04-06-05 WSITEM 3_3 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP ENGINEERING MANUAL UPDATE 5:30 PM, APRIL 6, 2005 OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will call the Workshop to order: Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 5:42 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers; Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Ron Wagner, City Engineer and Shane Nelson, Assistant City Engineer. 2. East Wastewater Treatment Plant Site. Mr. MacArthur said that the City needs to purchase 7.2 acres for the East Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase III from US Homes. He has been in contact with Ray Baird of US Homes regarding a easement to start the construction and will proceed with a Purchase Agreement. 3. City Engineer's update recommendations for the Engineering Manual. Shane Nelson went over the updated recommendations for the Engineering Manual. 4. Discussion on TH101 Projects: 3.1. Schedule and cost estimates. Ron Wagner went over the schedule and costs estimates for the Highway 101 Project. In regards to the possible TH101 Projects as outlined on MR. Wagner's Map, the City Council gave the following directions: TH101 Projects Date Est. Cost 1. Quantrelle Avenue Improvement. 2008 $700,000 (urban section w/water, sanitary and storm) CC Direction: Hold off until requested. 2. CSAH 42 (CSAR 39 to 91st NE) 2006 $ 15,000 (urbanize section by adding curb and storm sewer) CC Direction: Urbanized the 3 remaining sections by adding curb, storm sewer and sidewalk and assess. 3. 75th St. Impt (Quaday to TH101 Fr Rd) 2005 $211,000 CC Direction: Wait until the land is developed 1 i City Council Workshop of April 6, 2005. Page 2. TH 101 Proiects Date Est Cost 4. 72nd St. Imp (Quaday to TH 101 Fr Rd) w/dev $130,000 CC Direction: Wait until the land is developed. 5. Forcemain and Watermain Realignment near The Pointe 2006/07 $270,000 CC Direction: Council agreed to do the Forcemain and Watermain realignment near The Pointe. 6. Queens Ave MN/DOT Realignment (water and sewer and upgrade to urban) CC Direction: Need to discuss this with Wright County. 7. CSAH 36 County Grade Raise (water and sewer) CC Direction: Need to discuss this with Wright County. 8. Queens Ave Reconstruct (to 60th St NE) (urban section w/water, sanitary and storm) CC Direction: Get input from landowners along this street. Mike Robertson said that Bonding for these projects can wait until Year 2006 because the Highway 101 related work can not be done until then. 5. Any other City Business The Council discussed the Otsego Creek cleaning. Mr. Wagner said that Otsego Creek will be cleaned this fall from 70th Street to Section 30 Wetland. 4. Adjourn. The Workshop adjourned at 8:27 PM Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk