04-20-05 PHITEM 3_2 PUBLIC HEARING MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6th and 7th ADDITIONS 5:30 PM APRIL 20, 2005 OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will open the Public Hearing. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 5:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Judy Hudson, City Clerk; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 2. City Attorney comments. Mr. MacArthur went over the process and requirements of this Public Hearing. 3. Project presentation by City Engineer. Mr. Wagner went over the proposed project, proposed costs and assessments. Items removed such as the retaining wall brought the costs down to $311,377.90. The Park Avenue Costs are estimated at $82,239.00. CM Heidner stated that he will recommend for the City to pay 75% of the Park Avenue costs. 4. Public Comments. Mayor Fournier opened for Public comments at 5:55 PM. Tim Philips, Riverview Liquorette, asked that as plans go further along could he have an option at which side of the building the water and sewer lines go in. Mr. Wagner replied yes. Dr. Gilgenbach asked why the increase of costs for him. Mr. Wagner explained the storm sewer went from $13,000 to $21,000. It was previously incorrectly allocated. Dr. Gilgenbach asked if the storm sewer stub coming in would provide a drain for the parking lot. Mr. Wagner said the line could be run to the low points in the parking lot. Dr. Gilgenbach also stated he doesn't want his drive through compromised in any way. Robert Fields talked about a design for helping this out. Mr. Wagner said he would review any design. Mr. Fields said he is having an attorney draw up an agreement for all property owners to sign. Mr. Fields also explained that Dr. Gilgenbach's drive through could be with a surmountable curb and if anyone wanting to get out of line can go through his day care property and such an easement will be given to Dr. Gilgenbach. The development sign to be placed at the Tom Thumb Site will be paid by the property owners. Public Hearing for Mississippi Shores 6th and 7th Additions, 04-20-05. Page 2. Mr. Thibodeau requested to make sure his pylons aren't coming out. Mr. Wagner said the one light is still located in the median and he needs to check the bolt pattern to make sure it lines up with the new one. Mr. Thibodeau also requested to make sure that there is enough street kept open to maintain his business during construction. Mr. Wagner said it will be difficult but will try and split construction up so everyone will have access. He will work with everyone on this. Mr. Fields said Mr. Thibodeau has requested the light poles from Tom Thumb as he is getting new ones. He will be under construction with the Goodyear project and will work with the City on sewer and water. Mr. Fields asked if WAC and SAC have been addressed and they may need to come back to the Council with this. Mr. MacArthur said a PUD has to be done and can address the SAC and WAC through that development agreement. Mr. Wagner said the City Council will consider the plans in May and start construction in July and complete by October. 5. Close the Public Hearing Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 6:16 PM. 6. City Council Discussion CM Heidner recommended that the City pay 75% out of Capital Improvement Fund for the Park Avenue intersection as this improvement will make this a safer intersection and serves several hundred homes in this area. Mayor Fournier encouraged the property owners to sign the waivers. The Council suggested a 20 year assessment at 6% with a two year delay on assessments. Adjourned at 6:21 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk