Item 3.1 07-09-24 Draft OHPC Meeting MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Lily Pond Conference Room at City Hall Tuesday, July 9, 2024 7:00 PM Call to Order. This mee1ng was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek, Commissioners Kelly Kiffmeyer Brooke Nault, and Tami S1nski, and Chris Wilson (Alternate). City Council: CM BriIany Moores 1.Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner Wilson asked to add Elk River walking tour info to agenda. SNnski to approve the agenda as wriQen, seconded by Commissioner Kiffmeyer. All in favor. MoNon carried 5-0. 2.Consider the following minutes: 2.1 June 11, 2024. Commissioner Kiffmeyer moNoned to approve the minutes as wriQen, seconded by Commissioner SNnski. All in favor. MoNon carried 5-0. 3.Interview Agreement Forms 4.1 Carol James: nothing addi1onal. 4.2. Swenson Farm: Commissioner Wilson stopped by to discuss OHPC interest in the barns. An area of interest is that the Vikings wanted to use the acreage for a training camp. There is a 4” thick abstract of who were the prior owners of Swenson Farm. Carl Swenson purchased the farm in 1972. The Viking’s interest would have been before this 1me. Commissioner Wilson is sending a postcard to the family to seek addi1onal informa1on. 4.3 Teachers Cooley: nothing addi1onal. 4.4 Living History: Commissioner Kiffmeyer created an inventory of exis1ng businesses between Parrish and 39 today. She looked back to 1991 Google Earth maps to iden1fy when the businesses started showing up and presented the maps from 1991 - 2023 showing significant changes in commercial and residen1al buildings. Commissioner S1nski suggested using a transparency of the maps to show all the addi1ons throughout this 1me. All commissioners present agreed these maps should be shown at the Prairie Fes1val. Commissioner Kiffmeyer will get the most notable PNG files sent to CM Moores for prin1ng and to get laminated. Item 3.1 Commissioner Wilson noted the University of Minnesota and the Buffalo accessor’s office should have aerial photos that should go much further back than 1991 to further compare Otsego’s living history. 4. Naming Ashwood Park Per CM Moores, the City council is mee1ng next week to discuss naming of Ashwood Park as there was no quorum in June. CM Moores will be introducing three op1ons that end in “Park” to the council. 5. Prairie Fes1val Commissioners discussed u1lizing the Google earth maps to showcase Otsego’s living history since 1991. Commissioner Seroshek has a copy of the murder ar1cle and will see about gefng it darkened for reading. 6. SHPO Conference Commissioner Seroshek emailed informa1on from SHPO re: offering scholarships to aIendees for the conference. This year the conference is 9/18 - 9/20 in Red Wing. Commissioner Wilson and Commissioner S1nski volunteered to go to Red Wing for the SHPO Conference. 7. Updates: 7.1 Updates on City Council ac1ons. CM Moores updated OHPC on City Council Ac1on Items. Costco was approved by a 4 to 1 margin. The current es1mated opening date is fall of 2025 dependent upon whether Wright County has finished the road work around. The company tasked to work on Carrick’s Landing is also working on Ashwood Park. Ajer Ashwood Park is completed, the plan is to then work on Carrick’s Landing. 7.2 Updates on Heritage Preserva1on items. Commissioner Wilson brought in ar1cles by Steve Rohlf regarding the Elk River walking tours as inspira1on for a poten1al Otsego driving tour. Commissioner Seroshek did note that there is a map of the Heritage Site Tour as well as the Historical Mississippi Map on the city’s website under OHPC. Commissioner Wilson suggested prin1ng these maps off for the Prairie Fes1val to hand out. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Wilson moNoned to adjourn the meeNng at 8:09 PM, seconded by Commissioner Nault. All in favor. MoNon carried 6-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Nault.