ESD_Stock_16Sep241 D. DANIEL LICHT From:Lauren Stock <lauren@pourwinebarbistro.com> Sent:Monday, September 16, 2024 4:08 PM To:D. DANIEL LICHT Subject:Letter of support for OFD To whom it may concern, Please review this email as a leƩer of support for the City of Otsego to conƟnue with the process of establishing its own fire department. As someone who has lived in the community for 30 years the addiƟon of a fire department for the city of Otsego is a desperate need. The difference in taxes we would pay to support our own staƟon verse the taxes we pay supporƟng other communiƟes departments is so minimal that the outstanding benefit we would get of having a fully staffed staƟon to reduce response Ɵmes outweighs the increase. We fully support the City of Otsego Fire Department. Sincerely, Lauren Stock 7874 Parrish Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330