02-14-05 CCOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL FEBRUARY 14, 2005 6:30 PM 6 PM - Council will interview applicants for Park Commission. The City Council interviewed Russ Langer and Virginia Duran. 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Licht, City Planner, and Jeff Elliott, Assistant City Engineer. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda approval. Mike Robertson requested to add under Item 6.2. State Auditor's Letter and under Item 10.6. Historical Preservation Request. CM Heidner requested to add under Item 10. Police Commission Applicants. Mayor Fournier requested to remove Item 10.1. And add under Item 10.5. Board of Review Training. CM Scharber requested to add under Item 10.7. Update on 101 Projects. CM Stockamp requested to add under Item 10.8 Update on Park and Rec. Commission. CM Heidner motioned adoption of the City Council Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. i 3. Consider the followiniz minutes 3.1. January 24, 2005 City Council Meeting. CM Scharber motioned to adopt the minutes. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2. Public Hearing for Mississinni Shores 6`h & 7h Additions 1-24-05 CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: (5 minute limit) Tim Phillips 15682 90`}' Street NE, Riverview Liquorette, stated he is opposed to the proposed parking lot improvement to Mississippi Shores 6"' and 7`h Addition. He also presented a petition to the City Clerk requesting a 1 -mile radius limitation of competing liquor stores. Lavern Noll and Janet Belch thanked the Council for the Street Lights recently installed in their neighborhood of Barthel Acres. Kathy Pederson, Nason Court, appeared on Open Forum stating that the Otsego Great River Riders Snowmobile Club has recently been activated. They will be meeting on February 28, 2005 at Blackwood`s Restaurant. She asked the Council to rescind the City Council Meeting of February 14, 2005. Page 2. recent amendment to the Snowmobile Ordinance banning an area in the City to snowmobiling. Mayor Fournier explained that before he would consider changing the Ordinance, he would like to see more information such as membership numbers, schedule of education and training etc. Mayor Fournier directed Mrs. Pederson to contact City Staff for getting their Club's information in the Otsego View and Website. CM Heidner agreed and feels they are on the right path and to come back with more information before their maps are printed. Ryan Pederson, Nason Court, agreed with his wife statements and encouraged the City Council to lift the current snowmobiling ban. 5. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Approve Resolution 2005-03 acknowledging the 150'' Anniversary of the Foundingof f Writ County. 5.3. Approve payment of $5,985.70 to Bonestroo;Rosene Anderlik for West WWTP. 5.4. Approve payment of $22,751.59 to Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik for East WWTP. 5.5. Approve Pay Estimate No. 10 of $51,740.98 & Change Order No. 2 for Water Tower #2 to CB&I. 5.6. Approve Pay Estimate No. 4 of 57,570.00 to `Barbarrossa & Sons, Inc. For Lift Station #4. 5.7. Approve Pay Estimate No. 8 of $20,948.51 to LaTour Construction for 5.8. Approve Final Payment of $14,694.12 to Dennis Fehn for Lefebvre Creek Ditch Construction. 5.10 Approve Pay Estimate No. 1 to Pipe Serviceg `for $11,471.55 for East Sewer Treatment Plant Cleaning. Mayor Fournier directed staff to stop the water softening treatment at the Peavey House since it is not currently being rented. CM Heidner motioned adoption of the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. k 6. Public Works. 6.1. Consider award of low bid for East Wastewater Treat Plant Phase III Expansion to Gridor Construction. Karen Cavett of Bonestroo presented the bids to the City Council. The low bidder was Gridor Construction, Inc., which was one million dollars below the Engineer's estimate. Ms. Cavett also recommended to accept Alternate No. 2 for a UV Disinfection Systems manufactured by Wedeco at $220,000.00 CM Scharber motioned to award the bid to Gridor for $9,195,300. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of February 14, 2005. Page 3. 6.2. Consider Bid for Garage Doors. Tim Rochel went over the bid. CM Heidner motioned to accept the bid for garage doors for $1,604.00. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. Brad Belair said he has started looking at Public Works Facilities. He is dealing with standing water throughout the City and his staff is working on opening the culverts. He also expects weight restrictions to go on early this year. 6.3. Letter from State Auditor. Gary Groen received a letter from State Auditor regarding Otsego`s Sewer Fund. Mr. Groen explained his attached Summary of Sewer Fund .,Operations from 12-31-2000 through 2004. Mr. Groen will send a letter to the State Auditor regarding this. 7. Dan Licht, City Planner. 7.1. Final Plat for Norin Landing Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Jeff Elliott, Engineer, said the Engineering comments are minor and recommended approval. Jim Krystosek of Alpine Homes was in attendance on behalf of the developer, Brad Pauman. CM Scharber questioned the bike path going in front of the exception property and that it appears to not be straight. Mr. Licht replied with this plan the trail can go in the right-of- way and the fence would not need to be removed. CM Scharber motioned to approve the Norin Landing Final Plat, subject to the five conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.2. Amendment to PUD for Riverwood National Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. The applicant, Chris Bulow, agreed with staff s comments. CM Heidner motioned to approve the PUD Amendment allowing a +/- 3 -foot reduction in the required side yard setback for Lot 3, Block 1 of Riverwood National. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.3. Approve Development Policy Dan Licht went over his 2-8-05 memo. CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 2005-04 affirming and expanding upon development policies for new residential growth within east and west sanitary sewer districts of the City of Otsego. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.4. Police Commission CM Heidner informed the Council that Tom Koerwitz is moving out of Otsego and a new member will be needed for the Police Commission. Council directed staff to pull the applications from the last interview. City Council Meeting of February 14, 2005. Page 4. 8. Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 8.1. Mississippi Shores 6`h & 7`h Addition discussion. Mr. MacArthur said the project needs to be defined by the Council. He doesn't recommend a partial public and partial private project. Mayor Fournier stated that the City has been working on this project for years. The Council direction was for the property owners to work something out and he understands there is no agreement. Jeff Elliott briefly went over the project. Bob Fields went over his recent plan. He said if the frontage road is reconstructed, he will not be able to give any parking to Godfather's Pizza. He would like to see the parking lot concept go in and he will give an easement for the utilities. Rudy Thibodeau, Godfather's Pizza, supports the parking Pot concept with a service road for the west end of the project. He doesn't want the service road and wouldn't want to pay for it. Tim Phillips, Riverview Liquorette, supports stormwater, sewer and water and the frontage road improvement. His concern with the parking lot concept would be for safety issues and accessibility. Dr. Gilgenbach, Am Vet, stated he is not against sewer and water and stormwater. He doesn't want the Council to set a precedent and he is concerned with safety issues with the parking lot concept. Mayor Fournier motioned to direct the City Engineer to prepare a Feasibility Study on the recent partial parking lot concept Bob Fields submitted and also for a plan showing the entire area in a parking lot. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. Bob Fields said he would pay for the Feasibility Study. 8.2. Parell & 896h Street Petition. CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 2005-06 declaring adequacy of petition and ordering preparation of Report on Improvement for 89th Street and Parell Avenue. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.3. Wright County Partnership in Aerial Photography CM Heidner reviewed the proposed partnership. I CM Heidner motioned to approve the payment of $2,631.58 to Wright County as Otsego's share for partnership in Aerial Photography. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 9. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney. Mr. MacArthur said the Purchase Agreement with Randy Begin has been signed. The closing is set for April 30, 2005. 10. Council Items: 10.1 Set 2005 Fees (Removed from Agenda) 10.2. Consider Prairie Park Reimbursement Mike Robertson recommended to carry this over to the next' City Council Agenda. City Council Meeting of February 14, 2005. Page 5. 10.3 Consider Park & Recreation Commission appointments CM Heidner motioned to appoint Russ Langer and Virginia Duran to the Park and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Mayor Fournier.' Mayor Fournier motioned to amend the motion to include Jerry Struthers. Amended motion failed for a lack of a second. Vote on original motion: All in favor. Motion carried. 10.4. Accept Deborah Carron's resignation from the Heritage Preservation Commission. CM Heidner motioned to accept Deborah Carron`s resignation. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 10.5. Board of Review Training. CM Heidner was questioning if this had to be a Council Member or Staff Member. Mr. MacArthur will research and bring back to the next City Council Meeting. 10.6. Historical Preservation Commission request. Mike Robertson went over the HPC's Chair, Ron Black's request. The next request was to secure the services of Robert Vogel to do an alternative use analysis for the Peavey House. The Council directed CM Stockamp to get clarification from the Commission at what they are thinking of for use that wasn't included in Mr�Vogel's first analysis. 10.7. 101 Update CM Scharber attended a recent Chamber Meeting. At the meeting he learned that the whole Highway 101/169 from Princeton to Rogers is now in District 3. He said it was interesting to learn what the estimated costs of a intersection at 101 and 94 would cost. The interchanges on 101 in Otsego are still on schedule to be completed in 2007. 10.8. Park and Rec. CM Stockamp asked about the baseball field improvements. Mike Robertson said he would check into the fence project. CM Stockamp said the Easter Egg Hunt at City Hall will be held on March 19, 2005. She said the Parks Commission talked about a July 4h Event with Fireworks. The Council didn't support the fireworks at Prairie Park. CM Stockamp also said that the Parks Commission wanted to be more involved in the Park Planning and make sure improvements are getting done. kCM Thorsted said the Parks Commission want to make sure they know their roles and responsibilities and suggested a workshop. 11. Mike Robertson, City Administrator. 11.1 Set Staff Priorities for 2005 Mike went over his memo. The Council would like to see Brad Belair take the Public Works related items from the City Administrator's list. They requested a E-mail and Internet Policy. The Council also requested that the City Attorney to draft standard letters to be used for hiring exempt and non-exempt employees. City Council Meeting of February 14, 2005. Page 6. 11.2 Review of Park Shelter Rental Policy The Council requested to change permit to reservation. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Park Shelter Rental Policy as amended. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 11.3. Review of Vehicle Policy The Council requested to add no smoking in City vehicles, anychanges in driver's license should be reported to their supervisors, and the responsibility of vehicle maintenance is with the operator. City Council requested this policy be bought back to them. 11.4. Administrative Intern Position. Mike Robertson reported that the Intern is Pat Waletzko, who will start on June 6, 2005. 11.5. 19/94 -interchange memo from Albertville Mike went over the memo from Albertville. He recommended that someone from the City Engineer's office attend the February 28, 2005 Meeting. Council agreed. 12. Judy Hudson, City Clerk. No items. 13. Adjourn by 10 PM. Mayor Fournier motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:26 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm