ITEM 3.3B OHPC 9.9.2014 MinutesI_rE=M :3_3E3 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting 9-9-14 Present: Chris Wilson, John Noll, Lisa Fahey, Zonja Matushenko Meeting called to order at 7:35pm. Minutes for last meeting were approved. Primary topic for the evening was the upcoming Prairie Festival on Saturday, September 13, 2014. Gail and Zonja met with Wendy McAlpine (daughter of Dell and John Anderson) earlier in the month to secure several historic farm items for display during the festival. These items include a milk strainer, glass milk bottle, wash board, rug beater, lantern used in milking barn, cow bell, corn -husking hook, scythe, bucksaw, cross -cut saw, corn planter and corn husker. It is also possible that Wendy or another family member will stop by the day of the festival with an egg - scale. (Note: the Anderson's requested that their name not be displayed with the items to maintain privacy). Also, Sandy Lindenfelser is allowing the OHPC to display a 1700 family Bible (it will be displayed in a glass case), as well as a picture of the old family barn. Unfortunately, Bob Spencer will not be bringing his tractor for display O. All items will be returned after the festival. There was also some discussion around set-up and pull-down procedures for the festival: Ross will have 2 tables, 2 easels, and the tent set up prior to 9:00 a.m Saturday. Lisa and John are scheduled to work 9:OOa.m. - 1:00 p.m., including set up in the morning. They will transport the historic items, as well as candy, books, handouts, etc. Jessica or Ross will ensure that the building is open. Zonja and Chris will ensure the items are returned to Prairie Center after the festival. Lisa offered to make labels/tags for the items, as well as to bring burlap to cover the tables and give a more "rustic" appearance. She may also bring baby -chicks and/or a chicken cage to the festival? This is a maybe. There was still some question about a cash box for selling books during the festival. We agreed $20 in change would be plenty, and Jessica agreed to see if this would be possible and available for the festival. It was noted that while you can find the price information for the books on the website under the HPC tab, visitors would need to go to another part of the website to actually order a book online. Jessica will ask Ross is we can put a quick hyperlink on the HPC page that would take visitors directly to the order page. Finally, there was a quick discussion about the upcoming AASLH Conference in St. Paul September 17 -20th. Zonja Matushenko is scheduled to attend Friday and Saturday, as well as a free event on Wednesday afternoon/evening per invitation from Michael Koop. Chris Wilson is checking her work schedule regarding her availability and John Noll would be available on Saturday. Ps. Bean and Farve or Lefebvre are not in any way related. Fava beans are native to North Africa, and Lefebvre derives from faber, the Latin word for worker or smith. (from Wikipedia, so take that as you will). 0