01-24-05 PHITEM 3_2 IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC HEARING MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6th and 7th ADDITIONS JANUARY 24, 2005 6:00 PM, OTSEGO CITY HALL (Continued from November 8, 2004) i Mayor Fournier called the Public Hearing to order at 6:01 PM. The City Attorney, Andrew MacArthur, acknowledged receipt of a letter dated January 24, 2005 from John T. Brandt, an attorney representing Dr.. Gilgenbach. Mr. MacArthur explained no vacation of a street could be done without a Public Hearing. Bob Fields, LandCor, owner of the previous Tom Thumb site and the Rainbow Day Care Center, stated he met with Rudy Thibodeau of Godfather's Pizza and Tim Phillips of Riverview Liquotte. Mr. Fields briefly explained what he would be proposing for the Torn Thumb Site. Dr. Gilgenbach, 15670 90ffi Street, stated he designed his building with the frontage road there. He wants the government to continue to maintain the frontage road. Dr. Gilgenbach also stated he not against the installation of water and sewer. Tim Phillips, 15682 90t` Street, stated concern for the 4 way stop. Mr. MacArthur explained if there are a lot of changes, the City Engineer will have to redo the Feasibility Study and a new Improvement Hearing would be needed. Mike Robertson asked if the City Council is comfortable with this concept. He also asked if Tim Phillips and Bob Fields need more discussion for the parking lot to go more to the west. These issues need to be worked out among the business owners. Dr. Gilgenbach stated that he doesn't want the City to vacate any of his property. He is concerned with liability issues and maintenance issues with a parking lot. Rudy Thibodeau, 9100 Park Avenue, said he would recommend developing a cross licensing agreement between all property owners addressing issues such as snow plowing and maintenance of the parking lot. He feels that what Mr. Fields is proposing will compliment everyone's business. Tim Phillips said he is not opposed to sewer and water. CM Scharber asked Mr. Fields if it was his plan to run the parking lot all through this area. Mr. Fields replied yes. Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 6:50 PM. CM Heidner stated he is not comfortable with passing the Feasibility Study without seeing better traffic flows. He wants the landowners to talk.again and come back. Mayor Fournier would like to see a plan showing both a frontage road and a parking lot. CM Heidner motioned that this Feasibility Study discussion be tabled until more plans for the eastern part are done. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.