August 9, 2005
Roll Call:0tsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier,
Councilmembers Dan�Scharber, Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp,
and Vern Heidner.
City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk
Judy Hudson, City Accountant Gary Groen, Bookkeeper Kathy
Grover, Public Works Director Brad Belair, and Intern Patrick
Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 5:00 p.m.
Public Works Department - Gary reviewed the changes to the
budget including adding one full time and several seasonal
workers. Council directed staff to keep track of maintenance
hours by park. Council directed Brad to keep track of his
time spent on the construction of new parks and that the City
would be compensated for his time by the Park Fund.
Administrative Department - Mike updated the Administrative
budget, including the plan for a part-time person. Council
directed staff to look at whether a depreciation account
should be set up for City Hall.
Finance - Gary reviewed the Finance budget. Council directed
staff to review the portion of Finance time spent on
water/sewer and building issues, and to charge that time
appropriately. Council also discussed the possibility of
having the City eventually take over billing of water bills.
Mike said that the Finance department would need a little
more space to do that.
Police - Council reviewed Police services and the consensus
was to not increase the amount of hours above the current 32
per day.
Council directed staff to look at future bonding needs for
the next budget workshop.
With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting
at 6:55 p.
44 ichael Robertson
City Administrator