ITEM 4.1 Riverbend North0 OtsTeF o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 22 September 2014 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 4.1— Riverbend North AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning Riverbend North from B-3 District to PUD District. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. Held by Planning Commission 15 September 2014. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property at the southeast quadrant of TH 101 and CSAH 42 from B-3, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development based on a master plan for Riverbend North. Mr. Casey Darkenwald was present to represent the application. Residents from the east side of CSAH 42 spoke of their concern about traffic on CSAH 42 and the potential effects from the access changes proposed as part of the Riverbend North master plan. City staff explained that traffic on CSAH 42 will continue to increase based on the roadway being classified as a minor arterial roadway and access to the roadway is controlled by Wright County. City staff also said that the change of the existing Riverbend Mobile Home Park access to right-in/right-out only would improve access for these particular residents. The Planning Commission discussed briefly Wright County access spacing requirements, but were supportive of the land uses shown on the master plan. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the application. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Planning Report dated 11 September 2014 B. Findings of Fact C. Ordinance 2014-11 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to adopt Ordinance 2014-11 establishing a PUD, Planned Unit Development District for Riverbend North as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision, as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA o No ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED o TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPCOPlanningCo.corn PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 11 September 2014 ACTION DATE: 26 October 2014 RE: Otsego — Riverbend North; PUD District TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Darkenwald Corporation has submitted a master plan for proposed development of Riverbend North. The subject site is located at the southeast quadrant of TH 101 and CSAH 42 and its current use is as a private waste water treatment facility serving the abutting Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the south. The master plan illustrates generalized land uses and proposed street/private drive alignments for redevelopment of the subject site. The master plan is to be the basis for a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from B-3, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. A public hearing has been noticed for 15 September 2014 at 7:00 PM to consider the application. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Master Plan C. PUD Ordinance ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses and was established in anticipation of long-term access and visibility of the subject site from TH 101 at the intersection with CSAH 42. Improvement of TH 101 to freeway status and the construction of the current interchange at TH 101 and CSAH 42 has altered the grades in the area with TH 101 being substantially higher in elevation than the subject site. Also, the TH 101 improvements included replacement of a sound wall along the east side of the roadway that extends along the west side of the property. The sound wall partially obscures visibility of the subject site from TH 101, particularly for north bound traffic. The changes in conditions to TH 101 from when the subject site was initially designated for commercial use in 2004 warrant consideration of the applicant's proposal to incorporate multiple family dwelling units as part of development of the site. The proposed residential land use locations are the least visibile from TH 101 (particularly for north bound traffic) and create a desirable transition between the existing Riverbend Mobile Home Park and planned commercial locations within the subject site. The proposed multiple family residential dwellings would also provide additional market support for the possible commercial uses in close proximity. Zoning. The subject site is zoned B-3 District, which allows a wide range of retail, service and office commercial uses. To allow for the proposed multiple family residential land uses illustrated on the master plan, City staff recommends rezoning the subject site to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. The PUD District would be established by a written ordinance that specifies allowed uses and performance standards within the PUD District. The commercial and high density land uses shown on the master plan would be regarded as subdistricts of the PUD District and regulated in accordance with the provisions of the B-3 District and R-7, High Density Residential District established by the Zoning Ordinance. Subdivision and development of any portion of the subject site under the PUD District would require additional application for a PUD Development Stage Plan, which is subject to review by the Planning Commission at a public hearing and approval by the City Council. Access. The master plan illustrates proposed accesses to the subject site that include a full intersection with CSAH 42 that would likely be signalized in the future. The applicant has discussed the proposed access with Wright County staff, which supported the proposed location provided that the existing driveway from CSAH 42 to the Riverbend Mobile Home Park is restricted to right-in/right-out access. To ensure that adequate access is available to Riverbend Mobile Home Park after restricting the existing driveway, the applicant proposes to provide one or more connection from the Riverbend Mobile Home Park into the subject site to direct traffic to the full intersection. This connection will also provide a second ingress/egress route from the subject site. All accesses to CSAH 42 remain subject to review and approval of Wright County and internal streets or private drives and connections to Riverbend Mobile Home Park are subject to review and approval of the City as part of a preliminary plat and PUD Development Stage Plan application. Utilities. The subject site is currently utilized as part of the private waste water treatment system that provides sewer services to Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Development of the proposed master plan would require redevelopment of the private waste water treatment facilities. Any development of land uses within the subject site will be required to connect to the City's sanitary sewer and water utilities as required by N Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. Development of the subject site as shown on the master plan would also eventually require connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the City's sanitary sewer system. Riverbend Mobile Home Park is currently connected to the City water utility. Criteria. The request to rezone the subject site to PUD District is to be evaluated upon, but not limited to the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan includes the policy to cluster complementary land uses and activities into functionally related sub -units of the community as determined by physical barriers, homogenous land use characteristics and service area boundaries. The proposed master plan for the subject site reflects the physical characteristics of the site relative to TH 101 and CSAH 42, provides in-place residential support for planned commercial uses and provides a desirable land use transition from Riverbend Mobile Home Park. The proposed PUD District is therefore consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site abuts the Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the south and is separated from existing two and one-half acre single family lots to the east by CSAH 42. The uses anticipated by the proposed master plan will be compatible with present and future land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment. Development of the subject site will require future applications for PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary plat and final plat approval and compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed via CSAH 42, which is designated as a minor arterial roadway by the Transportation Plan and Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan, CSAH 42 has adequate design capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the land uses shown on the master plan. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates development of urban land uses connected to municipal utilities and provided needed municipal services. The City has existing public services and facilities needed to serve the land uses planned by the master plan. RECOMMENDATION The request to rezone the subject site to PUD District and allow for development of commercial and high density residential uses is appropriate given the conditions of the property relative to TH 101. We recommend approval of the requested PUD District while emphasizing that development of specific land uses within the subject site will require future application for zoning and subdivision approvals. POSSIBLE MOTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of an ordinance rezoning the subject site to PUD District. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Casey Darkenwald, applicant 4 SAHCL TYCL IUNICL RIVATECL WPCL 'Township Limits arcels I PARK OFFICE TO REMAIN - 'MODIFY EXISTING ENTRANCE ( •� t\To B RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT i \\ ONLY $ s. . EXTENU PRIVATE DRIVE ' d cry " To E%19TING MomLE HOME. ¢ l PARK ROADWAYS GENERAL NOTES; Low DENsIry PARK PONDING SHOWN IS CONCEPTUAL. DETAILED GRADING DESIGN AND STORMWATER CALCULATIONS MmiuM pwsln FEATURE HAVE NOT BEEN PERFORMED ATTHIS TIME. ACREAGES ASSUME PRIVATE ROADWAY, ACREAGES ARE MEASURED TO CENTERLINE OF PROPOSED ROADWAY. ROADWAY ACCESS TO EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARK REQUIRES ELIMINATION OF AT LEAST ONE UNIT w� MAIN ACCESS LOCATED AT LEAST 1 0TH MILE FROM HIGHWAY 101 INTERSECTION AND ASSUMES NEW TURN LANES AND OTHER IMPROV91ENTS MAY BE REQUIRED. • P OtCI�egog MINNESOTA V APPLICANT: Darkenwald Corporation 9-17-14 FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for a Zoning Map amendment establishing a PUD, Planned Unit Development District for Riverbend North. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 22 September 2014 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for commercial land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned B-3, General Business District, D. The applicant is requesting establishment of a PUD, Planned Unit Development District to allow development of Riverbend North to include commercial and high density residential land uses. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan includes the policy to cluster complementary land uses and activities into functionally related sub -units of the community as determined by physical barriers, homogenous land use characteristics and service area boundaries. The proposed master plan for the subject site reflects the physical characteristics of the site relative to TH 101 and CSAH 42, provides in-place residential support for planned commercial uses and provides a desirable land use transition from Riverbend Mobile Home Park. The proposed PUD District is therefore consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site abuts the Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the south and is separated from existing two and one-half acre single family lots to the east by CSAH 42. The uses anticipated by the proposed master plan will be compatible with present and future land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: Development of the subject site will require future applications for PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary plat and final plat approval and compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via CSAH 42, which is designated as a minor arterial roadway by the Transportation Plan and Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. CSAH 42 has adequate design capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the land uses shown on the master plan. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates development of urban land uses connected to municipal utilities and provided needed municipal services. The City has existing public services and facilities needed to serve the land uses planned by the master plan. F. The planning report dated 12 December 2013 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 September 2014 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22nd day of September, 2014. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 2 Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.: 2014-11 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR RIVERBEND NORTH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Legal Description. The legal description of the property included in the PUD District shall be as follows: INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION Section 2. Zoning Map Amendment. The property is hereby rezoned from B-3, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Section 3. Riverbend North Planned Unit Development District. Any allowed uses and standards not specifically addressed by the Riverbend North Planned Unit Development District shall be subject to the requirements set forth by the Otsego Zoning Ordinance understanding that subsequent, more specifically detailed, PUD Development Stage Plans may seek modification of the standards and requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance by City Council approval provided that the proposed flexibility is shown to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan and complies with the fundamental principals for the requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance, even without their strict application. Section 4. Sub -districts. For the purposes of this PUD District, the following sub -districts shall be established with their boundaries generally following the Master Plan attached as Exhibit A: A. Commercial B. High Density Section 5. Allowed Uses. The allowed uses within this PUD District shall include the following base entitlements: 1 A. Commercial. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, interim uses and uses allowed by administrative permit within the B-3 District shall be allowed within this sub -district subject to approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. B. High Density. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, interim uses and uses allowed by administrative permit within the R-7 District shall be allowed within this sub -district subject to approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and also: 1. Self -storage facilities accessory to uses within the PUD District and abutting Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Section 6. Lot Requirements. Lot requirements for the various sub - districts of this PUD District shall be as established follows: A. Commercial. All lot requirements and setbacks required within the B-3 District shall be applicable within this sub -district unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. B. High Density. All lot requirements and setbacks required within the R-7 District shall be applicable within this sub -district unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7. Construction Standards. The construction of structures within this PUD District shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 8. Off -Street Parking and Loading. Off-street parking and loading areas required by the Zoning Ordinance shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 9. Utilities. All development within this PUD District shall be connected to municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 2 Section 10. Future Phases and Amendments. Approval of PUD Development Stage Plans, modifications of the performance standards established by this PUD District and the inclusion of additional lands within this PUD District shall be processed in accordance with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid amendment, but the City Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the City Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 11. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication in accordance with State Statute. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of September, 2014. ATTEST BY: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO M. 3 Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor