04-24-06 CC Apr 19 2006 1:24PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p,l "^ ITEM 4_2 ®JA Bonestroo Fa T ransmission • cl, ►►►<& Associates Engineers& Architects MOMMEIMIMAII it i s Date: 4/0/2006 From 'Justin Kubisiak To: Mi Robertson Our Fi /e 503 -04 -108 cc :;.fudy Hudson I Ilk Il Pages to Follow: 10 Organiz,' 4ion: City of Otsego ' Origins/ Will Follow in Mail: WI No Fax Number: 763 - 441 -8823 r Sub !; Otsego West WWTF :n mss 'I Mike an Il udy, ; :s; ii : ; Attached t a copy of a draft change order corresponding to a Proposal Request for altering the drainage of the south Berm area at the West WWTF. This Proposal was given to Rice Lake last year and the price was quite hig i We now have proposed that Gridor Construction perform the work and pass a change order through i 'teir contract over on the East WWTF. Please include thistinfo in the council packages. Karen Cavett v4. be attending on Monday to discuss. Please give Karen or I a call in the mean time if you have any que4 ;ns. 651- 636 -4600 a F Thanks, (i 14 Justin K4 isiak s . ti (, 1 i F i t I III i t It jt1i: k T O 0. 1 II 1 III h k Vi {t i ll 1 f i i,; 1,, S , Ronestrccjc , Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. www.bonestroo.com 2335 Wet 1�yHighway 36 + St. Paul, MN 651131 P hone: 651- 636 - 4600 +; Fax: 651- 636 -1311 1;.1 ;t Apr 19 2006 1:25PM BONESTROO ROSENE RNDERLIK !I 6516361311 p.2 t l {,. It 11. Ili 11 Il it it ` Ifli ! R e 1 i•, Owner: City of Otsego„ 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, Otsego, MN, 55330 -7314 k 1 Date April 19, 2006 osem t MORI Anderlyl4 & Contractor: Gridor Construction Inc, 3990 27th St SE, Buffalo, MN. 55313 VI Associ eS . Enyineerr & Arc 3i'ts Bond Company: Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Interchange Corporate Center, 450 Plymouth Ri Bond No: 190 - 013 -84' CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 It' OTSEGO EAST WASTEWATER TREATVLFNT :ill' BRA FILE NO. 000503- 04108 -0 Description':. Work I Item 1. Provides for alterations to land along the South property line of the Otsego West Wastewater Treatment Facility . to ensure th i the South property line drains from east to west. Work includes excavation between the berm and the south , , tti fencc, rcpla :iIment of the excavated material on -site and re- vegetation of the all disturbed areas as per Proposal Request No.22. I Contract Unit Total No. Item Unit Quantity Price Amount I CHANGE ORDER NO.3 i d 1 SOUTH BERM AT WEST FACILITY LS 1 I $4,666.00 $4,666.00 I. 1 I; TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. 3: $4,666.00 I ' i t F t 1 if 1 I 1 , 1 33 I. 11. 1 I t I ill . 1 I p �. Ili ' t: t fi i lti1 r: j . r � r l it 1 i i' ' 1' 1 4 . .xts 50304 108 G,l {{ dr�ft F 3z 4 1 t -t � ,,t c Apr IS 2006 1:25PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.3 0 ci I: p 4 fr if R Original C:Atract Amount $9,195,300.00 P grevious Oillan e Orders et) S38,066.00 q ti. This Chanl Order $4,666.00 q !, Revised cd iftract Amount (including this change order) $9,238,032.00 Iil g 4 0 CHANGE illIN CONTRACT TIMES !I: Original C R tract Times: !I ': Substanti,al Completion (days or date): Ready f ''r iinal Payment (days or date): . if . Increase oft ff,s Change Order: i Substan6, il Completion (days or date): i Ready fdirnal Payment (days or date): Contract Tlifie with all approved Change Orders: ',': Substantialt Completion (days or date): q P. Ready fa - final Payment (days or date): 1.! f 01' ' , Recommeited for Approval by: „ 1 BONESTROO ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. g I .ii Date: tr , t 0 Approved i!i:1' Contractor: Approved by Owner: GRIDORf::ONSTRUCTION INC CITY OF OTSEGO 0 I 0 f il, . tp 10 i V Date :'i 1 Date t! I r I k f PI 1 k t If cc: Owner ill Contracg" R i Bonchriecompany q p Bonestr4( & Assoc. f ! g , 503041 00b3draft.x1s 1 ali g , Apr 19 2008 1:26PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.4 6 : --- tai� j `e onestroo f: S West Highw 36 PROPOSAL REQUEST Rosene '( i ig Anderlik & . P {a nt Paul, MN 55113 ! No. 00022 I Associates 141 lone: 651- 967 -4614 `' ncttf 6 atttiteca: MIX: 651-636-1311 ' l :t TITLE: erm at West Facility DATE: 3/27/2006 PROJECT:f tsego East WWTF Phase 3 JOB: 503 -04 -108 TO: j ttn: Steve Lee ;CONTRACT NO: 1 f ridor Constr., Inc. f, . 90 27th Street SE I uffalo, MN 55313 hone: 763 - 746 -9072 Fax: 763 -559 -3736 DESCRIPTI l OF PROPOSAL ....:. :':.. : : :.. . . Please submit ' in i tem i zed quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and /or Time incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents de.'c bed herein. THIS IS NOT 3 ;CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE e WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. rt Description: (\ , jitten description of the Work) Alter the adi ' along the South side of the berm, along the South side of the property, so that the entire length of the property drains 8r ! g g g P P y to the West. '1 fence is at the property line and shall remain. Water has been collecting on the East side of the property extending into resident yi s to South. This grade change will consist of 1 -3 foot deep cut, approximately 400 feet in length. Excavated material 'fall be reloca e) the top of the berm on the west end where contour begin to taper down. All disturbed areas shall be seeded with Aural grasses :I k r the attached spec. 1 Your cost pro '4 'al should be provided to this office at the earliest possible date but no liter than 7 April 2006, to allow for review prior to negoti ' t ions. After receipt of your proposal you will be contacted to establish the specific time for negotiations. Your cost proposal and s i documents may be faxed to 651- 636 -1311 or mailed to this office. Please contact me with any questions. t i t i I i 6 1 t1. . liti s By: t ii IL. , r Steve Lee IA Date: 1n' is Bon roo Assn:. ® !; . %i L ■ il11 1 Apr 19 2006 1:27PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.5 0,1 fl . i 1 ' l SECTION 02925 lilt ik ft NATIVE SEEDING ri , x I PAR'al1 - GENERAL t 1.01 [ SECTION INCLUDES . �. A. Restoration of construction area by installation of topsoil, native grass seed, I mulch, and erosion control. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS li A. Section 01570 — Temporary Erosion and Sedimen Control. ;. I r B. Section 02315 — Excavation and Fill. i 1.03 REFERENCES A. Minnesota Department of Transportation, "Seeding Manual 2000." l' B. Minnesota Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Construction," 2000 Edition (MnDOT Spec.): 1. 3876 — Seed. t 2. 3877 — Topsoil Borrow. 1.04 SUBMITTALS ° j 1 : A. Product Data: Provide nursery source and invoice for seed to be purchased for g this Project. 11 . t i s B. Qualifications: I- . ■ 1. Nursery: Company specializing in growing and cultivating the specified II . native seed mixes, with documented experience as represented by a list of completed past projects. 2. Installer: Company specializing in seeding the specified plants with a .111. minimum of 3 years documented experience as represented by a list of l }I completed past projects. , I I; C. Fertilizer manufacturer's certificate of compliance. Written document verifying I. ( compliance with fertilizer specified. 503 -0 1 07 © 2 onestroo, Rosene, Ande i11 & Associates, Inc. 02925-1 , NATIVE SEEDING Apr 19 2006 1:28PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK. p. (' 4 N li D. Producer's Certificate of Compliance - Written document verifying compliance of ;�- mixture of seed furnished. Submit to the Engureer 5 days prior to delivery. ' I Include percentage of various seed species mix, year of production, net weight, I date of packaging, and location of packaging, seed bags /tags (germination rate, weed seed content), and copy of seed dealer's invoice. I, y QUALITY ASSURANCE A. At the conclusion of the establishment period which shall be one year following i nitial installation, a final inspection of planting will be made to determine the 5 r conditions of areas specified for seeding. All areas with insufficient plant t I establishment as determined by the Engineer will be noted. This material shall be re- supplied and planted in the next growing season at no additional cost to the I. Evaluation of plantings shall be done in accordance with MnDOT Seeding Manual 2000, "Early Maintenance and Evaluation of Plantings." 1.06 } ' 1 ' DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Seed: Protect seed from moisture prior to use. PA 'l 2 — PRODUCTS 2.01 ; ' MATERIALS A. Seed Material: MnDOT Native Seed Mix 28A Modified (28B) and Native Seed a '' Mix 38A Modified (38B) in locations indicated on the Drawing: Mixture 28A Modified (28B) — General Purpose Native Ditch Common Name Botanical Name % of Mix Bluestein, big Andropogon. gerardi 6.0 Milkweed, marsh Asclepias incarnata 0.17 4 Brome, fringed Bromus ciliata 4.0 s Prairie clover, purple Dalea purpureum t 0.17 is Tic - trefoil, showy Desmodium canadense 0.17 Wheatgrass, slender Elymus trachycaulus 10.0 Wild -rye, Virginia Elymus virginicus 10.0 Sunflower, early Heliopsisi helianthoides 0.17 0: 0 Rye- grass, annual Lolium italicum 8.0 ReGreen NA 40.0 t It Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3.0 il Bluegrass, fowl P alustr is 12.0 ! p i i Black -eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 0.17 Indian grass Sorghastrum. nutans , , 6.0 I . Vervain, blue Verbena laastata , ` 0.17 I' Total:' i 100.00 i Ai Rate: 40 Ibs/acre (44 kg/ha). t II ; Description: Mesic /wet native grass ditch mix. Reaches a height of approximately 36 inches. General purpose mix for use n roadside ditches i that range from wet to dry. i 503 -0 - 07 ©2 onestroo, Rosene, Ande i & Associates, Inc. 02925 -2 � ' NATIVE SEEDING ii 4 Apr 19 2006 1:29PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p,7 • �'f 4 li ,y 1 Mixture 38A Modified (38B) - Dry Mixed- Height/.Bluff Prairie `; ` j Common Name Botanical Name % of Mix 1`11i1. Milkweed, butterfly Sclepias tuberosa 0.4 I' ster, sky -blue Aster azureus 0.2 Aster, silky Aster sericeus 0.2 ' t' Grama, sideoats Bouteloua curtipendu�a 8.0 N: Grama, blue Bouteloua gracilis ` 6.0 n Brome, Kalm's Bronlus kalmii 4.0 1 . Coreopsis, prairie Coreopsis palmata % 0.3 111 Prairie clover, white Dalea candidum 0.4 9 Prairie clover, purple Dalea purpureum 1.0 I1 II ,�, Wild -rye, Canada Elyntus canadensis i 6.0 + Wheat grass, slender sle E y tra y l mus ch caulus 6.0 Ox -eye, common Heliopsis heliantoides 0.4 ' F s June grass Koeleria ntacrantha I 4.0 Bush clover, round - headed Lespedeza capitata 1 0.2 Blazingstar, rough Liatris aspera 0.3 Blazingstar, dotted Liatris punctata , 0.3 i l Rye grass, annual Lolium italicum 1 7.0 stulosa ' 0.2 Bergamot, wild Mondarda i �: g f 1 Bee balm, spotted Mondarda punctata 0.2 • ReGreen NA 38.0 t Beardtongue, foxglove Penstemon digitalis I 0.2 f • Penstemon, showy Penstemon grandiflorum 0.3 Coneflower, columnar Ratibida columnifera. 0.4 ' Black -eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta , 1 0.3 Bluestem, little Schizachyrium scopartum 10.0 II i I Goldenrod, stiff Solidago rigida ' k 0.2 1 Dropseed, sand Sporobolus cryptandr 2.0 1 ; Dropseed, prairie Sporobolus heterolepsis 3.0 Spiderwort, prairie Tradescantia bracteata 0.3 t Alexander's, heart - leaved Zizea aptera i 0.2 Total: 100.0 i Rate: 30 lbs /acre (33 kg/ha). i Description: Short grass and bluff prairie mix. Reaches a height of approximately 18 inches. Excellent for restoration purposes where soils II t, sands, silts and 'cams, , b t work ^r. heavier soils to^ but will ;.n l a . ls v tf I are sand State -wide use, but best in oak savanna and prairie'regions of the state. 1 . ;:it,. � : B: Fertilizer (Type Slow Release): Commercial grade slow release complete 1 fl fertilizer that contains 22 -5 -10 (NPK). 503 1107 0 2t j Bonestroo, Rosene, AndpiJk & Associates, Inc. 02925 -3 NATIVE SEEDING 1 {' Apr 19 2006 1:31PM BONESTRO0 ROSENE ANDERLIK' 6516361311 p.8 tiUl a Y i i PAR pt3 — EXECUTION 41 3.01:H . PREPARATION 1111 A. Soil Preparation: Conform to MnDOT Seeding Manual 2000, "Site Preparation," ±' described for each seeding method. li B. Fertilizers: If used, conform to MnDOT Seeding Manual 2000 "Fertilizer," described for each seeding method. I I i= r 3.02 1, SEEDING f A. Seeding Dates: l.r ff' ll 1. Spring: April 1 to June 15. i'. k l 2. Fall: August 30 to October 30. 3. Winter and Summer: At the approval of the Engineer/Landscape Architect. i I i 4. Deviations in planting schedule from MnDOT "Seeding Manual 2000" will be at the approval of the Engineer. 111 IN B. Sowing Seed: Conform to MnDOT "Seeding Manual 2000," Method 1. Drill If Seeding Into Tilled Sites. li ' 111 C. Seeding Rates: Rates are specified in the mixture tabulation for the specified mix. 1 t Conform to MnDOT Seeding Manual 2000. , fii 1 ,1' D. Harrowing and Packing: Conform to MnDOT Seeding Manual 2000. f j i 3.0:'. QUALITY CONTROL A. Maintain restored areas in accordance with MnDOT Seeding Manual 2000: t t; Mowing maintenance is critical to the success o f native plantings. #' Typical maintenance should be specified as follows: i t 01 1. Spring Plantings: Il PI a. Mow to 6 -10 inches between July 15 and August 15. $ ' . ii. . I t b. Mow again around September 1 to 6 -10 inches (optional) if weeds are a problem. t t iI 4 503 107 ©2 J Bonestroo, Rosen, ; AndhAlk & Associates. lnc. 02925 -4 • t NATIVE SEEDING s4 h 1 1 Apr 19 2006 1:32PM BONESTROO ROSENE RNDERLIK 6516361311 p.9 s r; p f k �' Y j I l t 11 2. Fall Planting: ih ri I li 1 r a. Mow to 6 -10 inches following season June 1- August 1. lo b. Mow September 1 to 6 -10 inches (optional). x 3. Second and Third Years, all Plantings: a. Mow June 1- August 1 to 6 -10 inches. G B Evaluation of successful establishment of seed shall be done with Engineer in i , accordance with MnDOT Seeding Manual 2000, "Early Maintenance and s Evaluation of Plantings." 1 C. Treat, restore or replace in kind turf, sod, plantings or other facilities damaged by contractor's operations. Remove and dispose of all hags, containers, and other i i f waste. Y 3.04 $ ' MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. All work and costs of this Section shall be incidental to the Project and included f1 in the TOTAL BASE BID. y L' " '' END OF SECTION t' . k 1 Pd P i (1‘ jic . }t I Y 1 1 Gi, v 503 - 0)4 07 © 200 1 lonestroo, Rosene, Ander4t& Associates, Inc. 02925 -5 NATIVE SEEDING it, 5 1i. { sir Rpr 19 2006 1:33PM BONESTROO ROSENE RNDERL.IK. 6516361311 p.10 1 1A it • LT viii I 1 , , I ( 9 c w I i I tri ) v m 2 a s C ; mc�- r • a' ( I I I jl b_ mcd QQ i I \ e 1 ��� w / 1 1 1 / o\ e • 1 1 ■ r ■ 1 ° ce 1 I CC \ P i .... ' I \ i o 1 it I I 1 1 o ij I 3 I J. 1, / 1 - ' ( /4 1 , d ye./ 4. 1 r. • Ii ., f R a / J N { O . . ti ! . 4, N. ■■■•■ 4 fl �. 1 ' �SS� ' 1 \ m m m t � \ { i. - \ I ass \-..,. o 1i1v o _ f W S .S \ \ \ _ i I A J W 2 ` CO C G • \ ` \ ` \ \ b \ I i G O ' I -906- \ \ N. ° U N \ I I S r e 0 \ _ r /� `\ lU \\ K o \ \ O� U \ \ 1. I LA- N. I O Z fill �- - \ I I o el V .•••■ `'e_ \ o t i' rr N. \ ` Q \ \ \\\ - \ W W O J F i "� \\ kt`■ Q a o Lli � \ \ N. [-N.." , o Cr Z 3 �_ t. sb6 m Z W -\ _� \ \ -A ' . `\ .x..646 \ \, \ . 1 O C 1 N. O C9 0 ■ COS T 33 - r (D COST ESTIMATE IV rr*3 qtr rxir� P _ . ; PLAN ITEM Grading Changes at West Treatment Plant Facility o) SPEC SHEET 1 OF 1 EST SL C KD SL ITEM 1 , • ITEM LABOR MATERIAL EQUIP E.O.E. SUB -A - A NO DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT UNIT AMOUNT UNIT AMOUNT UNIT AMOUNT UNIT _ AMOUNT 0 0 0 0 0 3 Neaton Brothers Erosion Control 1 Is 0 0 0 0 4000.00 4000 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 N � — 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 1 0 0 0 0 0: o 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0- Z 0 '--- 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 3) - 0 0 0 0 0 7 t;y 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 .� s. 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 UI -- PA _ GE TOTALS 0 0 0 0 4000 m Labor: 0 ci) CD Labor - Taxes, Ins., Fringes: 60% 0 Material: 0 to Sales Tax: 6.50% 0 .. Equipment/EOE: 0 Subcontract: 4000 SUBTOTAL S4,000 Overhead: 5% 200 Margin: 10% 420 Bond: 1% 46 TOTAL $4,666 - r •• J Apr 20 200G 1:25PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6518381311 p. I i ` Bonestroo Fx Transmission Andeik& Associates Engineers & Architects Date: 4 ?? :20/2006 From: Justin Kubisiak , To: Mjt Robertson Our Fil No: 503 -04 -108 c c � � ,Judy Hudson Pages to Follow: 21 Organi.pition: City of Otsego Original Will Follow in Mail: Yes ❑ No /1 Fax Number: 763 - 441 -8823. Subjec Otsego West WWTF , i -li a Mike a> : Judy, Attach 4 is a copy of a draft change order including a Proposal Request for altering the HVAC system in the lab ; +t the West Facility and a change request for additional electrical work completed during construe iti { on of the U.V. Building. Please include this info in the council packages. Karen Cavett will be attendir:,.the council meeting on Monday to discuss. Please give'•Karen or I a call in the mean time if you have an. I/ questions. 651 -636 -4600 1 Thanks, ! Justin I # ubisiak , PJ R 4i. 1 4-z �, l —Z 1 L ,, arav� P� i I i i i I.'. iii Bonestri�oi Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. www.bonestroo.com is r r t Apr 20 2006 1:25PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.2 1 . Ptl\z.--k-- It ki Bone joo k ` Rose f Owner: City of Otsego, , 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, Otsego, MN, 55330 -7314 t Date April 19, 2006 on. AndAssoce fl & es Contractor: Rice Lake Construction Group, 22360 County Road 12, Dccrwood, •MN, 56444 y Engineers & Ar�Lit cts Bond Company: Federal Insurance Company, .15 Mountain Vicw Rd., Warccn, NJ, 07061 Bond No: 8193 -36 -50 i CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 ] OTSEGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY 11 BRA FILE NO. 000503-02107-0 I' Descriptioi of Work Item No. 1!; Provides for a supplemental cooling system for the laboratory including a Ductless Split Air Conditioner Un and an AirJ :>oled Condensing Unit per Proposal Request No.21. This item excludes electrical work involved with installing a system. Item No. 2 rovides for the electrical work involved with installing the supplemental cooling system per Proposal Request 21, . Item No. 3�. ' rovides for electrical alterations made to the Ultraviolet Disinfection system directed by the Engineer during constructiclh. • Contract Unit Total No. Item Unit Quantity Price Amount CHANCE ORDER NO. 6 !! . 1 HVAC ALTERATIONS (EXCLUDING LS 1 , $6,286.00 $6,286.00 ELECTRICAL) IN CONTROL BUILDING PER I PROPOSAL REQUEST NO. 21. ' '1 1 i ` : HVAC ALTERATIONS (ELECTRICAL ONLY) IN LS I 1 53,538.00 $3,538.00 E CONTROL BUILDING PER PROPOSAL REQUEST 1 NO. 21. i 1 I MISC. ELECTRICAL ALTERATIONS LS 1 . $2,740.00 82,740.00 ! it' TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. 6: 512,564.00 • is 1 • I 1 ,I . I ii ii 1• i li 5030210'I)�`,C 4.19 -06. xls :ll•t 1 Apr 20 2006 1:26PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.3 lit 1 il ; Original li ( Amount S6,384,000.00 Previous .iange Orders $182,018.00 This Chag e Order S12,564.00 Revised ( rntract Amount (including this change order) S6,578,582.00 1'. CILAN IN CONTRACT TIMES Original �ontract Times: SubstarItial Completion (days or date): Ready .4 final Payment (days or date): Increase if,this Change Order: Substa4 ial Completion (days or date): Ready :{ fr final Payment (days or date): li Contracts me with all approved Change Orders: Substa4 ial Completion (days or date): Ready final Payment (days or date): I Recomn4 rded for Approval by: BONES' CItOO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Date: i Approve •*)y Contractor: Approved by Owner: RICE L ]a CONSTRUCTION GROUP CITY OF OTSEGO ; i Date Date 1 I il cc: Owne Contra: r l i Bondi Ig`Company Bones cc, & Assoc. 1 1 r t 1 503021• t`06dratt- 4- l9- 06.xIs Ii Il l 1, Apr 20 2006 1:26PM BONESTROO R0 ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.4 1 IL I rr&NA - Ve li, 2• ill Bonestroo i 335 West Hwy 36 PROPOSAL REQUEST Rosen j n i g Anderhtib St. Paul, MN 55113 I No. 00021 il Associates . 4 hone: 651 -604 -4891 'en ,,,,LA!;hnedt, . lax: 651- 636 -1311 1�f� TITLE: L H DATE: 10/18/2005 PROJECTS �5tsego WWTF West 1 JOB: 503 -02 -107 TO: Attn: Wade Leonard 11 ■ CONTRACT NO: 503 -02 -107 i . ice Lake Construction Group .1 . y,' 22360 County Road 12 ; } .O. Box 517 i :Deerwood, MN 56444 ! '1 hone: 218 -546 -5519 Fax: 218-546-7016 DESCRIPTI,, N T OF.PROPOSAL :. .:. t: Please submi , a itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Doc I ments described herein. k 1 THIS IS NO c CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. E Description: hto'ritten description of the Work) ! I MECHANIC DRAWINGS ' I 4) Sheet MK�.C'l1: Revise locati, n of one ceiling diffuser. Extend branch ductwork as required. Provide and install new ceiling mounted Ductless air conditioning n't, ACU -1. See attached "clouded" plan sheet. ; B) Sheet MK 2: Provide and i;i s'all new Ductless air conditioning unit, ACU -1 and air cooled condensing unit, CU -3. Provide and install all interconnecti . g refrigerant piping and condensate piping. Insulate refrigerant suction,and condensate piping. Provide all associated electrical for atallation of ACU -1 and CU -3. See attached "clouded" plan sheet. C) Sheet M8 1 1, ti Schedule for 1 ctless Split Air Conditioner unit, ACU -1 added and Air Cooled Condensing Unit, CU -3 added. See attached "clouded" pl,, sheet. 1 j L Your cost prtt 1 sal should be provided to this office at the earliest possible date but no later than 24 October 2005, to allow for review prior i negotiations. After receipt of your proposal you will be contacted to establish the specific time for negotiations. Your cost proposal! 1' d supporting documents may be faxed to 651- 636 -1311 or mailed to this office. Please contact me with any questions. I k I 0 ■ J4 ti II {� t't `i I t . j } 1 By: 1 Wade Leonard I Date:{ 4 { Bones Assoc 1 1 . Apr 20 2008 1:28PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDE.RLIK 6516361311 p,5 111 • - 111 01D 1TT,.,.o� tit ' NENTL 003- O36M - -5HL MK101-- P.S -.1_I 0/4 , N \ I, 1 P' i i i II a : i :xi. 414 1 re "I 1 i •u i _ - I1-°_ A 1 ; f \ �J 1 I B l 11",.,7-2,--p a o B gy g� Q _ - —11 2111 I ' I' E— ;Ira fi I , 4E2' ap �IIIGI,.' R BI a ►1 ss ®1i ° ® aimii■_ il n : ,. III L m�/S' ■ ®� I. I am I ,� . Ii, --N-- I a �I_ s e v LJ LI Ie F- � i. P ..... - s al' -1 -1 r ;� . I • I . esniernorlti 1 I nn -I ` L � ; -. B • S IRE . • / / og Iis ;61 . f 9, 2e I �– _L_I ■ I • �• ►l.,.eai-,al., ., 1E1 ; • z O e e e 9 e. . E" F -r� t , � .t ^4 ` € g ;i €i i Lam` i .: Il, a @. . ! • i I 1 REV. .I DATE OEStlGPODY 1 I / ADDED A41-1 10 LA8 i - OTSEGO MINNESOTA /i &n s000 soveti .......--,........,m...............,..— , , - Roses 2235 West Highway 36 P.e. WEST WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY u ROSBIl k6 St. caul, HN 55113 : °` ° ,.......-882.8 ' Ass ociates Pho ne: 651- 636 -4600 WI O 1i t CONTROL BUILDING � /L_ _ ,� DUCTWORK CLAN ..o... a A ,�, mm Fax: 661%36-1311 m.,�,c l^°'^ n l,a m '-'114111 - • f )T iii 1 i . • Rpr 20 2006 1:29PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516381311 P.6 J 1 • t Qc 7 v otx Luoculea. Inc. ' M4'R NS- aS61 - -SNL WW2-- P.S -.i -, (, p r -o•) • • / 1 , • ga9E Big D� 11 gg % 1 Y F i rig 1 C � ■ i .�- - late if- ��im a �• air a' 1 " if-1 s ` �� r NO! - eliar r 1 GAS �e a � l �� �,� l 4 � a 01 b P $ f Z y � � 7N i r l ' � e s �� e2E ° o I �"��'��� 1 i ®.' l I I 11. ., I I i t 1 �I D ay t ( 2 �I ge I . • $ "a: I i t h ' L . i ,g d ,l wag 1- ; -- — ;J b I. • • >ig " $i ■ o O O 9 9 © 0 © 0 9. 9 O'er a r - 7 7 AA' x`-'31 a A ! 1 Et AA-='. A2tl n g 3 � s : te a ;g ' s ° E4 s '•E ;: yi 3 az g � ya 9N g Pi R "3s A Vi ° ¢ p? $ §S gsE ' � � g s f _ £ 2 . „ ' FA g E n ` R z ' ?,- R ig >a 1;. h 5 .. a i ' R F _ 5 . s 4 S :1 L' P i �b 6 4 9 N F q 8 g 6 g 6 8 -i30 a � . 1 777RRR �t n �' , I. 40 z a $ i i !aA a $ a �� � ” 1 a Y 4 • • • • • , A fl 1 1 "1'“";:s1111 A K' ' OTSEGO, MINNESOTA �A eenasboa za y s t rem m3 Z WEST WA z z35 west , STEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY oa bra s St. vain MN.5 O CONTROL maw ti 4 ,, d ams Mom 651.636.4600 ,t a • PLUMBING Ptµ G: 651.635.1311 /�"� owra m 1 ` cmeo c eai nc��.S�pp aasnn k. • Apr 20 2006 1:3OPM BONESTRO0 ROSENE ANDERLIKH 6516361311 p.7 f I. , © w�,. AffocaUx. � . weNTZ p)- 038R- -sNT. ue.oT-- P.S -., _, (1/4 I & R \l. 1 e 6 C2 i Q`R S i c M ' €F § G) p A i to ' 2 R &=IT Al o _ a e m g " I g 2a_ D 8 " I a l i g g ' . , m 0 3 Vl v i Ale x S E€ D li 2" r A R Z Y P n A p F !n F o p A P R en P c 1 R D 2` P - 1 g Z i i Ct i _t 'D A a,1 c '111 m t' 9 �' . 1 ; M 18 4 n 1 a rrn 6 ; , c ieg s��� - g g O l if 11 4 Y c ' O 1; *- $ 1 D s 1 c PB '6 -0 g $$ a Z - gil F ax D T ;®i1 a s pot') > s il . I i Pp En g ...: 6. A m m bL Y g `p? _ =" A""g In 1 I. .1',' m I w„ == - P ' a § D t F pg "f 1 e P" o$e 88 � F 3 m tr f 2 9 � � . I m's ag # w 6I N i� a& ` axg' � "$ g o ill . a : t: w 6 C y 7 g'i ill 4. § P P r g py w��^ & S . Y�, t M V 11e A P A w P R c O.'". P3 �' P' 7 ^ ga. S'S is F g@d1 ""� cI - _ _ � it "Yp a7a �� E •€ A A w $ Q 5 P T i R e ms i° ! =; D "' & 1 i 1 Cg ` a is 3 S w o $ 6 i 2° I I E re S ii i i i ` "" 3 8 P . 8 :IP AS �� R ve ' ? &sE l_i &gals 11 Sa a 66 p a &r�1 a s " :� ":av 1 A >: n 4 _ P' _ $ s E; i a ; &x I � g� 60 =;I 111111$ g ' s 4.... F R 0 4 Y N w w ' 8 gl a g bRr A Paz ..s=ings' °t �a�sa� s6 S " E $ k sr� a = __E_= n ''S d $ o= �? 1'. aas a ss� Ava';oir i $ I IMAP t 11 PM € 'A� D " w.S�F FP I 6 s S %IMgo ts ? " D bE 1 �� ■ S ¢$a J i. i 2 aF CO i "�� r ° °_ A. 1€ n� wseza ; • F $? E n N g� "5i i i � Pa �� e �a� . Y} i I N �Q x zsf� C ��9 ad2'd gi1 1 ?� v 1An51bXa m e �g's�� qy fn N $q ij p qggB K, G r O ' g # "�,x - N wg F . d . : ii PE. j ? ' p X) ° AU 0 err: g aaaoa a s " wC z D L ag vg ES aa z e 2 g ? 0 14 Z g. R P 4�i. D E ° e i€ O a 1 U Eii. V) 22 2222 7 PP g x u� 4 � F;5111/M $5,w$ ` F 1Ea9ag � 2 g i � g a= z P 6c -g8 "g FFF. E � � § g m "- i. �+ § 9 9 1 ; i o i g o gaa 4' • a 1 111111 ! I REV. DATE DLSO7�PT101 I ,e/7 /fS ADDED AT) -I, 2)-) g OTSEGO, MINNESOTA �9onesVDO SI Pao1 ^ ^ d ° " °° � 2335 West 1 ow.. ^� y 3 6 w di WEST WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY "A n=ene SLP2)d'MN55213 +%c�3 vm- d. Anteroki Phone : ,653.636.9600 _ ME NT S C HE 11 MS Fax: 651- 636 -1311 • EDUIPMENT SCHEDULES ............... .m. ..�..m al °' a Amen ^. rmo.x.7.....late. but no: m. my ' wu n Ramat L: y : . n ( Apr 20 2006 1:33PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.8 I 1 i ll 41: iZICE v AKE CONSTRUCTI . N GROUP November 15, 2005 - `' REVISED January 2, 2006 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates • 2335 W. Highway 36 St. Paul, MN 55113 ATTN. Stephen L. Alm, P.E 1 RE: Wastewater Treatment Facility — Otsego, MN RLCG Project No. 03 -16 BRA File No. 503 -02 -107 • Gentlemen. To provide the changes detailed in Proposal Request No. 21 results in an increase in contract amount of $10,974.00. This sum breaks down as follows: I Superintendent — 8 HRS @ $72.00 $ 576.00 .EIM $ "4,409.00 Chappell Central $ '5,284.00 Add'I Bonds & Insurances $ 220 00 Margin $ i 485.00 I Total $10,974.00 I PREMIER CONSil UJ TION SERVICES SINCE' ±1.984 1 ` I If you have any questions, or require additional information, do not hesitate to contact us • GENERAL CONTRA IpC • HMI' CONSTRUC p'' • INDUSTRIAL CONS L, UC:TIDN I • DESIGN/GUILD • CONSTRUCTION till VAJEMENT I i Since ly l ice k7)Cvn.tru'tio Group I 11 IL (• $i' 1 Wade J . -rd IPi Project M ; • -ger Co. RD 12, P.C. I- ox 517 DEERWOOD, MT fli i ill ` 6444 PHONE (218) 5.1 x :5519 Fax (218) 546 - x!16 � ( 6 1 1 Apr 20 2006 1 : 33PM BONES IRO° ROSENE F1NDERL I K 6516361311 P • 9 i i 12/28/') 15 14:32 7634793745 ELECT INST MAINT PAGE B1 ELEC1 I; .ICAL INSTALLATIO li p PROPOSAL DATE PROPOSAL & MAL TENANCE 1480 C011 1TY ROAD 90 MAPLE. PIVON, MN 55359 315 p1-10NE 7(1!H179-3744, FAX 479-3745 AN EQUAIII.. EMPLOYER III : I.vENERAL CONTRACTORS OTS1.100 W W T.P 11 1 111 DESCRIPTION TOTAL OTSE(1O yf WS) EX PRA I MATI7R1Aj • l'qt) 1.AROR TO WlItli NEW At 1-1 AND ( II-1 l'ILI( 'I- IN( I %IDES I !Ml' ( ( ) 4.410 DO f : i 1 1 : 1 1 1 I 1 1 , , .i. 1 • i , i TOTAL $4.410 09 I ' 11 I 1 III , 1 11 ' Apr 20 2006 1:33PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.10 1i1 I ii, 12/2B/'j F15 14:32 7634793745 ELECT INST MAINT PAGE 02 , `F • Sheetl ' OTSI 80 WWTP WEST EXTRA WORK 12/28/2005 Desc i tlon Gluanity Cost Malarial Firs per Ite Hours need I 1 MAT, DUAL & LABOR TO WIRE NEW ACU -1 & i CU-21. ?RICE INCLUDES TEMP. CONTROL i - 1 PO G - P R FROM LPBK1 -A P3 TO CU-3 UNIT 2 08 1' PH. - 3/4 F C 68 1.80 122.40 0.050 3,40 I j 3/4 F vC COUPL 3 0.55 1.65 0.060 0.18► 314 f C SWEEPS 3 2.20 ' I 6.60 0.250 0.76 { 314 f 9C SUPPORTS 8 2.50 t L 2C.00 0.150 1.20 314 �G HUBS 2 3.00 6.00 0.260 0.50 314 E SIC UNION 1 3 -00 .00 0.250 0.26 314 t E _1 14.00 14.00 0.250 0.25 3/4 •r 1 0 14.00 1 0.260 - 314 E`AL OFF 0 15.00 0.6Q0 - FS E C X& COVER 1 17.60 1 i .50 0,80 0.80 314 jOBUSHING 1 2.50 `•∎ 2.60 0.080 0.08 3/4 I t ASTIC BUSHING 3 0.08 •'k C,24 0,040 0.12 3/4 `E AL TITE 4 1,00 z .00 0.060 0.20 3/4 - ';F.AL TITE CONN ST. 1 3.00 :.00 0.100 0.10 3/4 , I 'AL TITE CONN 90 1 4.50 • .c .50 0.160 0.15 COi E DRILL (SMALL HOLE) 2 5.00 10.00 0.500 1.00 20 1 IP 2P BOLTIN CIRCUIT BREAKER 1 34.93 3/•.93 0,200 0.20 30 I ;P 2P HD NF NEMA 3R DISC. 1 65.00 65,00 ____ 1.000 1.00 #12 -IHN 240 0.11 ` ' 20.40 0.005 1,20 TE { ;ti I NATE 12 0.40 l . •I.80 0.060 0.72 PO =R FROM LPBK1 -A P TO ACU -1 UNIT ? - 20?. • 1 PH. . ' • 3l4r,3C 65 1.80 l 11''.00 0,050 3.25 3/4t - SC COUPL 3 0.55 1.65 0,060 018 i I 3/4 SC SWEEPS 3 2.20 .3.60 0.250 0.75 3/4 . SC SUPPORTS B 2.50 2).00 0.150 1.20 3/41 ISO HUBS 2 3.00 5.00 0.250 0,50 3/4! ,ISC UNION 1 3.00 ;, 3.00 0.250 0.25 3/4113 1 14.00 11.00 0.250 0.25 314 '� 0 14.00 '. 0.250 _ 3 /4GEAL OFF 0 15.00 0.600 - ; ! FS X & COVER 0 17.60 \1, - 0.800 - 314 1 2.60 ' ' 2.50 0.080 0.08 3/ + r PtLASTIC BUSHING 3 0.08 0.24 0.040 3/ 1 EAL TITE 4 1.00 ' 4.00 0.050 0.20 ,EAL TITE CONN ST. 1 3.00 k,? 3.00 0.100 0..10 31i l: 3 ,SEAL TITE CONN 90 1 4.50 4.60 0.150 0.15 C( f'-¢E DRILL (SMALL HOLE) 1 5.00 5.00 0.500 0.50 20 AMP 2P BOLTIN CIRCUIT BREAKER 1 34.93 :4.93 0.200 - 0.20 304 2P HD NF NEMA 3R DISC. 1 66.00 , L E 5.00 1.000 1.00 - -ec; R A - .'.5.7a 0.00 1.17 °r „��, 23 0,11 i inrn. _ - II Page 1 I i � l ■ 4 ; Apr 20 2006 1:37PM BONESTROO ROSENE RNDERLIK 6516361311 p.11 t11 12/28/.1, 14:32 7634793745 ELECT INST MAINT PAGE 03 II , Sheatl I ) 12 0.40 4.80 0.060 0.72 CON,iEIROL CIRCUIT FROM ACU -1 TO CU -3 ` t. - - 3/4 i ' 1 �1C 55 1.80 9f .00 _ 0.0.0 2.75 I 33/41 } COUPL 3 0,55 1.65 0.06'0 0,18 3/4 p�C SWEEPS 3 2.20 f .60 0.250 0.75 3/4 tIC SUPPORTS 6 2.50 1:.00 0.150 0.90 3/4 IC HUBS 2 3.00 E 0.250 0.50 3/4 tC UNION 1 3,00 ,k :•.00 0,250 0.25 3/4 AI C 1 14.00 , 14.00 0,250 0.25 . 3/4' 0 14.00 - - 0.250 - • 314 JAL OFF 0 15.00 - 0.600 - I I , FS It X & COVER - 1 17.60 1;'.50 0.800 DM 3/4 PNLIBUSHING 0 2.60 t - 0.080 - A 3/4 Igl BUSHING 2 0.08 (1.16 0.040 0,08 t,. 3/414,1 AL TITE 4 1.00 4.00 0.050 0.20 f 314 1i AL TITE CONN ST. 1 3.00 _ :1.00 0.100 0.10 314 I;AL TITE CONN 90 1 4.50 i 4,50 0.160 0.15 CO'' ' DRILL (SMALL HOLE) 2 5,00 ;'L' 11).00 0.500 1.00 t 1 41; � HN 195 0.08 1 0.005 0.98 TEI' INATE _ 6 0,40 :1.40 0.0f ) 0.36 ; ►� = - � COIYrROL CIRCUIT FROM T STAT TO ACU -1 L - - 3/4( ,ISC 18 1.80 32.40 0.050 0.90 314 .SC COUPL 3 0.55 ''k 1.66 0.060 0.18 S I 314iRSC SWEEPS 3 2,20 _ 3.60 0,260 0,75 314; RISC SUPPORTS 3 2.50 k 7.50 0.150 0.46 l 3/4�ij�- SC UNION SC HUBS 1 3.00 i 3.00 0.250 0.25 2 / �Itt i 1 3.00 ' 3.00 0.250 0.25 S 0 14,00 0.250 - t l. 3 4r 0 14.00 0.250 - 3/4 - EAL OFF 0 15.00 ; - 0.600 �� 1 17.50 17,50 0.800 0.B0 Fd X & COVER 1 0.080 - 3/IC�ND.BUSHING 0 2.60 3 / "�F LASTIC BUSHING 2 0.08 C 0.16 0.040 0.08 3P 1,i1EAL TITE 4 1.00 ,M 4.00 0.050 0,20 3/I i \ IEAL TITE CONN ST. 1 3.00 3.00 0.1 Q10 0.10 3/� :1EAL TITE CONN 90 1 4.50 L, 4.60 0.15' 0.15 C` F,E DRILL. (SMALL HOLD G.? IN,?b 'ALL T STAT (STAT BY MECH� 5.00 0.600 0.60 11HN 100 0.08 8.00 0.005 0.50 7f RIMINATE 8 0.40 3.20 0.060 0.48 i) _ - �r.` - 9111.40 37.66 T . ti .065% _ >2.49 , ." 15% r 1:4 - i M�► � ' ‘` 40:00 P`; 1 =;MIT 1 t �. Page 2 �� ag 1 ii ♦. it d. r I t . t Apr 20 2008 1:40PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.12 12/28/185 14: 32 7634793745 ELECT INST MAINT PAGE 04 9.: Sheetl 1 . Lab] &rate per hour 85 3,200.68 4,40E .78 ) Sub ' tal { ' Bon' ;,015% k Tot; iivlthout Targeting 4,40E .78 Tu • .ing -- d Tot; h th targeting taken off ; 4,40t1,78 l i lten with tax included I i i 1 4 , 401t.7B zt Tot With all Items ; BIG` �' tal _ A7401) 1:.11:,::'..3:• 00 I ! ji • 1 t I • • I 16 1 i I I ! 1 ' 1 I . 1 4 Page 3 . is ;il ,. 1 ' � Apr 20 2006 1:40PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.13 U i —n5 N it 411111111111111111.. 4"Ijmul' E f ; I Rion ILAtri. CONSTRUCTION ROUP 1 1 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET , T0: FRO M: Justin Kubisiak Wade Leonard COMPANY: DATE: 1 : Bonestroo 3/25/2005 . FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: S001 10 PHONE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: i . (218) 546 - 5519 i RE: FAX NUMBER:, Otsego, MN- VVV TF (218) 546 - 7016 i 1 1 , x URGENT 0 FOR REV{EW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY 1 NOTES /COMMENTS: . tf Justin, : We need to address this as soon as possible. t I 1 1 0I /i0 11 9101917981Z '0N x i dnoi0 }suo0 a>lei ao!J WV E:11 IH 900Z- 5Z -N'W 11 I; i1 • Apr 20 2006 1:43PM BONESTROO ROSENE A .6516361311 p.14 i1i. 93/2 / 18:58 7534793745 ELECT INST MAIN? PAGE @1/09 , ELECTRICAL. CTRICAL INSTALLATIQN & M AINTi IVANCF. CO 14SC County Road 90, Maple Plain, MN. 55359 •(763) 479 -3744 • FAX (763) 479.3745 Mao h 24 2005 - . Rice, i. ake Construction Group , Co. 1 J11. 12.,, P.O. Box 517 Deew;v�ood MN 56444 , Pito "(218) 546 -5519 , Fax 546 -7016 , AT", )'f; Wade J. Leonard ; Re: A astewater Treatment Facility - Otsego, ' MN (al a. mil'' it., 111.1.,CG Project No. 03 -16 �, Get Lli Linen I've r ceived the Change order on 3- 21 -05. ASC i working on their vtders to cDnfrm shipping dates so we ma,k it orrn all, of the schedule. One item was not addressed concerning the UV *mild*, EIM- #15. It's' my believe that there is a misunderstanding on who authorized this' when it was done, and what add I ti anal items were added as time progressed on the job. EIM did nottinitiate tiis wort but proceeded under they , irection of Bonestroo. The most important itera of all is that the work is still not complete and without furl. air review and understanding, what will we do 7 • Ott March 4 2004 Chad Westbrook faxed us a d etail ( 2 - pages) of conduit-wire layout for the ITV building. This layout and changes were based on using the WEDECO UV system and a layout for a future WEDECO and a couple of other small items. He explained that he already copied our man Earl in , I ' ttie field for rough in changes, both under slab and from ITV building to b upervisory panel in the Control Bldg. I've attached bath copies for your revacw_ Thera is a second date on the fax which was x copy sera to me by Earl on August 24 This was to discuss the add of the DO brier itoring system (U'1 8:9 /8/04) 1 and the deletion of the 2 - Ultrasonic level transducers (which were shown as deleted) in the UV Bldg. All of this detail and work was directed by Bonestroo & Assoc's, not by Elia We accommodated, with the notion of further detail to follow from Bonestroo. 1 ' n T.f you look on print EE301 in the SE corner, there is shalt. BftA identif.ed it as the EFFL Sampler and instructed us to provide a outlet and TSP 4- 20niA, wiring. Them was no .,envisions ibr conduit -wire in I contract. This is also noted in P'R #8 to extend conduit & wire from the simpler for power circuit. Can't have one without the other in this case! I I i j if you look at PR#8 again, you will see we priced another TSPnto SCP via conduit UV -B. Bonestroo also instructed us to .pull the sampler TSP in the same conduit. My detail in both PR#8 & EIM -15 reflect the work we were instructed to dolt n k. s i t li: ' 0[ /a) W. 9IOL9b58[Z ON Xd.i anar0 ' 1suo3iia1e1 B WV 9Z :II Ids 9002- 2Z -NVW 1 .; Apr 20 2006 1:45PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.15 $361(2005 18:58 76 4793745 ELECT INST MAINT PACE 82/89 1 a' page 2 if you look close on the new print, you can see a spare conduit to control, Building and the layout for the future WEDECO. Also .note the Air compressor added, we utilized a spar: 480V breaker for this as I I" instructed. Also look at t e 2- level transducer crossed out by lonestroo, We waited for direction until September 28` for this deduct. Again, we were directed to do ti is work, and the customer has a benefit of use for the UV system. In win,' , ELM has not completed all of this work and we await your complete and final review before we do. We h,Vieve in the accuracy and detail we have provided should allow you to grans us the $4585.00 that was subn��rt, ed on 10/06/04. ' I've tached supporting copies of information referenced above, EJN1/ i c‘'innot sign current Rice Lake Contracting change order until we have a rest masc. Thai f !L" -, • Paddock / t1M, project �, , ::.•.ti pp�� PL fit t}� � a Q. e1'0, fotama i 60 04 4 041 = C , � i P � I I. it I. ■ • • q I • f 01 /EO 1 i 910t96581Z '0N XI d nolo �1suo0:alfl 831 .M Wd 9Z: II I?]J 500Z- 9Z -Nd4I . it ef . t .. . . • Apr 20 2006 1:45PP1 BONESTROO ROSENE RNDE,RLIK 16516361311 91 • p. 16 83/ 2111 "t805 18:50 7634793745 ELECT INST MAINT • PAGE 83/09 i) I p M 8011E osEPll: RLIK 8916.3$1 1 i r a1- 04 2004 4.12P14 571lOQ R RIItiE fr 111S16 .,10.,., •� I b i .1• ti • •••••• • . 4 . . _ _ .., .. .. • , 1 /211 , ,,..;,; . . • i 1 �1+` � i • y . r, ,I 1 r `; ` 1 L 1 1 _ _.. 1 _- -• , 1 I 1 _ 1 It ' •1 ` ':: f ^. -i ...41a1116. ) 1 I It • i • l • . S iml, 11i • I 1 I1 , , \ _ - ■Vi did l - i 1 \ ;I. . . . \ �4 't1 1 1;Irc`. . triai41111 l 1 '' ,1 ' I. i \' \ 1 F ;1::93 11 1�i1�, P,1 " �F. • I t !', 1I1id cx'h 1\ 1 1 ■ ' , I' Il 1 ` ',j \ 1 e Si r it ` U ' t111 -it II 1 it / el i `` 1 111 1 1 ,1 • 1 1 ,�' ,•6 I `` , J .f '::Z .1. g ' 1 i � 1 1 I 1 1 .,:i , : 1 h;.. 1�at'.3 _ I1‘I tiI 1 • • q • 1 �''��_ -. — - -_ — _ = - -::; — _ " .._ _ =�-� tit1 1 11 . dv, i . - •1 • , . ., u ,.. r I ■ . - /. ...,,���• �_• `' .,,,,,1. •. • • .. r �1 1 • • ' 1! 1 • �!S^Ibd� deE =80 00 *E *nu . I. tv a syse65goEt i 1 01 /0 � 910L97991Z ' ON X d dnoao •}suoO a to a�!N 1d J 9Z :1I Ili 5002- 9Z - dW Id, i ri. • • ' Rpr 20 2006 1:49PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.17 X1 j 63/24,16e5 18:50 7634793745 ELECT SNST I+IQINT PAGE 04/69 1 1 Iv 04 e004 4 :1SPM RUfIESTRQ0 AGSENE AMOERLIK S6fBJStS11 P• I ti) Tof.'s • ••••• 3 • • . t ' 1 i ,''' N ! . ' t', �., • .1 - �� d• '. ''. ,, 1 14 4 I s, Y1 � I ' � 11 \tR l ea 1 1 wet , 1 - �' I F III - i c - !` 1 s, • 'il . 11 .." • '� I . r-� 1 111 -- �1 1 i I �. WW11T ' .1 d ; Y j 1 I/ 1 )1 I 1 A � 1 1 1 "1 i 11 1 , r ,t, t ,, _... iFil i..: P : k f 4 1 i 1 gm . 1 1 II 1 \ ;f, •. p i -; E. it sw-,,,,, el ?a t •• 1 1 1,,.i:'.1 mo 1 svrAIL • 1 4 I I I ;I I . i 4; - . 1�:. =� 1 �• y '' 1 amoel {' 1 Ii ` 1 w 1 1 S 1 �! , 1 I II II 1 �. ��.. ON. 1 II _ I �I I I 1 ' .:, Jip . l'' 11 i l I II I I . 1 . A I 1 01 ": i l , li 1 111 II 'IC 1 I s Ili t 1 11!l ;I,'II.I ila 1 _ ,i 1 i . , II-. ,. illi j it —:.fin, � ` 1 -,r+� II •{I ,-+• •µ •_ . ..1� ' Ii . •}=c- ;1+•: • -,.7.0 e•.r,, ••.: E 1'T•d 909Z3S2®ZE Amass-Win d60'EQ PD ti Anti ' 4 {f : 41 01/90 'iti, 9I0L9 i t 9 1Z ' ON x d noa0 'isuo d e4e1 apiH Wv 12 11 Ili 9002- 5Z -IUW Apr 20 2006 1:52PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.18 03/2 1 ELECT INST MAINT PAGE 05/09 l�'�805 18 7634793745 ry11 111), G � • �� , ';,11tYU4 Wt U VD; 44 rn 51102. LlihL bUrl I 111ttr iiy,p Sa9q Nashua Ave �B _ ' L PR OPOSAL REQUEST i't NO. 0000S *sheik Ii., Otstga,MN 53330-731l y ;rue 163,441.4414 try 0ticlvmaai eft 763441 4413 -•- S IZE: DO Sonsor Additions PATE: 9/31 004 ti WWTF West J O B : 503 P94,i aJ1�CT: Otsego '1 t Attn: Wade Loonard COrI TRAC• ' NOt 503 -02 -107 Bice Lake Construction Group 22361] County Road 12 • i p.O. Pox 5t7 poerwood, MN 56444 Phone: 218- 546 -5519 Fax: 29 544016 1 .l6 9CIt1PYl Olq OF PROPOSAL j ai ! submit en Itemised quotation fbf changes in The Centred Muni endlor Time inoidentel to propose lmudlliiaotimul to the C r tract Documents described herein. '1 1 ' t515 NOT A, CMANOB ORDER NOR ADI PROCEED Wlr11T4 WORKOBSCttiRUO1.IERBIN. lilt ;ionise= (Wrttren dssaripttOno[Uta Wort) , ,'meld Elemiall lnstellntion: I .. e'vide a dissolved oxygen (00) sensor in the UV building. Lambda; rho ewer In the combined em Isfl t channel whore the now 1 titres the building mar the south well. Construct It support to be mounted on the south wall which slid ws the 1.10 sealer m be • it 'laved Par atoning. Support may be *lmilr to detail 11/CC301 with Mc support sack:red to the well instead ether-oiling. ✓ the DO all neer mtscnitlor io the cibogrd ibt punt. ': re t may he pulled n the some c as the t welt n tine sampler mct the a trOn Isrrt Om power y +' . I° r curt •"• r • c'svide the sensor gable in ire' • conduit from rho sensor to tits lrtutstrdtler. "' l t: vide (1 giC#16sh1d cable Dom the transmitter to SCP1. trxtutd t1V -B watir4i" conduit 10 Me trolly finer Core %.....-, 11, • DO Foneor be monitatcdbytlle P in SCPl. o f i• gramtaimp ■ • r 4 6YIde n d thg on rho bui ders noreen fbre ri0. A etmul b uuo a ct+tlt be i al dcd wntv4 ithiob mode "licks Brunet tit O 'v., edEnq ". t Mess 1Ms sfmulatedb l ulton ie Miekod on, a d leplay shall stew the 1)D l Vel trtoesararttll u11me stump• The tims ' • t` no e hail state the date and tuna that dio DO ttiwuremcnt Ives tams. ; ' DO rave( mosltlitfeptotttand lime slump shah rvtnatn displayed on the computer sateen until Me tier ultliad heron !a elicited on ar,' fain At that that the wren D0 level meesurotrwnt and tat o stomp shall be displayed, The oompUtvY dtett nutdiatt ►ny aninrcommienily updated DO hived en the semen. Only the Do level to sesnn:mbat and time stamp at ti o time the simulated button was clicked shall be displayed. ■ i 'I ha computer shall not log them levels in ahistorlted trend et tacit, s ii .r ,,_ '1 "ettr propood should be provided to thte office at Me earliest possible data but no later than= Jul no 2t*1 to allow for review frier to negot atioe. After ztC Ipt oryour proposal you will be txntecoul to establish ,speolfia t tvnlact m Ids iwtions. q Y ur eosl 1: Deal tad supporitng docuraa►dia may be (raced w 651496.131 out to this 410. Ph:oso . L B'YI I Wads; Leonard • rate . 01/90 .i 910L9t '0N Xd.1 dno,J0 'lsuo , :a>le1 a3 i21 WV L', 12fJ 500- 9 —?1 Al 1 . . Apr 20 2006 1:54PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.19 e3/44'2885 18 :50 7634793745 ELECT INST MAINT PAGE 06/09 .- - tom ' ET C ICAL INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE C � . ber )nvo)rtt4e ElM - A m 1 480 : 1' DUTY ROAD 90 , M,4F1;4 PLAIN MN, 55359 . BIII To:, x. I 511L' ATT'N: /ADE LEONARD Ira) ° to* Tern15 * I 1 i 61A . RIDE T KS CONTRACTING (�(1, JOB: 'SEWO WEST W,W.T.P. !016!2(1, ;�i.. • f a.A% lk " s Mett ,_.1 Cceot iJ' LN 44! material roacciptiop / OunAnityl C ,0141,..! CONb6 /T /DELFTE7 BA,N; SAN2 -S 0.4 90.o . .7s BA i SC1 $P.P , GAT-A. O. QO ��� D i 2 C' REVISIONS P.R. OW /BRA DURING APRIL '"- 0.00; $ ROUGY.-IN AT UV EL0G. 0 .00 40.00 4 DEDUCT T F4LL0 @7ING, SHOWN 014 1 a �e -F[04 r j . EE.901 (N + °'�' -4S -06 (47.65)' � ......... 5 ] 060 V -3 /4 840 CONDUIT 4 .0 IS - 6 3 075,9 PV -3/4 FE- ADAPTER 7 41 .;3742 GP. -3/ GR -E O -90 LLS -6.00' -6.00 ($33.62) $2 ($ 3 .2) 8 ],;3722 CR -3/9 GR- COUPLING -7 0 (12.32) 9 1. :4850 LO-3/4 LOCXWITT3 . 10 7 .i 487D LO -•3/4 GASH- 1-NUT5 - - 7 0: 5) -7 .00 ( 145. 11 7 534 BU -3/4 INS GRD IIOSHING _-7.00 12 $3.64) ] PV -1 540 co cON1 UTT 15.0 ($ 1 .65) ]3 9477104 PV -1 FE ADAPTER -(81 1d GR-'1 GRC -90 -ELLS 4.00 ($3:.41) -4.00 ($3:.11) 15 ,.r 3724 GR�•1 GR- COUPLING -2.00 (17.11) i 1D ' 4851 10 LoC7L'NUTS -2. 0;0 ($1(.12) 17 i : 536 BU -1 IN5 GRD BUSKING 1a 1 5'16 BU -1 PLiASTIC EU511ING • -2.00 -8.00 ($1;.761) ($C.97) 19 (.! 6168 61: -1/2 C.EALT :TE -UA -8.00 ($1:. 30 I i G222 0E -^1/2 INS- 8T--CONN 21 , 8188 WC- THRN -5TRP. #12 - 155.;00 ($(.51) 22 r ' 819D 473- THHN -STRA 410 - 130.* ($10.82) / °A4r61' QQ 2 r � g Y t+11 1 53'10 SIG SHIELDED - 1E - 2 .70.'00 (57: - 36.00 ($. SCl• a 7 rli' 4 4714 ,� Av S. E CaNDUITS TO MIME V 0 :00 ! ; /�' !' 'gU j ( CONTROL PANEL AREA ( 480V -PWP • / ' CGNTPOL / 'SIGNAL 1 �d!"""'O. U .� �„ 0 110. D0 27 ' INSTALL J -H0X'5 ON EAST 4 LL TO . n n t' :00 MIl3.CO v °+w 28 4020 J8 2 -8Xtx6 NEP1A - 2.00 ::3.50 29 ; 4039 KO -3/4 LABOR ON1Y 1 70 30 r ;10801 PV -3/4 S40 =MIT 1 ,.00 ;)1, 10$.00 :11. 4' :. } 31 h '1060Z 7V - 540 C0NWVIT 1000 ;4.73 L1060!!. PV -2 540 CiSNl?UI7 2:00 10.91 •'� » 33 1110755 PV -3/4 FE- ADAPTER 2'.00 i1.9 34 H10760 PV -1 FE- ADAPTER ;100 $ [G63 35 ;` 10753 PW2 FE-ADAPTER zD p:.. 4�1 363: 3142 6A -3/4 GRC -90 -•ELLS 240 Z . 00 $16.211 \ 37 it: 3744 GR -1 GRC- 90 -E Z ' ,00 $45.01 38 ]. 3750 GR - 2 GRC - - ELLS 2.00 ;4.68 3,91.' 4052 KO -3/4 K4 PLUGS 2.00 95.7 40 I _f $054 KO-1 Ica ELUG9 z: $1 41' 4060 KO -2 KO PLUGS i _ i i . ) t; i• OT/L0 9IOL9b98T '0N RI ' �suo3 81p1 a�;a WV LZ :II IH 900Z- 5z -HVW Apr 20 2006 1:5SPM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.20 83/24/6 18:50 7634793745 ELECT INST MAIN' PAGE 07/09 ' IL . 1 ■ ► C.O. Number Invo{ceNO OA - 14 L;LECTAXAL rASTALLAT'ION & MAINTENANCE 1480 CI`� UNT? ROAD 90 MAPL44:i ',LAT,N MN, 55359 , Bill To: 1 ATTN: tnl bE LEONARD --. 4 . 9 i e pde 6 RICE LA'1.1; CQNTRAC1'ING �� • $.4, JOB: OT�pL GO WEST W.W. T n s P.O. 10A3/2001 Num ' 8+. 10A3/200' ` /0.0 Ajet&# 0t ' 44 F i �� ; ; ADD C ?�S:c:UITTtY £Ot> SAMPLER: { 220V ' 0 .00 . I' . & •. -2, `5 0 �;. 17S 5CP1 1.00 48.50 45 I pee DP2 -20A BlIN DPLX- LE4"STON 1.00. $2.06 46 I 14188 PL -7.C, 3$ DUPLEX PrLATE 1.00 41.11 41 I 10Z AL -L /4 AL CONDUIT 30.x0'. $;:0.90 48 I 308 HA.-.t./4 MIN'ERALLAC 2.00, $0.64 4 0 0•;'1 o�.64 49 I 1 120 AN- 1/4X2 LOCK -BOLT .44 45.00: 82 50 I � wC- TMEN -6TRA #17 245.00 c,4 51 1 ']10 SIG- SHIELDED -16 -2 9.0t7..i 51.20 52 F ` E • ' 6 . Y ` � , PHV BAN1 .-A (480V POWER) TO UV 0.0 $0.00 , CONTROL PANEL) VAS 2 -30AMP 3P NO 1 -60A4 - " ' 00 55 E' 1 ' ' BREAKER CHANGE (% - CREDIT) 1.00 4495. • 56 1 6194 16C -T147 N -STRA X16 91.00 923. 90.00 45.37 9B i 57 I 0192 WC- THHN -STRA #8 8.00 1;1.37 I ' 7 SE BAN -8 & 6CP -• TO CoN'N. 0_00 $0.00 LIGHT RANIG TO CONTROL PANEL 0.00 $ 0.00 61 C ...D J-BOX TO CONNECT LIGHT SANK - `'` 5 1.00 $48,53 62 1 ..'96 .t 8 -SCREW coVP:R'12X12X6 .or0 $2,00 63 1 043 KO -2 LhSOR ONLY 4,00! $9.00 64 I ` ?d4 NI -GR- NIPPLE 2 X CL 00, 523 2 14. 2 63 1 1858 LO -2 LOCXNUTS $6 2 2 66 2 `522 DU-2 PLASTIC EvsHING 4.0i E7 F ! PULL 3i /8c#17.4 CABLES 640.00; y5 40 68 F TLP.M' a s IDENTIFY *114 256.0;0' $12 60 0. d'0 oq PULL B / 2a416 'PIP $3 60 36 1G. Q 0 $0 to 70 F TERM'd a IDENTIFY - - -- I Matetlal $660 25 I „ c --a..m�mc.mr..- vvvC� -.-•. OC= $660.25 Matcrisl Tothl ,i Labor i C s*. I iii. r Cost $3,086.94 Labo.- �s ®r rc� - mTota l_aa�nmrac=.D.G==-=- =eam��= $3,086.94 i Labor Total Job Ei'1'ense cost Cyst ` .Iob E h'' @nee Destr„iptiOA \ Sj�evil ]� zrmtiLanr.c $108.04 nquiP� 9�'Y'ucks /Too $ 96.30 As -S1 ,):t Drawings .: ano:c� 'gsu a 4 e l ao !N WV SZ; It I8� 9002- 5 -�'�W 0I /80 it:: t i 9I0L9 ON XV2 i Apr 20 2006 1:58PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.21 031212005 19:50 7634743745 ELECT 11 MA`TNT PAGE 06/09 u l J . . (ELE p C. Number lnvolCeNv E1M -14 � '1{ icAL INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE . I ncl I BOUNTY R OAD 90 , MA] f ]E PLAIN MN, 5535 M l 'i Bill T AT ..1 LEONARD k. I RIC 'I. KE CONTRACTING JOB: 6TSEOO WEST W.W. T iDJG1 erns F.O. Numpel ' .... -_; ., 4 : is.7a Pold . �1on41 zupervission - - ---- & Jd1J F.•kp4nac __... rrNS� va�vPV��..,.Y_lQC�.��. ---= �,no�.n.rmrr.r� mr i $3,969.4 Labor + Mmterial Tota • pvg- dread /Prafi.t /Miac Expense /Quote zt9rC cost 10.0011 4$95.94 Ov�,•�t�act r 5.00'0 5..10..2 Rro. let 1 414,594.7", Total Tnvoi.C�7 r: s dr. OM . Jh •.r. ,'4$4." °1 , d t \.: '''.• . . 'I i ■ " I/ , 01/60 1' 91OL9698IZ '0N X'�J dnoJO ��suo0 a>lei a3!el Wy 8 :1T 121.E 9002- 5Z -�dW 1 ,t \ ;_ .. .. Apr 20 2006 2:02PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 6516361311 p.22 III R 11i NI . . Kum l,;Justin P From: Kubisiak, Justin P Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:10 AM To: 'markpaddock @citlink.net' Subject: FW: Otsego West WWTP: EIM #15 revised , fyi JUSTIN ' Bonestro , Rosene, Anderlik & Associates Office: 6, ;967 -4614 Cell: 651. ,r 2 -7729 E -mail: jk ut►isiak @bonestroo.com i ---- Origir Message From: \Wiie Leonard [mailto:Wade_Leonard @ricelake.org] ' Sent: Fric;j April 01, 2005 10:59 AM To: Alm, ,ilephen L Cc: Kubi; i,.k, Justin P , Subject: I A : Otsego West WWTP: EIM #15 revised Is this co -oct? lI • C Wade Origir lI Message From: MI Paddock [ mailto:markpaddock @citlink.netj Sent: Fri ay, April 01, 2005 9:32 AM To: Leon r, Wade Subject: ptsego West WWTP: EIM #15 revised Wade John Carisn and Justin from Bonestroo have called me and discussed this EIM -15. I I agreed .a deduct as follows: Origini:I , 4585.00 Deduc; -1845.00 Revised Ic'tal: $2740.00 to Rice Lake Contracting '' Justin sti e d that he would walk this through and notify you ASAP as to the outc re. ' ,I Please k�4lc'p me posted. I• 1 Thanks 1 • Mark Pa(ticck / EIM 1 � j 1 11:; i Apr 20 2006 2:02PM BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 16516361311 p.23 . r ii ELECT INST MAINT PAGE ©9/09 H3/2 J;2005 18:50 7634793745 ___ ... J r ul L!I'VJ l IL II kJt. IUI Ill v.. l.l■■• vv....... yr r...• II, Pg 4 r'i li si A.18 ON& MSCE • 1 . f i I I 'PhoA4i ��� II �-4 70/ t �,/ • • l''' ates Mark Paddock 1 EIM Mt (r): 763,47947 1 ______ v)e.iic ID. Arii__ _ spbjcctt • },r I t I .. l ..r. a.. Y /y t t. '4.. '— 41 , VA _ - . i ri h b1Q / I i,' i i 3 5 „L e/ 44 >) . fflogwari - . • Nit 1 g 1.r 0 teiru Orel" A 441 ea4o A g ra. us , tiAllt 94 04082 i° 1 �, ■ I1 ti OI /OI jib 910/.917S82 ON XV. dnolD 1 suo3 aln aoij wv H:u INJ soot- 9 Z -NdW ITEM 5_1 CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 24, 2006 TO: Judy Hudson Attached is the Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register 04 -12 -2006 $; 04 -20 -2006 $' 125,816.20 PAYROLL 04 -12 -2006 $ 33,940.87 GRAND TOTAL $ 541,246.60 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Kathy Grover Bookkeeper CITY OF OTSEGO 04/12/06 8:17 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register© APRIL 2006 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF $8,485.00 ADMIN - MAY UnPaid BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLI $29,984.86 WEST WWTF, PHASE 1 UnPaid BUFFALO BITUMINOUS $49,424.93 M. CIVER AVE & 70TH STREET UnPaid DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTING, $260,152.75 101,37,42 W/S BORINGS & JACKINGS UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $537.31 PRE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 UnPaid JERRY OLSON $2,500.00 3/26/06 THRU 4/8/06 - 50 HRS UnPaid OERTEL ARCHITECTS $27,200.19 PUBLIC WORKS STUDY UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREME $3,204.49 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 Total Checks $381,489.53 FILTER: None • • • • CITY OF OTSEGO 04/12/06 8:17 AM Page 1 *Check Detail Register APRIL 2006 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Unpad BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MN E 250 - 42410 -123 Health $3,773.00 BLDG - MAY E 101- 43100 -123 Health $1,272.00 PW -MAY E 101 -41400 -123 Health $2,698.00 ADMIN - MAY E 101- 41600 -123 Health $742.00 FIN - MAY Total BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MN $8,485.00 Unpaid ARM %C0.A BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK �~ E 432 - 43256 -302 Engineering Fees $18,524.81 128776 EAST WWTF, PHASE 3 E 430- 43256 -302 Engineering Fees $11,460.05 128777 WEST WWTF, PHASE 1 Total BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK $29,984.86 Unpaid BUFFALO BITUMINOUS E 427 -43100 -530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $49,424.93 PAY 7 MACIVER AVE & 70TH STREET Total BUFFALO BITUMINOUS $49,424.93 Unpaid DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTING, INC. E 444-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $260,152.75 PAY 1 101,37,42 W/S BORINGS & JACKIN Total DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTING, INC. $260,152.75 Unpaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST E 101 -41400 -121 PERA $192.31 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 G 101 -21705 Other Retirement $345.00 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $537.31 — Unpaid JERRY OLSON E 250 - 42410 -390 Contracted Services $2,500.00 3/26/06 THRU 4/8/06 - 50 HRS Total JERRY OLSON $2,500.00 Unpaid OERTEL ARCHITECTS E 441 -43100 -302 Engineering Fees $27,200.19 #7 PUBLIC WORKS STUDY Total OERTEL ARCHITECTS $27,200.19 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101 - 41600 -121 PERA $194.05 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 E 101 -41400 -121 PERA $305.51 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 G 101 -21704 PERA $1,532.58 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 E 250 - 42410 -121 PERA $649.04 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 E 101 -43100 -121 PERA $523.31 PPE 4/8/06 CH DTD 4/12/06 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $3,204.49 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $381,489.53 Fund Summary 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER 101 GENERAL FUND $7,804.76 250 BUILDING PERMIT FEES $6,922.04 427 MACIVER /70TH ST ACCESS $49,424.93 430 West Trtmnt Plant -Phase 1 $11,460.05 432 East WWTP Phase III $18,524.81 441 Otsego City Campus $27,200.19 444 SE Utilities Project $260,152.75 $381,489.53 7 CITY OF OTSEGO 1 04/20/06 s.o AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register©' APRIL 2006 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AARON STRITESKY $64.16 CANDY FOR EASTER EGG HUNT UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION $610.50 MARCH PORTA RENTALS UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $23.05 ACETYLENE, OXYGEN UnPaid AVENET, LLC $54.00 EMAIL ACCTS - DAVE & LISA UnPaid BRAUN INTERTEC $2,359.75 EAST WWTF CONST TESTING UnPaid CIVIC SYSTEMS, LLC $9,525.00 W/S BILLING SOFTWARE - CONVERSION/T UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMEN $310.04 SUPPLIES FOR TRAILER UnPaid CUSTOM TRUCK ACCESSORIES $578.18 RUNNING BOARDS UnPaid DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY $10,623.80 1ST1QTR 2006 BLDG SURCHARGE UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $685.13 CLEAN UP DAY AD UnPaid ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIE $8,000.00 TEMP OVERHEAD LINE QUANTRELLE UnPaid EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES IN $725.41 PW - MAY UnPaid FASTENAL COMPANY $443.86 FIRE EXTING & FIRST AID KITS UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTE $555.81 UNIFORMS UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $359.60 LOCATE TICKETS UnPaid GREG BRANKOW $20.71 RE FUND OF OVER PAYMENT UnPaid HALLMAN OIL COMPANY $1,729.78 GASOLINE FUEL UnPaid JACQUIE ROGNLI $900.00 MAR/APR OTSEGO VIEW UnPaid KATHY ROBERTS $242.00 ADS FOR EASTER EGG HUNT UnPaid MARTIES FARM SERVICE INC $251.34 SUNNY GRASS SEED FOR PARKS UnPaid MENARDS $184.81 REPAIRS SUPPLIES LILYPOND PARK InPaid MICHAEL R BRUMM $154.89 GIFT CARDS /CANDY - EASTER EGG HUNT UnPaid MINNEGASCO $85.19 13620 95TH STREET UnPaid MN POLLUTION CONTROL $2,900.00 EAST WWTP ANNUAL PERMIT UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $235.00 ANIMAL CONTROL UnPaid NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSUL $750.00 CSA 42 PROJECT UnPaid OFFICEMAX $2,408.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES UnPaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $45,667.00 MONTHLY SERVICE UnPaid REED BUSINESS INFORMATION $589.36 2006 STREET MAINT PROJ UnPaid SCHARBER & SONS $247.10 COIL FOR CHAINSAW UnPaid SPRINT $153.65 MONTHLY LAP TOP SERVICE UnPaid SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. $27,165.76 PARKS CONSULTING UnPaid TEENCY THE CLOWN $150.00 EASTER EGG HUNT UnPaid TIM ROCHEL $639.90 MILEAGE FOR AMBO UnPaid TIRE CENTERS $32.23 FLAT REPAIR ON SWEEPER UnPaid TOSHIBA AMERICA INFO SYS IN $211.83 TOSHIBA COPIER UnPaid VIRGINIA GOUGHNOUR $68.99 FLOWERS FOR EASTER EGG HUNT UnPaid WRIGHT- HENNEPIN CO -OP ELE $5,171.00 MONTHLY MAINT (APRIL) UnPaid XCEL ENERGY $130.65 8899 NASHUA AVE UnPaid ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC $1,055.42 BROOM REFILLS Total Checks $126,063.30 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 04/20/06 9:07 AM Page 1 *Check Detail Regis APRIL 2006 Check Amt Invoice Cominent 10100 BANK — �/w���w���T��mr----------------�------'----------- -------- s 101-45250~440 Recreation Programming $64.16 A NDY FOR EASTER EGG HUNT Total uAmOwSTRrrEnmY $64.16 Unpaid -- ---�� -- ------- �����c�� ' ----'-------------------- --- ---'----- E 101-*5250~*10 Rentals (GENERAL) $610.50 5792 mARC*PORTA RENTALS Total AFFORDABLE SANITATION $e10.e0 • ���� __---____-_____'__ , __-______— �-���_~ ~_~ GAS, INC. E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $23.05 105400705 ACETYLENE, OXYGEN Total AIRGAS, INC. $23.05 r '' ' ~--��------~~~-~� --- E 250-42410-390 Contracted Services $54.00 11934 EMAIL ACCTS - DAVE & LISA Total AVENET, LLC $54.00 E 475-43100-302 Engineering Fees $200.00 253513A WATERFRONT EAST CONST TESTING E 432-43256-302 Engineering Fees $1.337J5 259294 EAST WWTF CONST TESTING E 432-43256-302 Engineering Fees $822.00 260057 EAST WWTF CONST TESTING • Total BRAUN INTERTEC $2,359.75 npaid CIVIC SYSTEMS, LLC E 602-49450-390 Contracted Services $4,762.50 Cvc3213 W/S BILLING SOFTWARE - CONVER E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $4.762.50 cvo3213 W/S BILLING SOFTWARE - CONVER Total CIVIC SYSTEMS, LLC $9,525.00 73 __ ___ _-_-_- � 1o1-*a1oo`ooa Supplies - General $ou*sn 116991 SUPPLIES FOR TRAILER E 101'43180'210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $25.51 116991 CI-1OPDAWOLADEG Total CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $310.04 Un ----------------- i§ia���lmC --- E 250-42410-501 Equipment $289.09 243585 RUNNING BOARDS E 250-42410-501 Equipment $289.09 2*412* RUNNING BOARDS Total CUSTOM TRUCKACCESSORIES INC . $578.18 Unpaid FLABOR & INDUSTRY IL G 250-21801 BUILDING PERMIT SURCHARGE $10.623.80 QTR 2006 BLDG SURCHARGE Total DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY $10.623.80 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $97.30 2101*0 LEGAL 'ASSESSMENTS E 101-43620-390 Contracted Services $uomJs 210271 CLEAN UP DAY AD E 101-43100-350 Pnnuainmno(GswsRxL) $281.*8 210*97 2006 STREET MAINT E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $55.*0 e10*98 P,UBLIC HEARING Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $685.13 ■ Unpaid ----- ELIZRIVIR UTILITIES E 475-43100-322 Utilities $8,000.00 15433 TEMP OVERHEAD LINE QUANTRELLE Total ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $8,000.00 ~.."~.. INC E 101-41400 -123 Health $242.94 Aom|w'MAY E 101-41600-123 Health $3*.65 - MAY E 250-42410-123 Health %e96.*1 BLDG - MAY s1o1-*n1m-1xa Health $151.41 P,w'MAY CITY OF OTSEGO 04/20/06 9:07 AM • Page 2 *Check Detail Register© APRIL 2006 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES INC $725.41 FASTENAL COMPANY E 101- 43100 -203 Supplies - General $252.27 MNELK4730 SUPPLIES - SAFETY EQPT E 250- 42410 -310 Miscellaneous $1.91.59 MNELK4787 FIRE EXTING & FIRST AID KITS Total FASTENAL COMPANY $443.86 Unpaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM �,,...�.._......,...,�..,_�.. �a .. �..., �. ,...�.....,.._�..,,.,...�.,�,_ E 101 - 43100 -225 Uniforms $78.85 1043160870 UNIFORMS E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $99.97 1043165855 MATS E 101 - 43100 -225 Uniforms $114.92 1043165856 UNIFORMS E 101 -43100 -225 Uniforms $81.98 1043170768 UNIFORMS E 101- 41'940 -390 Contracted Services $99.97 1043176006 MATS E 101 - 43100 -225 Uniforms $80.12 1043176007 UNIFORMS Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $555.81 Unpaid M _b�� GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC • E 250 - 42410 -310 Miscellaneous $359.60 6030681 LOCATE TICKETS Total GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $359.60 R 101 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenues $20.71 REFUND OF OVER PAYMENT Total GREG BRANKOW $20.71 HALLMANOILCOMPANY��* �. E 101 -43100 -202 Gas & Oil $505.60 178658 GASOLINE FUEL E 101 - 43100 -202 Gas & Oil $1,224.18 178659 DIESEL FUEL Total HALLMAN OIL COMPANY $1,729.78 Unpaid JACQUIE ROGNLI E 101- 41400 -347 Newsletter $900.00 2006 -02 MAR/APR OTSEGO VIEW Total JACQUIE ROGNLI $900.00 Unpaid KATHY ROBERTS *- - E 101- 45250 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $242.00 ADS FOR EASTER EGG HUNT Total KATHY ROBERTS $242.00 Unpaid �� s MARTIES FARM SER INC *-- . ,.,. ...M..,, -'m, E 101- 45200 -310 Miscellaneous $251.34 SUNNY GRASS SEED FOR PARKS Total MARTIES FARM SERVICE INC $251.34 — E 101 - 45200 -310 Miscellaneous $32.73 50765 REPAIRS SUPPLIES LILYPOND PARK E 250 - 42410 -525 Building Improvements $152.08 51019 OFC REMODEL Total MENARDS $184.81 Unpaid MICHAEL R BRUMM CA CARDS/CANDY E 101-45250-440 Recreation Programming $1;,Y.V9 GIFT GIFT - EASTER S � ��. EGG ��,., Total MICHAEL R BRUMM $154.89 E 101- 41950 -322 Utilities $85.19 13620 95TH STREET Total MINNEGASCO $85.19 Unpaid POLLUTION CONTROL E 415 - 43251 -310 Miscellaneous $1,450.00 4400043473 EAST WWTP ANNUAL PERMIT E 430 - 43256 -310 Miscellaneous $1,450.00 4400043535 WEST WWTP ANNUAL PERMIT Total MN POLLUTION CONTROL $2,900.00 CITY OF OTSEGO 04/20/06 9:07 AM Page 3 *Check Detail Register© APRIL 2006 Check Amt Invoice Comment Unpaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL E 101 - 42710 -390 Contracted Services $235.00 598 ANIMAL CONTROL Total MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $235.00 , Unpaid NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING E 485 -43100 -301 Legal Services $750.00 13117 CSAH 42 PROJECT Total NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING 5750.00 - ----- Unpaid OFFICEMAX 4- E 101- 41400 -201 Office Supplies $77.79 150664 OFFICE SUPPLIES E 250 - 42410 -570 Office Equip and Furnishings $1,976.71 717320 FURNITURE FOR REMODEL E 101 - 41400 -201 Office Supplies 5136.06 854906 OF SUPPLIES E 101 - 41400 -201 Office Supplies $79.77 865651 XEROX PAPER L E 101 - 41400 -201 Office Supplies $105.86 998280 OFFICE SUPPLIES E 250- 42410 -570 Office Equip and Furnishings $32.21 998280 BLDG OFC SUPPLIES I. Total OFFICEMAX $2,408.40 Unpaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. ■ E 601 - 49400 -390 Contracted Services $14,661.39 10436 MONTHLY SERVICE E 602 -49450 -390 Contracted Services $31,005.61 10436 M SERVICE Total PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $45,667.00 Jnpaid REED BUSINESS INFORMATION • E 101 -43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $127.20 3215883 2006 STREET MAINT PROJ E 203 - 45210 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $167.48 3215884 BIDS FOR 3 NEW PARKS E 101-43100-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $127.20 3229284 2006 STREET MAINT PROJ E 203 -45210 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $167.48 3229285 BIDS FOR 3 NEW PARKS Total REED BUSINESS INFORMATION $589.36 Unpaid SCHARBER & SONS k E 101- 43100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply (GENERAL) $51.01 351601 COIL FOR CHAINSAW E 101 -43100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply (GENERAL) $196.09 4141 WATER PUMP Total SCHARBER & SONS $247.10 ate.: �. ..... . .� . _ _ .� . _� .. .� ._ Unpaid SPRINT E 250- 42410 -320 Telephone $153.65 MONTHLY LAP TOP SERVICE Total SPRINT $153.65 Unpaid :� .,..A .., ,_ SRF CO NSULTING GROUP, INC. ! � E 203 -45210 -390 Contracted Services $27,165.76 5521 -6 PARKS CONSULTING Total SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. $27,165.76 U „----------- paid TEENCY THE CLOW E 101- 45250 -440 Recreation Programming $150.00 EASTER EGG HUNT Total TEENCY THE CLOWN $150.00 Unpaid TIM ROCHEL R m E 250 - 42410 -360 Education/Training /Conferences $25.65 CONFERENCE MEALS E 250 - 42410 -321 Mileage/Travel $93.45 MILEAGE FOR AMBO E 250 - 42410 -310 Miscellaneous $101.49 BLDG DEPT TOOLS E 250 -42410 -321 Mileage/Travel $106.80 MILEAGE FOR ISTS E 250 -42410 -525 Building Improvements $132.51 OFC REMODEL E 250 -42410 -320 Telephone $180.00 PHONE - JAN THRU MAR Total TIM ROCHEL $639.90 Unpaid TIRE CENTERS • E 101- 43100 -400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $32.23 2790037194 FLAT REPAIR ON SWEEPER Total TIRE CENTERS $32.23 CITY OF OTSEGO 04/20/06 9:07 AM Page 4 *Check Detail Registe -© APRIL 2006 Check Amt Invoice Comment I Unpaid TOSHIBA AMERICA INFO SYS INC E 101- 41400 -413 Office Equipment Rental $211.83 44385724 TOSHIBA COPIER Total TOSHIBA AMERICA INFO SYS INC $211.83 Unpaid VIRGINIA GOUGHNOUR � .,..._....- E 101 - 45250 -440 Recreation Programming $68.99 FLOWERS FOR EASTER EGG HUNT Total VIRGINIA GOUGHNOUR $68.99 Unpaid m — --. WRIGHT - HENNEPIN CO -OP ELECTRIC E 602 - 49450 -390 Contracted Services $2,585.50 MONTHLY MAINT (APRIL) E 601 - 49400 -390 Contracted Services $2,585.50 MONTHLY MAINT (APRIL) Total WRIGHT - HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $5,171.00 Unpaid XCEL ENERGY E 101 -43160 -322 Utilities $130.65 8899 NASHUA AVE Total XCEL ENERGY $130.65 �Unpaid�� W61' ill BRUSH WORKS INC — — E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $1,055.42 105764 BROOM REFILLS Total ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC $1,055.42 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $126,063.30 • - und Summary • 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER 101 GENERAL FUND $9,131.70 203 PARK DEVELOPMENT $27,500.72 250 BUILDING PERMIT FEES $15,058.13 415 WATER & SEWER CONST -E. Phase 1 $1,450.00 430 West Trtmnt Plant -Phase 1 $1,450.00 432 East WWTP Phase III $2,159.75 475 Waterfront East/Miss. Shores $8,200.00 485 Street Impr. Fund - 2006 $750.00 601 WATER FUND $22,009.39 602 SEWER FUND $38,353.61 $126,063.30 I • SCHARBER & SONS CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 24, 2006 TO: Judy Hudson Attached is the Scharber & Sons Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register 04 -20 -20,06 $ 247.10 GRAND TOTAL $ 247.10 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Kathy Grover Bookkeeper SAC . ; NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 2021 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.261 planners @nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 19 April 2006 RE: Otsego — Featherwind Farms NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.23 The Planning Commission held a public hearing on 17 April 2006 to consider the application for a variance from Section 20- 95 -7:C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance for Featherwind Farms. Two area residents spoke about concerns related to the overall development. City staff explained that the City Council has already approved the project and that the current application related to the design of Tots within the development. City staff emphasized that the current application will not result in any changes from what was approved by the City Council. The Planning Commission had no questions or concerns. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted 7 -0 to recommend approval of the application as set forth on the attached findings of fact. This application will be considered by the City Council at their meeting on 24 April ?006 at 6:30 PM. Following action by the City Council, the variance must still be certified by the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Section 20- 95 -22.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. c. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur Dale Homuth Lucinda Gardner CITY O F 04 -19 -06 OTSEGO FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA VARIANCE APPLICANT: Shadow Creek Corporation APPLICATION: Request approval of a variance from Section 20- 95 -7.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 24 April 2006 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City `of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is PID 118 - 800 - 131200, 118 - 800 - 131400, 118 -800- 132401 and 118- 500 - 182400 consisting of approximately1325 acres. B. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for rural residential land uses within the Rural Residential Preserve Area. C. The subject site is zoned R -C, Residential Rural Open Space Cluster District. Portions of the subject site are also within the WS, Wild Scenic and Recreational River Overlay District. D. The WS District requires Tots to have a minimum area of, 2.5 acres and minimum width of 200 feet. E. The preliminary plat of Featherwind Farms approved by the City Council on 24 October 2005 includes 64 lots within the WS District designed to R -C District minimum requirements of one acre in area and 100 feet in width, which are less than required by the WS District. F. The applicant has requested a variance from Section 20- 95 -7.C.1 to allow for lot sizes within the WS District consistent with that allowed by the R -C District. G. Consideration of the variance is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria established by Sections 20 -6 -2.B and 20- 95 -21of the Zoning Ordinance. H. The planning report dated 13 April 2006 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 17 April 2006 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; upon review of the application, and other evidence, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Counci I approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested variance from Section 20- 95 -7.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance based on a finding that compliance with the regulation causes an undue hardship in preserving rural character and protecting significant natural resources, including the shoreline of the Mississippi River consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 1 MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24 day of April, 2004. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2 ITEM 5_3 NAC NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. `' 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202,; Golden Valley, MN 55422 = Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plannersnnacpianning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 19 April 2006 RE: Otsego — Boulder Creek; Environmental Assessment Worksheet NAC FILE: 176.02 — 06.02 The number of proposed dwelling units and area of the Boulder Creek preliminary plat triggers preparation of a mandatory EAW under Minnesota Rules 4410.4300 Subparts 19.D and 36. An EAW has been prepared, published and distributed to the EQB on 13 March 2006. The EAW is subject to a 30 -day comment period that ended on 12 April 2006. After the close of the 30 -day comment period, the City Council must make findings on 24 April 2006 as to the potential for significant environmental effects related to the proposed development. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410,1700 and Section 20 -38- 3.0.4, the Planning Commission and City Council are to consider the following factors in deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects`" 1. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects 2. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. 3. The extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority. 4. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on 3 April 2006 to consider the preliminary plat and EAW. No comments were received at the public hearing regarding the potential environmental effects of the proposed development. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 7 -0 to recommend that preparation of an EIS is not to be required for the project. A letter dated 28 March 2006 was received from Wright County Department of Highways with two issues: 1. The project is subject to Wright County review for preliminary plat, right -of -way permit and access permit. Comment: These approvals will be incorporated as part of the preliminary plat review process. 2. Wright County will require an agreement with the City to provide for installation of a traffic signal at CSAH 37 and Quaday Avenue. Comment: The provision for the required traffic signal will be addressed as part of the preliminary plat review process. A letter dated 10 April 2006 was received from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency containing no specific comments, but including a reminder that the project proposer must secure any required permits and comply with any permit conditions. This issue is consistent with the preliminary plat review process and requires no specific response. A letter dated 12 April 2006 was received from the Department of Natural Resources with four issues: 1. The DNR commented that the developer has additional land holdings beyond the subject site that are not addressed by the EAW. Comment: The parcel owned by the developer to the southeast is guided for industrial land use and is not a connected action with development of the subject site. The 80 acre parcel to the southeast of the subject site is guided for low density residential uses by the Future Land Use Plan !element of the Comprehensive Plan. However, that parcel is outside of the current sewer service district. The timing for extension of sanitary sewer to allow for development of the 80 acre parcel is not imminent and. is not scheduled. In the interim, potential development of the 80 acre parcel is limited to one dwelling unit per 10 acres. The eight potential dwelling units that could be developed on the subject site prior to extension of sanitary sewer to allow for urban uses as guided by the Future Land Use plan would not have any significant effect on the EAW analysis and is not considered to be a connected action. 2. The DNR recommended possible reuses for vegetation cleared from the site and recommended that clearing occur either before or after bird nesting season, which extends from mid -April through mid - August. Comment: The City will work with the developer in the phasing of the project and project grading to minimize impacts to seasonal bird nesting and encourages the developer to contact the DNR regarding reuse of the vegetation cleared from the site. 2 3. The DNR commented on the need to preserve high quality open spaces (as opposed to quantity of open spaces) to restore habitat for threatened species such as loggerhead shrikes. Comment: The areas to be preserved by the development plan include open grassy areas, storrnwater and wetland buffer areas and the undeveloped areas near Quaday Avenue consistent with the recommendations of the DNR. Restoration and development efforts in these areas will consider habitat for threatened species. 4. The DNR stated that the response to Item 22 of the EAW regarding vehicle emissions was not adequate. Comment: The EAW Guidelines states for Item 22 that an estimate of a projects impact to air quality must be prepared if the project will significantly increase congestion as evaluated in Item 21. Implementation of the recommendations from the Traffic Analysis included as Appendix C and the requirement of Wright County for a traffic signal at CSAH 37 and Quaday Avenue will ensure that no significant increase in traffic congestion occurs as a result of the project. No further analysis of air quality impact is required. The responses to the comments received above adequately addresses in conjunction with other project approvals. As such, we recommend that the City Council adopt the attached findings declaring that the proposed Boulder Creek development does not have the potential for significant environmental effects and that preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not to be required. c. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur John Jackels 3 I I CITY OF 04 -19 -06 OTSEGO FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Negative Declaration for EIS APPLICANT: 37 Inc. APPLICATION: Consideration of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet related to the Boulder Creek preliminary plat. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 24 April 2006 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the subject site is attached as Exhibit A. B. The project lies within the Sewer Service District and is guided for low- medium density residential and medium -high density residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. C. The project requires preparation of a mandatory EAW pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.4300 Subp. 36.A. D. The EAW was approved by the Otsego Zoning Administrator for distribution was published in the Environmental Quality Board Monitor on 13 March 2006. The 30 day comment period ended 12 April 2006. E. Section 20- 38 -3.D.4 of the Zoning Ordinance required the City. Council to base its decision on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the proposed scope of an EIS on the information gathered during the EAW process and on the comments received on the EAW. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.1700, in deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, the following factors shall be considered: a. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects. b. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. c. The extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority. d. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects. F. The EAW dated 28 February 2006 prepared by Pinnacle Engineering is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 3 April 2006 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Council make a finding that the request does not have the potential for significant environmental effects and preparation of an EIS is not necessary based on the aforementioned findings. 1 H. A letter dated 28 March 2006 was received from the Wright 'County Department of Highways commenting on the EAW and is incorporated herein by reference. A letter dated 10 April 2006 was received from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency commenting on the EAW and is incorporated herein by reference. J. A letter dated 12 April 2006 was received from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources commenting on the EAW and is incorporated herein by reference. K. No other comments were received during the 30 day comment period regarding the project EAW. L. The memorandum dated 19 April 2006 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the proposed Boulder Creek does not have potential for significant environmental effects and that preparation of an EIS is not to be required based on a review of the submitted EAW and evidence received, subject to the following condition: 1. The project shall proceed in conformance with the preliminary plat and applicable stipulations as may be approved by the City Council and implementation of the responses to comments outlined in the memorandum by the City Planner dated 19 April 2006. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: 2 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of April, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier,`Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk 3 INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A 4 ' ITEM 6_1 • PR I CONSULTING GROUP, INC. BID OPENING CITY OF OTSEGO BEAUDRY MEADOWS PARK, OTSEGO PRESERVE PARK & KITTREDGE CROSSING PARK SRF PROJECT NO. 5521 APRIL 19, 2006 AT 2:00 P.M. – I ^ — ls� BID ADDENDUM , , ADDENDUM CONTRACTOR BOND NO. 1 NO. 2 AMOUNT I BARBER CONSTRUCTION ✓ f ./ 1 (y1 15.,', 1 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. .7 ✓ 1 1 S L Jq+ 1 rsio , EBERT CONSTRUCTION ✓ ✓ / 11 (44110.6t ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. I 'RATTALONE COMPANY , HARDRIVES, INC. HICKMAN EXCAVATING, INC. / / j MPERIAL DEVELOPERS ___I__ - . 7 J I (P S4 0 a JAY BROTHERS, INC. L.S. BLACK CONSTRUCTORS, INC. NORTH VALLEY, INC. NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. ODESA II / ' )3 Qn 1. I I I y UNRAM CONSTRUCTION, INC. ■ \7 1 , (41 q5 L 3 / 1 1 UNIVERSAL ENTERPRISES OF MID -MN Lit S v.wc.,e_ ✓ ■ ■ ■ 11 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE % .'"' ‘1' L ' SRF. Vof 3IMProjects1555211LarchlDoclBidOp eeniing04 /906.doc dO III ITEM 6_2 CITY OF OTSEGO M To: City Council From Brad Belair Date: April 20, 2006 Re: Purchase of Park Mower The Public Works employees have reviewed literature and spoke with owners of several brands of mowers and determined the tow best mowers for the department at this time ate the John Deer Z- Trac and the Exmark Lazer -Z. Factors in the decision were operator comfort and safety, productivity, maintenance and repairs, dealer support, cost and color. At the direction of the Public Works Committee, the department demonstrated both mowers and decided either mower would do a great job. I have attached quotes for both the mowers and will make a recommendation at the April 24 Council Meeting. ITEM 6_3 CITY OF OTSEGO Memo To: City Council From: Brad Belair Date: 4/19/06 Tows Re: Roofing of Old Hall An inspection of the roof of the old City Hall (schoolhouse) was done last year after the hailstorm. The shingles are in poor condition and need replacing. I have received a quote of $5880.00 from G.L. Roofing and recommend approval to have the work completed. The estimate does not include any repair of the roof boards which will be determined after the tear off of the existing shingles. I have attached the quote from G.L.Roofing and a copy of the settlement from our insurance co. for you to review. I will also be attending the, April 24 City Council Meeting to answer any Questions you may have. • Page 1 Lic:#305 „ .7 A G0Le ROOFING ESTIMATE LLC 0 JOB WORK ORDER. GARY LINDENFELSER DATE OF ORDER Jakwood Ave. NE L.IR River, MN 55330 (763) 241 -0917 1 ///370 +. tCUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. r/6 P�HONNE MECHANIC HELPER STARTING DATE ' 3 H 1 — a593_ / / . Bttt9'9 ORDER TAKEN BY t, O S P_pAC) C \ k ADD ❑ DAY WORK CM., "'` �,` U� A . ' 0 CONTRACT , C ❑ EXTRA Jv LOCATION.—/ NAME ANC LOCATlO _ � J Q\ A C- k y v.\\ c \\. Q c ,Sh \ ■ . JOB PHONE `J (DESCRIPTION OF WORK , ..\'' \ s ,.,.rte . \\ a 0,c- c� , c \ r -. ' c_ . \..) , ,c. .,sue.�c �e2?c cr- C \ - \e.-- \N-.\ N\c O yep <- 6>c- f \e 5\-‘k p 1 5. o . • t II TOTAL MATERIALS t TOTAL LABOR 4 . TAX DATE COMPLETED.: ' ■ORK ORDERED BY TOTAL AMOUNT $ . • I hereby acknowledge the satisfactory completion ❑ No one home ❑ Total amount due ❑ Total billing to of the above described work. for above work; or be mailed when S • e job finished. t Signature ORIGINAL 1 Allied Adjusters I P.O. Box 583479 ' Minneapolis, MN 55458 -3479 I CITY OF- OTS�EGO , / Room: Loc. #2, HeitdsPmt- Ok (CM/14 ' Gk11 t ,ix x7 " -4 7,' >'' a " , e � 8 r 7 H 5 " Aii " , X �: -, f A b t x a ` 4 ,;a'u lidY 1 „�n,',' ' V- . 4 . .:74. : ,'4: 7 ; 71" :4 1 .N. ' ''- ,, .t . .:' ;r " ^ ,,4' ' rs -nt }' a .;",4 a ._ gd.. AliA'" -A4'7''s !,4,14 e t: Remove 3 tab - 25 yr. - composition 20.33 SQ 46.83 952.05 476.03 476.02 shingle roofing - incl. felt and debris ' t.. removal I 3 tab - 25 yr. - composition shingle 23.67 SQ 111.07 2,629.03 1,314.52 1,314.51 roofing - incl. felt and 15% waste factor Ice & water shield, 6' up perimeter 1,044.00 SF 1.15 1,200.60 600.30 600.30 Gutter/ downspout - Detach & reset 136.00 LF 2.56 348.16 174.08 174.08 R&RChimney flashing - large 1.00EA 271.69 ' 271.69 135.85 135.84 R&R Furnace vent - rain cap and 2.00 EA 51.98 1 103.96 51.98 51.98 storm collar, 8" , } R &R Additional charge for high roof 20.33 SQ 15.01 605.15 152.58 152.57 (2 stories or greater) 1 R&R Window screen, 10 - 16 s f 2.00 EA 26.50 • , 53.00 26.50 26.50 Reg laze window, 1 - 9 sf 1.00 EA 48.59 , 48.59 0.00 48.59 Seal & paint wood window (per 8.00 EA 34.13 ,;'273.04 136.52 136.52 side) - Large Paint door slab only - 2 coats (per 1.00 EA 17.84 t 17.8 8.92 8.92 side) Paint door /window trim & jamb - 9.00 EA 14.50 ' 130.50 65.25 65.25 Large - 1 coat (per side) Comb and straighten a/c condenser 1.00 EA 115.54 115.54 0.00 115.54 unit fins , 4 :1 1 :,�'f' W1‘, 3 .#7„4:w 4 r - i ; , e , ,?:[ 5 '�`y.'E. ` r. �' "1"3 ek;b I• - } °, ` , '. '0, ' a.A- .£ £... 1 •I I 1 CITY -OF- OTSEGO 12/28/2005 Page: 2 ITEM 6_4 CITY OF OTSEGO e mo To: City Council From Brad Belair Date: April 20, 2006 Re: Purchase of Roller I have attached quotes for a rubber tired pull roller for use on gravel roads. I intend to pull it with the new tractor we have purchased. This would free up the road grader to be more productive when we experience the bad road conditions that we have this spring. I recommend we purchase a used 15 tire roller for $12500.00 the quotes are attached and Swanston Equipment Co. participates in the Minnesota State Purchasing Program. Monies are available in the Street Capital Equipment Fund. I will be at the Council Meeting for discussion. 1 Apr, 19. 1006 4: 34FM INo, U6n f'. 1/4 Swanston Equipment Corporation IQuote PO Box 1963 • - 3450 West Main Quote No: : EST0000633 FARGO, ND 58107 Date : 04/18/06 � , Page : 4 ti ll p . 701 - 293 -7325 7 S' TY3 T "S ,J :.rYY.T . User ID - ,Sales Person : Mike Mullen Order No. P.O.# Due Date Branch : 10 Customer Ship to Customer ID: City of Otsego Attu: Brad Beilair Item/Description Quantity Unit Price Price PT13 WRT PT13 ROLLER 1 12,500.00 12,500.00 BODY: "Heavy 1/4 " Plate construction with formed top edges on main body ' •120 cubic foot capacity on 13 wheel models 'Drain hole in main body COMPACTION: • 7.50 x 15 - 6 ply rating, smooth roller tires MECHANICAL: • Sturdy structural steel channel removable tow hllch • Bronzed bushed king pin • Heavy duty 6 bolt hub • Drop centre rims • Cast steel hub caps • One size triple sealed timken bearings used throughout Your price $ 12,500.00 Total 12,500.00 Payment Terms Shipment Method Quote valid for 30 days Price does not include TAX unless otherwise stated on this estimate. Customer approval Swanston approval Apr. 19. 2006 4:35PM No. 0585 P. 3/4 Swanton Equipment Corporation Quote PO Box 1963 -�w.' 3450 West Main Quote No: : EST0000632 Y Wt1nStOfl . FARGO ND 58107 Date : 04/18/06 Page : 1 t�res- r ~sar: 7T•Y 701-293 -7325 User ID • Sales Person : Mike Mullen , Ober No. ,P.O. # Due Date Branch : 10 Customer Ship to Customer ID: City of Ostego Attn: Brad Bellair Item/Description Quantity Unit Price Price PT15 WRT PT15 ROLLER 1 14,500.00 14,500.00 BODY: 'Heavy 1/4 " Plate construction with formed top edges on main body 140 cubic foof capacity on15 wheel models 'Drain hole in main body COMPACTION: • 7.50 x 15 - 6 ply rating, smooth roller tires MECHANICAL: ▪ Sturdy structural steel channel removable tow hitch " Bronzed bushed king pin ' Heavy duty 6 bolt hub ' Drop centre rims ' Cast steel hub caps • One size triple sealed timken bearings used throughout Your price $ 14,500.00 2005 Used Units Available SN193605 Your Choice $12,500.00 SN197705 Total 14,500.00 Payrnent Terms Shipment Method Quote valid for 30 days Price does not include TAX unless otherwise stated on this estimate. Customer approval Swanton approval Apr. 19. 2006 4:35PM No. 0585 P. 4/4 There is only one pull type roller! •WRT rollers are manufactured for rugged dependability. 1 Standard features: . ,...,-..• •,, ;- '; . , .....; , • ' Q 1 1/4" thick plate body ,.-;,:,.,. :: ; . . s. • ... . . ''', ,,=.:,5':C'1:45±..", g•I 4 1-* Irt ,, At'.'` ' ., t r . 4 0 4 4,7 wA.. -441',445...:1z!'1-;"it14''442,,!:,,?:tili / channel formed top edge • A ' " • - ' . ' •45,...,,1;,,,„ ,/ " 2244 1 1/4" formed cross members ..--,_.,..;-,.:„ ,1,• f.„ 9,R...7§6,?-:,: A -. ..... --.,.....,.— . . / corner gussets with lift eyes _ . .-4.,,:,-,-..•,, i'-,4441P"Aatil" / removable extra strong tow hitch Z-L7 ' :. , .,„ • - 0 4 ?IN . , . , 4 , , ,,f.,,..••■- •"'=”4 " Aii. / structural steel channels cross braced with angle iron ...,%;....-..7e. .'-. ` ...; • '7, ' ' 1 heavy duty steel cast hub .. . - ......"- . - ' . / triple hp seal . - •ip,::..`f !!' 1 over-sized roller bearings .: Ve:' , "4 4 0 . • - t':A - 4'.' , .-. 4 ..f41., 4 ,4": 1 cast, bolt on hub cap •,,,....., , -....:::!:,-,4* 1 rear tow hitch - • • . • • . • • • ,..-. Y - ' i'los;e'sl '';',-,' ? , . '' .':4 .%.... ::, .,. :,,,, .-. : . - -,. -- 1 : :',t . .:', , :; •,';,'..`.,',.'...''''',.;`'',: ''.:,.:.: : ..`'..::::":"' :::, ' .'--. '''' . 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I Body Metal 114" Overall body Width 7-3 W 6-3 %" Shipping ' Thickness Weight 4250 Ibs. 4865 Ibs. Overall Height 4'.0"" 4'-0" , Axle Tire Size 7.50 x 15 6 P.R. ' Style Oscillating Overall Length Hitch Removed 1V-6W 12*-1W Wheels 15 x 6 • ITEM 7_1 NAC '' NORTtfW ST ASSiO.CHATE :D C:ON;SOI TANT'S, ZINC 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, M N 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners�tinacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht DATE: April 5, 2006 RE: Otsego — Olson CUP for K9 Dog Training Center of MN FILE: 176.02 — 06.09 On April 3, 2006 the Planning Commission held a public hearing for discussion of the proposed Conditional Use Permit to allow a dog training facility located at 9322 Kahler Avenue NE. The applicant was present at the public hearing and there were no comments from the public. The Planning Commission discussed the proposed hours of operation of the facility, as well as the proposed number of classes per night and the nature of the weekend activities. The Planning Commission had reservations about the amount of traffic that would be generated from the site. The public hearing was Closed and after a brief discussion, the Planning Commission decided to revise two of the conditions permitting up to two dog training classes per night scheduled at least one half hour apart, allowing training classes to extend to no later than 9:00 p.m. on any given day and limiting weekend activities to one weekend per month and 25 enrollees, or more specifically, no more than 25 vehicles. The condition that was added states that adding of additional classes shall be subject to the review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. The Planning Commission then voted 7 -0 to recommend approval of the application. The application will be considered by the City Council at their meeting on 10 April 2006 at 6:30 PM. Possible actions are outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for a dog training facility, subject to the following conditions: 1. No retail activities or commercial boarding of dogs shall occur on the subject site. 2. All classes shall be conducted inside the existing pole barn structure. 3. Dogs shall not be allowed to habitually bark in a manner considered a nuisance as defined by Section 5 -1 -8 of the City Code. 4. Designated animal waste areas and disposal facilities shall be provided. 5. The City Building Official shall inspect the existing pole barn to determine if it is in good condition and suitable for the proposed dog training facility in accordance with applicable building codes. 6. The proposed facility shall hold no more than two (2) dog training class per evening, no less than one half hour apart, during the week (Monday through Friday), unless approved by the City Council. 7. The dog training classes held on the subject site shall not extend past 9:00 p.m. on any given day. Weekend activities shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator and limited to one (1) weekend per month and no more than 25 enrollees for weekend sessions. 8. The applicant shall provide documentation showing that the driveway access points to the property are no more than thirty (30) feet in width within the public right -of -way, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The applicant shall provide documentation showing the dimensions of the proposed parking area, subject to City staff approval. 10. If signage is to be provided on the site, a detailed signage plan must be submitted which specifies the type, size and location of all proposed signs. All signage must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance and a sign permit must be approved prior to erecting any signs on the subject site. 11. The City may, at its discretion, hold a rehearing on the conditional use permit with the potential of modification or revocation of the permit being ordered by the City Council for violations of its terms or those of the Zoning Ordinance or if the use is found to be inconsistent with the criteria established by Section 20 -4 -2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the proposed use is inconsistent with the policies and provisions of the ; Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance. 2 C. Motion to table the application. c. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson 3 CITY OF 04 -05 -06 u�1 T SEG I PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: Corrine Olson APPLICATION: Request for approval of a conditional use permit;to allow a dog training facility at 9322 Kahler Avenue NE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: 3 April 2006 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Planning Commission of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is shown below: PRT OF W1/2 OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 & W1/2 OF SW1/4 OFNE1 /4LYSOFCTROFHWY39, E1/2 OF SE1 /4 OF SW1 /4, SE1 /4 OF NE1 /4 OF SW1 /4, E4CHS OF NE1 /4 OF NE1 /4 OFSW1 /4& PART OF E4CHS OF NW1 /4 LY S OF CTY H1NY39 BEG AT PT ON W LN OF E1/2 OF SE1 /4 OF SW1 /4 1030.3FT N OF SW COR TH E629.48FT TH N89D23'30 "L417.18 FT FOR POB TH CONT N319FT TH E DEF90D23'R 682.84FT TO E LN TH S 319FT TH W682.84FT TO POB B. The property lies within the Agricultural Rural Service Area and is guided for agricultural uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A -1, Agricultural -Rural Service District. The applicant is requesting approval of a CUP to establish a dog training operation in an existing pole barn on the subject site. D. The application is to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria established by Section 20 -4 -2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject property is within the area designated as agricultural by the Comprehensive Plan. Dog kennels and training -type facilities are considered to be appropriate rural uses and would therefore be consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to applicable performance standards. 2. The proposed uses compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: t:.__. the u j ct site are predominately residential and c.Omment: Existing uses surrounding a �c^ subject �ic8 �',.... 1 .., d t 'J !_. a.. agricultural. The area immediately surrounding the subject site is also zoned ,4 -1, aside from the Riverwood National subdivision located just to the west of the site. Most parcels near the site are large, around five acres or so. Provided that the applicable performance standards for dog training facilities are met, the use on the subject site will likely be compatible. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning 1 Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The use will be required to conform to the specific standards for dog training facilities as outlined in the conditions of approval for the conditional use permit. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: As an agricultural use within an area planned for such uses, the dog training facility should not cause any negative impacts, subject to applicable performance standards. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The property has direct access to Kahler Avenue, south of CSAH 39, which is a rural section local street. Consideration must be given to appropriate limits as to the number of dogs and/or sessions that can be allowed per day without impacting the roadway. 7. The proposed use's impacts upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities and its potential to overburden' the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact the City's service capabilities. E. The planning report dated 28 March 2006 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. F. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 3 April 2006 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; upon review of the application, and other evidence, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested conditional use permit for a dog training facility at 9322 Kahler Avenue NE is hereby approved, based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. No retail activities or commercial boarding of dogs shall occur on the subject site. 2. All classes shall be conducted inside the existing pole barn structure. 3. Dogs shall not be allowed to habitually bark in a manner considered a nuisance as defined by Section 5-1-8 of the City Code. 4. Designated animal waste areas and disposal facilities shall be provided. 5. The City Building Official shall inspect the existing pole barn to determine if it is in good condition and suitable for the proposed dog training facility in accordance with applicable building codes. 2 6. The proposed facility shall hold no more than two (2) dog training class per evening, no Tess than one half hour apart, during the week (Monday through Friday), unless approved by the City Council. 7. The dog training classes held on the subject site shall not extend past 9:00 p.m. on any given day. Weekend activities shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator and limited to one (1) weekend per month and no more than 25 enrollees for weekend sessions. 8. The applicant shall provide documentation showing that the driveway access points to the property are no more than thirty (30) feet in width within the public right -of -way, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer: 9. The applicant shall provide documentation showing the dimensions of the proposed parking area, subject to City staff approval. 10. If signage is to be provided on the site, a detailed signage plan must be submitted which specifies the type, size and location of all proposed signs. All signage must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance and a sign permit must be approved prior to erecting any signs on the subject site. 11. The City may, at its discretion, hold a rehearing on the conditional use permit with the potential of modification or revocation of the permit being ordered by the City Council for violations of its terms or those of the Zoning Ordinance or if the use is found to be inconsistent with the criteria established by Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. APPROVED by the Otsego Planning Commission this 3 day of April, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Richard Nichols, Chair Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk • 3 ITEM 7_2 NAC Ng R,T VON. EST A,S•S,OCiATE CONSULTANTS, 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, M N 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plannersanacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht DATE: 19 April 2006 RE: Otsego — Nelson CUP; Building Relocation FILE: 176.02 — 06.10 On April 17, 2006 the Planning Commission held a public hearing for discussion of the proposed Conditional Use Permit to allow a building relocation upon the property located at 14123 88 Avenue NE. The applicant was present at the public hearing. There was one comment from the public questioning if a building relocation is permissible if it involves the relocation of a manufactured home. Staff advised that a relocation of a manufactured home is permissible by CUP, provided that the new structure has a permanent foundation and meets all single family home size limitations. The proposed building to be relocated meets these criteria. The Planning Commission then voted 7 -0 to recommend approval of the application. The application will be considered by the City Council at their meeting on 24 April 2006 at 6:30 PM. Possible actions are outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the CUP, subject to the following 'conditions: 1. A building permit is applied for and approved by the Building Official prior to relocation of the structure. 2. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on site, subject to approval of the Building Official. • 3. A permanent occupancy permit for the relocated structure shall not be issued until such time as the existing dwelling and all debris is removed from the property. 4. A security as required by Section 20 -19 -3 of the Zoning Ordinance as determined by the Zoning Administrator is posted. 5. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and /or Zoning Ordinance provisions. C. Motion to table the application. c. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur 2 • CITY OF 04 -19 -06 OTSEGO FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: Richard and Claudia Nelson 1 APPLICATION: Request for approval of a conditional use permit tp allow a building relocation at 14123 88 Street NE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 24 April 2006 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is Lot 13, Block 3, Otsego Acres 1 Addition B. The property is zoned R -3, Residential -Long Range Urban Service District and is guided for low density residential uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The applicant is requesting approval of a CUP to allow for a building relocation on the subject site. D. The application is to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria established by Section 20 -4 -2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific 'policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: Stated in the City's Comprehensive Plan is that "the character of individual neighborhoods shall be reinforced, maintained and upgraded ", the proposed CUP proposes to upgrade the existing dwelling unit by replacing it with a newer, more spacious structure. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The surrounding area is developed with low density, single family residential uses which are planned to continue as discussed in the Comprehensive Plan. Thus, the proposed use will be compatible with present and future land uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: As noted above, the subject site and relocated structure comply with all applicable performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 1 • Comment: The relocated dwelling and single family use of the property may be considered an improvement of the property from its existing condition and, as such, it will likely have a positive effect on the neighborhood. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of, th a area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The relocated structure will access off of 88"' Avenue NE, as the previous dwelling did, and will not generate traffic beyond the capabilities of streets serving the subject property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. E. The planning report dated 4 April 2006 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. F. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 17 April 2006 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; upon review of the application, and other evidence, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested conditional use permit for a building relocation at 14123 88 Street NE is hereby approved, based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. A building permit is applied for and approved by the Building Official prior to relocation of the structure. 2. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on site, subject to approval of the Building Official. 3. A permanent occupancy permit for the relocated structure shall not be issued until such time as the existing dwelling and all debris is removed from the property. 4. A security as required by Section 20 -19 -3 of the Zoning Ordinance as determined by the Zoning Administrator is posted. 2 MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: APPROVED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of April, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk 3 ITEM 7_3 NAC: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. AT 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 19 April 2006 RE: Otsego — Davis Mississippi Cove NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.08 The Planning Commission held a public hearing on 17 April 2006 to consider the revised preliminary plat and related applications for Davis .Mississippi Cove. Mr. Scott Dahlke was present to represent the developer. Public comments included a question from Mr. John Anderson regarding access to CSAH 39 and questions by Jeff Adamski (who's land is within the plat) regarding drainage and Wild and Scenic District requirements. City staff addressed these questions. The Planning Commission discussed the density of the subdivision, thelayout of the subdivision and access points to CSAH 39. There were no significant issues or concerns raised as part of this discussion however. Additional discussion related to the developer's request to increase' the area allowance for an attached garage did lead to some good questions and need for additional information to be considered. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 7 -0 to recommend approval of the Zoning Map amendment, variance, PUD -CUP /preliminary plat and vacation of the Otsego Town Plat. The Planning Commission also voted 7 -0 to table the attached garage issue for additional discussion. The four applications recommended for approval will be considered by the City Council at their meeting on 27 April 2006 at 6:30 PM. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site from A -1 District to R -C District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Variance A. Motion to approve a variance from Section 20- 95- 7.C of the Zoning Ordinance based on a finding that compliance with the regulation causes an undue hardship in preserving rural character and protecting significant natural resources, including the shoreline of the Mississippi River consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. • B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the criteria for approval of a variance as set forth by the Zoning Ordinance. Decision 3 — Preliminary PIat/PUD -CUP A. Motion to approve a preliminary plat and PUD- CUP 'for Davis Mississippi Cove, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit additional landscaping information including the proposed tree and shrub inventory (number, species) and the proposed height of all plants at installation and maturity 2. The applicant shall submit revised plans showing the proposed plat's compliance with the OHWM setback. 3. Outlot J shall be dedicated to the City and the developer shall pay a proportional cash fee in lieu of land for the unmet portion of required park and trail dedication at the time of final plat approval. 4. All street, grading, easements and utilities are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2 Decision 4 — Town Plat Vacation 1 A. Motion to approve vacation of the original town plat underlying the subject site based on a finding that the request necessary to allow; for development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. c. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur Dale Homuth, DNR Scott Dahlke, QSD, LLC ii 3 CITY OF 04 -19 -06 OTSEGO FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICANT: Mississippi 39, LLC APPLICATION: Request for a Zoning Map amendment rezoning property to be developed as part of the Mississippi Cove preliminary plat from A -1 District to R -C District. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 27 April 2006 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is PID 118 - 500 - 181201, 118 - 500 - 181101, and 118-500 - 181100. B. The property lies within the Rural Residential Preserve and is guided for rural residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A -1, Agriculture Rural Service District and portions of the site are within the WS, Wild Scenic Recreational River Overlay District; The applicant has requested rezoning the base district to R -C, Residential Rural Open Space Cluster District to allow for development of single family Tots within a rural cluster subdivision to be known as "Mississippi Cove ". D. Consideration of the application by the Planning Commission and City Council is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria outlined in Section 20 -3 -2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan establishes the rural residential preserve within this area of the City to encourage development of unique single family neighborhoods that incorporate natural or rural character elements. This type of development is especially appropriate for areas included in the Mississippi River Wild, Scenic and Recreational River District in terms of density and opportunities for access to the Mississippi River. The proposed development is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present andfuture land uses of the area. Finding: The table below summarizes the surrounding land uses. As indicated in the table, the proposed development will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the immediate area. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map z Existing Use North NA NA ' Mississippi River East Rural A -1 District Single Family 1 Residential South Agriculture A -1 District Agriculture Single Family West Rural R -C District Fe'atherwind Farms Residential 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed use will be required to conform to the open space, neighborhood and general development standards of the R -C District. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area i n which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed development furthers the implementation of the R -C District and the development of unique residential neighborhoods within the rural residential preserve area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact on area property values! 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via CSAH 39, which is a major arterial roadway. CSAH 39 has adequate capacity to accom modate traffic generated by the proposed 45 dwelling units. 7. The proposed uses's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities and its potentiallto overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed development is not anticipated to have a negative impact upon the City's service capacity. E. The planning report dated 12 April 2006 prepared by the qty Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. F. The engineering review dated 13 April 2006 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting 17 April 2006 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request for a Zoning Map amendment is hereby approved. 2 MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of April, 2006. CITY OF OT By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk 3 EXHIBIT A INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE 4 ORDINANCE NO.: 2006- 08 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND TO BE DEVELOPED AS PART OF THE DAVIS MISSISSIPPI COVE PRELIMINARY PLAT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally described as PID 118- 500- 181201, 118- 500 - 181101, and 118-500-181100. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A -1, Agriculture Rural Service District designation to a R -C, Residential Rural Open Space Cluster District designation. Section 3. The zoning map of the City of Otsego shat! not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the City Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the City Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication and the filling of a final plat. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of April, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A I CITY OF 04 -19 -06 OTSEGO FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY', MINNESOTA VARIANCE APPLICANT: Mississippi 39, LLC APPLICATION: Request approval of a variance from Section 20- 95 -7.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 24 April 2006 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is PID 118 - 500 - 181201, 118- 500 - 181101, and 118 -500- 181100. B. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for, rural residential land uses within the Rural Residential Preserve Area. C. The subject site is zoned R -C, Residential Rural Open Space Cluster District. Portions of the subject site are also within the WS, Wild Scenic and Recreational River Overlay District. D. The WS District requires Tots to have a minimum area of 2.5 acres and minimum width of 200 feet. E. The preliminary plat of Davis Mississippi Cove includes Tots within the WS District designed to R -C District minimum requirements of one acre in area and 100 feet in width, which are less than required by the WS District. F. The applicant has requested a variance from Section 20- 95 -7.C.1 to allow for lot sizes within the WS District consistent with that allowed by the R -C District. G. Consideration of the variance is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria established by Sections 20 -6 -2.B and 20- 95 -21of the Zoning Ordinance. H. The planning report dated 12 April 2006 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 17 April 2006 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; upon review of the application, and other evidence, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Counci I approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested variance from Section 20- 95 -7.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance based on a finding that compliance with the regulation causes an undue hardship in preserving rural character and protecting significant natural resources, including the shoreline of the Mississippi River consiqent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 1 MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24 day of April, 2004. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2 CITY OF 04 -19 -06 OTSEGO FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PUD CUP /PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: Mississippi 39, LLC APPLICATION: Request for approval of a PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat for Davis Mississippi Coves to consist of 45 single family Tots as a rural cluster subdivision. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 27 April 2006 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is PID 118- 500 - 181201,, 118 - 500 - 181101, and 118-500 - 181100. B. The property lies within the Rural Residential Preserve and is guided for rural residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R -C, Residential Rural Open Space Cluster District and portions of the site are within the WS, Wild Scenic Recreational River Overlay District. D. Consideration of the application by the Planning Commission and City Council is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria outlined in Section 20: -4 -2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with, the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan establishes the rural residential preserve within this area of the City to encourage development of unique single family neighborhoods that incorporate natural or rural character elements. This type of development is especially appropriate for areas included in the Mississippi River Wild, Scenic and Recreational River District in terms of density and opportunities for access to the Mississippi River. The proposed development is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The table below summarizes the surrounding land uses. As indicated in the table, the proposed development will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the immediate area. I ' Direction I Land Use Plan Map I • k Existing Zoning ma� �niS Us2 North NA NA Mississippi River East Rural A -1 District Single Family Residential South Agriculture A -1 District ;Agriculture :Single Family 1 West Rural R -C District Featherwind Farms Residential 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed use will be required to conform to the open space, neighborhood and general development standards of the R -C District. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area i n which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed developmen t furthers the implementation of the R- C District and the development of unique residential neighborhoods within the rural residential preserve area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact on area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via CSAH 39, which is a major arterial roadway. CSAH 39 has adequate capacity to accom modate traffic generated by the proposed 45 dwelling units. 7. The proposed uses's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed development is not anticipated to have a negative impact upon the City's service capacity. E. The planning report dated 12 April 2006 prepared by the .City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. F. The engineering review dated 13 April 2006 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting 17 April 2006 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the application is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit additional landscaping information including the proposed tree and shrub inventory (number, species) and the proposed height of al I plants at installation and maturity. 2 2. The applicant shall submit revised plans showing the proposed plat's compliance with the OHWM setback. 3. Outlot J shall be dedicated to the City and the developer shall pay a proportional cash fee in lieu of land for the unmet portion of required park and trail dedication at the time of final plat approval. 4. All street, grading, easements and uti lities are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of April, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk 3 RESOLUTION NO.: 2006 - 28 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF THE ORIGINAL OTSEGO TOWN PLAT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL OF MISSISSIPPI COVE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE: WHEREAS, the area including portions of the Original Otsego Town Plat is legally described by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Original Otsego Town Plat includes lots, blocks and public rights -of- way that do not comply with the standards established by the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, Mississippi 39, LLC has requested approval of a preliminary plat entitled Mississippi Cove; and, WHEREAS, the requested preliminary plat conforms to the requirements of the R -C, Residential Rural Cluster Open Space District; and, WHEREAS, approval of they Mississippi Cove preliminary plat requires vacation of the underlying Original Otsego Town Plat; and, WHEREAS, Mississippi 39, LLC has requested vacation of the underlying Original Otsego Town Plat. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the portion of the Original Otsego Town Plat within the boundaries of the subject site is hereby vacated based on a finding that this action will allow for development consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance and that continuation of the Original Otsego Town Plat serves no public purpose. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of April, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk Review No. 2 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Commercial and Anderson Residential Subdivision Assoc., Inc. for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council' cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Scott Dahlke, Quality Site Design, LLC Mike Leuer, Mississippi 39, LLC Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson Date: April 19, 2006 Proposed Development: Davis Mississippi Cove Street Location A portion of the NW '/ of Section 17 and NE '/ of Section 18, of Property: T121N, R23W, north of C.S.A.H. No. 39. Applicant: Michael Leuer Mississippi 39, LLC 3600 Holly Lane No. Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 550 -1961 Developer: Mississippi 39, LLC Owners of Record: Mississippi 39, LLC Purpose: Davis Mississippi Cove is a proposed 45 lot single - family Open Space residential development on 141+ acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional_ Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of Natural (but not limited to): Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: (but not limited to): NPDES C: \Documents and Settings \Tami \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content.1E5 \UXZODK7M \ot2285RVW2 (2).doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY EXISTING CONDITIONS TRAFFIC /ACCESS ISSUE PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM STORM SEWER SYSTEM SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT STREETS PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION C: \Documents and Settings \Tami \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content.IE5 \UXZODK7M \ot2285RVW2 (2).doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Site Plan for Davis Mississippi Cove, 3/14/06, by Quality Site Design, LLC Preliminary Plat for Davis Mississippi Cove, 3/14/06, by Quality Site Design, LLC Existing Conditions for Davis Mississippi Cove, 3/14/06, by Quality Site Design, LLC Preliminary Grading Plan for Davis Mississippi Cove, 3/14/06, by Quality Site Design, LLC Preliminary Street and Storm Sewer Plans for Davis Mississippi Cove, 3/14/06, by Quality Site Design, LLC Geotechnical Report for Mississippi Cove, dated 9/23/04, by Braun Intertec Preliminary Plat HydroCAD Report for Mississippi Cove, 3/17/06 revision, by Quality Site Design, LLC. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 C: \Documents and Settings \Tami \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content.IE5 \UXZODK7M \ot2285RVW2 (2).doc SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 1. No comments. EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. Existing zoning for land abutting the subdivision shall be shown. (21- 6- 2.B.2) 2. Location, right -of -way width and names of existing or platted streets, and all streets within the plan, to a distance of 150' beyond the plat shall be labeled. (21- 6- 2.B.4) 3. Label the type and width of all roads within 150' of the plat. (21- 6- 2.B.5) 4. Identify by name and ownership all unsubdivided or subdivided land within 150' of the plat. (21- 6- 2.B.6) 5. Label the existing 100 -year High Water Level (100 -yr HWL) and Normal Water Level (NWL) of the wetlands, creeks, and Mississippi River in and adjacent to the plat. (21- 6- 2.B.9) 6. The size, type, and inverts of all culverts within 150' of the plat shall be labeled. 7. Boundary lines to include bearings, distances, and curve: data shall be clearly indicated. 8. A legend is needed. TRAFFIC /ACCESS ISSUE 1. Access to the development is being provided at 3 points along C.S.A.H. 39. Spacing of the 3 roads along C.S.A.H. 39 appears to meet the minimum '/ mile spacing required by Wright County. 2. All existing driveways and field entrances off of C.S.A.H 39, within Davis Mississippi Cove plat, shall be removed. 3. An access permit will be required for the connections to C.S.A.H. 39. The county may require an additional bypass /turn lane at the eastern road entrance. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. Wright County requires 75' of right -or -way, from the centerline, along C.S.A.H. 39. 2. A 20' wide drainage and utility easement centered over the pipe is required over the storm sewer between Lots 14 & 15 and 5 & 6, Block 1. 3. A drainage and utility easement is required for Lots 20 & 21, Block 1 to cover the ponding water in the rear of these lots up to the E.O.F. 4. Outlots shall be covered by drainage and utility easements. C: \Documents and Settings \Tami \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .IE5 \U \ot2285RVW2 (2).doc 5. Depict the pond, creek, and wetland boundaries (100 -yr HWL) on the plat. Lots adjacent to the ponds, creeks, and wetlands shall have drainage and utility easements to cover the 100 -yr HWL. 6. The R.O.W. shall be rounded by a 10' radius at all intersections. 7. Drainage and utility easement is required to cover the E.O.F. at the north end of Pond P2. The easement shall cover the path of the water to the storm sewer at the intersection of the driveway and the street to the northeast. 8. The shared driveway to lots 31 & 32, and 44 & 45 shall be covered by ingress and egress easements. 9. The boundary lines shall include bearings, distances, and curve data. 10. The original Town Plat must be vacated prior to Final plat acceptance. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 1. The delineated edges of the wetlands shall be depicted and the NWL and 100 -yr HWL shall be called out. 2. Label the Mississippi River's and the creek's NWL and 100 -yr HWL. 3. A legend for the different line types is needed. 4. Streets shall be named according to the Wright County street naming grid system. 5. The City requires that the existing road providing access to C.S.A.H. 39 on the east side of the development be overlaid with the proposed development. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. This development is being served with individual septic systems. The soil borings results shall be submitted with verification from the geotechnical engineer that the depicted sites are suitable for placement of the septic systems. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. Each lot is to be served by an individual well. STORM SEWER SYSTEM 1. The NWL, 2 -Year, 10 -Year, and 100 -Year HWL shall be shown for all ponds, wetlands, creeks, and rivers. 2. HDPE pipe shall have a minimum of 3' of cover. HDPE is not allowed under traffic areas. C: \Documents and Settings \Tami \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content.lE5 \UXZODK7M \ot2285RVW2 (2).doc 3. Water being discharged to the Mississippi River shall be brought to the river's normal water level and discharged through drop structures where applicable. STREETS 1. The City requires that the existing road providing access to C.S.A.H. 39 on the east side of the development be overlaid with the proposed development'. 2. Streets shall be named in accordance to the Wright County grid naming system. 3. Turn lanes along C.S.A.H. 39 are subject to Wright County approval. DETAILS 1. No comments. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1. The NWL, 2 -Year, 10 -Year, and 100 -Year HWL shall 1 be labeled for the Mississippi River, creeks, and wetlands. 2. Please depict all drainage and utility easements. 3. Ponds P1 and P2 do not agree with the pond detail. 4. Provided a minimum of 2% grade over land where possible. 5. A minimum of 1.5' of freeboard is required from the E.O.F. from the lowest opening. Please revise of 4, Block 1. 6. Soil Boring locations shall be shown on the grading plans SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. The area west of Mason Avenue, within Featherwind Farms, is being contained within that development and does not discharge to Mississippi Cove. Remove Subcatchment 10A, 12.32 acres (as identified on the drainage area map) from discharging to Pond 1. 2. The area from the eastern exception shall be included in the post - development model. 3. The curve numbers used in the pre - development model and post - development model are not for the same soil types. The pre - development model uses curve numbers for soil types A while the post - development model uses curve numbers for soil types B. Please revise. 3. The proposed development appears to meet all requirements for the treatment and discharging of storm water runoff. The post- development discharge from the site is less than the pre - development discharge and all street runoff is being routed through treatment ponds before being discharged into the Mississippi River and nearby creeks. C: \Documents and Settings \Tami \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content.1E5 \UXZODK7M \ot2285RVW2 (2).doc WETLANDS 1. Delineated edges of the wetlands shall be depicted on the plans. Currently the developer has engaged a consultant to complete a wetland delineation'' report for the site and is awaiting the results. ENVIRONMENTAL 1. The developer's engineer has submitted a statement certifying the environmental condition of the site. Signed statements from each of the existing property owners will be submitted with the final plat, verifying that no dumps, landfills, or hazardous materials are located within the site. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. The soil borings results shall be submitted with verification from the geotechnical engineer that the depicted sites are suitable for placement of the septic systems. SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments. C: \Documents and Settings \Tami \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \Content.IE5 \XZODK7M \ot2285RVW2 (2).doc ITEM 8_2 RESOLUTION NO. 2006 -30 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, pursuant to a Motion passed by the council on 10/10/05, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of Improvement Project No. 06 -03, Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain along Trunk Highway 101 and C.S.A.H. No. 42. And has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, dated April 19, 2006 a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Engineer shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m. on May 18, 2006, in the council chambers of the city hall, 88'99 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, Minnesota, 55330. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bondor certified check payable to the clerk for 5.0 per cent of the amount of such bid Motioned By: Seconded By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, Clerk C: \Documents and Settings \Judy \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content. lE5\ 09MVSDMV \OT625resAppPlansOrdAd.doc . moms k J �:___ �.__� _- II 1 I '..,? �G ,'3 • ti D2 ti '-- I t j g _�" - - ,-n',i f vL.,fl j` )..4 . j = o v S 1 _.. _..- _ ° __. - I -tom -' , I' + ,, n 0 i. I Y L k i i o n t ` . — -- -- ,1 }.1 _ - -,a i t j ., l,; I. t- -_ ,� i ti r' I j, I l' , v' . 1 P r .�3— _ i l .- —._— 2 ' I k',• a I. _.., , OU . ' .. - I` 4 ._.- --�_- I I I It /1: `. N.E. M1Y AYFNyE 11 ' : _Jl ^I fr i I 1.. .,__ Ii ' NI 1 ' t I F i k � D 2 11.E I i %.. Z C Z 56 ' I - _ -._- ! - - 1 __.. _.._..__... I i - ti e r .iY C O i j V ". _ - - ii O n ZOZ A r !^ -- - c1 i I ; �i n rrl -. _ — ( m VJ "Vu3= - - - , ` --I O� y C Z C t I; O Co I - -- v n 0 _. .. F.k O P ` `/ • fi�d'.II - V/ > > y -1 ,1 - m0Z I' l O D w • Z 4 N P's i 1 a ', I . c '111 t I Q �, Q F g - - 4 o sw s a ' 90� na g" N _ m n �R NL � .� i s y A y A y °. ZAZ r � n _ 1 , D A n s D Z 21 y n � >Z s; m NZ^ �In � 3 n s"i A 0 a ui ° a c o�n o oi�,,o.n°z o EN T > $ 15 A �' m 31 rAy ypy k 8m O 86 z. ? " z > n i s s Z ° m rn z z z tz z m -2 •„ N n m m k 3 g 0 0 0 rn p o� p^ p O O 2 " g5.5 n fl -. C -0 0 O ~ N p 'R s p n� (a gn NP' s z x' z Z _ z z i I- i ° n S n ° , m M " " " 1 cn e fl- i g 1 / $' i : ,,,' Il .:r I I I ''I `:1 ' of -. • - ---- 4 i I ' ! I . ' i ir i,.. . 2,... L- 1 i ....Lif ..,„,, 1 , .. „..__...- - . . i r i _ __ __ ...._ _...„, 7 , I .■ ,-, I. .1 _ : - 14 , -:7 , V 2 : • i I % I I . I // I . , n g I , !. ! :t / r1 n° X 48 i1 .1 ° _ ®_ —, 1.:,,,. " ! , m i 1311 A . g ' 1: •I. ai ! 1 m 1 i 1 , \ , ,./.. 1 , ,..., 't....... , • II 1, 0 , I ■ o:'0 I. 1 1p i8 \ p � !Ij ... / I s_I m Na 1 1 1 ^ . , y r� 1y J /� t i/ ® I \ m • Eg a n I ' ` // ' I y §e I I I �.. S ... \s I I 1 � ®,rte ;�` F;7. � � _ S 1. � :� ` �: o I ''',4, g S so.6 - q i , . 1 - .-A �/ ` \ N. z n o ° 6 � \ C • ®. = \ ✓ —m m,,, /II . o Z - 1N` {� 1 Nn 1 y A < 00 .vi, Z \ N 4 4 N x - x ,��. ,,_. : N • C.S.A.H. NO. 42 CL AR AND GRUB TREES - 0.03 ACRES e s 44 _ • 1 • REMOVE 37LF -15 CMP ® g 3 - - --- ®' ' \l \ ., \ i r -- -.. MOVE SUPPORT POLE AND ' / �' - --- • 1 -I SOW \i\i a 1 l ; I , � ® x GUY WIRE BY OTHERS - .- / / • - `ti l ® _ \ ` MOVE SUORT POLE AND _ - ' \ � �--` \ p 3s• `i L ` \ - GUY PARE PP BY OTHERS �� �, �• _ \/ 4' � ® /Y �_ � ' •' �- t ►T I'd \ "...VII .'`r ° /X/ -�. I _ � �_'- -� ._rte �L � - s t i .,,,,.., i v/ ww I J % __4� ^ — - Alit \ / :.•'� t I S' // /it. \ �` �' /� •� - CLEAR AND GRUB - S / 6 6 � q 1 \iUa : . ,;,1;.,.................. �.�.. - T ES 04 ACR - .., /�, i j� /' 1n0"i1l'Tyl���,�W J • a ,t i L ; •�• \- - - ' �- p I REMOVE 460LF FOISTING 6 • SANIRY TTA I / �Ir• C AR AND GRUB •EES- SEWER PIPE AFTER BYPASS HAS BEEN - - • / INSTALLED AND I$ IN SERVICE. / i'� r 0.04 ACRES I A .4.4 - %ice, ........44.4r., Alci) So q 50 5WE w FELT C.S.A.H. NO. 42 • • • CLEAR AND GRUB TREES- - - _ _ _ _ 0.02 ACRES _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - -- _ -- - - _ -- - - _ --- _ -- REMOVE 150 SO. YDS. ' BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EXISTING Q SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE _ _ _ _- _ r... _ -1- i�l ICI ,, I�JI�I_1 .I :I I_I�I7a•I_1-�_, -1�1 a^- • 4 I T ,.. - - - .ur - - _ = 4 .4... ° CL EA AND GUB TREE5- .� j)yy ` ✓ R R Y / J 0.03 ACRES ' / , /�✓ JJ REMOVE 115 50. SOS. CONCRETE PAVEMENT ' ' V , ` , / / /'^ `5 PROTECT AND SIGN LICHT DURWC POLES CONSTRUCTION ` ' . /' ♦ , ' / j 50 0 50 100 ÷:\ SW. -� DATE REVISION I Wary e can %7 11. pe pnn ape 0000) M L .o« «p0. A « «d« n 1171 TRUNK SANITARY SEWER 06-03 AIN s n 3 3 F i Cs� aeosr � +' ww [!g tl e. l a n m 0. cD O K: . Engineers ana Lana Surveyor, Hokanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06-03 3 Winesolo LKA 12/21/05 3601 T.Mon Ave.. MoY Mmesoto 55303 REMOVALS O. mLLwlt uOMM. JR n[ off° 1M. a. 763 - 927 - 5860 FAX 763 -427 -0520 STATION 34 +50 TO 60 +69 m 12 r.y r r -�0as •0r..s <.a.o14»aLw.us _e _ pet Co. No. 415p KM 07625 ••+Aabon0On codersan.no ON THE CHEAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA 6.M5 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (LEFEBVRE CREEK) NOTE: _ - -�� I . "GOPHER STATE ONE LL CONTRACTOR O CONTACT AT T - d - ,.' j l '/ (651)- 050 -0002 FOR LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ILITIES BEFORE START -+ - _ 1 / / , 1 I S / . I '/ / OF CONS7RUC110N. / / �I� / /0„, v/ � / / 12" BUTTERFLY � \\`-� : + *, • ONSTRUCIED 11 � 12 -225 BEN VALVE ;, BY OTHERS t A INS7ALl 12' %12' %B TEE. / D 1 � 12 " %12 " %12" TEE OD ` . ^ -` `- I , (1I -B CATS VALVE AND 1 ' AI•E , !''- // BO %. B - x6' REDUCER, 1 N Uf ' , % ` ' . HYDRANT DIP AND • / 12" BUTTERFLY �` � _ ' 2'- 22.50' BEND 12' BUTTERFLY VALVE 1 HYDRANT i 2<1F -12" � MP CL 52 ---•-• „,- VALVE , �V , ✓ 1 I10 1 / 12" BuTTERFLY�� • \ ,%,; liir** / / , �I/ • " ,� L ' VALVE f ��11" PLUG � I�I�I�I 1�1 �I1 /1 ,-- 20LF -12" DIP CL 52 ' . 6v • 11 4.441 SW el. e ,7 • TT, • . IBS.. \ PERMANENT EASENEN� ...÷... -J _ xo sc+4 .A Y . EXISTING 15" PVC � DETAIL INSTALL 12 Y %8 TEE. 1 / / ((1))-8 GATE VALVE AND I %, B' %6' REDUCER, • T: / F 28LF -6 DIP AND HYDRAN// 1 / BO , ° 4-iv."'" I I� / ii w o so Loo scar W rEn • PROPOSED V ELEVanoN 870 870 — — _ ` CMSpNC .80060 OVER PROPOSED WAIERMe1N 865 -- -, —• .— .--- •- ..— ._.�._._._.___ i �/� 1 I� 865 1 — WATERMAIN 7.5' 1 N. 1 MINIMUM COVER 1 \ 860 1 1 CONNECT. TO .EXISTING , TOP , OF PIPE 0 \ 860 WATERMAIN TOP OF 11 PIPE =855.0t • 6 \ 11 (FIELD VERIFY) _ 11 \ 1 855 -- �'f -:Y 11 ,-- _ _ _ - ::Sr 1 1 855 Y.Yyritl:�.� 7 j I 1 i 1 1 i 0 8.50 I N 1 1 II 8550 1 1 N ■ 1 N 11 TOP OF 1 '! • 11 WATERMAI =847.0 845 1 1 1 1 11 845 11 1 1 I1 1 11 840 I . 1:1 1 • 1'1 840 0 1 1:1 1 . 1:1 �, 5 EXISTING 15' PVC SDR 26 AT 0.107. . 1 E%151106 15 PVC 500 26 AT 0.101E EX STING 15' PVC SOR 76 AT 0.101:. � � _ - _--- .y.y ......... . .... .. 11 1+ L [ �¢n�ru MN 4SiW4 YN YI .c uj4Y. [ APPRp7J4ATE $PtASa�)) 6i 95 y 1NX m5 5..3 P. \_ A V -iTt %IMaTE �S I n INV.•83..61 _834.91 . •835.30 acV 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DATE REVISION Mq mid, 1x41 Otis MO, sperJCmo MOOR. O 10 11 4. .e . was try ens et i° no a,M Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. w.o� Thus 1 c 4 DP TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN .. I � m ao va , i (NH., u 1. P� R. 3 12/21/05 ' 601 6* one Lo* Surveyors E� 1 a�neere n core IMPROVEMENTPROJECT06 -03 4 o Mx 51. a sap. . IZ /21 /DS 3601 Thurston rs ne Anoka. L 4inn Sur 55303 LEFEBVRE CREEK '© ip. vmb - rsem� 60 L. 4oRw,. <1:, P.C. N®R 1U i0. 763- 427 -5860 FAX 763 - 427 -0520 `_ v v V STATION 3 +35 TO 10 +00 12 .. �.m -..0 rvs va.e.. 1>»�41pn.e.4 o e1:p.vy T1oM Ls. No. .1rr,� n. 01625 ..,I.4L40Son- on*a0on c ON TIN: CHEAT RIVER ROAR CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA 51¢(15 LEFEBVRE CREEK 1 • SEE DETAIL -SHEET 2 \ , \ \ \ INSTALL 3OLF -12" PVC 50R 35 \ ` '• ,, •` \ ' y . - / N {tI .,--11 AT 0.2270. STUB INV =837.14 ■ 1 \ \ \ BU • 1 1 11 iff • ":":-Z.------ \— .-- _. PROPOSED w P ERMANENT EASEMENT \ ' � \ S P \ •� \r v ° r� sb �� M - 1 _ �. - •_ $� ^ NOTE: • H � 1 I \ \ p \ ``, I� _ - - - # \' \ I�Y V � f CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT ` \ � I I ', \ '( j � � GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' AT 414 pOSTINL' MF1 1 — 1 -- - ' ` ONSTRUCTE \ ` / •• \ ' �, 16 STING 4-0002 UTILITIES FOR Lo T TART �M� S11 -.'''.4---- --- .Y OTHERS \ TS� Cl {; T \ \ _ _ pp 7 7�7 1 1 �` CONNECT TO•E%IS1ING •," ' \ i _ Z \ \ \\ \ ' " i OF CONSTRUCTION. �' T � ` M =2 T VALVE, ,w'"' C: = J \ \` SANITARY MANHOLE '1 _ 1 - . - ..W. HII 2 I..Ip -- _ • .....,• Y \ • T - _ Jam_ :_�� �... -� _� •{ :._. �� - �� ,. _ �, -CU " - - ..4.. I' _ • , y + 'i \ 1 - . -. �/ Tr,. . 1 a 1 - _ .- �' 1 I 1 ^ 1 - -- - ' \ \ \ \'. , . ° , \\\ ' m ® ' . \ 50 0 50 100 SCN[ N TCO PROPOSED E ELEVATION 865 — — — — 865 . /,� �\ 660 WATERPROOF COVER / \ \ 860 u ATERPRWF COKR D CASING CMSTING T L PROFILE / \ 1D ZTIVC :� - -- - -� - - � ,-- / \ r ' — � ' -- ' 855 \ \ / \ / 855 TOP TEOMAIN =847.00 WATERMAIN 7.5 \ � - NINIMUU COVER I CONN[CI TO "51082 I 850 TOP OF PIPE WATERMAIN (LLD Kr846:3" 6 i - _ - __ -i 650 I n 01l�I 70 LF . - 12 • ' I e ii -; _ 845 I . I lF' r- 845 ii i 1 261.0 -12 PVC 1 - -12---r -12---r 1 SDR 35 AT 30311 -le PVC SOR 35 Al 0.229 _ 11 - . _ _ - -" - -- 840 , I I S50LF- 12''PVG 5pR. 35. 6T 0.697[ c[ 840 1 A SAN I AFY SE WER TII� WATERMAIN BETWEEN STATIONS 16466.06 AND 21 +48.30 ' STUB INV. ..640.16 5TH 13. 76p2 CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS 1KM.666.5 INV..B30.50(Nw.SE) 835 6 0T 10126.14 835 • IM R.855.8 WV..836.91(NV� SOW .•7.07 SC SANITARY SEWER BETWEEN STATIONS 16 +79.36 AND 21 +57.31 • STA,1D400 ..83607.0 CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS 830 000.855.43 [ 830 INV.- e.45 ., e xrs. ` ` 2 ., a ., 9 A a ., 0 .I., 2 11 0 0 7 0 3 R 7 5 8 . 0 7 2 2 2 2 2 ., :I r R :1 $ $ "x "s s E a $ 10 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DATE REVISION I hereby ; m' iOO y e w m 40300. H a k anson Anderson Assoc., Inc. clTY ov ;NEn ° ^ TRUNK S ANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN ... os+NNel ^n1O LKA 12/21/05 e �^e✓ fv6. DU[: Civil 1 E Tn ,07070 e., A ona LRna sue 5530 O E (' � IMPROVEMENT LEFEBVRS PROJECT CR EEK ECT06 -03 5 m "' ' ' '°" p1 3601 walm he., UmnesolP 55303 v v E CREEK Y L RORRS, A., P.C. N M , 763 -727 -5850 0A% 763 - 827 - 0520 STATION 10 +00 TO 21 +37 12 . au ,e .,a . n v...n- TWa \ <14]e put. Li. N°. 41600 01 WIN 01625 .....WN,50n- 008NVOn.,0,, ON THE CHEAT RIVER I10A0 CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA SHEDS T.H. 101 /C.S.A.H. NO. 42 - RAMP A INV. -852.0 CONTRACTOR I N MALL VE CE TO S FIELD RIFY UTILITY BUILDING SHALL F N AND ELEVATION ABA BEEN INSTALL ' %6' TEE, ABANDONED (1) -6' LATE ATE vALVE AND "''�... • ° -80%. 201F -6 DIP AND CREEK TOP OF WATER =8503 • 1 . .•.,.� +"+. / - NYDRAy F CREEK B077014.8493 s. .r . \ "'.. ''''.1,,. ! 1ST - vE_R SERNCE t— - F - / I .Y" - � 1 1.01 PVC TOP Pi AT CREEK • 1 _ ''' • 1 1 P 11 EK CROSSING =Bq4 J 1 , (2)-123-11.25' BENDS 6' - , +' ``++ 7W0 -WAY • B 1 • m m ..=�' •� f @F ,, - • ....,,"•••' LEAN OUT ,f - ,r' S .a•+c°" _ — _ _ — LL — _ — - - ®• 12" BUTTERFLY NAIVE \ / p 1 -1 1— 1 -1 J 1 ,----,—,—....-,—,—....,—,—,—.7.-1-1--L-, 1 -1 i 8' 1 ;al F PC CASEMENT •• F ®� ®. 'S • NO T/1. x • F ®'FI ' �B ,� g + ' • - .' CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT • I -_ e '. - y ® ,,.•"� F - ! "'-F . (651)-454-0002 OR �R CA10N OF S. .. 1 :: ''''''.1. + • ..i s . . 1 —_ -- - __ _. _ _ __ - _ _ _ RUCTION_ F ✓"r I OF C START i a !. i ! gi fte. 4.1 , 01.1r° 7 - —___ 50 IOD I ■_ SCALE N MI PROPOSED E ELEVATION 865 865 w µ±IERPROp' COVCR -- -- ' 860 D CA511MG ' — — \ A \ WAA C010R / / .� i CASiw6 f PFOFKon ...Traynor COVER / 860 — �. — / ^ --- — AND CASTbIGN / / ■ 855 _ \ /- - -__ -- 855 7.5' MINIMUM COVER ` _ / I CO NR 10 (05051 \ / 1 RMAIN OR 850 (il O VCNUT� F8.9 I J a 650 • :. ENI TOP OF PIPE 48LF -12" PVC II I 30Y' VC - 1 ® ® 6.0' MINIMUM COVER 845 SOR 35 AT 0.228 II $OR LF-1 35 40015-72 •' RISER i ® BELOW CREEK BOTTOM I • II I 236LE -12' PVC SOR 3S AT 0.228 Imo_ • IOOIf -ti' PVC SOR 35 AT 0.2210. 3 -1 845 • 40011 -I PVC 506 35 AT 0.225 T /�9 640 •. >1.3: 6 0.86 CONNECT TO EKIyIMG u d :BSfi. WI ST�.6 56 .7* 32 Ba•96 (6.56) 840 SANITARY SEWER 5 6.21 +35.64 .8.3.21 (N,S) V.. B.F.10 (6,5) STUD WV. =8.2.52 �y_/� .8+7:)0 (6.5) S1A X22.05.05 Y I N . 85].53 • 835 8.2.63 (4s) . 895 830 Z 830 LNy "p q 3 a a a 04 0 3 3 3 3 a = 3 3 3 2 x 2 2 a 2 3 n 9 R 04 e If A 0 e 3 3 3 5 a -' i . - " a " s s " a 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 .28 29 30 31. 32 33 DATE RCVSION sr t coney wowed wen .e«ar.,4,, Df00Du Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY DP TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN s'''' LLe. M .m. am:NW EnPn.snow owe. Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors OTSEG 6 Sons a -. nl> 9 W IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06-03 LKA a /zt /OS 3601 ieWNm ere.. AnDLA Minnesota 55303 STATION 21+37 i0 32 +71 CI NUNS L MORNS. R, P.C. NDBS b ' 763-I21 -5860 Fax )63 -12] -0520 12 • + :: \ .r y .,. u. e v " • - %vn >'.a..wl•)5: +n, Dom Lc. W. •1658 VlLN 01625 _ www.°okonssn aMer50n.com ON THE CHEAT CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA ;MOCK C.S.A.H. NO. 42 12" -45• i BEND ' - -------- - . 12 BUTTERFLY . 1 @ ' 'j "• I4 - - - 12"-11.25- BUTTERFLY VALVE BEND �� REPLACE 197 SO:YD.� _ _� • GRAVEL DRIVEWAY ®� - ®TV , W IW`' • �^ ®@ 12 "- 11:25' / -N+ i \i '' '-4, 12'- 11.25' 1 @. I * /:: ® BEND a W7 - \ t 1 �I BEND @ \ ' 1/ \ O ® . .:\ - - _ - v ..i -. . � \� ' � \ _ 3 p _ �� 12 11.25' 8` r \ t I . - N� ` \ 1 >d N � . ' , 4 ". � ' - C�SiNERSO BEND ----Zr. \!��'' � 0/5:7,,,,,,,j7.--. � 12 "- 11.2 ' _ MH8 1T BY \� PROPOSED STORM SEWER • \ 12"- 22:5•..:., BEND / a9 _ _ - _ _� _, ' 1 1A--------1 ;/ JJ �, BEND IA / .. t�/ • s , .. I .. ,,,, r � ' � \ . i / \ X L - I , `� - - / INSTALL 12"X12 TEE, • / ' � � �� /f�•� @� i I. .. 1 -8" GATE VALVE AND �+�.., �/ \ /, 1 INSTALL 12 "%12'x6" TEE. ' 'Ii r ...-- . �� ,/. r Ox, 8'x6" REDUCER, ♦�. (1) -6" GATE VALVE AND _ ' " fi r , L '.. /f /S0 201E -6" DIP AND v BOX. 201E -6" DIP AND.•• / ,� - •� ' ` 1 1 @ � HYDRANT ^ 7 � \ / HYDRANT �---- I - _ :- ,- - _J // I 1� . -_ -4 / 5......,,:„. I � j �, / ' b - ' 1 -B "_ 12 "x12 "XEr TEE.' CXISTING--3- ;FORCEMAIN' e 7 V i. • ' . - . _ : 1r \ \' INSTALL / / /�� �� µH ti �a G ATEVALVE AND yEgY LOCATION AND FIELD" x, 0'x REDUCER SP \` / � '',_,,,„•• r • I 20Lf -6" DIP AND ELEVATION) HYDRANT NOTE: I • '/ � � , ``��� � j � 1' 12" RU7TERFLT VALVE SEWER 6 WYEA(FIELDY CONTRACTOR "GOPHER i S ATE ONE C y 1 I VERIFY INVERT ELEVATION) ullu FOR BEFORE LOCATION OF Ex15T ST ART , I �� / / i I WC UTILIORC ST / 1 OF CONSTRUCTION: SO - O SO TOO PROPOSEDE 3WE .I FUT ELEVATION 875 /_ EXISTING PROFILE - - - -- - } 875 WATERMAIN 7.5' e70 / / '-5 / MINIMUM COVER 1' 1 I 870 8 . TOP OF PIPE '; ' NN 865 11 EXISTING CONNECT TO EXISTING 091(84AN I r . I L WATERMAIN • - • I / / 1 11 I PROPOSE 1B 8655 / II _ ' STORM sp./ER �.._.._ .. + \ ■ / ^ \ WATERPROOF COVER n / \ -T � WATERPROOF COKRI J4 - 860 ■ / ,NO CASTING AND CASTING: I / p,_ 11 1641E -12" PVC 2001E -17' PVC tBt 1351 A 0 • J.,__ J " SOR 35 An 0.227E SCR JS AT 0.2216 SDR 35 AT 0.221E 860 - WATERMAIN 7.5' \ EXISTING wA1ERNAlx / /I�� \ ■ MINIMUM COVER ■ 11 \ CONNECT TO EXISTING ���� M 855 \ . u � 01449 490 051.33 5 0 15 4.43.2D.75 N / 5 I 11 044 .74, f 441 SlA..45.D1.64 TOP OF PIPE 1r I g 9 CONNECT 10 DOSING F 11 WATERMAN BETWEEN � \ __ / _ 9 i� %HERS) �� eSB. >0 (444;5[) ..859.1. (Nie,SE) Wv::9591i' (Nw;S[) 8 '' 54141.0 SEWER I 1- c. -s 37.77..5 0 39.69.0) 1 VIV. ] 75/119 [ S NB 110,848.91 1 1 1 CONSIRUCTCD BY OBIERS WV..858.19(N) 850 SELF -12' PVC - �� J 1 - 958.29 (5[ 850 SDR 35 AT 5.467E ,� / 2541 -12" PVC. '09 74, SANITARY w[R 8 N $pR 35 AT 0.2211 `�`__ STATIONS 37.73.98 AND 39.56.70 845 198 f -12 .PVC CONSTRUCTED 99 OTHERS SDR 35 AT 0.221E Am 41 51 ♦. ( .9 ` 5A6) 845 ..-1. -37.93 �NII /9 M -N./IO 1. 1 11 NA.867.52 .•32.71.32 S A.)5.2t.93 5/" 650.00(4) RI14■863.2i • .057.04 441.881:57 NV..957.45 ( S W) 840 INV.,644.99.(N.SE) (49 .916) .51 ..945 97 (NW) 840 019.SE) WV..04607 (5) - NC4 4 4a 4 32 33 34 35 36 45 46 DATE REVISION 37 39 40. 41 ^ 1 n.ne7 can97 lna wt �.o.tRWolOn ®O R. 42 43 44 urK ... Er p ug lot. of Naw m" 33 1111 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., InC. MY OF' Qy TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RMAIN s 06-03 7 Lr....a P,a.•mw E.Wn.n .rover 9>. 0. 4419 CI.B En O • S GO 7 a.. of Ow Slott of 14 LILL 12/21/05 9�nee.c am Land Surveyors } CT Ofr0 3601 %natal AN., Mae, 3027 Wen/nobs 55303 ALONG C.S.A.H, NO. 42 - 41 %m. _ 961.1.14 L NORRIS. JR., P.C. NROW IM AO 7 63 -A27 -5960 Fax 763 - 427 - 0520 STATION 32 +71 TO 45 +01 m 12 ....m_.w p,. v... ..- 7>n.ols7_ oN417, 7 y 014. Lc. No. 41600 W1.61 07625 .•681.6004- 9nders0n.com ON 711E ON 711E GREAT CtlY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA SnEE15 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 _ INSTALL 12' %1 TEE, INSTALL 12'X12 " %6' TEE. (7) -6" GATE V ALVE AND (1) -6" GATE VALVE AND BOX. 20.1 -6" DIP AND BOX, 201.E -6" DIP AND HYDRANT HYDRANT — / y 1101.001101.0005 12 BUTTERFLY VALVE r 01wNprs --- 0000 ms FLOW METER STATION BUTTERFLY VALVE ___.___', oa Or 00000214 PROPOSED STORM SEWER ua r a... / -12" / O -- - ...-: -. , _ _ h1/4._ ill Y . I _ ® MH 18 r :••.. ! • < d / '', NH/ Z - -� �l� '0, _ .. //. .. EXIS11NG'SANITARY=SEWER .< _ r I ..i' 1.. _ - _. . - _ - . ! N / . GRADE D< 0:21 •I` / - - ® L _ �' 7 : SALVAGE AND REINSTALL \ ROCK LANDSCAPING (AS NEEDED) /\\ \ TRACTOR MUST CONTACT !✓ �i J � \ PHER STATE ONE CALL AT CONNECT TO E %ISTING 6•• PVC % ,X` \ )- <50 -p002 FOR LOCATION OF SANITARY SEWER WITH 6 " %6" WTE. \ EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE START SOLE -B" PVC FIELD VERIFY INVERT ELEVATION) N OF CONSTRUCTION. AT 1:011 \ • �\ j I/ INSTALL O60LF -6 PVC A$ TEMPORARY TO TREAT BYPASS .\ TREATMENT PLANT SO THAT A PORTIO OF THE EXISTING 6 SANITARY $EWER MAY e l" ; :-. ; ' ,6 / � \ 50 0 50 100 BE REMOVED FOR STORM SEWER INSTALLATION scuE w bn PROPOSED Q .... ELEVATION 880 880 ___ - -- �• - -- -- _ — — T -- ` J — / /- ENSONGE PROFILE 875 `( - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__ 875 :) �I -- ---`-- --- -- 870 •. ' PROPOSED 1B t; { - - 125711 I I STORM SEWER -_ WATERMAIN. 7.5_,. .. _ __. _. __ ._ COVER: t t 870 . _.. . —.__ .. _ .. _,. -- -- /T OF PIPE 865 . 0132 WATERMAIN - 865 000.1 -12 PVC 30010 -12 PVC 300.. -12," PVC 255LE -12" PVC SDR 35 AT 0.221! 005 35 AT 0.228 5DR 35 AT 0.22% 860 . _ SOR 35 AT 0.22>< 860 1 N 1 $TA:37).56.86 �MN 47 � RIH.8)1.OS R W .B) �11S6. B, RS V.. 062..MI(NW 5E) \:17.Atr-145.01.141 `R0,07 . 1 • NV.850.98 (WEE) WV..86 (Nw,SI) 144 060.10.(N 855 855 2..876 Y,.66w,SE) wv..B59.sa (NW,Y) NV..860.36 (5) 850 850 845 - 845 . 840 TITT a e o o E, e e :, E o 0 o a o e . o . . a o n o o E o . c a . o a o u EL 840 • 45 46 47 48 49 50 51. 52 53 54 55. 56 57 58 DATE REVISION I ow., 9 3 n ce n 000040800 Ns Po P3RMA ' , 7 . 9 1' . . " 1 a a ^^ µ Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY DP TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN =d. 5 a a.uu 0 E 4 e a o>. w: art: 01.41 68 Engtneen and Land Surveyors 55303 OTSEGO IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06-03 8 5.. de star a 0 1.54 12/21/05 3 Rudd Are., Mao, Ncs innot 55303 ALONG C.S.A.H. NO. 42 wIMW19 L 190006, JR.. PI. B. 'IU q 763 -027 -5860 nix 763-427-0020 STATION 45 +01 TO 57 +56 ® 12 ,, ,,. , _.. , ,, , d na... -r✓..001s e . 11ser.a 0.. . Dot. 6 No. 01600 r ® 9419 01625 ...101009014- OMerson.com ON TI11ON CR CITY OF OTSEG0. MINNESOTA SHEETS C.S.A.H. NO. 42 1 2• -45' BEND COQ OE MANAMA - C.S.A.H. NO (N.E. RIVE: ROAD - ---1----77-----°- - - ---- _ ______ WV 20 '-'-' 's • % 12 BUTTERFLY V L i Ik!, ' 111U Ell / / t 4 .. , ci• 0111 . . _ . - • — • , .. _ - , , ,' /\ - ------------r-------- NOTE: CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" AT (651)-054-0002 FOR LOCATION OF EXISTING UTIUTIES BEFORE START \ ' • • OF CONSTRUCTION. 50 . 50 100 FED PROPOSED EL N EVATIO . 875 _ 7 EXIVING i fRMLE • 875 870 WATERMAIN 7.5' !ANNUM COVER 2OLF-8" PVC TOP OF PIPE SDR 35 AT 0.40B 870 3013LE 1r DIP : C1. 52 WATERMAIN 865 IIN■larimm.■3■ 1 1.1•■•■:0...emilias 865 286LF-12 . PVC 860 . SDR 35 AT 0.22% MS Q 7756.85 : '14.5114.115 410.87A.21 R10.1373.01 ' F873 M' 195.-762.30 (..i) INV.AB62.93 OW) 855 Itiv..663.22 (S) 855 . . 850, • 1350 845 . 845 840 DusrorcE. [1...■ I. 57 58 59 60 61 DATE REVISiON I Nu." ca. y Inol AA Om Loce owl.. or moon L•os Ampam. A Aw A vAA.A AV 01625 LKA 12/21/05 , dirK1 popor, siao and 1.1 1 ern a aul, Hokanson Anderson Assoc Inc c ffy OF TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN .rer Lker.,ge AnAss:oral Enpinge+ unser tA Dram 70.. 0 IA SAA el 10.*Lote. IAA, • C,A Engineero ona Lona Surveyor; . OTSEGO IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06-03 3601 Thurston Are.. Moto. Minnesota 55303 - - , Ilan 9564±6 6, ±04756 At. AL ALONG C.S.A. C.S.A.H. N 0. 42 L3 12 791. FAX 163-427-0520 .. Lk. No. AIEEO WIAA ALOAaniSNEAEAS STATION 57+56 TO 60+64 ■L.vo.00Lonson-orKlerson.corn ON THE GREAT 01504 ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA 576EI9 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 _` - _______ -------- ---- - - _____ -- - - 1- - - -- o MRAAxa rot. = -�+ —_ __. —T— -- .. — .• "ti•s.-a..,, __a. - ,.,,� : �- -. 1 . ' 1 __ 1 1 e i - ___L= 1 —. --- —1 .1- 1,_J1 -1— _.1 1. ® °cam .,. � ' ® � � TAH .: _ _ — _ � . l U" u ; T H P T • FE$ -_ (S i 5 ' j -�` - E %ISTNC S SEWER. r _ • + SALVAGE AND REINSTALL ///n��♦ -� ' \ ROCK LANDSCAPING (AS NEEDED) • ♦♦ • • • • •1 m o w TOD SCALE w FEET PROPOSED B. ELEVATION • 880 — _ — — — — �cusnxc 4 PROFILE 881) 875 - - -- -- -- 875 ■ I J �� -- - - - -- 1 ----- — 870 114L6 18 RCP O 0.161E 12. WA ED I 68Lf- B" RCP O 0.1670 -p , 1 58Lf -18" RCP 0 0.1670 12 WATERMAW. • II I I 870 � ] _� — / 1 I 256LP 18" RCP O 0361 I I 1 262Lf -1B" RCP O 0.167E I 357LF: 18 RCP • 0.167E $ l 865 II i t f Siu ...,,. ,8 S1M 4 11 - $ t A •SJ 1 066 S •0J 91 < SP :i9. eJ 6> M B)J Ox S eB>20 ( f C y,•B6 &55.1 7 e„, ...i - - 2.3; (W 3 86850 11 STA.3 6 :1 1 55 A.•1 >121.71 RV B6)BI (w,E) _ -•... -- �.. __. _.._._ ._ _... _ ) WV..86900 S� ' •. -••. Ixv.•866.80 (E) ury 87665 • R WV 866.99 (W.E) W •86 ID (w,E) i II PROPOSED SEWER f 860 I 860 855 855 • • 850 850 845 845 . 840 e mvAAnos . e . . o . . . < • . . - . . • . . . . . . . . . . . E .. 840 . 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 5 3 5 55 DATE REVISION saw. %'A7� a �plm. s e% uran TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN we f° ""° ul I � Thurston Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06-03 1p Ls ima Enq duly . _ pp( ; iWI Engineers ineers end Lone Surveyors e a s . a h. 77/7 Vos 0 0 3601 1lwren A. <., Anew 7 . uinne 55303 STORM SEWER ALONG C.S.A.H. NO. 42 wnl V C 0003. A. pDID 763- 427 -5660 PA% 763-727-0520 STATION 43 +68 TO 54 +56 ® LKA 12 w.mv wa ve... mn.ul4ls a..wx: .va. pole s. P E Ne. 60D MN 07625 •.:wwnson- ondersuncorA ON T11EON T11E GREAT CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 5x[(73 SOP 26 KC IX. I. ME at, r P .p NM M Ms. Ms. mq)t MOW S ... W SO AS ge.01212 .0 .I II F`� R " ro, , t/Y a. 0..x5 NOM INSULATE .0 xARR a Sun Yv6R 1K B m� � (Mn Rt I r or STOW SEKR M[ M me° ¢ . x°f 121 to - am� °sa .. i a In CR SOMA. SKR W, v, � �/ \1 tuft(. aBK,Da m MO tMw Fill •„•.i SIAM MN` ill .1ax „aA s,BWim �:::.. [rz (xaW(ar ;na.R [ ¢ I i a N n SECTION A —A (s .ER °"( "'" PLAN �� qsa � a PLANS s,m aft \ ( r Y 0. .� ¢xtw STRAW /HAY BALE Wn� ¢aa r 11. \\ BARRIER PLACEMENT 111° A. W,raa 19 (il I �1 g0° ns u ioar l ir ° " Kr. 1.0.71 ions w Y,L[ --- iu[ sl.r,wra xo� a ilo) N. S x mKrt SILT FENCE «r AU. PLAN w SCALE SCAL AU. BTSm .0 .nn 2021..S. t2021..S. o uulnq[ R,M A. co fN .c,w e.o,r6E a APPRO. • CUM Sc mWP K (.t°loqu.66 ( c a a � a - ' sue am00 Ai ooT a: :a PER , RUG ,`! sw,W a n.s Nos m w, OM RumR.. OF , `, % —= P.21.1 P.21.1 i ° B° �' , L *,Burs a. emrs. � �, . ,o 1 ..0. IW a. 1�1�1 I _ _ w r % I rmarar .. RUINER $ ( ` RYL[ Cop,[CIO1 i1O;G: =i \i\ /. ■ rtNBa n „on c. "xW s ` i�y u...mM aKRr BINE mtx PROFILE PR.. , ...2 COKE III J nORIO. CI IO C nmann �t: WI St.R,. 4 m_aRm,(a.Y GROUT FL. L. SHALLOW SANITARY MAIN ,sBa«.wK a ° ,. ' `an`.1Es` ;. r`n INSULATION FOR WATER & NOTES: SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SEWER PIPE &SERVICES ° NO SCALE SANITARY SEWER - -- ..__ MO SC. ' 30x.. Ir . �x l tE " [ ` :�o. ao °r ac ° ,�( " s) a e i,N.N a ` a„ " a ` s t . ` r ° m °° STANDARD MANHOLE , 1.1 . 01 .. 1. RM1 "P'S`O °r' BO1N NO SCALE Rua cASM ¢ a i ECU 4( ona[, u .m[� uu um.[0rzxsa E ruNew.T a (01 t i K.1S D FNWE ¢fYrs m OAK. m 0i " f ` (Ra nut vat REOUCE WU SPAN KKJ.1S OR. to L. as C, ST. W,Sm Cq[ M • au.. .1 uq KR,KK buvf.¢ nut a .001.1 Jrza ° m ( R ¢ i 01o0.0 . tO .0 I ¢nt Ste n, O.1 K [u f • aG C.N.N° OF o SMC 21KKR. . $.2201 a (. ( ¢°( aD � =- ,ra r CONS ", x.RR IJ MI... - LI 01 13 WY onl OR¢E fw , raW msr mri .A. ,AVM.. 1II. R; sPEa,tn wors W ts J /: a. 5 4Kf 5 STm Bnt 1 t/r taa. CHIMNCY IICIOMT 7ADLE I Y S "" iaxW $ry1" o, tK n,y SEALS .x BOKS m v ¢ 0.W ../ st,rmub Y Ktgr/ WC SEAL 1 /a p' ...Y - 4I. SOR a ! —L »a E ca( °' • CIr I x9a N t r° x `/ a 0. CWPACTw 1.0.1 JP r 0' coHR,4 fa (,q r.pbtaw r Rrzx - 1 ((11 1 .RR a Y ¢ [D ULx,¢ rm [W. W lo ' (nl[x5a i aft( rSi_i! lii L C / ar4x ltm.) ) I- liI- -IN ° I- �i. 1 -1- 1 1 -t -1 -h .2..f....... ` ' `i - -T ITIT N,. m. —1--- SECTIONAL VIEW OF CHIMNEY SEAL v�l ®d // 1 SPNIIAR SEWER r 3/7S No se. {ry h1 -1 -1— —1 -1 1 1 S wort S. E. m IV lRa1 % '\ 1 -1 1 -MI -1. • ,4rrr L___ L. GROUND i SS TL° �� °�° � ` - MI I Try ELEV.. "' PROPS. °" `' \_' alk ':∎ li .. T Ja - WATER PROOF MANHOLE � SURFACE o[sa CASTING AND ANCHORAGE ""ax�^4 a � ! .• 'rc NO Y. raaD su Rr6cE plll PUBLIC ROAD ''"" vr 1 I I IIp III ..1.1 ..1.1 a Twca .� 50 MwMUM Suallnr .o. - ..j .. )r xtu rl \ \y , 1N` -,6 MS OS 1111111:;^ / 5115-SEAL xTi1R K,D,,, iii ' DEEP SANITARY MAIN as sa. I'111111I11 MwwuW SERVICE CONNECTION ��� NO SCALE . ' _1— 2 S' E 1• -Y wASNEO ROCK SECTION 6 - PLATEN LID R -1733 _ ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE O SCALE NO SCALE 067E .REVISION 1 1,.005 *0150, not noa u 260., 260., M 0'c*0** 0.1. L,K te my ,y,7 '� Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. nTM oP DETAILS (' Lyon a Mr ot,s,ana u"°a:b ona.an* m, - IRd a. am Engineers : 0150 L 506 B Wr.,erofs TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 11 .2 d t SIM a m. aa s O EGO 1. )/15/06 3601 Thurston Are., Moto. Minnesota 55303 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06 -03 sums E. WRRIS JR.. P.C. Mt.. Of n. 763 -021 -5660 Fe. 703 -427 -0520 LINAImAymArmoAryol $,.......2 v.K. - ,WStoraaW- RW",s- ¢,.CSwO Dot. Ec.xn. !•JA3_ wLM 01625 ...ro4onson- oMCrson.com ON THE GREAT an OF OTSEGO. wNNE50IA � r5 =0 MI.LISI TO MI ... r F990,0, MIT. AS STIMISO PALK ToNSKET OINK 0051100E COVER SHALL 81 18 r '' ..:17.= '''.... 11PE 0 WITH 27 001(51011 OPENING FRAME A CASTING 1Ingar...70.az , p.o., 0 V.. FILO to 17 lirIOLTINIOTE0 IT.: (5(1 NH lc CB SCHEDULE) .1110 • Tr rY 1' , a ETELOTT IINOSKO GRAN 1 . 1 '01 801 ASSEMBLY ; SW GROUT INSiDE AND OUTSIDE Of ....,... 1 -,......,.. •• '''.... "P, A 8 / 1111.01114 cAsit&G & ADABITNC MACS 1 NA ASTZTIOLT PI .911;02%°"'"?‘ f yr.( • OLOOTS TO ITE ITILUTNED Wu 7 LAYERS OT • NIL 9, 0 Y .,17..._ ---TtigilliMIMN riXTE AID.TuSTINC RINGS 0:117: cIm d I 1 ; II 1 2 OLASITC MINin ire3 MOOTS IIII Mi L57:41:RSIT MOOTS .1E 'ft* MICIT APPRovto 5 1v5 ER P - FIALNA/DTE014,511AND_____ARD - • MAX MANIIME TO BE CONSTRUCTED Of PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS MIN. CLASS ill REINFORCEmENI IstD uno lii 1.. 4..... 111,or.f.....17:9....:1'77T......01.„„I 9.27=1 41h. II 11 ., ''' row 7 TATUM or 1 MB 1-1-- NARA... AL Atk . PLASM • Nal. .. 4 Nu, INsOorESS SOLID MOMS :II:. rgl SOL10 BLOT, al :1" :1 I AM 0 111119ft .„,,, .. -,, 44 , ,,,, . 00. A ''.'uAx PrACC Illr L OrE aaltli mos • ■ iih iills TYPICAL BUTTERFLY VALVE & LOWER SECtiON i PiPE MARIS sz,11,Apn....• imam TYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE BOX INSTALLATION 111 BIB Vgigial aZATi"'aus1 VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION 12" & OVER WATERMAIN TIE 8Ao■ na v•LvE ID 41 10" & UNDER WATERMAIN .m. L. In . OrSTANCE r5 LESS STEN 10, Kr .0 00," TrICA-UJC RESTENTINTS Me ALL ANTS bran NAN 10 - _ - .■ , . - ... .. 11; .99 E POURED OR PRECAST CONCRETE TOTor.1005 TOON N. 04 WPM 10 00811008 BASE TROT SAMMY 00060 0' MTIANNT 0001 01110 TAM 00000 LT 8 010655081-088 5S081-0AS BASE 6' - 12 IT DEEP DIMON N.A. A.NO WE MY( BINDS NAME KED MO ■511-1/T 8' - 12 II 10 20 11 DEEP 10' - OsTR 20 11 DEEP HYDRANT AND VALVE INSTALLATION SLAB-TOP MANHOLE 9116 (STORM SERER) NO SUAL i *. li 441 A thiuliii : ...., 5 1 1 LENGTN 7 1/7 NOSE OTTNIE ... :10. OTANK 10. a , 110.1 . Ei. ' IVOR ic s f t 4 ; . 4W , 4 1 ,. i 1 , t IIII1151111 ; ■.\\. n . It, KNPOI CONNECT. *I', 1, 1111 NIL 2. , ...• LoOSIUMO SOL ir, ALI TKIISTURSIO SOL irno 0 . , PLAN UNDTSROTOED 50. 1161921 I .W. A , : Li% . A LI A1, J.A. . AT 110' unto PLAN Ming Al II 1/4 10 AY BEND I- 1 '0 111111Alikritit ...AM. ; ... ,.. •....,,.,..... ; 2 •11A1'.. == 1 jr,,.... ' •%. - NEEEP. :.! On NOTES 1. 72 mum. wpm 50 --RI NM Lfss 7. LEFT NAND CGIONT. NUT V9P IIN NOT TESS num is. 3 PANT Er.arrIt SECO. REO TO GRAM . BEND e II.- 41. 010. R.CLLS NOON KENN -1 r ,,a, --- Al Kr BEND SECTION SECTION . A . tali TAMP TAM TO OE ONEN. Oarar 1409tS BETON NeforNi ,7 .; AT 11 1/4 10 ■15. a INTRA TraLE TOOT PLUGCCO, 11111.."1111 STAKIPPE ITEITSON HMIS SMALL OE U.r.¢.0 TOM • WT. 5113, 0 TOR PPES GR.. IITAN OR MAL fa Tr. USE 7.0 4., riu7StoorcTIT 8 altu oupS. GO . 7 ,....., CONZT: T • e , ' 1.1.10, Ultadaltinalill r 1,1 " .,,,,,.. OM" . tiMIRENEMI Ili Zrt. ., NM. 3 TEEL ' TT , eW , T , e / ,w.., CD WANTONS AS POI 9.01 ST•TENTTO OLLer • op;:,..„,.. sEcr..N.AA' / S PACER TRAFFIC FLANGE HYDRANT RIP-RAP AT R.C.P. OUTLET ONSR mono EKASCO .f,;„ NO SME :50100417: (OR APPROVED EOUAL) 103.904 Oa. ITRIOR <, .T. sc.. . • TO,OuRING • . PLAN 'AA' • REACTION BACKING Nt5 OAR 00115105 $ Wel, tgAily 1081 we p.n. 11200110010o. MOIL cw /port Nos Or... 77 .^.• .., ... .7 , ..11 Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY or DETAILS SHEET _ . lkens Ofofts■Nrolcd Entine. onam tA• woo. WC: CIvil Engineers ond Lond Surveyor, SANITARY SEWER ..., . s... of minnasoto. LKA 1/15/06 3600 111'01 OTSEGO TRUNK ion Owe.. ArKAo. lAnnepoto 55303 IM AND WATERMAIN 12 PROVEMENT PROJECT 06-03 13 CCM. RI N3. 763-027-5860 FAIT 763-422-0520 i•ANAIKAA.A..1 12 No 19. 999.9 - 9,45on AILLMM L. MOMS. 111.. P.E. CM Of OTSEGO. AuNNESOTA .90.9,.....•Uous rocUrre..7099990197,9.990,925-orTALST•99 Oat. Lk.... 0160 818 01625 ....notonson-ondarson.corn ON THE GREAT RIVEN HOAD SHEETS . 1 1,, ITEM 8 -1 C.SUA.H. 42 (PARRISH AVE) RECONSTRUCTION PLANS GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE 2005 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF OR GRADING, DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TURN LANES, TRANSPORTATION 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION' SHALL GOVERN. CURB & GUTTER, AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ORDINANCES SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06 -09 ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND SIGNING SHALL CONFORM TO THE , INCLUDING FIELD MANUAL FOR TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 00 CITY OF OTSEGO PROJECT 06-09 STATE AID PROJECT 86- 642 -05 (CSAH42) NE 1/4 OF SECTION 22, T 122 N, R 23 W . SHEET INDEX THIS PLAN CONTAINS 57 SHEETS 1 � Construction Note 1 Title Sheet CSAH 39 (90TH SCR ET_ IL 1Il0 l ! �'iI( - 2 uction ontl Standard bulat Ploles '-� - 3 onstr lnu es ontl l .ti' :- �......- �...., .. StStorm m $ewer Schs hetlules r iTav ' �� L e.0 5 Typical Sections r , 5 6 - 5 8 Debits .5. 3 .yv a+/ a 9 -11 Right of Way and Easement Apuislion Pion �, . 5 12 -17 Removals ;' s ,; +_ - END S.A.P. 86 -64► —p 18 -21 Sanitary mm Sewer and Walera • vlwe s - "• 22 -27 Street and Storm Sewer OP, .88TH' 01 : STA 74 +00.00 28 - us yr /. ._.._- .-- . If: 30 Tr011i[ Control la -� 31 -37 Signage and Pavement Markings 1 ill? iii. II11 ., XI -X20 G RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL V j: - � �� � em, soma .::;?\ 1 67TH STREET - 8 ! �i 26052 04 /0X /O6 • PROJECT `.;4. 3 y -.-a .. L - L — I a mu e RONALD J. AGNER License No. Dole LOCATION / 4 E • 1.g, u % V : PROJECT RONALD E. GIN' R 1[ r. I ' ! i, "e ' LOCATION .1 5 i - II p 1 BEGIN S.A.P. 86- 642 -05 04711E A U N5N, P.E. Dole 9 I: .: ^ STA 36 +50.00 WRICHT COUNTY GAL0 ENGINEER S . 85TH STREET % _ _ `" 1 1 - _ - ____.____, i '+ 1 i so • 1 L__11, Y (., -�', t P '` 1 1 1 I• w t ((( � �� •• [ ///777(((A�77ppa 1 x } 1 '+ �; RENEW FOR A COMPLIANCE N WITH STATE Date -Ili DISIRICT ri � f‘,15 4a # ' L J J J -- P _ 1 �^ a b. AID RULES /POLICY r - t 1 L_y s 51.1 € % _ _ U 't` , • il � � E ` = - -� i. • � R = r . — air s G� ��y`li ▪ F i/ NE, mr -- - - STATE AID ENGINEER: Dote \ \ 1 F�a 1/4.0 y • O S )E' ` , , srvtn .. I hereby certify lhul this pion, specification, : report w 0 Yaauu�.w� , 0 .-' ea as �� ' - prepared by m under my dice: supervision ontl that I d . m o duly Licensed Prolessionol Engineer under the lows \ x _ 27 / of The Stale of Minnesota L OCATION MAP w 400 °°° VINICITY MAP ` a 42603 04/00/06 400 0 d u.UC RCI ScAI[ r EEI JOSEPH D. PELAWA DE. License No. Dote , 4 ,...: , k HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES. INC. t. • OATS REVISION PROJECT STA TO STA GROSS A0T AIR DESGN (SAL R TON DESIGN NUYBER MA WER Of NNCIIONAL . i Mairt , - LENGTH (2011) (2050) VALUE DESIGN SPEED OF LANES WANG LAKES CLASSIFICATION - SAP 86 -612 -05 59450 TO 74400 3,450 FT 55,000 41000 4.500,00 70 ID 40 4 0 WAR COLLECTOR DESIGN Of RIM °'o DRAWN BY ADS TILE SUBSURFACE MITT OIFORWTION IN THIS PUN IS '■■ Hakonson 01MT GUAM LEVEL • C. MS 011111' 0A111T _.- TEM WAS - � y OF Cl/ASCE ° 5B`02.ENnI C LED - DOA STANDARD ELOIES Anderson n. State Aid Project No. 86- 642 -05 (CSAH 42) TOR THE COLLECTION ARO DEPICTION Of EXISTING and land s r,. - arT Of OTSEGO WONT COUNTY, WNNEOTA SUBSURFACE UTILITY 0114" Me . SHEET 1 OF 57 SHEETS • CONSTRUCTION AND SOILS NOTES PIPE SEWERS CONNECTING MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS SHALL BE IN PERFORMANCE GRADED (PC) ASPHALT BINDER PC 58 -28, SPEC. 3151 SHALL BE ACCORDANCE WITH Mn /DOT SPECIFICATION 2503. BEDDING AND BACKFILL SHALL USED FOR ALL BITUMINOUS MIXES ON THIS PROJECT. STANDARD PLATES CONSIST OF UNIFORM SUITABLE GRADING MATERIAL MATCHING ADJACENT SOILS THESE STANDARD PLATES AS APPROVED BY FHWA SHALL APPLY UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE BITUMINOUS MIXTURES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF Mn/DOT SPECIFICATIONS 2360, PLATE NO. DESCRIPTION "PLANT MIXED ASPHALT PAVEMENT', AND SPECIFICATION 3139, "GRADED AGGREGATE FOR 30001. REINFORCED CONCRETE PPE WHENEVER THE WORD 'INCIDENTAL' IS USED IN THIS PLAN, IT SHALL MEAN THIS WORK BITUMINOUS MIXTURES', CONTAINED IN THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND THE 2005 EDITION OF 30086 GASKET JOINT FORR.C. PIPE WILL BE INCIDENTAL FOR WHICH NO DIRECT COMPENSATION WILL BE MADE. SHEAR REwloacEMENrFOR PRECAST ORAwnGE Mn /DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION. 7D STRUCTURES GRADING GRADE IS DEFINED AS THE BOTTOM OF THE PAVEMENT SECTION. I.E.. THE 31000 CONCRETE APRON FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE BOTTOM OF THE CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE. COMPACTION OF ALL BITUMINOUS MIXTURES SHALL BE BY THE MAXIMUM DENSITY METHOD. 3133C RIPRAP AT RCP OUREIS PfPE TOPSOIL SHALL BE DEFINED AS MATERIAL MEETING Mn/DOT SPECIFICATION 3877, ALL ASPHALT SHALL BE SUPPUED FROM A CERTIFIED PLANT. 40 41051 CONCRETE MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN COS 1 011 CONE SECTIONS NATURAL TOPSOIL, INPLACE SLOPE DRESSING, OR NATURAL TOPSOIL THAT HAS BEEN 40mH CONCRETE SHORT SHORR T COO BASIN NE AND ADJUSTING RING BURIED. SWAMP SOILS WITH ORGANIC CONTENTS EXCEEDING 20 PERCENT SHALL BE UTILITY COMPANIES WILL RELOCATE THEIR FACILITIES CONCURRENTLY WITH THE 4011E PRECAST CONCRETE BASE CONSIDERED UNSUITABLE SOILS. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS UNDER THIS CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE 1016A MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN REDUCER CONE SECTION CONSTRUCTION IN COOPERATION WITH UTILITY RELOCATION. 4020, MANIIOLE OR CATCH BASIN COVER FOR USE WITH OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS SHALL BE DEFINED AS MATERIAL NOT MEETING Mn /DOT WITHOUT TRAFFIC LOADS SPECIFICATION 3149.281. UNSUITABLE MATERIAL MAY NOT BE PLACED WITHIN A PLACE 4" MIN. TOPSOIL FERTILIZER, AND SEED OR SOD ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS. MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN COVER 1V:1.5H SLOPE DOWNWARD AND OUTWARD FROM THE GRADING SHOULDER PI OR ABOVE THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE 4024A 48• DIA. PRECAST SHALLOW DEPTH CATCH BASIN SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL EARTH MATERIALS NOT DESIGNATED FOR FERTILIZE WITH 400 POUNDS PER ACRE OF A COMMERCAL FERTILIZER WITH A MINIMUM 4026A CONCRETE ENCASED CONCRETE ADJUSTMENT RINGS SALVAGE, AND ALL DEBRIS, SHALL BECOME PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND NPK OF 20 -5 -10. SLOW RELEASE OR OR FERTILIZER SHALL BE INCORPORATED 6 41010 RING CASTING FOR MANIKILE OR CATCH BASIN SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OUTSIDE THE RIGHT -OF -WAY. INCHES INTO THE SOIL AS PART OF THE SEED BED PREPARATION. 4108E ADJUSTING RINGS 4110F COVER CASTING FOR MANHOLE USE SEED MIX 260 IN COMMERCIAL AREAS AND 280 ALONG THE ROADSIDE AS DIRECTED 4126F CATCH BASIN FRAME CAS RNG USE A SHRINKAGE FACTOR OF 125% FOR MATERIAL SALVAGED FROM THE BY THE ENGINEER. APPLY AT A RATE USTED IN THE ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. 41290 CATCH BASIN FRAME CASTING (SQUARE) INPLACE ROAD CORE, 125% FOR OTHER GRADING MATERIALS EXCAVATED FROM 41346 CURB BOX CASTING FOR CATCH BASIN THE PROJECT, AND 125% FOR BORROW MATERIALS. ALL SEEDED AREAS. APPLY HYDRAULIC SOIL STABILIZER TYPE 5 OR 6 AT A WATER 4143E STOOL GRATE AND CONCRETE. FRAME SLURRY RATE OF 1.10 TONS PER ACRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2575.3H. 41516 GRATE CASING FOR CATCH BASIN (SOUARE) WHERE CONNECTING TO INPLACE ROADWAYS AT THE TERMINI OF PROPOSED NEW REMOVE AND SALVAGE AU. SIGNS. 41600 CURB BOX CASTING FOR CATCH BASIN CONSTRUCTION, CUT VERTICALLY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE INPLACE SURFACING OR 7035M CONCRETE WALK d CURB RETURNS AT ENTRANCES 7036F PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE NEW SURFACING DESIGN, WHICHEVER IS DEEPER; THEN AT REMOVE AND TEMPORARILY PLACE ALL MAIL BOXES AT ENGINEER APPROVED LOCATION, 7100G CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER A 1V:. 20H TAPER TO THE BOTTOM OF THE RECOMMENDED SUBGRADE EXCAVATION. AS NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION INCIDENTAL. REINSTALL MAILBOXES ON MNCOR 7113A CONCRETE APPROACH NOSE DETAIL STANDARD OR EQUAL 80001 STANDARD BARRICADES 8002G PERMANENT BARRICADE DISPOSITION OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 8150C INSTALLATION OF CULVERT MARKER SPECIFICATION 2105.3D. 83370 TEMPORARY PORTABLE PRECAST CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE F SUITABLE GRADING MATERIAL ON THIS PROJECT SHALL CONSIST OF ALL SOILS e1020 TURF ESTABLISHMENT AREAS (AT PPE CULVERT ENDS) ENCOUNTERED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TOPSOIL SILTS, DEBRIS. ORGANIC MATERIAL, AND OTHER UNSTABLE MATERIAL. THE MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A CLASSIFICATION OF SP. SM. OR SP -SM, (USCS CLASSIFICATIONS). STRIP ALL INPLACE TOPSOIL AND SLOPE DRESSING IN AREAS TO BE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION AND REUSE AS SLOPE DRESSING. IN AREAS OF STREET. SHOULDER, AND INTERSECTION CONSTRUCTION. THE EXPOSED SAND SHALL BE SURFACE COMPACTED TO 1007. OF THE MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY, ASTM 0698. IN AT LEAST THE UPPER 3 FT. UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THESE PLANS, THE GRADING SUBGRADE SHALL . _ _ .BE CONSTRUCTED. OF .SUITABLE .GRADING ,MATERIAL. THE FILL SHALL BE .PLACED. IN _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ . ,_ ,8; T0,10 "LOOSE LIFTS, AND COMPACTED TO 95%_0F THE MAXIMUM - _ - r � STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY TO 3' BELOW GRADING GRADE. AND TO 100% THE REMAINING 3'. IN ANY PAVEMENT WIDENING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIVE TO SUBSTANTIALLY MATCH BACKFILL MATERIAL WITH IN PLACE SOILS TO FORESTALL ABRUPT FROST DIFFERENTIAL. GRANULAR FILL SHALL NOT BE PLACED BESIDE NON GRANULAR SOILS AND VICE VERSA. - BITUMINOUS AND CONCRETE ITEMS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DISPOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn /DOT SPEC. 2104.3. USE TACK COAT BETWEEN ALL BITUMINOUS MIXTURES. THE BITUMINOUS TACK COAT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPLIED AT A UNIFORM RATE OF 0.05 q81 /sv BETWEEN THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION IN THIS PLAN IS UTILITY BITUMINOUS LAYERS. THE APPUCATION RATES ARE FOR UNDILUTED EMULSIONS (AS QUALITY LEVEL 'C'. THIS UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED SUPPUED FROM THE REFINERY) OR MC AND RC LIQUID ASPHALTS. THE ASPHALT EMULSION MAY BE FURTHER DILUTED IN THE FIELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPEC. 2357. ACCORDING TO THE GUIDEUNES OF CI /ASCE 38 -02, ENTITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA." DATE REI510N n enr mealy us Oen yecMCauan. ®I,>. p «? •4, . 1 m - Y JEJ /JDP Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. r---, °o CONSTRUCTION NOTES SiCCI • J d V' BeDiA ,3c 360.4 1 Engine 0104 Ao r M o 4 o Lona se,.e530o EGO AND STANDARD PLATES 2 an a v' a ADS 3/29/06 Ill CI En L Mimeses s. r 55303 al 1dE8 - .s... - * 'ONND A I �r P.E flume n 763 -427-5860 FAX 763 -427 -0520 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 57 e : V.._ ... 1 u.a... - O'1AA..uwI.ro e DM u. . Lk. N.. 300_ 12 RAY . 00370 NNN.nokuneun- onderso .cen, 0I 7NB ceRSr RIVER BALD CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA SUMS 01370 • • CSAH 42 (PARRISH AVENUE) CITY OF OTSEGO BASIS OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES SAP.86442.05 Aggregate Base Class 5 1001bslydlin SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED OUANTITIES la .Wamig Bituminous Cotes. PA/Alum 11010slyd'sn 11EM TOTAL W eartn9 r Cases Bituminous Mixnae 11010 d/m NO 6PEC. OESCRPTON UNA UN115 0 Gal 9.? L T.nllrTi: �.MfO Bmra one itumi Mal tor Tack Coat 005 Ga8yd MmoEiummr.'1Y1:..ri,1. LIUMO Seed So watts 260 100 mvaae � '�xR•14a: tui ii Seed ...Hur0280 501belaere OEILII4'T 1Vai'. 01', ..��'j11 ME'' MW,,TTa �1 0,00 MatmWI Typo I 2 165lo HyaeMie Scil Slablirm Type 5 a 6 2100 WLnae 0 glrr•3;amad.rfiar � 1 1 1a rmm' ;rrrmr':.n A•n• lmlirm: - 40MLa IIIIIMEJQ -LE71 v_ a•mTrnrx, rnrr•rrr.•F_ - rr doom PUBLIC UTILITIES CONTACT TABULATION INULDN \7THa:?]E4T•' Utility ()vow CaNaG Name Plane IIRLIIIIIIMS.111111111111 Owost Hen Sly 763.712.5019 em ,LEi1a rtRa.li. B.lix^rd:liT:ir'�rr:rx Conte. Point Energy Susan Sargent 612421.5343 MBLINIE:=1.a.1^fx !0 *1 7'r7. 11■11•11.In+:10 Plane C0nmuaatiw Slew Sanger 7636825962 MOAN [•m. •� II1111•1111•M Gnaol. Moor Enor8y Gary Ostrom 763.241.2377 OEIISL ,Z n4,6111 Wrrl lrAT1^ Elk RI.. Public Leek. Glom Sun3om ' 761-441 -2020 oEIL' ont sr lIEEII}a y• • .'19 nta cy�a(/ ., lig ne Honpi 6 SOW 6 JboO 763.774535 lEEI.:'1 Y•- ar''•^'r'rrl•"' ^ � L,� WriNl6Hav A cc e s3 C Wayne 8 0(6505 nitl 7635334672 pozalTe .. •777,1 11:rure^7,617a3: nzq_Q ,E Non Star ncceas Ten Edam ]614]3-4672 111Mkf ' - 0 0 4 r li :ir,' -i ik, L6I'.'� Mgt. Casey. Hwy. Wayne Firgalson _ 761482.7388 if�. rT3Taamr:r,..ev T, x .1:lti Qaw£E iniammF.'E 5 CONC....OEM. WIN CRArae68 BA Ma i:EEEJO1LILW.. ,i'sa nm fl mi M !IJ♦EIy��';r ram :.::1.:. a t� m .� OETaNt Tam' raI■IIMIR ypy 111.2 111113•111111 ' BMW !11MIME i iaa4:mea:r1•In•ga:lxa,'LiL:li� p1 I;,-N� ... nrmrdra.ler�� L.M IMI),EI; T..1,1:mrr± . x�L'3Ri1lS SEEEEi•.,7l{{,,,,��U,Ua•arVanr rt +,,,:... amr n'�I :.,, $UMMARY OF FARTH BALANCE !I1♦yT7lnxz �".: Laa:l a 19.n. 8 .T',r,11..a;.,' flI FILL OTY X 1.3 factor C.Y. .E};.� amian. n T 4.ov -Q ILy X 1.3 S7EE00•1 rnral rara ^tr•,j- vilEy.,,E BEET,Ot1vv>r..T7., ( 3 5y ( /111 .M1 2 ,600 C.Y. ®Ei imilE mia_• mir!^Nal CUT OTY �MMTLIMPI. .nrinwrc7:m...vw� (- 132,200 C.Y. �I;•c'E�r...aus.3]xarn 16,600 C.Y. EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL IMUNIE} 2FEFTUrr : +a:LdraAI�.EM ME•'Ei3EEadd.l1r,4sarIan, -,11•13.11 IB]EEjj1.1110 T1Tii•1'FiTTIn:i' \kl]ii.T 1111113UNI �' I+'Y 1 0 fl V T . "it TFTO^.i UM= � r 11 * _ rya .1 IMMUEI}Yri 460/1l' •nI i`rN:l.+rn!•t_ Ixl +:1`_ II l�E j OT E}J♦EL W1 s 15 5 16•l1• 4.7 02 ]�11l.�i'.a I0Ev .1>.61rr.E ^LST,r 11 • :. . ., E ®F� rtrtx^7ra xr �Q ® • - - . -. - . .. .• EH.1IERI• DSBOL . ",•,"'''',^" . .Ian•." la1Lgti11J= tja E B11 .131 1'^R X7 : 1 r - • {�E � t •T . r ' , rs. o- r m ai ri ar� `r_ IIitJ. i VTr, •ii.•.71'>Rax lriil �S'•'� Mnim, • IMIMIM ' ^ n A 5 •70W .l�r +A Minika EIJfl0i n ELIMPR"'.ri r.Ei•' 5. 0ii11111■1111111,1111 EIIIECai,1arra"a^rn LIE S:'lsi91E F±. r1a•, 10117 O r �L1iS2a . p-I' 1• rrsar,• E; n .1':_: 19x1- 9a•rn'- LfSS.il • 11011231105233ryr V umfap II 1.;:: altaillailiall11. E4 • mamma. HA,v4nrul-rx, E35E A Mr :. tn.rl . E7EEIFlEI +•:,"446'.1 '..V1^ u1•I.n .1,iyI -1 -4.41 1•KM �EIMOINI .mxd\islx••sl-•ra mv.ma•rr O 11111E' A . 1�L.1' = DATE REVISION 9:LII ° b Nau grakan, mr \. ZOO ' `,A �, ' JEJ. /+� Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. �, �Sa7Y 09 zoo SW ESTIMATED QUANTITIES R .. 4, r �ypl " . C1.41 Engineer. and Land Surveyors AND TABULATIONS 3 wE i ll` L AOS 3/23/08 ' 3601 Ibuelm Amen. Aw.Amen. Yhmasole 5530.7 CI ,, me6- ,ass.+ 01010 A 1 P ®\ ,O x0. 763- 427 -5860 FAX 763 -127 -0520 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 57 . me t.-21,365131.170 . 1a1 1w ,,,3,o- .,ee.. 0, °m Lk... 26652 RJW 07370 ww..nakmem- anaersan.com ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA y¢ns 01'370 STORM SEWER SCHF°6E STORM SEWER SCHEDULE S1RLIC E. S TURE LOCATOR FLOWUNE GOWN STREAM PlPE STRUCTURE L6uR01 STRUCTURE GASONG FLIXNLWE DOWNSTREAM PIPE TUR. TRUC USIWG OR T:OF INVERT ELEVATION HEGHI. T. - 81 LENG(FEET) M OI SIAPE I FLO 510UO20 STAION OFFSET . I92LHES) TO WS WA1aER STAG N OFFSET TYPE TYPE USA "'ERTELE"M" HEE1 ` - 7,0,E E TYPE USTWGLO N 884.55 21.1 43.00 RT 2T ON NEENAII 865.00 3,45 15 79 2.27% 541.2 E 959.02 R.1]II 22.1] 50.55 RT Tr 6] 01 8616 W 859,02 1.354 5 22.18 S 55176 6 859.02 21.2 1]•85 RT 47 DM alca 0. 868.32 9 552.76 3.03 15 188 2.27% 223 2,18 5°•50 RT Tr 5]OEfi 862.88 W fl5 355 60 22.19 E 058.8 NEENAH. E 850.]1 225 45450 LT Tr 8 882.50 17 18 b 0.51% 234 22 -19 50.50 LT 18-5 81E99INH x02 B8260 N 650.51 155 150 2231 • R- 3 W 858.59 6 857.89 22.4 45.50 LT CF DA JOB)Ol 88324 E 803.59 4.8 13 5 0.54% 2,3 2,24 5200 LT ]r ON .8"EE 86158 E B6.e0 9.90 155 22.15 W 855.57 22.3 45.50 LT 51-018 NEEN 882,70 E ME' 4.21 10 80 0.12% 22.2 II W 00303 830954 2215 82.03 RT 60 DU 8]08NEENA792 8E103 E 8]0.12 5.18 50 2244 ' W 855.14 22.2 15.50 RT 47 DA Ply EE 88150 I E 803.5 5.75 24 50 0.5311 22.1 MASH. W 858.82 22.14 52430 RT ]r FES GUARD 0 GUARD W ' 80349 W 882.65 22.1 15.50 PT N -FES GTRASH. 0 213 7.03 RT Tr "EE 853.10 3.45 CO 213 R3037{I W 659.00 239 55.00 LT 24-4E0 1""514 0590° 0 24 40 0,17% 210 E 63x,6 GUARD 'NEENAH 213 72.00 CL Tr e6B,38 W 552." 591 12 24-4 W 05905 21 .0 5 830 R2 Or OM NEENAH 830 4.25 24 30 0.16% 2x6 E 862.35 830010 65 1 7x.0° LT Tr NEENAH 244 8684 W 632'35 449 15 m 0.x4% 24- 11•3037.31 . E 555.55 E 082.0] 23-0 83.03 RT 00' DM 0308)-Ol 63401 W 855.0• 5.06 24 25 0.+8% 211 245 7240 LT 37598 "E"„ B5040 9 001.17 4.83 24 130 0.42% ES EA SI 8303 E MEd 21 55.9 7 0 LT 00' DA 83087 86395 W e5°.B1 501 24 40 03854 238 NW 886 224 019.29 RT 21010 T4 86.55 195 15 43 0.54% 25.5 E • 658.55 218 83.00 LT 07 OA 81:Era 88130 W E e 03° 5B ' E E : 461 30 403 0.12% 211 E 86600 253 815.59 RT 10 FES 0600 0 +5 70 1.60% 251 W 659E5 NAH 23.30 RT r 88.00 033,30 315 15 m 0.35% 2]3 W 61.55 .4 6 T 542 516425 RT 17 0•5 3rEE 868.92 E Bd1,m 404 15 272 0.5514 212 E 859.72 23-3 59.03 RT 210 R5i0E82Q 884p W 555']2 412 15 5 015% 212 W 86.38 24.1 019.30 NT 4r DA 3081.9 67.59 a 555)5 4,0 24 1.09% EA COM. E 859.70 zlx 59400 RT ra R3E+ra 633,55 W 55910 355 m m 0.35x zl+ E e62.0 CB -CATCH BASIN - CASTING SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF 22.13 55.50 LT 15 552.52 0 15 m 3503 2,12 NEENAH R -3067 OR APPROVED EQUAL E nl 59.30 a 60 OA 8 63155 s 555.15 °''x ]° Im ode% 54x'23 W 051.47 MH- MANHOLE - CASTING SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ess.2. 54:53 5552 LT 411 DA 74e]90 55102 s 55om ass 24 CO O.ISx 22.11 NEENAH R= .1733(VEN TED LID) OR APPROVED; EQUAL 2230 . 1 T]' ,552,8 ' )S 5 ..A- 1 ._6 .. 035%. 1)1.11 • Ra307.uL . :,. : - - i NEENAH ° a r WO 27 �.. .. - - = FES- FLARED END SECTION - CONCRETE APRON FOR E 955.6 - 22.11 51150 LT 47 DA 8-170, A81.40 4.13 24 39D 0.)514 2x-7 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 22.21 51.50 LT 213' 8308 582.93 W B5899 2.91 15 5 0.52* 22.22 N 551.7 E 555,63 22.9 47.50 LT Tr ]OE6 685.15 3,45 15 52 0.35% 22.0 22.22 54.50 LT Tr : 033.39 W 903.55 113 15 03 052% 3323 0 031.7 NEENAH PUBLIC UTILITY LOCATIONS E 05E77 22•10 47.50 LT 707 8]082-02 863,15 115 15 33 0.]514 220 CENIERPOPIT ENERGY BURIED CURS WEST SOE OF CSAH 42 SOUTH OF CSAH 39 22.23 51.50 LT Or 010 R- 0. 552.05 6 851.]] 5'28 30 250 0.30% 2231 6 '631.55 CENTERPOWT ENERGY BURIED GAS SOUTH SIDE OF 851H 228 1250 LT 00028 RE7]7 0855 6,55 ]] 45 02514 233 CHARTER CO ABER PTIC WEST SIDE OF CSAH 42 W 08.15 N NEE.11 W BURIED AERL F FBER O OPTC 22 -+e 55.30 RT Tr 632.55 ],IS +5 30 0.3514 1217 E 55903 FIBER E EAST SOE OF CSAH d2 P.]Ofi1A W 0596 • BURIED F OWEST BURRO CABLE 22 -7 47.50 LT 81-00 rEENAN' 8893 °5°'97 807 33 103 020% 226 WEST SIDE OF CSAH 42 8.1738 SW 85891 OWEST BUR @0 r1BLE NORTH OF 8111ST. • NE 8577 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL BURIED FIBER OPTIC EAST SIDE OF CSAH 42 228 18.30 LT 3r FES I1M6N 0 DISTRICT GUARD DATE REVISION a Ay 4,17013 4 9b. 4.3111581105 ®192 y�1 mar reparl . 0Y iii L ,„ . ., mY JEJ / JDP I Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CRY OP 51221 ,L 1Oa� O� STORM SEWER SCHEDULES u , Y/ V D: M8 CINI Engineers and Land Surveyors 4 U'l•' ADS 3/23/06 361 IAUnton Ave., Anoka Minnesota 55303 CI u. 2056- 11•0544. a.. a ONMD A P.E. DOLIt Mt Ni 783 - 4547 -5860 FAX 783 -127 -0520 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 57 4:1.-.V. re'An.- xolwara1e.110U2o- a•.nm.. a.o m+ LTC Na 20052 RJIY 07370 www.Nakanson- andarsan.cam ON THE GROAT BIM ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA MICE'S 07370 • O i g 0 y Z Z '2 G , a n p Z i 9 a O V 6 te D 41 i: mu 1,; 3 p 3 •"'*- sI.., u T ° t + o m u p o ip - 2 j'�'^� 1 O z a vn a m " 'o � , Sao :smi y W = s :111. u i 1QQ i !J< ry u O 11 I '1'$ Z , N G N v3 N i K N�� Q o 0 Z m m r U J• m V m :',113 51 < . y 2 0 :J ^ i� II' . o a Z of i' jL „, , , %° _ = d d sot \:� } J w r a $ S\ a Y = i «I I N 8 /; !/, '.., i 14 i 0 2r'' .- i !. Q e /2, 8 5 ;iv' H a : I t % / ». ; os F � � k g Op W' !..1 '' g g g tzi 61 1'1 c M1 Z ' l 1 Zs , ., o C ii QH Nmu n a C °cA^ s = o3 1'g s s �o1x? i F m W m ¢ fr : 3 - ` C c > G �'- g � a ow p N 1 «i o h $ r _ x .1 s . , x.. , _1.5,::,,,, m aN x g ` m . it x' %i� - _1 f = r. -a` 1 a I 3 a E '4 y, o _lj � "`' pp ; ` I'"d r ci w _ —__ _ __ a W GGN w___ _ It ril`� W ' I W x ., W' 2 z 2 z • ° e 1∎ a 0; (1 a i.-'ii li- , fill: q .s., " -4.,s 4 : } a m H x__; 6 .3 r N— 4 al 1 : il 50 1 m J.. W : ■ ∎ .I ;d 1 S= e5 of M z 5 IL s G =8 gr I . J7- ° v.� aaaMan� Fly aospA®. P 1AN •A• =;ice ° - - - eaaec• �� 1.r a . ,��yy y Adi _; •.0 .ddb%: �� R: w ► I - L I P IOC CS— A_.e 1. (r @M Srr �.. ..... n a N" 3-0. xavwN U0a4 3 PAM/ Mtn 433 10 01•22 Caul 13032S023.033 •231303L 1 DV RI y E 4.2 1423. •a I �a •raA CO CMS cTe• D 2.3 'Li s1. led •NERC POS.O.2 OR Di w [ t s, .3. ur. wnav GREATER THAN 2 - SCRN[ES ;, I��\ IS MN/ 1.103 as • a, ,,.. .033... _ WATER SERVICE DFTAII �.� =p� •u "I @ a �y / �-- - CAI ■ C 0033.2.3232. p No SCALE ` ',• a to 1...e F ill . `011) All Vim■ i —� • ., y n,e a.. e< v044. Q �n. v.m. aAL. CITRON 'AA: a • PACFR TRAFFIC Fl ANGE HYDRANT OulORIG 14.3.31 . PIA 'AA' (OR APPR COL/AL) • 3 C• IV RA. ••••••• STANDARD PLATE No. ,....,.• STANDARD — STANDARD PLATE No. yam, ..Z.'::. 207 N:".." SANDARD PLATE N .e I m STANDARD PLATE No. �_ 202 203 �T C�/'BF.00 204 T.Lim:L. O.r N•1. r -]a 4.4 INII ACNOST 39 MM. a1aAa I4 3130.320 .... �.. . - Nm .,1.K . ,,4 r,aaw 1.N ® LA., .<aem. 1 �eaa ��a • 1 R •Na10KN_. ' r_ - ..• . ; -- - -. , „ - -,- ; ._.....-,; _ ... _ _ -_ ',Alb — .. _ -. __:. -- 3•3123 81:01/0121 ,L53 � � , a � , I .. U 1303[53 3=1811111111111. I i ° w C ,iY xw V•cnm4 er rn vO w ••woau,or,l E s . �Y' a aooss a Y +Y rt 0.0w vN ? v0r .ma ,sK • 33....3•33003011 Win 1.1121.31 .3313C. 32 WY F asp NU1E5' ALE vALH5 SMALL eE DT,EO KTN CMNEN.01 STE. 10 'NONE. ALL 043115 5NA13 EE 111110 KM E.1061011 6¢005 10 PROFIIE BANG ra OMAANPIC Nu, 10 KEKN r Of ,x11 vrarAa. exac TN( 00(001wc 101 ,o Knox , • a ,. 0 01 INFI -$HIFI D EXTERNAL SEAT (PREFERRED) 50 YALE INSULATION FOR WATER & TYPICAL BUTTFRFI Y VAI VF & SANITARY SEWER PIPE & SERVICES TYPICAI RFSII LENT WFOGF ROX INSTAI I ATION NO SCALE VAI VF & BOX INSTAIIATION 17" k OVER WATERMAIN 10 & UNDFR WATFRMAIN "° SCALE xD sc.. • .....• 4 F.4•� STANDARD PLATE No. ___ STANDARD PLATE No. .--•• (�� T I''� .11`0. � /�/ 205 208 ''f $ ANDAR304 L ATE NO. .�. L...] I STANDARD PLATE NO. DATE REVISION X n1. t 4(..I. rtMao.c vw,aa - x44K - .e.m J }IO C _ Nw w. alt:K lw , onus . - • ° 1I kV H akanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. a v ' " ° sera wr I Ene =., aao Lan Assoc;, A D +t.+�� SANITARY & WATERMAIN DETAILS 6 ADS 3/13/06 Mei 1 n .6Z.. . "walo" Are.. Moto, IGam -alo 55303 riW C.S. A.H: 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 1.321 N. Mob- r4•Ea. a ON d[6; P.C. 1•. /IL DO. 763 -427 -5660 r. 763 -427 -0520 C N a - .•,Vae ..+. - Ma w» 410.\0370 DeI° • N x o ]6a5i RUN 07370 . ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA S„E s 0T370 MI • .¢„Part, ' IILy / yMq� a�� m. K n'ra ECCENTRIC \O I� OPEwNC (SEE I CASING �� (SEE WI k W SCMNAF) - ¢ W9q AND 01140E q N.x , I w —, CASTING ! ADAISTWC RWCS 0' 99n 4p P w:a M ' n Nu . -. ) C /RC 0 LN CROBI WORN A-A 1y CONCAF R ApA15DN 0 RWGS N r b $ b r 1°0i 2 :anon Aks -- — r " R to a 011(.10 I i ,.........-00 PL. n . .a L - . � = J_ 4T-r —.� wooi . m w ow. ��� .1 raa, .� f ¢ °° T T g .NAOEDSr:rm R • r 1 1 RATE IBO'1 _ ANNgF l0 Y CONSRUCrzO a" .L aluoun R•rt :,1, d' D , ' _ I � I q PRCCAST CONWCrz YCnI]NS IxaA ¢ 1a1N m cu¢[a I— N. QASS m gEW(ORqu(Nr ' - MoT27R,...ra .mewl m rAwl 1121111..M 1 PRCCASr OR �, CROW Leif SHALL BE I �`yN �� �u1 , =VIZ."'" •� CAS W RAq I I I u ORU 400E DETKCN \�Y .......... I � �, �-' � L O'KR Y CO W - RO WKR 1 Ibl' +'..:H? -cam II ® _ L ( � wnn � If �vea �� b ) 4 8 ... 4 z[ aam. ._. l I V I I I . I sm[w1 ml _I_ OR PRECAST CONCRETE u qC BASE ! ll.R F B • 3 I A ia /NM BAY 6 - I] 0 DEEP 11 0 0 I0 II CCEP rt sw uu:n[z .[sf 1x...1. D. ¢[<. 10 - 0.1 00 11 DEEP xz yaN Npz • 5 AB (s �2P J IHOI V STORM SEWER STANDARD MANHO MINIMUM COVER FLO STANDARD I E STOR C M �A OPE 4. 2 FEET STANDARD STORM MANHOLE—YARD INLET 50 5.1 ° I < /A A. e(ANDA AW ND ° SiANDARO PI AIt' ND O7gp17p STANDARD RATE Np �u OTBHGp STANDARD. PLAT NIL ll Y]`_,f`L474`•^^'', °.c" 4 D.c.,rr fn ml n.r ..°.r, .v 406 �� .�`'r.. 408 � 1 / � 1r • , Na, N ' n . ttrt l�1 ^4 : .. I....o.. .NNaro1 �N. .1=1.01111. . / 0 q / i ¢la • L^I PLAN. VIEW � OF RAMP ..,...... �7 n.1 ..n.n ..n • b 1 !>9 z11 a — :: 0 FI FVATION OF RAMP '..1 INEVICEMINIB �,. P <r.Nm. A o� m. ( Nx I I WM • • ., Or D.,a, m N. o� B ° .42. _ .__.__. N OTE- o.m - '.. ...0.1 a... .._� S. cotruy a ROCS mi. 1-2 0 SECTION A —A ' .o E° 1x, - ,..:° 7. w.a m i R«En :l s mo Re 06 , o• • .2. 22 F . 22 w v•¢ u'• � •. .rP.... t ''.5.•=!' _ QOM rAIM j fn, :oCa roe a;a °):.n.�.._ Pl. TO 2' x 3 CATCH BASIN 1..— .,....,.[...P........•en..,„. I 12 ol. 1 I e n ° I ° ....P a. a°. °1: ° W.n ND PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP CURB TRANSITION AT CATCH BASIN � ^� NOT r0 =ALL._ _ DFTAIL 1F�T(y/- yr�p =FCO $TANDAR N0, e R"�.�� . STANDARD PLATE NO. ® SiANQARQ PLAIT NO MAILBOX COUNTY APPROVED .m I�.�s �E.�s ° } Y 4 Y� N y,'y.. 701 I .° )OS VRIGNT COUNTY gPPROV ED DATE REVISION 5a Y..nl O�b Pan. 0.01..... 0101¢ .......11... h:�M.- .... Nf ' EJ. / Hakann Anderson Assoc., Inc. r 'RROA. CITY Do IO. NR: , STREET &STORM SEWER DETAILS S 7 - �� wW.F ADS C� so rR En Ontl Lana $ ulvoro rs 1/13/06 1601 llm ,lon Ara.. Anoko. 14rvazolo 55!01 C.S.AH. 42 PARRISH ST NE 1.2.2242. ..pewmllWmm WIA,D L N v.C. 761- 021 -5/160 Mt 1 61 - 427 - 0520 es Ye..WR.sro -4Nr s.a oor A/De c. a 1so61 R.777 01370 _ ...be...- oMerson.Com ON THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Scr .,.cry 01370 PRECAST CONCRETE BLOCK WALL Na,_WDA„ VERSA —LOK, KEYSTONE, ANCHOR Dm Z RCQ° �. OR APPROVED EQUAL 71. "� =r0.1 cm n R Ili \tl P«KTNOENE FRAME ' `� PP CEOSYNTHETIC 1. Hai DEMON R fi ' a m ro /.0 �!� REINFORCEMENT y 0 I �_ eo .LT LAYER l\ .o A wi rim. nu � �,,; A , ^ \/ NUMRER u Lee )'ice _ Pe , � �_. C J \ (100.192 °T" WALL HEIGHT Of LAYERS t At�)�, .r ar 0 -! R. NONE E ORA AGGREGATE !O _,� ! -7 R. 0140 It o OPCNSGRMED Nt. il rc viEV 7 -10 R: TWO ioP501L 13 CAP BIDCK SECURED WIIM p - elfr TIROL CONSTRUCroN SEQUENCE CONCRETE MIME - \ BERWRIS/ HOWEVO FOR SLT -SAAR FIORE A FILTER • '. • O I [,am °m' P:fi•.rta 'mina '\ RETAINING WAIL I % • j ,•• R • '•,[' I. IOWAN APPROXO ATOP 4' TO R' BELOW DEE TOP a' HAP swan cr A A THE OUT STROGNNE ',� 0 r . '� � ` . I ii ]. PINE THE FRANE MO THE MET A E TO S TRE maA ` , • Min, op ExSURwG PROPER SMOG OF RARE TO srRUCnTRE , m ra. A ). SD« ME R1ER OAR 400 FRM,E " n.. ro ,K 4. FFILL TIE 2TFR POCKETS MN 5x0. E37 GRAM OR BA ��p u ' sou K rtmn v 500 ON Err '1 EWNAI 114E FILTER MOOR 044. SNOIRD BE COMPIL 4' TOPSOIL —r " _ A 009 0.9 OL g.....“ PILLED TO ENSURE A COCO SGL BOMA THE GROUND '° M ORET 51Rucnn . (I/ 01 wMn6 As .N 1.71 09091, 1.12 3. BACK FILL ARM. THE FPAME AMU FLIER ASSOLBLY 6 NOT REWIRED TO CORPI - - / � ETE a5ICUADD ; L BACK MINE NAT BE RECESS.wT TO COTWIETE •. •• • 11 •• 14 SPEC 3733 A/ CECAVATKIN 0400406/02 FOR THE STE 1)di���j�i }: ii)_i.1.:y'2 ' - 4[, A/ A ,P. OUTI FT DROP INI FT PR07FC7101{ ;' =� d � 'r 'a;� � croTEmILr eRlc RIP -RAP NO SCALE 24' WIDE X G' DEEP $ILA LEVELING PAO CIE WELL- COMPACTED GRAVEL CRUSHED SET- SEMI. INC. ' STONE OR COURSE SAND Rao. C��, �] S WRW.SLTSAVTR01 C d E Il_Yl -7WSAW STANDARD 500 A1F 140, m STANDARD IN AIE Nn STANDARD PI ATE NO ^•, ........., .....,,„..,.. 507 �_ •�.... RETAINING WAIL DETAIL � vman0e5rNaLw� AN 010.17.951.00 "_�_� t _ i- ' 1 f 1 90'"r"r«*1 .auR o o + A��T�14"�� - I: msaEaw.ET ° o • L s3' , M,' '. I mraD 0 1 r 'lli ,a SSSSSS ` _ _$ saw —� - rn E „e _ • RE aC01 HON . — =_,K Wes. � ® f° • Srwc RNO _ A 'n D 0 '. g — �.��. lc Beo'.�. _� J NKt o wwKOA.A -,..- rrr - �ry - +, -::Y:' meul.0ln. •J" .., - _ � 0 '.., -F-'.. � . . . . .. - 3103 WOO.. aa6 � wvmaa :1- i71. " ...•„ r - :4; uLOAM IoTmwO'L mnlanetwoc = �� � -, i • SawWetwnvloorev toe au wwT I T TOTxOU 01 Mi. E ° .50.04.911.02090. r S. ® noN 7�7�TT�T�7�T EJwaoweneT.111000I rxwMTmmrnmroa o Ta Y -C 1 JJ UMW 5 MR 00.05 A UMW., NO = aATOWMp OMNI 1r TlrC"J �GG KWGWL�R.ga� « «K� .. �.LW W r:--- , a �'.+ - ".r ] ^ ' a «DCrmnavr,Jnor - . j' 070 5 51. :� a 1 - .e.' . 4 5J 00.1190.9.10..101110t .7.... P.M • _ R 1.0.L.40.OW 00.0 Ns0.10O.90n p � ErKA VOTER .a nCOM. • e R� • 2: :1 F. cJ oora0)ronT Mew,LSOn«asnOSlw Nmnc �w, T+nN!+ uLMYtrM minOO.cnW EAiN I•mnrzK w r.IDOam • 01•0•101110015. TM0..un rooms mum «OCOOHOr F.4100001.5. .KIP][ 901 00 w.r .Dap � - -. Fl..55.13 m »J. -r wna ew.ES a: uTn C... wA,,,..r..nu +.. m. nr en.°..mwi0 ar - • • INFRASAFF 9'X3' F)FRRIS COI I FCTION DFYICF " L u : L 2 O.. , • , 1: : 77• SF IIMFNT cot Ff.TION PI ATF LC .I 1. 5 .. ,: I , . 1 DATE 00415405 .. c.U14 4 . M PI.L .Pe0Klc•II.n OM D. -a•c .1 • �y 1 mx JEJ /.DF '� MAD. • Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CRY OF SLEET 4. a ' I n u '"Ur OPE Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors A/ws EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 8 4. l7� � ADS 3/13/00 3601 Ave., MAD. 5003 �/a C.SA.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 0 10 Ai, 'ONxD 1 PL R 763 -42] --*27- 5060 FAX ]63 -42] -00220 si"sAinAINAsod 57 . km . 9.90 ",.9.0000/....00.,...., D,T- J. . 04..9. 200 RAS 01370 ....nsnon.on- ona.,,sn.00n, ON *HS GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA 5 00371r- SLUMS tl1053NNIW '093510 JO A11J avow aura 1V3a0 2111 No - - - - ' LS ,..o�vo. »ouo_.n.vomv... oleo MN "'".3.3%3X 9oi „A m . aA.. o�... �oA.�o,o.o.- .�,..<.�nr,. ..... (3N 1S HSI88Vd) Z9 'H'tl'S'3 O -aZ1 -f * Mtl3 .., . ,•41 to RI 9'e • 9Na mrw �� -.o< �� el 033 sass o�xaw ro ">"r uo�smVl t09[ 90/91/f SU' 6 NVId NOI11SNlOV 1N31'V35V3 ® O 9a'' ^ ^A^s Pvoi ono o, v�av3 a ^i3 aw : ,� qe �� 1331, ONV AVM j0 1HJI21 ea AIM ''OOSSd UOSJBPU�{ UOSUDIIDH ear /far Awrwn,i.wS .,<m, 4N® . ....0•••08.• wq 9 ql *41 i.� r a. 1105u39 3190 n� � 11 �I1 1 s 09 00 0 ar I 1 I I 1 / __.......k___ 11 I I 1 1 .09 c ,J u ss — -. --°� - - - - - -- - -- OOr /S ...ZS ...ZS W115 _ _ =_- 8 ap•af 0061 OOrBI — 0000.0 �— sa — 0a.91 OOr41 —1 5 . - ., _/ : i / /- //- / /. /, /. / /moo rAMMr // — � ''./ . 1i�� / / /1l6/f7 /. . .Y6 . v, s:.r.S 2 .+^ id0.MS.i?i , �''»�r, •scvS.a'�A1i — ta>..::.GC,'Lha.Ab.''GA• r . vn•: t' .:u•.•.•e::'.•'�y'.eT.r;,':• >_. a te+ s 1 tea' - y-- of / $ - 8 0,- A '�. S. / ( i i . c+ 1 ,• I I 1N3N3SV3 A1f1N 1N3NVNa3d M3N S310N30 j , (3N 1S HSldddd) Z17 H V S 0 AV01 30 1/40111 MS 1N3NVNa3d M39 S310N301. 11 / % //1,4 ON3031 ____ N ... K 1 / oa 0. 0 1 J i ..,...„ ___........ 1 1 .., -_______,N, ___),/ ....„ 1 %i 1 Hoorn — — — _ / aura/ 00r --___ — 4—_______ — ���./ aorN ' -- —' — — —. _. _.. _ 00199 cam �� — ' —_ I ''__ - \ 717 j �— (3N IS HSIdddd) Z�b • H . V . S•3 / \ .1 i, ,,,, 1 50 i; C.S.A,H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) •= M✓ ' '�LM SE ` L:'k"�l %s7✓kw`4;.:gflint < i. >.:'.v • 'r ° , ' C - ,'• v � : dt Wt .+ ` 'm'^+ " • ' ..eS ' ^nfLU -• Y :•.s,•`'i'Lt. .'•yZ`':^•w`'Rli" . 1 y •. '6^ ,S;v "+r`•'.•: +`31 ro . 8 `. •"..1 • :•$�'aZifTc�' ''l•. . ziyi/I/�� �v� ^S re am t • a .S a S a "' t7iE�a - Fct�i ' �° • r ''yid, W /! /d// /d/I// / /�iEO/ --,— -- Ll - 9�! //!1 � �V�/ Fl/ddld/ . .I%/d1dmiR%dd 0 /ldl __ Eo . _ %i / .'/ = - i / - -- To tn. 54400 55900 56400 579 58100 59400 60400 61400 _ ,+ - , 63400 --4- - 64400 1 - - 65400 II w I (r„,,, y „ J I I I ° o I 1 I I .6 _ q 0 50 I !!m I I Pri 3; S CAM ' LFGFNO D I M DENOTES NEW PERMANENT ROAD RIGHT OF WAY b DENOTES NEW PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT C,S_A,H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) .. r r I 6 :`.'ci.Ce... ; 5.`€n&ic;:12:M i ki'rq: a u t 1 M:• :a�;fi;GrJ1 m.. rc. ro fi -�a , .M • . Ilk . _. - .. • ... �."�•" : t > i� �. 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TM b 763- 427 -5860 FAS 763 - 427 -0520 57 al . >.;rn ,emwr,A� >4�4r,w.m.., ooTlki.•�Iw T; � N, .a Ins R,7w DT370 •Wrr. n,4onSen - uneerson.l:mm °N THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGD, MINNESOT s,EETs nn>n 1 El 1 1 i : ,.... 0 c 1 l * o ....) .1•.:'. ► , i o a W 7 ZZ 1 3 D <,$ tt ++ 11 � 4 0 v ------Thl N ( = Z S O O W U N W ' W , 11 \ � r cl 111 w 2 �d g i i w a n 3 3 z z N N u G .; C t§ F s J T S L —� -1 _ _ 8 (i v Hsiaavd) Z, HVS3 . OOKL - +_ 00 /[ 1 K[ C -.7Th § , i'l Rry ir/A : T ;o . E ^ 5 o el y . 1. cCsS a cb I c : ry o w� ,_ L \\\ I Ll.� W O t ° go9 , 4 1 \ _ 1 I 54je 8 • a : F SY a 8 ' �6 1 'I s '—.1 s 1 3 al I} i I. I - r � ri I p $ 0 o - o' O o O O r. E t' a, m t0 N R M t!9 '! 1 co (b (O m ® II I I 3 t Z— y 6 1 =W 0 Q .- v, Q 0 s z I I i N O' 12 S I J a0 < to 1• I ° oou e o it ,_.._. 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''.4.-:-. /' I e r Y t 1 1 1 . , . ; , I 5' ., :sat 8 83: — RIM =86!:00_. • ' ;! / _ / '• 1 1 i F F j /. /1' COND T= 866.87 JJ r l : E • ' / p G I I': 1 I • .' : 1 .'../ ,, ;/ I 6 x`100 = 861.27 `' / /'•�'' T 1 1 I' 1 1 % j E a ! REMOVE AND TEMPORARILY PLACE ALL MAIL 6 BOXES AT ENGINEER APPROVED LOCATION. AS '' � / Y y � r 7 ♦ ♦ • 1 - _� 1 1 . I NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION INCIDENTAL _ 4 ''� / � / ' r ♦ REPLACE PER DETAIL ON SHEET 8 1 �- � , 1I // 1• / I I I I REMOVE AND SALVAGE ALL SIGNS' / ' F 1 , i ' f / % ' f i '• ♦ ♦ > II 6C I 1 EGFNQ 1,....k.' se ° BO SCALE is r4n CONCRETE REMOVAL ( REMOVE SANITARY SEWER - + - - EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 70 REMAIN 1 x,;Y:i BITUMINOUS REMOVAL .4( REMOVE STORM SEWER - 4< - - EXISTING STORM SEWER TO REMAIN EXISTING I PROFILE CURB REMOVAL: o PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER - -I- - EX STING WATER MAIN TO REMAIN 880 X CLEAR AND GRUB TREE - Yf0- - REMOVE FIBER OPTIC LINE - -r0- - EX STING FIBER OPTIC LINE TO REMAIN 880 870 — __ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 870 " - = - ' 860. — — ,� .. r F — .:- _ .r _ ,. -- w I� , 860 8 850 850 8 840 840 830 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER TO REMAIN • 830 • 8 825 825 E. m m m m m Fi 35 +00 36 +00 37 +00 38 +00 39 +00 40 +00 41 +00 42 +00 43 +00 44 +00 45 +00 DAZE - REVISION 111, a , 1, pb IkaIA . ...... ' .3 .0 roy dEd/3DP E iO Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. a'usAvss0.1%essAersd (110 OF REMOVALS AND '1 r V'' I ® n : .. Civil Engineers and Land Spr.•pyors O EGO EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY 13 ,' �,, 7 ADS 3 13 06 3601 Pwrston A.e. Anoka. Nimes /Ms 55303 CS.A.H. 02 PARRISH ST NE CI u >3:e - v: >Iw• � r. 763 -327 -5860 raft l6J -A27 -0520 r 44 BA OW D-.t , 311dan +/ors 30 J. • ex. rtR, x, p.. 0 '� za0+z R 'U JW 01 ....nm an ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD pnson- eneerson.. CITY OE OTSEGO, MINNESOT 58405 n7on , • .•.. ••, . _ 7 :;!!,...!!4!..!! -!!. 1...."17, I.,Il _ _ ,, •• , s ., , ,, . < \ \ \ I /v..--‘ I. 11 ,.. ---________ — --I ;\ ,,,,, ,,,, .,,,,,,-,,-.,,--•,/ , „...„„..,„,.. ,, • ., ,, ,,.,./., , ,.., „s.s.s. A. -,N. ,„: . ,. ,- ,'‘,'',-, / . `..t.:■i II •,,' 4 ,,p., . ii :\:--------------- _ C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) I r, ' t:',1 ',11.,\,' ; ii, 1 • i II ,' ! . - .:;, A/ A v I : i ..! . 11 7 In; .!.. II -.- _ _ • !LI!, . 0 il. ' el. o I - - - •-• - - REPLACE PER DETAIL ... _... . _ _.. - - - -- - - - ----- - - -- - - _.._ ...._ _ _ . .1 ---/ - . ,.. ,,•• / i "REMOVE 'AND .ALL_MAIL • • , / - •''''l '. - BOXES LOCATION. ,"' ' 1 1 ' .NEEDED.DURING. COMSTRUCTIOR INCIDENTAL _ .. .' ...- .. .. " 6 ON - SHEET 8 _ _ ...... ... • .• ; ; / .. g ... '.. s t 1111 ..‘ ‘ t I t " \ ' .. - 4:: )1;0 , . t iI• • i - - - - - 1 • . 1 ' ..;;• -i .... -- ...''''''''' ' i 1 . , i; k i i i . .4 . ... REMOVE_131 . ' i / • ' . REMOVE 52LF RCP 1 • • I. A 7 r i! .-_, ..._ _.„ ,.........., .... ,. AND FES --.1- ' e'l-Z-- .:5A6VADE STRUCTURE .• • 6 ',/ i',. ...cm . , i .. SALV&GE .8„." PLUG ' ---- . 4.................__ ,..._ _AND ' • lil 0 ,, e. 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' r ' -- • - r': -.-.- - . 6.- i • ..." • '' 4 - ..t.' --. • - ----. ------ '----- .°---.-".'—`- *-- .. -- -' 717 - 7 q" -- :. - -;2-- , '..- 4-..:- - , , .--.4—.,-, ....-,--,- 4.-,-,—,..,-,,,,,,,._.- _,_ . - ---,.i.::-`‘...- '7"7, -. ,..• s ,sroi_ < • - •_ i - L: - - - - -.-.•....__ _ _ , HE - - - . .\! w OV VAGE CASTING ---- --...- - i - E - I ' t ' ... --_ — OPTIC BOX - - - - 56 . 61 - 12/1 C-I5 •.7-.. •--T-T• - -1 716 V ri E S 2 STM D EIL I F ' / / : '1 )T egi VIDW,11 - ... ,..• -, RearVE f ES --- - - _ IEST L-- RIM-862.09 YAULT REMOVE CONE SECTION SLAB=860.99 . s SALVAGE, CA REMOVE CONE SECTION ' ' - - - ' L-14111 I / REMOVE 2111 SANITARY SEWER MH CONDUIT=859.09 ,• `, SANITARY SEWER REMOVE FES 1 6111 i COB & CUTTER R11.16860.80 • • FLOOR6•853.49 • ' I FGEND RIM=862.50, .; REMOVE4, 1U ICITRIT • ‘,. 1 1 f i 1 i BOLv 1.' AGE t. , R ' IN 5 , ' '' , r , r,... 1 " ' " if.M CONCRETE REMOVAL —.5-- REMOVE SANITARY SEWER -.. :1 - 2- -- - I " EXISTING - SA-- STING NITARY SEWER TO REMAIN , - / /' • REM I OVE . .',I/ H . : /1 •enummoup ,-.,,,...;_,_... 1 - r, ■ i I • - -. - uraei -BITUMINOUS' REMOVAL —4(— REMOVE STORM SEWER —/-,-<-- EXISTING STORM SEWER TO 1755IAIN -4-i--- ';Ir ''.. ',II . CLEAR AND GRUB TREE ' Pi 1 ....- CURB REMOVAL ---. = PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER -.. - I - - EXISTING WATER MAIN TO R5MAIN 4. . 40 so • 1 - -.- - REMOVE FIBER OPTIC UNE - ',10- - EXISTING FIBER OPTIC UNE REMAIN ffni■RT21■1 — I ' 1 1 • tl'i" , x \ r SCALE IN FM • • 880 EXISTING 880 870 / •PROFILE - • 870 — — -,- ,-.= -- —_,. 7 '7. -'-----.. _ ___ _ _ — -= — — —:— — — .— 860 , — — — — 7.r — ..7r.. -. T. -....=..- —= - ...- _ • - - . „ • - — " "-• ' 0. 860 EXISTING WATERIIAIN' 00 REMAIN 850 (T 850 , 840 J . . 840 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER TO REMAIN 8 830 830 825 - 825 E ii :75 .T, . r... 1 :3 r, • • . 2 .., 45+00 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 DATE REVISION ly Ulf. elon. seediest*. zueDit ,..:Tretit■ !me 5 7 -II. -0^ -, .c.v.loP Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY OF REMOVALS AND .10 . e.C. l'"Ti EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY .,Vurri&V't E.,' -1:47t4 Civil Engineers ond Land Surveyors OISEGO al ADS 3/13/06 3601 Thurston Auks. linnesolo 55303 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST HE) 52 .5., ret 10 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 CITY OF OTSECO, IAIHNESOTA 14 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD SnITI6 ra 15. Mo. - 0.7.ei „, t rA1. 6 0 1 RJW 07370 wee.holionson-onderson.corn 111,711 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) _ • •, , , , •.,• . ..- ••• ,.: ,, ,1 , ' ' i --9 : 12 t,„ 4 .., 1 1 . , . z REMOVE AND TEMPORARILY PLACE ALL MAIL C) •' l. .... , 1 „ , - ... ...'' /BOXES AT ENGINEER APPROVED LOCATION, AS I 1 4: 6; _ 'a t 9 ‘ , , , 5 5 - NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION INCIDENTAL I , ' REPLACE PER DETAIL ON SHEET 8 ' 115. 1 I l5, ' .. o, o * , , 43 - ,o , s- - . .. _-- - •• • I REMOVE AND SALVAGE ALL SIGNS 1 * , N 01 i ..I" : ' ' - - ' i / -, ",..... ' - - ,.., , '‘ I .., : 1 • II - vf II l' 'I ,'"-- * ' , .. , .../ ., •,. s to ,.. .... il ,' ' . , ..! ,o /, , ',/ 1 ir. ,,. .., . II / ., , • . , , 4 / ...., II II , , , , • ' .,/ -- i • , , , . 1 %eV x i i, o criav o lr io, o ,. .' ,,‘, , , *to • . . , I f / - ,• , REMOVE 48LT -15"-CUP '-‘, REMOVE F:ES • ,,.. I - 7 7 7 r sec/4",.., - - - - - - - - -..- I ' 1 , I ! 1 1 ' ' _______. . _ _ ,,_ , . ,. - - - === - ',1111..-:-1 - . —!,,.._ ___ -_,-..--- .-,_-_- _-,-- ----.-----=--- -------- -- - 1 ° - i!"-L ......... ,_,_ --..----,------,_--.....-_-----,-- on')- -*_,—H ...._......___,, ..........: . :_..--,••—.....7—‘,..--..,............ s ,,........,,,,,,..,... 4 1 1,3 .- -.-..- -----.:t- - .- - - - ...---..--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...- - -.- - -_ - - ,',...4f*' "' ',;;'., 4- :, 4 ; , ...:T"...4'• - •7■ ' `* -- 74 .24:1 4:, ,, aiViag;-'?".., s . : 'i0.1:04,4,A1V.VOV,:',M. n W - ... 1,4' fi'"i.',"'t '''' xv ' -- - - -A44.4. - *` - • :, -4 Al 7 , 9,- ,, ... t...:,t., .4 . :t....,,,, .A„..,, ,.':,M L Mt , , ..4 -,,.!,-.', ,, , , ';_ft7., ,, i-Ye4t,^1"41,:. 49,W..t ...i:::'• `:..P..4144G __ , L k.I.' _ ." E ,:e.... 1 . ..0t 41. A. ,- .0. '44 % t , , _,,, , 166 1 04,..2.f.:,,I3`.114 , r.i, , ,.Z-c; - :1440igl' , .,,gceIf; ;:' t4 ,,,,,*,,;IKP'., Vi„,„r."ifsPNV.,%#,P il._'7,,,i'lltg,4`,P',.„,..IXAc...t.,Attki.V4i,4P,,ctv6Z,IT,t,li=',""4Z1iL,4•4.,.,,,,,,,,\.<;,,ZZi,,- = ,,,,,,t.5 P ..4.7.;.:-.V..1,-.,.,A.744t,'.,k-ii.ivrr4ti,:iVir V i'" ' '' -..:' '; 1...W..,A4i,.... ./.%.4:‘ ' t3 .T...t --L.' 4 .t. ..v.i 70,4 .77. ;7 . ,MZ ,. ."‘, '.'7 ',Mies., n■r .....,,,, 1., ;:,..,...., At :.,. .0., -••••,,,, z. ',` .. $7 r .......b.t, ■ ..1,-t. ,A.e....,Ar.,Abt■-,.....,.0:,,,,..:Z=,-,it-:* '.'" , v, - 0 - , A574 ''''' °."'..-- .- -___. ., - . ... r4, •Ai ,... .- - . . .^ 4 SALVAGE CASTING - N. - .. - - (... " - SAN. IAN G - "---- - - --- - - .- - - .... . _ - --- - _ .-_ . -- - - - . - . _ . .11 _ ___.. . _ . --- - - - -- - - - , -,. 'ma - E• • ,.- .• • — - -- :- •=-'-'-•v.-_°--,_-_-•------.. •:: • .1 . s' . . ._ , - -- ,„ •• • °WEST VAULT' - i VE ES_ '' ....--- , .... - 7 - __ \ REMO F 4.0 ; , o - - - --"--' f . „I 'SALVAGE Ili 1 :Sr■ L aY/ 5 I , :, , RIM=868.90 , SLA13=863.59 / CONDUIT =861.59 " -REMOVE 'CONE SECTION - ••• ....OWEST VAULT •, RIM=866:09 '1 ._ Lti; Ektv i, 11 s \ 1 •-•.,., i_ I.; / I , i ,' / / , ' / RY SEWER MN RIM=865.7 . „ s S.- •SLA8.863.59 - CONDUIT=861.59 ; ?I:T*1%4 1 I s I .' I ,.,..' I "" / ■ e r I , • --..... „,.,FLOOR.856.39 ', .. ' ,, REMOVE '4,415' IS' CLIP ,' I I a g I . I 1 REMOVE 841! 1 ' / ' , i / / - CURS & GUTTER 4-1. ...." 1 11g..;,g 1 /, " ' I lir 6' " ' 1 , , , ,,,, a / 40 , 1 I H ibo - I I / ! 17!=b = 1 1 i 1 ii • . i . , , ...,, . FCCI • LEGFNO • • • EXISTING .c PROFILE inte.t CONCRETE REMOVAL -..0(-...— REMOVE SANITARY SEWER '-- + - - EXISTING SANITARY SEWER TO REMAIN 880 Eas..kiirummousiquovAL -744---- REMOVE. STORM SEWER - 4<- -. EXISTING STORM SEWER. JO ,REMAIN 880 ■•■■ CURB REMOVAL # .--. -.... PROPOSED CURB @ GUTTER - - 1 - - EXISTING WATER MAIN TO REMAIN X CLEAR AND GRUB TREE - -.- - REMOVE FIBER OPTIC LINE - -ru- - EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE TO REMAIN 870 870 ' • " " - , . . '-'-- • _, . ,• , - " - 860 ' - • P - - ,,,....., - , ,, , . . . . . o 1 .,- N. • • ...w • • ' EXISTING"WATERMAIN'TO'REPn' ''."-"'...... ''''.- IF- ' ' . ' P.. 4"... ' '.- . ''''''' -- . " ' '''...- ' - 860 . • , 850 850 840 • I 1 L-J ' 840 • \--EXISTING SANITARY SEWER TO REMAIN 830 830 825 825 ra .... E , i El ,..72 •• :1 cl 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 61+00 62+00 63+00 64+00 65+00 66+00 67+00 DATE REVISION nee, cotil, Ine in Pon. onnllinotko. 11971211t Hokanson Anderson Assoc.; Inc. CITY OF REMOVALS AND 6511 -‘ 1 . o.r.V4 el n6tto o Ole MO. r... Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors OTSEGO EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY 15 Cif ADS 3/13/06 ll 3 27 3601 Thurston An., Anoka. LIOnosolo 55303 C.S.A.H. 02 (PARRISH ST NE) ItNALO .I.C.ICOCR. P.C. MVO llf ■O 713 r0z 763-427-052o ol.Oo \a-0.0/..7o............... Do RAY 07370 now.hokonOon-onderSOn.Cern ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA SHEE1! n1-17(1 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) i" Ai I; I 1?, r II 4 , .I • ..., j , COORDINATE POLE I I � ` RELOCATION WITH i l ; , , le j SIGNAL CONTRACTOR ' •i j I ' ," ■ REMOVE POLE BASE / f �e � ; I I I qq / . ` REMOVE 56LT 15 CRP PROTECT EXISTING RN _ I / IN : I i'l ' q _- ' 11 I; / ` 4 �1� 9 ```• '. ! ,1 ' / 4k y SALVAGE 8' PLUG I ! / I L 1, j al - _- REMOVE 53245F REMOVE 1090LT / pp : & —� -� I ' SALVAGE HYD & CONCRETE MEDIAN CURB & GUTTER - / " r Irb' 4,,,r1 I . _ , VALVE ASSEMBL `_ - - - _ - 0- _ 1 `� _ ® SA VAG ANO T S` ',� rG 4 T i ! �'i 4'tu - ?,i r . y - 7 f 7 i h („ d y- o 9c 1. - - 4 e* T' "ro :1. L CONDUI ' EOA •Y 4•10,' t 1 � n F§ -6 T+40Dr ® a L/ Yr.1 0 i` cC t i JF T ^f A M , +' 'r''"r ' ,•,L '' • + 4,431W11 00V•Lt T e +s- ' '.t r 1 .._.. _ _ . YS .� - _ - _ ._ �� , x, 66 00 68�OD� •/ j '0100 ,.f S ' ] Y K -fi w i _ ' 71 DO T 6 c g1 :•''ta ax7 � T •• � : iJQ + e >.'��..•••� •_•• +N J+e•e ■t•i ��•i Di.•�i.9 •�� + ° ++•• � ia<` < I,, — , 1 75� — 7ssssD r i str L - ' , t : - tilt -•-s•^ 3 ''' ti."3 t •' ' - . � h, .. 1 f / x. '+1R :. ,, k o, , % a 1 ti v - 'haw. i s Y _ ._. r;, .1 r;'F ' st }a_ 5. ■ ,. ry t o £ s , 8 C• �.i.,.,�.. . Y-Xt y- - r. & {fi Y 'I h }}X1�S, 'a- s�' '7` F Y . J 4 r �`' y 'E A •S . T ; ` '\ E o- REMOVE AND TEMPORARILY PLACE ALL NAIL v—E F'tt 4 fj i ( ' m _ REMOVE FES' _ -L_. i - i .y JK R �a�tiy. 1 i';ji E �' ,--,A u - V °` ' " "� ^ - ^'• ..,,,P--•/' • . fi « ; ,f ��O - O%ES A ENGINEER APPROVED LOCATION, AS —_ --� itIll ,T 'D' V o. _ O 0 -- pro -r�.o --moo —� o\ , .. 1 c /° REPLACE D PER N OETAIL S ON U SHIEET INCIDENTAL •t" -- '" - - / �/ _.. ' REMOVE AND SALVAGE ALL SIGNSI AEMOVE FES V.‘ _ _ - � - _ � ' REMOVE FIBER :3 1 .AN NH G -19 • CURB REMOVE' 35 'S6PTIC90X -- -� � I ` fi r , "` .{ REMOVE 84LF - 15 - ``. U GUTTER I_ 8 I RCP y 1j , SALVAGE CASTING I TE / OwEST VAULT COORD A LE I 4 g I •■ 'REMOVE CONE SECTION r RIM 869.65 I� 111 • ? ° Lk4 SANITARY SEWER MN U = RELOCA N PO ITH , I ! /' h7rk .n J S 0 RIM =868.8 •r / ; SIGNAL C P 0 1 C I _ DU00,0. 0 REMOVE POL II ,4 4," REMOVE GUTTER o _ fL00Rx�Jip US • / I II ! — 4� SAwCUT 68L( 4 CURB &CUTTER I t PROTECT EXISTING. OH f� BITUMINOUS SAN RH 8 -20 , I / � � ,, \ m I _ RIM = 868.5 - - 1 1 ' , . � I , I I ° 1 •o o .o m • LEGEND SCALE '" rcn 15f. • CONCRETE- REMOVAL E ' REMOVE• SANITARY -SEWER • - •E %ISTING•SANITARY•SEWER; TO lanie BITUMINOUS REMOVAL . EE REMOVE STORM SEWER - 4: - - EXISTING STORM SEWER TO REMAIN 880 EXISTING E PROFILE' ..■• CURB REMOVAL ® ® PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER - -1 -- EXISTING WATER MAIN TO REMAIN X CLEAR 'AND' GRUB 'TREE o -- 0- 880 flEMOVE FIBER OPTIC LINE - 'EX ISTING' FIBER' OPTIC'UNE TO REMAIN" 870 ------------ - - - - -- .— .— ..— .— .— _. - - - - -� — — 870 r %ISTING WATCRMAIN ,TO REMAIN. ,� _ - A r - -r ..- .. -- Or." 860 1■7 I 850 850 840 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER TO RENA N 84 0 830 830 825 e 'e 825 E' 4 ro m 67 +00 68 +00 69 +00 70 +00 71 +00 72 +00 73 +00 74 +00 75 +00 76 +00 DAIS 6E8501 nn 0,o 5500 W'' m . °"" r y � ,e St as s /13 /os my R. /MP Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. E REMOVALS AND 6 � 14,1 1: k., 1 Svc Licensed , [n . ■ , DyL I � Civil Engineers onC LOOC Surveyors 6 Cil �T 3681 Thurston Ant.. Mao. u:,ne6om 44343 EX IS T ING TOPOGRAPHY ' >>V - v:7'0- g , owuo+ c.rtn. vc 260 °'moo ]63 -02] -5860 FAX ]63 -R7 -0520 1Y C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH S1 NE) .: 4.r_. y w• we�u- ime \OUMVgWU+6- ..�wrwe n, .=6 ,; 0. .17 RAW 0]370 •vw.n°4ws°n- °neerson corn oN THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 57 stns , ,... ,..... 2 J , I I i I I LI' 0 0 .7 3 1 cp f 0 o o o cn co I LO En a ro co 03 . , CO CO CO 03 CO , 1 1 0 ra c.09 - 4 - •i ES Is 1 I <Og 0 1 , I .. .,_ ___ __ _ 1 I M c 2 • 16 I ,A = , \ ■ , 1 ' 1 o R 6 , 3 , L.LJ 0 1 I t CO . ; . I , I 1 I 0 z 4,7'/ • ' I 616.k I L C+3 8 F. co" ir em . I 5 012 , ' ‘•• 61 ' II i 7 . I ! 1 I 6 I • ,C) 2 0 0 1 ,,.- __ L_ .i.',-'143'•/;•,:e•..Ai.,,.1;•77,.",•s7.1,-41.'''"="14•.7•P; 1 § • .si, .., , i 9 ' ' - — -f*- C. 4.. • , • . . '''' ' .. k I I co ..___—,• ,- . / t . 1 1 1 u .----- :• ' \ :-'.....'=A‘ 1 1 . 1 . ---- ---- — , .q. ,. ' ?.f. 0 • I 0 062.• 09*.r.sh ' -,1 _ 1 , ,_ E 00+GL ' 6,. I rose ,1; ._ - -- '''' --'`'''- :- -47-, PA--6 -,, tty...7ri.,76, - -67.:?; - „M co -‹ EPE Vii ' . . . .., , g, , . 1 .; g t,=. '111 I > e., 5 ' 1 C.‹ ;3- gilV , 1 ... . 1 0 ... l ' 1 1 1 1 I : ! pi • . f c o L-I-I I • ' :4 ' 1 , ' ' 1 (= l• +7 ' I ' I , I C° 111.11= Cil 1 1 1 f g 1— . 6 • !, ' - ' . 1 . : g 8 cy) ...._.... '.. a i,' c ,, ■ t ,,' ". ;,, ,, : •:,,, 1,, g c cr) 111r2i: 11T , *7 - 0 l, 0 1 1 I Pr) Z Z. 2 111 --, " I . §., ''.- - " '• b I It , , , 's ill :LI . I , i I , 1111 1111 0 1S!A ..‹ 1 r : \ ; i : I : IT + ', 7 'T if, rout ,L I'll 5 .3 V) I t 1 3 ■ " i ! -4 3J ■ 1,1 2*'-'- c._.) -, 4 _, t ■ i i i i 4t .1 - , , , , le ' g . :----, .. ii .g T \ , 1 , i'-,..74' I •••tg••" . t i, '-i° S lip .2- gais ! 1 .; 1:1 `1 . .... E '/-, • - "- ..!lig g . , e ,,. . II 0 \ L . 1 1 1 i • ?, 4 ----- l 1 ' : I. : • ''' 6 ..E. ‘1-.',4 , g . , 1 Ix i i :: / ,-- ,.. i • d, i , , • ii I , , • • h. o o • o o o o o o, co r. to to a n o I ," CO CO CO CO CO CO CO • C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) • , , 1 I I I 111 1 y` ' ./ \./ ii l' 1 ' / 1 I I 1 H ....... -. . 1 11 I 1 P. 1 1 I 1.-- ---LI "---L't-h—j 1 I I I 1 1 1 i 1 1 \ * '1k 0.. 5 •.' 0 ,/ •! .\ q, -..it• .c. , i,"••• -.0 .* .4) -e) fl---s*--ae,--. ... . I (a '...„.... V . ______ .________________ --o-, nn.n=nnln-■, .,t L ,_,.,___..., -_,_,, ; -8.--- " Yer- R AtU 8 S 6 T 6. C . A 0 STING • .. .. ..... . . ' 4 , 4.„ TOP OF SLAB= \ - BEGIIIII6-642-05 ... —__ \ --.44..,------,r,. CSAH 42 JA-36.50 --______ -- ---.'" ---1----4'.---= \ 37400 ............/...... 5' P — 1 3 I 39400 — — — .—. --- 12.100 I I \ .----- ------ s5.0, ' -- _ _______,_ 43p I, mioo -- --- - ------- - ...---..... • .----- 454ii - ---- ..--' --- ...-----------. ----------- — 1 -------/- — —1---- ,... . ,______ o—__„,_,,,, , _ '—`. ' . ; *---"'-----'—' . ' - a - ,----` .....--- '07 ' ,/ ,------* ...---- * * 4c) .. -* !"; , .<_____,__,________.• ----. Et. -0 '52 _.,,'''tidd 1 '-"' ni. 4.4 7 *,..- 1J ,-----, AD S R = R E. Y .30 4 N,_ PROPOSED ROW ----• ........ ... ...,". § 4 •........ 1 i- ----- 40 I 1 — "--- • p niz ; .., , . 7.....r. o Bo iit. c I , ' SCALE YEET '410 i. ,.......,-„, . • PR OPOSED NORTHBOUND & EXISTING c. PROFILE SOUTHBOUND CROWN POI OT 880 880 --------------------------------------- _ __ - _ 870 870 . . : ■••• , ■ ' ' .."' " ' ' - - 860 * - 860 *--- " — — - . '''' • RP' '- - - - ''''' •••' ..' ." ,- .:40 ----- - r • r - II II 850 II 850 I 1 I 1 840 840 830 EXISTING 15" PVC SANITARY S WER 830 825 , •• 825 : Zr or Eir. 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 39+00 40+00 41+00 4 2+ 00 43+00 4 4 + 00 45+00 •-• CITY OF SANITARY SEWER PLAN 618E7 18 DATE REVISION 1 : 7 41 , Tri="Vii:4:ty . '1%), Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. OTSEGO Cil Civil Engineers one Land Surveyors C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 57 Licar340 En ,,,, ae. ey, oi ) „,13,7p ADS 3/13/06 111111 3601 Thurston Ave.. And.. lilisnesolo 55303 ‘..06..A.A.A.I CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Sidris 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD www.nekansen-ondersen.corn n,..-n. JUM RJW 07370 - - _ <„ \ \ .:-\/ , . 41 C S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 11 1 .... / I 4, f-` ' 0 • •(' ' .- 1 • I . ) \ / / 5 I . 4 -1 ■ " "t, ! 78z1 42LF r DIP ......._....._ INSTALL SALVAGED HYD " : & VALVE ASSEMBLY , b ,.;.• W/SALVAGED 8 PLUG ! , ... F&I 201F r PVC A . IOLF OF 6 DIP i . SDR 26 0 04% r ' WITH r PVC PLUG INSTALL SALVAGED HYD ! " 16V842.10 & VALVE ASSEMBLY - : , I ' - 7 . • IOLF OF 6" DIP -....„. ■ . Altil 8 r PROPOSED ROW _ _ - "- WITH 6" 45* BEND • _L . ...,_ • - -.....,....„ ________ __ __ _______-_:: , r • . r i _ _ _________ _ _ _A— — ____ ______ . •....0______—____,..,.._, ,. L . — =-0.--__--- se- -=- --'•-• %-- oe = ae—ee—ue----e --- e—re.—.._ 4 ' -------- , ,.• th . .... ._. . __ _ . ----- - . . . . 45e00 _ „ __ 46,00 1 4 eJ.A.s7sto 76E0 .L.48.qo 56406 1900 50+00 514.00 57 .1. ---- - -- 54400 _ I p— ._.,__ ....... — -A — —1—..-- •.,-, 1:0 JA1 0----ro--n,—__ro--eo---eo---re--re---re----re • •-, 1 0.....-_,..--sd----ed---e ---.-........-<.-_,.--....____ . . . . .... - - .—..de--.■-...- / •..-„ = SANITARY •---._ . -- ...„. ,........- .. !!!::7 "--r—"\ PROPOSED ROW N A. ADJUST SANITARY - ..--" ,: 11 CASTING RI 61B65.05 • • M=B65.05 ADJUST SANITARY I CASTING RIII=B63.52 TOP OF SLAB I TO CASTING RIM=863.47 INSTALL SALVAGED HYD 1 11 1 , P OF SLAB= TOP OF SLAB= = & VALVE ASSEMBLY i 15LF OF 6" DI' i 1 11 1 I — --11.1"--- WITH 2' EXTENSION c; 1 , I 1 IYJ 1 1 fe i i 4 ' j I eo 0 40 , - ■ . iip 1 I I : SCAIE ut KO 11 1 • 8 880 80 EXISTING.4.•PROFILE• • . PROPOSED NORTHBOUND @ 1 SOUTHBOUND CROWN POINT 870 _ _. _ 870 __. _ ___ __ --- ---- _. - _____-- , . . : , .. • .■• • .6- .. '... r ' iiri.." ' .... .- -...'' ..- 1 860 : I 1 k _ _ _ _________ :11_ _ — 850 tt ,-,_ ii _ _ _ -- II — — — — — — 850 4-1 ii 1 1 I \\\ _• 11 it 1 16" DIP WM - 4 I— 840 840 1 — 830 1 \- EXISTING 15 PVC SANITARY SEWER 830 ■ 8 825 825 .. .0 . . a " ...7. 3 gi i 3 :is' G3 :a' re VS IG, 45+00 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 WET DATE REVISION nerd, candy tenle4ez, stron. COMM 11 Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. SANITARY SEWER PLAN 19 OnEGO Cill N CITY OP deed WM+. 0 1111 Civil Engineers ond Land Surveyors licensed 1 '• En ' - anice IL .... p.m C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) ADS 3/13/06 3601 INAstcm Ave.. Mao. Me.nesolo 55303 57 ... ..D. 763-427-5860 FAX 763-42T-0520 temAemsAA.A.Aeeel CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA SelECTS corl .1 P L ....Aokunson-Anderson.corn ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Dai iiLY Lk. d o ' 260S2 RJW 07370 EIVI7f1 1 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) -a.1 V. r :: W , 11 I: ;, :.- gr I I a +:0 41 i ? >` ` f` tcl PROPOSED ROw / { 0.-- o.--b. o. l ._.., .e — ae -- . al_ lw{+.ou . — w.._- o ,. —u• f7- .r u. w-• - w�..— ,.. - -_�— 6 . ..+- ;fay..._ - -r._ - .,. _ .f' / '7.7 V , 56.00 57400 56400 59 00 60.00 '"°° 00 65400 66400 6740D 61400 ---1— — 1 I — I — 1 1- — E ---1 • — — 1 —�-- - — I A —_,— — I + — I — I — , 63 �OD ` • ADJUST SANITARY ADJ SAN,JTAR7 CONNECT TO EXISTING CASTING RIM =866.25 Fhl 6" DIP PLUG CA STING RI M = 866.62 SANITARY SEWER MN TOP Of SLAB= TOP Of SLAB= c--- r c �-- -.o-- +o —rte —r ,.- —r. ro— ro— .n- {Y•o —+o— .v a —r o —ra—�o- -+ — —' ^� A o- --..ro .a —moo —� -- - . / r v I r-, . c,, ....<- ADJUST SANITARY PROPOSED ------ \\ i _ q CONNECT TO 245714 i � WATERMAIN W /1 "X16 " % - ; ; 6 e" I rg¢ n . ). CASTING RIM= 866.33 \ j ; "? TEE - i / , k k ' : A §!• ( 70P Of SLAB= FRI 751' 12" DIP, ' 12" BFV WITH 12" DIP PLUG 1 F81 7011 8" PVC I I PVC PLUG I w ¢ I 1 1 _ _ SDR 26 O 0.60X W ° a 1 - 8 1 -�� 8 1 Er ' I W w , � /• —^ / INV= 862.008 I I I o 0m ( I 5l'..a . "�� i: m . ∎ :: .lI 17 . eo v 1 I I ` I I 7' 1 u.6 w MT 860 EXISTING c. PROFILE ! 880 PROPOSED NORTHBOUND & SOUTHBOUND CROWN POINT 670 - _ 870 1+ _ ��« - , r . - a ,.� . - . •T _. _ - _ _ �' r _. �+R -r te - - . . %._ - . 860 0 II 860 • =- 1L - - _ == ll_— - - - - - - -- 650 - --- - - - - -- � �� - -- -- - - - — -- - -- - 850 EXISTING 1 D IP WM II II • I I I I 840 = - -1.1 - - - - -- • -i 1 - -- �� __ - 840 • +e EXISTING 15" PVC SANITARY SEWER 830 830 825 ^ WZ 625 s d 56 +00 57 +00 58 +00 59 +00 60 +00 61 +00 62 +00 63 +00 64 +00 65 +00 66 +00 67 +00 DATE REVISION C .r c.' �.g .. W @I.w., Ata.e. °'l f . p '" •EJ / ..P CITM DF SANITARY �� OTSEGO AEA E...5 74 w .. Cowl Eng one Lone Surveyors Anderson Assoc., Inc. 1 SEWER PLAN Z ` � B ADS 3!13/06 @ ® 36 76 01 -4 Hakanson 21 A X 7 3 STO C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) ® 57 n. S• .:•um. OnAID J. GrR. G.E. �� IM b' �iA ]63 - <2I -5860 fA% ]63 -.2] -0520 ,:T,: ::. , .vw:=,- 1m.,.......c...oa. -...ay 001 /.c�44 X. 16<o�t- w RJw oT370 ...noYOnson- onor^.on.com ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ■QM li I C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE)t I 1 IL Ei .s._, red 201.1 (11' PVC E 1 . ti : 0 4 41. I ) t,2 ) 1 4 r&I 2OLF Er DIP WITH t 1 1 2 .. i 1 • ,...„., (# W•lili.. SALVAGED 8" PLUG TNSTALL SALVAGED HYD vi VALVE ASSEMBLY , N i „f ,; BE NO /PRO l POSED ROW • ..,, X _,,,,=...-.ass--..----. / '"---------- 7 - __... 9---9.-----"7-- — — — '.. 1 1 67/00 611/00 69000 70/00 71400 72 00 730, ' 10 75400 75/99.60 - --I--- -4- ---,— — — -1 '. _ __ . -- - si IMIIIIMIIIIM■I —co- • END SAP 86-642-05 CSAH 42 STA 74+00 1 _ ..'_ ..11, 0-- gp - 1 - 1 . 0---...■ —1 C.LI 'CI —1----- — ADJUST SANITARY < X < qr .61 ,, ( —_,•--- . „................ \ PROPOSED ROW 6 \ fl CASTING RIM=1168.65 / . "B:-• TOP OF SLAB= - Li E ' I • . i — ---< MIMES . ,..., 9E7 PROPOSED NORTHBOUND ..& SOLIIHBOUND CROWN POINT 1 880 EXISTING c., P OrILE 880 870 870 .. • - _. ._-,,,-._ ,.. - -,... „ - -. . -7- i ,.. - . _ _ . . . • .. ... . 860 860 1 I I 1 850 I I \--EXISTING 16* DIP WM I 1 I I -- 11 '-' --• -1 •ZD 850 I I I I I I. I I — _ H = = ._ d..J 840 - . . . 840 -- \ - EXISTING 15 PVC SANITARY SEWER 830 830 825 825 .. .... rs erit ro rs re- ' lls . it • s l • 67+00 68+00 69+00 70+00 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 75+00 76+00 _ DATE 60105106 herd, coley Inol slon. sovcilicalion. Emmy p Hakanson Anderson Assoc Inc JEJ/JD . ., . CITY OF SANITARY 1 (r:rsilD1: 21 )N WES I l'"711111 Civil Engineers ond lon6 Survey°, 3601 Thurston A.A. Anoka. Iiimesoto 55303 112 ........0 . lg. FOTSEGO ery ll. sous - oe. Cld . .all ' * lie 7lo.20052 ADS Diode 3/13/06 763-422-5860 FAA 783-427-0520 57 c......., RJW 07370 ....hoLensco-onderson.ccol ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OT OTSEGO. MINNESOTA CHEM grsen m ro CO m v n 'na E m CO m f c 1 N N N —.....11 + J N 0(L I Q W 5 r 3 .n W o wLfl ■ N m m o cc t ,I 0 N ci II , 1 �t I I 1 I s 1111 1 1 0 1 ' I 1 1 rt9e • + I q i 1 i--- � t e a $ I I I I I ° o 111111 _I I 1 cm us ZE . 1 I K1 e ..., 1 itil II a I I g111 I I 06199 0 ca = 11 L . 6199 + W II I I .- C 11 1 11_ w Y6f99 3M3 , 'E" W —11 1, os. ' sw p " I I 1 1 I ¢'€ t-- �8 II 1 1 ; $3 I o oc €� 2 • Lai W l 1 I g51: e I Z'S99 +� o 1 ZCS99'17A9 O w „' 2 .., I ° owl :9o fiz 1 4 R- __, __ ____r___ e -- t —� 7A H t1v99;nup [I w9 ° 0 o CO 00.9r — po +a _ 90.91 tr'9UMt ., vs r•999 O pi i (3N 1S HSIEINVd) Zv 'H'V'S -- — 17 __ -. IS199 r _ { I / —m� m 09:eawl„ = - - H _ L 4 • i - - � s -... h as - ME= (((" gg 88 C999 i n n ' .. § g L . I y �rQO e ' u z 6,1-92.:11,81 a 0 p r ig S11B a Q - { I I I Wei W ��� <� 1E999 8 m a 8 °stn 1 ` o ', ; � a le 1 ,- = K- I �g g9. LLV9e ° 0 a.@ g, aC .{S ----\ _ ; 6'698 + y g I i I 'fin* v .11 r: y. g I I I .____I So•1L9 O c J I Via + I} 0 1 I I 1 657a. a0 I z li 1 _ j1 g 8 o F, SI I i 6zt9 + a o A Cr i . I i \ \ ' iZ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 \ m m n m a n o 1. ,,,,, : . 1 m m m m m m m }_ .................." C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) •• . , „ 1 11 1 hi 1 1 ...> 1 .4 --- ---1- . 1 / I I I 1 1 1! 1 ii 1 1 I L I I'l r H 1 I Fli 1 1 1 . .0 ■.„.... j___,,L,_,, 1 , / 1 I / * .1 ,_..‘ . 1 . 1_1 -- 21til :7, .• ..C. • 3. ' , :4' ' / '....„.... • 0 I ''..pfr 'le- r / i / a' .... A __ ___ __ __ if \ 1 . ..-13EGIN - SAPIii:642-05 ' ......,... - . CSAH 42 STA 36_±sp____- --- — -- 364) ______ _ ,--- _--, ---- ,,,7 4 j___+ — --. 12,100 . \ — — 44+09.93 I I'LT ----------------_-_-_— , ,.-------' , .... _____ ______ '----- ---- _._---- CO/M14 ..77...'''''. ....----. ------ ik . i . 74 d „6------ AO ....- i 0. ' il 43 ::::: , --.„—_.----..• ....- i ....."".... 4 '44. / t** .0 t...„_r :, 4 i —7 7rIlDPOSEITROW -- ', 22 ''' -- __ ...0 li 1 1 I P —__ ...,.... ---- ,---- ----- , ...--- c c---- --- ',.. INTERSECTION DETAILS i E 5 ,, ...- I I , 7,____ t 1 i SEE SHEETS 28-29 / 1 . 1 I 1 - 4 -- 1V .b 1 k J 50 * or .c. FE: ,-,-.--J [ ii I 1 I 890 . EXISTING c, PROFILE 890 . Ps8o0uPrillEoputiNopripro'rlINLE" 880 880 •••■••s' -- 7^ --------- - — ----- 7 7 7 7, 7 -- - . .' 870 ■ - ‘ - , - - -..'' - - -...- air. 'irmr - 'Ara 870 I 860 15' RC: (r)) 1 ""F 0 200X 15 Rip (a 0 860 . p..11 In • 51 '411 850 850 ET - -7-lat- l i ' L. 840 840 830 830 i a i i 5 E • SKS 35+00 36+00 . 37+00 38+00 39+00 40+00 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 STREET AND . ,..2orAomov.A...-.."“"-.^ 45+00 DATE REVISION nafty - e lop Hokanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. OTSEGO STORM SEWER PLAN C3 ::‘, rossr.ifsd4 . • 41.r Civil Engineers and Lend Surveyors C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 3601 Thurston Ave.. Anolos. Dimesota 55303 57 ADS 3/13/06 !WI ftwA40 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 23 CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA SKEWS ON 111E GREAT RIVER ROAD sww.hakonson-onderson.can fPZa ' Lk . 7.32 RJW 0737 nT N7 n ..°-. 0 j W . C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 1 7 I cs\ �/ POND (EXISTING) Y >, ._ w r `(\ / NWL =8 60.50 *p ' 10 `P,: I I ,I INTERSECTION OETAllS • f l V .....J c >y� / NWL =862.35 SEE SHEETS 28 -29 I y( ) 3 lye) Ly l 1. 7 _ - J /' FES 22 -1 ! , CB /MH '. •• / ■ ,S -d j 1�11,1 Pg (FUTURE) 4 7 1 STM MH FES 2- / / _ \ U I - _ - _ 24 -6 . j - / 22 -3 J ! r i 0/ 4 . � (��0 FES i0:00/ - - ST 4 -17 r l 38LF 24 •CP INV =86M /Ml( PROPOSED ROW O 0l1X • - -- \ y' - END 4EDIAN CB /MM 8/MH CB /MH STM /MN ' CB MN 24 -2 1 24 -11 _ rb7 +02.42 11'l -BEGIN MEDIAN 24 -I8 1- END TAPER 24-15 24-16 48 +39.00 6.70117 C9 C I 53 +63.19 14.601 8/1111 �-I� _45.0„0______, - 46100 CB 24- 41100 CB MH - 20 - _ = - �MV 191.00 51100 / 1 ---- S F-- I - - , - 5M00 2.4 0 0 - 52 � ..� -� - __._I - 1 MH .100 1 56�W I 10:1 TAPER • 24-9 BEGIN TAPER y CB /M 24 -4 PA51 +48:51 6.70•RT CB /4H ----..-<-=----------- / _ CB 24 -e 24 -19 x C8 24 -12 /�,--- •__-•- - -• - -- '\ 10' BIXE TRAIL `PROPOSED ROW \ .. -_.FES - 24.5 - „-• = S. • / n FES 24 -20 POND (EXISTING) POND ' NWL =856.5 I ' ill 1 I ' I (PROPOSED) 1 HWL= r 1 ;TO 1 I NWL= 1 HWL= 1 El 1 I I , ; -Z�.- O .: .ti I .II I \ ../ 4 .9 se 1.1'111 I 1 I S CALE W STET 1 11 1 890 LOW POOR CICT = 665.41 Mai POINT (LEV c 666.41 LOW PO WT ACV = B6A43 MN PW f op c 86531 l0W POOR STA = 46425.42 I CH PONT STA = 4747699 10W POOR DCV = 864.19 890 STA P11 STA = 46100 PV1 S1A = 47175 UIW• POINT* SIB' ¢'501599/ NFN:POINf = -52.5340 1096 POINT STA = 5095:35 TM DEV := 665.00 PO DLT = 1166.78 Pa STA h 50450 P41 518 = 52450 Po STA = 55409 AA a 3.37 AA _ -196 PA EIEV =664 C1EV ° 665.50 PO ACV = 864.00 880 K =3539 K e 6331 AA. ` 136 AA _ -1.73 PROPOSED NORTHBOUND @ 6-0. = 136 880 EXISTING.•FL PROFILE- K =.7691 K =.96.00 ' ,. - ti 0AOOO"VC ;,. - - - _ 50 _ LE K - . °f . � -A S d . , r .0000: VC $ P -4' : A ' '. '= a ^/!� r� T w- ,..,IN _ - a - - S • 1 20AW O,VC - ' _� _ r 120.00.00 VC - ,. - ;4• _ li 870 _ ti j _ ' 870 . - - - - s c ° - - T 0 .976 01 _ - - _ J S - - - - - i F ° � 0.706 860 O 2.002 1s RCP (a p 1 { ! • I. !Mir _ 860 I 14011' 0 0.432 le' RCP (CL 6) 29541 3 6• RCP 0 0.260 (CL 1 1). III 4901 0 12051: . -. ... II A, 5 '• L•• 659 : - 850 P tle = .__._= = =ri- - = - =._ - T==---- -- - = =il_ as == _ _ _. .4-=---- --- -' - - -- fit-___ -- e a_. 7 : -= - 850 6 840 = 7_. - -- - } - - -- __ -_ __: �� - - -- - - - - - �t�' - K= 2 ____ - • 840 e� e� • 830 830 • 45 +00 46 +00 47 +00 48 +00 49 +00 50 +00 51 +00 52 +00 53 +00 54 +00 55 +00 56 +00 S.CR DATE REW40N An�r a¢.1r the u P.. specification. MOM ° :..1.1, .[ / JDP Hakason Anderson Assoc., Inc. TT I OF w STREET AND 24 r m : u bo= pip: PC a Engineers L=ea Surveyors Ef�- STORM SEWER PLAN ti ' ' ADS 3/13/06 IW n 3601 Thurston Ave...non¢ N:.1.sota 55303 �L C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) C3 A ...� -4- 12:r - .:11.1,57_ , 4 3 ,1,,,. °° ' - .4 4 re. P.I. rye. R W. I 763 - 427 -5860 FAX 763 -427 -0520 1 V V / V WY V V 57 n ...ye so: o .- 7C00,013 /0\.PTWJm- oo.e..1- ...r. 9m. /r• /p6 t<.. 132; -_ RJW 07370 ...hokpnaon- andarcon.com ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Stift. _ p{7@ C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 1i I [ i ` I INTERSECTION DETAILS' SEE SHEETS 28 -29 •'' G / POND (FUTURE) �'^ I !Ill II II I 4: ; �� y :i IS L' i t i±efi' II II 5 t 1..''T.1: Z�' f l 8 FES 26 -17/ w m ),� ■1 O ;4,,,,, J _ 2 5 -9 I "• 'sl . Q - - - - _ - I _ - - �... - 1'_ (- PROPOSED R OW _ v ;.1 STM /NH 20 I6 Q ` .� CB /NH E /MH I I END MEDIAN 25_1 56 +72.89 14.60'10 25 -8 ENO TAPCR - CB /NH F65 +42.22 IB.LT T - 56+00 1 - 57,00 _ 1 SB _ 59� 0 2 889 60100 61100 0.1 APE 6325 -7 1 I - 100 64400 -.44 _ .- -_ - + �- - 1 I - 651 -' --- 66400 F -� 6 -' -1- CB/ 401 �- �-1-- BEGIN MEDIAN 58+29.48 6,70121 25 -3 �BECIN TAPER CB/NH 61+27.67 6.701TE 25 -6 - BEGIN TAPE 40:1 TAPER CB 25 -d 63x75.02 CB 25-5 - � f { 40- TAPER Ti d Q.1 1 f F 10' BIKE TRAIL SEF I E fr P 1 I --D S 1 11 I6 I JI 9? 1 1 1 f. .. W ■ t II1E4 1 ) I ,A W _z E; i_T 1 II 1 s. p p 0 $cu w Fm • ago 1001 Pair QV =66531 l0W POOR UV = 664.89 014 RIOT POINT Q1V = 665.72 LOW POOR QV = 164,93 MR t e m vow 3TA � =. 57450 .. LOW- POIKT•Sli a 59+04.62 10WI: POINT. SIA. = IMO LOW. P0110.514 =.620425 890 P91 5IA c 57450 P81 5TA 59+00 PA STA c 61+00 PTT 514 = 63400 • P91 EICV = 1165.75 PVT EILV:= 864.70 PA LLD ;v1365.90 PR EICV;= 861.70 880 A.D.. -1.40 AD. 4 1.30 AS- _; -1.20 • R =03.11 .11.4.9L31 R e 100.00 AA n 1.63 EXISTING rL PROF LE • ., 120.0000' YC R - ) 1071 PROPOSED NORTHBOUND @ p 880 $ .. .. c y! e. . , _ I K e 12 0,0000 K e _ 120,0000'�VC SOUTHBOUND c. PROFILE - I - 0000. 0000 � B _ y � - 870 ::: I : _ . . • 3601! s6• ROP - Co:at(a. g).- - ;- - __ -' - -- 3601f'33 'RCP O'0:II5'smLF a "/) 860 850 - I! gas I1 _ __- r - -- - -- - -_ _ - - - -- t. $ Il • ▪ ^ II a I - ,m 1.1 51 850 840 il t. E -- ::--i._17: _ - --- - -- - -- : s �_ _Lt ---- . _ _____ _ _ - _ - _ - - -: 114.-;.,,..,- = = �-= __ _ = =_ =- - =__ __ _-_____- g g= _ :aao 830 io ^� m ng a3, rig ^ 830 60 +00 62 +00 63 +00 64 +00 65 +00 m 56 +00 57 +00 58 +00 59 +00 DATE REVISION nam[nr - 61 +00 66 +00 67 +00 o P Ilkol pip ° +g e m 'E p, Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY OP STREET AND EF w 3 1 3101 uaston Ave.. one Land Surveyors EE 25 v - -.. 3/'3 /av „ � 3601 T Engine rs nna M:O, Ssors OTSEGO STORM SEWER PLAN '+ 700 - Me., is. ^ 1 MAW +. • cN[R, v.c a mua 1M o. C.S.A.H. 42 PARRISH ST NE rail . k .._. yvw. wi .n rom�auroW.vwuro- .o.u.n- .u., g..., 4/44/06 763 -427 -5860 PAX 763 - 427 -0520 57 l4. No. 76052 RJW 07370 w r.hoken:on- onderoon.com ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA sN[m 071m SEE SHEET 26 '5! 1 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) I III J i, 1 .5.-, INTERSECTION DETAILS 1 'TIT V•h•'il qrsi Ll SEE SHEETS 25-29 ) A+ I 1 / .1; 1 — JPROPOSED ROw r GIN 5.00 tt;O: 11 117- — 1 5 l'' ''."._,H._, EXISTING BE TAPER / CB/MH ._ : CONNECT TO EXISTING •F*1 STm/MH 70+1 51' LT 27-3 — — I 'C ..... 4 qi,LJAPER . Cli/H — 401 TAPER . 1 STORM SEWER 26-5 .7----.. I El E 5 IA: E 2.1: ' C8/1111 END MEDIAN ---1 7 . 73+15 6'LT 67400 4D — -. 69400 70.00 71+00 72+00 ------ 73+t 71 173 Z- 7 400 75699.60 - •—•-- -4- —4-- -II 68 -1---- --I-- __7 Tri . . --tl;__._____—_____ . — 1 rt — 0, —,--- -- r - — 1_ A i L BEGIN TAPER .. 5 . 4.•1 613+35.96 I 6.60 CB/14H RT END SAP 85-642-05 .. S.: 1 APE• 40:1 TAPER , 26•2 CSAH 42 STA 74+00 - < < II\ .0 • .., j e F., • . , ---I--- N t' 1 '7 PROPOSED ROW ILI BIKE TRAIL .................................... IA / ■t] I f. 1 il — 50 IN FEE, • - • • • 10 PONT 13IV . 85937 LOW 90817 ETD • 557.32 4106 P0241 STA A 67+93.17 890 PO STA 5 67+77 MI P0011 sr), = 71455.5.5 890 Al STA .4.72400 P11 ELEV.' 6E960 P0 HIV s X67.10 AD 4 -1.62 PROPOSED NORTHBDUND & AD. 4 1.33 . X = 71.19 SOUTHBOUND it PROFILE 880 6 4 77.54 Ex157190 C. PROFILE 880 r .......„ .... n . 'Hume v4 - I a - - - i• d . . .. . .1.- , . + - — -- • •■ • OF 4. 13. - ...- ..- .-- - ..- ar- . 2 . =-- , — . - ..: - - • • - -- • •••,-- - 870 _ _ L g,L __ __ __ _---- __.__.__.____. __ __ I V, g .2 870 860 IMIIIIIIIIIMIMNIIMIIMII . AB • _ _ _ II 860 :is li Tt r I l • I i _.• 361. gth H - -- • — --6::: 850 . 650 ki .`,..' '' II II ,....., .. - :4— -- - - ------ -- M . -- • _ :7, = —: = = = = = — - 1., -Met.. = = =Li= := = =.i. a: ..-:: = = .=. = = =-_ :_- ±_l • aao '..--: = = = — = gar:— • '''' = — - - 840 830 830 • 11 i i F-45 ... ;5' ... ,.c ... • .2 Iii i 67+00 68+00 69+00 70+00 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 75+00 76+00 CATE REVISION :a., je.O. y lealefris Ron. &woo..., COKER p -... CITY OF STREET AND SHEET . - o ' Z ' Of ta4 of litgle eye Civil Engineers and Long Survoyora OTSEGO STORM SEWER PLAN 26 ADS 3P3/06 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST HE) Ci "11 Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 36 F ALAr3. 7 :1;cm ... e r so , to 0 5 , 5 2 30 . S ‘..04.."...A.Ad 57 -''' ill CRAW J. ' Deli. P.E. DM le RE eil• v ' 4iets.-Ecoe‘ounneve VOR-Een••••-•inv-v _ Detv f le. No 2.052 RJW 07370 www.hoSontmo-onderson.corn oN THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF 0E5E0, MINNESOTA v.'s num ' 0 41710 mr ZS O9z '9 >,l ro/ w91._,..,,.99-« arms .no.r�o\xo.- ..�......r- -..n:. LS 5O"s.L0 tl1057NNIH ' 093510 i0 AHD 0990 a anla a93a� ant H0 9100 �o9 u -• ?y' aa.: :� - :� <. OM-at-COL %9a 0995- at-f9L g1 111 a ®p 3 'a •e39opy Uh4 U (133B1S H106) 6f ' HTS ' J COCSS 0199.1. bpW •'Y9 9o19m91 109[ 90h1 /f sag Q ∎ � 9 1 ® NVId N3M3S 161801S 9.099srns pool 900 9.9013!8133 vo oa nms ' e . a ' s t ... .- ,rx um ONV 133815 a0 O '3U1 '' 90SSd uosiapUtf UOSUDloH 009/93 Z w ' Z * - dY ,99 Loaco ..to,99rh •uaN q 1003 Poe.. 90151930 3190 00 +SZ9 00 +4Z2 00 +£Z9 00 +ZZ8 00 +1Z9 00 +0Z8 00 +619 00 +818 00 +L19 00 +919 00 +518 00 +418 u - e w m w m U `" O 0£9 £9 048 049 Z� .. ............. 059 0g2 41% N 5s a 0 ❑OL g. Es 999 G w) a3N 1 xsra 0 41 111 • 0 9 0 .Sl 099 r- - " D X99`.1 O U C8 - OL9 _ - 4 _ s'.�� . _a .. _ _ ..d _ .. — — _ w. - _ . _ - i• s� _ . — .. i � _ _ 092 3313900 3 oauslx3 088 069 069 1339 m 91V2S SZ 133X5 335 oe OP o or I Ju 2 ' 8 - 1.....--- 1 1 62 -9Z 5133X5 335 h 51 19011]35031X1: t 1 I - / 09'9fB =�NI I o f t SS'99B =WIa A' — �— �- \ 9N115tlJ 158fOtl �*.gv 19.4 is �r g 7///: I / p: �` :X - Y_ s , A �I� S -LZ Z-LL l- LZ - t HW /83 NW /83 tl3a91 „ at H - 1 1 - -1---. Ssv""L V. -1 - _ • 1--- : - r Up..9 ~ 1719 H9 �� l � _••. Z — 99 00.103-d 00(0Z 8 rtt— •l9- Q9!91.8_ 9Nkl!� {_- 99 SIB 90+9+9 + -LZ .. - HW /8 in _ �/ _99_9._ __- _______ )9 /,,Ass :. ; ( ' 0 \ " . - 1: -.. , .._______.________,----c---ii ,_,i, .,..., . . S N v A ■ (133415 H106) 6C 'H'd'S'0 1 ; 1 ':g �a r ® 'c ' e4 Nd 1 I II Q \` a � II K ' _ _ _ _ J ..� mNii xl'z %t ' 1 xt'z +i1E ap a 00 u1 "r II 1 1 �� Z,712 h.'1 O r � D o m _ ' +S Q ' N dQ W Z v� Z i / II ;p er I p ,� O �._LJ � ` + � U v 8 o Y 0^ r W 00 W < ,- ... F t o )- 0, r 1. ,-i `-' pp • 2 N�� I t (S83H10 A8) Ul _ _ _ _ — t 13381S HILL CC __ __ __ 43SOdOad Q xo'z xo'z — — — - (sa3Hlo .l8) '� — — — - g 1 `J 133a NIL * 3afllfld � N8 i " t., = o D F § ■0 Q N- S = C/) Via. / +�� CU I\ y � In � LI m� So 3p , d P �v I r x _ s e �� _ y o o f �'1 II p N� � d u V II I II b 0 3 p bh • + m d° 1,c121-2 _ 1 .NI R R `Zr Z x 'z xl'z � " a e g fi • o ` N W g Ou�t- o . FI ti u OI N J 2;-'.". J I " " ' I -: p • Vfb " � cp-0 1 ■ 2 _ II Pp "C Cul II C a r "y 1 IIIII� xl'Z xl'Z °L l'Z ' ON III I 1-121k I� 1 m fT e. a o 'I r x 7 .It y a m Q', wz :4 c w / y �s p d v d. o� e y + u (/� 4 — [ 8 x s, s CC 9 +00 10 +00 X11 +0d H1S9 sa;� 3 1 1]]211S 11198 — I xo'z xoz 2 - - - I cL f .... a. — ' 1 — 4 _ pp � \ Is' � m k , rn Q m J �o. r '� 0 0 U CIO ncs, t g II '' I.To C . C QoF y till _ o y; — w P 1 ' 1 4 I ��, ■ • .l s. i 4 _ i „< N b 1 e +o \ r Z I I - x z xl'Z I +m n °°' \ \ \\ g V54,1 I i II , g-f. , t\ R z e , 4.12 � l I II I a • i / 11 IL 1 II i g H° .I i ■./ / I o -H qr • • C.S.A.H_ 42 (PARRISH ST NE) C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) rn W C. • / M , ! \ \ \ \ N • 00 73 +49:08 ' . 1-- _ I ! 88.65' LT V) O {f 72 +99.08 ,/ TC° 0 CS 88.01' LT / °' 4. • �i JII■ . _._- ..__ _. _ __. _.-- ______ _._______.__ . ___ -_- _.._ -- ___ 72 +94.93 1 L_ 1 51 9 y0 t 00 (_ (= x 8 6 =a CtkO * 6 '6 p\ 66 +00 67 +00 68 +00 73 +iMI 74 00 75 +00 I — I —I— I — I _ < . ( 8^ — 1 N — 1 —f— n 9 Q pp\NA o x (_ <---=-569 60 � _ _� ,i x Ca0,N968gU .:=, �r— _ - l — CV 67 +42.66 62.59' RT 67 +58.52 - - - - - -- /�� -� TC= 62.99' RT 66 +72.07 — 49.95' RT TC \ R=2.5' \, ,i R =2.5' 53.68' 58 53.68' RT 73+15.14 IC= 58.50' RT / ,� _ r 1J 66 +70:82 :: R= 2.5'l 93.15' i R� N' RP . RT 83.43' RT , 66+. TC= 103.66' 2034 RT 73 +15.14 - 99.93' RT 0 66 +81 109.00' RTI W 67 +20.87 35 67 +49.16 104.59' RT W & • 70.34 TC= W 104.09' RT 73 +65.1 I-) W (Y TC= 107.09 RT I 1.7 CL 3 I- . - z - p - N , -4--)----- = N m o m �o m o ro .o I -I- N O �� w CO O (_ = DRAINAGE ARROWS \ '" `EE II I (_) I = c DRAINAGE ARROWS 0474 REVISION n eDy cvlily Ino epm, W. h,,tbn «nil 4 v � �� /DP Hakanson Anders Assoc., Inc. DP ^A E1 .p, E; op, n, p �;;, En qn 4oa �W INTERSECTION H ST T NO .1 . 763 - 427 -5860 4A% 763 - 427 -0520 �}� 9 in.o.p ..pyo.p 1 Yl W 29 ADS 3/14/06 C.S.A.H. d2 (PARRISH 5601 lllunton Aw.. Mqq Ynnepolo 55307 H NO + �4m �. R.:(- 1:04A p. � [ ��V fi,CR. p.E. NW R' Jso�2 RJ � /� /� .n*0M rve ,am \o,pro\r,\olyro inI.,.v .0 l,Tal /OB 1'c. Me W 01370 wvv.nuMOnson- m4clson.can ` VVVVV 57 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSECO, MINNESOTA _ SIEnS nmn \ NOTES: / I -_ -_ - ' -' SIGN M. U. T. C. 0. CODE 512E INSERT 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHAH PROVIDE, INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ALL SIGNING 1 __ LE GEND REQUIRED. FIELD CONDITIONS MAY REQUIRE MODIFICATION OF THIS I - - 0 LAYOUT. THIS WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER OR HIS DESIGNEE. ( M1 -6 24' X 24' 2. ALL 'DETOUR' (M W4 -8) PLAQUE SIGNS AND THE DETOUR /ARRO (94-10) SIGNS ( 5 392L SIMUM RETRREFLECTIVE FSTCT NT DIAMOND GRADE (3924 SERIEIES) ) 41 SHEETING. ALL OTHER CONSTRURUCTIOIO N ® 1 1 WA RNING SIGNS AND DEVICES SHALL BE AT MINIMUM RETRO- REFLECTIVE MS 1 24' % 12" DIAMOND GRAD (3984 SERIES) SHEETING. ALL REGULATORY SIGNS SHALL 1 . [Nom) BC AI MINIMUM RE1R0- REFLECTIVE 919 DIAMOND GRADE ( }990 SERIES) SHEETING. ALL ROUTE MARKER GUIDE SIGNS AND DIRECTIONAL ARROWS I ( LB} O Q, SHALL BE AT MINIMUM, RETRO- REFLECTIVE HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SERIES {� l� SHEETING. ALL SIGN SIZES SHALL BE AS USTED. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE CSA 79 90TdS7�. j `_ _ 0 M} -3 24' X 12' LIKE NEW, THE MINIMUM CONDITION OF THE SIGNS SHALL BE NO LESS _ ®��� ®��� R O I I SOUTH ON PAGE 6KP 108 OF MANUAL CONDITION P1010 AS A ON D TEMPORARY IC N GUIDE. Q 0 CONTROL ZONE LAYOUTS. .� Q ® 8TH STREET 0 = 0 6 1OE10UR 4 -8 24" X 12 I ALL SIGNS SHALL BE GROUND MOUNTED INSTALLATIONS (EXCEPT THOSE - I 3. LA LOCATIONS INDICATING THE USE OF TYPE III BARRICADES) UNLESS '� \ o OTHERWISE NOTED. GROUND MOUNTED SIGN INSTALLATIONS SHALL © O < CONFORM TO THE SPECIFICATIONS IN THE 2005 ED, INCITION OF THE �� • - -__ Z \ \ MI -100 d8' % 18' MINNESOTA MANUAL ON UNIUNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THE \ \ MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 64 -101 48' X 18' MANUAL. NO OTHER INSTALLATION TYPES WILL BE 4LLOWCD WITHOUT I A M PPROVAL BY THE 006180(8 OR HIS DESIGNEE. a R3 - (09) 24 X 21' TO 4. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO THE '91694(5014 / R3 -2 (LT) 24" X 2C• MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES'LUOING THE 'FIELD a ANUAL P08 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE 149000S'. 8 u O ,®, 5. TYPE 111 BARRICADES SHALL HAVE MINIMUM RAIL DIMENSIONS OF ' % 8', T W20 -2 48' % IB' RAIL STRIPE WIDTHS SHALL BE 6'. MINIMUM HEIGHT OF BARRICADES SHALL 8E 60' TO TOP OF TOP RAIL, 141/1131031 REFLECTIVE SURFACE FACING TRAFFIC SHALL BE 16 SOUARE FEET. WHERE TRAFFIC MAT RETROREFLECTIVE ON BOTH R SIDES I OR TWO BARRICADES. PLACED BACK TO BACK. S - -_ BSTM STREET �j 0 -1. © W20 -3 48' % 48' �1 0 �ie� >.. ---- --- --- -- 6. EXISTING INPLACE SIGNS THAT CONTRADICT WITH THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE REMOVED OR COVERED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER OR I 000 p9 W20 -1 48' X 48' HIS DESIGN(C100.9119.1: E SE SIGNS SHALL ALSO BE REINSTALLED AI THE APPROPRIAT AS DIRECTED BY 111E E8GINE ER. TBA15 WORK 5HALL BE NCIDENTAL TRAFFIC CONIROI BID ITEM. l7 �T ®� T. EXISTING IN -PLACE SIGNS THAT ARE REMOVED AND NO LONGER NEEDED v V O 621 -54 48' X 48" SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE FIELD LAB. 10 ?.\•••■_.....--- B. INSTANT 2 YELLOW 'TYPE A' FLASHERS PER BARRICADE, INSTALL 1 ` YELLOW "TYPE A" FLASHER PER WARNING SIGN. 0 11 30' X 60' (m � I 9. DO TO UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MAY BE - I f REQUIRED 10 PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TYPE 111 BARRICADES AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THESE ADDITIONAL BARRICADES SHALL BE 011 -4 60' % 30' ROAD CA05C0 CON510ER(D INCIDENTAL AND NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE 1 USE ALTERNAI( 111(8(00. 0 v ` i v ` _ ' - ' - APE II _ T r r '' _ . N 5 CN .59411 80 1651411(0 4 MINIMUM Of ONE W K STARTING USE A C - PRIOR OR TO . ��,r : � ... � vs v/ �.r' © vim 1 , ...— r , £ _ �. I ,�' ,/ .� r l Ni0 R5E 5 06 OF CSAH 42 D.,. I - THE _ .• 8 (00 �"/ � �� /8 A C 1 UADAY ATE, 460 CSAH 42 0 CSAH 39. ••• — j � I I CONSTRUCTION EL B 6165. E A' FLASHERS PER SIGN. REMOVE SIGNS WHEN h __ /- \ \ 13 TYPE 111 B FOOT Lam' - i \ _a_i BQ ©1 �� 1: 4 - 1 \\>\. it -------- 1 ) JI1 --- �r 500 D 500 1000 SCALE N r([1 0410 0(615109 01370 ow...lm40 emY cN,ilY nv p an, .977 /4 a''''''''"':F. n 41079 =1 iT I ( ■ ^: �.'' F. � / H Anderson Assoc., Inc, C1TT OP TRAFFIC CONTROL & (x Iffoo of �.� ��• I of ADS s /zy /ofi C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) Met 00L �+ 3 En ona Lana s 0 1055303 DETOUR PLAN 30 T ®� ® s6m Teax,L4n A.. 4aoLa unne.am sssos � 13 - zxwm sca dT uo a�JcN[a, P.E. mime N[ l0. 163 -02] -5860 FAX 763-427-0520 ON 111E GREAT RITP.R RO AD CI TY O OT SECO , MINNESOTA 57 . vo4n. x0oc\orxmb•R \Dram ucr�4a.c /08 /06 , No, 76059 0A6 n0on- anderaon.cam 670674 nllxn PERMANENT TRAFFIC CONTROL PAVEMENT MARKINGS CROSSWALKDETAIL PEDESTRIAN PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL SIGN PAVEMENT LINE .LINE COMPOSITION (PERPENDICULAR INTERSECTION) SIGN SIGN SIZE SIGN SIGN REMARKS ESTIMATED MARKING LINE TYPE WIDTH REMARKS SYMBOL NO. INCHES) MESSAGE COLOR QUANTITY LEGEND (INCHES) AND COLOR ® 51 -t 30'530' '570P' WRITE ON RED 12 O CENTER LING 4" SINGLE DASHED i y ` OS 51-1 18 " %18" STOP' WHITE ON WHITE 1. � BIKE TRAIL RED 6 ® 51 -4 • 18 "06" "ALL WAY" RED ON SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE WHITE 8 LANE LINE e SINGLE SOLID 8 R2 -1 24 " 030' SPEED LIMIT BLACK ON 7 2 WHITE A . 35" WHITE PAVEMENT Lhy? VEHICLE LANE 1� R2 -1 20 "X30' SPEED LIMIT BLACK ON MARKING t IJ 50 WHITE I STOP BAR 21' SINGLE SOLID ' °;" "''' ^ E R3 -X1 30 " %30 RIC LANE RN 8 WH N 5 O WHITE R3 -7 3D' %30" LEFT LANE MUST BLACK ON �� .. • O ,,, r,' TURN LEFT. WHITE 5 CROSSWALK SOLID WHITE 3' HIGH EDGE OF VEHICLE LANE LANE USE 9555(66 BLOCKS CONTROL SIGN WHITE 6 B' WIDE V IRiffa ® R3 -30 CCA 54' %30" BLACK ON R3 -30 ACD 56 " %30' LANE USE BLACK ON �--- SPACED TO AVOID WHEEL PATHS CONTROL SIGN WRITE I O PAVEMENT SOLID WHITE FOR 5U0111460 iiN RS -30 AB 54%30 LANE USE 5 RIGHT & LEFT BLACK ON ARROWS ARROW TURN LANES A CONTROL SIGN WHITE 6 PP•y•x ® 53 -30 CD 54' 430' UNE USE BLACK ON THROUGH LANES ISC kl. J— 3 FT. VEHICLE LANE CONTROL SIGN. WHITE 1 'PAVEMENT SOLID WHITE "ONLY" M 54 -7 34' %30" LANE USE CONTROL SIGN BLACK ON WHITE h 5 MESSAGE LETTERING 8' HIGH Ip [T, 11 55 -1 30' 030" DO NOT ENTER RED ON 5 + { M1 WHITE PAINTED MEDIAN 24" SOLID 45' DIACONAL ,1 12 013-36 12 " 0I2" NO PARKING RED ON WHITE 6 CROSS HATCHING' YELLOW WITH 20' i4 • ■ SPACING STOP AHEAD BLACK ON - W3 -IA 36'X36' CONTROL SIGN YELLOW [ CENTER LINE d" DOUBLE SOLID 1 SEPARATION W3-1A 36'X36' SPEED AHEAD WHITE ON t 8 FOR PAINTED YELLOW BETWEEN LINES 1, PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE EPDXY. CONTROL SIGN BLUE MEDIAN 2. CROSSWALK MARKINGS TO BE CEN1 FRED AND ALIGNED ® 81 -6 24%24" COUNTY ROAD BLACK ON 3 - ON CENTER LINE AND LANE LINES. MAKE ADJUSTMENTS • 62' YELLOW IN MEDIAN AREA. e 8I -6 26" 424' COUNTY ROAD WHITE ON 39' BLUE 3. FOR CROSSWALK MARKINGS, A MINIMUM OF 18" CLEAR DISTANCE WHITE ON MUST BE LEFT ADJACENT TO CURB. JCT M2 -1a 21 " %IS" JUNCTION BLUE I 4. AT SKEWED CROSSWALKS, THE BLOCKS ARE TO REMAIN PARALLEL (EDZI 43 -10 24 " 012" 'NORTH WHITE ON I TO THE LANE LINES 8151 5. REMOVE ALL CONFLICTING PAVEMENT 855615G5 AS DIRECTED SDVtR M3 -3o 24" %12" 'SOUTH' WHITE ON 2 B7 THE ENGINEER. BLUE 53 -3 36 "036' STOPLIGHT AHEAD BLACK; FIEIi - K — [ CONTROL SIGN GREEN ON YELLOW I W4 -2 3rX36" RIGHT LANE ENDS BLACK ON I STOP BAR CONTROL. SIGN YELLOW W6 -1 36" %36" NE USE BLACK ON 2 CON SIGN YELLOW 50' BUCK ON W9 -1 36"036' RIGHT LANE ENDS 1 YELLOW BUCK ON ~ ARROWS W9 -2 36' 036' MERGE LEFT YELLOW I TURN & THROUGH LANE - 13.0' 40'. THROUGH LANE - 9.0' Q I X4 -2 I8" %18' YELLOW ON YELLOW 6 NOTES: Off 011 TURN LANE - 8.0' W X4 -5 6'612' BUCK ON 3 1. PERMANENT SIGNS SHALL USE 'DC -3" REFLECTIVE SHEETING WORDS - 8.0' NIGH YELLOW 5.9' WIDE TYPE 111 BARRICADE 60X48" RED ON 5 120' I. INITIAL SPACING -50 FT. RECOMMENDED. RANGE OF _ _ WHITE 30 -80 FT.- DEPENDING ON APPROACH SPEED AND • 18' %9 ' PARRISH ST' NEW -.. IQ .6,-- R':' '- WHITE ON A.. - INSTALL SALVAGED . 1 , " _ _ LENGTH. OF _TURN.:UNE. - ..� '� x 409 65TH STREET_ir rA- < CREEN.. ji{, - � .w �SIGN' -- — -- /'- - --' -'- -� '' - -. -' � _ ' " ' " � " ' ...1 • - 2. MESSAGE SPACING -40 FT. RECOMMENDED. MINIMUM O D3 48'09' PARRISH ST NE WHITE ON SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET [ 40', OF 25 FT. FOR SHORT TURN LINES. DU /2' %9" 87T11 STREET GREEN S . INTERMEDIATE SPACING - RECOMMEND 4 MINIMUM O D3 48 "09" PARRISH 5T NE WHITE ON INSTALL SALVAGED SIGN 1 20' ■ QE{' Of 100 41. AND A MAXIMUM OF 150 FT. DEPENDING 42 09' 88TH STREET GREEN ON APPROACH SPEED AND LENGTH OF TURN LANE. O STONY BROOK WHITE ON INSTALL SALVAGED 2 BROWN SIGN 4, FINAL SPACING - RECOMMEND 20 FT. OR AS CLOSE OTSEGO PARK WHITE ON INSTALL SALVAGED AS POSSIBLE WITH RESPECT TO THE SPACING CRITERIA 5 BROWN SIGN I LISTED ABOVE. 5. NUMBER OF MESSAGE UNITS -FOR TURN LANES LESS 1 —.B' —Hi STREET NAME SIGN 0 — 3O NOTES: THAN 200 FT. IN LENGTH ONE SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT PARRfiH 51 NCI AND FOR TURN LANES GREATER THAN 200 FT. IN LENGTH 1. ALL STREET SIGNS SHALL USE 6" SERIES "B' LETTERING AND TWO SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT. IN RURAL AREAS ONE y 9 NUMBERING MESSAGE UNIT MAY BE SUFFICIENT REGARDLESS Of THE LENGTH. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT IN THIS CASE + F 2. MOUNTING BRACKETS 511511 BE E -450 FOURWAY BRACKET OR EQUAL. THE HEAD OF THE ARROW BE LOCATED AT OR NEAR THE I MIDPOINT OF THE TURN LANE 1 n 3. MOUNTING POST SHALL BE 2.5" 0.0. BY 10' GALVANIZED TUBE. 1 F 9 • POSTS SHALL BE IMBEDDED IN A 12'0 BY 24" DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING I 4. SIGN PLATES SHALL BE SINGLE FACED CONSTRUCTED OF 0.080 ALUMINUM, SIGN 1 DETAIL ENGINEER GRADE REFLECTIVE SHEETING. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5nu 5. SIGNS SHALL BE PAID AS "SIGN PANELS TYPE 0". ts3 DATE REVISION f nsm cnor I ns T{�L, pan 0IORR OP HGkanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. SIGNING AND s'EE1 K1 = , `` t a y JEJ /J .CITY DF 1 % yE [ w3 I cw Engineers ana Lane S olo 552 rs [�� PAVEMENT MARKING PLANS 31 c ° • B ADS !/13/06. 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka. Ilnnesolo 55305 d��/�I/ . ::, ,v two - o:n.,, - ox q, p.L 2 ]63 -42] -5560 450 763 -427 -0520 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST NE) 57 m-,,, vw>.;, .r.- mm\m,mk..,w +no- .:o,- .oa. 605 Hasp [4. qo 6D53 RJw 01270 �..NO4onson- onderson,com ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA vans neon - a e fl • I i : 1_, n,., -� i I i I" 1 4 a M l 1 r 3 - T1 - -- w l I MY I xr yy Z_ a / I i 8 51 a c `° _ , / 1 D. " i z_ Z S e R3 -30 AB I I a Y z / / ' Ea a G � 1 0 01111 r. .:. 3 R3 -30 CCA W C i V d N I 1 W " � STOXT BROOK > • � M�'� _ y I I1I a moose ANO1S 7 Y A aLI I i I lir WS - e G aW 1 ua _ 1 I w3 -lu �� E RV 0C-ta a / ''v» -as -ta 1,,, i :§ ! 1 I ,. 1 , 1 1 I calm LI i 42 n 1 1 1 4- .� MS -la J , Yi -6 wr' Z ® U U Iwo 35 OM z J 1 -9 1 I `" �� r - II NoRo i __ I M 1 01 R I B? 3A < � N V n N � ¢ s e fr J c I . c 4 S / ® / i 1 — — - - - - 17, 1_BM I N 8,, 5 CU g i i / ]n%l r1 C s i 5 flow 1 I I ` 3 ¢ u 1 fr •C:( 1 L R `2 -, Enu I �/ I ' v -ta ; I I R6 -3A p u y{ ^ i 1 i m' CO` .;1 ') O o `s ; Nvozz: N 4 1,I . a - \. R - 7 51 7 I I � a.'___ ILM `R `` 4 !! - �`, 7 ,U = 00 I ® „W0 133x15 X159 magi 133x15 1•11S9 �' �' cm / I L – — — Z l� ®e f ® � ® - -- _ „�s — i / I \ 1- \ / 6 2 . ... , cy, . 1 I ��. : 1 : I i $e \ \:-..,_ r \ i I i ilk $i' -.-. \ ■1 \ \ \ I a \ / \> 6 1 r R3 -7 \ \ \ / I i � i 1, I I i II \ S A \ )::: il!; I— -P% i R3 -30 CCA, 6 / \ \ -- --- 4 cs \ —5 - i 1 ,, / . 4 "TM' LI Og / \ J O PIP I fl3 xa -30 2 AB .11 I 14. 1 g 1 $r I • ^ G ®ulX '� 1 a"D 1 r ' .4,1 -ii R3 -XI I o a ► 1 I °11 I s , I — — — _ „- / 11 1 O U z 9/ � Q Y N Z �„ 0 1- v - 1 B ^ [ >e t I j �; u 1 _ I R3 - 30 CCA — - , -5 • a L 1 _ ` B ` 4 _ — — I 1 1 E \\ I - c?,--,e. ill eV OT -rall n I I .mrY I w Z4` 1 ', r ✓ s \l 1 I 1 "` I l I -,'.- o f ° t U 0 I I Vr -80 I g - I s£ I I I 1. 10 �E J I \ I "` L -rtl •"' R' -XI U C Lw , 8 ,'1'1 el C NtrIl timRo 1 I I a r I I = H: �g • � I O 1 I I I IS Vs � Q . ! l o � . ■ w s .• 3 i 11 I I -Iii I R2-1 � _� la:.l e:. I OTSECO PARK x c . ? - I - la 7I. R8 -3A R3 -30 ♦8 ` Y C3u ^ = AVM r I 1 Y . ` _ - I R3 -30 CCA ii * •:%FI- ,`I 8_ _ _ __ 1 1 I ® 9 3A B y ^ -+ 1 Y2 -la N — T 1 04 -z ® Q 0 a) 333010 ul -s EA 1 14148 1LR 1 12:3 ge _ ^- \ . % . %. 1 . I L -ra Z 6 o -- - - 8 Q r © ^ o .. � , rb 1 I 1 g Yy:;l r, ry 1 ` ' ‘., , — �o / /— __ 4" � — Q `, AA w it zea - I Q ' ® 13391S 11190 I E 1 ...r. 11 P ® 1 n 1 £ a d 1 RI - I fl €_.. n= 1 1 R' — ' � I 1 1 , �� „.. R YRY li a. \,_ , 1 , ,. ii:hq, 8 S.e 8 ,1 I I ' I / r 9 R3 -7 1 IN r R3 -01 I ani� 1 �r © O 1 g 1I © 1 o dI 1 r 1 MOO f I I I • ;i wit pp 1 1 R3 -XI S 1 �a1 1 i.l 1.�� — — — ____I I 1 0i ii 03 -30 CCA 93 -30 AR I . a - 1 I 1 1 ii di 11 I 1. -1. 0 3 , . ,., I i 8 F.,' 1 I I I t711 c , U e I —...a 3 I i I 1 1 _ _ _ _ 0 0 $ ■■......'''.... I .., . i 1 1 r ..._ ii- -pi vt 1 11 : z ,.... •- 1 ! I 1 Lu • . \ __ ..I. Li= iii .1.P.:x, •.;11::. 1,1: -...8 ; 111 1 1 21\ 1:1177gattlize inimom...m.:?i,.,_......1.______,.....___t_. _:...._..'.‘,.1..r.'.-,'.:__-.._-_._-_-____—___...; ,111;1 iii 1 11 1 1 i I i E a r014,‘k 001 _ E ,f, 8 5 — 113 111111■121111MIllt Ira (3N 3AV HSIWOd) — — 4. ••• ,- IZ3 r 00SL 001 _ *Si *.1 Si EZZA. ela •'''''" Et F. KO — (314 3AV HSI87d) — — — RIM '• Z ,5..M Z7 • WV•S•3 - --- OM • - rt- , . ; __... Pil --- . , 0 ,-,... •■•■ ••■ e I num . l I MS I i I W.-. 11116.7 5 o i til' I i : I 1-iS ,' I 1 I CD . . • .,8.. 2 02.N8 <8 21 .0. g. z. cri`.1r• o,., A ... . g S 4 :7:1 1 . / - , E E ' : ■ ° j 1 1 I , 1 1 1 4: '.. P ...._, 0 • Jo -H, L,..._, L , WU 1 R3-XI ',4 alt 1_11 ' 0 1 1110 03-30 ACO . r. I (i,;• 1 0 I-- I-- 1, (J) • 1 t — — ____ 1_,__I I , F _ C) -----.) \ .(? 1: ■ LLJ r:: 1— ., I I 1 :---- 4' 0 CT) l_n ij t % �) ----) 1 = - - :1- 1 I -4.- &- N.--) i P ------ . ir URI CA in oo kl I I , /-1 ii .• 111 = R3-30 C l• R . 30 AB 1 1 ri ¢ - X4-5 I ,- "-- .--...., ...... .w!.., (f) C.....) 'I 8 Al_ _l___ 0 e■ +: i ' --...._ 4 ) i . -------. ,,,. P i _ .., "o N. q. 1 .. I I , I , I , I I I i I I \ --- I I I • 6 0 ■.. . I ! ) : 1 § • 1 i q 1 r- ,—..... • . . . . , 1 N 1 N x 0 c W� U N I~ o N > FO 0 z O 3 V) a M 0 mZ V) 0 p 0 _,, � I- z 0 0 0 a Z 0 zT m -U Z w Zc . Q Ca U W p O z - CC 0 < O I V1 Z a -.I O 2 Z a 2W - W I -< C� F- 0U..Z 0 OL ~Q w i� I- � C O < V)ap z c 00 >- z ccr moo¢ (n W z p w w Z Zg pZZ La LT �- Z Z Q ZO 1,... a JO L.1 En 01- i- a_ _1 a a. Y 1-, J a U J W W O Z J W O m Z. Q J VI M J 17-, o F- O Z F d =W a 0wO pO x , OU C z 0 OU Q Np I - G a_ N Z � ¢ O¢pa rF- d .. 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J W C iu �Q z = Z� �p ?¢� a(~i1 wYa 3 = � v: w ?m aw �� Nm a a 0J Q v1 CL Um7 0 R. 00 J oVi Nm w z M m w ~ Q Fr-Oa00 Yp w,�4 d. . .-• Z ? -JJ w cc >0 (n -Z wo� c U _. • F- ,- 0 .- 2 m N a r m to pQ O vJa >Ez V1 Z W W m a 10 1- QWWN 00F F- Gi � 0 (n a 2w x x "'C JWO (i)C1_ ■�Z m.°� 0 xm O Z M WW w ce r W p m W V1 a V) W _ V1 —N 0 V) Q 6 z 0 U) w 1- 0 < M V) Q wM d J i Q a O z W < x 60 >-0 O W3�-- Z V,f 00' � m - 0 w0 0 MI Z K Zw� M F" ~ N O6Zxr X r 0 M )- (. 7 ) 4 1 Z UQ Z wV ) S UN N0 Z Jm U O cc 0 2 Q J 06O Z¢CCU aa �00 &Y WI CO vi NZ(a O 00 Tcc < oaf Jd a wJO Qa0 a0 Lim, Jm W xx \ ¢ x CC WW ZUa Lyn w ) r 0= IZ F - x Z 00 _ Ow 11141 a_ fa! F - D Y NM wN I-V) 0 Md(n QV1J OZCI VI0< CO0 af U0 ZM N V1 - 3 a CL a? O Z ('4 ri a 0 Ln r 0 rn I∎_ N a ti m h L . ' 1 1 -7 3 U C W a Z o f V J QN 6: -1i--- � WI l v, :9:20 ° sN� Z , I I m I O W c I i 3',:, e ..--.1\•=--- N > - x CL o � W I H \i CL �I III 11 II U >- P ill !Ili , _I — � U W 1.. 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V Oa co U m wn= NI = 0 . -- H O Z r Y O- W N Z x N U O . m? \ a te W Z CO W O O ti W = N „ N h a 0 m a N a 0 3 II ' N Z N 2 O NU _, L. F- ip ZOO g a J J �, 2 N'i W t \ 2w - N Z Z g' g m r 0 N _ N • wZW hl a ` f N 0 4I r w a z4 a BE :4' ^ it)O V al w w a w 4 ¢_ i z Z a N Q a • e K0 v o s ag 3 v \ T ! ; .. J , Y a p ij g ga 1 a -ri. \ jj / / /�' //j �/ o % —�— ., — — •aaoa�i N VA a o F- U U to Q� / li. e Oc Ilk u J N Q Q n o o a at p o z • m 3 il • N el W r s . 1 w, 1 1 d P � 1' 1 1 "H 18 " '�1 - 16. I-- -- - 96" . g 1 111 1 36" 11-9"---F-9 ' _L -- - -- - (Wl -1. W1 -2, W1 -3, W1 -4 OR W1 -5) & W13 -1 — L — MOUNTING 1 1 PUNCHING FOR R2 -4b SPEED LIMIT R6 -1, R1 -1 & (R6 -3 OR R6 -3o) MOUNTING 1- c I I L C I- 1 2 " + 12 -- -1 I - CT - q b12 1 z"-1 I I I 0 0 —o— —o —q I I 6• I I I —o— —o— T 6" 7 I I 12.. I I 12" PUNCHING FOR R6- 1(48 "x18 ") 12" .. _ - _ ... _ .- ... � , r .. .. ,rte .. ,.. r,. - �• � _ - - -. ... - _ I .. � .I:. � , � _ I I 6 - O - - o- O - o I I I (M3 -1, M3 -1A, M3 -2, M3 -2A, M3 -3, M3 -3A M3 -4 OR M3 -4A) [30 "x15 "] AND (M1 -4 OR M1 -5A) [36 "x361 PUNCHING k- 12 I --12 - - 1 (M3 -1A, M3 -2A, M3 -3A OR M3 -4A) [30 "x151 AND M1 -1 [45 "x36" OR 36"x36 "] 1 1 1 PUNCHING - — o — — o — - TYPE C & D SIGN • PUNCHING FOR R6- 1(36 "x12 ") STRUCTURAL DETAILS AILS Sheet 3 of 3 DATE REVISION h.$a t th * . km ' :ron. [om¢ C RY OF a % ;. 77.•i•° � 1 T0''' V V m' 0 .J "–V. 1111 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. � SIGNING AND SKEET - sta R Civil . eny�no ¢na Lone su.•oyo.. � {°� ® PAVEMENT MARKING PLANS 37 � . ADS 3 / 13 / O6 3601 Thurston Ave., Ancxa u�nesutu 55303 C.S.A.H. 42 (PARRISH ST HE) 57 1, mp• _ eT." • ONA[U J. ' R, P.E. ¢[ xl . 763 -471 -5860 PAx 763 -427 -0520 •:,.. -•• wi•.• -mw[ um,••• ou - •y.- •,.•••• out• AM [t, mo 1APSZ J. 01310 .n.hokonson- onacmon.corn ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOT g¢ns nron • 42+00 Row ROW I I ---T I 1 -- - I I , B76 — — — I — I — 7" - - '.:= V' I 1 I . f . ---i 1 I ..,•,_-Z. 672-- 1 :1 --------- i - _71 _ • . I ---- 1------ 1 ------ ____-_-- 1 __ _1_ i _ 868 t.' - L 1 ' _ _ - , _______. ------t- . __ _ - 1 ___ ___ ,.q __. 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Stall or I.e. •Isf p.a.., by on. or undry my „E.," Haka s Als e oc Inc. - EGo ................d X1 lkalsnl Prolossional Eng.mot gm. Me pp. MIL CROSS SECTIONS CI ADS 3/I3/06 OM. R W. 763 PAX 763-127-0Sn 57 .... 2b86- 11:Ohm 00,,, I ,ATA" "In.." CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA RJW 07370 .4.,.nokasnon-encle+son.com ON THE GREAT MYER ROAD SHEEIS m.vn • r-- r., ;t 0 T N • Z O i z u , N U I ' N O 0 z o` V m m o 3 E. 3 $ m $ IIII I 7; l I ' g 11 I I 1 - 17 I I I � Tl 8 1 I �I ( E{iI i i 8 1 1 i 1 I I li i ' I 163 !._ 11 , � 'I1 i $ 1 1 I ! - I ',1 1 °4 F 1 I; I I I ; I 1 1 1 I EC) LI I,I i III III I 1 !i II I` 1 I 1111 I 11 I I i I ! i [ 1 ? I!I 1111 I o� -- 1 ' 1 I 1 1 1 y 9° I -r � . I —} . � 1 I� I 1 110 ' _I 1 I. I. 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P w 1im I Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. O °P (` Licensed fN ^" of Eno", °" 1 �•� 1111". b¢: Civil Engineers one Land Surveyors zoo CROSS SECTIONS X3 lows o • 81.1• o Meseta. ADS 3/13(06 3601 Thurston Ave.. Mae. 1/innovate 55303 '© u . Y. - 11:4i.. Vol �. wAp[R, ru 10. 763 -427 -5860 FAX 763 -427 -0520 k+.. YV e.•.•i:.. oo4sw ++.o3u.am+++o - .. r. pvi. 6%)e7o) „�. „• v.(. 2gyz 0.1W 073700 w..nokonann- onomon.can ON THE GREAT RIVER NDAD CITY OE OTSEGO, MINNESOTA y � 15 07376 • 46 +00 ROW 872 - -----T -- -- — _ _ - I i ____ • - -� 672 868 -I I� _r__ — --- ----„ e I 86 ' SCC "ORALL SNER'8 - -- _ -.__ -_. .I _— ` I _ _ _ 864 1----1--- I — - I —. 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" " �a �;m�° N, EJ/ � Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. a nn Dr ^/�A� v erl Leona. oI N. . mp 6ryq...4 mots nm Civil Enginens one Land Survey., ��js f:IV�i CROS$ SECTION$ X4 u.s � 8 a, of u:mw,o. ADS 3/13/06 3601 I Ave.. Ava., Anoka. Yvewlo 55303 m .� IL > - Iles.. Ng J . wAU[R R[. Otone III w. 763 -427 -5860 EA% 763 -427 -0520 .m Iles.. _.wv.o .el..n sm.WUro�..oVUro nom 6!70!07 .c. No. 760!2 RJW 07370 ...6a6anson- an8erson.cam ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA v NT17n I 47 +72.29 ( 8513 s um ! — — ._. 1 868 868 - i 1 ---I-- I _1_ I _ 1 _ I -}_ —_ —. —_I - -I -- - --I 661 H I 1 — - -- _ i B60 1 _ —I. — I 1 I - -I ' • I I °.!° ! -- ! - -- - --- ! --` -__I 660 -100 -8D -60 -m -20 0 20 ID 6o 80 1W 47 +50 8513 STRUT r --1--- —�— I 868 i— - - -i — - I 1 I - - - - I _- I __ — —� - - B 1 .. - -_- 1 ! _ I i 1. 1 � f I I 6B _ _ f_ 1 861 -I - __— 1 . —_ I .— - ' -. -... 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RONALD A WAGNER. v.[. 0®n ILA p ' 763 122 - 5860 [A% 263 - 422 - 0520 .::N�_.ww. y.. -.a I vtTtaL.•.w.. -..« „° , o 6r19/02 ,m . z LIN w,. 26052 R 01370 ...nea,nsm- wnaa.en.c„n ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ORRIS nTJin 49 +50 out oow — , 866 --------- I —. —_ _- J - I Li1i j 4IE _- ■ 8 • _ ± - *— 86� — . - __ ----- ._ — ._._ -� _ - -._I. -___ 656 - _ -- --- 1 -- — - , ^ o - - - - -- - -_ - - _ - — -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 60 fro 49 +00 ouc _ °°" — _____T__ — —, I �__ L _�.� -- --- - --- -- 666 ' T ,.._,..:__, -- _ 8 L _ - - -- -- 856 LL —.-- - _ ---- - -. -_ —1 856 l— _-I-- — I I m • m — L_ - • 100 _,--- BD -60 -40 -20 0 20 — 40 _ - 60 BO 100 • 48 +50 ouc KM _IOW 86B I---- I I _ I I - - - I — — I — 668 860 I ■ — _- -I- - -7 - I Ii -_. - - I — —_ -- 86 _ - „ 4 I . : . . I - e . I ' _ r - - - _. — _ • _ t- . . 656 I _ I _ -- — ° I - Z I - .- ,— I B56 -100 -W -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 6o BO i 100 48 +00 DUE 652 868 . - — -1._ 7.,....._ . i _ --- _ -) � .- - -'-�_ • 864 1 86 • to I — __ _ --- tS ___ - I I .— _� T _— _- � _.. —_ 860 -100 -BO -60 -40 -20 m 0 20 40 60 BO 100 00,I1 REVISION AA Non. ap.r.lirolim. MORA. ° osNo6° " °"' jEJ /JD Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. s" "` ° itimol �� d Er:pq.n w a I �• o. p. - we 11711 3601 Engineers one Land Surveyors 0� °C �p GO CROSS SECTIONS X6 — CI W ., e i n p St a . ei Nitro... ADS 3 / } /O6 3fi0 TRIOS. Ay.. Md4. Minnesota 55105 au0 � wAGx1q, v �° • la[ w ' 763 - 427-5860 VA% 763 - 427 -D520 57 . u. Wu - u:zf..• ._.aw. e..i.r:.- mpowu.p�..wuro -•..., o.le eizstaz ua. w,. . �cosz Rsx ouzo .•.nwnn:on- pnanr:pn..pin °r+ THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSE00, MINNESOTA SAWS arm nc 1 •x t 4 0 z z 0 a s U ▪ O ✓ U N N O O El 0 a o I I 1 I , I l + � i i i j I i W e �, m i m ■ ' I 1 i , ► I i l I ogil F i 1 ll I1,ill i ___r____,__;;,1 l 1 I _I I I I i I T I c i I , s ! A i 1 S- I II �/ I 1 p Q. „N : 1 1 I 1 L � I y3 ang I, I I 2D ..a° I ! oW n . — o l i t , — - -t—I i I s E cci 4. _ I �°n ;r I o i i 1 m + 1_i . , camel a l 0 i _ i on] O I i I I nu ` p 1 S'999 p ` i C'999! -----it- J._ I _ 1 , � i I , i __ I i I� 1 —r 1 Fillill: • I 1 i I` o I L , _ 1 ie 4 I 1 am °tl I 1 ,, 1 Pi l i ; v I I L._ .— I l .— .. I f I 1: —r--1 , it I I ( ( I I 1 Hii 1 _g I I r ' f 1 _ _ q7.1.' y :H i - B I I I L �;_I I I 69. , —'-- : r 1 I - 1 1 I i : `1 1 1 -- — I 1 e ay a ' I-1 I ' ! 1 s Y . I I, I I 1 I I I , I I � I I 1 I • I I 1 I ;I I 1 18 I A I I ! L LL I _13 m a a m ' m m$ m m . 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DUE R0M r ROM - - - - - - 1 -._ _ 866 I ��_� - — ' - -- ' —d --- - � 1 I 861 860 _ __ —.-- _-j-._ _i _ —_ L -- - -_ I . — I — _ _ _- - I 860 __r___ 856 — —. _ I 4____ _i -- -- B56 -Ia. -BO -60 -40 — -20 0 20 40 66 MO 100 DATE REVISION 1 engy cn0rpvvi 0)0 pm. n°c0'cotion. MOOS si EE Or e0 O. , , E / Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. O E , O z9 Lkon. OA E n.. on. to. Moe. -ryq; 1111 ... n Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors CROSS SECTIONS v.s o 1n. AXO of m.o... m.o M A Cil DS 3/13/06 3601 Ave_ Avcate. 55303 aW0. 263 -427 --427- 5860 FAX 263 -427 -3-427- 0520 .: y. �s_.: v�y.• e°l�.°�. xve3ornoW.oym�m_..°.a oare /�d WA l4. NopE . SQL rY R.. OT 370 .Sokoneon- ondaon.can' ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA y q� ,_ 01370 N ar 0 c MO 1 uaX _ L O E 0 - U W O w N 0 O t C 0 O m o m m 3 m m 1 I F ---- 1 -- 1 1 1 1 I r - _ —r-—� m m I I ' I IS I I 1 i I L I it 1 1 I °< i ; 1 I j I I I I I I i I 1 I 1 1 I 1 L O 11 $ E LI 1 I t 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 11 __1 Li I �' /-1— .I /` I I 1 % "; 1 1 1-11 i c I - I - - I 1I I l LI I ° I � N � ' ,. / Q vl Sn • 1 I i /1 1 I ,1 1 y s d 1 ' i i I ° a4 fr 1 t I I i / I I 0 3 ei I I I I N w F C „ a I I J 1 "� I C.En _ �, I I I j y • _ w O ., o 11 0 I y 1 00192 ^I _ _ Of'198 0 + II 1 I 0 9Y96 I o 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 L I • I I , - � --i- 1 11 i �,--1— - LE) i I I 1 I 1 1 i 1 11 It : r _ l 1 1 n2o L . 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Marwitz St. Michael, MN 55376 -0369 'Also licensed in Illinois (763) 497 -1930 **Also licensed in California (763) 497 -2599 (FAX) courimacanhur@earthlink.net April 4, 2006 • City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Judy Hudson, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: State Municipal Agreement- Highway 101 Dear Council Members: • Enclosed for your review and comment please find a copy of the proposed Municipal Agreement for the Highway 101 Project. The Agreement states that the appraised value of land donated to the City accounts for the required local share of the project. The Agreement also requires the City to agree to pay the cost of $400,000.00 in curb and gutter and other items included in the project. Ron has reviewed these numbers and will be corresponding with the State regarding some questions he has about what is included in this number which is higher than anticipated. The Agreement is not presented for action this evening just for review, comments and questions. The City has submitted to Wright County an access agreement which we would like the County to consider and approve prior to adoption of the Municipal Agreement. According to representatives of the State the Municipal Agreement needs to be executed by the City prior to May 5. 1 will be available to further discuss the matter at the April 1:0 City Council meeting. Very truly-yours, An w J. Mac rthur • COURI, MACARTHUR & RUPPE, PLLP Encl. cc: Ron Wagner, City Engineer Dan Licht, City Planner 0,00Esot, Minnesota Department of Transportation Tel: 218/828 -2460 District 3 Fax: 218/828 -2210 oF 7694 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 -8096 Toll Free: 1/800/657-3971 I MAR 9 20iF March 28, 2006 Mr. Michael Robertson — City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 -7314 Re: S.P. 8608 -21 (TH 101 =187) Cooperative Construction Agreement No. 89418 -R, Dear Mr. Robertson: Enclosed are three copies of the Cooperative Construction Agreement providing for payment by the City of Otsego to the State for the city's share of the' of the storm sewer work along CSAH 39; the curb and gutter work along Parrish Avenue; and the additional curb, gutter and storm sewer along the proposed connecting road between CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 that has been added to the Trunk Highway 101 project, at the Cities request, within the corporate City Limits. Please present this agreement to the City Council for their approval and execution, which includes signatures of the City's authorized officers on two copies of the agreement. The third copy of the agreement is for use by the City until a fully executed copy is returned. Also required are two original copies of a resolution passed by the City Council authorizing its officers to sign the agreement on its behalf. A suggested form of resolution is enclosed. Please return the two executed copies of the agreement and the resolutions to: Tom Highum, Plan Development Supervisor, Mn/DOT, 7694 Industrial Park Road, Baxter, Minnesota 56425 -8096. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to call me at (218) 828 -6185. S incerely, ? // �? v ' Todd Grater Plan Development min Enclosures: Cooperative. A greemen t /2\ v VV ULI V�. Agreement I_ J Resolution Form cc: Bob Busch - Mn /DOT Baxter Craig Robinson — Mn /DOT St. Cloud Maryanne Kelly - Sonnek - Mn /DOT M.S. 682 Dan Penn — MS 050 Jamie Hukriede — Mn /DOT Baxter S: \prj \101 \3603 \21 \design \PS &E \Otsego agree letter.doc An equal opportunity employer NT4 i ° Minnesota Department of Transportation e cr 7 Memo Office of Technical Support Office Tel: (651) 296 -0969 Municipal Agreements Unit Fax: (651) 296 -9868 Mail Stop 682, Room 618 395 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55155 March 22, 2006 To: Tom Highum Design Supervisor From: Maryanne Kelly - Sonnek WM" - " Municipal Agreements Enin er Subject: Proposed Coop. Const. Agree. No. 89418 -R City of Otsego S.P. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187) Fed. Proj. STPX 8606 (002) City cost for T.H. 101 construction 1 Transmitted herewith in duplicate is a proposed agreement with the City of Otsego. This agreement provides for payment to the State of the City's share of the costs of the grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems, lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86x06, 86x07 construction to be performed on T.H. 101 within the corporate City limits. Present this agreement to the City Council for their approval and execution that includes original signatures of the City Council authorized City officers on both copies of the agreement. Also required are two original copies of a resolution passed by the City Council authorizing its officers to sign the agreement on its behalf. A suggested form of such resolution is enclosed. If the plan for this project is to be submitted to the City for approval, please coordinate the submittal of the plan and the agreement. The executed agreements and resolutions (two originals of each) should be forwarded to this office as soon as possible. A copy will be returned to the City when fully executed. Please send me a Pores of vnur lett transmitting the agreement to the City for approval cc: File CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION IT IS RESOLVED that the City of Otsego enter into Mn/DOT Agreement No. 89418 -R with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the City to the State of the City's share of the costs of the grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems, lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86X06 and 86X07 construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate copy of the Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Otsego at an authorized meeting held on the day of , 2006, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession. (Sigiature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 2006 (Type or Print Name) (Title) Notary Public My Commission Expires l I PRE - LETTING STATE OF MINNESOTA Mn /DOT SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT NO. SECTION COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT 89418 -R S.P. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187) Fed. Proj. STPX 8606 (002) The State of Minnesota AMOUNT ENCUMBERED Department of Transportation, and The City of Otsego (None) Re: City cost grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems, ESTIMATED AMOUNT lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s RECEIVABLE 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86x06, 86x07 construction $400,982.10 by the State on T.H. 101 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" and the City of Otsego, Minnesota,, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City ". 1 89418 -R WHEREAS, the State is about to perform grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems, lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86x06, 86x07 construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the corporate City limits in accordance with State plans, specifications and special provisions designated as State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187) and in the records the Federal Highway Administration as Minnesota Project STPX 8606'(002); and WHEREAS, in accordance with Mn /DOT policy guideline, Highway (including Bikeways) No. 6.1.G -1, Policy and Procedures for Cooperative Construction Projects with Local Units of Government (revised), dated April 2004. The City shall share in the costs at 15 percent of the interchange construction costs for Bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and share the costs of the traffic signal systems construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the'corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 = 187)!; and WHEREAS, at the request of the City, the State included in its contract additional drainage, bituminous surfacing, and concrete curb and gutter construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Parrish Avenue NE, C.S.A.H. 39, and frontage road 2 within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187); and • WHEREAS, the City shall receive a credit from the State, in a lump sum amount based on certified appraisals, for the City's contribution 2 89418 -R of 15.5 acres of Right -of -Way needed for the proposed interchange construction of Bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020; and WHEREAS, the City has expressed its willingness to participate in the costs of the grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems A thru G, (including State Furnished Materials), lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86x06, 86x07 construction and associated construction engineering as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City requests and the State agrees to the installation of Emergency Vehicle Pre - emption (EVP) systems as a part of the new traffic signals; and WHEREAS, the City has expressed its willingness to participate in the maintenance, operation, and electrical power supply of the new traffic signals systems A thru G, including street lights, interconnection, signs, pedestrian ramps and crosswalk markings, (EVP) system construction and the State furnished materials and agrees to enter into Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement with Wright County and the State in the near future; and WHEREAS, the City desires to remove stockpiled granular material located at the southwest quadrant of C.S.A.H. 42 and T.H. 101, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 3 89418 -R IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I - CONSTRUCTION BY THE STATE Section A. Contract Award The State shall advertise for bids and award a construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder for State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187) in accordance with State plans, specifications and special provisions which are on file in the office of the Commissioner of Transportation at St. Paul, Minnesota, and are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section B. Direction and Supervision of Construction The State shall direct and supervise all construction activities performed under the construction contract, and perform all construction engineering and inspection functions in connection with the contract construction. All contract construction shall be performed in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and special provisions. Section C. Plan Changes, Additional Construction, Etc. The State shall make changes in the plans and contract construction, which may include the City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement, and shall enter into any necessary addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements with the State's contractor that are necessary to cause the contract construction to be performed and completed in a satisfactory manner. However, the State District Engineer's authorized representative will inform the appropriate City official of any proposed addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements to the construction contract that will affect the City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement. 4 89418 -R Section D. Satisfactory Completion of Contract The State shall perform all other acts and functions necessary to cause the construction contract to be completed in a satisfactory manner. ARTICLE II - CITY RESPONSIBILITIES The City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement shall be open to inspection by the City. If the City believes the City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement has not been properly performed or that the construction is defective, the City shall inform the State District Engineer's authorized representative in writing of those defects. Any recommendations made by the City are not binding on the State. The State shall have the exclusive right to determine whether the State's contractor has satisfactorily performed the City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement. The City has a construction contract for water main and sanitary sewer construction project. As a part of that construction the City's contractor shall remove stockpiled granular material in the SW quadrant of C.S.A.H. 42 and the proposed Frontage Road 2 (Sta. 38 +00 to 53 +00) within the new Right -of -Way. The City's contractor shall complete all removal of the granular material within the proposed new Right -of Way for Frontage Road 2 by June 5, 2006, after this date the stockpiled material located on this site shall become the property of the State. ARTICLE III - BASIS OF PAYMENT BY THE CITY Section A. SCHEDULE "I" A Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" is attached and incorporated into this Agreement. The Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" includes all anticipated City cost participation construction items and the construction 5 89418 -R engineering cost share covered under this Agreement, and is based on engineer's estimated unit prices. Section B. City Cost Participation Construction The City shall, at the percentage indicated, participate in the following construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187). The construction includes the City's proportionate share of item costs for mobilization, field office, field laboratory and traffic control. 1. 100 Percent shall be the City's rate of cost participation in all of the additional drainage, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter and 50 of the traffic control signal systems A thru G construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Parrish Avenue NE, C.S.A.H. 39, and frontage road 2 within the corporate City limits. The construction includes, but is not limited to, those construction items as tabulated on Sheets No. 2 and No. 3 of the attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I ". The 50 percent cost for the traffic control signal systems A thru G will be credited to the City thru the Right -of -Way contribution. • 2. 50 Percent shall be the City's rate of cost participation in all of the State Furnished Materials (SFM) for the traffic control signal systems A thru G construction. The construction includes, but is not limited to, those construction items as tabulated on Sheets No. 4 of the attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I ". The 50 percent costs for the SFM for systems A • 6 89418 -R thru G will be credited to the City thru the Right -of -Way contribution. 3. 15 Percent shall be the City's lump sum rate of cost participation in all of the grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020, box culvert No.'s 86x06 and 86x07, traffic control signals and SFM for systems A thru G and other associated construction. The City shall receive a credit for the Right -of -Way contribution required for the interchange construction. 4. The cost of the City contribution of the'Right -of -Way is equal to the estimated cost of the 15 percent interchange cost, the traffic signal systems A thru G and the SFM. Section C. Construction Engineering Costs The City shall pay a construction engineering charge in an amount equal to 8 percent of the 100 percent costs of the City participation construction covered under this Agreement. Section D. Addenda, Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements The City shall share in the costs of construction contract addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements that are necessary to complete the City schedule "I" itemized cost participation construction covered under this Agreement. Section E. Liquidated Damages All liquidated damages assessed the State's contractor in connection with the construction contract shall result in a credit shared by each party in the same proportion as their total construction cost 7 89418 -R share covered under this Agreement is to the total contract construction cost before any deduction for liquidated damages. ARTICLE IV - PAYMENT BY THE CITY Section A. Estimate and Advancement of the City's Cost Share It is estimated that the City's share of the costs of the contract construction plus the 8 percent construction engineering minus the City's credit for the right -of -way cost is the sum of $400,982.10 as shown in the attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I ". The value of the City Right -of -Way contribution is equal to the lump sum estimated cost of 15 percent interchange cost, traffic signal systems A thru G, SFM and the associated construction engineering. Upon award of the construction contract the State shall prepare.,a Revised SCHEDULE "I" based on construction contract unit prices for the schedule "I" costs. • After the following conditions have been met, and on or about March 1, 2007, the City shall advance to the Commissioner of Transportation the City's total estimated schedule "I" construction cost share, which does not include the 8 percent construction engineering cost share, as shown in the Revised SCHEDULE "I ": 1. Execution and approval of this Agreement and the State's transmittal of it to the City along with a copy of the Revised SCHEDULE "I ". 2. Receipt by the City of a written request from the State for the advancement of funds. Section B. Final Payment by the City Upon completion and acceptance of the contract construction and upon computation of the final amount due the State's contractor, the State 8 89418 -R shall prepare a Final SCHEDULE "I" and submit a copy to the City. The Final SCHEDULE "I" shall be based on final schedule "I" quantities, and include all City cost participation construction items and the construction engineering cost share covered in the schedule "I" under this Agreement. If the final cost of the City participation covered under this Agreement exceeds the amount of funds advanced by the City, the City shall, upon receipt of a request from the State, promptly pay the difference to the State without interest. If the final cost of the City participation covered under this Agreement is less than the amount of funds advanced by the City, the State shall promptly return the balance to the City without interest. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 15.415, the State waives claim for any amounts less than $5.00 over the amount of City funds previously advanced to the State, and the City waives claim for the return of any amounts less than $5.00 of those funds advanced by the City. . Section C. Acceptance of City's Cost and Completed Construction The computation by the State of the amount due from the City shall be final, binding and conclusive. Acceptance by State of the completed contract construction shall be final, binding and conclusive upon the City as to the satisfactory completion of the contract construction. ARTICLE V - GENERAL PROVISIONS Section A. Plan Changes The City may request changes in the plans. If the State determines that the requested plan changes are necessary or desirable, the State will cause those plan changes to be made. 9 1 89418 -R Section B. Replacement of Castings The City shall furnish the State's contractor with new castings and parts for all inplace City -owned facilities constructed hereunder when replacements are required, without cost or expense to the State or the State's contractor, except for replacement of castings and parts broken or damaged by the State's contractor. Section C. Maintenance by the City Upon satisfactory completion of the Parrish Avenue, Queens Avenue and frontage road 2 construction, to be performed'within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper maintenance of the roadways and all of the facilities a part thereof, without cost or expense to the State. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, snow, ice and debris removal, resurfacing and seal coating and any other maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate the roadways in a safe and usable condition. Upon satisfactory completion of the storm sewer and drainage facilities construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper routine maintenance of those facilities, without cost or expense to the State. Routine maintenance includes, but is not limited to, removal of sediment, debris, vegetation and ice from structures, grates and pipes, repair of minor erosion problems, and minor structure and pipe repair, and any other maintenance activities necessary to preserve the facilities and to prevent conditions such as flooding, erosion, sedimentation or accelerated deterioration of the facilities. • Upon satisfactory completion of the ponds, located south of C.S.A.H. No. 42 and west of the frontage road and north of C.S.A.H. No. 37 and west of frontage road respectively, the City 10 • 89418 -R shall provide for the proper routine maintenance of those facilities, without cost or expense to the State. Routine maintenance includes, but is not limited to, removal of sediment, debris, vegetation and ice from structures, grates and pipes, repair of minor erosion problems; and minor structure and pipe repair, and any other maintenance activities necessary to preserve the facilities and to prevent conditions such as flooding, erosion, sedimentation or accelerated deterioration of the facilities. Upon satisfactory completion of the City -owned utilities construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper maintenance of those utilities, without cost or expense to the State. • Upon satisfactory completion of the walkways, bikeways, Bridge walkways and pedestrian ramps construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper .maintenance of the walkways, pedestrian ramps without cost or expense to the State. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, snow, ice and debris removal, patching, crack repair, panel replacement, and any other maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate the walkways and pedestrian ramps in a safe and usable condition. The City agrees to enter into a maintenance agreement with Wright County and the State for the operation, maintenance and energy of the traffic signal systems A thru G with street lights, interconnection and EVP in the near future. Section D. Additional Drainage Neither party to this Agreement shall drain any additional drainage into the storm sewer facilities to be constructed under the 11 89418 -R construction contract that was not included in the drainage for which the storm sewer facilities were designed, without first obtaining permission to do so from the other party. The drainage areas served by the storm sewer facilities constructed under the construction contract are shown in a drainage area map, EXHIBIT "Drainage Area ", which is on file in the office of the State's District Hydraulics Engineer at Baxter and is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section E. Future Responsibilities Upon satisfactory completion of the Queens Avenue, Parrish Avenue NE and the frontage road 2 between C.S.A.H. 37 and C.S.A.H. 42 construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall thereafter accept full and total responsibility and all obligations and liabilities arising out of or by reason of the use, operation, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of Queens Avenue, Parrish Avenue NE and the frontage road 2 between C.S.A.H. 37 and C.S.A.H. 42 and all of the facilities a part thereof constructed hereunder, without cost or expense to the. State. • Upon satisfactory completion of the ponds, located south of C.S.A.H. No. 42 and west of the frontage road and north of C.S.A.H. No. 37 and west of frontage road respectively, the City shall thereafter accept full and total responsibility and all obligations and liabilities arising out of or by reason of the use, operation, maintenance, repair and reconstruction and provide for the proper routine maintenance of those facilitie without cost or expense to the State. 12 89418 -R Section F. Release and Conveyance of Roadways The State shall, upon satisfactory completion of the Queens Avenue, Parrish Avenue NE and the frontage road 2 between C.S.A.H. 37 and C.S.A.H. 42 construction and all of the facilities a part thereof constructed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, serve upon the City a "Notice of Release" placing those roadway portions under the jurisdiction of the City; and subsequent thereto, after all necessary and required documents have been prepared and processed, the State shall convey to the City all right, title and interest of the State in those roadway portions. Upon receipt of that "Notice of Release ", the City shall become the road authority responsible for the roadway portions so released. • Section G._ Examination of Books, Records, Etc. • As provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.,05, subdivision 5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of each party relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by each party, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, fora minimum of six years from final payment. Section H. Claims • Each party is responsible for its own employees for any claims arising under the Workers Compensation Act. Each party is responsible for its own acts, omissions and the results thereof to . the extent authorized by law and will not be responsible for the acts and omissions of others and the results thereof. Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736 and other applicable law govern viability of the State. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 and other applicable law govern liability of the City. 13 89418 -R Section I. Agreement Approval Before this Agreement becomes binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and executed by such State and City officers as the law may provide in addition.to the Commissioner of Transportation or their authorized representative. ARTICLE VI - AUTHORIZED AGENTS The State's Authorized Agent for the.purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Maryanne Kelly- Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone number are 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St. Paul, MN 55155, (651) 296 -0969. • The City's Authorized y t orized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Michael City Administrator, or his successor. His current address and phone-number are 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330 -7314, (763) 441 -4414. • I I .14 89418 -R .N TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized officers. CITY OF OTSEGO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for approval: By . Mayor By • District Engineer Date Approved: By By State Design Engineer Title Dat e Approved as to form and execution: Date By Contract Management • • • • Date COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION As delegatedto Materials Management Division By • Date • 15 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE "I" Agreement No. 89418 -R City of Otsego S.P. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187) Preliminary: March 20, 2006 Fed. Proj. STPX 8606 (002) Grading, minor bituminous pavement, drainage and drainage structures, concrete curb and gutter construction to start approximately June 1, 2006 under State Contract No. with located on T.H. 101 from 147th Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County ... - - - . . _ - _ - - . — . . - - — - - - — - - - - - -- — •. CITY COST PARTICIPATION From Sheet No. 3 371,279.72 (1) Subtotal $371,279.72 Construction Engineering (8 %) 29,702.38 Total City Cost $400,982.10 (1) Amount of advance payment as described in Article IV, Section A. of the agreement (Estimated amount) (1) 100% CITY (P) = PLAN QUANTITY 89418 -R ITEM S.P. 8608 -21 UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST NUMBER WORK ITEM (1) 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 0.02 1,750,000.00 28,794.02 2031.501 FIELD OFFICE TYPED EACH 0.02 7,500.00 123.40 2031.501 FIELD OFFICE TYPE D- MODIFIED EACH 0.02 7,500.00 123.40 2031.503 FIELD LABORATORY TYPE DX EACH 0.02 10,000.00 200.00 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) (P) LIN FT 28.00 10.00 280.00 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER (P) LIN FT 10.00 2.50 25.00 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (P) SQ YD 470.00 1.90 893.00 2104.513 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT _ 934.00 3.00 2,802.00 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CU YD 120.00 3.50 420.00 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 _ (P) , CU YD , _ 28.00 . , �._ 1.5.08 . _ _ 422..24.. 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0`') - S Q YD 105.00 1.00 105.00 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 95.00 0.80 76.00 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,B) TON 105.00 36.00 3,780.00 2501.515 12" RC PIPE APRON EACH 4.00 400.00 1,600.00 2501.525 88" SPAN RC PIPE -ARCH APRON EACH 1.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2503.511 12" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS 1II LIN FT 576.00 24.00 13,824.00 2503.511 18" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS 1II LIN FT 32.00 21.00 672.00 2503.511 36" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III LIN FT 16.00 55.00 880.00 2503.511 42" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III LIN FT 20.00 74.00 1,480.00 2503.521 88" SPAN RC PIPE -ARCH SEWER CLASS IIIA LIN FT 466.00 345.00 160,770.00 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT 442.00 23.34 10,316.28 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN A OR F LIN FT 24.00 225.00 5,400.00 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN C OR G LIN FT 5.00 240.00 1,200.00 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN I LIN FT 20.00 250.00 5,000.00 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN N LIN FT 9.00 251.12 2,260.08 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48 -4020 LIN FT 12.00 229.62 2,755.44 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 120 -4020 LIN FT 23.00 1,000.00 23,000.00 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 13.00 474.91 6,173.83 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 4.00 395.97 1,583.88 2506.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 2.00 429.38 858.76 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B424 LIN FT 3,002.00 9.29 27,888.58 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 934.00 9.29 8,676.86 2554.509 GUIDE POST TYPE B EACH 5.00 40.00 200.00 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 0.02 1,000,000.00 16,453.73 (1) 100% CITY 89418 -R ITEM S.P. 8608 -21 UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST NUMBER WORK ITEM (1) 2573.602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 10.00 200.00 2,000.00 2575.532 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 23 -0 -30 POUND 75.00 0.50 37.50 2575.604 ARTICULATED CONCRETE MAT SQ YD 338.00 110.00 37,180.00 2575.608 SEED MIXTURE 260 POUND 12.00 2.06 24.72 TOTAL $371,279.72 (1) 100% CITY $371,279.72 _ _ r . _ _ . CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION IT IS RESOLVED that the City of Otsego enter into Mn/DOT Agreement No. 89418 -R with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the City to the State of the City's share of the costs of the grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems, lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86X06 and 86X07 construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate copy of the Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Otsego at an authorized meeting held on the day of , 2006, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession. (Signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 2006 (Type or Print Name) (Title) Notary Public My Commission Expires _,s; PRE - LETTING STATE OF MINNESOTA Mn /DOT SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT NO. SECTION COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT 89418 -R S.P. 8608-21 (T.H. 101 =187) Fed. Proj. STPX 8606 (002) The State of Minnesota AMOUNT ENCUMBERED Department of Transportation, and The City of Otsego (None) Re: City cost Agrading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems, ESTIMATED AMOUNT lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s RECEIVABLE 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86x06, 86x07 construction $400,982.10 by the State on -T.H. 101 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" and the City of Otsego, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City ". 1 89418 -R WHEREAS, the State is about to perform grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal systems, lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86p20 and box culvert No.'s 86x06, 86x0• construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the corporate City limits in accordance with State plans, specifications and special provisions designated as State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187) and in the records 'of the Federal Highway Administration as Minnesota Project STPX 8606 (002); and WHEREAS, in accordance with Mn /DOT policy guideline, Highway • (including Bikeways) No. 6.1.G -1, Policy and Procedures for Cooperative Construction Projects with Local Units of Government • (revised), dated April 2004. The City shall share in the costs at 15 percent of the interchange construction costs for Bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and share the costs of the traffic signal systems construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk • Highway No. 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187); and WHEREAS, at the request of the City, the State included in its contract additional drainage, bituminous surfacing, and concrete curb and gutter construction and other associated to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Parrish Avenue NE, C.S.A.H. 39, and frontage road 2 within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187); and WHEREAS, the City shall receive a credit from the State, in a lump sum amount based on certified appraisals, for the City's contribution 2 • 89418 -R of 15.5 acres of Right -of -Way needed for the proposed interchange construction of Bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020; and WHEREAS, the City has expressed its willingness to participate in the costs of the grading, concrete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, traffic signal. systems A thru G, (including State Furnished Materials), lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020 and box culvert No.'s 86x06, 86x07 construction and associated construction engineering as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City requests and the State agrees to the installation of Emergency Vehicle Pre - emption (EVP) systems as a part of the new traffic signals; and • WHEREAS, the City has expressed its to participate in the maintenance, operation, and electrical power supply of the new traffic signals systems A thru G, including street lights, interconnection, signs, pedestrian ramps and crosswalk markings, (EVP) system construction and the State furnished materials and agrees to enter into Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement with Wright County and the State in the near future; and • WHEREAS, the City desires to remove stockpiled granular material located at the southwest quadrant of C.S.A.H. 42 and T.H. 101, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 3 89418 -R • IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I - CONSTRUCTION BY THE STATE Section A. Contract Award The State shall advertise for bids and award a construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder for State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101 =187) in accordance with State plans, specifications and special provisions which are on file in the office of the Commissioner of Transportation at St. Paul, Minnesota, and are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section B. Direction and Supervision of Construction the State shall direct and supervise all construction activities performed under the construction contract, and perform all .construction engineering and inspection functions in connection with the contract construction. All contract construction shall be performed in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and special provisions. Section C. Plan Changes, Additional Construction, Etc. The State shall make changes in the plans and contract construction, which may include the City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement, and shall enter into any necessary addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements with the State's contractor that are necessary to cause the contract construction to be performed and completed in a satisfactory manner. However, the State District Engineer's authorized representative will inform the appropriate City official of any proposed addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements to the construction contract that will affect the City' cost participation construction covered under this Agreement. • 4 89418 -R Section D. Satisfactory Completion of Contract The State shall perform all other acts and functions necessary to cause the construction contract to be completed in a satisfactory manner. ARTICLE II - CITY RESPONSIBILITIES The City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement shall be open to inspection by the City. If the City believes the City cost participation construction covered under this Agreement has not been properly performed or that the construction is defective, the City shall inform the State District Engineer's authorized representative in writing of those defects. Any recommendations made by the City are not binding on the State. The State shall have the exclusive right to determine whether the State's contractor has satisfactorily performed the City cost participation construction k covered under this Agreement. The City has a construction contract for water main and sanitary sewer construction project. As a part of that construction the City's contractor shall remove stockpiled granular material in the SW quadrant of C.S.,A.H. 42 and the proposed Frontage Road 2 (Sta. 38 +00 to 53 +00) within the new Right -of -Way. The City's contractor shall complete all removal of the granular material' within the proposed new Right -of Way for Frontage Road 2 by June 5, 2006, after this date the stockpiled material located on this site shall become the property of the State. ARTICLE III - BASIS OF PAYMENT BY THE CITY Section A. SCHEDULE "I" • A Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" is attached and incorporated into this Agreement. The Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" includes all anticipated City cost participation construction items and the construction 5 89418 -R engineering cost share covered under this Agreement, and is based on engineer's estimated unit prices. Section B. City Cost Participation Construction The City shall, at the percentage indicated, participate in the following construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 101 from 147 Avenue in Hennepin County to the Mississippi River in Wright County within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8608 -21 (T.H. 101= 187)i. The construction includes the City's proportionate share of item costs for . mobilization, field office, field laboratory and traffic control. 1. 100 Percent shall be the City's rate of cost participation in all of the additional drainage, bituminous surfacing, concrete • curb and gutter and 50 percent of the traffic control signal systems A thru G construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Parrish Avenue NE, C.S.A.H. 39, and frontage road 2 within the corporate City limits. The construction includes, but is not limited to, those construction items as tabulated on Sheets No. 2 and No. 3 of the attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I ". The 50 percent cost for the traffic control signal systems A thru G will be credited to the City thru the Right -of -Way contribution. 2. 50 Percent shall be the City's rate of cost participation in all of the State Furnished Materials (SFM) for the traffic control signal systems A thru G construction. The construction includes, but is not limited to, those construction items as tabulated on Sheets No. 4 of the attached Preliminary • SCHEDULE "I ". The 50 percent costs for the SFM for systems A • 6 1 89418-R thru G will be credited to the City thru the Right -of -Way contribution. 3. 15 Percent shall be the City's lump sum rate of cost participation in all of the grading, conc -rete and bituminous pavement, retaining walls, lighting, drainage, bridge No.'s 86013 thru 86020, box culvert No.'s and 86x07, traffic control signals and SFM for systems A thru G and'other associated construction. The City shall receive a credit for the Right -of -Way contribution required for the interchange construction. 4. The cost of the City contribution of the 'Right -of -Way is equal to the estimated cost of the 15 percent interchange cost, the traffic signal systems A thru G and the SFM. Section C. Construction Engineering Costs The City shall pay a construction engineering charge in an amount equal to 8 percent of the 100 percent costs of the City participation construction covered under this Agreement. Section D. Addenda, Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements The City shall share in the costs of construction contract addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements that are necessary to complete the City schedule "I" itemized cost participation construction covered under this Agreement. Section E. Liquidated Damages All liquidated damages assessed the State's contractor in connection' with the construction contract shall result in a credit shared by each party in the same proportion as their total construction cost 7 89418 -R share covered under this Agreement is to the total contract construction cost before any deduction for liquidated damages. ARTICLE IV - PAYMENT BY THE CITY Section A. Estimate and Advancement of the City's Cost Share It is estimated that the City's share of the costs of the contract construction plus the 8 percent construction engineering minus the City's credit for the right -of -way cost is the sum of $400,982.10 as shown in the attached Preliminary SCHEDULE "I ". The value of the City Right -of -Way contribution is equal to the lump sum estimated cost of 15 percent interchange cost, traffic signal systems A thru G, SFM and the associated construction engineering. Upon award of the construction contract the State shall prepare a Revised SCHEDULE "I" based on construction contract unit prices for the schedule "I" costs. After the following conditions have been met,. on or about March 1, 2007, the City shall advance to the Commissioner of Transportation the City's total estimated schedule "I" construction cost share, which does not include the 8 percent construction engineering cost share, as shown in the Revised SCHEDULE "I ": 1. Execution and approval of this Agreement and the State's transmittal of it to the City along with a copy of the Revised SCHEDULE "I ". 2. Receipt by the City of a written request from the State for the advancement of funds. Section B. Final Payment by the City Upon completion and acceptance of the contract construction and upon computation of the final amount due the State's contractor, the State 8 • 89418 -R shall prepare a Final SCHEDULE "I" and submit l a copy to the City The Final SCHEDULE "I" shall be based on final schedule "I" quantities, and include all City cost participation construction items and the construction engineering cost share covered in the schedule "I" under this Agreement. If the final cost of the City participation covered under this Agreement exceeds the amount of funds advanced by the City, the City shall, upon receipt of a request from the State, promptly pay the difference to the State without interest. If the final cost of the City participation covered under this Agreement is less than the amount of funds advanced by the City, the State shall promptly return the balance to the City without interest. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 15.415, the State waives claim for any amounts less than $5.00 over the amount of City funds previously advanced to the State, and the City waives claim for the • return of any amounts less than $5.00 of those funds advanced by the City. Section C. Acceptance of City's Cost and Completed Construction The computation by the State of the amount due from the City shall be final, binding and conclusive. Acceptance by the State of the completed contract construction shall be final, binding and conclusive upon the City as to the satisfactory completion of the contract construction. ARTICLE V - GENERAL PROVISIONS Section A. Plan Changes The City may request changes in the plans. If the State determines that the requested plan changes are necessary or desirable, the State will cause those plan changes to be made. • 9 • 89418 -R Section B. Replacement of Castings The City shall furnish the State's contractor with new castings and parts for all inplace City -owned facilities constructed hereunder when replacements are required, without cost or expense to the State or the State's contractor, except for replacement of castings and parts broken or damaged by the State's contractor. Section C. Maintenance by the City Upon satisfactory completion of the Parrish Avenue, Queens Avenue and frontage road 2 construction, to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper maintenance of the roadways and all of the facilities a part thereof, without cost or expense to the State. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, snow, ice and debris removal, • resurfacing and seal coating and any other maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate the roadways in a safe and usable condition. Upon satisfactory completion of the storm sewer and drainage facilities construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper routine maintenance of those facilities, without cost or expense to the State. Routine maintenance includes, but is not limited to, removal of sediment, debris, vegetation and ice from structures, grates and pipes, repair of minorierosion problems, and minor structure and pipe repair, and any other, maintenance activities necessary to preserve the facilities and to prevent conditions such as flooding, erosion, sedimentation or accelerated deterioration of the facilities. Upon satisfactory completion of the ponds, located south of C.S.A.H. No. 42 and west of the frontage road-and north of C.S.A.H. No. 37 and west of frontage road respectively, the City 10 89418 -R shall provide for the proper routine maintenance of those facilities, without cost or expense to the State. Routine maintenance includes, but is not limited to, removal of sediment, debris, vegetation and ice from structures, grates and pipes, repair of minor erosion problems, and minor structure and pipe repair, and any other maintenance activities necessary to preserve the facilities and to prevent conditions.such as flooding, erosion, sedimentation or accelerated deterioration of the facilities. Upon satisfactory completion of the City - owned! utilities construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper maintenance of those utilities, without cost or expense to the State. Upon satisfactory completion of the walkways, bikeways, Bridge walkways and pedestrian ramps construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall provide for the proper. maintenance of the walkways, pedestrian ramps without cost or expense to the State. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, snow, ice and debris removal,∎patching, crack repair, panel replacement, and any other maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate the walkways and pedestrian ramps in a safe and usable • condition. The City agrees to enter into a maintenance agreement with Wright County and the State for the operation, maintenance and energy of the traffic signal systems A thru G with street lights, interconnection and EVP in the near future. Section D. Additional Drainage Neither party to this Agreement shall drain any additional drainage into the storm sewer facilities to be constru under the 11 89418 -R construction contract that was not included in the drainage for which the storm sewer facilities were designed, without first obtaining permission to do so from the other party. The drainage areas served by the storm sewer facilities constructed under the construction contract are shown in a drainage area map, EXHIBIT "Drainage Area ", which is on file in the office of the State's District Hydraulics Engineer at Baxter and is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section E. Future Responsibilities Upon satisfactory completion of the Queens Avenue, Parrish Avenue NE and the frontage road 2 between C.S.A.H. 37 and C.S.A.H. 42 construction to be performed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, the City shall thereafter accept full and total responsibility and all obligations and liabilities arising out of or by reason of the use, operation, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of Queens Avenue, Parrish Avenue NE and the frontage road 2 between C.S.A.H. 37 and C.S.A.H. 42 and all of the facilities a part thereof constructed hereunder, without cost or expense to the State. Upon satisfactory completion of the ponds, located south of C.S.A.H. No. 42 and west of the frontage road and north of C.S.A.H. No. 37 and west of frontage road respectively, the City shall thereafter accept full and total responsibility and all obligations and liabilities arising out of or by reason of the use, operation, maintenance, repair and reconstruction and provide for the proper routine maintenance of those facilities, without cost or expense to the State. • 12 • • 89418 -R Section F. Release and Conveyance of Roadways The State shall, upon satisfactory completion of the Queens Avenue, Parrish Avenue NE and the frontage road 2 between C.S.A.H. 37 and C.S.A.H. 42 construction and all of the facilities a part thereof constructed within the corporate City limits under the construction contract, serve upon the City a "Notice of Release" placing those roadway portions under the jurisdiction of the City; and subsequent thereto, after all necessary and required documents have been prepared and processed, the State shall convey to the City all right, title and interest of the State in those roadway portions. Upon . receipt of that "Notice of Release ", the City shall become the road authority responsible for the roadway portions so released. Section G. Examination of Books, Records, Etc. As provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of each party relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by each party, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, fora minimum - of six years from final payment. Section H. Claims Each party is responsible for its own employees for any claims arising under the Workers Compensation Act. Each party is responsible for its own acts, omissions and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and will not be responsible for the acts and omissions of others and the results thereof. Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736 and other applicable law govern, liability of the State. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 and other applicable law govern liability of the City. 13 89418-R Section I. Agreement Approval Before this Agreement becomes binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and executed by such State and City officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or their authorized representative. ARTICLE VI - AUTHORIZED AGENTS • The State's Authorized Agent for the.purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Maryanne•Kelly- Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone number are 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St. Paul, MN 55155, . (651) 296 -0969. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Michael Robertson, City Administrator, or his successor. His current address and phone number are 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330 -7314, (763) 441 -4414. • • 14 • 89418 -R —4 TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized officers. CITY OF OTSEGO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for approval: By Mayor By District Engineer Date Approved: By State Design Engineer By Date Title Approved as to form and execution: Date By • Contract Management Date COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION As delegated to Materials Management Division By Date 15 ITEM 9_5 CITY OF OTSEGO , COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND WRIGHT COUNTY REGARDING CONTRIBUTION TO LOCAL SHARE FOR MNDOT HIGHWAY 101 PROJECT AGREEMENT made this day of April, 2006 between the City of Otsego, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota and Wright County, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota regarding local share contribution for MNDOT Highway 101 project and Wright County assurance of certain design standards for certain County Roads within the City of Otsego. WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota is proceeding with upgrade of State Highway 101 from the Crow River north to the Mississippi River to expressway status; and WHEREAS, the project will include upgrades to the roadway including interchanges replacing the existing intersections and further improvements to the roadway, all of which will benefit traffic within the City of Otsego and Northeast Wright County; and WHEREAS, State policy requires that local units of government contribute to such a project in an amount approximating 15% of the final project costs; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into an Agreement with landowners abutting the project in which certain properties have been transferred to the City for transfer to the State to provide needed right of way for the project; and WHEREAS, the appraised value of such lands have been accepted by the State as covering the required local share of the project; and WHEREAS, normally a substantial portion of that cost would be borne by Wright County as a contributing local unit of government; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has made financial and other commitments to secure the land valued as covering the local share; and • 1 WHEREAS, the actions of the City of Otsego have relieved *right County of a substantial financial burden regarding the Highway 101 project; and WHEREAS, in light of the City of Otsego's contributions the City and Wright County both acknowledge that the City has requested certain assurances regarding design standards for certain County Highways within the City's jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is crucial that certain design standards be assured in order to properly develop areas of the City and maintain the proposed uses within the City's Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees to allow and to assure that County Road 42 from CSAH 39 south to Highway 101 meet urban, forty (40) mile per hour design standards in order to accommodate anticipated development within that area. 2. That the County acknowledges that the City has used its efforts and resources to address the local share financial requirements of the Highway 101 Project, and has effectively covered the required local share not only for the City of Otsego and the City of St. Michael as well as Wright County. However, if, for whatever reason, at the end of the project it is determined that any local share cost requirement has not been covered by the value of the lands transferred to the State by the City of Otsego, or if a claim is made by the State for any additional amount, the obligation to make that payment or to challenge the additional costs shall be solely the obligation of Wright County. 3. That the County acknowledges that the value credited for lands transferred by the City of Otsego to the State of Minnesota fully satisfies any local share requirements of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED this — day of April, 2006 by the Wright County Board of Commissioners, Wright County, Minnesota. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: WRIGHT COUNTY Karla Heeter Chair Wright County Board of Commissioners 2 Richard Norman County Coordinator ADOPTED this day of April, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk 3 ITEM 10_1 LandCor, Inc. LandCor Land Ls: Construction, Inc. Estate Real 1 �°� l andCor Companies �.���.��e,., °° F ----------------119) ! - - f ! ir• j "• l illi s 1 April 12, 2006 AdMi Mike Robertson City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 NE Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Assessing SAC/WAC charges Dear Mr. Robertson We are requesting that the SAC/WAC charges at 15590 90 Street, Otsego, MN (Leaps and Bounds) be assessed to the property, and we agree to the assessment. We are requesting the ability to hookup the City water as soon as possible. This will require the City to release the permit for the hookup before we receive Councils approval of the ability to assess the SAC/WAC charges. Very truly yours, LandCor Companies John Brickley Development Associate pland Ln th, Suite • Maple Grove. MN 55369 Phone: 9325 7U63 - 463 -880 ae () No r Fax: 763- 463- 8801 300 ± www.landcorinc.com ITEM 11_1 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY VEHICLE USE POLICY Adopted April 24, 2006 City owned vehicles are not generally available for personal use by employees. CITY VEHICLES City vehicles are to be used only by City employees for official business. City vehicles may not be used for personal business. Employees that drive or may be required to drive City vehicles and equipment are responsible for maintaining a safe driving record and observing all traffic laws. Drivers must carry a current, valid driver's license that is adequate for the type of vehicle being driven. An annual check of a driver's motor vehicle record will be conducted and the City's insurance carrier will review the record for potential liability. If an employee's record indicates a pattern of traffic violations that may increase the City's liability disciplinary action up to and including discharge may be taken. VEHICLE USE Employees and all passengers must wear a seat belt at all times when operating any City vehicle. Employees must ensure that the City vehicle is in good operating condition and that all windows and lights are clean before operating the vehicle. When vehicles are not in use or in a secured area they must have the keys removed. Vehicles must be parked in the City garage after hours. CITY FACILITIES Gasoline for City vehicles must be obtained from the Public Works Department facility. Mileage and gallons of fuel must be recorded after each refueling. CITY LOGO All City vehicles shall have the City's logo prominently displayed on the side door panels. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Vehicle maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Public Works Department. Employees or their supervisor s hall wor w ith t Public Works rep a ent to schedule a mutual agreeable time for routine vehicle maintenance such as oil changes. The Public Works Department shall review all City vehicles monthly and /or quarterly and provide a written evaluation for each vehicle on a yearly basis to the City Administrator. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Any employee involved in an accident while driving a City vehicle must report the accident at once to their supervisor. In severe accidents the employee must call 911 and wait until the police arrive. The employee must collect all necessary information from any other parties involved in the accident, including driver's license numbers, vehicle license number, insurance information, address, phone, etc. The employee must not admit liability and refer all legal questions to their supervisor and the City Administrator. Any employee involved in an accident while driving a City vehicle must submit to a Drug and Alcohol Test, as provided for in relevant provisions of the applicable City Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy.