Item 3.1 08-14-24 OHPC Draft Meeting MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Lily Pond Conference Room at City Hall Wednesday, August 14, 2024 7:00 PM Call to Order. This mee1ng was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek, Commissioners Kelly Kiffmeyer, Brooke Nault, Tami S1nski, and Chris Wilson (Alternate). City Council: CM BriIany Moores 1. Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner Wilson to approve the agenda as wriMen, seconded by Commissioner Kiffmeyer. All in favor. MoRon carried 5-0. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 July 9, 2024. Commissioner Kiffmeyer moRoned to approve the minutes as wriMen, seconded by Commissioner SRnski. All in favor. MoRon carried 5-0. 3. Interview Agreement Forms 4.1 Carol James - Nothing addi1onal 4.2. Swenson Farm - Nothing addi1onal 4.3 Teachers Cooley - Nothing addi1onal 4.4 Living History - maps should be printed on 11x17 paper and laminated for the Prairie Fes1val. CM Moores will look into the resolu1on of the Google map images that were sent by Commissioner Kiffmeyer. 5. Prairie Fes1val Commissioner Seroshek has a poster of the murder ar1cle and candy. We will decide next mee1ng on the schedule. 6. SHPO Conference Commissioner Wilson will no longer be able to go. In order to get the scholarship you would need to aIend two days. Commissioner S1nski is going to the conference. CM Moores is looking into the possibility of aIending in place of Commissioner Wilson. 7. New Park Sign Friedrich Forest Park - Commissioner Seroshek has wriIen up a historical synopsis of Friedrich Forest Park along with photos for the park poster. 8. Elk River Heritage Day: Commissioner Seroshek asked for volunteers to aIend the October 11th leadership group mee1ng in Elk River to give a history of Otsego per an email from Jake Walz. OHPC requested that Commissioner Seroshek create a power point that can be used in future presenta1ons as Commissioner Seroshek recently gave a historical account on Otsego. 8. Updates: 8.1 Updates on City Council ac1ons. City Council CM BriIany updated OHPC on City Council Ac1on Items. 8.2 Updates on Heritage Preserva1on items. The Otsego Cemetery sign has been repaired and replaced and OHPC needs to gather informa1on for the Otsego View ar1cle by Monday. Logan Stockcamp did the repair and Jim Stockcamp did the pain1ng. Commissioner Wilson has a picture of the repaired sign for the View. Commissioner Seroshek requested that OHPC commissioners seek out the history of the original sign and poten1al brief history of the cemetery. Harlan Rask and Jacquie Rognli are two sources to call for this informa1on. Commissioner Wilson will call Jacque and Commissioner S1nski will call Harlan to gather informa1on for the View ar1cle. 9. Adjourn. Commissioner Wilson moRoned to adjourn the meeRng at 7:58 PM, seconded by Commissioner Nault. All in favor. MoRon carried 5-0. Minutes prepared by Commissioner Nault.