03-14-05 PHPUBLIC HEARING Trunk Highway 101 March 14, 2005 5:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 5 PM - Review of Drawings 1 Moor Fournier will open the Public Hearing. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk; Dan Licht, City Planner, Ron Wagner, City Engineer and Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney. MnDOT: Craig Robinson, Project Engineer. 2. Cily Attorney comments. Andrew MacArthur went over the Public Hearing guidelines and requirements. 3. City Engineer comments. Ron Wagner went over each proposed interchange project at CSAH 39, CSAH 42, CSAH 37 and CSAH 36. 4. Public Comments. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 5:41 PM. City Clerk Judy Hudson attested that all proper posting and publishing was completed. She also entered into the record the letter from Shawn Weinand. John Sirois, 16640 53rd St, property ID 302H on CSAH 36. He was concerned about getting a second access to his 7 acres of property. Ron Wagner replied he would get his access but would be a right in/right out. Dan and Doreen Gram, 5451 Quilley Avenue, stated the State is taking 2500 square feet of their property. They have a brand new home and when they built it there was no talk about this project. They are disappointed in losing this property, being surrounded by roads, losing trees and property value. Also concerned if left with less than one acre it would impact the size of accessory buildings they could build. They are also concerned with drainage and that they will get more water. Craig Robinson - State Engineer; don't know the specifics on their particular yard, but they are aware of drainage issues in that area and they will be taken care of. Dan Licht explained they have a legal lot of record and even after the taking they would be allowed the same accessory space as before. Highway 101 Public Hearing of March 14, 2005. Page 2. Lisa Young, 5491 Quilley Avenue, stated this is a good proposal but she is concerned with the drainage, noise and light coming from Hwy 101 and would like to see a barrier. CM Heidner thought that the frontage road could be straightened somewhat and it would reduce light glare. Craig Robinson explained their budgets no longer include money to spend on extra landscaping but they could work with the City on some improvements. Bob Hosford, 7592 River Road, stated concern with more garbage thrown out of vehicles and disappointed with the removal of the F & F Food Mart. John Zahler, 16710 53`d Street, said he was concerned with drainage problems and wanted to know when he needs to leave his property. Craig Robinson explained they are waiting for appraisals on properties, which are nearly done and need to be approved. Sam Virginia, 7716 River Road NE/6250 Lawndale Lane, Maple Grove. They were planning on building on this lot but now, they are not sure as it seems there will be more commercial. They asked if sewer would be going in. Ron Wagner explained sewer lines could be extended to he area. Dr. Kevin Voller, 16445 70th Street (Anoka Equine) presented a letter to be entered into the record. He requested a folded diamond type off ramp at Hwy 101 & CSAH 37. Dr. Tom Juergens (Anoka Equine) stated they are losing 10 acres and the project removes all access to his property. He would like to see the stub street into a cul de sac as previously discussed on these plans.. Ron Wagner explained the plans for this stub road were received after the Hwy 101 maps were done. His firm is working with MnDOT on this. Craig Robinson agreed he is working with the City on this and will be eliminating the driveway on CSAH 37 and it will be replaced with the street. Dr. Juergens asked if this will be part of the MnDOT project or a City Project. Craig Robinson said they will be looking at participating in this project. CM Heidner asked Dr. Juergens if this is would work for him. Dr. Juergens replied it is a good option and will work. Eugene Brenner, 7690 River Road, (ID312G), he said that some of his property will be taken and he was concerned with the finished slope. Mr. Robinson said he would need to look at the drawing but CSAH 42 will remain at its present elevation and Highway 101 will be going over CSAH 42. Lisa Young submitted photographs for the record. John Zahler, 16710 53rd St, asked if sewer and water was going in Queens Avenue. Mr. Wagner explained the City might Took at it. Mayor Fournier said he City and no plans to put sewer into the neighborhood unless residents petitioned for it. Highway 101 Public Hearing of March 14, 2005. Page 3. Craig Robinson explained that as far as the construction time line, contracts will be let out in April 2006, construction starting in June of 2006 with all four intersections constructed at the same and will finish in Fall of 2007 with some clean up in 2008. Virgil Hawkins, Wright County Assistant Engineer, gave a update on CSAH 36. This is on the 5 Year Plan but will take more money than they expected to fix the flooding problem. 5 Close the Public Hearing. Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 6:35 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: 3udy Hudson, City Clerk