05-23-05 CC I TE M 3.1 • CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP May 4, 2005 Roll Call:Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Dan Scharber, Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, Public Works Director Brad Belair, Building Official Tim Rochel, and City Engineer Ron Wagner. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 4:05 p.m. Dust Control - Council discussed dust control with several residents. City Engineer Wagner noted he had reviewed City expenditures and found that they broke down for paved and gravel roads as follows. Paved Roads are paid for by the resident as part of the house price when a new subdivision is constructed or by assessment when a gravel road is paved. After a paved road is constructed it costs City taxpayers an average of $0.65 per lineal foot per year to maintain a paved road. Gravel roads cost City taxpayers an average of $0.81 per lineal foot per year to maintain. That does not include Dust Control, which would cost an average of $0.37 per lineal foot per year, making the total cost to City taxpayers $1.18 per lineal foot. • Council discussed establishing a policy on Dust Control. The City Engineer was directed to draft policy options for Council discussion at their next Council meeting. As part of the discussion, staff was directed to close off contractor access to 67 Street and McAllister Avenue to reduce traffic on those streets. • Building Department - Council discussed staffing, salaries, vehicles, and possible Saturday inspections for resident home remodeling projects. Council agreed to discuss these issues further during the 2006 budget discussions. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. 'v c ael Robertson City Administrator ITEM 3_2 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL MAY 9, 2005 6 :30 PM 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order immediately following the Board of Review. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan. Licht, City Planner; Laurie Shives, Associate Planner and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda approval. Mayor Fournier requested to remove Item 5.2. and Item 8.4.; add under Item 6.2. Public Works Building Update, Item 9.3. Darkenwald Taxes; Item 10.2. Fire Station Update and add under Item 11.2. Bank Collateral Additions. Mike Robertson requested to add under Item 8.5. Quaday Avenue Bid Date. CM Scharber motioned to adopt the May 9, 2005 City Council Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes 3.1. April 25, 2005 City Council Meeting. CM Heidner noted under Item 7.2. the request wasn't for a garden but for rather for wildlife; under Item 8.3. the Feasibility Study to be paid for by developers CM Heidner motioned to adopt the minutes as corrected. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2. Public Hearing for Mississippi Shores 6th & 7th Additions (4- 20 -05) CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.3. City Council Workshop of 04 -06 -05 CM Scharber motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.4. April 11, 2005 Public Hearing. • CM Scharber motioned adoption. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: (5 minute limit) 4.1. Representative from Bonestroo will be in attendance to answer any questions on Item 5.5. and 5.6. Morrie Kahlman, an Inspector for Bonestroo, was in attendance to answer any questions. He updated the Council on the progress of both plants. City Council Meeting of May 9, 2005. Page 2. 5. Consent Agenda. (Non - controversial items). 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.3. Approve Financial Transfers 5.4. Approve Payment No. 1 to Gridor for $244,468.00 for East Wastewater Treatment Facility III Phase. 5.5 Approve Payment No. 2 to Gridor for $654,495.00 for East Wastewater Treatment Facility III Phase. 5.6. Approve Ordinance 2005 -06 amending City Code establishing regulations for use of Parks and Trails in the City. 5.7. Approve Ordinance 2005 -07 amending the Zoning Ordinance Section 37 regarding sign regulations regarding institution project signs and freeway corridor signs. 5.8. Approve minor variance for L27, B12 Riverwood National. CM Scharber motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. City Departments. 6.1. Authorize hiring of Seasonal Workers. Both Mike Robertson and Brad Belair went over the interviewing process. CM Stockamp motioned to hire two seasonal workers as recommended by the City Administrator and Public Works Director. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2. Public Works Building Update. The Council set Wednesday June 1, 2005, 5:30 PM to interview architects. 7. Dan Licht, City Planner. 7.1. Brian and Jacolyn Stellmach: Conditional Use Permit to allow relocation of a single family home onto a lot within the City of Otsego. Laurie Shives presented the Planner's Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit subject to the five conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.2. Kevin Henry of Four H Properties: A. Rezone from I -1 to I -3 (Special Industrial District). B. Site and Building Plan Review for a building expansion. Laurie Shives presented the Planner's Report. Ron Wagner would like to see more detailed Ponding Plans. CM Heidner motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from I -1 District to I -3 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. II City Council Meeting of May 9, 2005. Page 3. CM Heidner motioned to approve the building expansion of Metro Home Insulation, Subject to the five conditions listed in the Findings of Fact with special note to Item 5 to be worked out with City Engineer to his satisfaction. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.3. Crimson Ponds West: • A. Rezoning from Agriculture to R -4 Residential Urban Single Family. B. Preliminary Plat. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. There was extensive discussion on the 75 Collector Street. The current design is showing part of this street on the plat and part on the Morrisette property. The Morrisettes noted their concerns if 75 Street went partially on their property it would negatively impact their property Russ Langer, Padget Avenue, stated his concerns with Padget Avenue going through. CM Thorsted motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A -1 District to R -4 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Fournier motioned to table the Preliminary Plat until more information and costs are received regarding the different options for 75 Street. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.4. Kittredge Crossings 10th Add. (cont'd from 4 -18) A. Rezone from A -1 (Agriculture) to PUD District. B. Preliminary Plat consisting of 106 dwelling units. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve a Zoning Map Amendment rezoning the proposed plat from A -1 District to PUD District and a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for Kittredge Crossing 10 Addition based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and subject to the 14 conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 8.1. Consider approving 70 St Extension Plans (North of Remington Coves) Ron Wagner went over the proposed extension. Mayor Fournier motioned to approve the City Engineer's recommendation for a Change Order for the Maclver Avenue Project for the 70 Street extension. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.2. Consider approving Change Order #3 and Pay Estimate #4 for Maclver Avenue Project. Mr. Wagner went over the Change Order and Pay Estimate. CM Scharber motioned to approve Change Order #3 for $15,058.25 and Pay Estimate #4 for $110,019.40. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of May 9, 2005. Page 4. 8.3. Consider accepting bids and awarding project to Otsego Waterfront East. Ron Wagner went over the bids received. CM Scharber motioned to approve Resolution 2005 -27 awarding the Otsego Waterfront East Improvement Project to Veit Companies. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.4 Discussion of Dust Control Policy. Removed from agenda. 8.5. Quaday Avenue Mr. Wagner said the City has received Federal approval of the plans and the bid opening will be June 9, 2005 at 2 PM. 9. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney. 9.1. Public Hearing for Bob Cederberg: A. Vacating portions of the drainage and Utility easement dedicated in Lot 1, Block 1, Cederberg Estates. Mr. MacArthur went over the process and reason for this Public Hearing and Vacation. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 9:36 PM. Judy Hudson attested that the proper noticing, posting and publishing was completed. Hearing no public comments, Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 9:36 PM. CM Scharber motioned to approve Resolution 2005 -20 approving vacation of portions of drainage and utility easement, City of Otsego, County of Wright located on Outlot B, Meadowlands, now part of Lot 1, Block 1, Cederberg Estates. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.2. 70 Street Agreement. Mr. MacArthur reviewed the agreement. The Council discussed that Otsego paid for all of Maclver Avenue and now the money Albertville was going to contribute towards Maclver Avenue they want to put towards 70 Street. CM Heidner motioned to NOT sign the agreement. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.3. Darkenwald request for City payment of current taxes. CM Scharber motioned to pay property taxes on properties to be conveyed to the City. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.4. Begin Property. Mr. MacArthur said the City closed on the Begin property. 9.5. Park Code Ordinance. CM Scharber motioned to amend the Park Code to include "No Sale" of Liquor in the Parks. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 10. Council Items: 10.1 Lily Pond Park Boundary Mike Robertson said the recommendation is to leave the trees but trim off the branches 6 feet up. City Council Meeting of May 9, 2005. Page 5. 10.2. Fire Station Mike Robertson said he hasn't heard back from property owner. 11. Mike Robertson, City Administrator. 11.1 Building Department Review Mike Robertson distributed the bids for the new pickup truck. CM Scharber motioned to approve the purchase of the Chevrolet Silverado 1500 extended cab 4X4 pickup and to go with the base equipment on the second item. Seconded by Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 11.2. Any other items. Mike Robertson said that Brad Belair has finished his probation period. Mayor Fournier motioned to approve the City Administrator's recommendation for Brad Belair's raise. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 11.2. Bank Collateral Mike Robertson said that we need to add to List of Depositories. The Council direction was that they would not consider investments that weren't collateralized. Mayor Fournier motioned to add the following banks: Premier Bank of Albertville, Wells Fargo Bank, TCF, US Bank, First Federal of Big Lake and Rogers Bank. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 12. Judy Hudson, City Clerk. No updates. 13. Adjourn by 10 PM. CM Stockamp said the sand areas in the baseball fields need packing. The Council agreed. CM Stockamp also requested a Stop Sign at 81 and Page Avenue. CM Heidner motioned to install two more Stop Signs at Page and 81 Street. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. ITEM 3_3 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP May 18, 2005 Roll Call:Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Dan Scharber, Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson and Public Works Director Brad Belair. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 4:07 p.m. Public Works Department - Council discussed a draft five year vehicle /equipment plan, staffing, and service levels. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator ITEM 3_4 OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW OTSEGO CITY HALL MAY 9, 2005 6:30 PM 1.A. Reconvene the Board of Review. Mayor Fournier reconvened the Board of Review of 6:32 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Pete Merges, City Assessor and Randy DesMarais, Assistant County Assessor. Approve the April 20, 2005 Board of Review Minutes. CM Heidner noted the minutes should read 696,000 rather than 696.000 on page 4. CM Heidner motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. Steven and Melora Kopp 8790 Mason Avenue NE 118 -500- 191206 Mr. Merges stated that he along with Doug Beise and Randy DesMarais reviewed this property. The garage is not completed and his previous measurements are correct. Mr. Merges recommended a $32,800 reduction CM Heidner motioned to lower the valuation by $32,800. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. Curtis Ebner 118- 500 - 104203 10291 Parrish Ave NE This property was reviewed. This lot is a lot smaller than surrounding lots and Mr. Merges recommended lowering the lot value to $44,000. CM Heidner motioned to lower the lot valuation to $44,000 for a reduction of $6,000. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. Rudy Thibodeau 118-038-001040 EMV $831,000 Mr. Merges went over recent sales in this area, liquor store sold for $625,000, daycare sold for $1,250,000 and Tom Thumb for $650,000 and recommended no change for Mr. Thibodeau's property. CM Heidner motioned to accept the City Assessor's recommendation and make no change to the valuation. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. The 2005 Board of Review was closed. Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Clerk ITEM 5_1 CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 23, 2005 TO: Judy Hudson Attached is the Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register 05 -10 -2005 $ 777,761.11 05 -12 -2005 $ 4,675.71 05 -18 -2005 $ 37,633.02 PAYROLL 05 -11 -2005 $ 24,611.83 GRAND TOTAL $ 844,681.67 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Kathy Grover Bookkeeper CITY OF OTSEGO 05/12/05 11:07 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register© • MAY 2005 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $537.31 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREME $2,220.15 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TRE $1,918.25 FIRST 1/2 TAXES #118- 500 - 173400 Total Checks $4,675.71 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 05/12/05 11:08 AM Page 1 *Check Detail Register© MAY 2005 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Unpaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST G 101 -21705 Other Retirement $345.00 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 E 101 - 41400 -121 PERA $192.31 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $537.31 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 250 - 42410 -121 PERA $477.47 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 G 101 -21704 PERA $1,065.17 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 E 101- 43100 -121 PERA $338.29 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 E 101 -41400 -121 PERA $194.92 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 E 101- 41600 -121 PERA $144.30 PPE 5/7/05 CH DTD 5/11/05 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $2,220.15 Unpaid ��� WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE E 101 - 41400 -310 Miscellaneous $1,918.25 FIRST 1/2 TAXES #118- 500 -17340 Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURE $1,918.25 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $4,675.71 Fund Summary 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER 101 GENERAL FUND $4,198.24 250 BUILDING PERMIT FEES $477.47 $4,675.71 • CITY OF OTSEGO 05/10/05 10:49 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register© MAY 2005 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF $7,764.00 BLDG - JUNE UnPaid BRADLEY BELAIR $90.00 MARCH /APRIL/MAY CELL PHONE UnPaid BUFFALO BITUMINOUS $110,019.40 MACIVER AVE UnPaid CAROL OLSON $715.00 4/25 TO 5/5/05 55 HRS UnPaid DON MASS $30.00 MAY CELL PHONE UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $654,495.00 EAST WWTP PHASE 3 UnPaid HAROLD LEONARD $279.39 APRIL /MAY CELL PHONE UnPaid JERRY OLSON $1,802.50 4/25 - 5/5/05 51.50 HRS UnPaid JOE ABRAHAMSON $191.82 APRIL /MAY CELL PHONE UnPaid KNUTSON RICK $30.00 MAY CELL PHONE UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TRE $2,344.00 PIB118500262201 Total Checks $777,761.11 FILTER: None • • CITY OF OTSEGO 05/10/05 10:50 AM Page 1 *Check Detail Register© MAY 2005 Check Amt Invoice Comment _ 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER _ ___ _ �� ...- -- -- •• - --- -- - "' Unpaid BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MN E 250 - 42410 -123 Health $3,596.00 BLDG - JUNE E 101- 41600 -123 Health $671.00 FINANCE - JUNE E 101- 41400 -123 Health $2,170.00 ADMIN - JUNE E 101 - 43100 -123 Health $1,327.00 PW -JUNE Total BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MN $7,764.00 Unpaid BRADLEY BELAIR E 101 - 43100 -320 Telephone _ $90.00 MARCH /APRIUMAY CELL PHONE Total BRADLEY BELAIR $90.00 Unpaid BUFFALO BITUMINOUS E 427 - 43100 -530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $110,019_40 PAY 4 MACIVER AVE Total BUFFALO BITUMINOUS $110,019.40 Unpaid ..,� .., .., CAROL OLSON E 101- 41400 -104 Part -time - Employees Regular _$71_5_00 4/25 TO 5/5/05 55 HRS Total CAROL OLSON 8715.00 Unpaid —x� �-. DON MASS E 101- 43100 -320 Telephone --- $30.00 MAY CELL PHONE Total DON MASS $30.00 Unpaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. W -.._ , �. �... .._.�..�....�,,.�..�......_.�., E 432 - 43256 -500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $654,495.00 PAY 2 EAST WWTP PHASE 3 Total GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $654,495.00 Unpaid HAROLD LEONARD E 250 - 42410 -320 Telephone $159.39 MILEAGE E 250 - 42410 -320 Telephone $120.00 APRIUMAY CELL PHONE Total HAROLD LEONARD $279.39 Unpaid - -- --„..>...—M ... ,,..- JERRY OLSON -- — , E 250 - 42410 -390 Contracted Services $1,802.50 4/25 - 5/5/05 51.50 HRS Total JERRY OLSON $1,802.50 Unpaid_<,.-,. M.» �.... ._,._......,.,_,..,....M- '���� JOE ABRAHAMSON E 250 -42410 -321 Mileage/Travel $71.82 MILEAGE E 250 -42410 -320 Telephone _ $120.00 APRIUMAY CELL PHONE Total JOE ABRAHAMSON $191.82 Unpaid KNUTSON RICK E 101 - 43100 -320 Telephone ____.._$30.00 MAY CELL PHONE Total KNUTSON RICK $30.00 � Unnpapai ' WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURE d E 101- 41400 -310 Miscellaneous $1,128.00 PID 118500262100 E 101- 41400 -310 Miscellaneous $780.00 PID118500352201 E 101 - 41400 -310 Miscellaneous __ $436.00 PIB118500262201 Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE $2,344.00 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $777,761.11 CITY OF OTSEGO 05/10/05 10:50 AM Page 2 *Check Detail Register© MAY 2005 Check Amt Invoice Comment Fund Summary 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER 101 GENERAL FUND $7,377.00 250 BUILDING PERMIT FEES $5,869.71 427 MACIVER /70TH ST ACCESS $110,019.40 432 East WWTP Phase III $654,495.00 $777,761.11 CITY OF OTSEGO 05/18/05 10:58 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register© MAY 2005 i . Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid 10,000 LAKES CHAPTER OF ICC $60.00 TIM - JUNE 16 CLASS UnPaid ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC $79.88 QTRLY SERVICE UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $22.30 OPERATING SUPPLIES UnPaid AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR & F $50.50 PERMIT REFUND 11211 77TH ST 00223 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PROD $322.61 OFFICE SUPPLIES UnPaid DALE KOLLES $124.49 REFUND BLDG PERMIT UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC $4,636.11 MARTIN FARMS STREET SIGNS UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $563.20 2005 ST MAINT UnPaid ELK RIVER FLORAL $67.25 KAREE /LIZ FLOWERS . UnPaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY $85.20 INSPECTION NOTICES UnPaid EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES IN $701.96 FINANCE - JUNE • UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTE $417.74 UNIFORMS UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $642.60 LOCATE CALLS UnPaid HALLMAN OIL COMPANY $417.05 CHEVRON DELO 400 15W40 UnPaid KATHY GROVER $40.50 MILEAGE UnPaid KURT NEIDERMEIER $106.49 CHAIR/WEST WWTP UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $140.00 ANIMAL CONTROL UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULT $11,580.70 WATERFRONT HOTEL UnPaid PLAYPOWER LT FARMINGTON I $468.60 SLIDE SECTION /PRAIRIE PARK UnPaid QUAIL MANUFACTURING CO INC $249.21 12 IN CUTTER UnPaid REED BUSINESS INFORMATION $725.18 WATERFRONT EAST inPaid RMR SERVICES, INC $6,544.96 METERS UnPaid SCHARBER & SONS $93.84 OPERATING SUPPLIES /FILTERS /BLADES UnPaid • SOFTRONICS $1,660.49 PW- COMP SET UP UnPaid SWEEPER SERVICES - $772.74 WATER SPRAY PUMP UnPaid THE LOGO OUTFITTERS $932.17 BLDG DEPT SHIRTS UnPaid TRAFFIC TECHNOLOGIES $584.69 DISTANCE MEASURING INSTRUMENT UnPaid US BANK $4,435.00 CROSSOVER 2003C BOND UnPaid WASTE MANAGEMENT $43.28 CLEAN UP DAY CHARGES UnPaid WRIGHT - HENNEPIN CO -OP ELE $134.26 STOP LIGHTS 42/101 UnPaid XCEL ENERGY $137.66 RIVERPOINTE UnPaid ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC $792.36 4 GUTTER BROOMS Total Checks $37,633.02 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 05/18/05 10:59 AM Page 1 *Check Detail Register© MAY 2005 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER „., ,�,_„,,...,..�.�......._.. ,.° ...»°°,--'°--'_".' °"""- Unpaid' -t� '10,000 LAKES CHAPTER OF ICC E 250 - 42410 -360 Education/Training /Conferences $60.00 TIM - JUNE 16 CLASS Total 10,000 LAKES CHAPTER OF ICC $60.00 w.n.T �_ Unpaid p PEST CONTROL INC E 101 -41940 -390 Contracted Services $79.88 1684171 QTRLY SERVICE Total ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC $79.88 Unpaid AIRGAS, INC. E 101 - 43100 -210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $22.30 105522303 OPERATING SUPPLIES Total AIRGAS, INC. $22.30 Unpaid AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR EPL �. M G 250 -21801 BUILDING PERMIT SURCHARGE $0.50 PERMIT REFUND 11211 77TH ST 00 R 250 -32262 Mechanical Permit $50.00 PERMIT REFUND 11211 77TH ST 00 Total AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR & FIREPL $50.50 Unpaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS E 101 -41400 -201 Office Supplies $131.19 772900 OFFICE SUPPLIES E 101- 43100 -203 Supplies - General $21.29 772900 PW - PWNCIL SHARPENER E 250 - 42410 -201 Office Supplies $16.78 982151 BLDG DEPT OFFICE SUPPLIES E 101 - 41400 -201 Office Supplies $123.96 982151 OFFICE SUPPLIES E 10141400 -201 Office Supplies $29.39 988545 OFFICE SUPPLIES Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $322.61 m _ .,x<"'"`*"..e"•. `.... n . -- DALE KOLLES Unpaid R 250 -32260 BUILDING PERMITS $124.49 REFUND BLDG PERMIT Total DALE KOLLES $124.49 Unpaid «, EARL F ANDERSON INC R 101 -34301 Street, Sidewalk and Curb Fees $4,019.10 65586 MARTIN SIGNS FARMS STREET SIGNS E 101- 43100 -393 Street Signs . Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $4,636.11 Mr: 7 "� PUBLISHERS Unpa ECM LISHERS INC Unpaid E 101- 43620 -390 Contracted Services $286.00 00189651 CLEAN UP AD E 101 -43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $277.20 00189988 2005 ST MAINT Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $563.20 _� Unpaid -- .w. ELK RIVER FLORAL ..Y. ..�...�.. ,.. E 101 - 41400 -310 Miscellaneous $67.25 30021 KAREE /LIZ FLOWERS Total ELK RIVER FLORAL $67.25 Unpaid ° ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU E 250 - 42410 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $85.20 021317 INSPECTION NOTICES Total ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $85.20 utl�T -.. " " �' � EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES INC Unpaid E 101- 43100 -123 Health $159.89 PW - JUNE E 250 - 42410 -123 Health $290.34 BLDG JUNE - JUNE E 101- 41400 -123 Health $223.64 E 101 -41600 -123 Health $28.09 FINANCE - JUNE Total EMPLOYER PLAN SERVICES INC $701.96 --- -unp aid ' G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM - unpaid E 101- 43100 -225 Uniforms $52.07 1043722808 UNIFORMS E 101 -41940 -390 Contracted Services $79.99 1043727759. MATS CITY OF OTSEGO 05/18/05 10:59 AM Page 2 *Check Detail Register© • MAY 2005 Check Amt Invoice Comment E 101 - 43100 -225 Uniforms $90.27 1043727760 UNIFORMS E 101- 43100 -225 Uniforms $58.72 1043732637 UNIFORMS E 101 - 41940 -390 Contracted Services $79.99 1043737585 MATS E 101- 43100 -225 Uniforms $56.70 1043737586 UNIFORMS Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $417.74 Unpaid »�. �,.�..,.�,w. �s GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC E 250 -42410 -310 Miscellaneous $642.60 5040662 LOCATE CALLS Total GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $642.60 Unpai ----,-------- ----- Mf- -- HALLM OI L COMP ---- - -w E 101 - 43100 -202 Gas & Oil $417.05 152452 CHEVRON DELO 400 15W40 Total HALLMAN OIL COMPANY $417.05 " - .. <..�.�.,,.,..� ..� .� Unpaid KATHY GROVER E 101- 41600 -310 Miscellaneous $40.50 MILEAGE Total KATHY GROVER $40.50 Unpaid KURT NEIDERMEIER E 430 -43256 -530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $106.49 CHAIR/WEST WWTP Total KURT NEIDERMEIER $106.49 Unpaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL E 101 - 42710 -390 Contracted Services $140.00 526 ANIMAL CONTROL Total MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $140.00 Unpaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS G 701 -22438 KITTREDGE CROSS 10 $1,008.90 14376 KITTCROSS 10 G 701 -22393 REMINGTON COVES $335.55 14376 REMINGTON COVE G 701 -22434 Crimson Ponds West $1,551.39 14376 CRIMSON WEST E 101 - 41570 -303 Planning Fees $588.00 14376 KOLLES /DARE PROP G 701 -22436 CRIMSON PONDS NORTH $504.60 14376 CRIMSON NORTH G 701 -22443 STELLMACH - MOVE IN HOUSE $591.75 14376 STELLMACH G 701 -22315 RIVERWOOD NATIONAL $45.00 14376 RIVERWOOD NATIONAL G 701 -22442 FOUR H PROPERTIES $395.25 14376 FOUR 4 G 701 -22446 TWIN CITY BEEKEEPING $18.00 14376 TWIN CITY BEE G 701 -22422 ROTTLUND HOMES $27.00 14376 ROTTLUND G 701 -22392 MISSISSIPPI COVE $36.00 14376 MISS COVE G 701 -22444 Rainbow Daycare $36.00 14376 RAINBOWS DAYCARE G 701 -22432 OTSEGO PRESERVE III $45.00 14376 OTSEGO PRES 3RD G 701 -22424 Hamlet Prop $72.00 14376 HEMLET CONCEPT G 701 -22439 BRAD PRAUGHT $98.19 14376 BRAD PRAUGHT G 701 -22441 Mississippi Shores 8th $135.00 14376 MISS SHORES 8 G 701 -22328 WATERFRONT EAST $171.00 14376 WATERFRONT EAST PUD G 701 -22426 FIN PLAT ARBOR CRK 3 $261.00 14376 ARBOR CRK 3RD G 701 -22402 WATERFRONT 4 HEMPEL $443.23 14376 HEMPLE PUD G 701 -22445 RIVER PLACE II $501.75 14376 RIVERPLACE 2ND G 701 -22346 HOTEL/WATERPARK $36.00 14376 WATERFRONT HOTEL E 101 -41570 -303 Planning Fees $1,186.89 14377 GENERAL E 101 - 41570 -303 Planning Fees $342.00 14377 INS PROJECT SIGNS E 101 -45250 -310 Miscellaneous $45.90 14377 PARK & TRAIL E 250 - 42410 -311 Ping & Eng. - 101Traffic Study $318.70 14377 HWY 101 E 250-42410-303 Planning Fees $1,036.60 14378 GENERAL -CODE ENFORCEMENT E 101 - 41570 -303 Planning Fees $1,750.00 14379 MEETINGS Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $11,580.70 iW e__ Unpaid PLAYPOWER LT FARMINGTON INC E 101 - 45200 -400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $468.60 1400058457 SLIDE SECTION /PRAIRIE PARK CITY OF OTSEGO 05/18/05 10:59 AM Page 3 *Check Detail Register© MAY 2005 • C heck Amt Invoice Comment Total PLAYPOWER LT FARMINGTON INC $468.60 Unpaid QUAIL MANUFACTURING CO INC E 101 -43100 -240 Small Tools and Minor Equip $249.21 11578 12 IN CUTTER Total QUAIL MANUFACTURING CO INC $249.21 Unpaid - -- REED BUSINESS INFORMATION — }- E 414- 43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $105.04 2880975 89TH & PARREL E 475 - 43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $149.48 2880976 WATERFRONT EAST E 101 - 43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $107.06 2886323 2005 ST MAINT E 475 - 43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $149.48 2886324 WATERFRONT EAST E 101 - 43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $107.06 2892558 2005 ST MAIN E 101- 43100 -350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $107.06 2904925 2005 ST MAINT Total REED BUSINESS INFORMATION $725.18 Unpaid RMR SERVICES, INC ������ •- E 601 - 49400 -203 Supplies - General $6,544.96 2005 -53 METERS Total RMR SERVICES, INC $6,544.96 Unp ---- -- S CHARBER & SONS __ -...� - -M E 101 -43100 -210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $93.84 332688 OPERATING SUPPLIES /FILTERS /BLA Total SCHARBER & SONS $93.84 lnpaid SOFTRONICS E 101 - 41400 -390 Contracted Services $325.00 2128 ADMIN - LABOR E 101 -41600 -390 Contracted Services $325.00 2128 FINANCE - LABOR E 101 -43100 -310 Miscellaneous $325.00 2128 PW - LABOR E 101 - 43100 -240 Small Tools and Minor Equip $360.49 2128 PW- COMP SET UP E 250 - 42410 -390 Contracted Services $325.00 2128 BLDG - LABOR Total SOFTRONICS $1,660.49 Unpaid - -- - -- - SWEEPER SERVICES -�� -�+ - �. E 101- 43100 -400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) _ $772.74 5646 WATER SPRAY PUMP Total SWEEPER SERVICES $772.74 Unpaid T LOGO OUTFITTERS E 250- 42410 -203 Supplies - General $932.17 1566 BLDG DEPT SHIRTS Total THE LOGO OUTFITTERS $932.17 Unpaid TRAFFIC TECHNOLOGIES E 101 - 43100 -501 Equipment $584.69 4158 DISTANCE MEASURING INSTRUMENT Total TRAFFIC TECHNOLOGIES $584.69 Unpaid ,�: ...N« ,�,.x, ,,.,,..��— US BANK . ,-... .�. .. -. E 316 -47000 -602 Bond Interest $4,435.00 33544600 CROSSOVER 2003C BOND Total US BANK $4,435.00 Unpaid ' WASTE MANAGEMENT E 101- 43620 -390 Contracted Services $43.28 0018803 -1706- CLEAN UP DAY CHARGES Total WASTE MANAGEMENT $43.28 Unpaid WRIGHT- HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC E 101 - 43160 -322 Utilities $134.26 14723 STOP LIGHTS 42/101 Total WRIGHT - HENNEPIN CO -OP ELECTRIC $134.26 Unpaid .,�,.- .•�, „�,�. XCEL ENERGY .,,... a.,.,.. �,.,, �,",,,, ��. u.. � ...�......,.�.....,m�.�....�.�„ E 602 - 49450 -322 Utilities $22.53 23957259 LIFT STATION 5 17388 52ND ST E 101- 43160 -322 Utilities $115.13 26065862/259 RIVERPOINTE CITY OF OTSEGO 05/18/05 10:59 AM Page 4 *Check Detail Register© MAY 2005 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total XCEL ENERGY $137.66 Unpaid ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC E 101 - 43100 -210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $417.48 100668 4 GUTTER BROOMS E 101 - 43100 -210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $374.88 100911 BROOM REFILL Total ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC $792.36 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $37,633.02 Fund Summary 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER 101 GENERAL FUND $15,925.05 250 BUILDING PERMIT FEES $3,882.38 316 1999 Bituminous Debt Service $4,435.00 414 Revolving Capital Improvements $105.04 430 West Trtmnt Plant -Phase 1 $106.49 475 Waterfront East $298.96 601 WATER FUND $6,544.96 602 SEWER FUND $22.53 701• DEVELOPMENT ESCROWS FUND $6,312.61 $37,633.02 • ITEM 5_2 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2005 -06 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND TRAILS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter 6 of the Otsego City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: SECTION 7 PARK AND TRAIL REGULATIONS Section 6 -7 -1 Application Section 6 -7 -2 Exceptions Section 6 -7 -3 Curfew Section 6 -7 -4 Prohibited Activities Section 6 -7 -5 Animals Section 6 -7 -6 Picnics and Picnic Shelters Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its adoption and publication as required by law. ADOPTED this 9 day of May, 2005. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, this Ordinance is published in summary form. Complete copies of the amended Otsego Zoning Ordinance are available for inspection by contacting the Zoning Administrator /City Clerk, Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, Minnesota 55330. 1 ITEM 5_4- I AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DUERR CREEK THIS AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEEMENT DUERR CREEK (dated March 14, 2005) is made effective the day of , 2005, by and between Heritage Development ( "Developer "), a limited liability company under the laws of Minnesota, and the, City of Otsego ( "City "), a municipal corporation organized under the laws of Minnesota. WHEREAS, Developer and City entered into said Development Agreement for Duerr Creek, a residential development located in the City of Otsego, whereby Developer and City agreed to all terms and conditions therein; and WHEREAS, Developer and City desire to amend the terms of said Development Agreement as provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, Developer and City, hereby agree as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated by reference. 2. The defined terms herein shall have the same meanings set forth in the Development Agreement. 3. The following shall replace Section 15 of the Development Agreement: 15. Streets. The Developer agrees to maintain the streets in the plat until the base course bituminous surfacing has been accepted by the City. Should the City be required to grade the street prior to paving, the cost of such grading shall be paid by the Developer and drawn from the Developer's letter of credit. Should snow plowing be necessary prior to street paving, the Developer shall be responsible for such plowing. If, upon the Developer's request, the City agrees to plow the street prior to acceptance, such work will be done upon agreement that the Developer will hold harmless and indemnify the City from any and all liability claims related to such work and pay all costs associated with that work. Any plowing undertaken by the City will constitute no acceptance or evidence of acceptance of the street(s) in question. Upon final completion of streets and acceptance by the City, the Developer shall guarantee to the City for a period of two (2) years that the streets have been constructed to City standards. The warranty period shall not commence until such time as street construction is completed and the streets are accepted by the City. No building permits shall be issued until the first layer of pavement has been placed upon the streets within the plat, except that up to ten (10) model homes may be constructed prior to paving with administrative approval per City Ordinance. The first layer of pavement shall be warrantied for two (2) years from the date upon which it is approved by the City Engineer. The second layer of pavement shall be applied after one winter season. The two year warranty set forth above commences upon the date on which the City accepts the streets by resolution. 4. The Development Agreement is hereby deemed amended only and to the extent necessary to reflect the changes set forth herein and no other amendments are made to the Development Agreement. 5. Developer and City hereby acknowledge and agree that the Development Agreement remains in full force and effect and binds the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer and City have executed this Amendment to Development Agreement Duerr Creek as of the day first above written. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor BY: Judy Hudson, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by Larry Fournier, Mayor and by Judy Hudson, City Clerk, of the City Otsego, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the City and pursuant to the authority of the City Council. Notary Public ,t 1 Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Court, MacArthur & Ruppe Law Office 705 Central Avenue East P.O. Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497 -1930 a STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by Larry Fournier, Mayor and by Judy Hudson, City Clerk, of the City Otsego, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the City and pursuant to the authority of the City Council. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by the , of Heritage Development, Inc. with authority and on behalf of the company. Notary Public Consent Agenda 06/23/05 City of Otsego Project Project Name Pay Estimate # No. Contractor Amount Sewer Cleaning Services 2 N/A Pipe Services $34,582.93 Total $34,582.93 IT EM 5_5 PAY ESTIMATE $2 CITY OF OTSEGO SANITARY SEWER CLEANING SERVICES May 23,2005 Honorable Mayor & Clty CouncIJ City of Otsego BM Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: City of Otsego Sanitary Cleaning Services Pay Estimate No. 2 Contractor: Pipe Services Contract AmaurV $41,000.00 Award Pete: October 27, 2004 Completion Date: December 31, 2005 Schedule "A" Sewer Cleaning and Video Estimated Contract Used to Item No. Deaerlptlon Quantity Contract Unit Price Amount Date Extension 1 Jet -Vac cleaning of Gravity Sewers 50,000 000 _ LF LF $0.44 LF LF X22,000,00 59.120 3 26,012.30 2 Vldao Recording of Gravity 9eweSewers 50, _ $0.38 E19,000.00 59,120 3 22,465.50 Total Bid Schedule "A" 34� 00® 5, 48,479.40 SUMMARY OF BIDDING; 91d Schedule "A" - (Description) 541,000.00 3 46,476.40 Total Contract Amount 341,000.00 Total Used To -Date 348,479,40 Less 5% Retainer 32,423.92 Lase Previous Payments $11.471.56 Payment No. 1 311,471.65 Total Payments 311,471.55 Ws Recommend Payment of: t . 334,682.93 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: PIPE SERVICES Certification by Contractor: I WW1 that all Items and amounts ore correct for the work completed to data. Signed: Title: Date ENGINEER: HAICANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work end quantities es shown. Signed: Title: Date OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date OTe22pe °c Minnesota Department of Public Safety '�.. 3 �w *a Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement t o -- *= 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133 • z St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 " 4 ...' e..; 651 -296 -6979 • TTY 651 -282 -6555 • Fax 651 -297 -5259 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE No Iicense.will be approved or; released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by MN Liquor Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. ! License Period Ending F:E / 3C?l i• �= 'try! %''aD# ? t.'I7' i`, License Code ._,!•�- ......... �� - City /County where license approved. t: s i::C 0 Licensee Name ' i. er On ;_, L.L.0 • & Trade Name f�; ?..;:k c: k V4 0 0 c:! S � =; .~ i. 1 1 ..... . Licensed Location address 9 1 0471 0 • ` ''•' - ' y i V e C'"' City, State, Zip Code 1 - `t = - -1 Mi`l 55330 Business Phone 763 / 44 "'- :, 3 tt ='=: • LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ ` " i On Sale $ ` "` t '��" ` ° ` t ' Sunday $ '' -C " 4!t By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in - Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. . . 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city /township /county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3: Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that • q• ers Compensation insurance is in effect for the full license period. Licensee has attached a liq or li .I, lity insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city /county where license is issued. $1.0,000 ' cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. J r • Licensee Signature \ 1 Date ( � /if.(C�S (Signature certifies all above mation to be correct and license has been approved by city /county.) ` City Clerk/County Auditor Signature ilk • 1 L Date S-a---� (Signature certifies that renewal of a liq , •• , wi • club license has been approved by the city /county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). • Police /Sheriff Signature,. - ^ . L i . ...• (, • Date 3; (Signature certifies licensee or associates hav n ' t been c d during t five he past ve years for any state/local liquor law violations b (criminal /civil). Report violations on back, then sign here. • PS 9093 -98 Indicate below changes of corporate officers, partners, home addresses or telephone numbers: Indicate below any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in other liquor establishments: Report below details of liquor law violations (civil or criminal) that have occurred within the last five years. (Dates, offenses, fines or other penalties, including Liquor Control Penalties): Report below details .involving any license rejections or revocations: City /County Comments: • Minnesota Department of Public Safety Q L = ) Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Ere: 444 Cedar Street. Suite 133 St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 651 -296 -6979 • TTY 651 -282 -6555 • Fax 651- 297 -5259 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE No license will be approved or released until the 820 Retailer ID Card fee is received by MN Liquor; Control Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. License Code J ":i 9 License Period Ending ,1 '121 / :' 't 1 3D# 'r• -•' City /County where license approved. 0 : .. j.2 o Licensee Name ID .- , .•h'i:: r: Stat :i. on I nc • Trade Name R - r:v4 =i Inn : Ci_ t1 •1' r efic7_ 1 f.., cr Licensed Location address 10990 r City, State, Zip Code iiiont ire11o, r -, 553612 Business Phone F / 4 4 1 ° 6 LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ 4 •' ^ 1'' ` �. On Sale $ L1 ' ` 0 . 1=710 Sunday $ 150. 4 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above natned licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report anv of the following will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city /township /county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. • 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation.insurance is in effect for the full license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city /county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. • Licensee Signature 911 . 7 ktyee0 Date 4.1.5 • 0 5 — (Signature certifies all ove information to be correct and license has been approved by city /county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature '\Lt 9 s, Date` 3— (Signature certifies that renewal of a 1 , w e r club license has been approved by the city /county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). • Police /Sheriff Signature: > "'' —ir •�– - L Date `7 j • (Signature certifies licensee or associates been cited during the past five years for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal /civil). Report violations on back, then sign here. PS 9093 -98 04 -11 -2005 08:49AM FROM -CITY CF OTSEGO +763- 441 -8923 T -833 P.002/008 F -507 F G 0 AIc ow A 6uee flag tw4rcaeeM Minnesota Departrnent of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 Telephone 651- 296 -6979 Fax 651- 297 -5259 TTY 651- 282 -6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License, 3.2% Liquor license. or Sunday Liquor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: I) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License $C 6- 0 License Period From: 4 /( / b .2 To: 4 /3c3 /G 6, Circle One:: N ew License�License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicatin Sunday Liquor 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ o rob i Sunday License fee: S tS) . /II 3.2% On Sale fee: 5 3.2% Off Sale fee: 5 Licensee Name: E:- i5 e • AL L.f,G. DOB Social Security # (corporation, pvtn 'p, LLC, • dividual) Hot - tn/4 y sN WicD vJoa tA.141i -ePA2k Business Trade Name Business Address lLJ� 'e g d C°C C A,a et a t, city 07:S Ea i I Zip Code 5.533 J County L) &((rNT Business Phone ,6 - . 2 4l... k (' - U Home Phone Home Address City Licensee's MN Tax ID # Licensee's Federal Tax ID # (To Apply call 6s 1 -296 6181) (To apply call 651- 29U-.9v)) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner /officer: - Pio AF � f f 6 / /S" /3i '/C `A/ft C.r P � c • c Farmer /Officer Name (First Middle Last) r DOB Social Security # Home Address AO LLC CYrµ ve AAA/ 6:53 I, (Partner /OfficcrName (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Nome Address Partner /OficerName (First Middle Lan) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: 1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city , or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Ye -0 During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: STATE t't�k.t MicrLtAIPolicy it / L}A, ;Z— 6 1 Certify that this license(s) has been approved i an offi ial m eting by the .. vernin ody of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signa ! a �� - _ , ' Date ■ L ,D- S. (tide On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensee st also purchase a 520 Retailer Buyers Card. To Buyers Card, a obtain the application for the Bu y d, please call 651- 215 -6209. or visit our website at www.dpc.vtate.mn . tts. (Fonn 9011 -2004) 04- 11-2005 08:49AM FROM -CITY OF OTSEGO +T63 -441 -8823 T -833 P.003/008 F -507 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF OTSEGO .' / PA 8899 Nashua Avenue NE � Otsego, MN 55330 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE ,/ `/ On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License " On -Sale Sunday Liquor License _ On -Sale Wine Off -Sale Liquor License On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License Off -Sale 3.2 Beer License Workers Compensation Insurance Company ST F 1. N Iy1, j,:. i Li A L. Policytt (4 q — ... 06 LICENSEE'S SALES & USE TAX ID # — To apply for sales tax umber. call 651.296 -6181 or I.800 -657 -3777 Applicant's name (Business, partnership, corporation) DOB Social Security :1 DBA or trade name ()TSE&t t sP l-r4 L.1Tt L-1.- c- q 5 - , . 4 , . 4 i - I -.. License address r Business phone Applicant's home phone 12.00 Q.LILA 1 At A tJc /.'E _ City County State Zip Code License Period c'TS -0 i.)i2.t&i - /LlA,/ 55 3 30 From To f Glve name, residence, title and date of birth for all partners. or the officers and directors of a corporation. Also, state the narfnershin interest of each pnrfner and for corpor t he nrrceut of stock held by each cirri Social Security 0 Title DOB Percent stock or partnership interest gdP)t i rl tZ Q 5 - 1 e /00 a Address City State /3 9 G s et;r LaKo- CiRtcb- MAPC.t= 6e.vv'e Ss 6 Name Social Security 11 Title DOB Percent stock or parthership interest Address City State Numc Social Security k Title DOB Percent stock or partnership interest Address City Stun Date ot'incorporation State of incorporation Certificate Number (s corporation authorized to do business in Minnesota? Yes No Purposc of corporation If a subsidiary of another corporation, give name and address of parent corporation 1, Describe premises to be licensed (location. facilities). µri ; 61-- - R!-'S"i'a (. eZ, r• n:-r• 1 1 ... d&- ,. • .• - .. T.2 'Zrn. D Grti .t Floor establishment is located on Seating capacityH food wil be available Numbcr of people restaurant cmpioys �.— Mta&LTh.•.5 - JACOLuLir.) P. r:15 Number of months per year establishment will be open Nana of manager 04 -11 -2005 08:49AM FROM -CITY OF OTSEGO +763- 441 -8823 T -833 P.004/008 F -507 Application for Liquor License Page 2 of 3 2. If this establishment is in conjunction with any otter business (resort, ctc.), describe business N I A 3. Has applicant, panncrs, officers or employers ever had any Liquor Law violations in Minnesota or elsewhere, including State Liquor Control Penalties? Yes X No If yes, give date, charges and final, outcome. 4. Is the applicant or any partner, officer, director, agent, employee, or anyone having an interest in relation to this application a member of t ? the City Council in which the license will be issued Yes X No If yes, in what capacity? (if the applicant for this license or any of the associates is the spouse of u member of thc governing body or where u family relationship exists, thc member shall not vote on this application.) (PS 9015.94) Yes -_No 5. Have the applicants any interest, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in thc city issuing this license? If yes, give the name and address of the establishment. Ves _X._No 6. During the post license year, has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil Liability Law (Dram Shop) M.S. 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons. X Ycs No 1 �T. Will ou serve liquor on Sunday? Amount of Sunday License Fee. 44 i S-0 , 01) ecrt,''' t . i'1 ee the above questions and that the ans rs a // ,true an correct to thc best of my knowledge. Namee of applicant (p1 ease print or oel g Applicnns's signature / Date The License must have one of the following: Intoxicating Liquor License Check One . SZA. Liquor Liability Insurance (Dram Shop) - $1,000,000 per person; 51,500.000 more than one person; $100,000 property Destruction; $100,000 for loss of means of support ATTACH "CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE" TO TICS FORM. Or B. A Surety bond from a surety company with minimum coverage as specified above in A. or C. A certificate of the State Treasurer that the licensee has deposited with thc State Treasurer $ 1,500,000.00 in cash or securities which may legally be purchased by savings banks or for trust funds having a market value of 1.5 million dollars. 3.2 Liquor License Check One A. Liquor Liability Insurance (Dram Shop) - $50.000 per person; 5100,000 more than one person; $10,000 property Destruction; 550,000 and $ 100,000 for Toss of means of support. ATTACH "CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE" TO THIS FORM. or • B. A Surety bond from a surety company with minimum coverage as specified above in A. ar C. A certificate from the State Treasurer thus the licensee has deposited with the State Treasurer $100,000.00 in cash or securities which may legally be purchased by savings bunks or for trust funds having u market value of 5100,000.00. I 04 -11 -2005 08:49AM FR041 -CITY OF OTSEGO 4763- 441 -8823 T -833 P.005/008 F -507 • Page 3 of 3 REPORT BY SHERIFF I ccrtify that co the best of my knowledge, the applicants named above have not bccn convicted within the last five year for any felony or violation of Stair flaw or municipal ordinance relating to the sale of liquor, except as follows: /VU Signature County Date If you have any questions concerning these recommendations or require additional information, please feel free to contact mc. Page 1 of 1 . May 03, 2005 11:20 AM 01._# Sthtus COL CL/ issued,: Sthca.N.11 Na.me Eno EAp F432745535086 VALID N / A D 01/20/2004/ ROBERT LOGAN FIELDS M 02101/2008 13965 RICE LAKE CIR MAPLE GROVE 55369 . . . . . . . . -- • cirrzs 0 1:11I Dat.:3 II Desenptior II 7:ol..oiti 1 11 0? 11 0 1 Letig. 11 1 .1:1?il DAtf-: 1 1No violations recorded as of this date. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • http://www.dvslesupport.org/dvsinfo/dvsnewdl/Demographics.a.sp?Prnt=YES&DispType=A... 5/3/2005 • /• ° Minnesota Department of Public Safety ViawA e*, I ` . `1 Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement 3 444 Cedar Street. Suite 133 • St. Paul, MN 55 101 -5 133 651 -296 -6979 • TTY 651 - 282 -6555 • Fax 651- 297 -5259 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE No License will be approved or released until the $20 Retuler ID Card" fee is received by MN Liquor Control Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. License Code License Period Ending F.:: / 3.:.1 / !.'_:ID# 1. ..... 749 City /County where license approved. 0 s e r..! Licensee Name ` a.. i•? i::7 Mai Y :a t ; n T 1.-t Trade Name NT L. i. ci r Licensed Location address '7767 NE - R V Rd City, State, Zip Code 01: - e r.' _: s `(!':i 55.3:30 Business Phone 763 /i: ° "t :1 .•. "`,.- LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ 1 51') " 1 On Sale $ 4° !'!'t Sunday $ 4° By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's ggnature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in • Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city /township /county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations: If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance is in effect for the full license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city /county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. / _ �C- -'�- • Licensee Si gnature ; ! / f Signature ;• :l` �. ( c Date j �5 !(% S • (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city /county.) t City Clerk/County Auditor Signature 01 jAi J- asin Date 5 (Signature certifies that renewal of a li u r, w e r club license has been approved by the city /county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police /Sheriff Signature )' L —_ �y'�.• . • Date 4 - -) (Signature certifies licensee or associates have not been cited during the past five years for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal /civil). Report violations on back, then sign here. • PS 9093 -98 Indicate below changes of corporate officers, partners, home addresses or telephone numbers: A (:) Indicate below any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in other liquor establishments: ( - 1 7 1--- 7 — 7 2 ) rs. . L , r.- Report below details of liquor law violations (civil or criminal) that have occurred within the last five nears. (Dates, offenses, fines or other penalties, including Liquor Control Penalties): L 74 L !/ / 6' . ;.. l � .,7 `, .. v / 'Y--� ^�. l -rte G� Z t= �E �i ! ✓ �G Report below details involving any license rejections or revocations: L v, 4 Y ` l r rte. - t� ; City /County Comments: ;� Minnesota Department of Public Safety /(t 4 *,a Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement 74 Et& 1 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, -' St. Paul, MN 551011 -5133 a / 651-296-6979 • TTY 651 -282 -6555 • Fax 651 -297 -5259 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE N license will be,appro`ved or released` Until the 520 Retailer ID Card fee is received byMN Liquor Control Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. License Code ; :1 = 1 5 7 ` 2 '` �'��' -'` '� � • � �� �'�- �- `.- •,�.._ License Period Ending �•= � - �:.::. / � •" ��1- �• -.ID# .. _.. City /County where license approved. [ t sego Licensee Name Ph ill :_ p „ T Ill o t h y c:• • P t r-. -...:. _�. Trade Name FR. i. . v i .: °a l.._ i r, u. o e t t e Licensed Location address 1 = " NET 90th ` -- r , ; is � �- �:_ • - ; };'� City, State, Zip Code i i . ; V t., r' , r l; 5' _.. Business Phone 7E1..: / 1 - :i. ••- 7 +_.+ LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ -''• it': ;li / .l' ; `– On Sale $ "° `' Sunday S i ` 1 ' ` 1 ' ` 1 • By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city /township /county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. • 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance is in effect for the full license period: Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city /county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. Licensee Signature _ .,(,.y4; Date (Signature certifies all above infor to to be correct and license has been approved by city /county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature %A Ap /�. Date — . (Signature certifies that renewal of a liq,CI wine .r ub license has been approved by the city /county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police /Sheriff Signature `-.' 4 ?.1,- �' Date `:) (Signature certifies licensee or associate ave nbt-been cited during he past fie ears for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil). Report violations on back, then sign here. PS 9093 -98 Indicate below changes of corporate officers, partners, home addresses or telephone numbers: Indicate below any interest whatsoever. directly or indirectly in other liquor establishments: Report below details of liquor law violations (civil or criminal) that have occurred within the last five years. (Dates, offenses, fines or other penalties, including Liquor Control Penalties): Report below details involving any license rejections or revocations: City /County Comments: RENEWAL OF 3.2 LIQUOR LICENSE CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NASHUA AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 PHONE: 763 - 441 -4414 FAX: 763 - 441 -8823 Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. License Period Ending: June 30, 2005 Licensee Name: Richard Franklin Kincanon Trade Name: StoneBridge Golf Course Licensed Location Address: 13743 85t St. NE . Otsego, MN 55330 License Fee: $75.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. Please contact the City Clerk for this application. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: 1. Licensee confirms that it complies with city ordinance 91 -07. Li ensee has , attached an insurance certificate that c rrs w'th city/ordinance limits. ;, ` _ Richard Franklin Kincanon Dgte \Ak t-kCif\ Ci C L- Date sheriff Da e (signature certifies licensee or associates have not been cited during the past five years for any liquor law violations) Liquor license 3.2 G 0 Alcohol & Gambling Enlacement Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) • 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 Telephone 651- 296 -6979 Fax 651- 297 -5259 TTY 651 -282 -6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License, 3.2% Liquor license, or Sunday Liquor License Cities and .Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: 1) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License 1,0t- (44- License Period From:TN I� l aaa6To:ZunG 3 •20d6 Circle One: 1221M License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating Sunday Liquor % On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ _ Sunday License fee: $ 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 7 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name:. R C 4 r4 FP, . i t coon DOB c -(4 - yQ Social Security #_ • (corporation,1lartnership, LL(, or utdiviiddual) J Business Trade Name S -Jove 'ri i 4 e Co If Cd i, %isiness Address 13 7 $ s S-i. es- City d TSe5 O Zip CodeSS330 County 1.4/14611t Business Phone /43 Home Phone 743 -5038 Home Address $q g Weis 404 Ave. A City 6. C Licensee's MN Tax ID #_ (To Apply call 651- 296 -6181) Licensee's Federal Tax ID #_ • (10 apply call 651- 290 -3905) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/officer: ,�/ P1,-( Fr t&il 1 e .'t1•go gq -8 ,I[4ShG4 4 /t EC Partner /Officer Name, (First Mi dle Last) DOB i Social Security # Home Address 1 eavk Mort t. • 1 nc4v1o 1. 07 ill 'gills Nas1 Ati(.Nr (Partner /Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address - Merry Pr/1-c. 6 /qoh g- (y • ill 7 gi g IV'4s4 u .4 4.ue. A16 Partner /Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: 1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Ye -0 During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: N / - See 4-14,4 yrl a Policy # I Certify that this license(s) has been app ved in an offs ial meeting by the governs body of the city or county. Cit Clerk or County Auditor Signature K1 ` r Date -- 3--C) � Y Y g wb C ( (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651- 215 -6209, or visit our website at www.dps.state.rnn.us. (Form 9011 -2004) °f:, ,, Minnesota Department of Public Safety ,ta Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement a<; z3 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133 ' ` =` % >; ...._y .. St. Paul, MN 55 101-5133 651 -296 -6979 • TTY 651 - 282 -6555 • Fax 651- 297 -5259 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE No license will be approved or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by MN Liquor Control Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. License Code [.ii :41\111i\i;i- License Period Ending r=, / ";lid 5D# p, City /County where license approved. at; :s is 1 t:: Licensee Name � *i 'i'i z'� — Sol. i ` & Hobby C o r Trade Name G o F_l f !:. h i P r' ; ;; f' Licensed Location address 1 1:1 e 1'•il City, State, Zip Code l.. t, s e c o , M , ._ _. s ;lei Business Phone "i'i_,• 5 /2 r :1:... ':)C11:-D C.1 LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ r'l 171171 On Sale $ -'' ° 4s t' Sunday S "" By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. A • • licant's si ! nature on this renewal confirms the followin • : Failure to re • ort an of the followin ' will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city /township /county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. • 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance is in effect for the full license period. • • Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city /county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. Licensee Signature ;' /ax �,2 -r. r o A Date y —/ _ v. (Signature certifies all above ini rmati• s to be correct and license has been approved by city /county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature Date .5 —aVOS (Signature certifies that renewal of a 1if.uo , wi e o club license has been approved by the city /county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). { Police /Sheriff Signature ,c2_ -f -� `~ - " ��• ,�.� -.�: ,.. ` Date ) (Signature certifies licensee or asso c� rate ave t been cited during past five years for any state /local liquor law violations (criminal/civil). Report violations on back, then sign here. PS 9093 -98 • RENEWAL OF 3.2 LIQUOR LICENSE CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NASHUA AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 • PHONE: 763 -441 -4414 • FAX: 763 -441 -8823 Licensee: please verify your licensee information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. License Period Ending: June 30, 2005 Licensee Name: Minn -E -Golf & Hobby Corp Trade Name: Godfather's Pizza Licensed Location Address: 9100 Park Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 License Fee: $75.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. Please contact the City Clerk for this application. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: 1. Licensee confirms that it complies with City Ordinance 91 -07. Licensee has attached an insurance certificate that corresponds with City Ordinance limits. Li enee Signature Date , 1./ 5 - -D3-c\S - Cit le _ Date Sheriff ( Date (Signature certifies licensee or associates have not been cited during the past five years for any liquor law violations) liquor license 3.2 VG :o Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 Telephone 651- 296 -6979 Fax 651- 297 -5259 TTY 651- 282 -6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License, 3.2% Liquor license, or Sunday Liquor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: 1) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor Licens- �/ ti icense Period From:Je /. _ /, oSTo: June 3g 02 Circle One: New License License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating Sunday Liquor 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ '/ Sunday License fee: $ 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Narnerl /NO1- £- 7M 'l'f�O 4' r � airy , DOB Social Security # (corporation, partnership, LLCC t4ndividual) Business Trade Nam �7 0 />'.S /Z7 /9 Business Address F/.004,2k City a$'e Zip Codes 3O County tr 't Business Phone 7(o 3 ,7 y/ ROC2 Home Phone 76 '— 5y- 5 Home Address in Sig f , `a City efr ! ✓ar 1Ill .S3 Licensee's MN Tax ID # (To Apply call 651 -296 -6181) Licensee's Federal Tax ID #_ t o apply caul ox- .yu -.yuS) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner /officer: d J . 7A Lc/ P/a.t4 ._ 9( ///S 9 � • c Partner /Officer Name (First Mi dle Last) DOB Social Security # Home ddrf s " /"A5 �yy 3s /'tarpv:t 5 cIea,w 0 F .- /// ( .7 4 / /9.C E /vie (Partner /Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home AddreseW 5 "-5 - 33 c Partner /Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following:, 1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the License. Circle One: (Yes No During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name:Sta -7 e 1 vNd p.EiNS w►' licy # Ce4 I Certify that this license(s) has been app ved in an off`cial meeting by thmoverping body of the city or county. L City Clerk or County Auditor Signature liQ�t. �Jl `i✓^(1 X���` Date \f - a3 -CkS (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees st also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651- 215 -6209, or visit our website at www.dps.state.mn.us. (Form 9011 -2004) Minnesota Department of Public Safety E t liv" ' Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133 qir St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 651 -296 -6979 • TTY 651-282-6555 • Fax 651- 297 -5259 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE No" license. will be approved or'released until the_$20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by MN Liquor Control Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. License Code • :' i4is i_.'.'`.i9_s License Period Ending _ / /;:: 01::.'i.`_`:1D# : 1. City /County where license approved. Ot S E t:l 0 Licensee Name t t . El e 13 r; 3. ' C o ; t t• e ]: TIC Trade Name !J i= :_.. ! 0 l: o 1 •F r •s Licensed Location address = 95th i St NE (Otsego). City, State, Zip Code 1'1 n n t :i. c. e ]. ]. o MN 55352 Business Phone i b .., r .. •.. `:_;'i0 0 LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ ,. 15i . =t'� Sunday $ ''' �i On Sale $ l _ k: � By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city /township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance is in effect for the full license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city /county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. /�-- Licensee Signature ., [�., j - j l�!Gt ✓`' Date ' -t...1 .. u , `: �.. (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city /county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liq , w' a or club license has been approved by the city /county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police /Sheriff Signature :.- —, . /A Signature ._.� sL• •— (_,._.• � ._ �.. Date ‘) (Signature certifies licensee or associ5tes ha e nbt been cited during the past five years for any state/local liq uor law violations • (criminaUcivil). Report violations on back, then sign here. • PS 9093 -98 RENEWAL OF 3.2 LIQUOR LICENSE CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NASHUA AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 PHONE: 763 - 441 -4414 FAX: 763 - 441 -8823 Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. License Period Ending: June 30, 2005 Licensee Name: Christopher M. Bulow and Linda Bulow Trade Name: Vintage Golf Course, Inc. Licensed Location Address: 10444 95' St. NE Monticello (Otsego) MN 55362 License Fee: $75.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. Please contact the City Clerk for this application. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: 1. Licensee confirms that it complies with City Ordinance 91 -07. Licensee has attached an insurance certificate that corresponds with city ordinance limits. • // /3 Df Christ.: er M. Bulow Date Lam_ ) 4 /1 - 3/ o S Linda Bulow Date 1 i 1 S PO-0._c Ci 'y C1 k Date d t Sheri ffcc,.., , • a e (Signature certifies licensee or associates have not been cited during the past five years for any liquor law violations). Liquor License 3.2 FAG 0 Alcahol 3 Gambling Enforcement Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 Telephone 651- 296 -6979 Fax 651- 297 -5259 TTY 651- 282 -6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License, 3.2% Liquor license, or Sunday Liquor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: 1Jj City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License Okse3 License Period From: 10/3 5 To: (o 130/ N Circle One: New License . License Transfer J Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating Sunday Liquor 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ Sunday License fee: $ 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee. C0412.1 S .1 La met c,— 13 u Lov-I fi.i 2 Licensee Name:__ , DOB 124 28168 Social Security # (corporat4th , partnership, LLC, or Individual) Business Trade Name J 1►1-1-ag C��f Co l,rte- Address I V-144 9SiA Si- f.3 L City I4Otr C.F11_o Zip Code553t.2 County W2 -FT Business Phone 1 763-41 .7.1 1 - Soot• Home Phone r 11o3 - ' - l4% - gaa9 Home Address 9 6-101 eft. At CO L City 01 6e-CTO Licensee's MN Tax ID # (To Apply call 651- 296 -6181) Licensee's Federal Tax ID # • (To apply ca11 651-290-3905) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner /officer: C I421 STOP$E-A Mia+AEL fMwVJ Pre. Ia!4.gJ(e5 93$o t AP1EriA4 0rrsg Partner /Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address L.4nc�o- J rc. 120.4.1 OA V. Pros 10/19 1 (02—. -. 93To E. tcso (Partner /Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Partner /Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: 1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Yes Op During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: Cser u - oJ - Ct►SvoSL4 j Policy # 3 S 39 0 A 3 a to I Certify that this license(s) has been app eyed i an of icial meeting by i - governing body of the city oorounnty. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature 1 1111.,__; _ �� '_ 0 . Date ` 3 (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must a so purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651- 215 -6209, or visit our website at www.dps.state.mn.us. (Form 9011 -2004) E 5_8 NAC NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTA , ANC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231 .2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners @nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 18 May 2005 RE: Otsego — Remington Coves; Replat NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.32 Solid Ground development has submitted an application to replat, or revise the approved final plat of Remington Coves as shown on the attached drawing. The purpose of the replat is to alter almost all of the side and rear lot lines for the approved single family lots to better accommodate the housing construction plans of the builders involved in the project. The replat does not change the approved number of single family or bayhome dwelling units or the layout of public streets. The City Engineer has reviewed revised construction plans based on the new plat layout for proper location of utility lines and stormwater drainage facilities. A minor addendum to the development contract is required to acknowledge the action of the replat and connect the revised layout with the terms of the original contract. City staff recommends approval of the requested replat of, Remington Coves based on the findings attached hereto. Exhibits: A. Lot Line Changes (existing /green vs. proposed /yellow) B. Final Plat C. Findings of Fact c. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Nick Forchette, SGD • 0 /0 0 11 Ili , __ , ' - - II ,` _�. ....„, __ ,___ :____, ,,,, ,, 4,,, 7 , \ / is, -.- , i_ 41 , _ , „- --_,. 10A 4 \ / ,....: \ ter-- D A iii------1............„......, ,....__, \ , 'IC3 i . '°: 0A 4 s J. - 'ice ' / % \ ,,,,,,,, KVN r \IOVI I ,, ,.. iii ,„„ Ii2 , , ,,,- , .,e „ a , ,,_,.).____ ../. 1 - /4.11-1 N. /1 :I ; ir0 .--- - -/ 10 s. ..C1 \ ity N / 1 \ 9 [ICirj t rf .. S4 / 4,0141\ N . 1 , IA �_- —'./ 7 ' ,� s C=S:1 t f ift 0 ..., 4 / 0\ - ma . ! Alt 40 i i i all Ira v * a _______7141....7 at 0 // v",,,Vi a \� . -ai to , air--,, CS ,,' • ( 6 - --/ A .,, r- „ • a ,_____„._ .., \ ..1 , 1 1 ,... __ � L __ _ , REMINGTON COVES FIRST ADDITION NORTH na OINITOWN Cf 1N4 OUNNO 3107/./. V. C Z 7 ' ASVC&M. NNNIZOTA. a001 MS MI MA. MOM NOM. NO NOM EMI., OROLIMMIT MROM ALL Cr cunon A. N. C. A 0. F 010 C. • • ,., I .... ..- C.::..;T:...7..T ;.: .., :-: .:-.. :: T i :•: F .z :: i-'1 :-.:. ... .:'::..M...::.T F.: _L 1 L - - - 1 rj..... 471171.rt r m. rt. la ' pored...s, .1 P.P' •••■7 CO., Coe 7 — _ . . . . . . . . .._ 6 sersrart I • ;: .t. , i r • ' 0 • I 4 ff• %"+,..41, % 4 1 -, i :L: \ . • . ' . 1 : • ' • '''"-- .011 • .. • a ,. z .:?, ,,,,,,- r .. i -:. R.m.00 I - ' . ' : . if 5 ' • .. ' El‘ b • A\ 1 1 4 LA171:1 2 3 1 ' - ',. 4 7 .• 1.11 • Iii :,:—. 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',. \ . 4.14 / .--... ■,:, / / 11811l__ j . iii .k.. 41i et , -.. ,, ‘.. , 7, II Q91*1 — — r If 1 °n‘'' .,0 ' I P 1 1 / .a. -- :.:1.: : —I I gi : 1 tE 1 41‘ _„--- ,„ ... (4 ' o tte —,,,..-• tt 14 1 _, .,,„,-- -: . . Illital ,./.6,1.0,1 II ,35 . 0 Ar nit Jo \ 1 ( “ 0/11V1 / 10 '" ' lle,.. ‘ ,.. Ls. - , il i •:: (i) '• „ ; , i 'old s s ....,, ... ... , i Y. , i^: ri .3 :i :i i^: 4: i Y. , , , i _, , , En ,' (..D ...,,... . - -, -0 , 0 A Li 3 -------____ --- -------__, )-.. 1 1 REMINGTON COVES FIRST ADDITION NORM M[ WSIDWAImV O W4 BUONO / / ` • Mt T W e.t9 anc Amm UMC /V / W ME ML t% OI1[M• V O SR I. Or, SO R OS N (W I ASAAIID ARM E MNmI MA9 M A4Ym WARM ER SWIS'.TJt WRANAM Am =UM oASOCKM OCKALL, ALL O OU8,01 AND C. L. T Lt TI IMROWId+T ALL D N THE PLAT a AEIWmrUI MILS MMATO PM waxen MW OUTLOT F DETAIL LOT 4 & 5, BLOCK 7 DETAIL w . y N • 4 N s , s • — - ' ^ OUTLOT F '3 • rr • � ..`, + 7 1 4 e Itg P M IcOSBa it ) 9� , wm � N ‘i � zs°^ g �T�* r +..x _;1(..7 tr o MnM ovBr DRAINAGE & MIT EASEAIENJS SNOW THUS S - + I ° 00 GRAPHIC SCALE -CM- • OM= room WWV M Y., a VAmm J- - -- III. -J-_ W I COORS Fa WANED WED !+gi Af • s . N n 1 I B< n l :' xAe o na PLAT. MB sA rL Bc .oven Or A a dJ MBE le MP MR PiC CAKED BY ECM 0 M*" NC AMOCO OM � (°CC)> E. G. RUD & SONS INC. - 10 MC N CON AND APCOMO SMELT +urm MO I loch - CO tL . � REAR LM NC Mt MA °'°x'10" Land Surveyors ,, Surveyors :, Sheet 4 of 4 sheets CITY OF 05 -18 -05 OTSEGO FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA REPLAT APPLICANT: Solid Ground Development, Inc. • APPLICATION: Request to replat the approved Remington Coves Final Plat consisting of 70 single family lots and 43 Bayhome dwellings to provide for adjustments to side and rear lot lines. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 25 May 2005 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following Findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the West Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for low density residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R -6, Residential Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low Density Multiple Family District. These dwelling units are a permitted use within the R -6 District. D. The Remington Coves Final Plat was approved subject to eight conditions by the City Council on 27 September 2004. E. The memorandum dated 18 May 2005 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. F. The engineering review dated prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. are incorporated herein. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested replat of Remington Coves is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions of the final plat approval by the City Council on 27 September 2005 remain in full effect for the replat of Remington Coves. 2. All rights -of -way, street designs, street names, grading plans, utility plans, easements and construction documents shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The applicant shall enter into an addendum to the executed development contract that is to be subject to approval of the City Attorney. 1 PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 25 day of May, 2005. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk 2 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council CC: Ms. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk Mr. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Mr. Jeff Bock, Solid Ground Development Mr. Dan Licht, NAC Mr. Andy MacArthur, City Attorney From: Mr. Ronald J. Wagner, Otsego City Engineer Date: May 4, 2005 Re: Remington Coves 1 Addition We have reviewed Remington Coves 1s Addition and have the following comments: 1. Lots 1,8 & 9 of Block 1 and Lots 1,2,4 & 13 of Block 4 and Lot 1 of Block 6 all need the drainage and utility easements dimensioned. 2. Lot dimensions for Blocks 4, 6 & 11 are incomplete. 3. There are two Block 4's on the plat, please revise. 4. Lots 24 through 29 of Block 2 all front onto 67 Street, which was constructed last year by the developer of Otsego Preserve. It is our recommendation that Remington Coves pay for %2 of the street, sewer, water, and storm sewer construction costs due to the recent construction and the benefits Remington Coves receives. Collected funds will be allocated to the developer of Otsego Preserves in credit form. The cost of %2 of the infrastructures on 67 Street is $81,923.39. (approx. $740 /Lot) 5. The interim connection road over Lot 11 of Block 4 has been discussed as unnecessary. In lue of the connection road the developer will be required to construct a temporary cul -de -sac at the east end of the paved 67 Street and a gravel cul -de -sac at the west end of the Gravel 67 Street. ot2277hmccmemo2 Review No. 6 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residentia INERIN Subdivis t ers o for the City of Otsego IL�J■ oc c by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Craig G. Schlichting, P.E., Plowe Engineering, Inc. cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Solid Ground Development, LLC E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P.E. Brent M. Larson Date: May 4, 2005 Proposed Development: Remington Coves Street Location of Property: A portion of the NE 1 /4 of the NW Y. of Section 31, T121, R24. 40.38+ Acres, E of Zimmer Farms development between 67 Street NE and future 70 Street NE. Applicant: Jeff Bock Developer: Solid Ground Development, LLC Owners of Record: John and Carla Kolles Purpose: Remington Coves is a proposed 70 single - family residential homes and 43 "bayhome" style units development on 40.38± acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permits Required: NPDES (but not limited to) \\Ha01 \Shared Docs\ Municipal\ Aotsego22xx\2277\ot2277RVW6.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER AND STREET PLAN DETAILS GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION • \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\ Municipal \Aotsego22xx\2277\ot2277RVW6.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat of Remington Coves, 10/1/04 revision, by E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. Existing Conditions Survey, 9/14/04 revision, by E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. Preliminary Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan, 10/4/04 revision, by Plowe Engineering, Inc. Technical Specifications for Remington Coves, 8/16/04, by Plowe Engineering, Inc. Final Plat of Remington Coves, 10/28/04 revision, by E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. Construction Plans for Remington Coves, 3/29/05, by Plowe Engineering, Inc. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan for Remington Coves, 3/29/05 revision, by Plowe Engineering, Inc. Storm Sewer Calculations for Remington Coves, 12/3/04 revision, by Plowe Engineering, Inc. Drainage Calculations for Remington Coves, 2/11/05 revision, by Plowe Engineering, Inc. Inlet Spread Calculations for Remington Coves, 10/18/04, by Plowe Engineering, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Page 1 \\Ha01 \Shared Docs\ Municipal\ Aotsego22xx\2277\ot2277RVW6.doc FINAL PLAT 1. Please resubmit. CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET 1. Otsego is misspelled in the signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Otsego City Engineer. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN (SHEETS 2 -6) 1. Sheet 2, the sanitary sewer service to Lot 16, Block 1 does not have the required 18" minimum separation from the watermain. Please revise. 2. Sheet 2, extending the watermain and sanitary sewer east of MH 28 on 69 Street NE'will encroach on the adjacent property. Drainage and utility easement must be obtained from the property owner prior to approval. 3. Sheet 3, the sanitary sewer services to Block 7, Lots 1 -9 have approximately 5.5' to 7' of cover in the rear yard swale. Insulation will be required over these services. 4. The sanitary sewer and water services for many lots are shown to extend past the drainage and utility easement and into the building setbacks and /or building pads. 5. All sidewalk and water service curb stops must be located within a permanent easement. STORM SEWER AND STREET PLAN (SHEETS 7 -13) 1. Sheet 7, the invert elevations do not agree between the separate profiles for CBMH 9b. Please revise. 2. Sheet 7, the grade of the pipe between CBMH 11 and CBMH 10 does not match the inverts. Please revise. 3. Sheet 10, trash guards are not needed on the outlets for Ponds 6 & 7. 4. Sheet 10 & 12, the developer is to obtain an easement over the adjacent eastern property to cover the proposed storm sewer along this property line. 5. Sheet 11 & 12, the rim elevations for CBMH 25 do not match between the separate profiles on sheets 10 & 11. 6. Sheet 11, the grade of the pipe from CBMH 5 to CBMH 1 does not agree with the storm sewer design calculations, 12/3/04 revision. Please revise. Page 2 \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\ Municipal \Aotsego22xx\2277\ot2277RVW6.doc 7. Sheet 13, the grades of the pipe from Pond 5 skimmer structure to STMH E and from STMH E to FES do not agree with the inverts. Please revise. DETAILS (SHEETS 14 -18) 1. Sheet 14, CBMH 9a and CBMH 10 shall have type R- 3067 -V castings. Please revise the storm sewer structure schedule. STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS 1. The pipe grade from CBMH 5 to CBMH 1 (0.27 %) does not match the grade in the construction plans (0.59 %). HYDROLOGY REPORT 1. The revised hydrology is under review and any additional comments will be under separate cover. GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLANS 1. The revised grading plan is under review and any additional comments will be under separate cover. SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION Revise and resubmit. Please include a reproducible cover sheet for Mr. Ronald Wagner to sign. We will return the signed copy to include with future copies of the construction plans. Page 3 \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\ Municipal Wotsego22XX\2277\ot2277RVW6.doc PROJECT COST for . 67th Street, Otsego Preserve 1st Addition Street and Utility Improvements Otsego, Mn DATE: 04/08/05 Owner: Otsego West, LLC Engineer: Quality Site Design, LLC P.O. Box 340 3600 Holly Lane N., Suite 100 100 E Central Avenue Plymouth, Mn 55447 St. Michael, Mn 55376 A - Sanitary Sewer _ Unit Total • No. Item Qty. Unit Price Price 1 8" CL 50 DIP 435 LF $ 52.00 $ 22,620.00 2 8" PVC, SDR 26 402 LF $ 26.00 $ 10,452.00 3 48" Manhole with Outside Drop(0 -8') 2 EA $ 2,800.00 $ 5,600.00 • • 4 Manhole Extra Depth 32 LF $ 150.00 $ 4,800.00 5 Outside Drop 15 LF $ 50.00 $ 750.00 6 Sanitary Service Group - 4" 8 EA $ 85.00 $ < ._680.00 . 7 4" PVC, SDR 26, Service Pipe(Incl. Risers) 277 LF $ 9.00 $- 2,493.00 837 LF $ 0.65 $ ''- 544':05 8 Televising 47,939.05 TOTAL "A'' $ B - Watermain - Unit Total • No. Item Qty. Unit Price Price 1 8" DIP CL 52 Watermain 692 LF $21.00 $ 14,532.00 2 8 "X8" DIP Tee 1 EA $250.00 $ 250.00 3 8" DIP Plug 1 EA $75.00 $ . 4 Water Service Group 1" 8 EA $ 165.00 $ w`::::....1 ,320.00 5 Copper Service Pipe 1" 218 LF $ 9.00 $ k, 1,962.00 6 Bacteriological Test - 1 EA $ 50.00 $ '50:00 • TOTAL "B" $ 18,189.00 C - Storm Sewer Unit Total No. Item Qty. Unit Price Price 1 12" RCP, Class III, (all depths) 76 LF $ 22.00 $ 1,672.00 2 15" RCP, Class III (all depths) 257 LF $ 23.00 $ 5,911.00 3 2'x3' Catch Basin (0 -5') 1 EA $ 800.00 $ 800.00 4 48" Catch Basin (0 -5') 3 , EA $ 1,300.00 $ 3,900.00 5 48" Extra Depth CB 1 LF $ 125.00 $ 125.00 6 12" RCP FES w /Guard 1 EA $ 575.00 $ 575.00 TOTAL' 'C" $ 12,983.00 Page 1 of 2 ,''D- Streets ` Unit Total . • `f , No. Item Qty. Unit Price Price 1 Concrete Curb & Gutter (All Styles) 900 LF $ 7.15 $ 6,435.00 , • 1 ` 3 2" Type 2331 Bit. Base (4501f = 63% of total) 143 TN $ 29.20 $ 4,175.89 ', 4 1 -1/2" Type 2331 Bit. Wear (450If = 63% o total) 110 TN $ 33.45 $ 3,687.86 5 4" Concrete Sidewalk - 5' wide not incl. base 3435 SF _ $ 1.97 $ 6,766.95 TOTAL "D" $ 21,065.70 T/M Street Work Item Amount No Date to Date 1 9/8/2004 Inv 400818 - Streef / 8 /31/04 - 9/03/04 67th Street (63% of total) $ 4,219.74 5 9/21/2004 Inv 400830 - Street 9/10/04 - 9/14/04 67th Street (63% of total) $ 696.15 7 9/24/2004 Inv 400834 - Street 9/17/04 67th Street (63% of total) $ 52.92 12 10/4/2004 Inv 400844 - Street Sand, CL7, Fabric, Tile 67th Street (63% of total) $ 12,215.26 14 10/5/2004 'Inv 400850 - Sidewalk Grading 9/20 - 9/29 67th Street $ 840.00 17 10/13/2004 Inv 400856 - Sidewalk Grading 10/7 67th Street $ 550.00 TOTAL "T /M" $ 18,574.07 Grading Amount Item No Date to Date 1 8/11/2004 Inv 400798 - Grading 8/03/04 - 8/04/04 67th Street (85% of total) $ 1,719.55 2 8/31/2004 Inv 400812 - Grading 8/23/04 - 8/25/04 67th Street (85% of total) $ 4,044.30 3 _8/24/2004 Inv 400807 - Grading 8/03 -8/04 and 8/17 -8/20 67th Street (85% of total) $ 5,522.45 TOTAL "Grading" $ 11,286.30 Project Summary "A" - Sanitary Sewer $ 47,939.05 "B" - Watermain $ 18,189.00 "C" - Storm Sewer $ 12,983.00 "D" - Streets $ 21,065.70 "T /M" - Street Work $ 18,574.07 "Grading" $ 11,286.30 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 130,037.12 Engineering & Surveying @ 18% $ 23,406.68 Interest Expense @ 8% $ 10,402.97 (TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 163,846.78 I 1/2 Cost Share = $ 81,923.39 Page 2 of 2 ITEM 7_1 NAC ■ ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 : Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners @nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Laurie Shives /Daniel Licht DATE: 17 May 2005 • RE: Otsego — Riverplace 2 Addition; Final Plat FILE: 176.02 — 05.15 BACKGROUND Orrin Thompson Homes, Inc. has submitted a final plat for Riverplace 2 Addition. The subject site is located north of CSAH 36 and west of Randolph Avenue NE. The proposed plat consists of 40 multifamily townhomes within five 8 -plex buildings. The Comprehensive Plan guides the site for medium -high density residential land uses and the site is zoned R -6, Residential Quadraminium, Townhouse and Low Density Multiple Family District. A preliminary plat and PUD -CUP was approved for the Riverplace development on 28 July 2003 by the City Council. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat C. Final Plat ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The general design of the proposed final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat in terms of number of units and building layout. Access. As a condition of final plat approval for the 1 Addition, the construction of Randolph Avenue NE is required to be completed before the final platting of more than 45 dwelling units. The 1 Addition final plat consisted of 33 units, thus prior to the final platting of the proposed 2nd Addition, the construction of Randolph Avenue must be completed. The location of Randolph Avenue at its intersection with CSAH 36 remains subject to Wright County approval. Any changes required to the location of this intersection would significantly alter the design of the proposed final plat. The townhome units will be accessed via private drives extending off of Ramslund Avenue NE, which will access of off Randolph Avenue NE a major collector running north -south between CSAH 36 (53` Street NE) and 60 Street NE. The private drives are proposed to be 28 -feet wide, as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Ramslund Avenue will be constructed with a 60 -foot ROW from Randolph Avenue to just past Private Drive #6, the street will be stubbed at the two additional accesses leading into portions of the Riverplace development slatted for a later phase. Lot Requirements /Setbacks. The proposed dwelling units are compliant with the required setbacks and of the R -6 District and the proposed plat allows for a minimum of 5,000 square feet of lot area per unit. Building Type. Orrin Thompson Homes submitted the proposed building design and floorplans for the townhome units with the preliminary plat. The proposed townhome units will be positioned in buildings of eight (8) units back -to -back and are arranged in a unit/base lot configuration. This unit per base lot configuration is permitted per a PUD- CUP, which was granted as a part of the approved preliminary plat. The middle four units will be three -story units with approximately 1,950 to 1,988 square feet of total area, while the four end units will be two -story units ranging from 1,783 to 2,014 square feet. Landscaping. As a condition of final plat approval, the applicant is required to submit a landscape plan detailing proposed landscaping for the site, including residential buffer yards along CSAH 36 and Randolph Avenue. Additionally, as there is an Indian burial mound located on the site, the landscape plan shall demonstrate measures that will be taken to protect this area from intrusion. Guest Parking. The construction plans show thirty -one (31) off - street parking stalls, well over the twenty (20) stalls required for guest parking. The location of the guest parking stalls are well distributed for access by all of the townhouse units. 2 Park and Trail Dedication. No land is being dedicated for City parks or trails as a part of the final plat. As such, the applicant is required to pay a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $2,932 per dwelling unit. Based on 40 dwelling units, the required cash fee in lieu of land is $117,280 to be paid at the time the development contract is executed. Utilities.Sewer Capacity. The west waste water treatment plat currently has 29 RECs available for allocation to residential projects. The City Council has authorized expansion of the east wastewater treatment plant which will accommodate additional residential uses, including the proposed final plat. Outlot A is to be purchased by the City to accommodate the current and future expansions of the east WWTP. Water service to the River Pointe and River Place subdivisions is provided from an independent municipal well not connected to the balance of the City's water system. The Minnesota Department of Heath limited connection to this well system to 150 dwelling units. With the number of dwellings in the proposed final plat, the 150 dwelling threshold would be exceeded. Approval to connect to the existing water system will be subject to approval by the Minnesota Department of Health and the City Engineer. Easements. The final plat indicates drainage and utility easements over portions of Outlot C, D and F that will be used for stormwater ponding. There are no easements established over Outlots B, C, D and E as these will be replatted with future additions. Temporary drainage and utility easement should be established over these parcels. All easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Construction Plans. Construction plans have been submitted for the final plat and reflect prior comments by our office and the City Engineer. All construction plans remain subject to the City Engineer's approval. Homeowners' Association. Documents establishing the homeowners' association must be submitted and recorded with the final plat, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. Development Contract. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant must enter into a development contract with the City. The development contract establishes conditions of plat approval and ensures payment of all fees and securities. RECOMMENDATION The final plat for River Place 2nd Addition is consistent with the approved preliminary plat and applicable stipulations, as well as the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinances. As such, we recommend approval of the application as outlined below. 3 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the Riverplace 2nd Addition Final Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $117,280 at the time the development contract is executed in satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements. 2. A landscape plan shall be submitted depicting required landscaping around the dwelling units as well as the residential buffer yards and provisions protecting the Indian burial ground from intrusion. 3. Temporary drainage and utility easement shall be established over Outlots B, C, and D. All easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. Documents establishing the homeowners' association must be submitted and recorded with the approved final plat, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 5. All construction plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall execute a development contract with the City approved by the City Attorney and record the final plat within 60 days of approval in accordance with Section 21- 3 -3.D.6 of the Subdivision Ordinance unless extended by the City Council. 7. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table the application. c. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Ray Baird 4 1 NAC 1- -0 O O `,1r ,, tIIEi , ..a i ��. ,1 17u�111�`�� BABEMAPDATAPROVDEDBY ii NM ill l.".�' ! ��� 1 ! ` -.- ' ��j - ���Ile O � \ L ■ ■ ■Anderson R '.I�� —' ,. MI '■� '11 1 1 .18: \ \c _Illli ` , , � 1A �a�� ii / CTOBE .ln0. � ■:•_:: • _ 4 111 _ ,1 l ♦ — ■ / I„ !! "7rfrf� ,1 �I'' I I',II�Ij� ��i�� PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 MB �1 ttt I \� � 111 ♦ I \.■. �.. / _ � ��1:17:I• r 1 .111111 = r .., � � r` � =7 � IIIe 1 !I.��I }■v�a�.�� 1 11��i��'I \�Ili :7 ri���II �'1. I II 11 __ \_' S�f•� H . •. ' ., , I ' .. ii i ui : 1 1■■■■■� ���Ille,�bj� °L i i �i�.l�7�� _ PuRPOSESONLYaNDSHOULD � 111. 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I Y TIFY T OE SPECIFICATION •. �V J MfAFB N ONTr CEX r1u T1SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY NE ON MOEN AN OWECT F - —�^• "'"" 10nxO rw A0.7 NEGSTENFD PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BiUM INE LAWS ON • _ W'WSSOUYMRi SRERANDMU S J THE STATE OF MINNESOT SHEET d...f S. m-/-cf. 0,.,T .34/1-7/o3 REa.w T-44u SP / • -- 1 RIVERPLACE 2ND ADDITION ,ca 50 0 50 100 ZOO I SCALE IN FCC IL =MIMI PRELIMINARY COPY ORMNAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: N. 11 DATE: APRIL 14TH, 2005 15 7:VE• - A. -s?5w-11 s r ' -I I 1. 05 ,° x1, , A , 0 " loco° . 1.4 I • >1 v- 1 I I Tha basis for Uto Soaring sNstsrn is tha awl lino of RIVER POINTE 2ND ADDITION which is osrumad to boar N00 SD' II ,, 4 i 0 4r1 _ L. _ ___ .._ _ . t,o 0 0 4, , . dt 4, "- •••.... ' '16 . • ,„ R .1 ,o . •P,,, .,7;..-...t.: .. 11.' - - 1, I da . OENOTES In INCH BY IA 1NCII IRON PfPE SET IN ,, 627 NI Nig ,,.., +, IS. .1, . *PP lk .. I I THE GROUND AND GAMOW/ LICENSE NO. 0 151.89 . , . * 15 0?s, •-• 1:', VICIIP 1' • CO I i 4 I '! NCO i0 5GLE i 24 Mt WITHIN ONE YEAR OF RECORD= I HLS oyd06;0.00 PLAT ,,47. R‘ It . , .,......" \ BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH AND ACUOINING LOT LINES. .el „ A I • DENOTES A FOUND IRON MONUMENT ..1.' .,,,.. ,,,---r--17. I" IS „.....i UNLESS OTHERWISE INOCATED,ANO 10 FEET IN ,, , ,41,t9gs!.° A WIDTH AND ADJOINING RIGIIT OF WAY IMES. (8 OENOTES A FOUND CAST IRON MONUMENT ... 0 :::• '• ^ 0 - Pl . 7' - '- '.° • $1 , F.'. I ' UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATEMAS SHOWN ON • % Os I , r.", Ei‘ s.'••• ' ' . 1 n56,59 \ \ 1 Ll I 1 i < HIE PLAT. XI‹ bg 24"1 ' gi. ‘‘‘. --.. (7 ••''''::, ' •-I , R" , I W- , , . s. ....r- 0 --- SEC. 1 Al,..*,%9 ,. . 1 1 1 , .„, .. ‘... 1-. R.,,,..14,- g wg, ti 4 \ " 4 D 41 • •4,0'...2,, I 14 • .."' 1`. • _... 6 ,9 , f■ .* O . , II ig ,,,, 4.4 I „.. 507.28'53't 9.7.27 T i t ' .'q - . 3 . • 7 1 ''' al - & .---- p ol, . ,i:‘, 1 -- - ----- - ---- '• ''''' . ' • '''' _ ...tow or (: ) ,..t. • moss fi; ! 1 : 2 ;„•;, RANDOLP ____.--- -NZEM ., E _ ----- - ---- _ ----- r...t r: v.j. 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I l• / / I ,_'„-. 4-. 8?. s • .■ I - / / -- s. ‘ 1 se. i' ,''.-- ."'";,3;., il „ •, / / SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. i,,•,,,,,tEsto. , / b `V • 9, ',... c .. ....3',3 • I n. i 1 t olb 60, I.,' I " I „ i O.! ` I 1 i .-;•„..:=-,-. 1,,, tx 7 .. c ' I r . 1_ , __Aj....,,,,..-...,; ----2 =01 WC. 6=c\..,,2 j 7- ' 1. II_ , 1 . ,,,, ■ ray /Thry'ERFTANTE n R, 1VERPC:::TE! 000 3390 RIVERPO:NTE 2:,2 ADDIT■Ct4 T 2ND ACIDt: / 3RD ACCN. X I _ _L _ L_ _i_ ___ l_ EXHIBIT C Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW ITN Hakanson Commercial and Anderson Assoc.,lnc. Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ray Baird, Orrin Thompson Homes Daniel L. Schmidt, P.E. Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J.- Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P.E. Brent M. Larson Date: May 11, 2005 Proposed Development: Riverplace 2 Addition Street Location of Property: A portion of the north 1/2 of Section 1, T120N, R23W. The property is located north of CSAH 36, and east of Riverpointe Addition. Applicant: Ray Baird Orrin Thompson Homes 935 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 (952) 473 -1231 Developer: Orrin Thompson Homes Purpose: Riverplace 2 " Addition is a proposed 40 unit multi- family residential development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET MASTER UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER PLAN STREET PLAN - - - - -- DETAILS RANDOLPH AVENUE N.E. CONSTUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET MASTER UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER PLAN STREET PLAN DETAILS STORM SEWER DESIGN GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL HYDROLOGY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\Municipal\Hotsego23xx \2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 2 of 10 INFORMATION AVAILABLE Riverplace 2 Addition Final Plat, 3/4/05 revision, by Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. Riverplace 2 Addition Construction Plans, 2/24/05 revision, by Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. Randolph Avenue N.E. Construction Plans, 2/24/05 revision, by Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. Riverplace 2 " Addition Hydraflow storm sewer design calculations, 2/24/05 revision, by Sathre- Bergquist, Inc. Randolph Avenue NE Hydraflow storm sewer design calculations, 2/24/05 revision, by Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. Specifications for Riverplace 2 Addition and Randolph Avenue N.E., 2/22/05 revision, by Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. - - - -- Subsurface Borings and Geotechnical Exploration, 4/29/02, -by- American Engineering Testing, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 \ \Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipaMotsego23xx \2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 3 of 10 FINAL PLAT 1. Please submit the latest grading plan. Our most recent grading plan, dated 7/28/03, does not agree with many spot elevations in the current construction plans. A current grading plan must be submitted to determine if any additional drainage and utility easements are required. 2. The location of the connection of Randolph at CSAH 36 must be approved by the County. If County approval is not obtained, the current configuration will have to be revised. 3. It is unclear why perimeter drainage and utility easements are shown for the Outlots. 4. It appears that there are some unnecessary survey lines between the Blocks in the 2 Addition. The survey lines appear to be of the same linetype as the drainage and utility easements. Please revise. 5. - -A drainage ; and utility- easement shall be provided for all of Outlot F: • - - - 6. Use arrows to indicate the limits of the drainage and utility easement encompassing the pond within Outlot D. 7. The R.O.W. must be rounded at all intersections to allow for small utility installation. 8. Label street names. 9. Drainage and utility easement shall be provided in Outlot D for the storm sewer that just west of Randolph Avenue NE. CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET (SHEET 1) 1. Include a signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer. STREET PLAN (SHEETS 2 TO 31 1. Ramslund Avenue NE is incorrectly drawn and called out as a 33' back -to -back street. All local residential urban streets (constructed after 2002) shall be 28' back -to -back with sidewalk. See Otsego Standard Plate No. 112. 2. Sheet 2, the transverse P.A.B. drain detail shall depict the geotextile wrapping around the permeable aggregate. Please revise the detail. 3. Sheet 2, Ramslund Avenue NE shall have B618 curb and gutter. Please revise the note calling out surmountable curb and gutter throughout 2nd Addition. 4. Sheet 2, Private Drives 1 & 6 depict a 0.50% grade. The minimum centerline street grade is 0.60 %. \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs \Municipal\Aotsego23xx \2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 4 of 10 5. Sheet 2, Private Drive 1 depicts a cross slope and does not agree with the typical section in the details for a 28' back -to -back street. Anything that is "not typical" shall be labeled accordingly. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN (SHEETS 4) 1. The plan does not depict water being extended to the site. The watermain must be extended from the north end of Ramier Avenue NE (end of 1 Addition) and down Ramslund Avenue NE to connect to the proposed 12" DIP watermain at approximate station 7 +30. This will also require that the sanitary sewer be constructed on Ramslund Avenue NE north of station 7 +30 and on Ramier Avenue NE from the first addition stub to the intersection with Ramslund Avenue NE at this time. • 2. Sheet 3, all 6" gate valves located on services currently proposed within the street shall - be relocated to 10' past the R.O.W. to prevent confusion between main valves and _ service valves.. __ 3. Sheet 3, all 12" valves shall be butterfly valves. (AWWA C504, Mueller Line Seal or approved equal) 4. Sheet 3, call out the information for the bend at the intersection of Ramslund Avenue NE and Private Drive 5 (it is currently located on Sheet 4). 5. Sheet 3, two valves are required at the 12 "x 8" tee at the intersection of Ramslund Avenue NE and Private Drive 5. The 8" gate valve currently proposed at approximate station 2 +80 on Private Drive 5 could be moved to the 12" x 8" tee. 6. Sheet 3, the water service to Block 5 does not have the required minimum separation from the storm sewer crossing. The 6" water service must be lowered to maintain a minimum of 12" of separation with insulation, or 2.0' of separation without insulation. 7. Sheet 3, MH 7 should not have an east invert. Eliminate the east invert information from the profile. 8. Sheet 3, include the storm sewer along Ramslund Avenue NE in the profile to identify any potential conflicts between the watermain, sanitary sewer and the storm sewer. 9. Sheet 3, the grade of the pipe between MH 4 and MH 2 does not agree with the invert elevations. Please revise. 10. Sheet 3, the invert elevation of the storm sewer crossing called out between MH 5 and MH 4 is incorrect (i.e. it is lower that the lowest invert elevation at the downstream structure). 11. Sheet 3, the 12" watermain shall be Class 52. 12. Sheet 3 & 4, include the length of the watermain in the profile. \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs \MunicipahAotsego23xx \2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 5 of 10 13. Sheet 4, the north arrow is not pointing north. Please revise. 14. Sheet 4, the temporary hydrant on the south side of C.S.A.H. 36 is depicted directly above the sanitary sewer. Please revise. STORM SEWER PLAN (SHEETS 5) 1. Sheet 5, move all catch basins to an end radius. Placing catch basins at the mid - radius is not permitted. Example CB 13, CB 15, and CBMH 14. 2. Sheet 5, the note "See Randolph Avenue Plans" incorrectly has "Parkway" in place of "Avenue ". Please revise. 3. Sheet 5, all the storm sewer west of CBMH 6 along Ramslund Avenue NE has insufficient cover. A minimum of 2.0' of cover over the top of the storm sewer pipe in areas with traffic and 1.5' of cover for RCP in areas without traffic is required. Please revise. • _ _ . _ _._ .. _ .. . . . 4. Sheet 5, verify that the storm sewer in the street does not block the drainage of the street subgrade. If the storm sewer is located within the street subgrade and results in water collecting on the high side of the pipe crossing (i.e. water cannot flow freely under or over the pipe), additional P.A.B. drains and draintile will be needed. 5. Sheet 5, the grade of the pipe between CBMH 14 to CBMH 7 does not agree with the invert elevations. Please revise. 6. Sheet 5, the grade of the pipe between CB 17 to CBMH 16 does not agree with the invert elevations. 7. Sheet 5, the grade of the pipe between CBMH 5 to STMH 4 does not agree with the invert elevations. Please revise. 8. Sheet 5, the grade of the pipe between STMH 12 to CBMH 11 does not agree with the invert elevations. Please revise. 9. Sheet 5, the grade of the pipe between CB 13 to STMH 12 does not agree with the invert elevations. Please revise. 10. Sheet 5, the builds of STMH 12, STMH 4, and CBMH 16 appear to be incorrect. Please revise. 11. Sheet 5, the 12" invert at CBMH 16 is incorrectly labeled E & W. Please revise the 15" invert to N & E. DETAILS (SHEET 6) 1. The proposed street section (as per pavement recommendation from Geotechnical firm) must be indicated in the detail. \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego23xx \2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 6 of 10 RANDOLPH AVENUE N.E. CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET (SHEET 1) 1. Include a signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer. 2. The note stating Design Data must be revised. R.O.W. width = 80', Cul -de -sac radius = 50' and Proposed street width = 46'. STREET PLAN (SHEETS 2-4) 1. Sheet 2, street station 10 +00 is mislabeled 11+00. Please revise. 2. Sheet 2 & 3, the sag vertical curves at stations 2 +10 and 13 +00 must be revised to meet the minimum K value or length for a design speed of 40 mph. Refer to Mn /DOT • - Technical •Memorandum No. 05- SA -01, dated January-14,-2005. 3. Sheet 3, the transverse P.A.B. drain detail shall depict the geotextile wrapping around the permeable aggregate. Please revise the detail. 4. Sheet 3, the minimum centerline street grade is 0.60 %. Please revise the grade from station 13 +00 north. 5. Sheet 4, please label 56 Street N.E. 6. Sheet 4, the 13' lane width label approximately 300' west of Randolph Avenue N.E. appears to have been placed on the incorrect lane. Please verify and revise. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN (SHEETS 5 TO 8) 1. Sheet 5, the grade of the existing sanitary sewer stub east of Ex. MH #1 does not agree with the invert elevations. 2. Sheet 6, the rim elevation of 889.91 for MH #5 is incorrect. Please revise the rim elevation and the build. 3. Sheet 6 & 7, please revise the note "See page =OK" at the drops for manholes #4 and #8. 4. Label the watermain in the profile with the size, length, and class of DIP. Please revise all sheets. 5. Label the depth of the watermain. (7.5' minimum) 6. All valves on 12" watermain and larger must be butterfly valves. Please revise all sheets. 7. Sheet 6, the 36" steel casing for the sanitary sewer jacking under Rawlings Avenue is mislabeled as an 18" concrete pipe in the profile. \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs Municipal\Aotsego23xx \2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 7 of 10 8. Sheet 7, the 18" sanitary sewer plug at approximate station 24 +00 is mislabeled as an 8" plug on the plan. 9. Sheet 7 & 8, the centerline - centerline elevation at 56 Street NE and Randolph Avenue NE is mislabeled in the profile. Please revise. 10. Sheet 7 & 8, the inverts, outside drop, and build of MH #8 do not match between the separate sheets. It appears that the information on Sheet 8 is incorrect. Please verify and revise. 11. Sheet 8, a 20' DIP lead is required out of the outside drops to sanitary sewer manholes #4 and #8. (See Standard Plate No. 305) 12. Sheet 8, please label Randolph Avenue NE and 56th Street NE on the plan view on the right hand side of the sheet. STORM SEWER PLAN (SHEETS 9 TO 101 - - - 1. Sheet 9, trash guards are required on all FES 24" and larger. A trash guard is required on FES A. 2. Sheet 9, verify that the rim elevations for STMH 3, CBMH 4, CBMH 5, & CBMH 6 are all 889 3. Sheet 9, the south invert of STMH 3 is incorrectly labeled east. 4. Sheet 9, the east invert of CBMH 4 does not agree between the separate profiles. 5. Sheet 9, the grade of the pipe between CBMH 5 and CBMH 6 does not agree with the invert elevations. Please verify and revise. 6. Sheet 9, the build of 2 Addition's STMH 4 is incorrect. • 7. Sheet 9, the build of CB 7 is incorrect. 8. Sheet 9, CBMH 4 is mislabeled STMH 4 in the profile. 9. Sheet 9, the build of CBMH 8 is incorrect. 10. Sheet 9, the rim elevations for CBMH 8 and CB 9 are incorrect. Please revise. 11. Sheet 9, the build of 2 Addition's CBMH 16 is incorrect. 12. Sheet 9, the grade of the pipe between CBMH 1 and CB 2 does not agree with the invert elevations. Please verify and revise. 13. Sheet 9, the 884.04 invert elevation at 2 Addition's CBMH 16 should be labeled east and north. \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs Municipal\ Aotsego23xx\2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 8 of 10 14. Sheet 9, CB 2 has only 1.8' of cover over the pipe (assuming 0.2' of pipe thickness). A minimum of 2.0' of cover is required over all storm sewer pipe under a road. 15. Verify that the storm sewer in the street does not block the drainage of the street subgrade. If the storm sewer is located within the street subgrade and results in water collecting on the high side of the pipe crossing (i.e. water cannot flow freely under or over the pipe), additional P.A.B. drains and draintile will be needed. 16. Sheet 10, the north invert of CBMH 15 is incorrectly labeled 12 ". Please revise. 17. Sheet 10, 0.8 diameter points fall between the north 15" invert and the south 24" invert is required for CBMH 12. 18. Sheet 10, there is insufficient cover over the pipe at CBMH's 12 & 13. A minimum 2.0' of cover is required over all pipes within the R.O.W. DETAILS (-SHEET 111 _ __._..._ -.. - -- . . 1. The proposed street section (as per recommendation from Geotechnical firm) must be indicated for the 28' B -B Local Residential Urban Street Section -9 Ton detail. 2. Include Standard Plate No. 103 for a 46' B -B Local Commercial /Industrial Urban Street Section -10 Ton detail. Indicate which street section is to be used. STORM SEWER DESIGN 1. Provide justification for the runoff coefficients in the townhome areas. Our references indicate a runoff coefficient of 0.6 to 0.75 for multi -unit attached townhomes. 2. Provide justification for the runoff coefficients for the areas along Randolph Avenue NE. We calculate the coefficient for these areas to be approximately 0.55 to 0.60. 3. The minimum time of concentration is 10 minutes. Provide justification for any Tc greater than 10 minutes. 4. Rainfall intensity shall be determined using the IDF curves in the Mn /DOT Drainage Manual dated August 30, 2000 (i.e. rainfall intensity shall be 5.8 in /hr for tc =10 min). 5. A minimum velocity of 3.0 fps is required. 6. Some of the pipe lengths and /or grades do not agree between the storm sewer calculations and the construction plans. (Example Riverplace 2 Addition's CBMH 5 to STMH 4, CB. 13 to STMH 12, CB 17 to CBMH 16 and Randolph Avenue NE STMH 6, to STMH 5 and CBMH 8 to STMH 4) 7. It appears that the allowable inlet spread will be exceeded at some catch basins after the runoff coefficients and rainfall intensity have been revised as per City requirements. Both grate capacity and street capacity must be verified. We have not yet received calculations for street capacity. \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\ Municipal\ Aotsego23xx\2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 9 of 10 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL 1. Please submit the current grading plan. Our plan, dated 7/28/03, appears to be outdated and does not match some of the spot elevations called out in the Riverplace 2 Addition Construction Plans and Randolph Avenue NE Construction Plans. HYDROLOGY 1. Submit for review. UTILITY SPECIFICATIONS 1. No comments. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. _ American _ Engineering Testing, Inc. recommends that the subgrade should be excavated 3' below the base grade to remove the fat clays and this 3' be replaced with a coarse alluvial granular material. The plans shall indicate this. 2. Drainage and utility easements must be provided for the storm sewer, watermain, and sanitary sewer being extended onto the property to the east of the proposed plat. 3. Drainage and utility easements must be provided over the utilities being installed south of CSAH 36. SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION The connection of Randolph Avenue NE to CSAH 36 requires County approval. If approval is not obtained, the layout . of . the plat could be affected significantly. Therefore our recommendation would be for approval conditional upon the location of the Randolph Avenue NE /CSAH 36 intersection obtaining county approval. \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs \Municipal\Aotsego23xx \2306 \ot2306RVW1.doc Page 10 of 10 Draft — May 17, 2005 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RIVERPLACE 2nd ADDITION AGREEMENT entered into this day of , 2005 between the City of Otsego ( "City"), a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and U.S. Homes Corporation, Inc., a Delaware corporation d/b /a Orrin Thompson Homes ( "Developer"). 1. Request for Plat Approval. The Developer has requested that the City approve a final plat entitled RIVERPLACE 2nd Addition (referred to in this Agreement as "the Plat") and legally described as follows: (See Exhibit A) With regard to such parcel of land, Developer has requested approval of the plat of RIVERPLACE 2nd ADDITION which is zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District, consisting of 40 residential units and outlots. This Agreement applies only to RIVERPLACE 2nd ADDITION and any subsequent development of outlots will require additional Agreements. 2. Conditions of Plat Approval. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Agreement, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of titles within one hundred (100) days 1 after the City Council approves the final plat. Any restrictive covenants or Common Interest Community Declarations for the subject subdivision shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and shall be recorded prior to sale of any lots within the plat. 3. Right to Proceed. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developers may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the Zoning Administrator, and all conditions contained in the Agreement have been met, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been recorded with the Wright County Recorder's Office, 4) Developers have initiated and attended a pre - construction meeting with the City Engineer, and 5) the Zoning Administrator has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developers may proceed; or until such time as approval to commence earlier construction is specifically approved by the City, and Developer has fully complied with all conditions set forth by City staff. 4. Changes in Official Controls. For two (2) years from the date of this Agreement, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by State law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Agreement. 5. Sanitary Sewer Service Allocation. Preliminary plat approval by the City does not guarantee allocation of sanitary sewer service to the property preliminarily platted. Allocation of sanitary sewer capacity does not occur until final plat approval, execution of this Agreement and posting or payment of all fees, escrow or security required by this Agreement. 6. Development Plans. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the plans attached to this Agreement and the conditions stated below. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A Final Plat, RIVERPLACE, dated , 2005 prepared by Sathre - Bergquist, Inc.. Plan B Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, dated prepared by Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. 2 Plan C Street Plan and Profile, dated , prepared by Sathre- Bergquist, Inc. Plan D Specifications for Street, Sewer, Waterlines, and Storm Water Drainage Improvements dated prepared by Sathre- Bergquist, Inc. Plan E Plans for Sanitary Sewer, Water and Stormwater Drainage Improvements Plan dated prepared by Sathre- Bergquist, Inc. 7. Improvements. The Developers shall install and pay for the following: A. Streets B. Street lights C. Site grading, storm sewer and ponding D. Underground utilities E. Sanitary Sewer Lines F. Water Lines G. .Setting of lot and block monuments H. Construction surveying and staking I. Traffic control signs Improvements shall be installed in accordance with City standards, ordinances, and the plans furnished to the City and approved by the City Engineer. The Developers shall obtain all necessary permits before proceeding with construction. The City shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow certification of the construction work. The City may, when reasonably required to do so and at the Developer's expense, have one (1) or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before any security is released, the Developers shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as built" plans and two (2) complete sets of blue line "as built" plans prepared in accordance with City standards. Before the security for the completion of utilities is released, iron monuments shall be installed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.02. The Developer's surveyor shall submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments are installed. 3 8. Time of Performance. The Developers shall install all listed improvements by June 1, 2006. The Developers may request an extension of time from the City, which extension will not be unreasonably withheld. The City may impose conditions on the extension necessary to ensure performance. 9. Right of Entry. The Developers hereby grant to the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a right of entry to enter the plat to perform any and all work and inspections necessary or deemed appropriate by the City during the installation of improvements by Developers or the City, or to make any necessary corrective actions necessary by the City. Except in emergency situations, as defined by the City, the City shall give the developers five (5) business days notice stating the deficiencies and necessary corrections prior to making any corrective action. Said right of entry shall continue until the City finally accepts the improvements. 10. Erosion Control. After the site is rough graded, but before any utility construction is commenced or further building permits are issued, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. If the City Engineer determines that it would be unreasonable to require full implementation of the erosion control plan prior to utility construction or issuance of certain building permits, he shall state in writing what construction can take place and what particular building permits can be issued prior to full implementation. The City may impose additional erosion control requirements if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any supplementary instructions, the City may, with reasonable notice, take action as it deems appropriate. 11. Grading Plan. Plat grading shall be in accordance with the grading plan. Ponds, swales, and ditches shall be constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Within thirty (30) days after completion of grading and before any security release, the Developer shall provide the City with an "as built" grading plan including certification by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. "As built" plans shall include field verified elevations of the following: A. Cross sections of ponds B. Location and elevations of swales and ditches C. Lot corners and house pads 4 Occupancy permits shall not be issued until the grading and drainage plan is certified as set forth above. 12. Clean Up. The Developers shall promptly clean any and all dirt and debris from streets resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents or assigns. 13. Ownership of Improvements. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Agreement, improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 14. Public Streets. The Developer agrees to maintain the public streets in the plat until the bituminous surfacing has been accepted by the City. Should the City be required to grade the street prior to paving, the cost of such grading shall be paid by the Developers and drawn from the Developer's letter of credit. Should snow plowing be necessary prior to street paving, the Developers shall be responsible for such plowing. If, upon the Developer's request, the City agrees to plow the street prior to acceptance, such work will be done upon agreement that the Developer will hold harmless and indemnify the City from any and all liability claims related to such work and pay all costs associated with that work. Any plowing undertaken by the City will constitute no acceptance or evidence of acceptance of the street(s) in question. Upon final completion of streets and acceptance by the City, the Developer shall guarantee to the City for a period of one year that the streets have been constructed to City standards. The warranty period shall not commence until such time as street construction is completed and the streets are accepted by the City. 15. Sewage Treatment. No occupancy permit for any lot in the plat will be issued by the City unless the City Building Official has inspected both the sewer and water hookups to the building and has certified that they have been constructed satisfactorily. 16. City Engineering Administration and Construction Observation, And Legal And Administrative Fees Escrow. The Developers shall pay a fee for consulting engineering administration. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction, observation, consultation with Developers and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, monitoring during the warranty period and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be three percent (3 %) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. The Developers shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of proposed street construction and will be billed on hourly rates 5 estimated to be five percent (5 %) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected. In the event of prolonged construction or unusual problems, the City will notify the Developers of anticipated cost overruns for administration and observation services. The escrow account shall include estimated fees for Administrative and Legal expenses and Signs and shall be established as follows: ESCROW- CASH Signs (42 at $150.00 per sign) $ 6,300.00 Engineering Fees - City Construction Administration and Utility and Street inspection (8% of $ 2,227,750.00) $ 178,220.00 City Administrative (1% of $ 2,382,553.75) $ 23,825.54 Legal Service (1% of $ 2,382,553.75) $ 23,825.54 Collector Street Access Fee 40 Lots x $1,250.00/Lot Minus Credit of $109,000.00 $0.00 Trunk Water and Sewer Access Fee 1. Trunk Sewer (SAC) 40 REC Units x $6,200.00 x 50% Minus $ Credit $ 00.00 2. Trunk Water (WAC) 40 REC Units x $3,330.00 x 50% $ 66,600.00 Park and Trail Dedication Fee 40 Lots x $ 2,932.00/ Lot $ 117,280.00 Street Lights 6 lights x 24 months x $20 /month $ 2,880.00 Certification of Grading Review 40 lots x $110/lot $ 4,400.00 6 TOTAL ESCROW CASH $ 423,331.08 This escrow amount shall be submitted to the City prior to the City executing the plat and Developer's Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of the Developer's agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the City prior to execution of the plat and Developer's Agreement. Any amounts not utilized from this escrow fund shall be returned to the Developers, with interest, when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, and the required "as built" plans have been received by the City. 17. Drainage. The Developers shall fully comply with the Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Re- subdivision Plan (Plan B). 18. Sanitary Sewer Oversizing and Credit. Developer shall be given credit for oversizing of the sanitary sewer service including construction of forcemain and lift station oversizing. The estimated total cost of the sanitary sewer credit is hick results in no Sanitary Sewer escrow requirement for the Plat. The total Sanitary Sewer charges for the Plat are $248,000.00 calculated as follows: 40 REC units at $6,200.00 9 er unit A po''p on a �®issi g a ed 'yre . e . d g i a ®evelope es row • a a the a ®rh r o r: ftte. a i sipate ®b �� SAS charg u ®o a a ®® cation Dui# ding ®ems ' m er oPe o : , -. `` a to credit o � re o ainde credi J1 o to re ® ired' aimary charges v ®e ®haws Dev to e a en ® e ope s other d ve 'opments 9 are p�� over e a `� *�� o amount ��' adjusted.. conform t:t.`lT__:over. zin costs "as de,ermine o b, e City , ngineer 19. Water Fees. Fees for the provision of water service (WAC) are as follows: 40 units at $ 3,330.00 per unit x 50% = $66,600 andshall be paid prior to City execution of the plat and this Agreement. This amount is contained within the escrow established in Paragraph 18 of this Agreement and is available to the City immediately upon establishment of the escrow. The remainder shall be due upon application for individual building permits on each lot within the Plat, at the rate of $ 1,665.00 per permit. 20. Security. To ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement and construction of all public improvements, the Developers shall furnish the City with "security" in the amount of $ 2,382,553.75, said amount calculated as follows: 7 Site Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control and Wetland Protection $ 0.00 Sanitary Sewer- Lateral and Trunk $ 275,900.00 Watennain- Lateral and Trunk $ 218,250.00 Storm Sewer- Lateral $ 212,900.00 Streets $ 920,700.00 Engineering and Surveying Construction Services $ 144,803.75 Utilities $ 0.00 Landscaping $ 0.00 Street Lights (by Wright- Hennepin) $ 0.00 Certification of Grading Survey ($250/Lot) $ 40,000.00 TOTAL $ 2,382,553.75 The issuer and form of the security shall be subject to City approval, and security shall be an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit. The security shall be for a term ending June 1, 2006. The City may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement, or upon receiving notice of the pending expiration of the security. It shall be the responsibility of the Developers to inform the City at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the security of the impending expiration and the status of the project relative to the security and this Agreement. If, for whatever reason, the security lapses prior to complete compliance with this Agreement, the Developers shall immediately provide the City with either an extension of the security or an irrevocable letter of credit of the same amount upon notification of the expiration. If the required improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, the City may also draw down the security. If 8 the security is drawn down the proceeds shall be used to cure any default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval, the security may be reduced from time to time down to $ 596,388.50, or 25% of the security, or to the amount of warranty security, whichever is more. A warranty security in the amount of $264,107.50 shall be posted with the City as set forth m Paragraph 22 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the posting of that warranty security, the security shall not be reduced below twenty five percent (25 %) of the posted security. Said twenty five percent (25 %) shall be retained until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied (which includes posting of warranty security), and the required "as built" plans have been received by the City. This security amount shall be submitted to the City prior to execution of the plat and Developer's Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of the Developer's agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the City prior to execution of the plat and the Developer's Agreement. The security for this Agreement shall be an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $2,382,553.75. 21. Landscaping. The Developer, Builder or Lot Owner shall provide landscaping on all lots in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance. The minimum tree size shall be two (2) inches caliper, either bare root in season or balled and burlapped. The trees may not be planted in a boulevard. Any trees which can cause a public nuisance or public hazard, such as bug infestation or weak bark are specifically prohibited. The Developer, Builder or Lot Owner shall sod all front yard areas within the buildable portion of each lot. The Developer, Builder or Lot Owner shall provide not less than six (6) inches of topsoil in required front yards or side yards abutting public rights -of -way. Where slopes lie in excess of ten (10) percent, sodding (staked) shall be required. Weather permitting, the trees, grass seed and sod shall be planted before Certificates of Occupancy are issued. All grass seed shall be maintained so that turf is established within one (1) year of planting. In order to insure timely performance and compliance with City requirements, Developer, Builder or Lot Owner shall submit security for landscaping in the amount required by City at the time that application for a building permit is made. Said security may be used to cure any defects in the event that Developer, Builder or Lot Owners fails to perform according to City Ordinance. If the landscaping is not timely completed, the City may enter the lot, perform the work, and apply the security toward the cost. Upon satisfactory 9 completion of the landscaping, the security shall be released with 25% of the Security being retained as warranty security for landscaping. The Developer, Builder or Lot Owner will provide all trees, grass, seed, and sod within each lot and shall maintain said plantings and warrant them to remain alive, of good quality and disease free for twelve (12) months after planting. Any replacement shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time of planting. 22. Warranty. The Developers warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year after its completion and acceptance by the City. The amount of posted warranty security for public improvements to be posted by the Developers shall be m the amount of $ 264,107.50. The amount has been determined by the City Engineer, and is based upon the costs of the raw materials and labor which would be necessary to correct the most common deficiencies m such public improvements. 23. Claims. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that perform work required by this Agreement, and the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developers hereby authorizes the City to commence an interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit m an amount up to one hundred twenty -five percent (125 %) of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developers shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorney fees pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that the Developer desires to make a cash deposit instead of drawing down the letter of credit if a claim is made as stated above, they shall immediately notify the City of this intent at the time the claim is made and shall delivery one hundred twenty -five percent (125 %) of the claim to the City within ten (10) days of such notice in the form of cash or certified check. 24. Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to the property and all lots thereon shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following conditions and restrictions which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the plat and insuring that all conditions imposed by the City in this Agreement are properly recorded against the property. Said conditions shall run with the real property and be binding on all parties having a right, title or interest in the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, executors, representatives, successors and assigns: None. 10 25. Park and Trail Dedication. The Developers shall pay a cash contribution of $117,280.00 in satisfaction of the City's park and trail dedication requirements. This charge is calculated as follows: 40 lots at $2,932.00 per lot. 26. Street and Traffic Control Signs. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developers shall pay to the City $ 6,300.00 for installation of forty-two (42) traffic control signs (stop signs, street signs, dead -end signs). The said amount was calculated as follows: 42 signs at $150.00 per sign. Using these funds, the City shall purchase and install the street and traffic control signs. 27. Water Meters. Individual Water Meters shall be provided as per City policy. 28. Street Light Construction. The Developers shall pay for the operation and maintenance of the street lights for a period of one (1) year or until such time as the plat is ninety percent (90 %) built out, whichever occurs first. The first year of operation and maintenance shall not commence until such time as the final plat is accepted by the City and it is formally recorded. In order to assure payment for street light operation Developer shall escrow $2,880.00 for estimated street light costs for a two year period, calculated as follows: 6 lights times 24 months times $20.00 per month. 29 z San� ary .: Sewe • pro Q s io � sane ( S ' G follows �RE 6 I00 00 ® otal 2 0q 00 U50 °/ © total fee minus eve o amen :#03a � y 45 #0� , a e a } 6 6 a . egg,. C execution o the ® a Bement em 3 e er c edtte ® tom ? e elo e u a ppltcatio o T ; ;a d1 dual builduig o e . a e® •is ® e each.:' e o : o , • • .�3 650 o er. • ermit 30. Water Fees. Fees for the provision of water service (WAC) are as follows: 40 REC Units at $ 3,330.00 per unit or $ 133,200.00 x 50% = $66,600.00. The remainder shall be due upon application for individual building permits on each lot within the Plat at the rate of $1,665.00 per permit. 31. Responsibility for Costs. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developers shall pay all costs incurred by them or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including, but not limited to, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with development of said plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all costs and expenses 11 incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. B. The 1 Developers shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat development. The Developers shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. C. The Developers shall reimburse the ;City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. D. The Developers shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under, this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work and construction, including but not limited to the issuance of building permits for lots which the Developers may or may not have sold, until all bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12 %) per year. 32. Developer's Default. In the event of default by the Developers as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the City may then draw down the security established in Paragraph 17 to pay for any work undertaken, provided the !! evelopers are first given notice of the work in default, not less than seven (7) days in advance. This notice provision does not apply if the work performed by the City or its contractors is of an emergency nature, as determined at the sole discretion of the city. Should such emergency work be required the City will make all reasonable efforts to notify the Developers as soon as possible. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part pursuant to any applicable statutes or ordinances. 33. Miscellaneous. A. The Developers represents to the City that the plat complies with all City, County, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to, Subdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, and environmental regulations except where specifically excluded by this agreement. If the City determines that the plat does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developers does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developers shall cease work until there 12 is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the Cit under this Agreement. C. Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by the Developers shall be grounds for denial or revocation of building permits. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. E. If building permits are issued prior to the completion and acceptance of public improvements, the Developers shall assume all liability for the costs resulting in any delay in completion of public improvements and damage to any public improvements caused by the City, the Developers, is/her contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, employees, agents, or third parties. No one may occupy a b kilding for which a building penni4is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface, unless a specific exception is approved by the City. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approyed by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. k G. This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be recorded against the title to the property, and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title or interests in the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns. After the Developer has completed the work required of them under this Agreement, at the Developer's request, the City will execute and deliver to the Developers a release or partial release (s) of this Agreement. H. The Developers shall take out and maintain until one (1) year after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and any claims for property damage which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of their subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shal not be less than $500,000.00 for one 13 person and $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The City shall be named as an additional named insured on said policy, ; and the Developers shall file a copy of the, coverage with the City prior to the City issuing further building permits. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or` m equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power ,and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developers shall pay for all local costs related to drainage improvements required to complete the construction according to the plans and conditions that are a part of this Agreement. K. Should development of the plat proceed at a pace slower than anticipated, and for that reason, specific terms of this agreement become onerous or unduly burdensome to the Developers, upon his/her application, the City will enter into negotiations! regarding those specific terms andlshall not unreasonably withhold consent to appropriate changes in the terms of this Agreement. L. Developers 'shall demonstrate and maintain compliance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. M. Developers shall be responsible for all on site drainage as well as for any affects that their actions may have on adjoining properties. Specifically, Developer shall maintain existing drainage tiles on site, and shall be responsible for any and all drainage problems related to either the site drainage tiles or problems with on -site drainage facilities'to be constructed in accordance with this agreement and plat approval. N. Developer shall be responsible for barricading access from County Road 36 to the City's wastewater treatment plant through the existing gravel ingress and egress easement located along the westerly boundary of the Plat. Said access must be blocked at such time as Developer has 'constructed 55 Street to a point 14 where it provides access to the ingress and egress easement at the point of intersection of the easement and 55 Street. A temporary road to the plant must be maintained at all times prior to construction iof a north -south collector street, either over the above described ingress egress; easement or at another location and in another manner approved by the City Engineer. 34. Notices. Required notices to the Developers shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developers, their employees or agents, or mailed to the Developers by registered mail at the following address: Orrin Thompson Homes, 935 East Wayzata Boulevard, Wayzata, MN 55391. Notice to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk at the following address: City of Otsego, City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330, Attention: City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor • BY: Judy Hudson, City Clerk DEVELOPER: US HOME CORPORATION DB /A ORRIN THOMPSON HOMES BY: Its: 15 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by Larry Fournier, Mayor and by Judy Hudson, City Clerk, of the City Otsego, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the City and pursuant to the authority of the City Counil. j Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by Ray Baird the Vice President of U.S. Home Corporation, a Delaware corporation, d/b /a Orrin Thompson Homes . Notary Public 16 DRAFTED BY: Court, MacArthur & Ruppe Law Office 705 Central Avenue East P.O. Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (763) 497 -1930 • • • 17 i1 7_2 CITY OF 05 -18 -05 OTSEGO FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: Backes Companies APPLICATION: Request for preliminary plat approval for a 182 single family lot development to be known as Crimson Ponds West. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 9 May 2005 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is: S1/2 OF NE1 /4 EX W330FT OF S 330FT OF N915.98FT THOF OF SEC 28 TWP 121 RNG 023; And, W1/2 OF SW1 /4 OF NW1 /4 OF SEC 27 TWO 121 RNG 023 ' B. The property lies within the East Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for low density residential land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A -1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The applicant is requesting rezoning of the property to an R -4, Residential Urban Single Family District designation for the purpose of developing single family lots as part of the preliminary plat entitled Crimson Ponds West. D. Consideration of the application by the Planning Commission and City Council is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria outlined in Section 20 -4 -2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan guides the site for low density residential uses defined as single family dwellings at a density of no more than three dwelling units per acre. The proposed subdivision has a density of 1.9 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the future land use plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses in the area. Finding: The table below illustrates land uses surrounding the subject site. The primary compatibility issue with this subdivision is the transition between the proposed single family lots and the one -acre lots to the north. The uses within the subject site will be the same as those in the existing neighborhood to the north. Furthermore, the transition between neighborhoods occurs along rear lot lines, so no negative impacts are anticipated based on 1 experience with similar situations in other areas of the City. As such, the proposed development will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. Direction eland Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North (-'D residential R -3 District One -acre single family Tots R -4 District Urban singe family lots East 6D/MD Residential R -6 District Detached townhomes Townhomes South op Residential A -1 District Agriculture Rural Single Family West eD Residential A -1 District Agriculture 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed use will conform to all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is planned. Finding: The proposed Crimson Ponds West subdivision provides for a logical extension of urban development as anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The proposed uses impact on property values in the area in which it is planned. Finding: Although no official study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative effect upon area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of existing and planned streets serving the property. ' Finding: Access to the subject site will be provided from either Odean Avenue or 78 Street. Both of these roadways are improved MSA designed streets designated as collector streets by the Comprehensive Plan, intended to move traffic between neighborhoods and regional, roadways such as CSAH 37, CSAH 42 or TH 101. Both of these roadways have adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The intensity of the proposed use is within the parameters established by the Comprehensive Plan and the recently approved expansion of City services has allowed for additional rpsidential development in the area. Thus, no negative impact to the City's service capacity is anticipated as a result of this project. E. The planning reports dated 15 March 2005, 3 April 2005, 27 April 2005 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 2 F. The engineering review dated 16 March 2005 and 27 April 2005 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 21 March 2005 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission continued the public hearing to 18 April 2005. The public hearing! was closed on 18 April 2005 and the Planning Commission tabled action to 2 May 2005 with; direction to the applicant on changes to the proposed development to address compatibility issues. At their meeting on 2 May 2005 the Planning Commission again considered the application and after further discussion recommended by a 7 -0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. H. The application was considered by the City Council on 9 May 2005 and tabled to allow additional information to be submitted. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested preliminary plat is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts and payment of applicable SAC and WAC fees to assure the City of timely development. 2. A phasing plan shall be submitted outlining the anticipated final platting of the proposed subdivision. The phasing plan is subject to approval of, the City Council, its schedule shall be made a condition of preliminary plat approval and it shall be incorporated as part of the terms and conditions of a development contract executed for the initial final plat of a phased development. 3. The land at the southwest corner of the plat south of the right -of -way of 75 Street shall be platted as an outlot to be conveyed to the abutting property owner to the south with the first phase final plat. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for connection of the new streets to the existing Ogden Avenue and Padget Avenue within adjacent subdivisions and removal and restoration of the temporary cul -de -sacs at the termini of the existing streets, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 5. A sidewalk shall be added to Padget Avenue at the front of Lots 9 -12, Block 4. 6. All Tots shall conform to the minimum area, width and setback requirements of the R -4 District. 7. A landscape plan consistent with the design requirements of Section 20- 16 -9.D.3 of the Zoning Ordinance for the required bufferyard along the side and rear yards of Tots abutting Odean Avenue or 75 78 Street shall be submitted and is subject to review and approval by City Staff. 8. The parcel overlying Lefebvre Creek between Blocks 3 and 4 shall be designated as an outlot. 3 9. Outlots 1, 2 and the undesignated parcel between Blocks 3 and 4 shall be dedicated to the City for park purposes. The .applicant shall identify the net area of these parcels outside of any wetland or drainage easement that will be credited towards park and trail dedication requirements. Any unmet portion of the required park and trail dedication shall be satisfied as a proportional cash fee in lieu of land based on the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 10. All grading plans, utility plans, easements, street designs and street names shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11. The applicant shall execute a development contract with the City prior to consideration of a final plat by the City Council specifying all conditions of approval, applicable fees and required securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 12. Any existing buildings on the subject site related to the adjacent farmstead shall be demolished and cleared from the area with approval of, the first final plat. 13. Construction traffic shall access the site via Odean Ayenue or 78 Street and is specifically prohibited from using O'Dell Avenue or Padget Avenue. 14. The preliminary plat shall be revised to provide necessary right -of -way for construction of 75 Street entirely within the subject site with the following additional stipulations: a. Construction of 75 Street shall be undertaken as a public improvement project to be funded by the collection of road access fees and /or assessments against the Plat and surrounding benefited properties. Said fees or assessments to be collected from benefited properties at the time of subdivision of lots or final plat approval for each benefited parcel. b. The Developer shall be provided a reasonable credit for the anticipated loss of lots or portions of lots on the submitted preliminary plat due to the relocation of the 75"' Street right of way entirely, within the plat. The amount of said credit shall be determined by the City prior to final plat approval for inclusion in the development contract. The amount of the credit to Developer shall be limited by the ability of the City to collect 100% of the credit plus interest from other benefited properties at the time that they develop through assessment or road access fees. c. The road access fees or assessments to be collected from or levied against other benefited parcels to the south shall be increased by an amount approximately equivalent to the credit given to Developer, but within the parameters of actual benefit conferred on said property, including any benefit conferred due to moving the 7,5 Street right of way entirely off of that parcel. The entire road access fee or assessment shall be either adjusted annually or shall include appropriate annual interest payments. d. The Developer shall agree in the Development co' ntract or in a separate document to appropriate assessment or charge against its property for a portion of the assessment or access fee charge for 75 Street, and shall also agree to the amount of the credit provided by the City. 4 PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 25 day of May, 2005. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator /City Clerk 1 5 Review No. 2 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson 1 Residential Subdivision r. Anderson for the City of Otsego, Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Dennis Backes, Backes Companies Jeff Shopek, Loucks McLagan Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P.E. Brent M. Larson Date: April 27, 2005 Proposed Development: Crimson Ponds West Street Location of Property: W '/2 of SW 1 /4 of NW '/4 of S27 and S 1 /2 of NE 1 /4 of S28, T121, R23. 95 ± Acres east of Odean Avenue NE Applicant: Backes Companies 7026 Brooklyn Boulevard Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 Developer: Backes Companies Owners of Record: Backes Companies Purpose: Crimson Ponds West is a proposed 183 lot single - family residential development on 95± acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 LOT BUILDABILITY STREETS PRELIMINARY PLAT TRAFFIC /ACCESS ISSUE GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL WETLANDS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM WATER DISTRIBUTION;ISYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs \Municipal\Aotsego22xx \2242 \ot2242RVW2.doc Page 2 of 7 INFORMATION AVAILABLE Existing Conditions of Crimson Ponds West, 3/11/05, by Loucks McLagan Preliminary Plat of Crims, n Ponds West, sent 4/27/05, by Loucks McLagan Preliminary Utility Plan for Crimson Ponds West, 3/11/05, by Loucks McLagan Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan for ;Crimson Ponds West, 3/11/05, by Loucks McLagan Details for Crimson Ponds West, 3/11/05, by Loucks McLagan Preliminary Sketch Plan of Crimson Ponds City of Otsego Engineering Manual Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, October 14, 2002 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. The total acreage of the proposed plat shall be shown. (21- 6- 2.B.1) 2. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision must be shown. (21- 6- 2.B.2) 3. Boundary lines of adjoining subdivided and unsubdivided land, within 150' of the plat, shall be shown. (21- 6- 2.B.6) Lot lines for the Crimson Ponds subdivision are not depicted. 4. Adjoining land shall be identified by' ownership. (2116- 2.B.6) 5. Existing 100- yeariflood elevations shall be provided. (21- 6- 2.B.9) 6. Any existing small utilities along Odean Avenue NE and on 78 Street NE must be shown on the plan. (21- 6- 2.B.5) 7. The same line type is used for both the delineated ( wetland boundary and easement line. Please revise. � I PAGE 1 \\Ha01 \Shared Docs \MunicipalWotsego22xx \2242 \ot2242RVW i .doc LOT BUILDABILITY 1. Temporary piezometers need to be installed to establish the existing and anticipated high groundwater elevations. The anticipated high groundwater elevation shall be determined by a certified geotechnical engineer. STREETS 1. Soil borings need to be preformed and geotechnical data certified by a geotechnical engineer shall be submitted. The report shall include a recommended pavement section for the development and groundwater data: (21- 6- 2.B.11) 2. Local to collector street intersections shall be rounded by a 30' radius. 3. Where possible, collector streets shall be designed, for a 45 mph design speed. We recognize that due to the site constraints of the wetlands with this property a 45 mph design may not be possible. We recommend keeping the current alignment for 75 Street NE /78 Street NE with appropriate signage (speed advisory plates). 4. The horizontal alignments for the local streets appear to meet a 30 mph design, except for at three locations. Street 3 shall be revised to provide for a 30 mph design (250' radius). We recommend allowing the lower design speed curves for Ogden Loop NE as it is not necessary to facilitate for through traffic. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. A contact name and phone number shall be provided for Backes Companies. (21-6 - 2.A.3) 2. Label section lines and 1 /2 section lines on the plan (21- 6- 2.A.2) 3. Drainage and utility easements must be provided for all wetlands and sedimentation basins to the 100 -year elevation. 4. All non - typical drainage and utility easement shall be labeled on the plan. 5. The lots abutting 75 Street NE and Odean Avenue NE shall have an extra 10' of depth overlaid by, drainage & utility easement to 'allow room for screening through bufferyards (20' total drainage & utility easement). (20- 16- 7.D.1) 6. We recommend the preliminary plat be revised such that the entire 75 Street NE right -of -way is within the plat boundaries. Construction of 75 Street NE at the alignment shown would require obtaining easement from adjacent undeveloped property. A considerable amount of slope easement would also be required. 7. Street 3 shall be revised such that it meets a 30 mph design speed (250' radius). 8. Streets shall be named in accordance with County grid system. (See redlines) PAGE2 \\Ha01 \Shared Docs \Municipal\Aotsego22xx \2242 \ot2242RVW2.doc 9. The exception parcel on the west side of the plat shall be "ghost platted ", not preliminary platted. The preliminary plat shall be revised to show the current proposed layout for Ogden Avenue NE. 10. We anticipate that the street labeled 76 Court NE would need to be revised to a cul- de -sac on the southeast end if 75 Street NE is realigned. 11. A City street cut directly across from street 10 (Ogren Avenue NE) must be shown for future access to the south. TRAFFIC /ACCESS ISSUE 1. Access will be provided to the proposed plat via an extension of 78 Street NE with a connection to Odean Avenue NE. The developer will be constructing a collector street that extend from Odean Avenue NE to the existing 78 Street NE stub just west of Quaday Ayenue NE. 2. Secondary local access will be provided via Padgett Avenue NE (Crimson Ponds) and Ogden Avenue NE (Deer Field Acres). Costs for the removal of the cul -de -sac, reconstruction of driveways and any other construF tion relative to these connections shall be borne by the developer. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL 1. Erosion control measures shall be in accordance with the Best Management Practices as published by the MPCA and shall meet all requirements of the permit. 2. The contour labels and much of the text is not legible. Please revise. 3. Concrete skimmer structures are required for all sedimentation basins. (See Standard Plate No. 402 & 403) 4. Slopes on the south side of 75 Street NE at approximate station 20 +00 appear to be shown at 2:1. Slopes steeper than 3:1 cannot be allowed. Any sloping onto adjacent property will requite permission from the landowner. 5. The steep slopes of the proposed swales in the rear yards of Blocks 5, 6 and 7 are an erosion /maintenance concern. The use of rear yard inlets shall be considered or additional erosion control measures shall be taken. 6. Earth berms (minimum 4' high) shall be provided within the drainage and utility easement for buffer yards for lots abutting 75 Street NE and Odean Avenue NE. (20- 16 -7.D) 7. Maintenance access must be provided to all backyard pond areas and structures. Access paths shall be at a maximum slope of, 10% and shall be overlaid by a minimum 20' easement. Label access routes on pans. PAGE 3 \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs \MunicipalWotsego22xx \2242 \ot2242RVW2.doc 8. Emergency overflows shall be provided for all sedimentation basins and wetlands. Sedimentation basins that are adjacent to wetlands, or other natural drainage systems shall have rip rap overflows. WETLANDS 1. The wetlands appear to have been delineated. ° A wetland delineation report and must be submitted. 2. The proposed development does impact site wetlands. A Wetland Replacement Plan shall be submitted in accordance with the Wetland 'Conservation Act. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. Submit a Stormwater Drainage Report, which includes all of the information as discussed in the City Policy on Stormwater Drainage. (See Appendix C of the Engineering Manual) 2. Ponds appear to have sufficient size, although a review could not be completed without the computations. 3. Storm sewer sizing calculations will be required for final review. 4. Inlet spacing and street spread calculations will be [required for final review. SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. The extension of trunk sanitary sewer must be provided. The 12" trunk sanitary sewer shall begin at the existing 12" sewer in Page`Avenue north of 78 Street. From there, the line shall follow existing drainage and utility easements on the north side of the Pheasant Creek Townhomes and eventually get back to the centerline of 78 Street extended into the project. The 12" trunk sewer shall continue to the creek just east of proposed 77 Street. There the 12" sewer shall be extended north following the east side of the wetlands to the end point at the eastern property line of Lot 8 of Hidden Valley. The design invert elevation at this end point shall be 858.00. 2. An 8" stub to the south shall be provided in the 12'i trunk sewer manhole on 78 /75th Street where the 12" trunk makes a turn to the north. The invert of this 8" stub shall be 858.00 or lower. 3. At the intersection of proposed 77 Street and Odean Avenue, provide an 8" sewer line extension under (bore and encasement) Odean Avenue for future connection. The invert of this 8" stub shall be 911.00 or lower. 4. All internal sanitary sewer lines shall be designed to discharge into this 12" trunk sewer. The proposed connection at Padgett Avenue shall be eliminated. PAGE 4 \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\ Municipal \Aotsego22XX\2242 \ot2242RVW2.doc WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. The existing 12" water line in 78 Street shall be extending along 78 Street to Odean Avenue. Using a bore and encasement, extend the 12" water line to the west side of Odean Avenue for future connection to the planned 16" trunk water main that will follow Odean Avenue. 2. At the same point of 75 Street where the 8" sewer stub to the south is to be provided for future connection, provide an 8" water line stub ;as well. 3. From the end of Street 4, extend an 8" water line to end up beside the 12" sewer stub at the eastern property line of Lot 8 of Hidden Valley. 4. At the intersection of proposed 77 Street and Odean Avenue, provide an 8" water line extension under (bore and encasement) Odean Avenue for future connection to the planned 16" tr knk water line. 5. Provide an 8" water line extension for future connection to the projects northern property line in Ogden Avenue. 6. Connection to thei,existing 8" water line in Padgett Avenue is required. ENVIRONMENTAL i 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition :of the site including the presence of any hazardous substances as defined in Minnesota Statues 115B.02, Subd. 8 is required. (21- 6- 2.8.10) OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Benchmarks need to be shown on each sheet. Benchmarks shall be based upon the NGVD 1929 ADJ datum and shall be in agreementwith the City benchmark system. 2. Mailboxes will be required to be located in clusters. The side of the street that the clusters are located on shall be determined by the local mail carrier /USPS. SUMMARY AND /OR RECOMMENDATION k We consider the submittal incomplete. We cannot recommend approval prior to receiving all of the required submittals (geotechnical data, drainage report, wetland report, environmental statement). The location of the 75 Street NE on adjacent undeveloped property also needs addressing. I i PAGE5 \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs \Municipal\Aotsego22xx \2242 \ot2242RVW2.doc 1 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL CITY ENGINEER'S AGENDA May 23, 2005 Item 8.1: Consider 701 St. Extension Change Order to Maclver Ave. Project Item 8.2: Consider Approving Plans and Specs & Ordering. Advertising For Bids for Frontage Road Improvement Project Item 8.3: Consider Approving Plans and Specs for Riverwood National Wastewater Treatment Pant Item 8.4: Dust Control Policy (table — not complete) '' Item 8.5: Any Other Engineering Items I r \ \Ha01 \Shared Docs\ MuniciparAOTSEGOW gendas \2005\councilagenda052305.doc . -- ____ - - - - -. .. __. . .. -- - -. r - — - ITEM 8-7. _ Mn /DOT TP -2'• 34-12 (5183) - State of M'.nnesota Department of Transportation Page 1 of 2 CHANGE ORDER #4 Conractor: Buffalo Bituminous. Inc. S.P. No. N/A Address: 2852 Co. Rd. 12 N., Box 337 F.P. No. N/A Ruffaln MN 55'11'1 - Location: Maciver Avenue NE and CSAH 37 Contract No. N/A ,n accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: Extension of 70 Street NE , from Marlowe Avenue NE to East property line. Add storm sewer along 70 Street NE extension. I ESTIMATE OF COST Added Items ITEM ■ t ` I. NO. ITEM NAME UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT i 1 Remove and Salva•e 21" RC Pi •e Sewer LF ► 16 IIIMEM oc 1 2 15" Reinforced Concrete Flu; EA I, 1 ErnMilfillEVIZEI 3 Connect to Existin • Storm Sewer EA ! 1 IMErtgallIMM 4 15" RC Pi•e Sewer Desi•n 3006 CL V all de•the LF I 805 - ?s '; Wnrnill 5 18" RC Pi • e Sewer Desi•n 3006 CL III all deaths LF t 486 - y o Place Salva•ed 21" RC Pi•elSewer LF .CE _ 16 010 1 - - tae ewer Best•r, 31116 LII allde•thsli LF k240 r -• 3 24" RC Pi •e Sewer Desi•n 3006 CL III all deaths LF E 312 9 Construct Draina•e Structure 27" EA tti 1 , _ opt i 10 I Construct Draina•e Structure 2' x 3' EA t 3 ,- - 6 p° 11 Construct Draina•e Structure Desi•n 48" 4020 EA . 3 111111M3511 9 te. 12 Clearin• & Grubbin • ■ LS k 1 ; S'oO e_ est 0 2 13 1 Common Excavation P ; CY 4 6292 11111Mal. , /eS ' 14 Common Borrow LV r CY „12000 MllffallIll - ,o, o e.." I 1,5 Salva • e To •soil To Stock. ile LV CY ! 3471 16 Salva • e To •soil From Stock: ile LV CY k ° 1111M1531 17 Class 3/4 Modified A•.re•ate Base TON 9 100 18 Class 5 A• •re•ate Base 100% Crushed TON ■2300 IIIMZEMII 4.24 19 T se MV 4 Wearin• Course Mixture 8 TON 871 20 T •e MV 3 Non- Wearin• Course Mixture B TON i 1220 06 21 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat GAL ` 336 pO 22 B618 Concrete Curb & Gutter LF 1 2545 1111111M1M D. - . ° —° t 23 • - a• - ! 6.75 7 so 24 4" D • •I- S • I I . L - Yellow -`— Ewa S 1060 25 4" Solid Line White — E•ox k LF 1 2120 IIIIIIMMINEIIIMMIN 26 Seedin • - T • e Lawn Restoration ACRE .k,_ 0.98 27 Seedin• Mixture - 60B ., LBS 4 150 28 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 LBS ■ 500 IIIIIIWMIIIIITIIZNI 29 Mulch Material T •e 1 TON I1. 2.0 2- • 111 b e0 i Original Contract Amount $ 1'8, 39 4 r' - nge in Contract due to this Change Order $ I Contract Amount $ \r docs\ Munidpah AOTSEG01356tot356co4.doc ue, io .L.J .c: uvr, nurrnL.0 D11 10 00c0 p..3 • Mn/DOT TP- 2184 -02 (5183) State of k^.innesota Department of Transportation Page 2 of 2 II CHANGE ORDER #4 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous. Inc. S.P. No. N/A Address: 2852 Co. Rd. 12 N., Box F.P. No. N/A 1 RuffsiQ MN 55313 Location: Maciver Avenue NE and CSAH 37 Contract No. N/A In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: Issued by: Project Engineer Date Approved by: • Otsego City Official Date Accepted by: Contractors Authorized Representative Date . CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME • Due to this change. the Contract Time: • ❑ is Increased by 0 Working Days ❑ is Decreased by ❑ Calendar Days • ® u not changed. ❑ May be revised if the work affected the controlling operation. • 11Ha01lshared docstMunicipalAOTSEGO13561ot356co4 .doc • ITEM 8_2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF pTSEGO AND DR. DAVID A. GILGENBACH WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has approved a public improvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Additions; WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road upon completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by Dr. David A. Gilgenbach, identified as PID # 118 -054- 001010 is adjacent to portions of said plat that are subject to the public improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, Dr. David A. Gilgenbach and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the City's amended Feasibility Study approved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 2005; and WHEREAS, Dr. David' A. Gilgenbach and other property owners previously signed an agreement and presented to the City of Otsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depi;kted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE I'T IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by Dr. David A. Gilgenbach is $95,000.00. 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no more than the estimated assessment, with said assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of i6 % per annum. 1 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. 4. Dr. David A. Gilgenbach requests vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and waives any and all rights to appeal or challenge said vacation. Dated: , .j / �i - / 5 / ; _ I • DR. DAVID A. GILGE■BAC CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MLNNESOTA WAIVER OF APPEAL AND ASSESSMENT MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6 and 7 ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO Dr. David A. Gilgenbach, the Owner of that property described as PID # 118 -054- 001010, does hereby waive all rights of appeal to the proposed assessment against the above - mentioned property up to the amount of $ 95,000.00 ; assessment to be placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6% per annum. Property owner agrees that the property described above benefits in at least the amount of the proposed immediate deferred assessment stated above and that he waives any and all right to appeal the assessment under statute, the Constitution, and case law including right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081 up to the amount waived. Dated: .'...2./&,. j PROPERTY OWNER �� • ���- _..__J _ mil /V7 Dr. David A. Gilgenbach CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND RUDY J. R. THIBODEAU and MARGARE ► THIBODEAU WHEREAS, the City olf Otsego has approved a public imprpvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Additions; WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road upon completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau, identified as P1D # 118 -038- 001040 is adjacent to portions of said plat that are subject to the public improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the Cit y's amended Feasibility Study approved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 2005; and WHEREAS, Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau and other property owners previously signed an agreement and presented to the City of Otsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depicted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau is $137,000.00. 1 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no more than the estimated assessment, with said assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. 4. Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau request vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and waive any and all rights to appeal or challenge said vacation. Dated: '7)0 nrr 1 1 I Rudy( Thibodeau Thibodeau ' Mar_ are hibodea 1 CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA WAIVER OF APPEAL AND ASSESSMENT MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6 th, 7 and 8 ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau, the Owners, of that property described as 118 -038- 001040, do hereby waive all rights of appeal to the proposed assessment against the above - mentioned property up to the amount of $ 137,000.00; said assessment to be placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. Property owners agree that the property described above benefits in at least the amount of the proposed immediate and deferred assessment stated above and that they waive any irregularities in procedure, any and all required hearings, and all right to appeal the assessment under statute, the Constitution, and case law including right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081 up to the amount waived. Dated: // bit/ PROPERTY OWNER 4 y1 0 j e ,21e tr Rudy J R. Thibodeau /l 64 arg.. et ' ibodeau 1 1 1 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND RUDY J. R. THIBODEAU and MARGARET THIBODEAU WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has approved a public improvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Additions; WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road upon completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau, identified as PID # 118 -038- 001040 is adjacent to portions of said plat that are subject to the public improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the City's amended Feasibility Study approved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 200; and WHEREAS, Rudy J. R. 'Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau and other property owners previously signed an agreement and presented to the City of Otsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depicted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties i s follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau is $137,000.00. 1 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no more than the estimated assessment, with said assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate ofL6 % per annum. 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. 4. Rudy J. R. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau request vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and ► aive any and all rights to appeal or challenge said vacation. Dated/1'0z 0 0 -S Rudy J.`11. ' hibodeau Mar arThibodeau c , CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND ABP, LLC WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has approved a public improvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and EighthkAdditions; and WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road upon completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by ABP, LLC identified as ND # 118- 038 - 001050 is adjacent to portions of said plat that are subject to the public improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, ABP, LLC and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the City 's amended Feasibility Study approved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 2005; and .- WHEREAS, ABP, LLC and other property owners previously signed an agreement and presented to the City of Otsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depicted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by ABP, LLC is $ 180,000.00. 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no mo `e than the estimated assessment, with said assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. 1 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. 4. ABP, LLC requests vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and, waives any and all rights to appeal or challenge said vacation. Dated: / ABP, LLC BY: 7 / , Its: t CITY OF OTSEGO 1 Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Cleric 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA , AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND ABP, LLC WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has approved a public improvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and EighthKdditions; and WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road upon completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by ABP, LLC identified as PIP # 118- 038 - 001050 is adjacent to portions of said plat that are subject to the public: improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, ABP, LLC and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the City's amended Feasibility Study approved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 2005; and WHEREAS, ABP, LLG and other property owners previously signed an agreement and presented to the City of :Otsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depicted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties, as follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by ABP, LLC is $ 180,000.00. 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no more than the estimated assessment, with said assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. 1 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. 4. ABP, LLC requests vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and waives any and all rights to appeal dr challenge said vacation. Dated: ABP, LLC B/w J' UAL By: �% 1 ` 1� �l CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk .I 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MLNNESOTA WAIVER OF APPEAL AND ASSESSMENT M1SS1SS1P,P1 SHORES 6th' 7th and 8th ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO ABP, LLC, the Owner of that property described as 118- 038 - 001050, does hereby waive all rights of appeal to the proposed assessment against the above - mentioned property up to the amount of $ 180,000.00; said assessment to be placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. Property owner agrees that the property described above benefits in at least the amount of the proposed immediate and deferred assessment stated above and that they waive any irregularities in procedure, any and all required hearings, and all right to appeal the assessment under statute, the Constitution, and case law including right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081 up to the amount waived. Dated: 7 ` , (/) PROPERTY OWNER ABP, LLC (4, its: (!. /t 4 , .Cy' CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MLNNESOTA 1 r WAIVER OF APPEAL AND ASSESSMENT MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6th' 7th and 8 ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO E ABP, LLC, the Owner of that property described as 118 -038- 001050, does hereby waive all rights of appeal to the proposed assessment against the above - mentioned property up to the amount of $ 180,000.00; said assessment to be placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest,rate of 6 % per annum. Property owner agrees that the property described above benefits in at least the amount of the proposed immediate and deferred assessment stated above and that they waive any irregularities in procedure, any and all required hearings, and all right to appeal the assessment under statute, the Constitution, and case law incliding right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081 up to the amount waived. Dated: c ---- --1, , " /'. I PROPERTY OWNER ABP, LLC ...? L j _i � Z"=-7' By: , 1/4 Its: C, 'IP 4 ( 7 ! G l/4' ■ CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY ► F OTSEGO AND ABP, LLC WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has approved a public improvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and EighthiAdditions; and WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road upon completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by ABP, LLC identified as PID # 118 -038- 001010 and PID # 118 -038- 001080, is adjacent to portions of said plat that ale subject to the public improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, ABP, LLC and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the City's amended Feasibility Study approved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 2005; and WHEREAS, ABP, LLC and other property owners previo signed an agreement and presented to the City of Otsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depicted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by ABP, LLC is $ 99,000.00. 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no more than the estimated assessment, with said assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. 1 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. it 1 4. ABP, LLC requests vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and waives any and all rights to appeal or challenge said vacation. Dated: 5 e . (-2 l 1 -�7 y ABP, LLC I J i By: (.i) ,r'�/ ✓ 1 ■ n i Its: (i.:� / � A��' J r / I ,% I CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk 1 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND ABP, LLC WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has approved a public improvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Additions; and WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road uppn completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by ABP, LLC identified as P1D # 118 -038- 001010 and PID # 118- 038 - 001080, is adjacent to portions of said plat that are subject to the public improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, ABP, LLC and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the City's amended Feasibility Study appr `ved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 2005; and WHEREAS, ABP, LLC and other property owners previously signed an agreement and presented to the City ofOtsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depicted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by ABP, LLC is $ 99,000.00. 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no more than the estimated assessment, with said assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. 1 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. 4. ABP, LLC requests vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and!waives any and all rights to appeal or challenge said vacation. Dated: Y ";` ABP, LLC 1 / / 7 1 .. /r: ( By: // Its: (//.1// �;; /640(deivi-- CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk 2 I I I CITY OF OTSEGO 1 COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA WAIVER OF APPEAL AND ASSESSMENT MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6th' 7th and 8th ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO 1 1 ABP, LLC, the Owner of that property described as PID # 118- 038 - 001010 and PID # 118 -038 -1080, does hereby waive all rights of appeal to the proposed assessment against the above - mentioned property up to the amount of $ 99,000.00; said assessment to be placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6% per annum. Property owner agrees that the property described above benefits in at least the amount of the proposed immediate and deferred assessment stated above and that they waive any irregularities in procedure, any and all required hearings, and all right to appeal the assessment under statute; the Constitution, and case law including right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081 up to the amount waived. Dated: 5 ..— 4�` IT P PROPERTY OWNER ABP, LLC � `O" .;: By:.,!' y;1.. , ` ? 'i 1 f / 4P / , � Y lts: I I CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA WAIVER OF APPEAL AND ASSESSMENT MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6` 7 and 8 ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO ABP, LLC, the Owner of that property described as PID #, 118 - 038 - 001010 and PID # 118-038-1080, does hereby waive all rights of appeal to the proposed assessment against the above - mentioned property up to the amount of $ 99,000.00; said assessment to be placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rateof6 %perannum. Property owner agrees that the property described above benefits in at least the amount of the proposed immediate deferred assessment stated above and that they waive any irregularities in procedure, any and all required hearings, and all right to appeal the assessment under statute, the Constitution, and case law incl r ding right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081 up to the amount waived. Dated: / � C _ �` ' PROPERTY OWNER ABP, LLC' -� l By: / .j ✓ `.G ! C l vi6/ lts: (' / / j • CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND Timothy Phillips and Patricia Philips and Michael A. Ringler and Patricia M. Ringler WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has approved a public improvement project within the plat known as Mississippi Shores Sixth, Seventh and EighthPAdditions; WHEREAS, said public improvement project includes construction of roadway, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage improvements; and, WHEREAS the parties contemplate vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road upon completion of the project; and WHEREAS, property owned by Timothy Phillips and Patricia Philips and Michael A. Ringler and Patricia M. Ringler, identified as PID # 118- 038 - 001060 is adjacent to portions of said plat that are subject to the public improvement project and future road vacation; and WHEREAS, said property will be substantially benefited by these improvements and by the vacation of all of the existing Frontage Road; WHEREAS, Timothy Phillips and Patricia Phillips and Michael A. Ringler and Patricia M. Ringler and other property owners have jointly agreed upon the project contained within the City's amended Feasibility Study approved by the Otsego City Council on April 11, 2005; and WHEREAS, Timothy Phillips and Patricia Phillips and Michael A. Ringler and Patricia M. Ringler and other property owners previously signed an agreement and presented to the City of Otsego as a written request to proceed with a public improvement project substantially similar to that depicted within said approved Feasibility Study. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1. The City of Otsego's estimated proposed assessment against the property owned by Timothy Phillips and Patricia Philips and Michael A. Ringler and Patricia M. Ringler is $80,000.00: 1 1 2. The City of Otsego will assess said property no morelthan the estimated assessment, with assessment being placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per annum. 3. Upon completion of the project the City of Otsego will initiate a public hearing regarding vacation of the Frontage Road. 4. Timothy Phillips and Patricia Phillips and Michael A. Ringler and Patricia M. Ringler request vacation of the Frontage Road and will raise no objection to the vacation, and waive any and all rights to appeal or challenge said vacation. Dated: . / TIMOT : ' HILLIPS PATRICIA PHILLIPS MICHAEL A. RINGLER PATRICIA M. RINGLER k CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ;I Judy Hudson, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA WAIVER OF APPEAL AND ASSESSMENT MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6u'' 7th and 8 ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO Timothy Phillips and Patricia Phillips and Michael A. Ringler and Patricia M. Ringler, the Owners of that property described as 118-038-0010604d° hereby waive all rights of appeal to the proposed assessment against the above - mentioned property up to the amount of $80,000.00; said assessment to be placed against the property commencing in 2007 over a period of 20 years at an interest rate of 6 % per,tannum. Property owners agree that the property described above benefits in at least the amount of the proposed immediate and deferred assessment stated above and that they waive any irregularities in procedure, any and all required hearings, and all right to appeal the assessment under statute, the Constitution, and case law including right of appeal under Minn. Stat. 429.081 up to the amount waived. .I Dated: l C> S PROPERTY OWNER Timothy Ph` lips Patricia Phillips Michael A. Ringler E Patricia M. Ringler RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -29 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the council on March 14, 2005 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has prepared plans and specifications for the Mississippi Shores 6 and 7 Frontage Road Improvements. And has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1 1. Such plans and specifications, dated 5/18/05 a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Engineer shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened at 2:00 p:m. on June 23, 2005, in the council chambers of the city hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, Minnesota, 55330. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 5.0 per cent of the amount of such bid Pi Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, Clerk C: \Documents and Settings \Judy \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content. lE5\ GHIJKHIJ \ot360resAppPlansOrdAd.doc MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6TH & 7TH GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS THE 2000 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FRONTAGE ROAD I MP ROV E M ' E NT TRANSPORTATION 'STANDARD ATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION - SHALL GOVERN. ALL FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL 61 16W LAWS. REGULATIONS. AND ORDINANCES SHALL BE COMPLIED 0.111 IN THE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION PLANS OF THIS PROJECT. CITY OF OTSEGO PROJECT '05-05 FOR STREET REMOVAL AND RECONSTRUCTION, SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, SHEET INDEX �. _: _ _ _ , __, ._ _ WATERMAIN.:EXTENSION STORM SEWER EXTENSION n+ISPUwcoMaNSZes�EETs - 1 nn.E SHEET ..� '� EIa511NG'TOPOGRAPHY 'AND'REMOVALS "PLAN�� w�T: FOR 3 SITE PLAN 4 GRADING PLAN 5 CSAH 39 STREET AND STORM SEWER PLAN CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 6 CSAH 42 STREET AND STORM SEWER PLAN PARK AVENUE STREET AND STORM PLAN 8 CSAH 39 SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN 9 [SAN 42 SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN .,---- i 02 10 PARK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERNAM PLAN • �1 a� 11 CSAH 42 C90 ROSSNG V , PROJECT // _ 12 SWPPP & TURF ESTABLISHMENT PLAN T 13 -14 TfiAFRC CONTROL PUNS LOCATION 15 SIGNAGE AND STRIPING PLAN _ 96 -16 04055 SHEETS 0c110 ❑�--- 91 -06 Ot055 SECTIONS ��4,, 0 1111 a ioi .� / ARK AVENUE NE Q : } y 1 11 r--- •: l y, s�. ra s 1 ,00 e , 100 IDO, S.A.. • 3 M tTni 5.1.( W I I _ J . i J i 1n I' U'1 i f1' I 1 Jr; o ��� - _ � •1 ,,,� f ,._., ___,, 1 prepared by m or my specification, o on e• of was ----- '� -1 q Y `'Z�- a on y Li me under anbnal Engineer una the laws 1 COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 39 y _- en. s,. e e 1 of the $to of Minnesota i \ \ °. ::::: 1 / S a - . De��- (� • T T j L jjpp '1 t ill a� 1 l 1 w DI �� -- 1 -< /5" {{{{1111 •4, 3 i ,. D. PELAWA P.E. . Dole Y s, i _ t OJECT ENGINEER "Y- i \ I �1 $ °�� - 51,1 e. ' ' - NRICM COUNTY APPROVALS Z L ' 2 - ' 4 •. b s WAYNE A. O FINGALSON, P.E. Dele 0 u " \�1 � 1 . \-�. —.,! I . 1 \ � f■ PROJECT WRIGHT CUNTY ENONEER LOCATION zi $ '� DATE REVI5109 „' Anaaerson eeu e eeenr 1 n • . 1 I - . ---„ (...) SAWCUT 1601F BEL PAVEMENT <'- . A. --__, REMOVE 8111 113 CIIP CULVERT 4 1-r Ce' SALVAGE AND RE-INSTALL SOUTH 4... * V' 24LF 21' RCP CULVERT FOR SANITARY SEVIER EXTENSION SAWCUT 25LF BM PAVEMENT LEGEND _ ''''''\•!,,.. ----'..' . . . : .. . /1'; .1. [ • . co 1*' ' ,-- X r • . , • 8111.1111NOUS REMOVALS ---- '--------nr-=-1---------- 1..r :: CURB GUTTER REMOVALS , .. • ' t V : _ t : / • J. e _ .... 77.... - - -r --- - -- -- -,----------- —.-- SAWCUTS : i X TREE/SHRUB REMOVALS // / I i ■ ' , SALVAL7 AND 3111E---IN-SI-AU.- MOVE UGHT I : ' e 110LF CHAIN um rcrict ',. , , , , , , , , • , GODFATHERS • ; • v L., . ■ PIZZA D ' ; ' , s ' REMOVE EIGHT I : 2 ■ ll . , ' ' : SALVAGE GODEATHERS 111 4111114 1 ,,, - - . N. .,_. .. ,, . // . _ _ i PIZZA SIGN 1 ..-........ . ,........... - ...................... .....- -- ir.-,- T — ......,..■/............; .... ..... 0,..1. .... ,...,,,,,..7. ., -=.....- -,...--, _... .„.. :..., ,,, Risrt 76 . 15 CUP CULVERT ^ I ' , , , I I I I , I I I I . ' I , VACA 1 : N T . "C ' BUILDING . BANK ' 0 • ,,,-.■ DAYCARE FACILITY 1 REMOVE AND DEPOSE LIQUOR Z TREATMENT TAXES -0 STORE 0 — REMOVE ucia issimr4 • , ; .1,.. m000 5131I ir OAP CULVERT /./..../ ' TERIN AR Iml•■•■•=1 SAWCUT 301! BIT. PAVEMENT SAWCUT 401I CONC. PAVEMENT CLINI C MOVE 5111f 20 04! CULVERT II MIVJI P II • ■ ■ --CP 1" P CULVERT REMOVE 521F is- CAP CULVERT SAWCUT 2061F BIT. PAVEMENT ' - 9 i r --- FIE 14OVE 41L1 5 CI1 1 , Ell \ — SALVAGE / ,. MAW & . t ----- - -. i CD SAWCUT 25L1 CONC. PAYMENT VALVE ASSEMBLY 1,47 I , . 4 ,• . REMOVE 521f IV CYP CULVERT • \ ,' , L '' SAWCUT PAVEMENT 70/43361 . . ''''6/ I 1 II- , 1 imAN ----- " -1 . 1 1mi: - • % Ffli ,,. IjiMin_.• 11 ,..„ ..: ..: ..:-... . • c „......,,,„ m 131T. PAVEMENT Air REMOVE 331f IV CRP CULVERT I _.... 900040 3015 IV CMP CULVERT 1 . - - - _______------ I- ,-- t' .. -- . - .-- • MOVE 15If IV CMP CULVERT ----- ,, 4. 1.02 .1 -I .40 M40 .207:0 ..;._-.., 20.00 -:--------------- 75— .. CSAH 39 (90TH STR ET NE) }. SAWCUT 1201f BIT. PAVIIIENT DAIL REVISION I hereto corIlly NW fhb peon. opoollIcoNon, MOOR or rola. woo props. Pr Pont or onOov on , Mill rVi Hokonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 0/ EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND REMOVALS PLAN OW arpo..1.6 end ISO I orn...4.017. lbErSEGO C1.11 EngIneer. and Land Surveyors 2 ■ 1 .. 1 1 : 6 2: . ........... R. 3j113/05 3601 Medan ... Anoka. lanma. 53303 9F 6•.• *AI -- . ---; . .- .... .... -.. .... .... . . ,0 -931 00 -0I 70.. 00 -001 00 -L01 doGa 00-001 r R _= t (3N 3f1N3AV HSI Yd) Z4 HVS� - R no , 1 g i'• 11 % 1 LI l \ // • I �� 1 . ry c Ia ,,, I . c . 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IX - IIEDRANT , . „ .. , . ,' / / • . ... . , t. • - CATCH BASSI ---- --. lov, r / I i 0 - MHO ORM ROHM°. . • - 1/2: PTO tn • ---- -7 • i - A • '1 •. - lisoN SIONMEHT SEE ANTI MARKED 1 - tArri -• i -• i_... , fR.T, •... • . P"' - . Imi LGTHSE HO. 1.420. : _L. - iv-- 0E4DE000OUND IllE310EE2 LTHE _......* .... L I • :."-:•‘ ..- • • .,_.....,---.--' r T • I - • ... EDGE CE DELTREATED IsEGEHD (CET SITTT -.Tr... ovERHEAD mom LITSE Or - 1-4 II - TELEPHOHE PEDESTAL : , B, II . [Lunn TRANsMomER \‘.• .,, ...- r - • " .400 ''', ;111111110111111111111-74....41MIlk . El - CAGLE IV BOX • 1%1 • 4 03.00 • 3 .,.._ - Kw. KU I l ••• • •• c..,, --U6s..---"TTS,-- 2 • TVS - DECREDOUS TREE A SIZE E - - :: " ---• IIIIV —, -.ET so TES rt .., t 3T:Ei / .1 - .1 l) S v .-....../ • "7 ---" - ,-----•,* -• • ;___,C. .7. - c.mam ma ., ,.. , . ...... , .m. ,, ,,:..,-,,:11.1 1 1,,., -,., --.. .: /... -1_ , - , I 1 1 ., ; • [El • - rEHEL LPG / , - -'-- . .-It :-; ;'''. - CLE MINUTE ,..4 -" 111.' 1,.1.. • \ .1 \ • • nw. HELL 11 •• - slAILBM • NOTES: ' : I ' .341 ' '' e';.'1 .. \..1"\-- unurr P •G'S - SM. BORING 1. CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT PHER' STAF ONE CALL" 11 1 _.--' 1.- .. \ ' . AT (651) 454-0002 FOR LOCATIONS OF EX STING UTILITIES . , / .1 1 --:•• ca - GATE vALvE BEFORE START OF CONSTRUCTION. , 1" ., ,.. \ ' - . -. [TESIENG HATT u140 2. PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH , / / , ..,..... . . 't.' - - - • " ' . - 4 - - V.V. SA1.3 076 SEWER uoo 't ga . E r D I 1 D A A N R D D S S AI , IS 6 TIT N R S EWIYIIVEZ TS - -..„ , /1 .1-- C' ' ' e... \ . -- - ETESING STORE. SERER WE • 8 ' ____,:. 31003040 FES OF THE CITY or OTSEGO. ........ / , o V \\ . % . \ 1 I • NPDES PERMIT HAS BEEN I : • 3. NO LAND DISTURBING AC11\4, SSUED/ BY THE MPCA TIES SHALL OCCUR UNTIL A L. -; / , I , : . ,. GODFATHERS PIZZA Al 1 - l __ : 1 - PROPOSER CATCH GASH • . • - i - V . '. \ v-.------- --- 1 - 1 . Q. _ :P \ 4. - \- 3 1 ,' 1 1 ° 1 . - moROSTO SANHARE sEITER TAMITOLE • . — - - moRO09070400 D WATER LTHE 4. A COPY OF THESE PLANS AND THE STORM WATERPOLLUTION ..../ • '•.. FFE=865.0 - - RETDROSED SANITARY 3409340 33314 PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) IMUST BE ON THE JOB SITE ..----. ' /1 : 4 k - • . ---3. - 0940404034 co snow SEWER ME IM1ENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. I .. 1 t • .6 / • - ass — - poTEPosED carroun 5. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED i , 1 .• ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLANS. IF A CHANGE IN THE / 1 / / i i; 1 _'!'.._ / r 1 _t. - .... I 117sEE .P SEDEEE ELEVATED,/ PLANS IS REOUIRED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY 1 ! ' 19 \. 1_ 1.1 3 - NOTIFY 111E ENGINEER. . ' I 3. ' i - ' I I i : ---E--E., -manta° MERGENCE °WARM SI -- II II •• , --- - • I SENCE 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE AND COMPACT EMBANKMENTS 1 1 1 / . i T ) 1 0 -hp Or RETAIN. HALL ELEEARETH TH TO CONFORM TO E ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND ,, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. GRADES SHOWN / Ir ., ,j - 4 °4 k,' - • 1 1, - -- 1 1 .. ,_ .2 i • ._‘.. • , a 0.865.0 .BOTEOST OE MMHG HALL ELEVATIM ARE FINISHED GRADES. 1 / I i ,,,- 'V „ -. .---,:__;_....,,..-•-,,— j ,, ,•=---.mesnik--- ,l, ,. -...,,c,_,, ' . 1 , __. e_—_ --_—_, .... __ ,, ..,, ' 1 p / 1 ..",_, , 1 1 i / ! 4 %, •- 11 .1 z - , : - - • --,' ' :.„4.11 L I 6 ::p ..z. 1 . .....C. I , , t?.. I ' .§ ---i.e IT. ,...._ ,,.. _,,.., , I 0,,.... DAYCARE FACILITY ,/ . ,,,:.-, -.-....1.41 11; i• . ' ei ! 1 ' i., \ 1;' , ; cp-k- 1 -- . - I-%, -I-- --1- ' , 1: 1.. , .L __< 01 • . , .. _ i ,--, ....1,- mo - sepi ..-!.- 0 - - - - .41.c./ lir I ''' ' ...:' ..' '" 411r1 "-‘' .4Y. ' ' ,. ' ' ' : ; -..._ ".". _..:..' ....'JT 1 . 1 „ ..,____ ._r_ ___ _...._,._ , )._. _ , 1 1 , 1 . ,,-- , • . 4,t ,_._ , ,, i , ,'' I , i ft .. ...._ , ...... • .. ___ 1.1 1 1, ce . . 1 P 1 -..., -..,,i_._ . i _ — / . ..._ ,.... _ ,. V) .,. .,,, i , UOUOR STORE $ E.- , , i .,,4• I I I I .) i - _- - . 1 1 _._ ---, ... , , I 1 I I ■ . . • : FFE=867.6 1 f _. s `-' ._ve. 1 11.1 1 PROPOSED FFE=866.0 , ',-, -. , rm 1 1 ,.,...1, I 1 . .... • i II" — 1" . l , i I t I .• I/ ! - i .." // 1 1 I I I I ..,P ) I , . 1 -, .,•■,/ i • • • ___... . e - \ .1 1 ;.• - --1'__" .X.,.... lc; i ,I,V /,,• i ;' ? ., ••••-- --r-- , - - v 1,,b , - • , [1.1..1. . ,,/e.,. . , _ . ,.. „ ,,,,, ., t , • , - .•■•• .1 , , li'l .., . 'II \ * . -1 .... /..- . \ ,. r ...• i' . N --- - --- ...- • 1 1 ).* ..., - -- - - 1,.... _..:-- ,...-- ---• _– \ i, ,; - I 1 1 - - r, i . .. D , --- - 3 •-• •,' ... / 4, -• • --- 1 - o , ' . - - -- - N..^ 7 Z71/2„ et.. r. • ...: E-4 .,--- -- ,,,,,, 5 :-.,. 13 ,,--• __ — , .... ..,. (- -Q , , , ,....77-- — "-- — --- •, - '3, ...,,,„,. -......., -. -K.... 3 .-.=-,.-. :::. ;I ,..- to ,. _:_:_,"._.: ., ....__ . .-f,.1.2..,--. • - - •• • • ... ..::-_,.. 2. ...,... „14 . - iV .. .,T . : •• 4 ;: . .. ,- .. •• . ' / ' ' #111NEMilliWetileiliirAPP ---= ' ' '''`'....*--....,i■m9itrairaialliggiVi100 • - . --- " /, b 4..' 40103MIVIONINI141111MIIIIREIrglailMOPIIMMIEL___.-■11 2,t4 -_- • --1.-"'". '':' 41111I4r/0111Db-----■■•-- , ,•,. - --,,,,,.._ _ -- - ' t'or' `IN, - • - - i . •-•• -- - --- •.. . -- .•,----- 1. 3 33%„ e e 213.00 8 • 240 00 00 00 70..00 EaSE00 206 • DO 407E0D 300 T OD I 1 1 ' II I 1 i- t \ . 3- I --4 . CSAH 39 (90TH STREET NE) I DATE REVISION I now. <Han Me MU Man. spodlleallon. 119:0 tr: SNIETZ — a• mood was prap•••• ••• •••• •• •••••• •••7 jop Hakanson Anders., Inc. Or - dtreal ...Ms. end P. I an% • ■••• 4 V."7.',.0 .......naw ... mon mu Civil Engineers and and Sur•npars r--.T PL flo.0 5/10/03 I Anderson Assoc .11,1 L OTSEGO GRADING PL 3601 Thurston A.. Maio. IlInnesato 55303 ..... SEE SHEET 6 • • • ' •) /��' -- ; w z r VACANT BANK II BUILDING . -- - -.. NI DAYCARE FACILITY I •' (OlD TOY NUMB) ----- -- - -- : Z • i s I RE =ess.o a r = x P. "` 006.888.6 LIQUOR STORE } NEW BUILDING "" PROPOSED ITC =866.0 ---- Q °J g C13/11H ®' RE =868.1 C RC =867.6 _... $ 18'0, R -3067 CASTING or. R- COM 6 7 C® • . - ..., • .I I = - 6.03.21, 12.00' LT. i VETERINARY - 7, RIY 865.9 CLINIC 6H3.69 11.00 LT. + 24tr 12' RCP 0 1.0% - - -, - Q ut) 861 .2 RD( 864.95 16!0 IY RCP 0 0.63% I08 1 n eeae I N r (5).13 120 666666.18 NE 861.30 - i 50 MB CD 1 ( 00/ (5861.50 18 ®'' 310.01.1 , 52 .511' LT. ague --- -- ®7 , • I • 308035. 28.46' LT. INV =860.48 , 18 R- CASTING 6.09.2 , 0.89' 1T. , - -' ; •/ IW IY RC 0 0.38% n 310.11.63, 32.50' lT. �/ • I - INV= 861.29 ,} 00/.861.10 - -- wv me.• _wv na.3v CB ®' I -� I .. - (NE) -1160.23 .__- �. Err. P -5067 C.l$0NC J OIV 1 INV (5) =860,20 ���'�.,,,� 6.58.20, 12.00 LT. I - .. • ! v ✓ ' / \\ SEE 5112 II RDA 865:30 "" _,�� 11 . . _ ,. I 7 v INY ([):862.!0 w..,y s e _- '�w..n2 a '"'"4 c.."4 ! - II I I w 1. I - . ` • I ' i� I I� �M1� / w ® _ • S e ° ,L 1210•12 RCP 0 O l / • in.ee >.�, _,- . 6.60' -- ]115.00 ..� 2p In 203.00 . ]09 on v 209.00 ... - ... )-- d10M9- 00 // a te ® 5300 / 1 ' � _ ��� IY RCP 0 0.838 ®' wv -me,n 361f IY 800 00.636 5305 - ' . 1010 I2 RCP 0 0.10% ' \ _ .! CARTING CB \�- . .. ........ ..._. . .. . _ .. . ... ._._.. - CSAH • 39 (90TH STREET NE) . RIM 862.00 309 309.00 306.00 703400 ]09.00 • 8 I 1 • 1 • 1 1 1 • - §- BEGIN 8060400 ROAD CONSTR0C00N STA. 303486.22 , •X970 _ - - _ - - - - .. "; L •t ( ,. �1' 11x1 Bey a plow I . .. ,, E 01571' G fL PROFILE (ON FRONTAGE (ROAD) i • ,. , I - 1 I m :1; 870 • _ ------------------------------ ----- - 01 i PR E R FRON ..w� 200% 1 - - - - f -- i 0 P E (ON TALE ROAD) I OPOS FIL 0.68% - 71A. - I I ier.f 865 0.40% . ... i - i 1.60x ' 0.30 % - �� - 865 • 860 • 21510 2/' RCP O 0.15% I 0 • '- ___ - -_ -_' _- 23910 24' RCP 0 0.1 p I R F CC _.- % i2mF.w• Rrd n R2 >+ ..1701r 24' -RCP 0 0.15A .. 0 _ . - _ 21010 CP •O- 1,2 I .. - 0 0 R t 860 855 '• -m a • I c -oo °$ I I j II VN1 00 • - 1 -. . 9�_._mo I ._. I . .. tzti. NO a rc i9-Om I -2:,0 O --- ... _. _ , _�zry Y9 1 .. .. .. ... ._.. ... .,.�- . "- • N m ! ; i o , o ' l 81,51,1'4; r o . - -• m c m zm 1 855 • a, �< v a D wz ! .1 ; ; ' -. 0 �, 9 � o I 850 a l o • . L. I ,- m.:b : m v'^. 8 r. I I I ., riri - ! 850 I 10:n.O� i • . 6 � . ! I jy'C >> - I i u• + ... F. _... ...- - ... . 14. ba btn (-'. i i 0 O t3 ¢?? ! 1 l2 -Z I 1 + • ,np +4. Z W I -1._____ -1._____--1 i I - n I (.. ._.... 1 .. �� _.._ 1 ....... rc!o: 815 1 815 - -0-. I 840 I j I �.. • 840 • • . .. : I • j • • g gm a� m m 2. m �� 110 IC RC0SION 305 her., <o. 30 m. pee *MOW, o00 307 308 309 3(0 311 312 I - "..1die"'"• """"" . Hokanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. . a .« , wa w a +P° .. STREET AND STORY SEWER PLAN I 5 �.�►•c� 0 08 [nal,,.... and Lone m...2a. ALONE CSAH 3 9 a.: •, 9 ' Hrt•y i y n•.p. MN S%16�09 2601 Menton Iw. Mead lanmla 55103 O EGO, S[E SHEET s SEE SHEET 7 z , I . ( PROPO BUILDING • I i__,_ .,.._ - I . r- � FFE 866.0 i I t � • • I — x - . S GODFATHERS j • 1 - PIZZA ' • j N ! 4 FFE 865.1 30 0 . Rc • L\. 6 - ACANT .- ` j - , _f UILDING I e 1 g r • O _ I —1— - — � r ' •FFE - 865 :OV — • • . ` , ' 1 ! , ‘,„ ,-, 1 r • - ' r 8 . , — — - -' - - - �- t • ..,.., ,,, _ 11 1 1 1 �1► , \ , ., , El . ....: , ,s, '' 'b ' , ! OD 1 11 ;• 111____ 13) g I 7 ,\ ICI I .\{ , 1 'IsJ111 e�1� t1 1 1 v � w \ ' . 1 .Ecx d ®^ / .% • - 333.0 313•00 y5• 1.11 i ! • 1• f ��1I6 _ _ — ∎1lvl iI I I I IN C8/164 4290 I J L _ • . - 48'0. R -3067 CASTING - ill 1 • ._ _ ..._ ... . _ . _._ ... ^- ..n I C8 /NH ® sI5480.07, 30.00' LT. 1 ® + � . 3j 6 c -- '..a • ., 8U l8r RCP 0 0.625% 48'., R -1733 'URIC — --- . - - .. . . - ..- INV (W Hr859.40 epj�a 1 312.41.67, 60.52 fly. .. .. — ._.. - .._ _ 8 Rn CSAH 42 (PARISH AVENUE NE) - -- RP/ (HVI&S aE)- ese.7R Nwas 100 00 1. .. 100.00 103.00 10..00 105.00 106.00 101.00 _ 107.30 73 I 1 - I i • I I .... I I ... ....1 .._ ...I I _. .. .... .. .. . • • ,sA I i _ . _ - .. .. - 880 I i e.,a N ... . ! .. 1 ..... 8B0 1 a`Ne mm I "_. i . ,1 i-� i i j I 875 I m § 1 11 I I 1 i 1 I i 875 v ? -- _ :I. EXISTING FE PROFILE (ON FRONTAGE ROAO) I - - 1' - 1 I 1 6-.',Z1 i j 1 PROPOS 0 q PROFILE (014 FRONTAGE ROAD] ! i i i 70% 670 O.SOR 1 :305 - ... .... _ -.. ._. _ .._ -..._ - __._.. _. • o. 4 I... 870 a 1 L- INN O L. r - 109LF 2 4 RCP O 10:1570 1 1 1 I 865 i � f 67LF 24 CP i _. _.. _ ... ___ _ .__ ,mi 865 i .. _:.. F 4 i i r 9TILF 24'. RCP 0 0.15% I _ ti 1 i 860 1 I *-°' - - i ! A i iv w° °'^m .7' .g ,1 i 855 L. lbA sr�w I... _ _. _ aI i `� ^z I I • 855 I i &its r _ ms °_{ « _._.... y + w? O - • __ ... . . . L. -._ . . -.. ..._... - -- ..... ! _... -. -. s _= � _ 0 1 � I • • 850 1 I J 1 1 1_ a _ I I 850 845 i .. I 1 i i i 845 • 312 313. 314 315 316 001E REVISION . e p very nM xx•gw. gwnkalM, vmo e: ae. "°"'°'^""°" °' "" m in0i "^ ,0r r or I STREET AND STORM SEWER PLAN I °� � .aEw ��� Hokanson Anderson Assoc., Inc I 1 l OTSEGO 6 nm ChR En lneers and Lana survey,.. ALONG CSAH 42 JJ�JP ° ° au sea /os SSOI 0u l en 4 ... Ave.. °m. me ss3,3 L -- 7 ^" ' f- E.1 - h ' 30 0 30 60 • ; ■ SGf , :C8/YN ® . NG j 1 / 0 N ././.:1. . $ ARK AVENUNW NE �, ����: �'* Q �' 21. 14, R -4112 CAS TING S{ s F+1 `�1 1 S ' N !05156. 37.3 RI' 3 - -- _ ! ._ _. . o i - . TOP CASTING 863.50 ..- - -- 1 ! _. -- - _ (�1; IM/= 859.51 ` .. . . __ -- ' /•% N ) 1 _ _ _ __ ___ _ . 5.56,;38.89 61 i b CASTING ! i I _ __ _ 18 R I I. 10.! �.. -- -- 1 I 407 , 1 • MI 666,70' , GODFATHERS \'1.i.;_' -•-• .. _. + _ I p INV (_8}7)=859.70 i ' PIZZA I ^`_ -- , ■ FFE 865.1 0 �_ Stt SHEET 6 r "001.' .. .. ._. .. __ .. .. _.. ..... ._ _ .. .._ _ ..... ........ .... _. . . - I i I I i 875 _!. I I I _ .._ ._. ! _ ... — ._ _....._. i 875 t i i I EXISTING 4 PROFI E I I I I ( I 1 i ■ I 870 ... _ _. .. I __.. ... ........._ - ....... _........_ .._ _._ L-- -. _ ..a. ..... ... ! 870 I I _ i 1 I I ( PROPOSED c. PROFILE . _. _ .. I 865 ... I ... -- _..._.._ �. _.__.._ __..I ............._ ._. _._ _. I _ .. � - --- 1 .. .. I .. —_ . ..__.I ...._.... .. ... _ ... - ` 1 865 , i I _.... 1 I P • 860 I ®0.251 .. _. .. . .. . _ _ ._ ....... . .. . IOOIi' IB' RCP i ,_ I 1 860 855 I - .. 855 .0 i i i I I I I I I ;1 ii 850 .j I .. ....._ _ .. . _ : ; r -P , . .... G .... .. _... . ..... ._. ._ ...- -_.... 'I - -. _ .... ._ 1 850- 845 i j' -- - -- i.- --. j_. I _...._ . - I - _ I a ... .. i ... ... _ .... L _. ....... ...L..... _...... _ i .... _ 1 845 1 I I 840 ... _... � ... I 1 .. ..... ..._.... ........_... ... . . I 840 .P- n1 .;1•-: . I .._. o! $ ml ., IS El S8 404 405 406 407 408 409 DATE REVISION 1 *Ay .. the 0.0. M.•R n..ONwN.. ®ort or '° N ' , , " , ipei w ' ,DP Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 0? • STREET AND STORM SEWER PLAN S end y E,....... a«.. m „ .. nn. '�- - cm; En9In r. and Land Surveyor. OTSEGO PARK AVENUE N., _— . j 11_ RAA 5/16/03 ' - - - 31931 Menton An, Ando, IIMIm10 55303 .. • • i I I '' '���� _.._ . SEE, 5x871 9 8 • I\ - _ . FMS : __ _ IS - I .. j w 11 ■ • BANK VACANT �� j La I BUILDING z DAYCARE FACILITY _ i ((E =865.0 ___._ ._ _.... -_ ...., -. ... Q • P70 868.6 ; I' - _. ._. • EC 3o1E LIQUOR STORE / ' . _ _. _ •• • : ; - � :q: ; % .o-0' --� ' i 1'.•"'P ...EA 11.25 D i�� -8, . - - - PROPOSED .." �.8 BUILDING 6 E RAVE a BOX, _ AND JOIE 6 DIP _._ _ = u j .. .. ' (FE =886.0 I , 015rAU SALVAGED HYDRANT . -- VALVE d BOX, V i - - - -� - - % CLINIC SAN. ma - -. 310.23.56, 50.81' LT. •• - -- 5(0 SHECI 11 - • . j 7TE =868.! ; O 854 WC PLUG A 305.73.fi7, 10' LT. a SAN. STUB 5506 I - -- fr \4,7 / E %157. SAN. YH G -21 FM 12' 11.25' DIP BEND '1 o il E • ' 308.13.19, 36' LT. • � - �/ CONNECT TO C%IST. _ s' r. SAN. B �■ fdl I2' % 6' WYC ANO 16' X IE� CROSS 3DS1s1. FM 6' PVC PLUG .'1 2UE 6' PVC SDR 26 /i\ Fdl 12' GATE VALVE 305.51.10. 3.79' u. I w1' =ald2e _ sos.94 40 1 . Z F 6' TM 11 X6' 1[E WITH j (81,6 C_ftUG 1 � /dl 361 6 PV (SDP 26) I G - 8 �� � 0 SOUTH i 161081900 ..- ' 1 E ' C ' I 9 r I I I q � ' l »7. 30l- 07.33,.46.51' Li. i 0 0.80X I x' " s�' u+08- 12U 6 OIP, AND HYDRANT • T : I' c„1' c 11'16" REDUCE i R, 70 NORTH AN D 0 1.OD% . cry I . = M 101F 6' PVC ($OR 16) 0 5 . '° 1 n _ 1 _ R, AN - - - ■ - 0 <_ _ �,�, / Fd1 12' GAZE HWIRANT TO WEST ; L -�1. _ ' _ -- '� 312.50.93, 19.91' RT. a n ,w7.00 .wa -. 000 00 � lutes O 5 ' s,..ro ®"' (dl 72 45' DIP BEND W �- / 7E 308.13.19. 10' LT. - ....__ -.... + 1 _ Fdl l2' - - 791 12 912X6' TEE 011/1 ... -. 1 309195.56 I55 �'. LT fl'.35T Ct 305181.50, 10' .. 6 GAT( VAIVALVE d -• ' . . r TEE 13 12' %12'X6' - R 6 DIP, 6' DIP IP Fed 12X6% %6 FE d 12 E R 6' GAT( VALVE d BQ11, x, PLOG UG TO NORTH, AND 17' - • ' " 6' VALVE It BOX, 6' f 6 PP. VALVE A & 60% 8. SSW _ • .GATE VALVE TO WEST SI 10 NORT8 E 0 AND HYDRANT . SUE 6 DIP, AND 6 DIP ' Fdl 12' PVC PLUG PLUG TO NORTH H . 70. .Op 705.00 206.00 007000 70B, 00 709 Q0... ... 7IO . 311 .00 )13.00 8 2Ib00 I I I - 'I 1 - I . I - 1 -. 1 1 I 1 .. 1 _ 1 .1. 1 I 1. 8 CSAH 39 (90TH STREET NE) 870 _ ' ` 1 EXISRNG f ROME (ON FRONTAGE ROAD) - ,_ .. .. I I 870 PROPOSED F PROFILE (ax; F R O N T A G E ROAD) ; 1 I 865 2 0O 0.68% O�TOST j _ 0.40't - i _ _ • • I - I ._ 1.60z _ o.3015r - 865 • WATERMAIN 8' (MINIMUM) Ill 4'%6'X1' POLYSTYRENE INSUURON F&I 1'%6'X1' POLYSTYRENE IN (a 41614' POLYSTYRENE INSULATION O Q COVER TO 10P OF PIPE ABOVE PROPOSED WATERMAIN 1 ABOVE PROPOSED WATERMAIN • ABOVE PROPOSED WATERMAIN I 0 I j --- r - - - o' - ' 860 __ _ .0r _. - Y 860 • • HIGH POINT Al HYDRANT CONNECTION 1 - I I - -�- - 1-- 1 NIGH POINT AT HYDRANT CONNECININ 1 1 ` (al 90111" 90111" I2' ON MR I j °•_ I ° ' . •.. .. '• .. _ .. _. _ _ ...._ -_.I .. • .. ..; .. .. ( - .j.. 855 855 ' I 1 I j i I . ' I .i. I i HIGH PXOII AT CONNCCRON • 850 !OL( 1 ' PVC (5011 T6) O 0 I _. ... j .. - ._. _ i . _ 1 850 I In • I D1 L( 12 we (SDR 26) o o . i 2a I \ 21617 12' PVC (SDR 126) O 0.22X i 0 I 230L( IT PVC SOR 26 O 0.227% I I 1 389LE 12' PVC (SDR, 26) 0 022% I 845 ' 0 J . J I . i 1 a 1 ■ �_ - 845 otm ! n . I o O . I . 1 I J ; . I 1 n a h ' p -� 1 'e= j I 840 '";u ' I ' � � ? Q ,7 5 _ m I i .. 1 ... .. .. � . m' .,n ^. 840 gP,i 301 m...� 1 , i 1 �mm; 835 JAM i'sb j _ _ .. j _ ' I .. _. 1 _ _ _ .. -_ °°.' . . 835 I 1 i • I I I i l i 30 ,j,..- m m e `m �m m $ 8m 8m j m m e I m °m Sm ° a n 304 305 306 o! 6 m m 8 ' 307 308 309 m 310 311 312 DAZE REVISION MIT, wn m, p,. ar10.1.n, MO IL ... ,,. , , -• 4. - 3oP 01' SANITARY SEWER AND I mo I.�,.p, " „ .�. R 11W"1711 CM) Anderson Assoc., Inc. I ^ I 3 8 ^^ � CM1 En01n..n 0n0 Land s....1'.,. OE". WATERMAIN PLAN " i1° "ly�'n"�° �RA. n 5/•/05 3501 nnnem M.• Mete, 10nn"b 55103 ALONG CSAH 39 --- - - SEE SHEET 8 SEE SHEET 10 1. INF 1581.1 15' PVC SANITARY SEWER WAIN UNDER CSAH 42 W HAS FLOATED UP 8' MK 1416 24' STEEL CARRIER PIPE. z .----.-. I .-.-.. ,--- -,y ,• • ' . \ 11. ' .. , • 1146 CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE THE 15' SANITARY SEWER _ UN . • 1 / AND ACCESS 8110 0651 (00 OF DIE 24' STEEL CARRIER ' t . '• --- , PIK. THE ENGINEER DULL INSPECT AND FIELD VERIFY THE - 444 i • 1 1 GOD EXISTING (0+0111045 (0+0111045 OF THE SANITARY SEWER MMN INSIDE • Li / .._„... I IRE CARRIER PIK. THE DONEE* 8011 0E1E118INE *14101 1- CC I • ' 1 • ---- , PROPOSED BUILDING 1 \ ALTERNATIVE vau. BE MIMED TO CORRECT DIE ADVERSE TM • 1 ! FE=86 5.1 . 1 • .) 1 ! \ • \ k '... GRADIENT OF THE EXISTING 15 SANITARY SEWER MAIN. 00( 0066.0 I ' ' 2 % 1 1 • 11 1 1 ' - - 0 8 1 VACANT ' CONNECT 10 (81511112 SANITARY FINICE ALTERNATIVE 'A' ; 0 •,-1: 1 \ B 'i' -----1 1 BUILDING i .. CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER RVI(E ii \ \ \ WE CONTRACTOR MU 661101/6 MATERIAL ! 12I__ 6 , I i 1 HE CARRIER 0400. THE CONTRACTOR 5)460, SECURE 3 ; - ! 11- 1 • J .... - v 71 an. - FROM T 0 1 SA I *20001100 80 TLUN HIELY 060140(8. 10 10 04 0 41 ; • 1 , 001=6 66.0 1:77 7 I 7 ---- 1 . 7.._._...,...-....--77--- 7 , A \ \ 1 ' . n . 1 :. I i I • ___ 1 BETWEEN 101 G-23 AND 0-24, CONCRETI GROUT SHAU. BE • - - 1.• • 671 , •,... ''' \ 1 '1 - I - '''7 111111; 1 ' ..,_;., •., 1; .. PUMPED INTO THE VOID AROUND THE .15 SANITARY MIN . • < . 6/1 • 1 . ' I 1 • 0 - • 1 ' 1 \ \ 1. 1 1 1 U I I I I _, . AITERNATIVE - 13 . (sir si4Err II) . , • t THE CONTRACTOR SHAM. JACK A 24 STEEL CARRIER PIK • • 't 115Lf 6' PVC 26) 0 0.80% . 1 UNDER GSM 42IARISH MINK K) 10 FEET NORTH Of /, - . . • . \ 1 ,,_ k :_______ , i \ . \ •••.1 THE EXISTING &I OLE G-24. MANHOLE G-23 VAL REMAIN . THE DOWNSTREAM CONNECTION LOCATION FOR IRE 15' ; • I . . • . 1' ' 1 SANITARY MAIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 160Lf 3 1 1 1 \ ------1:2- \ \V Z • 15' PVC (SOR 26) WITH BLOCKING IN THE CARRIER PIPE. 1 THE VOID AROUND THE 15' PVC SHALL BE PUMPED TULL Of , / • --1. 1 3 \ ,; • ! I ILI [1] 1 .. GROUT TO SECURE THE SEWER MAIN INSIDE THE CARDER PIK_ .2 ' 44411 • 1 i I \ I 1 FT I \ . • • ; , , ‘, A --,--..„ ! • i .... , ' ., 1 I I .• , :,.., 4100_,_:-A•14.33011,1_,„ 313.00 ..• 31.00 - 31.° ' . \ • < ' I _-, h i ,... : NOTE: CITY SEWER AND WATER SERVICE FOR GODFATHERS PIZZA ft. ' 111 1 1 11 -1-1 , 1 \ \ \ 1 , -- , JH . I J , - IIIIII// 1 . °- WI i . J f SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL I I CONNECTED TO THE NEW SYSTEM s . ED) ; • CONNECT TO DOD. 314+24.75, 9.86 RI. 431) :1 -- r -;-: 3.,d I 1 i - ; I. 16- X 12' cams' • - - - • - 064 12 106 050* • . .. , III 12' GATE VALVE .60 NORTH . . •••• - - • •-- • - 6' GATE VALVE & BOX, . AND I0461 6' DIP TO_WIST. -----'' 1 --- • • 7(8801. SAN. PH G-21 311+13.01. /1.61' 441. - • • .... ... . . ....... -; i (506 NOTE •I) 11 1 ' • 1 F711 2' X 6 WYE AND 11 115116' PVC (500 26) 100100 , , 107* 00 M..00 TO. 00 105300 10131 CO 107100 1 1 . 1 . 1 • . 1 - . • 1 CSAH 42 (PARISH AVENUE NE) . - .. ... . •. ... .. EXIST. 1513 LT 15 PvC (SOR 26) SAN. SEWER - - '----• • • • . - . - - 163106 ISO IF 24' STEEL CARRIER P410 .. . .. .. . . -. . • . . (SEE NOTE 11) • i / I 1 30 0 30 60 , • - - - • - ,,3 , --- -- .................. • ,... ... Am., ....■ /r' - e , - or - • ' ' - ri. , - ___ _ _ _ _ -- - - ' - - - ......,........ i ..... ........s■isoig..i. ■ . a•••• sc. .......-- cro....., 4. ELINF. - •-.. , . ..- . ... . . .. . . -- .. - : , • , - . / -1 glr ' N I A 61-12)3 . - .. ' 8 .1 . • 1 PROPOSED i PRODLE (ON FRONTAGE ROAD) ' . ;7" ; - --- -1--T - IS.4A-- . . . . . . ' • • • 1 . ! - /___ ___„.. _ _ , 1 - I • 1 • WATERUMN B' (10111111.111) COVER TO TOP Of PIPE . • I 1 • 860 I , I 860 I ' 0 t • - . . . . .. ... . ... . . . _ I ! 1 855 1 F &I 43001 12' DIP 908 1 H AT CONNECTION iall' . EXISTING i KIW (ON FRONTAGE ;ROAD) I . 1 855 .. . ... j . . . • • .... .. . . - IGH PC1144 NECTION FM 1 POLYSTYRENE INSUUTION 1 1 . \--HIGH PON% AT CONNECTION ABOVE PROPOSED WATERMAN i 850 . ! • 850 • 1 - . .. . .. I . • 1 j J , 1 1 3361.0 12'! PVC (5014 2 6)10 0.2211 . 80610 12' P116 (508 2 6) 0 0.2% t 845 . •:-.J,i1 . • 845 • - • • . ■ .. ' • ',2 t • • to . . ON ........., 1 a i 840 • 1 1 .. • • J , - .,_ - . 4 . - - . . , . . ..i. P .1 . ..... . . . ..- 840 _01 % ....6 40 • - - 1 4 1 ,74 - - • I . - 11'1-11.1 1 • - 1.41 ..- 1 .°'!••• i 835 I. . . • ''..., . .. _ _ ... ...... 835 - .. . i I.r/nfr-&. • ././...: 1-144:01 .• ! I / I 1 1 1 • DO Op2 • i ?SE. t.g. t. i • , • 1 I • 830 830 , I . .... . • ... I. ': 1 4/4 2 2 ii ' 5, i:° 22 • p i ii li 2,rp, Br, , 312 313 314 315 316 084 6 - 8 1 h.. ... 0. 1. pion. 0.•0.0999, 119011C 1 71 •• "9 ••• 9.0••••■ t0 mg •• unok• rn, 3E10 Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 09 SANITARY SEWER AND _ .... ....maw and 114.9 I an • 6* WATERMAIN PLAN um n/.......) 14+4•••■ uu on co & 000 I . CIO EncOn•or. end Land Surveyen . km •I On . _.;...172•04.e. nu 6/4/06 MOT Taw* Os.. Mete. 109•••190 33303 r7074E.GO. 1 ALONG CSAH 42 _ 4 0 0 0 0 0 gl 'Zi '4, .9 ti 4 S Z 10 tD 03 VI CO 03 ID .4 co 43 03 03 CI .... I • lal O Z I :015, Z.ct Z 1 " ,Cl. LI • > . _ ,...., .,...., t-...1 05-1 .1 I Z Z 6 0 - vt 0"; 1 ;14: 00.9M, W.M 00.40! (3N 3nN3AV HS18IVd) Z•O HVSD - - - i ,?----- ---- ------ - lamma-t=_-_, 4103 _ .. 66 Sr9 1 1.05! , 99 rya 1111......_ . " 9' 53 .1 1----- :1 \ 1 ■ \ '..- . 3. m b ".. ... i ■ j ki -T--, , \ , , 1 e a----..m...., . O , 0 . . I :41.4-...,•>._ 4 , - \ \ 1 A - 5 g § § ..-.1.7.1 , te. g -Z...,w i t. .. -- -- - 5',------ -- -"---1" 6, ig ', \ ', „ , i -•--- \ ' ‘ ‘. \ 1 E \ \ ■ /— . , \7. 1 1 gke Z. ZIA , , ■ g , 1 n 1 • . ■ , . , / , , \ , \ \ A..'' '..A.".. 1... ' ...de is?! --- 9 al ■F 6 Ts.' ..., \ - ',...:1-3- . 00409 A 15 41Ei tal x < I 1 - 1 --- • CI LS 0 . 0 E- ., N.. I e E .99 C 2 i E klr•fi o . 1 :2 ''' ..4r—' co g '.. .— ‘, ■7.6 .... ger .ccE . • az .- • ,-. ■ _.r.• 9 [99 V k ••••••- ...„...-... V: L'. i 0 c. cet St tscic•M A011 I P MI ,P,r g,IR 1 1 " .•. 0 = I - . — - \ -- .&.. I _ a 1 s V -g , marl = s..... ■ , I tgm . i ■ 0 , -72 ;.W ui • ■ .....;Pwl z — I' ■ .....3 w ■ ., an EIELA 2 „,'-'■ i .... < z _ re g 0 I am :'. Eit < •• I i 9 ii • i 11 : Rd 1 I II , ' 0999 ". .... 1r I IM I I ' , i 1 .. i ' _ 8 • . DI , I , . 11 i./ y f., -,, 5440 *9 9 ,, / 0000 o , 8 ,.; ■ 4- ----. -•-•, / -----,........,........„...., g ---. — 090 .5" i g g § o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o r. tD til VI 111 V V MI wl 5 1 co co 10 ca co 0 10 o . I 11. I I 1 CSAH 42 STORM SEWER CROSSING CSAH 42 ALTERNATE "Er SANITARY SEWER CROSSING r ! .;-. , . : r » • . .. ,.: . 1 I 1 '' 1 . ' t • • __ m ..--. , ! • ... .•.. 1 .. •. r,,.. 7 1 • < : . 1 1 -1 • 1 : 1 ° • , 1 -- - — - - ____) .. ....... .. ,, ._.. _ ...... _ ._ . • • P . I • I . 1 - -- • • I - l / 1 ' 4 - ; ' '.-2 ■ 1 : 30 L I! . • .,. :___.:: . lo, 2 .244 • i ! --101 G / 1 ' . ,:ri c 3 - - I - - - - - 7 - 3 - ---- „.... PVC (so R 26) - : - : ' • ; . .1 .' ,... •-n! 24 — ..J.14. ' n `;••••■ ' • ...• — • ■•• n .. - - — — - — `'-.-..: --• " "/''' :, :, - ' d ' - IL 71 ' 1 - — 1 - \'•'_•"-- SAW - GUT 1810 EirSICN( ••• 4.. ,-...5. • i • \ E.:. . EX / • i • I ! SANITARY MANHOLE I . ... '•-• ' .. \V. .....,./ , - -- • •-.' • \ • 2/ IST 1 . 01 G- ' 1 1 V/i ea ; 1 -.— / / IT, / • I • 1 1 64084415 23 / .4t/ 48 INV=8.513.70 1 i ' - . ST EIr " 421) .-.- / • " • - : I INV (WaS)=13513.45 / N I ... L'"- 1- - Li • I 880 28 L_ RCP 0 0.62% ...... •; -/ cP / . ■ . . , ,...., .. , .., / ..,._,,,,..„1,2_,A,.r_m_i___,,„: or "`"' . " " 72'2.-- 1.7 , • ---22:22.1 ,, SMUT INT0 EXISTING MANHOLE —"--2 , ... ' 8 . STI1/101 4 40, 1 ! ,... . _ ,..,-- _....--- 84 . EXISTING WO 5744/244 • • , --‘' . S1 • . 11 fr8V.n.9 ,.. INV (1102)0858.40 • • ' __-- • - - . • ' G51 • . . CSAH 39 CSAH 39 :. 1. STA 213025.45 . , /-. STA 213625.45 . ! 21..00 :3 21.■ 00 21,04 212100 21, 00 8 : 2144 00 1 .. _ .. 31b14-0I R17 00 1 1 r 1 1 A I 1 1 1 1 ■ . . . . • i 1 . 1 I ■ 1 . 875 870 . ! I ' • 1 . . : I .. _ ; r CSAN 4 2 ! 870 1 ! r i CSA" 42 I ' . • ; 865 I ! 1 I .... — , ..,. ....; . • • - Pi/ lir' •■■•• i • - .- - - ■ ......; .1-1P.•- 4..... 1..m.• 0.' _.-- : i I...., , - _ ,1 - . ,-......_ _ . 865 ..., 660 /1 I. . . • I i . .._ . _. . _ • I 1 1 ----- ; - 1,......- I ; I . . 1 • ___ 1 _ EXISTING 3rX81" ARCH RCP . I , i 855 860 : , . __________L 42" RCP 0 0.07% ! ! 1 .• ■ I I08LF 18" 01P 0 0.22% ! , ' I 1 ! 855 1 I „.o 90LE 27". STEEL ' RITE CASITI . . •- . 850 . I 1 ■ 1 I co I ‘T. ! • I I 845 , . i • , 7. 7 I 155LF 15" PVC (SOP 26) 0 0153 850 ; I ?, •,, ; . • ! ; ' 1 . ■ • • 845 I I I ; 137300 27 STEEL PIPE CASINb 840 ;.1 • • . . . . ..... I I ; ; . `.7 • _14 1, ; • ! • 2 . r :3 I • `11 1' 835 840 I .. . • I ; . • ; I . 835 , ; • i I I • . . . ! . . • , ....dry nanny nun du nbn.nnannanan. ...a. CSAH 42 CROSSING WE REVISION Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 1 1 STORM SEWER AND SANITARY — holosalone/ Lo.rot .. CIN1 Croalnaera and Land Surveyors I SEWER PLANS _ . _ . .- •••• .• $•••• ••• ...• -• • ,,,,,, 5/10/05 171111 ___...= - ...... m. .. - • t_gga 1. 1NE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR EROSION CONTROL SHOWN ON TN15 PLAN. ARE THE MINIMUM REWIRED. A001110NA1 MEASURES MAT BE REQUIRED TO MINIMIZE EROSION AND MAINTAIN COMPLIANCE 11110 MPCA REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONAL MEASURES SAL BE INCIDENTAL 10 1410 EROSION CONTROL ITEMS SHOWN ON ONE PLANS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACTURES (RIP'S) PRIOR 10 COMMENCING GRADING ACTIVITIES AND SHALL BE SATISFACTORILY MAINTAINED UNTIL THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS PASSED. S. ALL DRAINAGE INLET STRUCTURES SHALL RECEIVE INLET PROTECTION MEASURES. 4. TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL BE DONE 111 ACCORDANCE WITH 110/001 SPECIFICATION 2575. AREAS DISTURBED SHALL BE FINAL SIABIUZEO WITH THE PLACEMENT OF A- TOPSOIL AND 50D. 5. EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE INSPECTED AND DOCUMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ONE SWPPP INSPECTION LOG. WEEKLY SWPPP INSPECTION LOGS 11051 BE FORWARDED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW NO LATER THAN 1440 TUESDAY OF THE FOLLOWING WEEK. 6. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN 1HIR10 (30) GAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEE1. - 7. FILE 'NOTICE OF TERMINATION WITH THE MPCA WITHIN 1101111 (30) OATS OF SITE STABILIZATION ACCEPTANCE. //\ V I , i % • F�'�1 LEGEND , _ _, j - - — • 1 �' - 1 1 INLET PROTECTION _ __ - _ --- -__ _ _•' • PARK AVENUE NE _ - 1 i I SOD / ttro AREAS • { A � > 1 :\ \ 1 .v — MIS ••— CONSTRUCTION TS . ' I j 0 SILT FENCE 1 • .. - 1 1 I, • • I GODFATHERS = 1 - ti I! • PIZZA Z ' I s LlJ• __ • I: I i 1,%;:l _ _ • 111 «. _ f .. j LL VACANT x aw f• ►'�BANK•.�. - - I - —_ -� t• - P. :, r �. : ' BUILDING - ' .�. - 1 in - • DAYCARE FACILITY - ` . i; LIQUOR -- -- .I • STORE I - j - - .: 1' TERINAR I -- _ • ' j • j CLI I j j J : -:> j L �-_71_,___? : j ...• C ._.._.._.._.._...._.._.. _.._.._.._.:_.._ 0.00 . .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._. _..:. CSAH 39 (90TH STREET NE) DAIL RI.VISION 1 baaby a.n• "m n.. plan. •■•msn•.. IMO R ' ca marl was •••••••� a' - ' •n•• -. R H akonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. R • -- _ a.« w.». n e ....a ®• �, ' � !fA• 1A - �� + S TORM WATER P CO PREVENTION 12 Sal" ^- / 0 •1s y�. :0- 00 3601 6nRl A Ma te, t ° °a s. 55.10! . 01'SEGO AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN S •w.. Ma YM• Wa lSNI °1 SIGN M. U. T. C. D. SIZE INSERT 302016800 III 3d.61 300316628 III 3.1 300318808 111 3dl.I 302016600 III 3dAE 3053IBt1Ve 19 3.1 308348BV11 III 3.1 LEGEND CODE. 0 weo -3 aa' x .e' Iwo 4/ AI T A' A \ ` Mt \. ii, *_ ` M i at. 03SOTO T T 03s= , r . ® O20M 0206 .or x ,a. .oE x ,et O 620 -1 sr % air r X .1 Z -LIB RII -a 60' % 10' ROA \ 1--... / /�� I I CLOSED ` ` As % et I % / / I TYPE III 8 FOOT ti 1 - < I _ vs-LW, � Q 1 -_ -- - PM ila ----.--'',../ ""- .-______ -------___. li © TYPE m a root -�- ` ®- L � � .N. I - - I T: % / / r .o \� ` _INN .vcxu' - 1 P'., _ _ w I ��- - 5 R3 -I RT. 2i • % 2 <" 1'/\E.� \I 1`f / R3 -2 LT. re / 1 Z.-9Y' / / / / 1 •�• •• - \ 300346820 IX 3.1 © W21 -56 88" % 68" Tem.. / / 1 •'•• - I . MONO 1 — �� / 1 . L ,_LZ NOTES: / I ' :. I I: / o I. ALL EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE PROPERLY PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES. / / I 1 yr - -. 1 2. BUSIN THE CONTCTOR SHL COORpNATE ACCESS. WORN 6(5655 5 SO ADJACENT / / / - - "'^ --- - -- - _ ESSE NNNTAIN AL CUSTOMER a / 3. ALL BARRICADES STALL BE PROPERLY WEIGHTED WITH SANDBAGS 4 I // i •'°` 1 . .. ...- I I 1. ALL A BARRICADES SHALL HAVE REFLECTIVE MATERIAL ON BOTH SIDES _ - - - _ . - _I - - - _._ - - - - - _1.. - - .�.e - -_.. . . . 1 1 5. ALL BARRICADE MARKINGS SHALL BE SLANTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I 1 - - -_ _ 114E MINNESOTA MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL. DEVICES = I I1- I - p -'1 I e 1 6. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL C0610RM TO 114E MOST RECENT I LI 1 i I 6 �px EDIP0N OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL ON UNIFORM IRAFrIC CONTROL 1 `1 -_ I -_ - - -- 1 _ I 2 al; DEVICES. INCLUDING THE FIELD MANUAL DATED JANUARY 1998. T BY ADDITIONS OR CHANCES TO THIS PLAN LAY BE MADE AS DETERMINED 1 1 1 1 620 -1 - - I i = C7� /- / / o as X.e -._ -_. . -.. _. -• -- ...- . - - -. ► � Y .�....,t %.�T Fr • i ►. — 6 �.�. ' I I I ' 1 :Y 4� . Al.- .. • .�� • I I r. I I -- - - - -- - - - --- - ' I- —'- — -- — — - H SW, tit' - -' - - - -' ' -- - - -- --- ' - -- ' — RII -21 1RI1 -2 \ � \ 48' X 3. .p_ X 30' �\ \ I CLOSED A L0 __ -� I 1 i f �` / I I I I — _ � . 1 / TYPE III BARRICADE TYPE III BARRICADE TYPE 111 BARRICADE 111 I OAIC REVISION I n�o.nl �:In�m. F �, q..l.kol MOP _ ".' Hakansan Anderson Assoc., Inc. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ..... ....... N. . .ma e uw.r "" a M UP: CI. E n o A. ,. and L surveyor. Stall 13 !llw /' r e I W OTSEGO PHASE A RM 5l I6lOS 16 01 TAIn.1on An., AmYa, MM.mle ssJ C on re• • 1 ` Br 41 v hli R R� 308018088 e1 300.1 308310088 1l1 300.1 308310888 111 301:1 308318888111 3001 1 ill m �— a \ \ \ \. OLIOIC0110 1 ' e\ \ • e s— e '' 1 `` O ( 3 1V08 0 �( � � " 1 93, I 0 Il I C \ \ A A z .0C x _B9 .CC x as 6 \\ z -ua z -ua - r - I I I . I '1 V 6 k o / 1 , m ce A .„. ■ @ ;1. t ; I \t,Ok: 'E tg 1 I IMITF. _ / _ — 1 .1. W ) ',. 11, ��m I i i — ` ° \ �R o� ►< QQ 1. 1 1�I i \ ` Ir °0 `" 4 _ � I� 1 1 r . s I os I I - il+ i l l : , 1 ,,� Y9 7 _— ! i I m - - -- \ 1= I F----.j I I J ` 1\ e --r — I D 11 ■` a J R< 1 � �� I I 1 111 , 1 ► � l ' _ c I II 0� 6 : � 1 ` C i i S , 1 I 1- -• —� ` I I 1 i1 l , I I I I Q 0,; `� z I r-- 1 1 , i le I se 1 1 I , I l I H_ r; • �OAD 3D oI 1 - - -__ 1 I I � .- I ,i� I i.. .0., CLOSED � I — - - — — I \� I 1 \ I I _ o \ \\ \� 11 11 ill x ∎ Y 11 ■ \ \ \ \\ j ,B + z. Be \ ■ \\� ' �— I li I I II 1 o z M 11 ID I I I I j TYPE 10 BMRIOnDE T 1 I I , III BnRnICnDE ^ � � 1 I 8 �` i t I V I I. I 1/1\ 1 I I '' 1l I• 1 z 7` �__ I f iii I (7.-- h I / L ��� I (� I 2 --- ..., C 11, I e r 4 gI eo63. • e A .I� 1 i a,� s 1 ve"?o. I J / I � I g:E r L______, I 1 i1 I i ?hi; I 1 rs I ■ rrr ! I I - 00 -- , if 0 ii : i ®` $ Wpm i i 1! I � 8 Rm c - , j i l � g W g = 6 ; 3 . : 1 1 I °w ,sLL 1 1 W R • 8 8 ¢ <W,- c. V ''g S 1 1 � R W ! . m ggi 1 1 I I ^$ ' a ^ 'n 33 � zzW 'I I I I I 1 a ?t c. I i EZI 3§ 0 8 0 0 0 . co 3 3 ,W 3 4o wzo -I I I I . a L — — - 8_ x! ^8 1 -— 1 , —- - - - i Ijrl o • `...„... <�J v � S I ., J I 0 \ `\ tj` I `( — �j� en PENMANENT TRAFFIC CONTROL \v \ O �1-� ` Q O e RI -I • P �_ • / \ 11 M1R NSI O �q�s 1 J i 4 — _ I v 0 1==,I RI -02 _ _�: _� r; , r_ . ��� —_• _ . a� — it . ' �. �— =s \ _ M 1 I di / 1 / I i =� 14 - I 1 I S _ -. LEfI R3 - %1 RIGHT / / 1 I �_ - � <r r r — ® (�altw'. R3 - %2 LEFT T // / e _.I - I i b. - - -- - - { —- +--- L.e__e -.. _.- - 1 ._ PAVEMENT R ...�. I — _ — '. 0 I I I PAVEMENT 11N MA C I I MNIN LINE TYP REMARKS E MTDTM UNE KINGS COMPOSIBpI ••e•. ^s I -- I -- ' - I .... I '.LEGEARND G 0,,,, AND COLOR L I (WRIER IJNE A - SINGLE BROKEN 10' STRIPE _ I I 1 / O (SKIP) YELLOW + 40' GAP / / TER LINE a DOUBLE 50.1D 6" SCVMAOpJ � \ ..._ I ` u -�,— I I / r ` /// O CENTER YELLOW BETWEEN LINES ••••-• - _ LANE LINE a SINGLE SOLID TURN LANES d j�. ._- _... -._ ` I /' ._ \ ) Q • MITE AND - -w 1 I ..__. J - _ _ - - _ -_ O / PARKING STALES I 9-, �- O / ! STOP BAR 24 SINGLE 50LID -� 0- — PA MENI SOLID WHIIC Taint .- . - -. — RIGH1 00(5R 000: SIRI'L110 .011 No 39 --� <I> ARROWS ARROW TURN LANES - - - - - PAVEMENT SOLID MITE - ONLY - - -____- - -� __.--------,\ - - , -�— — )3 MESSAGE LE TIERING B HIGH - -l- � — I - — 1 '° / ).Q HANDICAP SYMBOL 4' BLUE WHITE SYMBOL BACKGROUND OVER BLUE \ WRITE SOLID BACKGROUND ' I i V I / L NOTES: • I I 1 I 1. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL 51001 CONFORM 10 THE / ROSY RECENT E01910N OF THE MINNE50TA MANUAL I ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MN /MUTCD). ji I SC. 111 11E1 DATE REVISION I M. , nanny .1 w. Han. .pMnKMn. IMO D. ° m ,« . . m O. ° ma :n' Jo,' ER ANET '� Hakanson Anderson Assoc., InC. �+�* OT' M PN SICN�GE 15n / L...1 n. ,1, ",.w' un - unew * ° ' JO Ima mm pal EeR1,...y..„e Land Surveyors r � OTSEGO AND STRIPING RAN le v RM 5 5601 Thu Nim An... &ad la fate 5510.1 • ' \ i A I , ! 1 , I . • li 1 • g ', ..., , , , I I 5 —. 7,. . , ; 1 - 8 1 • , • , .,) % 1 t Sr , •03 0 v, •,, :, „ 1 , , I .. • 0 7 4 . 1" 1 ., 1 7, Cc . ■ ). ' 7 , ''' 1 1 i t5 1 1 i 1 A 1 1 1 i .b. i 0. k ill I 1 1 I i z E - i I 8 ,____ ----- •< , .7. , I 1 i N (111 • 1; .X.tiT :: '4.Tlit t4 I I ' t 514 .4 ■ "*."-"'--.._ ,t't "`"e i4 I I ' - E , :. • I i : 0. I 1 k A .g% /=•- .. I e'\' J A A.• —, -, J A: 1 § I LA b ail z 38 ' ...--___A � 1 y. • ...\\ ) .1 AV ■ \\ == \\/ 1 A5ai i i ' ., ! !A .; EL: i 1 - a < •,,, _s • L.: i i .,... ..1 •_•__._ _, ,_ :m Ti • \ \\- L-- :, - -- 7- / --\\\„ `..1 2 JR <., I c ,g4.-- •1, 1 l 02d o I . . ...., pi ' I 2 t'2 !,! 4 :', ' , \\. ! _,,,,- 2 ;i v : A 0,A.! 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R l i T S E G O . $ 3 . 6 NIA ItP I IA T E_rt,,, RlirsEco STAN11.1612_11,616_11Q. —4 -........ 306 l__ ........... .............,..... 1.•.: ...A' SINA-ann Von REVISION 1 net.. criel„ Mal MN p.n. ognrcnIcanan. OM it Hakonson Anderson Assoc., Inc. r:' ON SANITARY SEWER DETAILS I 8 F r"/- ______ - — - -- — — -- ::::::' ".. "':, I I: r ''''''::" 7 "" `"" " Lint Civil OngInaarn orrn ■ one Survayars --. • - ' - - - . '1' 4. ' e21..' . ..... ...,: .:.. , y 42 " I 1 I Mr Own. Avo rourl.o. Mimosa. 57707 ( TSEGO _ -X.-1--=-•`' I - -- •=ATt.7.,:a , / • -;•• - •7f: :2g.,:c',ATA Jf•T,.. ' .<•'•-• ' , -- • A ( ..) A . ( li - - I i • I I 4- . /.,;., ••-:-.'' I •- •-• , ---,=••• , - 4- FiTiI;FA .',7:1:07:` ' ""' • ••," .... f':Fl.'' ' . \ d e li IcoloA_A., ,AAr .'" ‘<•A 1 ',F,7 •-•1 Z 7,!ar.r.''.,:t4fZ44.4 .1!a_2_41:11 _ . ,...... fi NIS n• SWING. ' .0711. V•Ntr"LiTg • k E..::7-;%• :17.1 - .7." T. --,- .,-.1■71-h-,C,.. ...Ft : 17:i - 2- .:.s..L,......./1 .4% : . - • =..__.______ : "- : .._ • , - T - . ',1"iT4;1.1..2„"""'"" •• = L::::::: ', ..77 ::: - !_• /2)1A,'.'1,,- Ilk -------- .... . ..7`,... : 7 )17 ITi • — , ,---/- _L I- .------' -I „ .- j77111 ----- - ; '• •"'"•'"`• ./._ . r-z7...-.,rfx, .. • • -- Ital-„, , ..1 _ _ . ...,; - „IL. •_,_---;.-.._ , ,...-,„-, , 1,1,,, , E.,1",„7 : : :: .., - ..- .- --t _. . ,), ,.. --- ... 1 ."F •1 =•'..." A ,,-- ., ..- • , .- • , - ...; - /-'....-=T' '''''---"r • -: • ..- ....' , .....4 ,„„„ „,„, SIANDA. OPENINGS t AG 140.0 - ...." -- .7 ■.....:94- -__I I -. ----. — , — T 9 r .,„.„„, _ . . n I-- ---1 . ..-04:1"::' ---. j .1 RINWIL ULPIN - FLOM 1.INE 10 INVENT F:=—•- '7 1- -, • . 0,,, . ... , ,.,.. __T. IVY XLT _.,...__ _.__ ----il— -----'4"--,"— — ltiVA'21,t= 48 INCH DIAMETER SHALLOW STANDARD STORM MANHOLE 27" PRECAST CATCH BASIN YARD INLET DEPTH CATCH BASIN MINIUUM COVER F1.0 LINE - 10 R)1 OF PIPE - 2 FE 60 .7.117 STORM SEWER STANDARD MANHOLE. no :cm. MAXIM061 24 INCH DIAMEIER PIPE SIZE .. N.. ...N. .••••• '‘•• 6' ........ ........ 1,-4,- ETARDABILIILS1ILMv. 1-"ChSEGO HAM1412...E.LATE_Ni6 ll OTSEGO aTAVVARV_PIATE_EIv. 1 .47Y.L51:1•6"-',F4:6- ETARRAISILIIIMILav, --- ,............0,on S ,T,i:I■ h ORM [NW vnIN COME • 224 q '''' / 1 0 0 . 11 (1 .- n o -- -17 - --' T c' _...„ • 1 - 1 I i 11 i ll' ,i _..._ lig. :•-.- ._.... 0 ■ , — 0 , , . — - E'Fi:I:7 ' • _ El , ,..• 7: '.1.."::::..r...1',..",'::::t • iii ii* --;.- ,..,... .= T.- ,.- ... ... Awl.. giii",;,x1, --,- - -.......• .'-- ...'- .... . ''.......-...• ' '''.-- ..ipor• 0- .. -'' . '-' — ''" - ''''' ''' mr " ''"'""'-' -- Kt: 2 ;1 Ow tr''' ''- " — ir' ! • 41= o ''''..."' 1 1 , ' / - ''''::=;--11. - PAP - -'•=• „.,„„ ID _,-- ,_ , MOW UN.N3 (Pm. VG=I• dr/ V l -----• • '''.&.r :._ __::,:•--- - ''l • LI'l 'I' I'l'il' 1 . 1 1 / '''--- \ ....fit I 11.111 Ai SON I I NNE I 0101 ,R11 WI: g FAZ'37/1/4.7:- LlparTi n"'" :' i l .11101 • AT INLE I PIROTEC PION se, ,.....-\ ii ---- I I -III LIN" --..--\.(, I- -, 1 ------, • 1:,:11:',..1-ilx;f,,zsz --- — " "- .A '. '''ft .31 - Fi L- ,Ier • ''''' ;4 : - STRAW RAW DROP INLET SEDIMENT Fll TFR . NO SCALG WOOD FIBER BLANKET INSTAI i. LA TION ON A CUT SLOPE NO SCAl ■•••••• ..., et ..... I Oft SEGO .6.1ARRABILPIATIU.P., 1 .7 iirsEco ffAND/46.11.6LATE-No, 111:411UARILVIATIllig, ..... .-. 504 501 1.-, .■.. ■ _OAK REVISION --- --- 4.11 771:1:: ''''''' STORM SEWER AND ... Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. -1--, ..6■1 . 4 or ...= — .... —_ _.-. ...., wparolo. end MO I a. • ‘I.V -.. I 9 _ EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ...__ .. .. .2.1%-.':/%-.;!"."..."*. RAA SaKOS, ...11 111 MI Mutslen Mc. Anoko. Ihn.sOlo 1.530.1 '' ‘i0IS E . G 0 IL. ITEM 8_3 Hakanson 30 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc. Inc. Phone: 763/427 -5860 Fax: 63/427 -0520 May 19, 2005 Dale Campbell, Project Manager John Oliver & Associates, Inc. 580 Dodge Avenue Elk River, MN 55330 Re: Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Plan Review Riverwood National Development Dear Dale: I have reviewed the twelve sheet plan set for the preliminary design of the wastewater treatment plant for the Riverwood National Project thatiwere submitted on May 3, 2005. These plans were intended to reflected the site revisions and minor operation revisions that we discussed in our office on April 19, 2005. The information submitted shows an over - sizing of the facility to treat 187,000 GPD versus the initial approved capacity of 67,000 to 100,000 GPD. In addition, we had requested a written explanation and recommendation from Aqua - Aerobics concerning the minimum flow level operation of this large capacity system. The short memo from Aqua - Aerobics stated that the plant could be operated within the permitted effluent limits with only 3,000 GPD. This operation would require 10 pounds of dog food being added each day to feed the biological mass. It was, also recommended to by -pass the pre - equalization basin and operate the SBR at only one cycle per day. We will need a more detailed explanation of the plant `start up operation before we can consider this larger capacity proposal. The City of Otsego does not intend to establish a significant separate node of development that does not fit within the City's plan for orderly growth of the water and sewer infrastructure. For comparison, the original Otsego East Wastewater Treatment Plant had a capacity of 200,000 GPD. The current average daily flow at this facility is 197,000 GPD. A new 187,000 GPD wastewater treatment facility would be like establishing a new Otsego all over again. After discussions at the April 19,2005 meeting, we understand your position is that the construction of the proposed larger capacity facility ismuch more economical for the capacity treated than the original smaller plant design. Mention was made to the reduction of the SRB units from three to only two allowed the building to be much smaller. We reviewed the original smaller plant submittal that was received July 3, 2003. With two 13' x 18' SBR basins, the plant capacity was 59,000 GPD. Space was provided for a third 13' x 18' SRB unit if the City decided to expand the plant capacity to eliminate a heath problem at the Riverwood Conference Center. The expanded plant capacity would have been about 100,000 GPD. The proposed building was 65'x 158'. However the layout was for separate concrete basins for each SBR unit and also, separate basins for the 15' x 20' pre- and post — equalization basins. G: Wlunicipal\Aotsego22xx12246 \WATER - SEWER \OT2246 D.CAMPBELL -WWTP REVIEW.doc 1 If the same design approach had been applied to the original plan,( building all five concrete basins in one structure and discharging the influent grit chamber directly into the pre - equalization basin), the equipment foot print would have ben the same 119 feet long. The width of the equipment would have been , including the third SBR unit, 42 feet. The proposed larger design requires 39 feet of structure width. Therefore, the overall building size would be the same as the proposed larger capacity plant. We have developed a few questions that we would like your engineer and Aqua- Aerobics to address in their more detailed response. Basic Assumptions: • A 4' to 6' depth of raw wastewater will be required to operate the pre - equalization transfer pumps without damage • The SBR needs a 25% depth to operate effectively. This would be six feet ( • The raw wastewater will need constant aeration to keep the bugs healthy. • Only the daily flow of 3,000 GPD will be cycled through the SBR each day. Questions or Comments 1. With gravity flow filling of the 37.0'x 10.0' (2,768 GAL /FT) pre - equalization basin at 3,000 GPD, the water level in the basin would take six days to reach a six foot depth. The transfer pumps, which are the only way to get th` wastewater into the SBR basin, would then transfer a 3,000 gallon batch to the SBR. The 20.5 x 18' ( 2,760 GAL/ FT) SBR basin would also require about six days to attain six feet of water in the basin. By this time, the wastewater has been aerated for about 12 days. With this long MCRT, would filamentous bacteria dominate the MLSS and thus result in the effluent not meeting the nitrogen and phosphorus [reduction requirements as well as the SS reduction? If so, how do you overcome this problem? 2. Assuming that the ratio of recycle to SBR effluent may need to range from 100% to 0 %, I have a question about the operator's ability to automatically recycle a fixed percentage of the volume in the post - equalization ba din while discharging some portion to the ultraviolet disinfection chamber. The piping configuration shown, which manifolds both pumps together for duplex alternation operation, :requires the splitting of the flow between the recycle line and the effluent line depending on the throttling action of the single valve immediately down stream of this split point. The recycle line is shown to be elevated nine (9') feet above the effluent line. This a lot of head differential to de dl with in a flow splitting process. The flow rate split would probably be more predictable if both pump discharge lines came up to the recycle line elevation and providing' two valves that would allow the operator to manually set the valve opening to split the flow more accurately at the same pressure gradient. After the effluent control valve, the effluent line piping could drop down to the lower elevation. 3. There is not a sludge tank decant- return line show` from the sludge tank back to the head of the plant, the pre - equalization basin. G:Wlunicipal\Aotsego22xx \2246 \WA SEWER\OT2246 D.CAMPBELL -WWTP RE `IEW.doc Hakanson Anderson 2 Assoc., Inc. 4. The drawings lack detailed dimensions and construction details that would be required to construct. Will the additional .dimensions and construction details be provided in the final plans? 5. There were not any specifications submitted for review. 6. There were not any structural, mechanical or electrical drawings with this review set. 7. The sludge tank is not defined as an aerobic digester or an anaerobic digester. It appears that the sludge will just sit there, as in a septic tank, and be pumped out when full up to the decant elevation. Does this match the existing East WWTP's current sludge disposal operation? 8. The building seerns to have a lot of unused space around the proposed equipment layout. What would be the problem with rotating the influent screens and grit removal chambers and the, ultraviolet disinfection chambers 90 degrees. This would allow the building to be shortened by about 50 feet. 9. There is not a by -pass piping around the pre- equaljzation basin from the grit removal chamber to the SBR as recommended by Aqua- Aelobics. I would suggest that you prepare a report to justify to t `e City Council why the proposed VVVVTP should now be 187,000 GPD versus the 59,000 to 100,000 GPD capacity originally proposed. I think that issue should be decided by City Council before you proceed to final construction plans and specifications. If you have any other questions about this matter, please all me. Yours truly, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Willia L. Morris, Jr., PE Project Engineer WLM:wlm cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Ronald J. Wagner, City Engineer Kurt Neidermeier, Water and Wastewater Operator Chris Bulow, Owner a G:WlunicipalW Wotsego22xx\2246 \WATER- SEWER \OT2246 O.CAMPBELL -WTP REVIEW.doc AnHakderson nson 3 Assoc., Inc. 4 , RIVERWOOD NATIONAL . ii t' c iiil v t. 3 OTSEGO, { MINNESOTA :_ ,h MANLEY BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION , i -. ft, 1 • t , :,.:.,,,, : n COMMUNITY TREATMENT PLANT ; Y. c .. r : J ohn Oliver & Associates Inc r` 11 Civil Engineering pev SHEDS ;i! o..a REVISIONS REVISED Land Surveying �r ' ! i' r 580 Dodge Avenue, Elk River, Minnesota 55330 763 - 441 -2072, Fax 763 -441 -5665 - } ° Land PLannting Offices in' Elk River Burnsville and Brooklyn Center Minnesota { t t • h I hereby certify that this plan, spec fcation, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed - /4- ::: Professional Engineer under State of Mn. Statutes 326.02- 326.16 Dote Mn. Req. No. ' :''' :> . — x x 9 as co /oa /c :. 211 AlINnY0400 IC, cl- crcuzr :'ON nu 4 :om199ers n o..u. 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Land Surveying '■ 1 580 Dodge Avenue. Elk Ri 55330 763-441 ver. Minnesota -2072, Fax 763-4s 1-5665 Land Planning — Offices in: Elk River. Burnsville and Brooklyn Center. Minnesota -----.= I / • i . f ., I I run.. teruly oul tn.. pion, am..., u •epo. I was ........ e ... v ...., ny eru ...........l e.s l s. . ssr ......e 71-.= :--- ' / 4, 1 1,....s.not [■■gode■ undst Slol• el un Stout.. 3:8 02-326.■6 Ooto _____ mu Ray .. i ------ • I 1 — Meld NOLL V301 ;7=1.M —. INVId 1,13141V3E11 H31.VIA3iSvm \ C j —1 c ■::3 cs at& , +s ••■•••■s ;.” , 7, „, OM 'mains a tn. NYI 093510 V o \ ra=1 , u'r To 110; 7 J7;6 "O"r 1VN011VN 000M83Al21 x C‘l ? ? Z i I ilk i 9 I 1 . 1 ' I ill 1 1 I Ti ;1 A.:•‘.., , li - 1 ,,•;‘,..--,'1V-; I 1 i • , \ :7 -2 I . I 1 . , .te.V,-...: I- ...„._ filnimi i . 1 " ' 1 1 k \ 1 1 ■ i 1 i I ' I , \ \, /v, //it ' ;■',, ; ' ! , , . ' __-.---- .7' ( i 1 I 1 11 ' I. .--. _,_ -.'--,, ---. . \ '. \ .. `,,,,_ . .. ._. -- - ' ij N, - ,,.. 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PuNCHPLATL (0.260 OPENINGS) .1 2 ,.......--- , GRIT REMOVAL SYSTEM • 54068 NoT 10 SCALE 1 0.... PIPE BRACKETS (2) PIPE BRACKETS STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE STAINLESS STEEL u r r 12 HARDWARE _ TERMNATION FLANGE _� ° E: NEOPRENE SPACER e HARDWARE BY OTHERS., I - .6 Y� 1 STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE �. STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE 12" +/I 1 /4" (2) SS ANCHOR RODS Irl l 1 .1 +/ 2 1 1/4 11 1 1 Iii lir I/2" ANCHOR ROD A 6-I /2 LG. •S (304 STAINLE55 •STEEL) 1 2 ADHESIVE ANCHOR w / f STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE DIFFUSER BRACKET DETAIL 2_1 �� _ _ - .., _ _ .. RISER. PIPE _ / - _ - "��� - ''�� r ..- � " - . -- �AIANIFOLO'BRACKET'p _ _ __ _ _ . �� , d it 4E-MW- ROO EMBEDMENT P RISER SUPPORT BRACKET r �I ����6 1.. HOLD 3 ' r 11_1. I /+ • 1 /T" ANCHORS Y— I I "ADHESIVE ANCHOR w/ 9/l d DRILL $ (2) PER RISER SUPPORT BRACKET _ F 8 8V DIAMETER RE S MAx.65PACINC REF STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE(_) 11 1 t. VY OTHERS. OVERALL LE I/2" ADHESIVE ANCHOR DETAIL 0 o" MI DIFFUSER BRACKET LAYOUT B w $ 1 ` - 4 PAL 0 RISER PIPE NOTE: DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY MUST BE MOUNTED SUCH THAT THE g]?•17 � SUPPORT BRACKET 24" REF. DIFFUSER'S HOLES POINT STRAIGHT UP WITHIN +/- i /4" 1P0" -, 11 FROM TRUE VERTICAL. NOTE: ALIl,, DIFFUSERS MUST BE ON THE SAME ELEVATION AND LEVEL • 2 WO WITHIN E 1/4 FA .gg. S NOTE: ALL PIPING AND HARDWARE BEYOND THE TERMINATION FLANGE 11;111 � $ IS BY OTHERS. j _.... - - _ - _ __ ___. 1/2" ADHESIVE,NCHORS _ w/ - - __..... - _ _. _.... _ __ _ a "" r STAINLESS STEEL A HARDWARE(4) - -- - - 4]— ) AIR MANIFOLD RISER PIPE DETAIL , ? (SPECIFY OUTLET) NOTES: V1, . EE • o1., ?' a3 1. HYDRAn RS f0 BE OROEREO EON 0' -0' BURY w .AREAS OE Ex1R/ GRADE OERm On mE WAX.... 0.001.41 Ex1ERSIONS uAV BE REWIFI OZ \ . 2. 2-3 A ■ ARV OE RGEB OR IiRE 10 ME At T vein ,� �� � �\ : WATERER RE E ROOT, RR ROOT S to BE CON. CA ATTE AERR AOOR. RETRE B INE wRE MO RE RAwVIC wC 4a uSED NAY BE u5[O 'vmCRE ARVROYOVEO v OBE Ewcw[ER. ECLIPSE 2' POST OUCTILE PIPE HYDRANT- (SPECIFY '., 4 0,,,,,,,E .. ,up 0.E% VANE mm EACn ro'OP.f Z 1 Li DEPTH OF BURY) 7\ _ a " i 't� '.F :e 3�.t . . . z - ? , o o • UNDISTURBED x / \. •' i+i,.. r ,•?. . 1 a 1 03 F EARTH w / . / /v s ...,. CRUSHED ROCK w FLAT ROCKS ¢ . POST HYDRANT v .a / 1 / w 12 .— you—:.' r..n.."ro � S1ro130 \ N . .[ 'y. � ✓ ,, '/�✓�� � /� � -x _ ro '�NI 'M01f18 n � -� n I a04 . rR- : ::::, g ,! . ��/ sere B 1HN011bN 000Mi13Alif 9 '999 ,.mrro - vn ,3`, w.,,,, nm ... ... .,x Iwo .� .Gf.:' �oss 9 e 10 �WO f $ i O II 1 1 1 Q I 1 I ' r, 1 F -11 1 i . L.. I z I r :! 1 I J CL 1 . Y N ) 1 i 1 L L 9 �I o 1 . CI ; I .1 I I i � 1 W �I X I1 . z I i 1I I I r , l 1 . ,. I ITEM 8_5 • r• OPE/44 c, 14//9i Zcbs' , e6 'Br 1. RA.3 K Qa c K. ' / /6 9 0.00 s .4-LDk....) £LL. , 4/ 79 Y. SO Z : fis-r . ✓ ' /1a0 770. 00 q Pc,4 QSo�J ./ . , � /7 510 . 25 sue/ k 1 .r/(a 7CO(3a72T3o.� A t i 2 , ii ) >, 6 : . , 4.7-e.g.& . 7 — . iJ4t_b. 3 . Gi4-c.AJGX.._ Crr ' Qar,C,JG . l �tb'K• i ITEM 9_1 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT' STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2005-28 RESOLUTION APPROVING VACATION OF PORTIONS OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT LOCATED IN THE PLAT KNOWN AS REMINGT ON COVES WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has received a request to vacate the above- described portion of a drainage and utility easement from Solid Ground Development LLC; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council, on its own motion, ordered a public hearing on the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, that portions of the established draina ge and utility easements to be vacated are described as follows: See Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined than vacating said portions of the above described drainage and utility easements would be in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego having considered testimony related to the proposed vacation of those portions of the drainage and utility easements so described; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered a public hearing and meeting to act upon said proposed vacations at 6:30 p.m. on the 23 day of May, 2005, at the Otsego City Hall; and WHEREAS, all legal requirements regarding giving notice have been satisfied; and 1 WHEREAS, the City Council did meet on the 23` day of May, 2005, at the Otsego City Hall and heard all parties interested therein, and WHEREAS, it now appears to the Otsego City Council that such portions of said drainage and utility easements serve no useful purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, hereby orders: 1. That the portions of the drainage and utility easements located in REMINGTON COVES in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, described in Exhibit A are hereby vacated with all related costs being the responsibilit of Solid Ground Development LLC. 2. The City Council hereby determines that vacations of said portions of the said drainage and utility easements shall cause no damage to any abutting or nearby property owners and therefore no damages are awarded to any such property owners. Motion for adoption of resolution by , seconded by at the meeting of the Otsego City Council on the 23rd day of May, 2005. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk 2