ITEM 3 SCC Budget discussion10 OTY I tCI�eIF O MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: September 3, 2014 SUBJECT: September 8, 2014, Budget Discussion iii Em 3 At Monday's work session we will go through first review of the remainder of the departments in the draft 2015 General Fund budget; this will conclude the first review of the entire General Fund budget with staff and the Council. In addition, staff has prepared follow-up on two items raised at previous budget meetings. Below is a list of the department budgets that will be reviewed and a brief summary of several supplemental discussion topics: Follow -Up: Information Technology Budget: The Council requested a breakdown by category of the payments to Softronics. That breakdown is attached along with detail of the software maintenance contracts the City pays for the various software programs used by all departments. Streets Budget: The initial proposed sign material budget was significantly less than prior year budgets, and after further review with Lead Street Maintenance Kevin Lamson, we suggested to the Council that the budget may not meet the required replacement plan costs in 2015. Therefore, the Council directed staff to review the budget and propose a revised number. Both Kevin Lamson and Rick Knutson have reviewed the budget; based on their review, staff recommends a Sign/Signal Materials budget of $12,800 for 2015, an increase of $2,300 from the initial budget request. Department Review: Parks Maintenance: It was discovered while reviewing ball field maintenance costs that the proposed draft revenue budget does not include ball field use fees. Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager has estimated the fees so the fee revenue can be included in the budget to partially offset maintenance costs. Kaleidoscope Park Dedication Agreement — Attached is a memo from City Planner, Dan Licht along with an Agreement between Kaleidoscope and Otsego drafted by City Attorney, Andy MacArthur for the use of Kaleidoscope ball fields in lieu of park dedication on the recently approved school expansion. Staff is requesting Council input before the Agreement is placed on the regular agenda for approval as the Agreement requires ongoing maintenance by the City that needs to be included in future budgets. Recreation: In addition to the departmental budget, an Otsego Festival Update and Preliminary Financial Report will be provided by Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager. Prairie Center Administration Economic Development: At the July 23, 2014, Council meeting, the Council identified two Economic Development Strategic goals: City wide broadband access and implementing a marketing plan. The proposed 2015 Economic Development budget includes funds for economic development, but the funds are not specifically dedicated to the Council's goals. In addition to supply, training, and membership funds, the budget includes $5,000 for marketing and $5,000 for contracted services. The Council's expectations for the goals should be discussed to determine the outcome desired and the cost, if any, to achieve that outcome and the budget adjusted accordingly. Employee Compensation and Staffing Levels: The proposed budget includes funds in the Council Contingency line item for a market rate adjustment at the Council's discretion. The total pay and benefit cost of each percent of adjustment is approximately $12,800 for the General Fund. Health insurance premiums are expected to increase 30 percent according to the City's insurance agent. No increase in the City's contribution level is proposed at this time. The proposed budget does not include funding of staffing requests pending Council input. The positions requested are: Deputy City Clerk, Park Seasonal Maintenance. Instead of specifically approving added positions now, the Council could, instead, add a set amount to the budget with the understanding that the positions would be further refined and considered after budget approval to ensure that the positions are well thought-out and meet as many staffing shortages as possible with the funds allocated. Finally, as you know, the maximum proposed levy must be adopted at the September 22 meeting. Therefore, any input you can provide about the levy and General Fund budget now N will be helpful as we prepare for the September 15 budget discussion. Of course, the General Fund budget is not adopted until December, and the Council will have at least one budget meeting on the General Fund between now and the public input meeting on December 8. If there is any specific information you want for the September 8 or September 15 meetings, please let me know. FQ- E Z u O Z z E w Y c 0 a m o 0 o m n E a N a N vt n v v Y1 � O� m b~ N n m� O W N m n ONOf N Cd n O O m trvit V 1~O ri N O N V'1 cm m N O m v 0 0 o vmi o ++ no u� n m N at � O N V e0 O m cd N pj N m rtl N � 1p O O O N O M O V tp in r m n N W m N W rmi a n v1°i N n a n N (v N a n m a ry m N O o n O o O 0 o m o m n y o N o vi 0 n u ry m o o m e a n o n o N roi m r� N ry a o m voi � m 0 o v M O O N O N N N^ h O O o n O o O N m N N N o O It O N N O m u O NV O N c1 W cri m m m n ,mi umi m OO O N o m a O V N T n m `^ W m o0 ory m ml ml v N N o m � m N m b 4 wm m vmi m N N v m n --NH I a 0 u ~ o � L - 1 E x U' Q a m o 0 o m n E a Sign Budget Recommended Change Original Budget: Signals: $1,000 Blanket Replacements: $1,500 Sign Maintenance: $200,000 X 4%= $8,000 Total= $10,500 Recommended Budget: Signals: $1,000 Blanket Replacements: $1,500 Sign Maintenance: $259,517.20 X 4%= $10,380.68 Total= $12,800.68 Notes: No association signage considered New signage to be maintained in these new developments: -Pleasant Creek Farms 5th 47 lots -Martin Farms West 138 lots -Arbor Creek 3rd 155 lots -Heritage Point 27 lots -Crimson Ponds West 25 lots -Boulder Creek 360 lots -Wildflower. 3.`.d 24 -lots -River Pointe 37 lots 813 lots Cl/V)4 2015 Ball Field Use Fees September 5, 2014 6 Baseball Fields per day x 4 days in one week at $75 per field=$1,800 (We only charge for what the associations use in one week) 5 Soccer Fields 4v4 non -irrigated- $50 per field: $250 15 Soccer Fields 4v4 irrigated- $70 per field: $1,050 4 Soccer Fields Full Size- $100 per field: $400 Total estimated revenue: $3,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 LUH w w O O LD 0 0 0 0 0 0 W O n 0 0 n J O V I� N d' -La N O V) ci N u0 N f19 Ln M w LL o o 0 o o O_ } in 0 0 V a N N Q1 O Ln Lh ul L!1 al a K Lit o2i 0 C a � � w m• p C � c oM -L4 w J @ p i o r+ N Q O M � � t Q r O Lo aJ O LO W O O V 1, O O l0 N L!1 0 w m w V} in ih i/I• m O @ L N L N E U � V 02 v v- a O 0 L o 0 ° c ° i a C > L c to U aJ Q U > to 0 0 0 0 0 0 w w O O LD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lD lD Q1 I� N V} -La t/} 7 V) ci Ol f19 Ln m o o o 0 o o in 0 0 V U N N Ln O Ln Lh ul L!1 N Q C w m• a c oM -L4 L3 @ o r+ N O M � t Q Y biO m N LO w m > o ? o QJ ai u > m M m Z v D 0 3 0 O Q Li0 Q ai u 0 U p C: OO o O O O O O O O O O O O O _bb Q m Ln 0 U) LL Z u O LnM Ln Ln O O Ln u1 0 0 0 Ln O Ln O Nr- N N Ln Ln N N Lr) Ln L!1 N Ln N Ln if� to V} V). 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To accommodate the building expansion, Outlot A, Dara Glen to the west of the School's existing property has been acquired and is to be platted together with the existing lot upon which the school developed. The subject site is located at 7525 Kalland Avenue, north of 70th Street and west of CSAH 19. The City Council approved a PUD -CUP, preliminary and final plat and vacation of existing easements at their meeting on 11 August 2014. The final platting of Outlot A, Dara Glen Addition requires dedication for parks and trails in accordance with Section 20-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Exhibits: A. Draft Agreeement B. Site location C. Site Plan ANALYSIS Section 20-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance, the City may require dedication of 10 percent of the five acre parcel being final platted (0.5 acre), payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at $3,500 per acre ($17,500) or a combination thereof. City staff and Kaleidoscope officials have discussed satisfaction of park dedication requirements by provision of a permanent easement allowing the City access to the playfield and parking facilities on the expanded campus property and an agreement regarding long-term maintenance. City Attorney has drafted an agreement that requires Kaleidoscope to provide the park easement for the playfield and parking areas, which are permanent. The agreement also outlines a 20 year term for joint use and management of the fields whereby Kaleidoscope provides for the initial capital investment in developing the playfield and parking lot, including installation and operation of the irrigation system. The City would assume responsibility for mowing, fertilizing, weed control and field preparation during the summer to ensure that the playfields are maintained to standards consistent with other City facilities and recognizing the City's greater capabilities for this work. The agreement provides that the City may retain any field use fees it collects from recreation program participants using this location to defray maintenance costs or for other City expenses. The Future Park and Trail Plan adopted as part of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan identifies the need for additional play fields in the City and includes a search area in west Otsego for such community facilities. The opportunity to partner with Kaleidoscope Charter School will provide the City with additional playfields without the capital costs for acquisition and development of the playfields and 84 stall parking lot. The City will incur additional maintenance costs as part of the agreement to maintain the fields to the level needed for City recreation program use, but these costs would be incurred if the City added facilities the needed to meet the demand for playfields with community. The playfields available at this location can also be expanded in the future with additional property acquired from adjacent parcels either through park dedication or purchase. CONCLUSION The City Council will review the draft agreement regarding park dedication at their work session meeting on 8 September 2014. City staff is recommending approval of the proposed agreement and seeking direction to place the agreement on the City Council agenda for 22 September 2014. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager 2 Draft September 3, 2014 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND KCS BUILDING COMPANY REGARDING SHARED PLAYFIELD AND PARKING LOT USE THIS AGREEMENT made this _ day of September, 2014 by and between the City of Otsego (CITY), a Minnesota municipal corporation and KCS Building Company (KCS), a Minnesota company. WHEREAS, KCS has recently applied for and received approval from CITY for an expansion of the Kaleidoscope Charter School located on Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, DARA GLEN within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, CITY and KCS have entered into a Development Agreement relative to the expansion; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the approval and the Developers Agreement KCS is obligated to pay $17,500.00 in Park and Trail Dedication fees in lieu of land to CITY; and WHEREAS, CITY has indicated that it would waive those fees upon an agreement acceptable to CITY for shared use of a recreational field and parking lot located upon the property as set forth on attached Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE CITY and KCS enter into this Agreement regarding shared use of the facilities described in Exhibit A. 1. CITY will have use of the playfields and off-street parking lot from April 1 to October 31 of each year, subject to reasonable scheduled use of the facilities by KCS. CITY and KCS will meet yearly to schedule use and both parties will accommodate the others reasonable shorter term requests for use. 2. KCS will install irrigation in the playfields acceptable to CITY. KCS will pay for all water used for irrigation purposes. Irrigation of the playfields shall be at a minimum of one inch per week and shall be to the satisfaction of CITY, with the end result being a playfield suitable for recreation use by CITY. 3. During the period of use, April 1 through October3l, CITY will maintain the playfields including irrigation system operation (but not water expenses), mowing, fertilizer application, weed control, striping and provision of recreational equipment, such as nets, as necessary for CITY's use. At all other times KCS will maintain the fields at the same level of maintenance otherwise provided by CITY. CITY will start up the irrigation system and will blow out the irrigation system at the end of the year, regardless as to whether or not these tasks fall within the CITY period of use. 4. During the period of CITY use and in order to help defray CITY maintenance costs and expenses, CITY may collect a field use fee from participants in its recreation programs. CITY may also rent the facilities to specific outside sports groups for their use for a fee. In the event that the playfield is rented to any outside group, said group will be required to sign an acceptable waiver of liability, indemnification and hold harmless agreement naming both CITY and KCS. Any outside group renting the facilities shall provide proof of satisfactory insurance to cover any potential claims or causes of action. Any and all fees or rent collected by CITY in relation to use of the facilities shall be property of CITY and may be utilized for any purpose determined, at its sole discretion, by CITY. 5. KCS will not take any action or will not fail to act which will detrimentally affect CITY use of the playfields. 6. KCS will grant CITY (and its renters) an irrevocable right of entry to use and maintain the playfields and right of entry to use off-street parking facilities pursuant to this Agreement. 7. CITY and KCS will both maintain liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 covering the facilities. CITY insurance will be effective during times of CITY use and KCS insurance shall be effective during times of KCS use. CITY shall hold KCS harmless from any and all claims or causes of action resulting from CITY use of the facilities. KCS shall CITY harmless from any and all claims or causes of action resulting from KCS use of the facilities. This clause is not intended, nor should it be interpreted as allowing for stacking of insurance policies. 8. CITY will, to the extent permitted by law, defend and indemnify KCS from any claims or causes of action resulting from CITY use of the facilities, except for claims resulting from intentional or grossly negligent acts or failures to act by KCS, its officers, agents or employees. 9. KCS will, to the extent permitted by law, defend and indemnify CITY from any claims or causes of action resulting from KCS use of the facilities, except for claims or causes of action resulting from intentional or grossly negligent acts or failures to act by CITY, its officers, agents or employees. 10. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. If any provision of this Agreement, or portion thereof, shall be held to be invalid, inoperative or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement, shall not be affected, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable. 11. In light of this Agreement and faithful performance of the same by KCS, CITY will waive the required payment of the $17,500.00 park and trail dedication in lieu of land for the Kaleidoscope Addition Final Plat. In the event that KCS breaches the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and upon notice and reasonable opportunity to cure any breach, CITY may reinstate the required $17,500.00 park and trail dedication fee in lieu of land. KCS agrees that if it breaches the Agreement, the $17,500.00 park and trail fee shall become an obligation of KCS or its assigns or successors in title, and on behalf of KCS and its assigns and/or successors in title waives any and all objections to payment of the same, any objection to the amount becoming a lien against the property, and any objection to assessment of that amount, plus City costs and fees, against the property including any required hearings, any irregularities in proceedings and any right of appeal including, but not limited to the right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081. 12. This Agreement shall be for a term of twenty (20) years. 13. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall bind the parties and their respective assigns and successors in title. 14. This Agreement shall be amended or supplemented only by written amendment executed by both parties. Dated: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk Dated: KCS BUILDING COMPANY By: Its: VIOSEINNIA'00zliS0 < 3doos000 WOUA"'COP LAOP,.,,.)njjsum, joLi - I H,