2024.09.23 City Council MeetingOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING
7:00 PM
Call to Order:
Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call:
Mayor Jessica Stoclamp and Councilmembers: Brittany Moores, Tina Goede, Jeff Dahl, and
Ryan Dunlap. City Staff: Assistant City Administrator/Human Resources Sabrina Hille,
Emergency Services Director Daryl Rausch, City Engineer Ron Wagner, City Planner Daniel Licht,
City Attorney Dave Kendall, and City Clerk Audra Etzel.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Open Forum:
Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:01 PM.
Jeanne Holland, Wright County Commissioner thanked the Otsego staff for working with Wright
County to use their family trailer for Prairie Festival, and said City staff did a good job. Wright
County will approve their levy with a 5.7% increase, the average median house at $350,000 will
have an increase of about $15 per household. Commissioner Holland recently attended the 194
Collation in Washington DC representing Otsego.
Charles Norris, 15399 76th Street NE wanted to speak to the City Council regarding his
experience with the Fire Department, the job of fire fighters, and public safety. On August 18,
2018 Mr. Norris called 911 at 7:41 pm, at 7:44 pm Sherburne County paged Elk River Fire
Department, at 7:53 pm the first emergency vehicle arrived with one person (not meeting fire
standards), at 7:58 pm Elk River Fire Engine 1 arrived, at 8 pm the fire personnel entered the
garage to start fire suppression. Mr. Norris and his family feel 19 minutes was too long. Mr.
Norris has received 31 responses from Fire Chiefs and the message was the same, the common
theme is you cannot hold communities that support your community to those standards; their
primary responsibility is to their community.
Jacob Olson, 15572 78th Court NE wants Council to hear reasons why residents do and why
residents don't want a Fire Department. Mr. Olson feels the process, costs for the station build,
and department operations have not been addressed. Mr. Olson also has questions regarding a
fire evaluation, tax increase, and bond structure payment.
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Martha Carroll, 8710 O'Brian Avenue NE feels the process of creating a Fire Department has
caused a lot of negativities; pick the services at the right time, finance in the right way, and
meet the needs of all the residents.
Marl< Nystrom, 9565 Parl< Avenue NE thinks a fire department will be needed eventually, but
questions if one department can take the place of four; he feels the City will have two
departments in the future. Mr. Nystrom wants more commercial business for a tax base and
developers to pay impact fees; he feels there is no transparency.
Chuck Hediger, 9539 Parl<ington Avenue NE said the fire department design is a Taj Mahal, the
building needs to be functional. Mr. Hediger is infuriated with the process of financing.
Joe Zieba, 1537 81St Court NE is in favor of the Fire Department implementation and feels it
would be irresponsible to not move forward. There is a lot of misinformation, and a staffed fire
station will make a difference in a growing community; especially with the growth in the
surrounding communities.
Judith Sibert, 9721 Jandel Avenue NE is a member of the Public Safety Commission and she
agrees with Mr. Zieba's comments supporting the Fire Department.
Dan Gates, 7503 Lasalle Avenue NE asked everyone to take a look at a map of Otsego, there are
a lot of choke points including: rivers, railroad tracks, freeways points for the surrounding Fire
Departments responding to the City of Otsego. Mr. Gates noted there are residents that want
to join a department but they live too far away; he is in favor of an Otsego Fire Department,
Nancy Andersen, 9031 Mason Avenue NE questioned if the City will be able to run the
department for the current costs and asked why the building needs to be so fancy.
Gabriel Davis, 6689 Packard Avenue NE said he spoke with 400 residents and only 5 people
were in support, and this week not one of the 50 residents he spoke to supported the Fire
Department, Mr. Davis feels this is not needed at this time.
Vincent Peterson, 14064 67th Circle NE said he is opposed to a new City Hall, a Fire Department,
and the Master Parl< projects. Mr. Peterson would like to bolster the services currently being
offered by the City.
Michael Hovde, 17524 59th Street NE said his taxes are already high enough at $4,900 and he
doesn't want to pay more. Mr. Hovde said the proposed location is 6.5 miles from his house
and other departments are closer; he doesn't want to pay more for less services. Mr. Hovde
wants to know what the Emergency Services Director does and wants the Fire Department to
be voted on by the residents.
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Barbara Holmberg, 11537 8011, Street NE does not feel the City has transparency in the
newsletter, she had no idea the Fire Department had moved forward and would like to see
more details. Ms. Holmberg would like to continue with the contracted services.
Melody Bruen, 17681 52"d Street NE has a conversation with Emergency Services Director
Rausch this week regarding the drive time to her home. Rausch's drive time to her house was
close to the 9 minutes. Ms. Bruen wants to know what the City Council has done the last six
years to save money.
Isabel Grimm, provided no address. Ms. Grimm provided two letters to the City Clerl<; she is
glad to see the Otsego residents united.
Mile Reis, 12096 68th Circle NE said he is closer to the Albertville Fire Station and is concerned
the new station isn't going to be beneficial for property owners that live closer to the
contracted agencies. Mr. Reis contacted the three contracted department and heard back from
the Elk River Fire Chief, who said their department is not having issues responding to service
calls to the City of Otsego. Mr. Reis also noted the EII< River contract is expiring in 2027 and the
residents haven't even voted, he would like the City Council to reevaluate and pause the
Marl< Nystrom, 9565 Parl< Avenue NE said he looked into Minnesota Fire Departments data
from 2015, and at that time there were only 17 Cities with full-time Fire Departments. Mr.
Nystrom noted Otsego pays 61% of Albertville's Fire Budget, he feels three full-time staff will
not be enough.
Rhonda Rosen, 8863 Kahl Way NE wants the City Council to Know they serve the residents and
does not feel the City Council has been transparent; she wants to have the right to vote.
Mile Reis, 12096 68th Circle NE asked if any evaluations has been made with the currently
contracted departments to provide mutual aid, and will the cities double bill.
Charles Norris, 15399 76th Street NE said CM Dunlap told him his address wouldn't benefit from
the new fire station location... Mr. Norris reached out to FEMA and one minute can make a
difference in saving lives; the Otsego Elementary School is right down the road. The Fire Station
may not be perfect but it will improve the community. Mr. Norris said some businesses cannot
locate here because their building would be too far from a fire station. Fire fighters will be
interested in joining the Otsego Fire Department.
Nancy Andersen, 9031 Mason Avenue NE said sometimes you need to play the odds, there has
not been a fire fatality in Otsego. Ms. Andersen said the City Council should not try to solve a
problem that doesn't exist.
Chuck Hediger, 9539 Parkington Avenue NE said it your own responsibility to Keep yourself and
your family safe, buy fire extinguishers; it is not the fire fighter's responsibility. Mr. Heidger
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said he experienced a fire as a youth and it took 20 minutes for a response and their home was
a total loss; all family members were safe and that is all that matters.
Charles Norris, 15399 76th Street NE listed other services provided by fire departments:
accidents, medicals, smoke and CO2 detectors alarms, natural disasters assistance. Mr. Norris
feels this is not a political issue, it is a safety issue; ask questions of the right people.
Gabriel Davis, 6689 Packard Ave NE questioned the current fire departments and they will not
be cancelling services. Mr. Davis said it is the home owner's responsibility to check their fire
detectors, lint traps, and know CPR; prevention is the main thing.
Mile Reis, 12096 68th Circle NE noted law enforcement are also first responders.
David Shaptala, 16592 72"d Court NE noted most people have moved to Otsego for the lower
taxes. Mr. Shaptala currently pays over $3,000 in taxes for a townhome; he has concerns with
inflation. Mr. Shaptala is in favor of a fire department, but does not feel the City should move
forward at this time and requests the City Council rethink their decision.
Mark Vorheis, 15423 76th Street NE grew up in a family of fire fighters and feels fire
departments builds a sense of community; he supports the fire station.
Mayor Stocl<amp closed the Open Forum at 7:59 PM.
2. Consider Agenda Approval:
CM Dunlap requested that items 3.12 be removed from the consent agenda for discussion
adding item 7.1 to the agenda.
CM Dunlap motioned to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by CM Dahl.
All in favor. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Consent Agenda.
3.1 Approve Claims List.
3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes.
A. September 9, 2024 Special Meeting.
B. September 9. 2024 Meeting.
3.3 Approve Final Payment for East-West Watermain Connection.
3.4 Approve Quote and Authorize work for East Wastewater Treatment Facility
Pretreatment Channel Lining.
3.5 Approve Quote and Authorize Work for Wellhouse 4 Water Treatment Geotechnica
3.6 Approve Quotes and Authorize Purchasing of West Wastewater Treatment Facility AV
and Furnishings.
3.7 Approve Hiring of Election Specialist.
3.8 Approve Revised Lease Agreement with Wright County for Election Equipment.
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3.9 Approve Quote and Authorize Work for Wellhouse 3 Well 11 Improvements.
3.10 Approve Quote and Authorize Work for Queens Avenue Outlet Pond.
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3.13 Approve Resolution 2024-64 Establishing Absentee Ballot Board for the 2024 Genera
3.14 Approve Pay Application #1 and Change Order #1 for Carrick Landing Improvements,
3.15 Approve and Authorize Plans and Specifications for Odean Avenue Trunk Watermain
3.16 Adopt Resolution 2024-65 Approvi
Declaration of Restrictive Covenant —Carrick
CM Dunlap motioned to approve the consent agenda as amended, seconded by CM Moores.
All in favor. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Public Hearing:
4.1 Queens Avenue Easements.
A. Presentation by City Planner,
Be Consider Approval of Resolution 2024-66 Vacation Drainage and Util
City Planner Licht reviewed the staff report and presentation.
Mayor Stocl<amp opened the Public Hearing at 8:02 pm.
Isabel Grimm, provided no address, asked for more information before she could comment.
City Planner Licht summarized his previous presentation.
No further comment was received.
Mayor Stockamp closed the Public Hearing at 8:04 pm
CM Goede motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-66 vacating drainage and utility easements for
5861 Queens Avenue, CM Dunlap. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Engineering:
5.1 Fire and Emergency Services Building Project; Authorization to Bid:
A. Presentation by Emergency Services Director.
Be Consider Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for
C. Consider Approval of Amendment to AIA Agreement Document with Kraus-
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Emergency Service Director Rausch, Wold representatives Jonathan Loose and Jacob
Wollensak, and Kraus -Anderson representative Mike reviewed the staff report and
Mayor Stocl<amp asked Director Rausch to explain the contracts. Director Rausch said the
contracts will continue, there has not been a termination date discussed with the existing
contracts. Director Rausch said the contracts the last four years have increased 14% annually,
and the increase for 2025 is projected to be 15.5%. Director Rausch noted the other
departments are looking at career departments and those increases will be passed onto the
City of Otsego.
Mayor Stocl<amp asked for more details regarding the three full-time staff. Director Rausch
said based on the 2023 data, he estimates about 202 fire calls, 659 EMS calls; further explaining
the robust services the Otsego Fire Department would be able to provide with the Fire
Department staff being EMT trained. Director Rausch would like to provide space for an
ambulance truck at the fire station.
CM Goede asked how mutual aid will work. Director Rausch said there are two types of aid,
automatic aid and mutual aid. Automatic aid is currently in place and would continue based on
the type of call for all departments may respond. The mutual aid would be when the City of
Otsego would call the surrounding cities department, this would add Monticello and Dayton
Director Rausch said he has not found one department that will not respond if needed; they did
say they need to respond to their own community's first.
CM Dunlap asked about the City needing mutual aid and needing more than three staff than
estimated. Director Bausch said the career staffing model would have better response and the
volunteer staff would respond as needed. The Otsego department would not always need
mutual aid. CM Dunlap has spoken to the surrounding communities and Albertville feels the
contract will continue in some fashion. Director Rausch said he is not aware of Albertville's
Mayor Stocl<amp asked for more explanation on the operating budget and capital expenses.
Director Bausch said the capital budget estimates according to staff are $150-$170 annually on
the medium home; he anticipates homeowners may see a reduction to their home owner's
insurance helping to off -set that increase.
Director Bausch said the estimated operating budget for 2027, including personnel, equipment
maintenance, and operating the building is $2,140,000. Based on the 15.5% increase for
contracted services for 2025, the City's costs to operate its own fire department will be
approximately equal to the cost of the contracted services Director Rauch also said that once
established, the City would receive financial aid the contracted City's currently receive to
provide services to Otsego. CM Dunlap asked for clarification on the costs. Rausch explained
the costs associated with the project.
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Mayor Stockamp noted in 2016 the City of Otsego looked at a Joint Powers Agreement with
Albertville and the two City Councils could not come to an agreement. The City of Elk River did
a fire study in 2017 that showed a need for t a fire station in Otsego. In 2018, the City
completed a fire study showing the City needed to purchase land for a fire station and in 2019
the City purchased land with fire reserve funds. Another evaluation was completed in 2022 and
the council decided to establish an Otsego department. Mayor Stockamp said the City Council
has been reviewing and is taking into account all the residents.
CM Dunlap feels the 2018 was brushed over, the study says to Keep the contracts. Director
Rausch said the 2018 study was for a non -career, paid on -call firefighters. City Planner Licht
said the study looked at: three the elements; first was adjustments to current boundaries to
improve existing response times; second, identify sites for future fire stations based on existing
and future land use, existing and future roadways and existing/future stations of surrounding
communities regardless of how the station(s) would be operated; the third element outlined
how to build and equip a station assuming a paid -on call volunteer staffing model. City Planner
Licht continued that the 2022 Capstone Fire Study reexamined the operation of a fire station in
Otsego and the City Council decided an independent local department was the selected
direction to proceed.
CM Moores said the City Council has good data to move forward with the project. Director
Rausch said the estimates do include 5% for inflation for construction; delays will cause the cost
to go up. Director Rausch said the City has funding in reserves to help cover the cost of
equipment. City Planner Licht said the setting aside of reserves goes back many years, as
previously certain fire contracts cost the city more, and the reserves were used to have a
consistent amount paid to help save for future needs; in 2018 the costs were leveled to save
money to pay for the fire studies and buy land.
CM Dahl thanked the residents for sharing their comments. CM Dahl asked residents to look at
their property tax statement and contact their representative regarding their home values;
additionally homestead credits have been adjusted to allow for a credit. CM Dahl further said
residents need to look at the tax break down between the county, school, and city; Otsego's
portion is the lowest taxed city in Wright County. CM Dahl said the City has contracted fire
services since 1993, its time to fund Otsego's Fire Station.
Director Rausch is not criticizing the services provide by the contracted services, the contracted
services are being met. In the long term, a City of 24,000 needs to be able to service the
community. The building design and staffing model will meet those needs. The Public Safety
Commission Members spoke with many people at Prairie Festival and found more support.
CM Dunlap feels that if this is going to be supported, the residents should be able to vote.
CM Dahl said the City has saved funds and delaying will continue to cost the City more.
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CM Moore motioned to approve the Plans and Specifications and order Advertisement for
Bids for the Otsego Fire & Emergency Services Building Project, seconded by CM Goede., and
to motioned to approve an Amendment to the AIA Agreement Documents between the City
of Otsego and Kraus -Anderson Construction Companies are approved in form, subject to
modification by the City Attorney, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the
agreements on behalf of the City, seconded by CM Dahl.
Mayor Stockamp said getting bids will allow the City Council to have actual costs for the project.
Voting in favor: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores. Voting against: Dunlap. Motion
carried 44.
5.2 Fire and Emereencv Services Building Proiect: Zoning and Subdivision Actions:
A. Presentation by City Planner.
B. Adoption of Ordinance 2024-10 Amending the Zoning Map.
C. Adoption of Resolution 2024-67 Vacation Existing Drainage and Utility
D. Approval of a Preliminary Plat, Final Plant, and Conditional Use Permit.
City Planner Licht reviewed the staff report and presentation.
CM Dahl motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-67 vacating drainage and utility easements;
adopt ordinance 2024-10 amending the Zoning Map, and approving a preliminary plat and
final plat of the Otsego Emergency Services Addition and Conditional Use Permit and site and
building plans for Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Emergency Services Addition subject to the
conditions state on the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented, seconded by Goede.
Voting in favor: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and Moores. Voting against: Dunlap. Motion
carried 4-1.
6.1 Preliminary Property Tax Levy.
A. Presentation by Assistant City Administrator.
Be Consider Resolution 2024-68 Adlusting the 2025 Debt Service Property Tax.
C. Consider Resolution 2024-69 Adopting a Preliminary Tax Levy for Taxes Payable
D. Consider Scheduling the Truth in Taxation Hearing.
Assistant City Administrator Hille reviewed the staff report and presentation.
CM Dunlap noted Commissioner Holland said Wright County lowered their preliminary levy to
5.7% and Otsego started with a proposed increase of 8.29% and tonight the proposed amount
remains at 8.29%. CM Dunlap is concerned about the City only paying the interest on bond;
residents are going to feel the increase in 2026 with the department not being funded. Mayor
Stockamp asked about only interest being paid the first year. Assistant Administrator Hille said
it is typical for city projects to pay only interest the first year as the project has not been
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completed. Assistant Administrator Hille said a current utility project is being financed under
the same scenario with just interest being paid the first year. Mayor Stockamp said this is a
preliminary budget and the amount of the levy can only be decreased. CM Dunlap said the
budget can't be increased to include the bond payment for the fire station and staff.
CM Moores motioned to adopt,Resolution 2024-68, adjusting the 2025 debt service property
tax levy certified in the original bond resolution, seconded by CM Dunlap. All in favor.
Motion carried 5-0.
CM Moores motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-69, adopting a preliminary property tax levy
for taxes payable in 2025, seconded by CM Dahl. Voting in favor: Stockamp, Dahl, Goede, and
Moores. Voting against: Dunlap. Motion carried 4-1.
CM Moores motioned to set the Truth in Taxation public hearing for 5:30 pm, on Monday,
November 25, 2024. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 8899 Nashua
Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330, seconded by CM Dunlap. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0.
City Council
ointine Election Judees for the 2024 General
CM Dunlap asked if there was a conflict of interest for a Council Member being appointed as an
election judge to vote on the motion to approve the appointments. Attorney Kendall said the
Council Member being appointed as an election judge will be paid the same as other election
judges also being appointed, so there is no conflict of interest.
CM Dunlap motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-63 appointing Election Judges for the 2024
General Election, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Heritaee Preservation Commission CM Moores said the Commission members
displayed artifacts at Prairie Festival.
B. Parks and Recreation Commission Liaison CM Moores said the Commission
toured other neighboring communities' parks in St. Michael and Rogers.
C. Plannine Commission Liaison Mavor StockamD said the Commission reviewed
applications for the Fire Station
D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Goede said the Commission discussed the
public safety October Bch at the Wright County dispatch.
Mayor Stoclamp attended the Mayors Association where she received updates on the budget
and composts. Reminder of special meeting next Monday.
Mayor Stockamp and City Council thanked staff and volunteers for making Prairie Festival a
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8. Staff Reports and Updates:
City Clerk Etzel provided an election update.
City Planner Licht said there currently will not be a Planning Commission meeting scheduled
until the second meeting in November.
City Engineer Wagner provided project and development updates: Friedrich Parl<, Carrick Parl<,
76th Street Trails, and watermain from Well #11 to Pumphouse #3.
Deputy Bilitz, Wright County Sheriff's Office provided updates regarding juveniles are back in
school so there are more calls to the schools, reminder to be aware of scam alerts, and more
deputies have been hired.
9. Ad'lourn.
CM Goede motioned to adjourn at 9:37 PM, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion
carried 5-0.
Minutes prepared by City Clerk, Audra Etzel.
ATTEST.... x
Audra Etzel, City Clerl<
City of Otsego:
J sica Stockamp, Mayor
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