PR Minutes 4-16-24OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center April 16, 2024 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Kitty Baltos called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Kitty Baltos. Commissioners: Angie Dehn, Matt Danzl, Kurt Baldry and Stephanie McCool. Absent: Commissioners Jessica Schaffer and Norman Witteborg. City Council: Council Members Brittany Moores, Ryan Dunlap, Tina Goede, Jeff Dahl and Mayor Jessica Stockamp City Council Absent: Tina Goede Staff: Nick Jacobs, Parks and Recreation Director, Maddy Champa, Recreation Programmer and Connie Schwecke, Recreation Coordinator. 1.Open Forum. 2.Consider Agenda Approval. Commissioner Dehn motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner McCool. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.Consider Meeting Minutes. 3.1 March 19, 2024 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Danzl motioned to recommend to the City Council to approve all meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. 4.Unfinished Business. 5.New Business. 5.1 Prairie Park Master Plan. Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs initiated the meeting by asking all attendees to introduce themselves. The attendees included representatives from the City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Prairie Park Advisory Committee. Following the introductions, Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs reviewed the steps involved in developing the three concept plans. He then introduced Gabrelle Grinde from HKGi, who presented the memo. Commissioner McCool questioned the park plan, inquiring specifically about the location of the new city hall. Mayor Stockamp responded by emphasizing the necessity for the city to have a plan in place and to reserve space for a future building. City Council ITEM 3.1 Member Dahl concurred, stating that the City Hall will be part of the campus and that Concept B seems to be the most logical direction to pursue. Commissioner Baltos raised the possibility of relocating the hockey rinks to make room for the new city hall at the rink’s current location (north corner of 90th and Nashua Ave. In response, Mayor Stockamp indicated that the Public Works Plan is to utilize that area for other purposes, making it unavailable for the new city hall. Commissioner Dehn expressed concerns about the disc golf course being situated too close to playground equipment, citing safety issues due to some players' lack of accuracy. Chair Baltos agreed, stating that a disc golf course should be a standalone amenity at another park. Commissioner Dehn expressed opposition to removing a ballfield as proposed in Concept B. Commissioner Baltos suggested considering the option of lighting the fields, noting that organizations might assist with funding for this improvement. Mayor Stockamp acknowledged that while the park concepts are excellent, the associated costs would likely necessitate implementing the Prairie Park Plan in prioritized phases. Chair Baltos was concerned about taking away our current number of soccer fields. Mayor Stockamp questioned the number of registrations and the soccer field usage. Director Jacobs stated it does change depending on the number of participants each year. Chair Baltos requested that the small and large dog parks be kept together. Commissioner Dehn agreed with this request. Mayor Stockamp voiced concerns regarding parking, noting that some dog owners have mobility issues and if the parking were too far from the entrance to the dog park, they might not be able to use this amenity. Commissioner Danzl questioned whether having the dog park in close proximity to the Otsego Creek might cause some pollution issues and he also added to possibly look at stream restoration. Commissioner Danzl emphasized the importance of retaining the winter amenities, specifically the sledding hill and an area for snowshoeing. Commissioner McCool was concerned with the walking trails and the dog park being so close to the archery range. Director Jacobs stated that there are barriers all around the archery range. Commissioner Baldry mentioned that he uses the trails on the western side of the park, enjoying the natural and remote feeling they provide. He also noted that other park users frequent these trails. Commissioner Baltos pointed out that the trails are difficult ITEM 3.1 to find. Commissioner Baldry suggested that this issue could be resolved with better signage. Commissioner Dehn approved the removal of the roundabout and she also stated the need to prioritize the playground first, ball field shade structure, dog parks, parking and signage. Chair Baltos stated the permanent restrooms should be accessible closer to the splash pad and the playground. Advisory members from baseball and softball stated the need to keep all the fields, be ADA compliant, have one permanent restroom centrally located for all park users, minor shade upgrades for dugouts, shade structure, no grass infields. Director Jacobs stated the fencing was at the end of life and needed replacement. City Council Member Dunlap questioned if food trucks could service the tournaments instead of building a concession. Advisory Council Member Engel stated a restroom/shelter building with a window and a small concession area would be useful and ideal for tournaments. Commissioner Dehn suggested adding more parking and to consider using a concrete pad for the hockey rink. Commissioner Baldry suggested moving the disc golf course to another park and Chair Baltos agreed. City Council Member Moores suggested moving and building a permanent hockey rink at another park being cognizant of ample parking. Advisory Member VonArx questioned if other city parks have some of the same facilities and amenities as Prairie Park. Mayor Stockamp noted that other city parks are much smaller neighborhood parks with small-scale playground equipment, which cannot accommodate the number of people that come to Prairie Park which is Otsego community park. Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs emphasized that as the city continues to grow, acquiring additional land for future parks would be a necessity for park planning. Commissioners agreed that Concepts A and C with modifications would be best moving forward in the process. Ms Grinde from HKGi stated she would work with Director Jacobs to add the changes and modify Concept Plans A and C for the open house on May 14. Ms Grinde summarized the commissioner's priorities to create a park master plan in prioritized phases.. 1. One centrally located permanent restroom/park shelter. ITEM 3.1 2. Upgrade playground. 3. No removal of ball fields 4. Keep small and large dog parks together 5. Expansion of the pickleball complex 6. Keep nature trails on west side of park. 7. Keep the sledding hill and possibly place it as a berm for the archery range. 8. Create a snowshoe rental using the Kayak Paddle Port which is used in the summer. 6. Parks and Recreation Update. Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs presented the parks update. Recreation Coordinator Schwecke presented the recreation update. 7. City Council Reports. City Council Member Moores presented the City Council Report. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Dehn motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner McCool. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:37P.M. Written by Connie Schwecke, Recreation Coordinator