2024.06.24 City Council Meeting MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAYI JUNE 24, 2024 7:00 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order: Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmembers: Brittany Moores, Tina Goede, Jeff Dahl, and Ryan Dunlap. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Emergency Services Director Daryl Rausch, City Engineer Ron Wagner, City Planner Daniel Licht, City Attorney Dave Kendall, and City Clerk Audra Etzel. Attended via video conference (*). Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum: Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:01 PM. No one from the public spoke. Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:01 PM. 2. Consider Agenda Approval: CM Moores motioned to approve the agenda as written, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. June 10, 2024 Meeting. 3.3 Approve One Hour City Hall Closure on June 26, 2024, for the Employee Summer Recognition Event. 3.4______ Adopt Ordinance 2024-07 Amending the City Code. 3.5 Adopt the Otsego Creek Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis. 3.6 Adopt Resolution 2024-44 Establishing an Absentee Ballot Board for the Primary Election. 3.7 Approve Consent to Assignment of Agreement between the City and Nextera Wireless. CM Moores motioned to approve the consent agenda, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Page 1 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 24, 2024 4. Administration: 4.1 2023 Audit: A. Presentation by BerRanl<DV B. Consider Adoption of Resolution 2024-45 Adopting the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. Nancy Schulzetenberg, BerganKDV (*) presented the summary of the 2023 audit that included the review of the Communications Letter. The auditors expressed an unmodified opinion on the City's financial statements. Ms. Schulzetenberg also noted testing of the MN Legal Compliance had no findings. CM Dunlap asked about the required communications within the Uncorrected and Corrected Misstatements paragraph. Ms. Schulzetenberg said due to the small amount, no corrective action is required following GASB. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty noted the lease assets and liabilities are for items such as copiers, postage machine, etc. and that they do not have a material impact on the financial statements. CM Dunlap asked about the stormwater fund. Flaherty noted this fund has assets, primarily from developer contributions which continue to drive an increase in depreciation expense and that user rates have not increased to cover the depreciation expense. Flaherty noted that depreciation is a non -cash expense and that cash flows from operating activities are positive. CM Dunlap asked about the funds needed. Flaherty said the Council in 2023 decided not to implement the recommended rate increase and increased rates by 2.00%. There was also discussion on the storm water impact fees reported in a separate fund from operations. CM Goede motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-45 adopting the annual comprehensive financial report for the year ended December 31, 2023, seconded by CM Moores. CM Dunlap referenced Note 1(A) of the report (page 41) and mentioned that separate financial statements are not prepared for the EDA. Flaherty confirmed that the activities of the EDA are blended within the financial statements of the City in accordance with accounting standards and that separate financial statements are not issued. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Public Hearings: 5.1 R+L Carriers: A. Presentation by City Planner. B. Consider Adoption of Resolution 2024-46 Vacating Drainage and Utility Easements. City Planner Licht reviewed the staff report and power point presentation. Mayor Stocl<amp opened the Public Hearing at 7:27 PM. No one from the public spoke. Page 2 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 24, 2024 Mayor Stockamp closed the Public Hearing at 7:28 PM. CM Dunlap thanked R+L Carriers for taking time to meet with the residents to address any concerns. CM Dunlap motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-46 vacating of existing drainage and utility easements dedicated within the RLC Addition, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 5.2 Temporary Prohibition on Cannabis Businesses: A. Presentation by City Planner. Be Consider Adoption of Ordinance 2024-08 Temporarily Prohibiting Operation of Cannabis Businesses. City Planner Licht reviewed the staff report and power point presentation. Mayor Stockamp opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 PM. No one from the public spoke. Mayor Stockamp closed the Public Hearing at 7:36 PM. CM Moores agrees with the moratorium. CM Dunlap asked if there were any comments from the public. City Clerl< Etzel said there were no comments received. City Planner Licht said the Planning Commission needs to review which zoning districts these businesses belong, along with setbacks. CM Dunlap has issues with the moratorium. City Planner Licht explained the currently approved uses. Flaherty said there are not rules from the Office of cannabis management at this time. City Planner Licht said this has been reviewed by the Administrative Subcommittee, and staff is waiting form more direction from the Office of Cannabis Management to develop the zoning ordinance related to cannabis. CM Moores motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024-08 temporarily prohibiting operation of cannabis businesses and approve publication in summary form, seconded by CM Goede. Voting in favors Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores. Voting against, Dunlap. Motion carried City Planner Licht said the Planning Commission will likely start their review in August. City Attorney Kendall noted the Office of Cannabis and Management is in the process of finalizing a model ordinance. 6.1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program: City Engineer Wagner reviewed the staff report and power point presentation. CM Goede asked if the reporting reflects storm water runoff. City Engineer Wagner said the storm water runoff is included. Page 3 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 24, 2024 Mayor Stockamp asked for public comment at 7:52 PM. No one from the public spoke. The City Council agreed with the information presented. 7. City Council Reports and Updates: A. Heritage Preservation Commission CM Moores said the Commission has some name recommendations for Ashwood Park to present in July. Be Parks and Recreation Commission Liaison CM Moores said the Commission did not meet. C. PlanninR Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp said the Commission reviewed applications for Costco, Mississippi Landings, R+L Carriers and the Flood Plain Ordinance. D. Public Safety Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp said NorthStar Regional has offered to host the July 9tn meeting and City Council Members are invited to attend. CM Dunlap said the EII< River Star News is moving to a subscription model and subscribers will have to pay starting in August. 8. Staff Reports and Updates: City Administrator/Finance Directory Flaherty provided updates: there is a coupon option for the Star News subscription, CSAH 36 is closed due to flooding, Public Works Subcommittees June meeting is cancelled, and City offices are closed on July 4tn City Clerl< Etzel provided an update on absentee voting for the upcoming August 13tn Primary election. Emergency Services Director Rausch provided updates on the design phase of the Fire Station, June 18L Safety Day Event — about 60 attendees, and attending the July 16tn and August 5th farmer's market. Sergeant Barto, Wright County Sheriff's Office provided updates regarding flooding, NorthStar, and firework complaints. Mayor Stockamp noted firework violations have been enforced in the past. 9. Adjourn. CM Goede motioned to adjourn at 8:04 PM, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. Audra Etzel, City Clerk - City of Otsego: J c��i�,a .�w�.naiii�✓, �viuyvi Page 4 of 4