09-16-24 Planning Commission MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING
September 16, 2024
7:00 PM
Call to Order:
Chair Alan Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Chair Alan Offerman, Vice Chair Aaron Stritesky, Commissioners, Charles Foster, Vern
Heidner, Tracy Kincanon, and Laurie Jones
Absent: Commissioner Pam Black
Also Present: Mayor Stockamp and Councilmembers Ryan Dunlap, Tina Goede*, Jeffrey Dahl *,
and Brittnay Moores *
Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Deputy Clerk Katie Kalland
Attended via internet conference (*)
City Planner Licht noted the written public comments received will be part of the public record.
2.Consider the Following Minutes
2.1 August 16, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting
Commissioner Foster motioned to approve the August 19, 2024 minutes as written.
Commissioner Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0.
3.Public Hearing Items:
3.1 Zoning Map Amendment and Conditional Use Permit for Emergency Services
Department Facility
City Planner Licht gave the planning report.
Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:14 p.m.
Melody Bruen, 17681 52nd ST NE, asked why would this new station would be a better location
in regard to her home which is closer to Rogers and Dayton’s fire stations.
Jim Penick, 8265 O’Brian Ave NE, asked what the blueprint is for the fire station within the 21-
acre parcel. Mr. Penick also asked what the plans were to develop Outlot A.
Tony Seigler, 8836 Packard Ave NE, asked what the plans were to develop Outlot A. Mr. Siegler
stated taxes are too high and doesn’t understand why the City needs a fire station. Mr. Seigler
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thinks putting in a park in Outlot A is a dumb idea that doesn’t bring in any income. Mr. Seigler
asked if the neighboring cities would still be supplying mutual aid after this fire station is built.
Dan Freiberg, 12577 96th Ave NE, stated he is in favor of the fire station and would like the
planning commission to move this forward.
Michael Hovde, 17524 59th ST NE, asked what the benefit would be to have a fire station in the
City when fire stations in other cities are closer to his home.
Mark Nystrom, 9565 Park Ave NE, stated he doesn’t know how one fire station would take the
place of the current three contracted fire services. Mr. Nystrom asked how many fulltime staff
the fire station will have. Mr. Nystrom also asked how many calls actually happen in Otsego.
Isabel Grimm, no address given, stated she thinks the current fire services is doing just fine and
doesn’t want more taxes.
Teresa Carey, 7404 Lander Ave NE, asked if the fire trucks can handle driving in roundabouts.
Ms. Carey also asked if there are plans for a substation in the future.
Judy Sibert, 9721 Jandel Ave NE, stated she is in favor of the project and would like the planning
commission to move it forward. Ms. Sibert read some response times of our current services.
Gabe Davis, 6689 Packard Ave NE, stated he spoke to over 400 residents about this project and
only five supported it.
Ron Darsow, 7874 Prairie Creek Ct, voiced his support for the project and would like it to go
Anne Darsow, 7874 Prairie Creek Ct, asked how much longer are the other contracted services
going to be able serve Otsego. Ms. Darsow voiced her support for this project.
Beth Murphy, 7490 Odean Ave NE, asked about the future roundabout on Odean Ave. City
Planner Licht said that no round about is planned, but that the fire station is sited to allow one
in the future if necessary.
Barbara Holmberg, 11537 80th ST NE, asked how much her taxes would go up. Ms. Holmberg
asked about the sirens on the firetrucks and how often they would be going off. Ms. Holmberg
also asked about the contracted fire services and if they had stated they are no longer able to
serve Otsego.
Dan O’Neil, 5026 Randolph Ave NE, voiced support for this project and would like it to go
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Corey Tanner, 7952 Palmgren Ave NE, stated he is in support of this project. Mr. Tanner asked
residents to look at all the facts.
Gerald Zachman, 6194 Oakwood Ave NE, stated his opposition for this project and does not
want higher taxes.
Nancy Anderson, 9031 Mason Ave NE, has concerns for staffing the fire department and has no
qualms about the service the City is receiving now.
Frank Morrissette, 7460 Odean Ave NE, asked for clarification about the Wright County
Sherriff’s use of the fire station.
Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:56 p.m.
City Planner Licht stated all comments will be part of the official minutes and public record. Mr.
Licht stated comments made about property taxes, the hiring of the Emergency Services
Director, the cost to build and operate the fire station should be directed to the City Council.
City Planner Licht noted comments relating response times, staffing, services areas, call times,
future substations, and equipment should be directed toward the Public Safety Commission
and/or the City Council.
City Planner Licht stated the study done in 2018 looked at land uses, transportation network,
access to sewer and water utilities, and the comprehensive plan for existing and future
City Planner Licht stated the City purchased the 21-acre property because that is how the
property owner sold it. Mr. Licht noted no decision has been made regarding Outlot A as the
first priority is to design and construct an emergency services facility.
City Planner Licht answered the fire trucks are able to use the roundabouts as they are
designed for semi-truck use.
City Planner Licht stated the Wright County Sherriff’s Deputies currently occupy office space at
Prairie Center and would relocate to the Emergency Services Department building.
Emergency Services Director Rausch stated the operational plan is to have three career staff, 20
paid on call volunteers, an intern, and a high school cadet. Director Rausch noted that the
building is designed with living quarters and vehicle space for EMS services and that the career
fire fighters will be trained EMTs.
Emergency Services Director Rausch noted there were 1,500 calls for service in 2023. Director
Rausch stated response times in the City will be greatly reduced by having a station in Otsego.
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City Planner Licht stated flashing signs would be present on Odean Ave for emergency vehicles
entering the street so they would not need to use sirens and be disrupting the neighboring
Chair Offerman noted that the 11 written public comments received were in favor of the
Commissioner Heidner asked for some clarification on conditions 11 and 12 on the Planning
Report dated September 13, 2024. City Planner Licht stated conditions 11 and 12 deal with the
connection of the facility to city sewer and water utilities.
Chair Offerman reminded the audience that the Planning Commission is looking only at the land
use elements of this project.
Vice Chair Stritesky motioned to recommend a vacation of drainage and utility easements;
approval of a Zoning Map amendment, preliminary plat, and final plat for Otsego Emergency
Services Addition; and approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego
Emergency Services Addition for construction of the Emergency Services Department facility,
subject to the 14 conditions listed on the Planning Report dated September 13, 2024.
Seconded by Commissioner Jones. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0.
5.1 Updates on City Council actions
Mayor Stockamp updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions.
5.2 Updates on future Planning Commission Items
City Planner Licht updated the Planning Commission on upcoming planning items.
Commissioner Kincannon motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Foster. All in
favor. Motion carried 6-0.
Adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Katie Kalland, Deputy Clerk