Item 3.1 Otsego Quadriga3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 10 July 2024 120-DAY DATE: 27 August 2024 RE: Otsego – Quadriga Ventures; Comprehensive Plan Amendment TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Quadriga Ventures is proposing an amendment of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan regarding the future land uses guided for a property consisting of two parcels located south of River Road (CSAH 42) and west of Rawlings Avenue (CSAH 36). The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is based on a concept sketch plan for development of 35 acres of the subject property for 216 single family and row townhouse dwellings. A potential second phase of development of row townhouses is also shown on the concept sketch plan, but this parcel is also to be subject to a purchase agreement between the developer and ISD 728 as a site for a future elementary school. A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 15 July 2024 at 7:00PM. Exhibits: Site Location Map Future Land Use Plan Map Concept Sketch Plan dated April 19, 2024 ANALYSIS Criteria. The implementation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan outlines that amendments of the Comprehensive Plan are to be considered based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria: Item 3.1 2 1.The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. 2.The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3.The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. 4.Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 5.The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comprehensive Plan. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject property for Low-to- Medium Density Residential land uses, which would consist of single family, single family, single family villa, and two-family dwellings with a development density of 3.0 to 5.0 dwelling units per acre. The proposed row-style townhomes illustrated on the concept sketch plan to be developed in areas guided for Medium Density Residential land uses with 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per acre or in Medium-to-High Density Residential areas with a density of 5.0 to 12.0 dwelling units per acre. The concept sketch plan indicates the anticipated density of Phase 1 to be 4.66 dwelling units per acre. During development of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission recognized the opportunity to have smaller areas of single family villa, two-family, or townhouse dwellings as a means of expanding housing options within the City without the compatibility and infrastructure impacts of larger scale developments. Existing subdivisions such as the townhouses south of the subject property in the River Place, Wildflower Meadows, Prairie Creek, Pheasant Ridge, and Pleasant Creek Farms plats are representative of this concept. 3 River Place: Wildflower Meadows: Prairie Creek: 4  Pheasant Ridge: 5  Pleasant Creek Farms: These developments are all at the periphery of single family subdivisions abutting collector or arterial roadways. River Place, Wildflower Meadows, and Pleasant Creek Farms are also transitional uses adjacent to institutional or commercial developments. These developments and the proposed concept sketch plan are consistent with the land use and housing policies established by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan to not concentrate alternatives to single family dwellings in any one area of the community or over such acreages at any one location with provision of adequate traffic access and circulation to protect public safety and maintain land use compatibility. These policies are also illustrated by the Land Use Concept included as part of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan at right. 6 The 2023 Comprehensive Plan includes a goal to provide for proper school facilities by working with school district officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. Phase 2 of the concept sketch plan is intended to be acquired by ISD 278 for a future elementary school site. ISD 728 has established its own strategic plan for future school facility needs based on the projected growth occurring not only in Otsego, but also Rogers, Elk River, and Zimmerman. ISD 728 staff has for many years discussed with City staff the need to plan for an elementary school in the area of the subject property. City staff has likewise recommended that ISD 728 consider the subject property for an elementary school site based on proximity to existing and future neighborhoods, utility availability, and access to existing and planned arterial and collector streets consistent with the policies of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. The residential uses shown within Phase 2 of the concept sketch plan is intended primarily for illustrative purposes as to the development potential of the property if not acquired by ISD 728. The requested change in the Future Land Use Plan to guide Phase 2 of the subject property for Medium-to-High Density Residential will facilitate the purchase agreement between the developer and ISD 728 for the financial benefit of both parties. This coordination of the City’s Comprehensive Plan with the planned acquisition and development of public facilities is based upon similar actions taken by the City during the 2006 improvements to TH 101 where land was dedicated to the City (and then transferred to Mn/DoT) for right-of-way. The property owner received income tax benefits for the donation of the land to the City and the City received credit for the value of the land towards its local share of the project costs. The requested amendment of the Future Land Use Plan is consistent with the goals and policies of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. Surrounding Uses. The table below summarizes existing and planned land uses in the area of the subject property: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1/WSRR District Rural residential East LD Residential A-1 District Rural residential South LD Residential LMD Residential A-1 District R-5 District Farmstead Meadows of Riverpointe West LD Residential Public A-1 District INS District Rural residential E-WTF The subject property abuts River Road (CSAH 42) and Rawlings Avenue (CSAH 36) on its north and east lines creating separation from surrounding properties. Development of the subject property would require construction of Randolph Avenue from the southwest corner of the subject site to 65th Street and improvement of 65th Street from Randolph Avenue to River Road (CSAH 42). There are townhomes illustrated west of future Randolph Avenue to make more efficient development use of the corridor and to avoid making the roadway a one-mile straightway. 7 The concept sketch plan provides single family lots and street connections as an appropriate transition to the existing Highlands of Riverpointe subdivision and future development of the farmstead parcel south and east of the subject property. Zoning. The subject property is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The A-1 District zoning for the subject property will not be changed until application is made for a Zoning Map amendment to R-6, Residential Medium Density District, which would allow for development of the proposed single family and row townhouse dwellings shown for Phase 1. The application to amend the Zoning Map would only be considered in conjunction with application for preliminary plat approval of Phase 1 in accordance with the Interim Land Use Plan policies of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan to maintain A-1 District zoning as a growth management strategy. Development of Phase 2 as an elementary school would require consideration of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property to INS, Institutional District, which allows public schools as a conditional use. Access. The subject site abuts the following existing and future roadways: Street Functional Classification Existing Condition River Road (CSAH 42) Minor Arterial 2-lane paved Rawlings Ave (CSAH 36) Major Collector 2-lane paved 65th Street C/I Collector 2-lane gravel Randolph Avenue Residential Collector Not constructed There is no access to subject property from River Road (CSAH 42) based on the intersection spacing guidelines established by Wright County as there is not sufficient distance between Rawlings Avenue (CSAH 36) and 65th Street to allow for an additional street intersection. The concept sketch plan illustrates one access to Rawlings Avenue (CSAH 36), which is between River Road (CSAH 42) at 62nd Street. The location of the access either as a street intersection or driveway access for an elementary school will be subject to review by the City and approval of Wright County with application for development of Phase 2. Wright County is planning improvements of 53rd Street and Rawlings Avenue (CSAH 36) from TH 101 to River Road (CSAH 42) in 2027 that would include roundabouts at full intersections and a trail on one side of the roadway. Future access to the subject property from Rawlings Avenue (CSAH 36) will be incorporated as part of the project improvements. The subject property abuts a segment of 65th Street west of River Road (CSAH 42). Development of Phase 1 will require that this segment of 65th Street and future Randolph Avenue from 65th Street south along the west line of the subject property be constructed by the developer to a collector street standard. This roadway would be expected to be the primary access for Phase 1 of the subject site. Improvement of 65th Street and completion of Randolph Avenue also improves access for the existing Riverpointe, River Place, Meadows of Riverpointe, and Highlands of Riverpointe subdivisions. 8 Parks and Trails. The Park System Master Plan and Future Parks and Trails System Map adopted with the 2023 Comprehensive Plan does not identify acquisition of land for public parks within the area of the subject property. Frankfort Park is located to the south of the subject property at the intersection of Randolph Avenue and 54th Street. The Park System Master recognizes that school facilities contribute to the recreational opportunities within the City, especially elementary schools that will include both playground structures and playfields. Trails will be included with the Randolph Avenue and 65th Street improvements proving connection between 53rd Street (CSAH 36) and River Road (CSAH 42). The trail on River Road (CSAH 42), which is part of the Mississippi River Trail, are within the shoulder. A trail between Randolph Avenue and River Road (CSAH 42) will also be included with the 53rd Street/Rawlings Avenue (CSAH 36) improvements. The Phase 1 development plans will need to provide a means of pedestrian access from the trail on Randolph Avenue and sidewalks within the Meadows of Riverpointe to the Phase 2 elementary school lot both as a Safe Routes to School and for recreation purposes. Utilities. The subject property is within the East Sewer District established by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan and trunk sewer and water facilities are available at the property line to serve the development illustrated on the concept sketch plan. The developer would pay Utility Availability Charges at the time a final plat is approved for the subject property and Utility Connection Fees would be paid when a building permit is issued for each dwelling or for the elementary school. The City has an existing easement along the west line of the subject property that encompasses the trunk sewer forcemain serving the East Sewer District from the Quaday Avenue lift station. The existing forcemain would likely need to be relocated at the developer’s cost to accomplish the alignment of Randolph Avenue shown on the concept sketch plan. At the time Randolph Avenue is constructed, the City may include placement of an additional forcemain needed to increase capacity to accommodate on-going development within the East Sewer District pursuant to the 2018 Otsego Wastewater Master Plan. The developer would receive credit for Utility Availability Charges for completion of the forcemain capacity improvements. Stormwater. The concept sketch plan illustrates only very generally stormwater management required for the proposed development. Any development of the subject property would be required to comply with City and Minnesota Pollution Control requirements to infiltrate stormwater and control the rate of runoff to equal predevelopment conditions and provide for water quality. There is also a large wetland in the central portion of the Phase 2 area that may be impacted by development of an elementary school (or any other land use) that will need to be evaluated as part of the development plan applications subject to Wetland Conservation Act rules and procedures. 9 RECOMMENDATION The requested amendment of the Future Land Use Plan to allow for development of townhouse dwelling units and a future elementary school is consistent with the land use, housing, and community facility policies of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. City staff recommends approval of the application as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a Comprehensive Plan amendment changing the land use from Low-to-Medium Density Residential to Medium-to-High Density Residential based on a finding that the request is consistent with the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with recommendation of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Property Location 1,520 ft Overview Legend Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy Roads Road Labels City/Township Limits c t Parcels 456738456738 456742 456742 456742 456742 456736 456739 456739456739 456719 456719 §¨¦9 4 456737 456718 EF137 456738 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN00.5 10.25 Miles É K:\cad_eng\PROJECTS\GIS\TPC\Otsego\Comprensive Plan 2012\Future Land Use Map DISCLAIMER:This product is for informational purposes and may not have beenprepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveyingpurposes. Users of this information should review or consult theprimary data and information sources to ascertain the usabilityof the information. LEGEND Planning Districts Rural Rural Residential LD Residential (Large Lot) LD Residential LMD Residential MHD Residential Mixed Use Commercial Office Industrial Light Industrial Public/Quasi Public COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2023 ADOPTED: AMENDED: Res 2023-52,14 Aug 23