05-04-06 PHITEM 3_3 PUBLIC HEARING Improvement Project for CSAH 42 (Parrish Avenue) From CSAH 39 thru 85th Street Thursday, May 4, 2006 7 PM, Otsego City Hall 1. Mayor Fournier will open the Public Hearinq. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 PM. Judy Hudson attested that all the proper publishing, posting and noticing was completed. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney, Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Joe Pelawa, Associate Engineer and Jim Johnson, Associate Engineer. 2. City Attorney comments. Mr. MacArthur explained the purpose of the Public Hearing in accordance with State Statute 429. 3. Project presentation by City Engineer. Mr. Wagner briefly explained the proposed project and declared that this project is feasible. Joe Pelawa presented the attached information for the reconstruction of CSAH 42 (Parrish Avenue) from CSAH 39 through 85th Street. 4. Public Comments. Kathy Coles, 90th Street, asked if there are plans for CSAH 39 west of Parrish Avenue as she is concerned with the two lanes of CSAH 42 northbound traffic turning onto west bound CSAH 39 and merging into one lane. Mr. Pelawa said there are currently no plans to expand west bound CSAH 39. Judy Flemmer, 90th Street, asked what the future plans are for CSAH 39. Mr. Wagner explained that this is a County road and will most likely be upgraded to a four lane some time in the future. She stated support for this project. Ted Flemmer, 90th Street, stated he feels this is a good project but that he wants the City to address CSAH 39 at this time. He also presented a letter to the City Clerk objecting to the assessment and to defer the assessment and interest until the use of their property changes. Mr. MacArthur explained that objections to the assessment need to be done at the time of the Public Hearing for Assessments on this project. Tim Smith, 85th Street mini storage, asked about the necessity and determination of the stop lights at 85th Street at this time and how it will benefit him. He also questioned if it is needed at this time. Public Hearing of May 4, 2006. Page 2. Jim Johnson explained that they reviewed information on traffic this development will generate and other factors which warranted a traffic signal. Mr. Wagner explained that the County is requiring this signal at this time. He also explained the method the City used to determine the increase of valuation this improvement project will add to his property. Mr. Wagner explained the three tiers of assessments over this area. Mr. MacArthur explained the benefit is based on increase in the fair market value and the assessed value is to be done as fairly as possible allocating the fair market value. Mr. MacArthur also explained Mr. Smith has the right to appeal his assessment at the time of the Assessment Public Hearing. Bob Fields, LandCor, has a purchase order on the Friendship Baptist Church property. He is also concerned with the increase of traffic on west bound CSAH 39 and if the improvement of CSAH 39 west of CSAH 42 should also be included in this project. Mr. Fields stated support for the proposed improvement project of CSAH 42. Chas Kolles, 90th Street, questioned why weren't all the affected property owners invited to the meeting held April 25, 2006. He also asked why have two left turn lanes from CSAH 42 to CSAH 39 but just have one single lane. Mr. Kolles also stated the property owners on the north side of CSAH 39 should be assessed if CSAH 39 is improved. Mr. MacArthur explained the meeting on April 25th was just with property owners that the City is getting easements from. Bill Erhart, Friendship Baptist Church, stated support for CSAH 39 improvement if the 88th Street is constructed. Kathy Coles supported only one left turn lane onto CSAH 39 and if so, she supports this project. Ron Wagner said he would need to review. George Sebeck, Parrish Avenue, asked if CSAH 42 will stay as a County Road from TH101 north and he is concerned with CSAH 42 merging from 4 lanes into 2 lanes. He feels there should be a passing lane at the school entrance. Mayor Fournier stated that CSAH 42 will remain as a County Road. Kathy Coles stated that if 88th Street would go she would be surrounded by streets on three sides of her property and spoke against constructing 88th Street. Judy Flemmer agreed with Kathy Coles comments and that 88th Street would divide this area up. Dan Licht explained that the intent of the street is that it would be constructed as this area develops. Tim Neibling, 90th street, stated that at this point he feels it is too early to establish 88th street and it is better left alone until we see flow the Great River Public Hearing of May 4, 2006. Page 2. Centre is developed. He is opposed to 88th Street as it would only serve the corner parcel and none of the rest of the properties. Bob Fields explained he needs every inch of his property and needs 88th Street and he also feels that 88th Street would help the traffic on CSAR 39. He said the other property owners aren't selling at this point. Judy Flemmer disagreed that most properties are for sale and that this area will develop but not right now and doesn't see 88th Street as a benefit. Tim Neibling said he has lived by this intersection (39/42) for 20 years and he doesn't have the problems with traffic as his neighbors to the west of him have and he wouldn't be in favor of a median going in past his driveway and would prefer to deal with this when the County upgrades CSAH 39. Phil Erhart stated that he feels if 88th Street is constructed the value of all these properties will go up and encouraged the City Council to consider its construction. Dan Licht said if the Friendship Baptist Church land develops, the City will have the developer construct 88th Street. Kevin Lefebvre, Parrish Avenue, asked if the median going in on 85th Street will block access to his property. Mr. Wagner replied that no median is going in at this time, just the stripping. CM Heidner explained that 85th Street is being planned to eventually go all the way across the City, which will help relieve traffic on CSAH 39. 5. Close the Public Hearing, Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 8:34 PM. 6. City Council Discussion. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:40 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson