Item 3.1 Otsego Emergency Services Department-Fire Station3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 13 September 2024 RE: Otsego – Emergency Services Department; Fire Station TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND The City of Otsego is breaking new ground with construction of an Emergency Services Department facility at the southwest quadrant of Odean Avenue and 75th Street upon a portion of a 21.05 acre property. The City Council and City staff have been working with Wold Architects and Kraus-Anderson regarding the design of the site and building plans in 2024 for construction to occur in 2025 and operations beginning on 1 January 2027. The construction of the Emergency Services Department facility, which will function primarily as a fire station, requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment, Conditional Use Permit, preliminary and final plat, and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. The City has initiated a public hearing to consider these zoning and subdivision actions at the Planning Commission meeting on 16 September 2024 at 7:00PM. Information related to the Emergency Services Department and fire station beyond the scope of the zoning and subdivision actions required for the project are available on the City website at https://www.ci.otsego.mn.us/160/Emergency-Services. Exhibits: Site Location Map Building and Site Renderings (3 pages) Exterior Elevations dated 09/18/2024 Main Level Plan dated 09/18/2024 Mezzanine Level Plan dated 09/18/2024 9/18/2023Civil drawings (revised) dated 08/19/2024 (16 sheets) Electrical Plan/Photometrics (2 sheets) Preliminary Plat dated 08/22/24 Final Plat dated 08/22/24 (2 sheets) Item 3.1 2 ANALYSIS Existing Conditions. The 21.05 acre subject property is an outlot of the Ashwood plat. There was previously a farmstead located at the northeast corner of the outlot that was removed prior to development of Ashwood. The City acquired the outlot on 15 July 2019 for the purpose of constructing a fire station on a portion of the outlot adjacent to Odean Avenue. A future use has not been determined for the balance of the subject property not being developed with the Emergency Services Department facility. Site Selection. The City acquired the outlot based upon the recommendations of the 2018 Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model Final Report prepared by Beacon GIS. This study analyzed multiple scenarios that may occur to determine recommended location for a future fire station(s) in Otsego based upon existing and future development related to level of risk, existing and future street connections, and access to utilities. The recommendation of the Beacon GIS Final Report as to the site for the proposed Emergency Services Department facility has been confirmed by the Emergency Services Director. Comprehensive Plan. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for future Low-to- Medium Density Residential Uses. The proposed Emergency Services Department facility is a public use ancillary to development occurring within the City. Locations for public land uses are not planned in advance as part of the Future Land Use Plan as the timing and specific criteria for different types of public facilities is beyond the scope of the Comprehensive Plan. The approach taken with respect to public facilities, where the City is in effect acting as the developer, is to apply performance standards and conditions specific to a given use to ensure needed service delivery and development at appropriate locations in a manner compatible with surrounding uses. Zoning. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District in accordance with the Interim Land Use Plan policies of the Comprehensive Plan. For development of the Emergency Services Department facility, the City zone Lot 1, Block 1 from A-1 District to INS, Institutional District. The purpose of the INS District is to provide a specific zoning district for facilities devoted to serving the public. Fire station uses are allowed in the INS District with approval of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Section 11-90-6.G. of the Zoning Ordinance. Surrounding Uses. The following table identifies existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject property: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-5 District Ashwood East LD Residential A-1 District R-4 District Rural single family Meadows of Otsego South LD Residential A-1 District Rural single family West LD Residential A-1 District Rural single family 3 The Emergency Services Department facility will be located at the northeast corner of the subject property, near the intersection of Odean Avenue and 75th Street, separated from existing single family neighborhoods to the north, northeast, and east by Odean Avenue and 75th Street, which are both Residential Collector streets. The homes to the north are approximately 260 feet from the north elevation of the principal building. The existing home to the east is approximately 180 feet from the east elevation of the principal building. The apparatus bays are to be on the south side of the building away from the majority of existing residential uses. Building. The proposed principal building is 32,360 square feet in area to accommodate a staff with a Duty Crew of three career fire fighters/Emergency Medical Technicians per shift and 20 paid on-call fire fighters/emergency responders, one to three interns and one to six cadets, along with leadership and administrative Emergency Services Department staff and Wright County Sheriff’s Office Deputies. The principal building will also be used for emergency management as part of the Emergency Services Department’s responsibilities and other City and public purposes. The floor plan for the proposed principal building includes fire administration, operations and training areas and dormitory space that includes six bunk rooms, a dayroom and kitchen, laundry, and fitness center. Areas of the principal building that serve multiple purposes include a training room, large conference room, and kitchenette that can be used as an Emergency Operations Center, for community meetings, or pubic uses such as elections. There is also space for relocation of the Wright County Sheriff Deputies’ offices from Prairie Center to the Emergency Services Department facility. Section 11-17-4.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes exterior finish requirements for buildings within the INS District. The exterior finish of the principal building consists primarily of charcoal precast concrete panels with a ribbed texture and sections with acid etching for accent. Architectural wood paneling is used as a secondary finish and color accent on the office and training tower sections of the building. The apparatus bay doors facing Odean Avenue are to have red frames reflecting the fire service function of the principal building. The exterior materials are all defined as Class B finishes by Section 11-17-4.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and the composition of materials exceeds the requirements for buildings within the INS District set forth by the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed exterior finish materials and overall architectural design of the principal building is consistent with the policies of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan that City facilities contribute to a source of community identity and pride and serve as examples to the private sector. 4 Section 11-90-8 of the Zoning Ordinance allows principal buildings within the INS District to be up to three stories or 40 feet in height measured to the roof line of flat roof sections. The majority of the proposed building is a single-story structure. The office and dormitory portion of the building is 17-1/3 feet in height and the height apparatus bay is 25-1/3 feet in height. The only section of the proposed building greater than one story in height is the training tower located at the center of the apparatus bay, which has a height of 34-1/3 feet. The height of the proposed principal building is within the limits established by the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Requirements. Lots within the INS District are to be a minimum of five acres in area. There is no minimum lot width requirement for INS District lots. Lot 1, Block 1 is 4.91 acres in area. The reduction in the area of the lot from five acres to 4.91 acres is allowed with approval of the Conditional Use Permit as provided for by Section 11-90-7.A,1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The 0.09 acre reduction in lot area is appropriate provided that all setback requirements applicable to the principal building are provided for and the site design is adequate for on-site parking and circulation, discussed in subsequent paragraphs. Setbacks. The table below provides the minimum required setbacks applicable to Lot 1, Block 1 and the measurements shown on the site plan. The site plan complies with the minimum setback requirements of the INS District. Odean Ave. 75th St. West South Parking ROW Interior Required 30ft. 30ft. 50ft. 50ft. 15ft. 5ft. Proposed 65ft. 101ft. 125ft. 93ft. 37ft. 40ft. Access. The subject property abuts Odean Avenue and 75th Street. Both streets are designated as Residential Collector streets by the Transportation Plan of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. Section 11-21-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance allows institutional uses to access collector streets provided that the driveway is setback a minimum of 90 feet from the nearest intersecting collector street or 50 feet from the nearest intersecting local street. Section 11-21-6.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the width of the accesses to 30 feet unless approved by the City Engineer for circulation needs. The primary access to Lot 1, Block 1 is to be via 75th Street at Oday Avenue via a 28 foot wide driveway constructed through Outlot A. The access is to be constructed as a two-lane driveway, which could be expanded to have two outbound lanes (three total) when 75th Street is extended west of its current terminus in the future. The proposed access through Outlot A is allowed as part of the Conditional Use Permit for Lot 1, Block 1 by Section 11-21-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance. If the City in the future sells Outlot A, the access will be overlaid by an ingress egress easement drafted by the City Attorney or public right-of-way would be dedicated and Oday Avenue extended south of 75th Street. 5 An exit-only access to Odean Avenue is planned for the apparatus bays and a circulation drive aisle around the south side of the principal building. This access is to be posted no entry with appropriate signage as determined by the City Engineer and Emergency Services Director for alerting approaching traffic on Odean Avenue of emergency vehicles entering the street. The width of the access to Odean Avenue is 60 feet, which is necessary to allow for apparatus to exit the bays and turn onto the street. The proposed accesses for Lot 1, Block 1 comply with the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Off-Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes requirements for the minimum number of off-street parking spaces to be provided for various uses. Because of the limited and specific character of fire station operations, no specific requirement is listed. Where the Zoning Ordinance doesn’t define a minimum number of spaces required for a use, the determination is to be made by the Zoning Administrator, in this case relying on the experience of the Emergency Services Director for input. The site plan provides 43 parking spaces on the east side of the building for the office elements of the building, including the EOC/Training Room that can be used for public events. At the rear of the building are 28 parking spaces for use by the duty crew and paid on-call fire fighters and other City staff. The total number of 71 off-street parking stalls and location within the site plan reflects the unique operations of the fire service and the options for other uses of the Emergency Services Department facility. City staff recommends that the proposed number of parking stalls is sufficient for the proposed use. The off-street parking spaces are designed as nine feet wide by 18 feet in depth at the perimeter of the parking area allowing for a two foot overhang and 20 feet in depth for the interior spaces, which are accessed by a minimum 24 foot wide two-way drive aisle. The dimensions of the off-street parking area complies with Section 11-21-7.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The parking area is be surfaced with asphalt or concrete and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.C and D of the Zoning Ordinance. The construction specifications for the off-street parking area are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Pedestrian Access. There is an existing trail along the west side of Odean Avenue abutting the subject property. The site plan provides for a sidewalk connection from the trail on Odean Avenue to the front elevation of the building for public access. There is also a trail on the north side of 75th Street across from the subject property. No sidewalk connection from the trail on 75th Street to the subject property at the access aligned with Oday Avenue is proposed at this time. 6 Landscaping. A landscape plan has been prepared that provides for planting of shade trees along the north and east lot line of Lot 1, Block 1, with ornamental trees and grass plantings adjacent to the principal building. West and south of the principal building are more densely planted coniferous and deciduous trees to provide screening from future uses on Outlot A and the privately owned property to the south. This more-dense screening also increases privacy for the dormitory spaces within the building and will allow for outdoor training activity to the west of the apparatus bays. Areas within Lot 1, Block 1 not taken up with trees or other plantings are to be established with turf and native grasses. The yard between the principal building and Odean Avenue, as well as the boulevards along Odean Avenue and 75th Street, immediate perimeter of the parking areas, and adjacent to the principal building will be turf grass. Native grasses will be established along 75th Street and to the west and south of the building to reduce water use and maintenance. The types and sizes of proposed plantings comply with the provisions of Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5-2-3.C.2 of the City Code requires installation of in-ground irrigation for the turf grass yards and planting areas within the property, which is indicated on the landscape plan. Exterior Lighting. An exterior lighting plan including photometric measurements of light intensity and indicating the type, location, and height of all exterior light fixtures has been prepared. All exterior light fixtures are to have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off and cast not more than 0.4 foot-candles of light at the property lines. Additional shielding has been added to minimize any light visible to the south and west. The proposed exterior lighting plan complies with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Waste Storage. The site plan shows a location for waste storage containers west of the principal building on the north side of fire fighter parking. The plans for construction of the enclosure meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance are to be submitted with application for a building permit for review by the Zoning Administrator. Signs. Signs identifying the Emergency Services Department facility within the INS District are governed by Section 11-37-5.D of the Zoning Ordinance; there is no limit on the number or area of wall signs and one freestanding sign up to 100 square feet in area and up to a height of 20 feet is allowed. The site plan does not indicate a location for a monument type freestanding sign and the architectural plans show wall signs only generally on the elevation of the building facing Odean Avenue. The architectural renderings of the site and building do illustrate freestanding sign located at the northeast corner of the property to be visible from the intersection of Odean Avenue and 75th Street. A sign permit subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator is required prior to placement of signs upon the property. 7 Grading Plan. Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans have been prepared for development of Lot 1, Block 1. There are no wetlands within Lot 1, Block 1. There is excess dirt within Lot 1, Block 1 that will be stockpiled onto Outlot A to either be used for development of that property or exported off-site for another purpose as determined by the City in the future. A regional stormwater basin is to be developed south of Lot 1, Block 1 within Outlot A to provide for stormwater infiltration, water quality, and rate control as required by City and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards. This stormwater basin can be expanded in the future to accommodate stormwater management for Outlot A and/or properties to the south. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. There is no Stormwater Management District established for the area including the subject property and, therefore, no storm water impact fee is to be paid. Utilities. The subject property is within the East Sewer District established by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. Sewer utilities were extended to the subject property through the Meadows of Otsego plat and available to serve the identifying the Emergency Services Department facility and development of the properties south to 70th Street (CSAH 38). Access to water utilities is available from the north from the Ashwood plat. The City is also undertaking a trunk water system improvement to increase connectivity of the system that will bring trunk water from the south and extend through Lot 1, Block 1. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The sewer and water utilities are funded and operate as a separate enterprise from other City services. Platting of Lot 1, Block 1 requires payment from the General Fund to the Utility Fund for Utility Availability Charges established by Title 6, Chapter 1 of the City Code calculated as shown below. There will be a credit to the Water Availability Charge for the project for oversizing of the trunk watermain being extended through the subject property. The City will also pay Utility Connection Charges at the time a building permit is issued for the fire station as required by the City Code.  SAC: 4.91ac. x 3.5 REC/ac. x $3,049.00/REC = $52,397.07  WAC: 4.91ac. x 3.5REC/ac. x $3,192.00/REC = $54,854.52 Easements. Section 10-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes requirements for drainage and utility easements. The perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1 is to have 10-foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the lot as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. As a City facility, drainage and utility easements are not required over interior water and sewer utilities within Lot 1, Block 1. Outlot A is to have a temporary drainage and utility easement established that expires upon approval of a final plat. Existing drainage and utility easements dedicated over Outlot A, Ashwood no longer serve a public purpose and will be vacated as they are replaced with easements dedicated with the preliminary and final plat. 8 Park Dedication. Section 10-7-18 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes requirements for dedication for the City’s park system. Park dedication in the form of land or as payment of a cash fee in lieu of land is not required for City facilities. The City can allocate land or funding for development of the park system as part of its overall management of its properties and budget. Outlot A. The preliminary plat and final plat include the balance of the subject property outside of Lot 1, Block 1 as an outlot. The City Council will determine a use for Outlot A in the future, which may include sale of the property for development or use for another public purpose. Development Contract. Section 10-10-4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance requires developers execute a Development Contract with final plat approval and Section 11-9-7 of the Zoning Ordinance further requires developers to enter into a Site Improvement Performance Agreement for site and building plans. In that the City is acting as the subdivider of the plat and developer of Lot 1, Block 1, there is no need for an agreement for the City to provide itself guarantees for completion of the improvements. Criteria. The Zoning Ordinance establishes the following criteria for consideration of Zoning Map amendments and Conditional Use Permits set forth in Section 11-3-2.F and Section 11-4- 2.F of the Zoning Ordinance respectively. The judgment of the Planning Commission whether to recommend that the zoning actions be approved is to be based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2023 Comprehensive Plan adopts the City Council’s most recent Strategic Plan goal to position the City for growth by providing quality services as Otsego continues to grow. A fundamental principle of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan is for the City to provide for the basic function of local government to protect public health, safety, and welfare through needed infrastructure and services. In terms of land use planning, fire service uses are ancillary to existing and future development within the City. Public uses such as the Emergency Services Department facility is to be guided by the following policies outlined by the Comprehensive Plan:  Develop and maintain all public facilities to serve as examples for private development and to create a source of community identity and pride.  Provide adequate screening, buffering and landscaping for all Public and Quasi-Public uses in order to minimize their impact on surrounding uses and enhance the community and area in which they are located. 9 The Zoning Map amendment and Conditional Use Permit for development of the the Emergency Services Department facility upon Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition is consistent with the goals, policies, and plans of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: Site design, building orientation, landscaping, and physical separation ensure that the Emergency Services Department facility is compatible with existing and future surrounding land uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The development of Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition with complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition is to be accessed via Odean Avenue and 75th Street. These streets are designated by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan and have been constructed as Residential Collector streets that have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the Emergency Services Department facility, including emergency vehicle access. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition is located within the East Sewer District designated by the 2023 Comprehensive Plan with access to transportation and utility infrastructure to serve the Emergency Services Department. Moreover, development of the Emergency Services Department facility upon Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition will expand the City’s service capacity with respect to protecting public health, safety, and welfare for existing and future development. RECOMMENDATION Our office and the City Engineer recommend approval of subdivision and zoning actions platting the Otsego Emergency Services Addition and development of Lot 1, Block 1 with the Emergency Services Department facility subject to the conditions outlined below. 10 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend vacation of drainage and utility easements; approval of a Zoning Map amendment, preliminary plat, and final plat for Otsego Emergency Services Addition; and approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition for construction of the Emergency Services Department facility, subject to the following conditions: 1. The preliminary plat shall be valid for one year from the date of approval in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 462.356, Subd. 3c unless extended by the City Council. 2. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 3. Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services addition shall be developed in accordance with the site and building plans approved by the City Council subject to the stipulations, limitations, and conditions outlined herein as required by Section 11-9-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Future transfer of ownership of Outlot A, Otsego Emergency Services Addition by the City shall require that the access to Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition from 75th Street be overlaid by an ingress/egress easement drafted by the City Attorney or dedication of public right-of-way and construction of Oday Avenue south of 75th Street to maintain said access. 5. Installation of emergency vehicle access signage on Odean Avenue shall be determined by the City Engineer and Emergency Services Director. 6. Construction specifications for accesses and off-street parking areas within Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. An enclosure for screening outdoor storage of waste containers shall be constructed in compliance with the requirements of Section 11-18-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. All signs installed upon the property shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 9. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11 10. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. Transfer of funds shall be made for Utility Availability Charges established by Title 6, Chapter 1 of the City Code for Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition, less any trunk utility credits, as determined by the City Engineer 12. Transfer of funds shall be made for Utility Connection Charges established by Title 6, Chapter 1 of the City Code for Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition as determined by the Building Official. 13. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. A temporary drainage and utility easement shall be overlaid upon Outlot A, Otsego Emergency Services Addition. B. Motion to recommend that the actions not be approved based on a finding that the action is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Sabrina Hille, Assistant City Administrator/Human Resources Director Daryl Rauch, Emergency Services Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Site Location Map 921 ft Overview Legend Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy Roads Road Labels 01 02 03 04 07 08 10 21 22 City/Township Limits c t Parcels 7232)'(&. +,*+  72)227,1* 0$,1/(9(/ 0(==$1,1(/(9(/ 7232)'(&. /2:  7232)'(&. 67$,5  7<37232)'(&. +,*+  72)227,1* 0$,1/(9(/ 0(==$1,1(/(9(/ 7232)'(&. /2:  7232)'(&. 67$,5  7<37232)'(&. +,*+  72)227,1* 0$,1/(9(/ 0(==$1,1(/(9(/ 7232)'(&. /2:  7232)'(&. 67$,5  +%&)-$'(*7232)'(&. +,*+  72)227,1* 0$,1/(9(/ 0(==$1,1(/(9(/ 7232)'(&. /2:  7232)'(&. 67$,5  +%&)-$'(*7232)'(&. +,*+  72)227,1* 0$,1/(9(/ 0(==$1,1(/(9(/ 7232)'(&. /2:  7232)'(&. 67$,5  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5HYLVLRQV'HVFULSWLRQ 'DWH 1XP  7232)'(&. +,*+  )  XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X ODEAN AVENUE NE75TH STREET NE75TH ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRFEETSCALE0HORZ.30603300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 11. REFER TO SHEET C3.01, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES.2. MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING VEGETATION AND SITE FEATURES (CURBS, WALKS, PAVEMENTS,OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, SIGNAGE, FENCING, ROADWAYS, ETC.) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN.3. REPAIR OR REPLACE EXISTING PROPERTY AND SITE FEATURES, INCLUDING GRASS AND VEGETATION, WHICH IS TO REMAIN THATIS DAMAGED BY THE WORK, TO THE OWNER'S SATISFACTION AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.4. VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING; BE FAMILIAR WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD. EXTRA COMPENSATION WILL NOT BEALLOWED FOR CONDITIONS WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN DETERMINED OR ANTICIPATED BY EXAMINATION OF THE SITE, THECONTRACT DRAWINGS AND THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PERTAINING TO EXISTING SOILS, UTILITIES AND OTHER SITECHARACTERISTICS.5. HIRE THE SERVICES OF A UTILITY LOCATOR COMPANY TO LOCATE ALL PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES THAT MAY BE DISTURBED BYCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS.6. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE FROM EXISTING BUILDING AT ALL TIMES. PROVIDE TEMPORARY STORM SEWER, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES, PIPING, AND SIMILAR. DO NOT REMOVE EXISTING STORM SEWER UNTIL TEMPORARYOR PERMANENT STORM SEWER IS INSTALLED AND FUNCTIONAL. COORDINATE ALL REMOVALS WITH APPROPRIATE TRADES(SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, ETC.) AS REQUIRED.NOTES/////////////////////////////////XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVALSUNDERGROUND UTILITY REMOVALSCONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVALSASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVALSGRAVEL SURFACE REMOVALSFENCING REMOVALSSAWCUTTREE REMOVALMASS TREE AND SHRUB REMOVALSPROPERTY LINELEGENDC0.01REMOVALS PLAN XXXXXXXXXXPROPOSED BUILDINGREFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSFOR LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONSDDS SSODEAN AVENUE NE75TH STREET NE75TH PROPERTY CORNER = BASE POINT FOR DIMENSIONS.PROPERTY LINE = BASELINE FOR DIMENSIONS. ALL DIMENSIONSARE MEASURED PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULARTO THIS LINE UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE.32.76'64.93'24.00'30.00'28.00'24.00'28.00'30.00'60.00'10' WALK7' WALK7' WALK5' WALKALIGN WITHEXISTING WALKALIGN WITHEXISTING WALK24.00'42.00'48.00'5' WALK97.53'149.33'18.00'9.00' (TYP.)20.00'20.00'18.00'24.00'24.00'24.00'18.00'9.00' (TYP.)AECCC1.01RFEETSCALE0HORZ.30603300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1SITE PLAN1. REFER TO SHEET C3.01, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES.2. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT.3. TRAFFIC SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED 18'' BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT.4. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD, WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE PAVED, SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6” OFTOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SEEDED. ALL AREAS NOT DESIGNATED FOR SOD OR A SPECIFIC SEED MIX, WHICH ARE DISTURBED BYCONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE SEEDED WITH SEED MIX #1.5. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, RE-SEED ALLAPPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER OR LANDSCAPEARCHITECT.NOTESREFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D. NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM)PROPOSED CONCRETE WALKPROPOSED CONCRETE SLABPROPOSED HEATED CONCRETE SLABPROPOSED LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENTPROPOSED MEDIUM DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENTPROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENTPROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNSIGNAGE KEY NOTEPROPOSED BOLLARDPROPOSED ACCESSIBLE SYMBOLPROPOSED MANHOLE (MH)PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB)PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES)PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD)PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV)PROPOSED POST INDICATOR VALVE (PIV)PROPOSED FLAGPOLE - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPOSED LIGHT POLE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANSPROPERTY LINELEGENDA1C5.01PARKINGSIGNAGE KEY NOTESABCDE XXXXXXXXXXPROPOSED BUILDINGREFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSFOR LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONSDDS SSODEAN AVENUE NE75TH STREET NE75TH PROPERTY CORNER = BASE POINT FOR DIMENSIONS.PROPERTY LINE = BASELINE FOR DIMENSIONS. ALL DIMENSIONSARE MEASURED PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULARTO THIS LINE UNLESS NOTED OHERWISE.32.76'64.93'24.00'30.00'28.00'24.00'28.00'30.00'60.00'10' WALK7' WALK7' WALK5' WALKALIGN WITHEXISTING WALKALIGN WITHEXISTING WALK24.00'42.00'48.00'5' WALK97.53'149.33'18.00'9.00' (TYP.)20.00'20.00'18.00'24.00'24.00'24.00'18.00'9.00' (TYP.)AECCC1.02RFEETSCALE0HORZ.30603300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1GEOMETRIC PLAN1. REFER TO SHEET C3.01, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES.2. ALL APPLICABLE DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB, EDGE OF PAVEMENT, OR PROPERTY LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT.4. TRAFFIC SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED 18" BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT.NOTESPIBASELINE FOR DIMENSIONSPOINT OF INTERSECTIONPROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPERTY LINELEGEND DD>>>>>>DD34.234.234.2932933IIIII>>>>>> >>>>>IIDIID34.234.234.29329336" PVC12" RCP15" PVC15" PVCBD1BS1DD34.234.234.2932933DD(1) PJ(3) PG(3) PG(1) AA(1) AARFEETSCALE0HORZ.20403300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1C1.03ALTERNATE #1PLANS1C1.03ALTERNATE #1 FINISHING PLANNOT TO SCALE2C1.03ALTERNATE #1 GEOMETRIC PLANNOT TO SCALE3C1.03ALTERNATE #1 EROSION CONTROL PLANNOT TO SCALE4C1.03ALTERNATE #1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANNOT TO SCALE5C1.03ALTERNATE #1 UTILITY PLANNOT TO SCALE1. REFER TO SHEET C3.01, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES.NOTES6C1.03ALTERNATE #1 LANDSCAPING PLANNOT TO SCALEI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>123SFSF[][]IPPIPTPCCPC930930930.58DREFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D. NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM)BASELINE FOR DIMENSIONSPOINT OF INTERSECTIONPOINT OF CURVATUREPOINT OF TANGENCYPOINT OF COMPOUND CURVATUREEXISTING CONTOUREXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED CONTOURPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONME = MATCH EXISTINGEOF = EMERGENCY OVERFLOWPROPOSED GRADING LIMITSPROPOSED SAND SUBBASE AT FROST FOOTED STOOPSPROPOSED CONCRETE WALKPROPOSED CONCRETE SLABPROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENTPROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCINGPROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING WITH MAINTENANCE STRIPFENCING KEY NOTEPROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNSIGNAGE KEY NOTEPROPOSED BOLLARDPROPOSED MANHOLE (MH)PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB)PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES)PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD)PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV)PROPOSED POST INDICATOR VALVE (PIV)PROPOSED SANITARY SEWERPROPOSED STORM SEWERPROPOSED WATERMAINPROPOSED DRAIN TILE (DT) / SUBSURFACE DRAINS (SD)PROVIDE MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION AT CROSSING - PROVIDEVERTICAL BENDS IN WATERMAIN AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH.CENTER ONE LENGTH WATERMAIN PIPE ON CROSSING.CONNECT DRAIN TILE TO STRUCTURE AND PROVIDE BACKWATER VALVECENTER ONE LENGTH OF SOLID PVC PIPE ON WATERMAIN AT CROSSINGINLET PROTECTION DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLETPROPOSED SILT FENCEPROPOSED SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGPROPOSED EROSION CONTROL BLANKETPROPOSED TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMPROPOSED SOD LIMITSPROPOSED SEED MIX #1PROPOSED SEED MIX #2PROPOSED NATIVE SEEDINGPROPOSED SHRUB / MULCH BEDPROPOSED LANDSCAPE ROCK BEDPROPOSED FLAGPOLE - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPOSED LIGHT POLE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANSPROPERTY LINELEGENDA1C5.01 A S H W O O D OT A XXXXXXXXXXA S H W O O DPROPOSED BUILDINGREFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSFOR LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS34. 928 929 931 932 933930935940931932933934936937 938 939 >>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>D>>>>>>>>>>>>D>>>> >>>>>>ODEAN AVENUE NE75TH STREET NEA S H W O O DOUTLOT D75TH SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF SF SFSF[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ ] [ ][]C2.01RFEETSCALE0HORZ.30603300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1EROSIONCONTROL PLAN1. REFER TO SHEET C1.31, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES.2. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE, SHEET XXX, FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS.3. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILYBASIS. PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS.4. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS.5. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS.6. IF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TAKEN ARE NOT ADEQUATE AND RESULT IN DOWNSTREAM SEDIMENTATION,CLEAN OUT DOWNSTREAM STORM SEWERS AND OTHER CONVEYANCE DEVICES AS NECESSARY, INCLUDING ASSOCIATEDRESTORATION.7. INLET PROTECTION DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLETS. AT THE INLETS TO ALL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES, PROVIDE A PRODUCTFROM THE FOLLOWING LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS:a. ROAD DRAIN "TOP SLAB", MANUFACTURED BY WIMCOb. ROAD DRAIN "CURB & GUTTER", MANUFACTURED BY WIMCOc. INFRASAFE "SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER", MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.d. INFRASAFE "DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE", MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.e. INFRASAFE "CULVERT INLET PROTECTOR", MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC.f. DANDY SACK, MANUFACTURED BY DANDY PRODUCTS, INC.g. DANDY CURB SACK, MANUFACTURED BY DANDY PRODUCTS, INC.h. OR APPROVED EQUAL.8. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DELINEATE TURF AND VEGETATED AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED WITH ORANGE SNOW FENCE. DONOT ALLOW CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, EQUIPMENT, OR MATERIALS TO UTILIZE, ACCESS, OR OTHERWISE ENTER THE DELINEATEDAREAS. MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION AND DISRUPTION OF TOPSOIL IN AREAS OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TO COMPLYWITH THE MN CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT.NOTES924924D>>>>SFSF[][]REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D. NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM)EXISTING CONTOURPROPOSED CONTOURPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONME = MATCH EXISTINGEOF = EMERGENCY OVERFLOWPROPOSED GRADING LIMITSPROPOSED STORM SEWERPROPOSED MANHOLE (MH)PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB)PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES)INLET PROTECTION DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLETPROPOSED SILT FENCEPROPOSED SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGPROPOSED ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEPROPOSED EROSION CONTROL BLANKETPROPOSED OVERFLOW SWALEPROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPERTY LINELEGENDIP1C5.01 STORMWATERPOLLUTION PREVENTIONPLAN (SWPPP)PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM:Type of storm water management used if more than 1 acre of new impervious surface is created:PROJECTLOCATION1-MILEBOUNDARYRECEIVINGWATERSOTSEGO FIRE STATION - 2025CITY OF OTSEGOWRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTAPROJECT LOCATION:RECEIVING WATERS:Receiving waters, including surface water, wetlands, Public Waters, and stormwater ponds, within 1-mile of the project boundary are identified on theUSGS 7.5 min quad map above. Receiving waters that are impaired, the impairment, and WLA are listed as follows. All specific BMPs relative toconstruction activities listed in the permit for special, prohibited, restricted, or impaired have been incorporated into this plan. All specific BMPs listed inapproved TMDLs and those BMPs listed for construction related waste load allocations have also been incorporated.DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT:Construction activities include: Site grading, sanitary sewer and water main extensions, temporaryerosion and sediment control, and permanent stabilization.Stormwater currently sheet flows south on to adjacent agricultural land, to low points on the North andEast sides of the property, or onto 75th Street NE or Odean Ave NE. Runoff that flows directly to thestreets will enter municipal storm sewer via curb & gutter. Storm sewer in 75th St NE will outlet northinto a ditch, and storm sewer in Odean Ave NE will outlet east into a wetland. The low points on-site alsohave inlets to the same municipal storm sewer. Stormwater that flows south overland will eventuallydrain into a wetland southwest of the site.Under proposed conditions, the site will drain to the onsite stormwater BMPs where it will eitherinfiltrate, or outlet via an overflow into the adjacent municipal storm sewer.This project includes the following stormwater management BMPs; Wet sedimentation & infiltrationIMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE AND PHASING: The Contractor is required to provide an updated schedule and site management planmeeting the minimum requirements of Section 1717 of the Minnesota Standard Specifications for Construction.1) Submit SWPPP Updates to Engineer. Submittal shall include any requested changes to the SWPPP, including but not limited to:Trained Personnel, Locations for Stockpiles, Concrete Washout, Sanitation Facilities, Types and Locations of Erosion &Sediment Control. Failure to submit updates shall be considered acceptance of the SWPPP as designed with no changes.2) Install perimeter sediment control, inlet protection, and construction exit.3) Complete mass grading and utility installation.4) Construct stormwater BMPs and install overflow connection.5) Complete site construction activities.6) Add additional temporary BMPs as necessary during construction based on inspection reports.7) Ensure final stabilization measures are complete.8) Provide digital copy of all Field SWPPP Documentation including Inspection Reports and SWPPP Revisions to the Owner.9) Submit Notice of Termination (NOT) to MPCA. NOTE: The NOT must be submitted to MPCA before Final Stabilization isconsidered complete.The SWPPP Designer, Construction SWPPP Manager, and BMP Installer must have appropriate training. Documentation showingtraining commensurate with the job duties and responsibilities is required to be included in the SWPPP prior to any work beginning onthe site. Training documentation for the SWPPP Designer is included on the Narrative sheet. The Contractor shall attach trainingdocumentation to this SWPPP for the Construction SWPPP Manager and BMP Installer prior to the start of construction. Thisinformation shall be kept up to date until the project NOT is filed.RESPONSIBLE PARTIES:The Contractor and Owner will be joint applicants under the MPCA's General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity as requiredby the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II program.The Contractor shall provide one or more trained Construction SWPPP Manager(s) knowledgeable and experienced in the applicationof erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs that will oversee the implementation of the SWPPP, and the installation, inspectionand maintenance of the erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs.A Construction SWPPP Manager must be available for an on-site inspection within 72 hours upon request by the MPCA.ADDITIONAL COMPENSATIONPayment for all work associated with Erosion and Sediment Control shall be as described in the Project Manual. Unless otherwiseauthorized by the Owner no additional payment shall be made for any work required to administer and maintain the site erosion andsediment control in compliance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) - General Stormwater Permit for ConstructionActivity (MN R100001) including but not limited to inspection, maintenance, and removal of BMPs or addition of BMPs toaccommodate Contractor phasing.DOCUMENT RETENTIONPermittees must make the SWPPP, including all inspection reports, maintenance records, training records and other informationrequired by this permit, available to federal, state, and local officials within three (3) days upon request for the duration of the permitand for three (3) years following the NOT.GENERAL STORMWATER DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTSAll requirements listed in Section 5.1 of the Permit for the design of the permanent stormwater management system and dischargehave been included in the preparation of this SWPPP. These include but are not limited to:1. The expected amount, frequency, intensity, and duration of precipitation.2. The nature of stormwater runoff and run-on at the site3. Peak flow rates and stormwater volumes to minimize erosion at outlets and downstream channel and stream bank erosion.4. The range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site.Permanent stormwater treatment systems for this project have been designed in accordance with the guidance in the MN StormwaterManual in place at the time of bidding. Copies of the design information and calculations are part of this SWPPP and will be provided indigital format upon written request to the Engineer.FEETSCALE0 12002400X Wet Sedimentation BasinX Infiltration/Filtration Regional Pond Permanent Stormwater Management Not RequiredCOUNTY TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTIONLATITUDELONGITUDEWRIGHT T121N R23W 28 45.25925° -93.59232° BMP SUMMARYQUANTITYUNITNAME OF WATER BODYTYPE (ditch, pond,wetland, lake, etc.)Special, Prohibited,Restricted Water 1Flows to ImpairedWater Within 1-Mile 2USEPA ApprovedConstruction RelatedTMDL 3Unnamed Wetland WetlandNo No-Unnamed Ditch DitchNo No-COMPANY CONTACT PERSON PHONE OWNER: XXXXX XXXXX XXX-XXX-XXXX SWPPP DESIGNER:Bolton & Menk, Inc.Paul Strong651-247-8789 CONTRACTOR: TBD TBD TBD CONSTRUCTION SWPPP MANAGER: TBD TBD TBD PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG TERM O&M:City of OtsegoXXXXX XXX-XXX-XXXXTotal Project Size (disturbed area) =9.7 ACRESExisting area of impervious surface =0.0 ACRESPost construction area of impervious surface =2.9 ACRESTotal new impervious surface area created =2.9 ACRESPlanned Construction Start Date:XX/XX/XXXXEstimated Construction Completion Date:XX/XX/XXXXPROJECT AREAS:PROJECT BOUNDARYNATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORYIMPAIRED, SPECIAL OR PROTECTED WATERSOR1-MILE BOUNDARYLEGENDR1 Special, prohibited, and restricted waters are listed in Section 23 of the MN Construction Stormwater General Permit (MNR100001).2 Identified as impaired under section 303 (d) of the federal Clean Water Act for phosphorus, turbidity, TSS, dissolved oxygen, and/or aquatic biota.3 Construction Related TMDLs include those related to: phosphorus, turbidity, TSS, dissolved oxygen, and/or aquatic biota.PROJECT LOCATION3300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1C2.02STORMWATERPOLLUTIONPREVENTION PLAN- PROJECTINFORMATION Information contained in this SWPPP narrative sheet summarizes requirements of the GENERAL PERMIT AUTHORIZATION TODISCHARGE STORMWATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGEELIMINATION SYSTEM/STATE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROGRAM - Permit No: MN Rl0000l (Permit) as they apply to this project. Allprovisions of the Permit including those not specifically cited herein shall apply to this project. The Contractor is responsible to befamiliar with and comply with all conditions of the permit. The full text of the Permit is available at:https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/wq-strm2-80a.pdfSWPPP AMENDMENTS AND SUBMITTALSContractor must prepare and submit to the Engineer a SWPPP amendment as necessary to include additional Best ManagementPractices (BMPs) to correct problems identified or address the following situations.1. Contact information and training documentation for Construction SWPPP Manager and BMP Installer,2. There is a change in construction method of phasing, operation, maintenance, weather or seasonal conditions notanticipated during the design of the SWPPP including but not limited to:a. Types and/or Locations of BMPsb.Material Storage and Spill Responsec. Fueling Plansd.Locations for Stockpiles, Concrete Washout, and Sanitation Facilities ande.Project Phasing3.It is determined that the SWPPP is not achieving objectives of minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges associated withconstruction activity, or4. The SWPPP is not consistent with the terms and conditions of the permit.The Contractor may implement SWPPP amendments immediately and is not required to wait for Engineer review of the submittal.The responsibility for completeness of SWPPP amendments and compliance with the Permit lies with the Contractor. Review,comment, or lack of comment by the Engineer on a SWPPP amendment shall not absolve the responsibilities of the Contractor inany way.If a change order is issued for a design change the SWPPP amendment will be prepared by the Engineer and included in thechange order.In addition to SWPPP amendments, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer Weekly Erosion and Sediment Control Schedulemeeting the requirements of MnDOT 1717.The Contractor shall keep copies of all SWPPP amendments, Weekly Erosion and Sediment Control Schedules, inspection logs, andmaintenance logs with the field copy of the SWPPP. A PDF copy of these documents will be provided along with a copy of thefinal Field Copy of the SWPPP to the Engineer along with the signed Notice of Termination when final stabilization is complete.EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICESStormwater conveyance channels shall be routed around unstabilized areas. Erosion controls and velocity dissipation devicesshall be used at outlets within and along the length of any constructed conveyance channel.The normal wetted perimeter of all ditches or swales, including storm water management pond slopes, that drain waters from thesite must be stabilized within 200' of any property edge or discharge point, including storm sewer inlets, within 24 hours ofconnection.Temporary or permanent ditches or swales used as sediment containment during construction do not need to be stabilized duringtemporary period of use and shall be stabilized within 24 hours after no longer used as sediment containment.Mulch, hydromulch, tackifier, or similar practice shall not be used in any portion of the wetted perimeter of a temporary orpermanent drainage ditch or swale section with a continuous slope of greater than 2 percent.Energy dissipation shall be installed at all temporary or permanent pipe outlets within 24 hours of connection to a surface wateror permanent stormwater treatment system.The Contractor shall phase construction and use construction methods to the extent practical to minimize exposed soils. Theproject phasing shall be documented in the Weekly Erosion and Sediment Control Schedule.SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICESDown gradient BMPs including perimeter BMPs must be in place before up gradient land- disturbing activities begin and shallremain in place until final stabilization.All BMPs that have been adjusted or removed to accommodate short-term activities shall be re-installed or replaced the earlier ofthe end of the work day or before the next precipitation event even if the activity is not complete.Inlet BMPs may be removed for specific safety concerns. The BMPs shall be replaced as soon as the safety concern is resolved.The removal shall be documented in the SWPPP as a SWPPP amendment.Temporary stockpiles must have sediment control BMPs. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a SWPPPamendment showing the location of temporary stockpiles and the BMPs for each stockpile. The SWPPP amendment must meetthe minimum requirements of Section 9 of the Permit.Soil compaction shall be minimized and topsoil shall be preserved, unless infeasible or if construction activities dictate soilcompaction or topsoil stripping.The use of polymers, flocculants, or other sedimentation treatment chemicals are not proposed as part of this SWPPP as designedby the Engineer. If methods or phasing of construction require the use of any of these chemicals, the Contractor shall prepare andsubmit to the Engineer a SWPPP amendment that meets the minimum requirements of Section 9 of the Permit.TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINSA temporary sedimentation basin has not been included in this SWPPP as designed by the Engineer. If a basin is later determinedto be desirable or necessary the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a SWPPP amendment. Temporarysedimentation basins shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of Section 14 of the Permit and shall include a basindraining plan meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements of Section 10 of the Permit. Where the site discharges to Specialand/or Impaired Waters the SWPPP amendment shall also meet or exceed the minimum requirements of Section 23 of thepermit.DEWATERINGA dewatering plan has not been included in this SWPPP as designed by the Engineer. If dewatering is required for this project, theContractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a SWPPP amendment. All dewatering shall meet or exceed the minimumrequirements of Section 10 of the Permit.POLLUTION PREVENTIONProducts and materials that have the potential to leach pollutants that are stored on the site must be stored in a manner designedto minimize contact with stormwater. Materials that are not a source of potential contamination to stormwater or that aredesigned for exposure to stormwater are not required to be covered.Hazardous materials including but not limited to pesticides, fertilizer, petroleum products, curing compounds and toxic wastemust be properly stored and protected from stormwater exposure as recommended by the manufacturer in an access restrictedarea.Solid waste must be stored, collected and disposed of in compliance with Minnesota Administrative Rules Chapter 7035.Portable toilets must be positioned so that they are secure and will not be tipped or knocked over. Sanitary waste must bedisposed of properly in accordance with Minn. R. CH 7041.Exterior vehicle or equipment washing on the project site shall be limited to a defined area of the site. No engine degreasing isallowed on site. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility that requires site personnel to utilize the properfacilities for disposal of concrete and other washout wastes.The Contractor shall prepare and submit a SWPPP amendment detailing the location and BMPs proposed for storage of materials,solid waste, portable toilets, and exterior vehicle or equipment washing on the site. The SWPPP amendment shall include a spillprevention and response plan that is appropriate for the materials proposed to be on the site. The SWPPP amendment shall meetor exceed the minimum requirements of Section 12 of the Permit.INSPECTION & MAINTENANCEA trained person shall routinely inspect the entire construction site at the time interval indicated on this sheet of the SWPPPduring active construction and within 24-hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. Following an inspectionthat occurs within 24-hours after a rainfall event, the next inspection must be conducted at the time interval indicated in theReceiving Waters Table found on the SITE PLAN AND INFORMATION SHEET of the SWPPP.All inspections and maintenance conducted during construction must be recorded on the day it is completed and must be retainedwith the SWPPP. Inspection report forms are available in the Project Specifications. Inspection report forms other than thoseprovided shall be approved by the engineer.The Contractor may request a change in inspection schedule for the following conditions:a.Inspections of areas with permanent cover to be reduced to once per month,b.Inspections of areas that have permanent cover and have had no construction activity for 12 months to be suspendeduntil construction resumes,c. Inspections of areas where construction is suspended due to frozen ground conditions, inspections to be suspended untilthe earlier of within 24 hours of runoff occurring, or upon resuming construction.No change in inspection schedule shall occur until authorized by the Engineer.Inspections must include:1. All erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs and Pollution Prevention Management Measures to ensure integrity andeffectiveness.2. Surface waters, including drainage ditches and conveyance systems for evidence of erosion and sediment deposition.3.Construction site vehicle exit locations, streets and curb and gutter systems within and adjacent to the project forsedimentation from erosion or tracked sediment from vehicles.4.Infiltration areas to ensure that no sediment from ongoing construction activity is reaching the infiltration area and thatequipment is not being driven across the infiltration area.All non-functioning BMPs and those BMPs where sediment reaches one-half (1/2) of the depth of the BMP, or in the case ofsediment basins one-half (1/2) of the storage volume, must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented by the end of the nextbusiness day after discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow.Permittees must repair, replace or supplement all nonfunctional BMPs with functional BMPs by the end of the next business dayafter discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow.Any sediment that escapes the site must be removed and the area stabilized within 7 calendar days of discovery unless precludedby legal, regulatory, or physical access in which case the work shall be completed within 7 calendar days of authorization. Pavedsurfaces such as streets shall have any escaped or tracked sediment removed by the end of the day that it is discovered.Sediment release, other than paved surfaces that can be cleaned up with street sweeping shall be reported immediately upondiscovery to the Engineer.PUBLIC WATER RESTRICTIONS:For public waters that have been promulgated "work in water restrictions" during fish spawning time frames, all exposed soilareas that are within 200 feet of the water's edge, and drain to these waters must complete stabilization within 24-hours duringthe time period. MN DNR permits are not valid for work in waters that are designated as infested waters unless accompanied byan Infested Waters Permit or written notification has been obtained from MN DNR stating that such permit is not required. Thereis no exception for pre-existing permits. If a MN DNR Permit has been issued for the project and the water is later designated asinfested, the Contractor shall halt all work covered by the MN DNR Permit until an Infested Waters Permit is obtained or thatwritten notification is obtained stating that such permit is not required.FINAL STABILIZATIONFinal Stabilization is not complete until all the following requirements have been met:1. Substantial Completion has been reached and no ground disturbing activities are anticipated.2.Permanent cover has been installed with an established minimum uniform perennial vegetation density of 70 percent of itsexpected final growth. Vegetation is not required in areas where no vegetation is proposed by this project such asimpervious surfaces or the base of a sand filter.3. Accumulated sediment has been removed from all permanent stormwater treatment systems as necessary to ensure thesystem is operating as designed.4.All sediment has been removed from conveyance systems5. All temporary synthetic erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs have been removed. BMPs designated on the SWPPPto remain to decompose on-site may remain.6.For residential construction only, permit coverage terminates on individual lots if the structures are finished and temporaryerosion prevention and downgradient perimeter control is complete, the residence sells to the homeowner, and thepermittee distributes the MPCA's "Homeowner Fact Sheet" to the homeowner.7.For agricultural land only (e.g., pipelines across cropland), the disturbed land must be returned to its preconstructionagricultural use prior to submitting the NOT.SITE STABILIZATION COMPLETION:SITE INSPECTION INTERVAL:SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS AND PERMITS:TYPE OF PERMIT PERMITTING AGENCY PERMIT STATUS AND CONDITIONSConstruction Stormwater NPDESMPCA IN PROGRESS1)Was an environmental review required for this project or any part of a common plan of developmentor sale that includes all or any portion of this project?NO2)Does any portion of the site have the potential to affect threatened or endangered species or theircritical habitat?NO3)Does any portion of this site discharge to a Calcareous fen.NO4)Will any portion of the site potentially affect properties listed on the National Register of Historic Placesor a known or discovered archeological site?NO5)Have any Karst features have been identified in the project vicinity?NO6)Is compliance with temporary or permanent stormwater management design requirements infeasiblefor this project?NO7)Has the MN DNR promulgated "work in water restrictions" for any Public Water this site disharges toduring fish spawning?NOA trained person shall routinely inspect the entire constructionsite during active construction at an interval of no more than:7 calendar daysSWPPP DESIGNER TRAINING DOCUMENTATION:Stabilization of exposed soils shall begin immediately and shall becompleted after the construction activity has temporarily orpermanently ceased no later than:14 calendar daysK:\Allison.Smith\Other\paul SWPPP Designer Card.jpg3300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1C2.03STORMWATERPOLLUTIONPREVENTION PLAN- NARRATIVE 40613681377BLEGENDPROJECT BOUNDARYSOIL TYPENATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORYSTEEP SLOPES (>33.3%)SOIL TYPE SUMMARYMap UnitSymbolSoil NameHyd. SoilGroup1368Southhaven loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesB1377BDorset-Two Inlets complex, 2 to 6 percent slopesA406Dorset sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopesBLOCATION OF SWPPP REQUIREMENTS IN PROJECT PLANDESCRIPTION SHEET NO.SITE MAP C2.01DIRECTION OF FLOW C2.XXFINAL STABILIZATION C2.XXSOILS C2.03DRAINAGE STRUCTURES C1.XXDRAINAGE TABULATION C1.XXSTORM SEWER PLAN & PROFILE SHEETSC5.XX - C5.XXEROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILSC2.04EROSION CONTROL TABULATION C2.XXTURF ESTABLISHMENT TABULATION C2.XXNARRATIVE & NOTESC2.01 - C2.02FEETSCALE050100R3300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1C2.04STORMWATERPOLLUTIONPREVENTION PLAN- SOILS MAP XXXXXXXXXX34. 928 929 931 932 933930935940931932933934936937 938 939 DDODEAN AVENUE NE75TH STREET NE75TH C3.01RFEETSCALE0HORZ.30603300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1GRADING ANDDRAINAGE PLAN1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES.2. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND SHALL PAY FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING / LAYOUT.3. OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL RELATED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, INCLUDING THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. SUBMIT A COPYOF ALL PERMITS TO THE CITY.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAGE (CONSTRUCTION ZONES) NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCTPROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. ALL SIGNAGE LAYOUTS MUST BE DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY LOCALAUTHORITIES.5. INSTALL CONTROL FENCING AND BARRICADING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC.6. INSPECT SITE AND REVIEW SOIL BORINGS TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF WORK AND NATURE OF MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED.7. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEWATERING REQUIREMENTS.8. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT.9. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING AND STOOP DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT.10. REFER TO THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) NARRATIVE, SHEET XXX, FOR EROSION CONTROLREQUIREMENTS. SECTION 31 00 00 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP.11. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILYBASIS. PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS.12. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS.13. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND LOCAL REGULATIONS.14. MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING SITE FEATURES (INCLUDING TURF AND VEGETATION) WHICH ARE TOREMAIN.15. PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.16. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS SHOWN TYPICALLY AS 30.1 OR 30 SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD TO MEAN 930.1 OR 930.17. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN PARKING LOTS, DRIVES AND ROADS INDICATE GUTTER GRADES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPOTELEVATIONS WITH LABELS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED GRADES OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. SPOTELEVATIONS WITH LABELS INSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS.18. IT IS INTENDED THAT EARTHWORK (CUT VS. FILL) BALANCE ON SITE. SUBMIT THE QUANTITY OF MATERIAL AND AMOUNT OFANTICIPATED GRADE ADJUSTMENT FOR REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF FOUR WEEKDAYS PRIOR TO MAKINGADJUSTMENTS. ALL GRADE ADJUSTMENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BEALLOWED FOR WORK ASSOCIATED WITH GRADING ADJUSTMENTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EARTHWORKOPERATIONS, STORM SEWER PIPING AND STRUCTURE ADJUSTMENTS, CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING FOR ADJUSTING FEATURELOCATIONS ACCORDINGLY, SILT FENCE, ETC.19. NO FINISHED SLOPES SHALL EXCEED 4' HORIZONTAL TO 1' VERTICAL (4:1), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.20. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD, WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE PAVED, SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6” OFTOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SEEDED. REFER TO LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR SEED LOCATIONS. ALL AREAS NOT DESIGNATED FOR ASPECIFIC SEED MIX, WHICH ARE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE SEEDED WITH SEED MIX #1.21. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, RE-SEED ALLAPPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER OR LANDSCAPEARCHITECT.22. ALL WATERMAIN PIPE SHALL BE DIP, CLASS 52. ALL WATERMAIN SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 8'-0" BURY (TOP OF PIPE TO FINISHGRADE). DIP SHALL BE ENCASED WITH POLYETHYLENE FILM CONFORMING TO ASTM D 1248-889.23. ALL WATERMAIN SHALL BE AWWA C900, CAST IRON OD, DR 18, PVC PIPE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321. ALLWATERMAIN SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 8'-0" BURY (TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE).24. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC PIPE (ASTM D 3034, SDR 26), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SANITARY SEWERINSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321.25. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE CROSSING WATERMAIN, OUTSIDE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ASTM D2665, SCHEDULE40 PVC WITH SOLVENT WELD JOINTS.26. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE RCP, CLASS III (MIN.), WITH FLEXIBLE WATERTIGHT JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-361OR PVC PIPE (ASTM D3034, SDR 35) INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.27. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE CROSSING WATERMAIN, OUTSIDE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ASTM D2665, SCHEDULE 40PVC WITH SOLVENT WELD JOINTS.28. FLEXIBLE JOINTS AT STORM SEWER PIPE CONNECTIONS TO STRUCTURES:a. IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINTS AT ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS TO ALL STORMSEWER STRUCTURES.b. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS / PRODUCTS:i. FERNCO, “CONCRETE MANHOLE ADAPTORS” OR “LARGE-DIAMETER WATERSTOPS”ii. PRESS-SEAL, WATERSTOP GROUTING RINGS”iii. OR APPROVED EQUAL.31. INSTALL WATERMAIN AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY MANHOLE, CATCH BASIN, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER,DRAIN TILE, OR OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCE FOR CONTAMINATION PER MN PLUMBING CODE. THIS ISOLATION DISTANCE ISMEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER EDGE OFSTRUCTURES OR SIMILAR).32. INSTALL MANOLES, CATCH BASINS, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, DRAIN TILE, AND OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCES OFCONTAMINATION AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY WATERMAIN PER MN PLUMBING CODE. THIS ISOLATIONDISTANCE IS MEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTEREDGE OF STRUCTURES OR SIMILAR).33. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. BEFORE BEGINNINGCONSTRUCTION.34. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES (STORM, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN), VERIFY ALLPROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICE PIPE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. COORDINATECONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR.35. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE FROM EXISTING BUILDING AT ALL TIMES. PROVIDE TEMPORARY STORM SEWER, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES, PIPING, AND SIMILAR. DO NOT REMOVE EXISTING STORM SEWER UNTIL TEMPORARYOR PERMANENT STORM SEWER IS INSTALLED AND FUNCTIONAL. COORDINATE ALL REMOVALS WITH APPROPRIATE TRADES(SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, ETC.) AS REQUIRED.36. STAKE LIMITS OF WALKS AND CURBING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF GATE VALVES, CATCH BASINS, AND MANHOLES. ADJUSTGATE VALVE AND MANHOLE LOCATIONS TO AVOID PLACEMENT OF THESE STRUCTURES IN WALKS AND CURB AND GUTTER.STAKE CURB AND GUTTER ALIGNMENTS TO ALLOW CURB INLET TYPE CATCH BASINS TO PROPERLY ALIGN WITH CURB ANDGUTTER.GENERAL NOTESSB-1924DREFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D. NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM)EXISTING CONTOUREXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED CONTOURPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONME = MATCH EXISTINGEOF = EMERGENCY OVERFLOWPROPOSED GRADING LIMITSPROPOSED SAND SUBBASE AT FROST FOOTED STOOPSAPPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATIONPROPOSED MANHOLE (MH)PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB)PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES)PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD)PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV)PROPOSED POST INDICATOR VALVE (PIV)PROPOSED STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPERTY LINELEGEND1C5.01REFER TO SPEC 31 00 00 EARTHWORK AND UNIT PRICES. REFER TO SPECIFICATION 31 00 00 FOR PROCEDUREON HOW TO CALCULATE ACTUAL SOIL CORRECTION QUANTITIES.INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING QUANTITY FOR THE BUILDING PAD SOIL CORRECTION IN THE LUMP SUM BASE BID:XXX CUBIC YARDSBUILDING PAD SOIL CORRECTION QUANTITYBENCHMARKS (FIELD VERIFY BEFORE USING) XXXXXXXXXXODEAN AVENUE NE75TH STREET NE75TH 928 929 931 932 933930935940931932933934936937 938 939 PROPOSED BUILDING12" WATERMAINHYDRANT 1 & 6" GV8" WATERMAIN2" WATERSERVICE12" WATERMAINCONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAINCONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAINCONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWERBD1INV: 928.20 = MECH 94'-0"28,841 SFBS1INV: 925.95 = MECH 91'-9"150 DFU2" CW MAIN8" CW MAINHYDRANT 3 & 6" GVHYDRANT 4 & 6" 6VINFILTRATION AREABOTTOM ELEVATION: 919.50BOTTOM AREA: 19,113 SFEOF: 923.40HWL: 922.49WATER QUALITY VOLUME ELEVATION: 920.06FOREBAYBOTTOM ELEVATION: 915.50BOTTOM AREA: 2,124 SFEOF: 923.40HWL: 922.25NWL: 919.50INVERT: 916.50HYDRANT 5 & 6" GV12" WATERMAIN12" X 6" REDUCER6" WATERMAIN12" WATERMAIN6" WATERMAIN12" WATERMAIN40' - 12" RCP @0.44%44' - 14" PVC @ 9.07%56' - 14" PVC @ 2.26%101' - 15" RCP @ 2.26%42' - 18" RCP @1.51%57' - 18" RCP @ 1.01%53' - 18" RCP @ -0.77 %145' - 18" RCP @ 0.66%269' - 18" PVC @ 0.42%21' - 12"RCP @0.47%181' - 18" RCP @ 0.30%25' - 12"RCP @2.09%62' - 12" R CP @ 1.0 6 %50' - 15" RCP @ 4.78%63' - 24" RCP @ -4.77%67' - 24" RCP @ -4.45%CB 10RIM: 932.4INV: 927.40 12" E48" DIA, R-3067-VMH 101RIM: 933.3INV: 927.22 12" WINV: 926.80 14" NINV: 927.22 14" E48" DIA, R-1733MH 102RIM: 932.5INV: 925.95 14" WINV: 921.78 15" E48" DIA, R-1733CB 9RIM: 927.2INV: 920.14 18" NINV: 920.14 18" S48" DIA, R-3067-VCB 8RIM: 927.2INV: 921.13 18" NWINV: 920.72 18" S48" DIA, StandardCB 7RIM: 931.3INV: 921.43 18" NINV: 920.72 18" SE48" DIA, StandardCB 6RIM: 930.8INV: 922.84 18" WINV: 922.39 18" S48" DIA, StandardCB 4RIM: 930.6INV: 924.44 18" WINV: 927.00 12" SINV: 923.98 18" E48" DIA, StandardCB 5RIM: 930.7INV: 927.10 12" N48" DIA, StandardCB 2RIM: 929.5INV: 925.56 12" SINV: 924.99 18" E48" DIA, StandardCB 1RIM: 929.4INV: 926.09 12" SEINV: 926.09 12" N48" DIA, StandardCB 3RIM: 930.9INV: 926.75 12" NW48" DIA, StandardFES 1INV: 919.50 18" NFES 3INV: 922.70 15" EFES 5INV: 919.50 24" NFES 4INV: 919.50 24" NFES 2INV: 919.50 15" W11164' - 6" PVC @ 2.08%MH 3RIM: 930.0INV: 922.53 6" NINV: 922.53 6" SE48" DIA, Standard139' - 6 " P V C @ 2. 0 8 %MH 2RIM: 931.4INV: 919.64 6" NWINV: 919.64 6" E48" DIA, Standard280' - 6" PVC @ 2.08%MH 1RIM: 930.3INV: 913.82 6" W48" DIA, Standard12" X 8" TEEFDC1IIII IIIIIII IIIIIII>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>D>>>>>>IIIIIIII>>>>>>D>>>> >>>>>>S>>>>>> S > > > > >S>>>>>>>>>>>12" X 12" TEE45° BENDHYDRANT 2 & 6" GV6" X 6" TEE12" X 6" TEE8" X 6" TEE12" X 6" TEE12" X 6" TEE6" WATERMAIN12" WATERMAIN12" X 12" CROSSC4.01RFEETSCALE0HORZ.30603300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1UTILITY PLAN1. REFER TO SHEET CXXX, XXXXXXX, FOR GENERAL NOTES.2. ALL WATERMAIN PIPE SHALL BE DIP, CLASS 52. ALL WATERMAIN SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 8'-0" BURY (TOP OF PIPE TO FINISHGRADE). DIP SHALL BE ENCASED WITH POLYETHYLENE FILM CONFORMING TO ASTM D 1248-889.3. ALL WATERMAIN SHALL BE AWWA C900, CAST IRON OD, DR 18, PVC PIPE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321. ALLWATERMAIN SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 8'-0" BURY (TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE).4. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC PIPE (ASTM D 3034, SDR 26), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SANITARY SEWERINSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321.5. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE CROSSING WATERMAIN, OUTSIDE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ASTM D2665, SCHEDULE40 PVC WITH SOLVENT WELD JOINTS.6. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE RCP, CLASS III (MIN.), WITH FLEXIBLE WATERTIGHT JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-361OR PVC PIPE (ASTM D3034, SDR 35) INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.7. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE CROSSING WATERMAIN, OUTSIDE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SHALL BE ASTM D2665, SCHEDULE 40PVC WITH SOLVENT WELD JOINTS.8. FLEXIBLE JOINTS AT STORM SEWER PIPE CONNECTIONS TO STRUCTURES:a. IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINTS AT ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS TO ALL STORMSEWER STRUCTURES.b. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS / PRODUCTS:i. FERNCO, “CONCRETE MANHOLE ADAPTORS” OR “LARGE-DIAMETER WATERSTOPS”ii. PRESS-SEAL, WATERSTOP GROUTING RINGS”iii. OR APPROVED EQUAL.9. INSTALL WATERMAIN AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY MANHOLE, CATCH BASIN, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER,DRAIN TILE, OR OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCE FOR CONTAMINATION PER MN PLUMBING CODE. THIS ISOLATION DISTANCE ISMEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER EDGE OFSTRUCTURES OR SIMILAR).10. INSTALL MANOLES, CATCH BASINS, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, DRAIN TILE, AND OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCES OFCONTAMINATION AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY WATERMAIN PER MN PLUMBING CODE. THIS ISOLATIONDISTANCE IS MEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTEREDGE OF STRUCTURES OR SIMILAR).11. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE BEGINNINGCONSTRUCTION.12. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES (STORM, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN), VERIFY ALLPROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICE PIPE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. COORDINATECONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR.13. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE FROM EXISTING BUILDING AT ALL TIMES. PROVIDE TEMPORARY STORM SEWER, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES, PIPING, AND SIMILAR. DO NOT REMOVE EXISTING STORM SEWER UNTIL TEMPORARYOR PERMANENT STORM SEWER IS INSTALLED AND FUNCTIONAL. COORDINATE ALL REMOVALS WITH APPROPRIATE TRADES(SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, ETC.) AS REQUIRED.14. STAKE LIMITS OF WALKS AND CURBING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF GATE VALVES, CATCH BASINS, AND MANHOLES. ADJUSTGATE VALVE AND MANHOLE LOCATIONS TO AVOID PLACEMENT OF THESE STRUCTURES IN WALKS AND CURB AND GUTTER.STAKE CURB AND GUTTER ALIGNMENTS TO ALLOW CURB INLET TYPE CATCH BASINS TO PROPERLY ALIGN WITH CURB ANDGUTTERNOTES924123DREFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D. NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM)EXISTING CONTOURPROPOSED CONTOURPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONME = MATCH EXISTINGEOF = EMERGENCY OVERFLOWTC = TOP OF CURBTW = FINISH GRADE AT HIGH SIDE OF WALLBW = FINISH GRADE AT LOW SIDE OF WALLPROPOSED GRADING LIMITSPROPOSED SANITARY SEWERPROPOSED STORM SEWERPROPOSED WATERMAINPROPOSED DRAIN TILE (DT) / SUBSURFACE DRAINS (SD)PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH)PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB)PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES)PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD)PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV)PROVIDE MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION AT CROSSING - PROVIDEVERTICAL BENDS IN WATERMAIN AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH. CENTERONE LENGTH WATERMAIN PIPE ON CROSSING.CONNECT DRAIN TILE TO STRUCTURE AND PROVIDE BACKWATER VALVECENTER ONE LENGTH OF SOLID PVC PIPE ON WATERMAIN AT CROSSINGPROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSPROPERTY LINEI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LEGEND1C5.01 C5.013300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1SITE DETAILS6"6"12"6"2453B13ANOTES:1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME,FERTILIZER, AND SEED.2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A 6" DEEP X 6" WIDE TRENCH WITHAPPROXIMATELY 12" OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH.ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" APART IN THE BOTTOMOF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTEDSOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL.SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY12" APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET.3. ROLL THE BLANKETS (A.) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS SHALL UNROLLWITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENEDTO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLEPATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM , STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACEDTHROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN.4. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 6" OVERLAP DEPENDINGON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPINGBLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THEPREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET.5. CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE)WITH AN APPROXIMATE 6" OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12"APART ACROSS ENTIRE BLANKET WIDTH.6. BLANKET SHALL BE STAPLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION.NOTE: *IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATERTHAN 6" MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS.6"DET#SHT#EROSION CONTROL BLANKETNOT TO SCALE6PLAN VIEWSECTION A-AAADISTURBED EARTH2'MIN.24" MIN.2' MIN.21DET#SHT#TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMNOT TO SCALESHT#DET#UNDISTURBEDEARTHDISTURBED EARTH2:1 SLOPE OR FLATTER2:1 SLOPE OR FLATTERSILT FENCESILT FENCEWHERE POSSIBLE, 10' UNDISTURBEDEARTH UPHILL OF SILT FENCEDET#SHT#SILT FENCECITY OF OTSEGO NO. 501NOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCECITY OF OTSEGO NO. 505NOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#SILT SOCKCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 508NOT TO SCALE10"6"UNSUITABLE SOILTOPSOILREFER TOSTRUCTURALDRAWINGS3'-0"11VARIESNOTES:1. BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION (INCLUDING ROCK EXCAVATION) MUST BE APPROVED BY THEGEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL.2. IN SOME LOCATIONS, FOOTING WILL REST ON ROCK. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS.3. ROCK EXCAVATION WILL BE REQUIRED IN SOME LOCATIONS.DET#SHT#ENGINEERED FILLNOT TO SCALE4" SLAB AND 6" STABILIZED AGGREGATEBASE - VERIFY WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANSFINISH FLOORSUBGRADEFINISH GRADE (TURF)MINIMUM EXCAVATIONLIMITSFOOTINGSUITABLE SOILENGINEERED FILL5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"6'-0"4"NOTE:REFER TO GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN FOR LIMITS OF SAND SUBBASEDET#SHT#SAND SUBBASE / DRAIN TILE ATDOORS & FROST FOOTED STOOPSNOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADE ATEDGE OF STOOPFINISH GRADE OF PAVEMENTADJACENT TO FOOTED STOOPSTOOP FOOTING -REFER TO STRUCTURALDRAWINGS6" DRAIN TILE (WHERE INDICATEDON DRAWINGS) - EXTEND TOSTORM SEWER STRUCTURE WHEREINDICATED ON DRAWINGSSUBGRADE SOILSSAND SUBBASESHT#DET#NOTE:ATTACH TRACER WIRE WITH BROWN STRIPE TO PIPE AT 3' O.C. WITH PLASTIC ZIP-TIES (OR APPROVED EQUAL).SEWER15"11 12"4"DET#SHT#CLEANOUT ASSEMBLYNOT TO SCALEMCDONALD 74M "A"SERIES CAST IRON METERPIT FRAME AND COVERFITTING HUB WITH 4"THREADED PLUG. APPLY TEFLONTHREAD TAPE, OR APPROVEDEQUAL, OVER THREADS.FINISH GRADELEAVE 24" OF EXCESS WIREAT SURFACETRACER WIRE24" DIA. x 8" THICK CONCRETESLAB POURED AROUND CASTING(FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE)REFER TO PLAN FOR INVERT ELEVATION6" DRAIN TILENOTES:1. TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS.2. UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DRYDENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARDPROCTOR DRY DENSITY.3. INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321.DEPTH (VARIES)6" MIN.1/8 O.D.(6" MIN.)O.D. + 2' (MAX)PIPE DIA.DET#SHT#PIPE BEDDING PVCNOT TO SCALESUBGRADEPIPE BEDDINGNOTES:1. TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS.2. UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DRYDENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARDPROCTOR DRY DENSITY.DEPTH (VARIES)1/8 DEPTH (12" MIN.)1/6 O.D.1/8 O.D. (4" MIN.)O.D. + 2' (MAX)DET#SHT#PIPE BEDDING - RCP & DIPNOT TO SCALESUBGRADEBACKFILL ABOVEPIPE BEDDINGPIPE BEDDINGFLOWDET#SHT#BACKWATER VALVENOT TO SCALEBACKWATER VALVESOLVENT WELD BACKWATERVALVE TO DRAIN TILEPROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINT6" DRAIN TILECONNECT DRAIN TILE TOSTRUCTURE AT ELEVATIONSHOWN ON THE DRAWING.GROUT SECURE TOSTRUCTURE WALL.MINIMIZE STUB THROUGHWALL. STUB ONLY ASREQUIRED TO ALLOWBACKWATER VALVE TO BECONNECTED TO DRAIN TILE.PROVIDE FLEXIBLEJOINT AT CONNECTIONREFER TO PLAN FORSTRUCTURE TYPEINFILTRATION AREALIMITS AS SHOWN ON PLAN11DET#SHT#INFILTRATION AREA SECTIONNOT TO SCALENOTE:SEE x OF xx / [Sheet#] FOR ENGINEERED SOIL MIXTUREPLACE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT EDGE OF INFILTRATION AREA -FULL PERIMETER, AND REMOVE ONCE ALL UPSLOPE AREAS AREFULLY STABILIZED (PERMANENT STABILIZATION)LANDSCAPEEDGING (TYP)FLAT BOTTOMSTAKESTAKEEXCAVATE TO SUBGRADEELEVATION WITH A TOOTHEDBUCKET BACKHOE. RIP SOILS 6" TO9" TO REMOVE COMPACTION3" DEPTH MIN. SHREDDEDWOOD MULCH (MnDOT TYPE 6)PLANTS WITH MULCHROOT BALLOR POTINFILTRATION AREA SOILMIXTURE - SEE BELOWFILL SOIL BETWEEN THE EXISTING SP SANDSAND BOTTOM OF ENGINEERED SOILMIXTURE SHALL MEET THE SPECIFICATIONFOR SAND SUBBASEGRASS6" DEPTHTOPSOILINFILTRATION AREA CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING:1. INFILTRATION AREA LIMITS SHALL BE SURVEYED AND A VISUAL BARRIER, SUCH AS ORANGE SNOW FENCE, SHALL BE PLACEDAROUND THE FULL PERIMETER TO KEEP ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL STOCKPILES OUT OF THEPROPOSED INFILTRATION AREAS. THE VISUAL BARRIER MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE NEW CONSTRUCTION BEGINS AND SHALLBE MAINTAINED THROUGH THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT.2. DELIVER SAMPLE MATERIALS ONSITE FOR PRIOR APPROVAL. PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION, SUFFICIENT MATERIALQUANTITIES SHALL BE ONSITE TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION. STABILIZE EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITHOUT DELAY.3. CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO AVOID CONTAMINATION OF ENGINEERED SOILS WITH SEDIMENT, IN-SITU OR TOPSOIL DURING ANDAFTER INSTALLATION. MATERIALS MUST BE SEGREGATED.4. INSTALLATION WITH DRY SOIL CONDITIONS IS CRITICAL TO PREVENT SMEARING AND COMPACTION. SCHEDULE WORK FORPERIODS OF DRY WEATHER. DO NOT WORK IF SOIL CONDITIONS ARE WET. EXCAVATION, SOIL PLACEMENT AND RAPIDSTABILIZATION OF PERIMETER SLOPES WITH TURF SOD MUST COMPLETED BEFORE THE NEXT PRECIPITATION EVENT. TURFSOD PLACED IN FLOW PATHS SHALL BE SECURED WITH AT LEAST 6 STAKES PER SQUARE YARD. PLACE STAKES ALONG UPHILLSEAM EDGES TO PREVENT UNDERMINING FLOWS UNTIL SOD ROOTS ESTABLISH.5. DO NOT LEAVE STORMWATER AREAS AND / OR PERIMETER SLOPES EXPOSED OVERNIGHT. SECURE THE SITE FROM RISK OFPRECIPITATION DAMAGES AT THE END OF EVERY WORK DAY. IN THE EVENT OF RAIN, TAKE ACTION TO DIVERT STORMWATERAWAY FROM THE WORK AREA AND TEMPORARILY COVER OF ALL EXPOSED SOILS WITH WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ORIMPERMEABLE SHEETING.6. FIELD OBSERVATION OF EXCAVATION AND SOIL PLACEMENT IS REQUIRED. NOTIFY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TODIGGING. USE BACKHOE WITH TOOTH BUCKET FOR CELL EXCAVATION TO AVOID COMPACTING OR SMEARING OF SOILS. DONOT USE SKID STEER FOR EXCAVATION WITHIN THE CELL. USE TOOTH BUCKET TO SCARIFY (RIP) UNDERLYING SOILS 6" TO 9"DEEP TO REMOVE COMPACTION. GENTLY MIX THE FIRST LIFT OF ENGINEERED SOILS WITH THE LOOSENED UNDERLYING SOILSTO AVOID STRATIFICATION AND PROMOTE PERMEABILITY. USE EXCAVATOR BUCKET TO PLACE MATERIALS. CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THE STORMWATER AREAS. LEVELING AND FINAL GRADING WITHIN THE CELLMUST BE COMPLETED BY HAND.7. INFILTRATION AREA SOIL MIX SHALL BE MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL 4.1.2 MIX B: ENHANCED FILTRATION BLEND(WELL BLENDED MIXTURE OF 70% ASTM C-33 COARSE WASHED SAND (MN/DOT 3126) AND 30% MN/DOT 3890 GRADE 2 LEAFLITTER COMPOST). THE MATERIAL SUPPLIER SHALL PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION THAT THE COMPOST HAS BEEN SAMPLED ANDTESTED AS REQUIRED BY THE SEAL OF TESTING ASSURANCE (STA) PROGRAM OF THE UNITED STATES COMPOSTING COUNCIL(USCC) AND A GRADATION SIEVE ANALYSIS FOR THE WASHED SAND. THE ENGINEERED SOIL SHALL NOT CONTAIN ANYTOPSOIL OR FILTER AGGREGATE WITH FINES.8. INSTALL PLANTINGS BY HAND.9. INSTALLED SOD AND PLANTINGS REQUIRE A TOTAL OF 1" OF WATER PER WEEK AND ACTIVE WEED MANAGEMENT UNTILWELL ESTABLISHED. INCLUDE ALL WATERING COSTS IN THE BID. CONSTRUCT A TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SYSTEM, CONSISTINGOF ABOVE GROUND HEADS, PIPING, VALVES, ETC., FOR WATERING UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. DO NOT USE A WATERTRUCK AS THE FORCE OF THE WATER WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT THE STORMWATER AREA SOILS.10. REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS SHALL BE DONE BY HAND OR, IF SELF-PROPELLED EQUIPMENT ISREQUIRED, FROM OUTSIDE THE PERIMETER OF THE INFILTRATION AREAS.DET#SHT#INFILTRATION AREA NOTESNOT TO SCALEDEPTH (VARIESREFER TO PLAN)2"24" MIN.DET#SHT#FRENCH DRAINNOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADEBURRITO WRAPGEOTEXTILE FABRICOVERLAP SEAMS 24"PEA ROCK6" DRAIN TILEGEOTEXTILE FABRICGEOTEXTILE FABRIC24" MIN. CLAYDET#SHT#POND CLAY LINERNOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADECOMPACTED SOIL10'1'18"DET#SHT#OVERFLOW SWALENOT TO SCALE4:1 SLOPE (TYP)GEOTEXTILE FABRICCLASS III RIPRAP4:1 SLOPE (TYP)PLACE RIPRAP AT ELEVATION SUCH THAT FLOWLINEDEPICTED BY PROPOSED GRADES IS MAINTAINEDWATERMAIN OFFSETDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEPROPOSED / EXISTINGSEWER - REFER TO PLANFOR SIZES AND LOCATIONSONE LENGTH OFPROPOSED WATERMAINPIPE CENTERED ATCROSSINGTRANSITION TO SPECIFIED DEPTH (TYP).INSTALL VERTICAL BENDS AS REQUIREDWATERMAIN SHALL HAVE8' MINIMUM COVER45 ° BEND (TYP)RESTRAINT AT EVERYJOINT18" MIN.DET#SHT#WATERMAIN CONCRETE BLOCKING QUANTITIESCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 202ANOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#PACER TRAFFIC FLANGE HYDRANTCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 203NOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#HYDRANT AND VALVE INSTALLATIONCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 204NOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#THRUST BLOCKCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 202NOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#TYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE VALUE AND BOX INSTALLATIONCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 205NOT TO SCALE C5.023300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1SITE DETAILSDET#SHT#HYDRANT TRACER WIRE DETAILCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 209NOT TO SCALEPIPE SIZE21" & LESS24" TO 36"42" TO 54"60" & GREATER"U" BOLT DIA.1/2"5/8"3/4"1"WIDTH24"24"24"24""U" BOLT REQUIREMENTSNOTE:2 - "U" BOLT FASTENERS TO BE INSTALLED ACROSS EACH JOINT,ONE EACH SIDE OF PIPE AT 60° FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE.FASTEN FIRST THREE JOINTS AS SHOWN.RCP FLARED END SECTION (FES)DET#SHT#NOT TO SCALESHT#DET#CONCRETE PIPE TIES ("U" BOLTS)TRASH GUARD WITH 58" DIA.RODS AT 6" ON CENTER.FASTEN TO FES WITH 3HOT DIPPED GALV. CLIPSRIPRAP - REFERTO DETAILD515D2'-0"D5DPLANSECTION A - ASECTION B - B12"18"BBAADET#SHT#RIPRAP AT FLARED END SECTIONNOT TO SCALECLASS III RIPRAPGEOTEXTILE FABRICPLAN FINISH GRADECLASS III RIPRAPGEOTEXTILE FABRICPLAN FINISH GRADEFABRIC SHALL COVER THE AREAOF THE RIPRAP AND EXTENDUNDER THE APRON 3' MIN12"3"3"3"SUBSURFACE DRAINDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALESHT#DET#SHT#DET#SHT#DET#CURB AND GUTTERASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTIONREFER TO DETAIL6"3" MINIMUMUNDER TILEBURRITO WRAP TRENCH AND PEAROCK WITH GEOTEXTILE FABRICPEA ROCK AROUND TILE6" DRAIN TILE - LENGTH OF INDIVIDUALSUBSURFACE DRAIN SHALL BE 30' MINIMUMUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.DET#SHT#SANITARY SEWER STANDARD MANHOLECITY OF OTSEGO NO. 300NOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#STORM SEWER STANDARD MANHOLECITY OF OTSEGO NO. 401NOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#STANDARD STORM MANHOLE - CATCH BASINCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 406NOT TO SCALE9"DET#SHT#MEDIUM DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENTNOT TO SCALE1.5" ASPHALT WEAR COURSETACK COAT2" ASPHALT BINDER COURSE6" STABILIZED AGGREGATE BASE12" MIN. SUBGRADE PREPARATION12"DET#SHT#HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENTNOT TO SCALE2" ASPHALT WEAR COURSETACK COAT2" ASPHALT BINDER COURSE8" STABILIZED AGGREGATE BASE12" MIN. SUBGRADE PREPARATIONNOTES:1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE SHALL MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENTSLOPE.2. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE.3. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1'' BELOW GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER5' EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS.12"6"712"1312"12"12AGGREGATE BASE TO BEPLACED BY PAVINGCONTRACTOR (4" MIN.)7"B-612 CURB AND GUTTERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE12" RADIUS3" RADIUSSLOPE 3/4" PER FOOT TOWARDSPAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE (TIP OUT). SLOPE 3/4" PER FOOTTOWARDS CURB FACE ON LOW SIDE OFLOT / DRIVE (TIP BACK).12" RADIUS8"FACE OF CURB1:33" RADIUS6"6"12"12"5'-0" TAPERSLOPE TOP OF CURB DOWN TO GUTTERSHT#DET#B-612 CURB TERMINATORDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEGUTTER UNIFORM ELEVATIONNOTES:1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE SHALL MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENTSLOPE.2. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE.3. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1'' BELOW GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER5' EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS.12"6"7 12"1312"18"12AGGREGATE BASE TOBE PLACED BY PAVINGCONTRACTOR (4" MIN.)B-618 CURB AND GUTTERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE3" RADIUS (TYP.)12" RADIUSSLOPE 3/4" PER FOOT TOWARDSPAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE (TIP OUT). SLOPE 3/4" PERFOOT TOWARDS CURB FACE ON LOWSIDE OF LOT / DRIVE (TIP BACK)12" RADIUS8"FACE OF CURB1:37"3" RADIUS12"4"7"AGGREGATE BASE TO BEPLACED BY PAVINGCONTRACTOR (4" MIN.)12"NOTES:1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE SHALL MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENTSLOPE.2. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE.3. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1'' BELOW GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER5' ON EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS.12D-412 CURB & GUTTERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALESLOPE 34" PER FOOT TOWARDSPAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE (TIP OUT). SLOPE 3/4" PERFOOT TOWARDS CURB FACE ON LOWSIDE OF LOT / DRIVE (TIP BACK).FACE OF CURB8"4"12" RADIUS12"4'12"12"SHT#DET#D-412 CURB TERMINATORDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE10' TRANSITIONSHT#DET#SHT#DET#CURB TRANSITION D-412 TO B-612DET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEPROVIDE EXPANSIONJOINT AT ENDSOF TRANSITION (TYP.)3'-0"10"10"1'' TYPICAL3'-0"CONCRETE SLABDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE6" CONCRETE SLAB6" STABILIZED AGGREGATE BASE TO BEPLACED BY PAVING CONTRACTORCURBTHICKENEDSLABPREPAREDSUBGRADE6" CONCRETE SLAB6" STABILIZED AGGREGATE BASETHICKENEDSLABPREPAREDSUBGRADEEXPANSION JOINT12" LONG - #5REBAR DOWELSPACED 2'-6" TYP.REQUIRED AT COLDJOINTS ONLYEQUALDET#SHT#CONCRETE SLAB SNOWMELTNOT TO SCALEDET#SHT#TYPICAL CROSS GUTTERCITY OF OTSEGO NO. 702NOT TO SCALE2"66" TO BOTTOM OF SIGN(MEASURED FROM PARKING SURFACE)12"18"SIGN: WHITE LEGEND AND BORDER ON BLUE BACKGROUND FULLY REFLECTORIZEDNOTE:SIGN SHALL BE PLACED NOT MORE THAN 96" FROM FACE OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT AT THE ACCESSIBLE STALL.60" TO BOTTOM OF"VAN-ACCESSIBLE"SIGN WHEN PRESENTACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN ANDPOST WITH BREAKAWAY BASEDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEPOST TOPMETAL SIGN ACCORDINGTO MN STATE STATUTE169.346 (MNMUTCD R7-8m)2" X 2" 12 GAUGE SQUAREPOST PER Mn/DOT 3402PROVIDE "VAN-ACCESSIBLE"LABELING (MNMUTCD R7-8bP) - PROVIDE AT ONE STALLBREAKAWAY SIGN BASE BOLTED TOCONCRETE SURFACE2"7'-0" - VERIFYWITH LOCAL CODE3'-0''TRAFFIC SIGN AND POSTIN GRASSDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEPOST TOPREFER TO PLANFOR SPECIFIC SIGNMETAL SIGN312" FLANGED CHANNEL SIGNPOST PER Mn/DOT 34012"7'-0" - VERIFYWITH LOCAL CODETRAFFIC SIGN AND POSTWITH BREAKAWAY BASEDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEREFER TO PLANFOR SPECIFIC SIGNMETAL SIGN2" x 2" 12 GAUGE SQUAREPOST PER Mn/DOT 3402BREAKAWAY SIGN BASE BOLTEDTO CONCRETE SURFACE12"DEPTH ASREQUIREDTRENCH DRAINDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE12'' MIN4'' MIN12'' MINTRENCH DRAIN ASSEMBLED IN THE FIELDAS PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS,CAST IN 4" CONCRETE COLLARSECTIONALGRATEFINISH GRADECONCRETE ENCASEMENTSTABILIZEDAGGREGATE BASE-4" MINPREPAREDSUBGRADEEXPANSION JOINT C5.033300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1SITE DETAILS1'-0"MIN1'-0"MINDECIDUOUS TREEDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALENOTE: WATER TREE THOROUGHLY AT THE TIME OFPLANTING. PRUNE TREE TO REMOVE DEAD,DAMAGED, BROKEN, AND WEAKENED BRANCHES.SET TREE WITH ROOT COLLAR ATFINISH GRADE. ADJUST TREE ASREQUIRED SO THAT ROOT COLLARSTANDS LEVEL TO, OR SLIGHTLYABOVE, FINISHED GRADEWOOD MULCH, MIN. 4'' DEPTHPLANTING SOILTOPSOIL SOIL SAUCERCUT ROPES AT TOP OF ROOTBALL. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OFBURLAP. REMOVE ALLNON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL.PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORMPEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLINGPLANSECTIONPERENNIALS AND CONTAINERGROWN PLANT STOCKDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEEDGINGPLANT ALL PERENNIALS ANDCONTAINER GROWN PLANT STOCKAT EQUAL TRIANGULAR SPACING4" DEPTH WOOD MULCHPLANTING SOIL9"(MIN.)9"(MIN.)SHRUBDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALENOTE: WATER SHRUBS THOROUGHLY AT TIME OFPLANTING. PRUNE SHRUBS TO REMOVE DEAD,DAMAGED, AND BROKEN BRANCHES.WOOD MULCH, MIN. 4'' DEPTHEDGINGROOT BALL OR POTPLANTING SOILUNDISTURBED SOIL ORCOMPACTED SUBGRADESET SHRUB AT FINISH GRADE. ADJUSTSHRUB AS REQUIRED SO THAT ROOTCOLLAR STANDS LEVEL TO, ORSLIGHTLY ABOVE, FINISH GRADE.4" MIN.WOOD MULCH BEDDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADE6'' MIN TOPSOILEDGINGFINISH GRADEWOOD MULCHSUBGRADE1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"BV ICV MV QCV GR JUMBORECTANGULARVALVE BOX(22" X 16" X 12")STANDARDRECTANGULARVALVE BOX(18" X 12" X 12")1'- 0"Typ.# 1 # 2 # 2 # 3 # 4EXAMPLEPOTABLE WATER SYSTEM ON CONTROLLER 'A', REMOTE CONTROL VALVE STATION # 3.NOTES:1. VALVE BOX # 1 THRU # 3 SHALL HAVE STAINLESS STEEL LOCKING HARDWARE.2. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE LABELED BY HOT IRON BRANDING OR ALUMINUM ASPHALTIC BASE WATER PROOFPAINT.3. LOCATE VALVE ASSEMBLIES IN PLANTING AREA.4. VALVE LOCATIONS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.5. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE CENTERED ABOVE VALVE ASSEMBLIES TO FACILITATE ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE.6. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE.7. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE SET PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT.8. SEE OTHER IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.STANDARDRECTANGULARVALVE BOX(18" X 12" X 12")CIRCULARVALVE BOX(10" D)CIRCULARVALVE BOX(6" D)PAVEMENT, WALL, OR BUILDING.SERVICE BOX REQUIREMENTSDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEWater typeControllerDesignationBox sizeLid ColorIdentification GuidePWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWAAAAAAAAAAAAAMVFSHMBVBVGVARVQCVRCVMSGRSBFC# 2# 2# 2# 2# 1# 2# 2# 3# 2# 2# 4# 3# 3GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenMaster valveFlow sensorHydrometerBall valve 3" or lessBall valve 4" or moreGate valveAir release valveQuick coupler valveRemote control valveMoisture sensorGrounding rodSplice boxFuture connectionFLOW SENSORDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE24" MINIMUM5XDIAMETEROFPIPE10XDIAMETEROFPIPEFLOWFLOW METER AS SPECIFIED(2 WIRES TO CONTROLLER)2 X 12 PVC SCH 80 PIPING.4" PVC MAIN LINE WITH2" REDUCING BUSHING.FINISHED GRADE2 X 6 X 16 CONCRETE WALL CAPS,TWO PER BOX, ONE EACH SIDE.WATER PROOFCONNECTORS.2 X 24 PVC SCH80 TOE PIPING.2" GALVANIZED FLANGEX 1 PT ADAPTER.2"X4" FLANGEDREDUCER.4" FLANGED ELL.18"X 18"X18" CONCRETESUPPORT BLOCK.PVC SCH 802"X8" NIPPLE.MASTER VALVEAS SPECIFIED.SPECIFIED RECTANGULARSERVICE BOXES WITHEXTENTIONS AS NEEDED.4" FLANGEDELBOW P.O.C.TO EXISTINGRP BACKFLOWIRRIGATION TRENCHINGDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE12" INPLANTINGAREA24"MIN.1'-6" IN PLANTING AREA6"NOTES:1. SEE IRRIGATION LEGEND FOR MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE PIPE SIZES AND TYPE.2. DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL WIRES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC ELECTRICAL CONDUIT IF REQUIRED.3. 2-WIRE IRRIGATION WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC ELECTRICAL CONDUIT.4. DETECTABLE LOCATOR TAPE SHALL BE LOCATED SIX INCHES (6") ABOVE THE ENTIRE MAINLINE RUN.PAVEMENTNON-PRESSURIZED LINE(LATERAL LINE).DETECTABLE LOCATOR TAPE.PRESSURIZED LINE (MAIN LINE).FINISHED GRADEDIRECT BURIAL LOW VOLTAGECONTROL WIRES.NOTES:A. ALL WIRE SPLICING SHALL BE MADE WITH APPROVEDCONNECTIONS.B. MAKE ALL WIRE SPLICES IN VALVE BOXES.C. LEAVE A MINIMUM OF 24" EXTRA WIRE AT ALL SPLICEPOINTS.D. MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM DECODER TO VALVE = 150 FT.E. MAXIMUM WIRE LENGTH = 10,200 FT.F. WIRE LENGTHS INCLUDE MASTER VALVE AND #162 WIRETWO-WIRE PATHS EXAMPLEDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEWIRE PATH #2MASTER VALVEWIRE PATH #1120 VAC POWERRAIN SENSORCONTROLLER SHOWNAS REFERENCE ONLYNOTES:1. ESP-LXIVM CONTROLLER IS AVAILABLE IN TWO MODELS. THE LXIVM WITH 60 STATIONSAND THE LMIVM-PRO WITH 240 STATIONS. REFER TO THE CHART BELOW FORDIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO MODELS.2. USE STEEL CONDUIT FOR ABOVE GRADE AND SCH 4O PVC CONDUIT FOR BELOW GRADECONDITIONS.3. PROVIDE PROPER GROUNDING COMPONENTS TO ACHIEVE GROUND RESISTANCE OF 10OHMS OR LESS. IF CONTROLLER IS MOUNTED INDOORS, USE POWER SUPPLY GROUND.TWO-WIRE CONTROLLER IN METAL CABINET1I1.06NOT TO SCALETWO-WIRE CONTROLLER: RAIN BIRD ESP-LXIVM/PRO IN LXMM METALCABINET WITH OUTSIDE WALL MOUNT.INSTALL CONTROLLER AND CABINET ON WALLPER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS.JUNCTION BOX1-INCH CONDUIT AND FITTINGS FOR POWERSUPPLY WIRE2-INCH CONDUIT AND FITTINGS FOR TWO-WIRECABLEMAXICABLE TWO-WIRE PATH TO FIELD DEVICES,USE A DIFFERENT CABLE JACKET COLOR FOREACH PATH.1-INCH CONDUIT AND FITTINGS FOR GROUNDWIRE. ONLY FOR OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS.ROTAR SPRINKLER9I1.06NOT TO SCALEFINISHED GRADESPRINKLER BODYSWING JOINTLATERAL TEE OR ELBOWLATERAL PIPE12" (MIN)NOTES:1. COMPACT SOIL AROUND VALVE BOX TO SAME DENSITY AS UNDISTURBED ADJACENT SOIL.2. THOROUGHLY FLUSH ALL WATER LINES BEFORE INSTALLING VALVES.3. ALL WIRES SPLICES TO BE MADE INSIDE VALVE BOXES.VALVE BOX W/ COVERWATER PROOFCONNECTION (1 OF 2)30" LINEAR LENGTHOF WIRE, COILEDELECTRIC ZONE VALVEFINISH GRADEWATER PROOFCONNECTION (2 OF 2)DECODERPVC MAINLINEGRAVEL SUMP (1 CU. FT.)BRICKSUPPORTS(1 OF 4)DECODER / VALVE BOX AND SUMP7I1.06NOT TO SCALE XXXXXXXXXXPROPOSED BUILDING(7) TC(4) PJ(1) PJ(3) PG(6) PJ(3) PG(1) AA(1) AA(4) MF(9) PJ(28) AG(14) CB2(1) MP(1) MP(15) CK(1) MP(1) MP(2) MP(1) MP(1) MP(1) PJ(2) PJ(4) AA(5) AA(1) TC(10) CK(26) CB2(15) CK(15) CK(15) CKODEAN AVENUE NE75TH STREET NE75TH CODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CALIPER HEIGHT CONTAINERTREESAA 11AESCULUS X ARNOLDIANA 'AUTUMN SPLENDOR' AUTUMN SPLENDOR ARNOLD BUCKEYE 2" CAL.MF 4MALUS SARGENTII 'SELECT A' FIREBIRD® SARGENT CRABAPPLE 2" CAL.PG 6 PICEA GLAUCA WHITE SPRUCEN.A.6 - 8` HT.PJ23 POPULUS TREMULOIDES 'JFS-COLUMN' MOUNTAIN SENTINEL® QUAKING ASPEN 2" CAL.TC 9 TSUGA CANADENSIS EASTERN HEMLOCKN.A.6 - 8` HT.DECIDUOUS SHRUBSCB2 CORNUS SERICEA 'BAILADELINE' FIREDANCE™ RED TWIG DOGWOODN.A.#5 CONT.GRASSESAG 28 ANDROPOGON GERARDII BIG BLUESTEMN.A.#1 CONT.CK 79 CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER' KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASSN.A.#1 CONT.CB2 40 CAREX ELATA 'BOWLES GOLDEN' BOWLES GOLDEN SEDGEN.A.#1 CONT.MP8 MISCANTHUS X 'PURPURASCENS' PURPLE FLAME GRASS 2" CAL.PLANT SCHEDULEL1.01RFEETSCALE0HORZ.30603300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1LANDSCAPINGPLAN1. REFER TO SHEET C3.01, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES.2. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE, SHEET XXX, FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS.3. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE FINE GRADING BEFORE CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING.4. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD, WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE PAVED SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6” OFTOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SEEDED. ALL AREAS NOT DESIGNATED FOR SOD OR A SPECIFIC SEED MIX, WHICH ARE DISTURBED BYCONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE SEEDED WITH SEED MIX #1.5. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, RE-SEED ALLAPPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER OR LANDSCAPEARCHITECT.6. BEGIN TURF ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING. REFER TO SPECIFICATION FOR PROCEDURE.7. ALL TREES SHALL BE BALLED AND BURLAPPED.8. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEIVE 4" DEPTH OF WOOD MULCH, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.9. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO. 1 QUALITY, NURSERY GROWN AND SPECIMENS MUST BE MATCHED.10. ALL DECIDUOUS TREES ALONG DRIVES OR WITHIN PARKING LOTS SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'.NOTESREFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D. NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM)PROPOSED SOD LIMITSPROPOSED SEED MIX #1PROPOSED SEED MIX #2PROPOSED NATIVE SEEDINGPROPOSED SHRUB / MULCH BEDPROPOSED LANDSCAPE ROCK BEDPROPERTY LINELEGENDXX PROPOSED BUILDINGREFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANSFOR LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONSDD1."114"114"114"112"112"212"112"112"112"114"112"1"114"114"1"1"114"1"1"114"1"1"2"112"1"1"1"114"112"114"1"1"112"1"1"1"114"112""114"1"114"2"114"3"23114"45678910111213112"141"15212"CRS1"112"1"114"1"1"112"1"114"112"114"114"112"11"1"1"114"1"114"112"1"114"112"1"1"1"1"1"1"114"1"114"NUMBERMODELSIZETYPEGPMPSIPSI @ POCPRECIP1 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF ROTOR 25.2 28.3 31.10.43 in/h2 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF ROTOR 25.8 28.7 29.50.76 in/h3 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF ROTOR 28 28.6 28.90.77 in/h4HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF SPRAY 15.82 32.8 33.60.85 in/h5HUNTER ICV-G-DC1"TURF ROTARY 10.5 33.4 34.20.45 in/h6 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF ROTOR 26.6 28.4 33.50.54 in/h7HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF ROTOR 35.6 28.1 40.90.46 in/h8 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1"SHRUB ROTARY 11.52 34.0 35.70.26 in/h9 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1"TURF SPRAY 18.2 33.8 37.71.07 in/h10 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1"SHRUB ROTARY 11.52 34.0 35.50.26 in/h11 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF ROTOR 36 29.0 37.70.38 in/h12 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1"TURF SPRAY 20.06 35.0 37.81.04 in/h13 HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"SHRUB ROTARY 16.44 32.7 34.50.3 in/h14HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"SHRUB ROTARY 10.45 32.9 33.70.22 in/h15HUNTER ICV-G-DC1-1/2"TURF SPRAY 32.72 34.2 40.81.06 in/hVALVE SCHEDULESYMBOLMANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTIONQTYPSIHUNTER PROS-06-PRS30-CV 8 SERIESTURF SPRAY, 30 PSI REGULATED 6IN. POP-UP. WITH FACTORYINSTALLED DRAIN CHECK VALVE. CO-MOLDED WIPER SEALWITH UV RESISTANT MATERIAL.13 30HUNTER PROS-06-PRS30-CV 12 SERIESTURF SPRAY, 30 PSI REGULATED 6IN. POP-UP. WITH FACTORYINSTALLED DRAIN CHECK VALVE. CO-MOLDED WIPER SEALWITH UV RESISTANT MATERIAL.36 30HUNTER PROS-06-PRS30-CV 15 SERIESTURF SPRAY, 30 PSI REGULATED 6IN. POP-UP. WITH FACTORYINSTALLED DRAIN CHECK VALVE. CO-MOLDED WIPER SEALWITH UV RESISTANT MATERIAL.20 30HUNTER MP2000 PROS-06-PRS30-CVTURF ROTATOR, 6IN. POP-UP WITH FACTORY INSTALLED CHECKVALVE, PRESSURE REGULATED TO 30 PSI, MP ROTATOR NOZZLEON PRS30 BODY. K=BLACK ADJ ARC 90-210, G=GREEN ADJ ARC210-270, R=RED 360 ARC.730HUNTER MP3000 PROS-06-PRS30-CVTURF ROTATOR, 6IN. POP-UP WITH FACTORY INSTALLED CHECKVALVE, PRESSURE REGULATED TO 30 PSI, MP ROTATOR NOZZLEON PRS30 BODY. B=BLUE ADJ ARC 90-210, Y=YELLOW ADJ ARC210-270, A=GRAY 360 ARC.430HUNTER MP2000 PROS-12-PRS30-CVSHRUB ROTATOR, 12IN. POP-UP WITH FACTORY INSTALLEDCHECK VALVE, PRESSURE REGULATED TO 30 PSI, MP ROTATORNOZZLE ON PRS30 BODY. K=BLACK ADJ ARC 90-210, G=GREENADJ ARC 210-270, R=RED 360 ARC.2130HUNTER MP3000 PROS-12-PRS30-CVSHRUB ROTATOR, 12IN. POP-UP WITH FACTORY INSTALLEDCHECK VALVE, PRESSURE REGULATED TO 30 PSI, MP ROTATORNOZZLE ON PRS30 BODY. B=BLUE ADJ ARC 90-210, Y=YELLOWADJ ARC 210-270, A=GRAY 360 ARC.430HUNTER MP3500 PROS-12-PRS30-CVSHRUB ROTATOR, 12IN. POP-UP WITH FACTORY INSTALLEDCHECK VALVE, PRESSURE REGULATED TO 30 PSI, MP ROTATORNOZZLE ON PRS30 BODY. LB=LIGHT BROWN ADJUSTABLE ARC,90-210.430SYMBOLMANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTIONQTYPSI GPM RADIUSHUNTER I-20-06 1.5TURF ROTOR, 6IN. POP-UP. ADJUSTABLE AND FULL CIRCLE.PLASTIC RISER. DRAIN CHECK VALVE. STANDARD NOZZLE.32 25 1.2 26'HUNTER I-20-06 2.0TURF ROTOR, 6IN. POP-UP. ADJUSTABLE AND FULL CIRCLE.PLASTIC RISER. DRAIN CHECK VALVE. STANDARD NOZZLE.1225 1.4 30'HUNTER I-20-06 4.0TURF ROTOR, 6IN. POP-UP. ADJUSTABLE AND FULL CIRCLE.PLASTIC RISER. DRAIN CHECK VALVE. STANDARD NOZZLE.225 3 33'HUNTER I-20-06 (2) 1.5TURF ROTOR, 6IN. POP-UP. ADJUSTABLE AND FULL CIRCLE.PLASTIC RISER. DRAIN CHECK VALVE. STANDARD NOZZLE.3 25 1.2 26'HUNTER I-20-06 (2) 2.5TURF ROTOR, 6IN. POP-UP. ADJUSTABLE AND FULL CIRCLE.PLASTIC RISER. DRAIN CHECK VALVE. STANDARD NOZZLE.1 25 1.7 30'HUNTER I-20-06 (2) 3.0TURF ROTOR, 6IN. POP-UP. ADJUSTABLE AND FULL CIRCLE.PLASTIC RISER. DRAIN CHECK VALVE. STANDARD NOZZLE.21252.232'HUNTER I-20-06 (2) 6.0TURF ROTOR, 6IN. POP-UP. ADJUSTABLE AND FULL CIRCLE.PLASTIC RISER. DRAIN CHECK VALVE. STANDARD NOZZLE.15 25 4.3 34'SYMBOLMANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTIONQTYHUNTER ICV-G-DC 1-1/2"1IN., 1-1/2IN., 2IN., AND 3IN. PLASTIC ELECTRIC REMOTECONTROL VALVES, GLOBE CONFIGURATION, WITH NPTTHREADED INLET/OUTLET, FOR COMMERCIAL/MUNICIPAL USE.WITH DC LATCHING SOLENOID FACTORY INSTALLED OPTION.10HUNTER ICV-G-DC 1"1IN., 1-1/2IN., 2IN., AND 3IN. PLASTIC ELECTRIC REMOTECONTROL VALVES, GLOBE CONFIGURATION, WITH NPTTHREADED INLET/OUTLET, FOR COMMERCIAL/MUNICIPAL USE.WITH DC LATCHING SOLENOID FACTORY INSTALLED OPTION.5HUNTER HQ-3RC 3/4"QUICK COUPLER VALVE, YELLOW RUBBER COVER, RED BRASSAND STAINLESS STEEL, WITH 3/4IN. NPT INLET, 1-PIECE BODY.1BASELINE BL-1000XTWO-WIRE CONTROLLER IN LARGE 16 GAUGEPOWDER-COATED WALL MOUNT CABINET, BASE MODEL 50STATIONS, EXPANDABLE TO 75 OR 100 STATIONS.1BASELINE BL-5201SINGLE STATION DIRECT BURIAL BICODER15BASELINE BL-5407-KITTIPPING RAIN BUCKET BICODER COMES WITH PRE-WIREDTIPPING RAIN BUCKET, INSTALLATION GUIDE, USER MANUAL,PLUS DBR/Y-6 CONNECTORS (TWO-WIRE SIDE ONLY) ANDWIRE NUTS.1IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE: POLYETHYLENE PIPE SDR-7 1"3,040 L.F.IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE: POLYETHYLENE PIPE SDR-7 1 1/4"367.8 L.F.IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 1 1/2"284.4 L.F.IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 2" 11.9 L.F.IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 2 1/2"45.5 L.F.IRRIGATION MAINLINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 1" 438.5 L.F.IRRIGATION MAINLINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 1 1/4"611.0 L.F.IRRIGATION MAINLINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 1 1/2"74.6 L.F.IRRIGATION MAINLINE: PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 2" 19.3 L.F.PIPE SLEEVE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 35.3 L.F.PIPE SLEEVE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 2" 23.5 L.F.PIPE SLEEVE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 2 1/2"24.8 L.F.PIPE SLEEVE: PVC SCHEDULE 40 3" 13.2 L.F.FHTQQTHFQTHF1. SCHEDULE3300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 11. REFER TO SHEET C3.01 - GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES.2. FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND LOCATE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO TRENCHING.3. VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINES, FIBER LINES, AND OTHER COMMUNICATION LINES PRIORTO IRRIGATION INSTALLATION.4. LAY OUT WORK IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS. ADJUST NOZZLES, SPRINKLER ARCS, OR HEAD AND PIPELOCATIONS TO COMPLEMENT ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. MAINTAIN HEAD-TO-HEAD COVERAGE. BALANCE THE PRECIPITATIONRATE AMONG ALL SPRINKLERS WITHIN THE ZONE. ADD SUPPLEMENTAL SPRINKLERS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE HEAD-TO-HEADCOVERAGE.5. PROVIDE ALL MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS NECESSARY TO MAKE THE SYSTEM FULLY FUNCTIONAL.6. IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR 60(+/-) PSI AT THE BASE OF ALL SPRINKLER HEADS. WATER PRESSURE AT THE WATERSUPPLY HAS BEEN ASSUMED TO BE +/-70 PSI. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF WATER SUPPLY PRESSURE DIFFERS.7. WATER SUPPLY IS LOCATED AT THE PROPOSED 2" CAPPED STUB OUTSIDE THE MECHANICAL ROOM.8. FOLLOW MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRODUCT SPECIFIC INSTALLATION.9. MAIN LINE PIPING SHALL BE PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21.10. LATERAL PIPING 1-1/2" AND LARGER SHALL BE PVC CLASS 160 SDR 26, AND LATERAL PIPING 1 1/4" AND SMALLER MAY BE EITHERPVC CLASS 160 SDR 26 OR POLYETHYLENE PIPE SDR-7 PRESSURE RATED PIPE.11. LATERAL PIPING WITH NO SIZE LABEL INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE 1", PVC CLASS 160 SDR 26.12. INSTALL LATERAL PIPING A MINIMUM 12 INCHES DEEP AND INSTALL MAIN LINE PIPING A MINIMUM 18 INCHES DEEP. NOTIFYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A MINIMUM 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF PIPING INSTALLATION.13. USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED JOINTS.14. SET SPRINKLER HEADS, QUICK COUPLER VALVES, AND OTHER VALVES WITH STEMS PERPENDICULAR TO FINISHED GRADE.15. PLACE ALL VALVES IN SERVICE BOXES.16. ADJUST SPRINKLER HEADS FOR GRADE, AS NECESSARY, AFTER TURFGRASS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND ALL SETTLEMENT ATSPRINKLER HEADS HAS OCCURRED. SET TOP OF SPRINKLER HEAD 12" BELOW FINISH GRADE OR 12" BELOW THE TURFGRASS ROOTZONE. SET TOP OF SPRINKLER HEAD 1" BELOW CONCRETE SURFACES WHEN ADJACENT TO CONCRETE WALKS OR CONCRETECURBS.17. CONDUCT PERFORMANCE TEST IN THE PRESENCE OF OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF SYSTEMINSTALLATION. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS.18. CONDUCT AND DEMONSTRATE TO THE OWNER THE WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START-UP PROCESS IN THE FALL FOLLOWINGIRRIGATION SYSTEM COMPLETION.NOTESIRRIGATIONPLANI1.01IRRIGATION PLAN 3300 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH, SUITE 300PLYMOUTH, MN 55447Phone: (763) 544-7129Email: plymouth@bolton-menk.comwww.bolton-menk.comRAs IndicatedCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:CMNRevisionsDescription Date NumScale:NorthDateRegistration NumberI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensedunder the laws of the State ofPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER5953208/19/2024WILLIAM J. DIEDEDARWJD08/19/2024232356MINNESOTA13400 90TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330CITY OF OTSEGO14499 75TH STREET NEOTSEGO, MN 55330FIRE STATION08/19/2024 CITY SUBMITTAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCITY SUBMITTAL 08/19/2024 1I1.02IRRIGATIONDETAILS1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"BV ICV MV QCV GR JUMBORECTANGULARVALVE BOX(22" X 16" X 12")STANDARDRECTANGULARVALVE BOX(18" X 12" X 12")1'- 0"Typ.# 1 # 2 # 2 # 3 # 4EXAMPLEPOTABLE WATER SYSTEM ON CONTROLLER 'A', REMOTE CONTROL VALVE STATION # 3.NOTES:1. VALVE BOX # 1 THRU # 3 SHALL HAVE STAINLESS STEEL LOCKING HARDWARE.2. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE LABELED BY HOT IRON BRANDING OR ALUMINUM ASPHALTIC BASE WATER PROOFPAINT.3. LOCATE VALVE ASSEMBLIES IN PLANTING AREA WHEN POSSIBLE.4. VALVE LOCATIONS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.5. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE CENTERED ABOVE VALVE ASSEMBLIES TO FACILITATE ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE.6. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE.7. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE SET PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT.8. SEE OTHER IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.STANDARDRECTANGULARVALVE BOX(18" X 12" X 12")CIRCULARVALVE BOX(10" D)CIRCULARVALVE BOX(6" D)PAVEMENT, WALL, OR BUILDING.SERVICE BOX REQUIREMENTSDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEWater typeControllerDesignationBox sizeLid ColorIdentification GuidePWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWAAAAAAAAAAMVFSIVARVQCVRCVMSGRSBFC# 2# 2# 2# 4# 3# 2# 2# 4# 3# 3GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenGreenMaster valveFlow sensorIsolation ValveAir release valveQuick coupler valveRemote control valveMoisture sensorGrounding rodSplice boxFuture connectionPW A DFV # 3 GreenDrip Flush ValveNOTES:A. ALL WIRE SPLICING SHALL BE MADE WITH APPROVEDCONNECTIONS.B. MAKE ALL WIRE SPLICES IN VALVE BOXES.C. LEAVE A MINIMUM OF 24" EXTRA WIRE AT ALL SPLICEPOINTS.D. MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM DECODER TO VALVE = 150 FT.E. MAXIMUM WIRE LENGTH = 10,200 FT.F. WIRE LENGTHS INCLUDE MASTER VALVE AND #162 WIRETWO-WIRE PATHS EXAMPLEDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEWIRE PATH #2MASTER VALVEWIRE PATH #1120 VAC POWERRAIN SENSORCONTROLLER SHOWNAS REFERENCE ONLYFINISH GRADE10" CIRCULAR SERVICEBOX W/ COVERQUICK COUPLINGVALVE3' SECTION FENCE POSTSECURE Q.C.V. ASSEMBLYWITH STAINLESS STEELGEAR CLAMPSCONTINUOUS BRICKSUPPORTS (4 MIN)GRAVEL SUMP (1 CU. FT.)PVC MAINLINEMANUFACTURED SWINGJOINTQUICK COUPLERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEIRRIGATION TRENCHINGDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE12" INPLANTINGAREA24"MIN.1'-6" IN PLANTING AREA6"NOTES:1. SEE IRRIGATION LEGEND FOR MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE PIPE SIZES AND TYPE.2. DIRECT BURIAL DECODER CONTROL WIRES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC ELECTRICAL CONDUIT IF REQUIRED.3. 2-WIRE DECODER CONTROL WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC ELECTRICAL CONDUIT.4. DETECTABLE LOCATOR TAPE SHALL BE LOCATED SIX INCHES (6") ABOVE THE ENTIRE MAINLINE RUN.PAVEMENTNON-PRESSURIZED LINE(LATERAL LINE).DETECTABLE LOCATOR TAPE.PRESSURIZED LINE (MAIN LINE).FINISHED GRADEDIRECT BURIAL DECODERCONTROL WIRES.LIGHTNING ARRESTORDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEFINISHED GRADE3M DBR/Y -6 SPLICEDECODER WIRE PATHSURGE ARRESTORSERVICE BOXGROUND WIRE OFLIGHTNING ARRESTORCONNECTED TO GROUNDROD USING BRASS CLAMPSBRASS CLAMPS5/8" DIA. X8 COPPER CLADGROUND ROD DRIVEN INTOGROUND WITH TOP OF RODA MIN OF 6" BELOW GRADE.50 OLMS OR LESS.GRAVEL SUMPTHE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SCENARIOS:1. NEAR THE 2-WIRE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER: THE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR SHOULD BE SPLICEDINTO EACH 2-WIRE PATH IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CONTROLLER IN THE CLOSEST LOCATIONTHAT THE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR CAN PROPERLY BE GROUNDED; THIS PROVIDES SURGEPROTECTION FOR THE 2-WIRE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER.2. ALONG 2-WIRE PATH: THE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR SHOULD BE SPECIFIED INTO THE 2-WIREPATH EVERY 500 FT OR EVERY 5 DECODERS, WHICHEVER IS SMALLER, AND AT THE END OFANY 2-WIRE PATH BRANCH LONGER THAN 25 FT.3. AT THE END OF THE 2-WIRE PATH: THE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR SHOULD BE INSTALLED AT THEEND OF EACH 2-WIRE PATH BRANCH 25 FT OR LONGER WHEN USING A STARCONFIGURATION.6" ROTARY SPRINKLERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEFINISHED GRADEMODEL PROS-06-PRS30-CVSWING JOINTLATERAL TEE OR ELBOWLATERAL PIPE6" POP-UP SPRAY SPRINKLERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEFINISHED GRADEPOP-UP SPRAY SPRINKLERPVC SCH 80 NIPPLEPVC SCH 40 ELLPVC SCH 40 STREET ELLPVC SCH 40 STREET ELLPVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELLWALL MOUNT CONTROLLERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEFRONTSECTION/ELEVATIONRIGHT SIDESECTION/ELEVATION48"-64"12" DEPTHFLOORWALL MOUNTIRRIGATION CONTROLLER-REFER TO SPECIFICATIONSCONDUIT FOR REMOTECONTROL VALVES. SECURETO WALL WITH APPROPRIATEPIPE CLAMPSCONDUIT WITH 115VPOWER CONDUCTORSPER LOCAL CODE &NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODES.POWER BY OWNER.PIPE BENEATH PAVEMENTDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALENOTES:1. SEE IRRIGATION LEGEND FOR MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE PIPE SIZES AND TYPE.2. ALL SLEEVES SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE.3. ALL SLEEVES SHALL EXTEND 12" BEYOND THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT.4. END OF SLEEVES SHALL BE LOCATED WITH A WOODEN STAKE OR PVC PIPE. LOCATORS SHALL RUN CONTINUOUSLY FROM THE END OF THE SLEEVE TO FINISHED GRADE.3'-0"CLEAN BACKFILL, 95% RELATIVE COMPACTIONUNDER PAVING OR PER CIVIL ENGINEER'SPLANSDECODER CONTROL WIRES, SLEEVE UNDER PAVING.INSTALL ADJACENT TO PRESSURIZED MAINLINE.BUNDLE SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 50% OFPIPE DIAMETER.MAINLINE, SLEEVE UNDER PAVING TO BETWO TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THEPRESSURIZED MAINLINE PIPE.NON-PRESSURIZED LATERAL LINE, SLEEVE UNDERPAVING TO BE TWO TIMES THE DIAMETEROF THE LATERAL LINE.PAVEMENTBASE ROCK12" (MIN)NOTES:1. COMPACT SOIL AROUND VALVE BOX TO SAME DENSITY AS UNDISTURBED ADJACENT SOIL.2. THOROUGHLY FLUSH ALL WATER LINES BEFORE INSTALLING VALVES.3. ALL WIRES SPLICES TO BE MADE INSIDE VALVE BOXES.VALVE BOX W/ COVERWATER PROOFCONNECTION (1 OF 2)30" LINEAR LENGTHOF WIRE, COILEDELECTRIC ZONE VALVEFINISH GRADEWATER PROOFCONNECTION (2 OF 2)DECODERPVC MAINLINEGRAVEL SUMP (1 CU. FT.)BRICKSUPPORTS(1 OF 4)DECODER / VALVE BOX AND SUMPDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADEAPPROVED BACKFILLGEAR-DRIVEN ROTORMANUFACTURED SWING JOINTLATERAL TEELATERAL PIPEROTOR SPRINKLERDET#SHT#NOT TO SCALE *(1(5$/6+((7127(6.(<('6+((7127(655$ 620(127(60$<127$33/<727+,66+((7% &23<(',7127(6)520! $3352;,0$7('$7$5220/2&$7,21 3529,'(  7,(55$7(';; 0,1,080 +$1'+2/()25),%(587,/,7,(6$73523(57</,1(3529,'(  &21'8,7727+(+$1'+2/(5287(&21'8,7720$,17(/(&20081,&$7,215220$1',1&/8'(38//675,1*)25)8785(86(),%(587,/,7<&$%/(6%<27+(56 5287(&21'8,7629(5+($',16,'(%8,/',1*++&++&++&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$)('&%$011RUWK&KHFN'UDZQ'DWH&RPP/LFHQVH1XPEHU,KHUHE\FHUWLI\WKDWWKLVSODQVSHFLILFDWLRQRUUHSRUWZDVSUHSDUHGE\PHRUXQGHUP\GLUHFWVXSHUYLVLRQDQGWKDW,DPDGXO\/LFHQVHGXQGHUWKHODZVRIWKH6WDWHRI6FDOH'DWH6,7+$&++8030$XWRGHVN'RFV&,2WVHJR1HZ)LUH6WDWLRQ01&,2WVHJR1HZ)LUH6WDWLRQ(OHFUYW$VLQGLFDWHG&HQWUDO??:DHVUYPQZROGDHFRP?VHWXS?5HYLW0(3?7HPSODWHV??(OHFWULFDO:RUNLQ3URJUHVV7HPSODWH?(OHFWULFDO:RUNLQ3URJUHVV7HPSODWHUYW&,7<2)276(*2),5(67$7,21((/(&75,&$/6,7(3/$17+675((71(276(*2017+675((71(276(*201&RPPLVVLRQ1R127)25&216758&7,21''6(76&++80'3(7(56210,11(627$,VVXH'DWH352)(66,21$/(1*,1((5  6,7(3/$1 (/(&75,&$/5HYLVLRQV'HVFULSWLRQ 'DWH 1XP )('&%$011RUWK&KHFN'UDZQ'DWH&RPP/LFHQVH1XPEHU,KHUHE\FHUWLI\WKDWWKLVSODQVSHFLILFDWLRQRUUHSRUWZDVSUHSDUHGE\PHRUXQGHUP\GLUHFWVXSHUYLVLRQDQGWKDW,DPDGXO\/LFHQVHGXQGHUWKHODZVRIWKH6WDWHRI6FDOH'DWH6,7+$&++8030$XWRGHVN'RFV&,2WVHJR1HZ)LUH6WDWLRQ01&,2WVHJR1HZ)LUH6WDWLRQ(OHFUYW&HQWUDO??:DHVUYPQZROGDHFRP?VHWXS?5HYLW0(3?7HPSODWHV??(OHFWULFDO:RUNLQ3URJUHVV7HPSODWH?(OHFWULFDO:RUNLQ3URJUHVV7HPSODWHUYW&,7<2)276(*2),5(67$7,21(3+''6,7(3+2720(75,&7+675((71(276(*2017+675((71(276(*201&RPPLVVLRQ1R127)25&216758&7,21''6(76&++80+1(/6210,11(627$,VVXH'DWH352)(66,21$/(1*,1((55HYLVLRQV'HVFULSWLRQ 'DWH 1XPUse standard W-H street lightAdd an additional vertical shield at the rear edge of the fixture case so that there is no light cast west/south.Provide fixture spec sheets/images showing 90 degree horizontal cutoff for all exterior lighting. XXXXXXXXXXXX X