesentation. or false statements made during the course of the license activity. c. Subsequent conviction of anv offense for which granting of a license could have been denied under this chapter. d, Violation of anv provision of this chanter or other provisions of the city code 2. A separate offense shall be deemed to have been committed upon each day during on or which a violation occurs or continues. B, susaension and/or Revocation: 1. Notice: a. A licensee shall be given written notice sent via first class U.S. mail of a susaension or revocation action stating the charges against the licensee and the right to request a hearing to appeal the suspension or revocation. b. The notice shall provide the following information: (1) State the alleged violation(s). (21 Inform the licensee that the city council will consider suspending or revoking the license. (31 Identify the date, time, and location of the hearing. 2. Hearing: a. A hearing shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to 16 4-5-11: ENFORCEMENT: A. Violation: 1. Any license issued under this chanter may be subject to enforcement action at the discretion of the City Council for violation of any of the following: a. Fraud, misrearesentation, orincorrect statements on the aapiication form: b. Fraud. misrearesentation. or false statements made during the course of the license activity. c. Subsequent conviction of anv offense for which granting of a license could have been denied under this chapter. d, Violation of anv provision of this chanter or other provisions of the city code 2. A separate offense shall be deemed to have been committed upon each day during on or which a violation occurs or continues. B, susaension and/or Revocation: 1. Notice: a. A licensee shall be given written notice sent via first class U.S. mail of a susaension or revocation action stating the charges against the licensee and the right to request a hearing to appeal the suspension or revocation. b. The notice shall provide the following information: (1) State the alleged violation(s). (21 Inform the licensee that the city council will consider suspending or revoking the license. (31 Identify the date, time, and location of the hearing. 2. Hearing: a. A hearing shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to 16 the licensee is issued. b. The hearing shall be conducted by the city. council. c. The licensee shall be provided opportunity to refute the alleged violations. to plead for retention of the license, or to justify the actions for which the city. is seeking to suspend or revoke the license, including the cross examination of witnesses that testify against the licensee and the right to produce witnesses on their behalf. d. The city. council shall give full consideration to all evidence presented during the hearing and make a determination whether to suspend or revoke a license as oaf a specific date by adoption of a resolution based on a finding that a violation has occurred. P. The city. clerk shall notify. the applicant_ of the city. council decision stating, in detail, the reasons for the action within ten (10) days of the close of the hearing via first class U.S. Mail. 3. Multiple Persons Under One License. The suspension or revocation of any. license issued for the purpose of authorizing multiple persons to conduct business as peddlers or transient merchants on behalf of the licensee shall serve as a suspension or revocation of each authorized person's authority to conduct business as a peddler or transient merchant on behalf of the licensee whose license is suspended or revoked. 4. Appeal. Any. person whose license is suspended or revoked following a hearing by the city council shall have the right to appeal that decision to Court of Appeals. C. Criminal Penalties: 1. Any. person who fails to comp_Iv w_ ith any. provision of this chapter shall be deemed to have committed a penal violation. 2. The penalty. for violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor per Minnesota Statutes 14 2.231. D. Rights Reserved. The citv reserves the right to all means of administrative, civil. and/or criminal enforcement for violations of the provisions of this chapter. Section 33. Section 4-6-4.A of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Rental Housing; License Requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. License Required: 1. No person, firm, or corporation shall operate a rental dwelling unit without first having obtained a license to do so from the City as provided in this chapter. �7 2. Single family, two-family, townhouse dwelling units where there is more than one (1) owner within a single building, and condominium multiple family dwelling units shall require a separate license for each dwelling unit. 3. Townhouse dwelling units owned by one (11 owner within one building and �4multiple family dwellings shall require one license per principal building as defined by the zoning ordinance under single ownership. 4. State licensed boarding care homes, nursing homes, and, residential care facilities, Including memory care, whether a principal use or as incorporated within a multiple family building shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter. Section 34. Section 4-64 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations — Rental Housing; License Requirements) is hereby amended to include the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: E. Procedure: 1. The City Clerk shall determine if an application for a license under this chanter is complete within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the application and payment of the license fee; an application shall be determined to be complete only if all required information is provided. 2. If the Citv Clerl< determines that an application is incomplete, they shall inform the applicant in writing of the information required to be provided to complete the application. 3. The Citv shall review the application and order any investigation. including background investigations, necessary to verify the information provided with the application. 4. The Citv Clerl< shall either approve or deny the license within thirty 1301 days after receipt of a complete application. 5. Denial of an application: a The city clerk shall provide an applicant written notice sent via first class U.S. mail of a application for license having been denied stating the reasons for the action and the right f the applicant to request a hearing to appeal the decision. c. If requested by an applicant within the allowed timeframe, a hearing shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days from the date of the request. d. Hearing; I- 1-. I• • •I• -• • nvARLRJM 2) The applicant shall be provided opportunity to refute the reasons for the application having been denied, to plead for issuance of the license, or to justify the actions for which the city denied the license, including the cross examination of witnesses that testify against the applicant and the right to produce witnesses on their behalf. (3) The city council shall give full consideration to all evidence presented during the hearing and make a determination whether to deny or issue the requested i qe. s (4) The city clerk shall notify the applicant via first class U.S. Mail of the city council decision stating, in detail, the reasons for the action within ten (10) days of the close of the hearing. e. Appeal. Anv person whose license is denied following a hearing by the city council all have the right to appeal that decision to Court of Appeals. Section 35. Section 4-6-12 of the City Code (Business and License Regulations —Rental Housing; Penalties and Violations) is hereby amended to read as follows: VAJESONSF NAME AMEN AN MSAMWA%" �mom-a- � I E I� =:Wwaaol 0111 AM ZWAL�Ak A. Violation: 1. Anv license issued under this chapter may be subject to enforcement action at the discretion of the Citv Council for violation of any of the following: a, Fraud, misrepresentation, or incorrect statements on the application form - Fraud misrepresentation or false statements made during the course of the license activity. 19 c. Subsequent conviction of any offense for which granting of a license could have been denied under this chapter: d. Violation of any provision of this chapter or other provisions of the city code 2. A separate offense shall be deemed to have been committed upon each day during on or which a violation occurs or continues. B Suspension and/or Revocation 1. Notice: a. A licensee shall be given written notice sent via first class U.S. mail of a suspension or revocation action stating the charges against the licensee and the right to request a hearing to appeal the suspension or revocation. b The notice shall provide the following information• (11 State the alleged violation(sl. (2) Inform the licensee that the city council will consider suspending or revoking the license. (3) Identify the date, time. and location of the hearing. 2. Hearing: a. A hearing shall be scheduled_ _within thirty (301 days from the date of the notice to the licensee is issued, b. The hearing shall be conducted by the city council. c. The licensee shall be provided opportunity to refute the alleged violations. to plead for retention of the license, or to iustifv the actions for which the city is seeking to suspend or revoke the license. including the cross examination of witnesses that testify against the licensee and the right to produce witnesses on their behalf. d. The city council shall give full consideration to all evidence presented during the hearing and make a determination whether to suspend or revoke a license as opf a specific date by adoption of a resolution based on a finding that a violation has occurred. e. The city clerk shall notify the applicant of the city council decision stating. in detail, the reasons for the action within ten (101 days of the close of the hearing via first class U.S. Mail. 20 3 Appeal. Any person whose license is suspended or revoked following a hearing by the city council shall have the right to appeal that decision to Court of Appeals. C. Criminal Penalties: 1. Anv person who fails to comply with any provision of this chapter shall be deemed to have committed a penal violation. 2. The penalty for violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor per Minnesota Statutes 412, 231, D Rights Reserved The city reserves the right to all means of administrative. civil, and/or criminal enforcement for violations of the provisions of this chapter Section 36. Section 5-3-1 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Solid Waste Collectors; Definitions) is hereby amended to add the following definitions: CITY CLERK: The Otsego city clerk appointed by the city council, or their designee. COMPOST or COMPOSTING: The controlled biological decomposition and manaEement of selected solid waste to produce an innocuous, humus -like material, which can be used as a soil conditioner. COMPOSTABLE MATERIAL: Anv material that is primarily organic and can be decomposed through biological activity. COMPOSTING FACILITY: A site or facility used to compost or co -compost solid waste including all structures or processing equipment used to control drainage, collect and treat leachate. and storage areas for the incoming waste, the final product, and residuals resulting from the composting process. DEMOLITION WASTE: Solid waste resulting from construction. remodeling. repair. erection and demolition of buildings. roads and other artificial structures, including: concrete, brick. bituminous concrete untreated wood, masonry, glass, trees, rock. plastic building parts plumbing fixtures, roofing materials, wallboard, and built-in cabinetry. Demolition waste does not include: asbestos waste: auto glass: wood treated with chemical preservatives: furniture: lighting equipment: vermiculite: contaminated soil• firebrick; food waste: machinery: engine parts: liquid paints: paint thinners or solvents: varnishes: street sweepings: tar: carpet/padding if not affixed to a structure: mattresses: adhesives, caulking, sealants and applicators, brushes, containers, tubes, filters contaminated with these materials: sandblasting materials: agricultural chemicals or containers (including empty pesticide, herbicide. and insecticide containers): chemical containers: animal carcasses, parts, or rendering and slaughterhouse wastes; appliances (including white goods and brown goods): ashes or hot wastes that could spontaneously combust or ignite other wastes due to high temperatures: ash from incinerators, energy recovery facilities and power plants: batteries: carbon filters: fluorescent tubes and ballasts: high -intensity discharge lamps• foundry wastes: hazardous waste: household refuse or garbage: infectious waste: liquids (any type) liquid nonhazardous materials: medical waste: mercury containing wastes (thermostats. switches): PCB contaminated wastes: petroleum products and their containers or filters (including oil. grease or fuel): radioactive waste (unless natural materials at normal background levels): septage: sludges 21 (including ink, lime, wood, sewage or paper): live coal tar (including applicators, containers, and tubes); waste tires; vehicles; yard waste; and packaging materials, including cardboard, paper, shrink-wrap and - stvrofoam A mixture of demolition waste with other solid waste is not demolition waste. HAULER: Anv person in the business of the collection and transportation of solid waste. JUNK• Scrap copper brass rope rags batteries paper, trash, rubber debris ferrous material nonferrous material, inoperable automobiles, farm and construction machinery and parts thereof. LICENSE: Authorization by the city to conduct business services that may be limited to a specific period of time, specific person, and/or a specific site in the city. LICENSEE: The landowner. owner. operator. or other person or persons given authority by the Department to establish, operate, and maintain a solid waste management activity, disposal site or facility. MOTOR VEHICLE• Every vehicle that is self-propelled including, but is not limited to all -terrain vehicles, buses, motorcycles passenger cars, recreational vehicles, semi -trucks, snowmobiles, boats and other watercraft, trucks, and vehicles used for racing or demolition derbies. NUISANCE• The creation of conditions or acts that unreasonably annoy injure or _endanger the safety health, comfort, or repose of any number of members of the public. SELF HAULER: A person who transports their own solid waste for solid waste management purposes. SHORELAND: Land located within the following distances from the ordinary high water elevation of public waters: 1,000 feet from ordinary high water level of a lake, pond, or flowage: and 300 feet of a river or stream whichever is greater. The limits of shorelands may be reduced whenever waters involved are bounded by topographic divides which extend landward from the waters for lesser distances and when approved by the commissioner. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION: Gathering of solid waste from public and private places. SOLID WASTE HAULER: Anv person or persons who collects or transports any solid waste: except. an individual resident hauling his or her own household waste is not a solid waste hauler. SOURCE SEPARATED COMPOSTABLE MATERIALS: Materials that: (1) are separated at the source by waste generators forthe purpose of preparing them for use as Compost: (2) are collected separately from MSW: (3) are comprised of food wastes, fish and animal waste, plant materials, and paper that is not recyclable because the Department has determined that no other person is willing to accept the paper for recycling;_ and (4) are delivered to the Facility to undergo controlled microbial degradation to yield a humus -like product meeting the MPCA's class l or class II, or equivalent, compost standards and where process residues do not exceed 15 percent by weight of the total material delivered to the facility. SOURCE SEPARATED MATERIALS: Solid waste that generators separate from mixed municipal solid waste, solid waste that will be reused, used as substitutes for raw material in a manufacturing process. or converted into a usable soil amendment. 22 Section 37. Section 5-3-1 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment — Solid Waste Collectors; Definitions) is hereby amended to revise the following definitions: OPERATOR: The person or persons responsible for t e epertfene., t11e-10c.4i a rB'" sUbpaFagFaph 7 3-managing the day to day physical handling of solid waste at a particular site or facility. Jeed vendees, and contract for deed vendors, PERSON: Any �-+}human being, municipality or other governmental or political subdivision or other public agency, public or private corporation. partnership. firm. association. organization. receiver. trustee, assignee, agent or other legal entity. .._ Section 38. Section 5-3-4.6 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Solid Waste Collectors; License Requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: B. License Requirements: VW W Kip NMWMONAM��=A N�Xwmalwau a. County License Reauired. Collectors of any solid waste within the city limits shall first have obtained the appropriate license from the county if the county issues a license for the activity. b. Collectors of any solid waste within the city limits shall obtain a city collector's license and no collector shall operate within the city without such a license. c Issuance of the license does not constitute endorsement of the collector nor does it indicate any intention on the citv's part to be bound or held liable for any actions taken by the collector or the results of those actions. 23 2. Application For License. a, Applicants for city collector licenses shall make application to the city on forms provided by the city and thF u h „ r=ed Fes eFibed by the rot„ r,,wneli, b. Fees: 111 The solid waste collector shall pay all license fees with the license application and the license renewal application as required by section 3- 1-2 of this code 12) No license fee shall be prorated for a portion of a vear and no license fee W! 11ZMMM,Talll c. Information Required: 1. A list of all vehicles. including satellite_vehicles, to be used for solid waste collection and transportation, specifying make, model, and year for each vehicle: each vehicles rated capacity, tare weight, license plate number, state issued registration number, and the designated facility number, if applicable, exclusively issued for that specific vehicle. 2 The total number of commercial accounts in the city and the total number of residential accounts in the city. 3. The days of the week solid waste is collected. 4. Certificatels) of insurance pursuant to Section 5-3-4.B.3 of this chapter. d. The city clerk shall determine if an application for a license under this chapter is complete within fifteen (151 days of receipt of the application and payment of the license fees an application shall be determined to be complete only if all required information is provided. e. If the city clerk determines that an application is incomplete, they shall inform the applicant in writing of the information required to be provided to complete the application. f Solid waste collector licenses shall be granted to any collector of solid waste upon presentation to the Citv Clerk of evidence that a current State of Minnesota and Wright County licenses have been obtained, and posting of a bond in the name of the city of Otsego, provision of certificates of insurance meeting the requirements of this chapter naming the city as an additional insured. and compliance with the provisions of this chapter and other applicable regulations of this code. g. Denial of an application: 24 1) The city clerk shall provide an applicant written notice sent via first class U.S. mail of a application for license having been denied stating the reasons for the action and the right of the applicant to request a hearing to appeal the decision, (2) Upon receiving the notice of an application for license being denied, the applicant shall ten (10) days to request a hearing to appeal the decision. a) The hearing shall be conducted by the city council. (b) The applicant shall be provided opportunity to refute the reasons for the application having been denied, to plead for issuance of the license, or to iustifv the actions for which the city denied the license, including the cross examination of witnesses that testify against the applicant and the right to produce witnesses on their behalf. .(c)_ The city council shall eive full consideration to all evidence presented during the hearing and make a determination whether o deny or issue the requested license. d). The city clerk shall notify the applicant via first class U.S. mail of the city council decision stating, in detail. the reasons for the action within ten (10) days of the close of the hearing. (5) Appeal. Anv person whose license is denied following a hearing by the city council shall have the right to appeal that decision to Court of Appeals. 3. Insurance RequirementsIII IN i�i obtain. maintain. and submit with the license application certificates of insurance issued by insurers duly licensed by the State of Minnesota providing the following coverage, or a self-insurance plan certified by the Department of Commerce providing equivalent coverage. r�nsrr�r�:�rsrrrnrer�c ....... ....... b. Workers Compensation Insurance: applicable State Statutes. (2) Such policy shall include Employer's Liability Coverage in at least such amount(s) as are customarily issued in Minnesota and an All States or 13) In the event a licensee is a sole proprietor and has elected not to provide workers' compensation insurance, the licensee shall be required to execute and submit to the city an affidavit of sole proprietorship in a form acceptable to the city. (a) Commercial general liability coverage, providing coverage on an "occurrence", rather than on a "claims made" basis, which policy shall include, but shall not be limited to. coverage for bodily jnjurv. property damage, personal injury. contractual liability applying to this contract). independent licensees. "XC&U" and products -completed operations liability (if applicable). (b) equivalent Such coverage may be provided under an equivalent policy form for forms), so long as such equivalent form (or forms) affords coverage that is at least as broad: an Insurance Services Office "Comprehensive General Liability" policy that includes a "Broad Form Endorsement", shall be considered to be an acceptable policy form. (c) The licensee shall maintain at all times during the period of the icense a total combined general liability aolicv limit of at least $1,000,000 for each occurrence and 52,000,000 aggregate. applying to liability for bodily injury, personal Injury, and property damage, which total limit may be satisfied by the limit afforded under its "commercial general liability" policy, or eauivalent policy, or by such policy in combination with the limits afforded by an "umbrella" or "Excess Liability" policy (or policies). provided, that the coverage afforded under any such "umbrella" or "excess liability" policy is at least as broad as that afforded by the underlving "commercial general liability policy (or eauivalent (d) Such commercial general liability policy and "umbrella" or "excess liability" policy (or policies) may provide aggregate limits for some or all of the coverage afforded thereunder. so long as such aggregate limits have not. as of the beginning of the term or at any time during the term been reduced to less than the total required limits stated above, and further. that the "umbrella" or "excess liability" policy provides coverage from the point that such aggregate limits in the underlying comprehensive genera liability policy become reduced or exhausted c. Automobile Liability: (1) Business automobile liability insurance shall be obtained and shall cover liability for bodily injury and property damage arising out of ownership. use, maintenance. or operation of all owned, non -owned and hired automobiles and other motor vehicles utilized by the licensee in connection with performance under a license issued in accordance with this section. (2) Such policy shall provide total liability limits for combined bodily and/or property damage in the amount of at least 51.500.000 per accident. Which total limits may be satisfied by the limits afforded under such policy, or by such policy in combination with the limits afforded by an "Umbrella" or "Excess Liability" policy(jes) provided that the coverage afforded under any such "Umbrella" or "Excess Liability" policy(ies) shall be at least as broad with respect to such business automobile liability Insurance as that afforded by the underlying policy. (3) Unless included within the scope of the licensee's commercial general liability policy. such business automobile liability shall also include coverage for motor vehicle liability assumed under contract. d. Evidence: (1) A licensee shall provide the city with evidence that the Insurance coverage required by this section is in full force and effect at least twenty (20) days prior to the granting of a license by the city. 27 (2) At least thirty (30) days prior to termination of any such coverage. licensee shall provide the city with evidence that such.coverage will be renewed or replaced upon termination with insurance that compiles with these provisions. 13) Such evidence of insurance shall be in the form of a "certificate of insurance" or in such otherform as the city may reasonably request, and shall contain sufficient information to allow the Department to determine whether there is compliance with these provisions (4) At the request of the city. the licensee shall. in addition to providing such evidence of insurance. promptly furnish the city with a complete (and if so requested, insurer -certified) copy of each insurance policy intended to provide coverage required by this section. (51 All insurance policies required by this section shall be endorsed to require that the insurer provide at least a sixty (60) day notice to the city prior to e effective date of policy cancellation, non -renewal, or material adverse change in coverage terms. (6) The licensee's insurance agent shall certify on the certificate of insurance. that they have error and omissions coverage. e. Insurers Policies: (1) All policies of insurance required by this section shall be issued by financially responsible insurers licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, and all such insurers shall be acceptable to the city: such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. (2) An insurer with a current A:M. Best Company rating of at least A: VII shall be conclusively deemed to be acceptable: in all other instances, the city shall have twenty (20) business days for the date of _receipt of a licensee's evidence of insurance to advise the licensee in writing of any insurer that Is not acceptable to the city: if the city does not respond in writing within such twenty (20) day period. the licensee's Insurer(s) shall be deemed to be acceptable to the city. Wait wim:: AL 2ji All Low am mommill b4. Term Of Licensea4: I'll C. •IM IS . • date of issuance unless • earlier shall be Fenei.Vable upon applieatieR b Application for renewal of a solid waste collection license shall be processed in accordance with section 5-3-4 B 2 of this chapter. g�. No Vested Right: No solid waste collector holding a city solid waste collector license pursuant to this chapter shall acquire a vested right of any kind in that license. T=tne city may, upon finding that public necessity requires, determine at anv time to establish other means of Fefusesolid waste collection. �36. Exemptions From license: The license requirements of this section shall not apply to persons who haul garbage, refuse, or recyclables from their own residence or business property. Provided the following conditions are met: a. Garbage and refuse is hauled in containers meeting the standards established in this chapter. b. Garbage and refuse is disposed of only at designated sanitary landfills or other facilities authorized by the County. c. Recyclables are disposed of only at a recycling facility, an organized recycling drive, or through licensed collectors. d. Yard waste is privately composted, or is disposed of at a composting facility .authorized by the government agency or political subdivision with jurisdiction to do so. Section 39. Section 5-3-4.0 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Solid Waste 29 Collectors; License Requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Duty To Provide Service: 1. A licensed collector of mixed Municipal solid waste shall pick up all such waste which has been deposited for collection pursuant to this chapter and the contract between the collector and the generator. 2. Each collector shall have a telephone number listed in a telephone directory of general circulation in the city or on a webpage accessible to the public. and shall provide telephone answering service between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and four thirty o'clock (4:30) P.M. Monday through Friday, except on legal holidays. 3. If the customer was not serviced because the waste containers were not accessible on the scheduled collection day, the collection shall be made as soon as possible by agreement between the license collector and customer. 4. The licensed collector shall replace at its expense. containers which are damaged by the licensed collector's carelessness or the carelessness of licensed collector's employees or aa_ 5 A licensed collector is prohibited from driving the collection vehicle upon the private driveways of residents unless written approval is first obtained from such resident. Section 40. Section 5-3-4 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Solid Waste Collectors) is hereby amended to include the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: E. Reporting Reauired: 1. All licensed solid waste collectors shall keen records and report annually no later than January 15 of each year to the city information relating to the collection. processing, and disposal of solid waste and recyclable materials collected by the solid waste collector during the prior calendar year. 2. The annual report shall include the following information: a. The volume or weight, type(s) of solid waste collected, such as residential, yard. organic, commercial. industrial. construction, and demolition debris. or any other general type of solid waste or recycling. b. Number of residential and non-residential accounts. c. Total weight of solid waste collected by type documented by a state certified scale or other city approved documentation method. 30 d. Location(s) where solid waste was delivered, deposited, processed, or marketed and the total amount of waste delivered to each solid waste facility or other location. In addition to the annual report required by this section* each licensed collector of recyclable materials shall submit a quarterly report to the City as required by section 5111,3- 7 of this chapter. Section 41. Section 5-3-6.B of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Yard Waste) is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Licensed Collector Required: Collectors of yard waste shall hold a valid city solid waste collector=s license as provided for by section 5-34.6.2 of this chapter. Section 42. Section 5-3-7.A of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Recycling) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Licensed Collector Required: Collectors of recyclable materials shall hold a valid city solid waste collectors -license as provided for by section 5-34,6.2 of this chapter. Section 43. Section 5-3-8.6,3 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Waste Disposal Facilities and Methods) is hereby repealed in its entirety: SAL FASI MEN 0 11 A 11 N ALL as A a a an Nil AM OAK Section 44. Section 5-3-8.6.4 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Waste Disposal Facilities and Methods) is hereby repealed in its entirety: OF F AN r.TFv"WT7= AMON MIN 31 0 .�, r.�s� ■:tissrraw Pan Mm . rass�na�:rer�n:�rs now .0 as 1 32 . rass�na�:rer�n:�rs now .0 as 1 32 . rass�na�:rer�n:�rs now .0 as 1 32 32 LUAU WIN A. Man Section 45. Section 5-3-8.6.4 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Waste Disposal Facilities and Methods) is hereby repealed in its entirety: zw Ica INNESSFORPRUMPMT93�e� 40 NAM ov!r.Tjtwr.qwm.qr W �w :: AM a W:IA �m :�nersrw 33 .. a ON - - -..AS - ATMMWM AM AN ME DNA Section 46. Section 5-3-10 of the City Code (Health, Sanitation, and Environment —Violations and Penalties) is hereby amended to read as follows: MA M IN 1110 NEW 0 34 Q. Violation: 1. _Any license issued under this chapter may be subject to enforcement action at the discretion, of the City Council for violation of any of the following: a. Fraud. misrepresentation. orincorrect statements on the application form: b. Fraud. misrepresentation. or false statements made during the course of the license activity. c. Subsequent conviction of anv offense for which granting of a license could have been denied under this chapter: d. Violation of anv provision of this chapter or other provisions of the city code A separate offense shall be deemed to have been committed upon each day during on or which a violation occurs or continues. B. Suspension and/or Revocation: 1. Notice: if111• - - i i • #t�F�ill�iiFI1Q • - • HOW .i .l • b. The notice shall provide the following information: (11 State the alleged violation(sl. 21 Inform the licensee that the city council will consider suspending or revol<in� the license. (31 Identify the date. time. and location of the hearing. 2. Hearing: ao A hearing shall be scheduled within thirty (301 days from the date of the notice to the licensee is issued. b. The hearing shall be conducted by the city council. c. The licensee shall be provided opportunity to refute the alleged violations. to lead for retention of the license. or to justify the actions for which the city is seeking to suspend or revoke the license, including the cross examination of witnesses that testify against the licensee and the right to produce witnesses on 35 their behalf. d. The city council shall give full consideration to all evidence presented during the hearing and make a determination whether to suspend or revoke a license as of ecific date by adoption of a resolution based on a finding that a violation has occurred. e The city clerk shall notify the applicant of the city council decision stating. in detail the reasons for the action within ten (10) days of the close of the hearing via first class U.S. Mail. 3. __Appeal. Anv person whose license is suspended or revoked following a hearing by the city council shall have the right to appeal that decision to Court of Appeals. C. Criminal Penalties: committed . penal violatign, 2. The penalty for violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor per Minnesota Statutes 1 D. Rights Reserved. The city reserves the right to all means of administrative, civil. and/or criminal enforcement for violations of the provisions of this chapter. Section 47. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. (Remainder of this page intentionally left blank) ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 201 day of June, 2024. MOTION BY: Moores SECONDED BY: Dahl IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dahl, Dunlap, Goede, and Moores OPPOSED: none CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerl< 37 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2024-07 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING THE FEE SCHEDULE; SOLID WASTE; ALCOHOL LICENSING; PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS; AND RENTAL HOUSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on June 24, 2024, Ordinance 2024-07 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the ordinance adopted by the City Council amends City Code pertaining to the fee schedule; solid waste; alcohol licensing; peddlers, solicitors, and transient merchants; and rental housing. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of June, 2024. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.191, Subd. 4 and 331A.01, Subd.10, this Ordinance is published in summary form. Complete copies of the ordinance are available for inspection by contacting the City Clerl<, Otsego City Hall, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, Minnesota 55330 during regular office hours. 1