10-04-04 IMMINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO I COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE: October 4, 2004, 7:00 P.M. City Council Present: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heid. her, Virginia Wendel, and Jerry Struthers. Planning Commission Present: Chair Richard Nichols, Steve Shuck, David Thompson, Pam Black„ Doug Hackman, Tom Darkenwald (also City Council candidate), and Troy Watring. City Staff Present: City Administrator Mike Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson, and City Planner Daniel Licht. City Council Candidates Present: Mark Thorstad Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM and began with introductions of the City Council, Planning Commission, City Staff and memb! rs of the public present. City Planner Daniel Licht gave a presentation regarding the draft Comprehensive Plan. I Mr. George Yankoupe asked about the densities for the various residential land use designations established by the draft Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Licht explained each one and gave examples of desired residential land uses within each category. Mr. Yankoupe indicated that D&Y Family Partnership has a concept plan for development of 50' wide i single family lots on land south of 78th Street and westtof LeFebvre Creek. Mr. Licht indicated that such a use could be accommodated based on current designation, but that a change to Low -Medium Density Residential may be more appropriate for the Planning i Commission and City Council to consider. j Mr. Doug Lindenfelser asked about plans for an interchange at 1-94 and Kadler Avenue. Mr. Licht responded that a potential interchange is identified on the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan, but that MNDoT has not approved of its construction and no funding exists. City Administrator Mike Robertson added that an interchange is also identified on the NEWC Plan for 1-94 and Nabor Avenue, which is a priority for the City of St. Michael. Mr. Robertson said that St. Michael would have to pay the full cost of I' construction, which is estimated at approximately 15 million dollars. Otsego would likely I' have to pay a similar amount to get the Kadler Avenue interchange constructed. f' f. Mr. Kevin Conway asked what the Winter property, located south of CSAH 37 and west of TH 101 is guided for. Mr. Licht described the land use plan as Industrial and Medium -High Density divided based on an extension of Quaday Avenue. 1 f I' i Mr. Yankoupe asked if any of the D&Y Family Partnership land at the southwest -quadrant of Quaday Avenue and 78th Street was designated for Medium -High Density Residential Land Use. iMr. Licht said that the land east of LeFebvrekCreek is guided Medium -High Density Residential by the draft land use plan. Ms. Nancy Anderson asked how far in the future the Comprehensive Plan forecasts. Mr. Licht said that the plan anticipates a 20 year development period. However, because the plan is based on conservative projections used to make financial decisions, the actual rate of growth has been more rapid than anticipated. Mr. kLicht went on to describe the development activity that has occurred in the initial east and west sewer districts. Mayor Fournier described the City's policies for financing utilities and new developments. Mr. Lindenfelser asked about timing and reasons for sanitary sewer to Riverwood National Golf Course. Mr. Licht said that the project was approved, under allowances in the current Comprehensive Plan that have been removed developer is constructing a small waste water treatment plant to serve only that project. Mr. Lintlenfelser said that he believed limiting development to 4 dwelling units per 40 acres in that area is not appropriate given the Riverwood National Development. 11 Mr. Yankoupe asked about when sanitary sewer would be available for the east sanitary sewer district and when a builder could first pull a building permit. Mr. Licht responded that sewer capacity is anticipated to be available in the Spring of 2006. Council Member Heidner addressed the Riverwood National Treatment plant saying the developer must turn over the plant to the City when it is operational. Mr. Lindefelser said that the City should look at allowing urban development east of Kadler Avenue. Mr. Yankoupe asked if there is sewer capacity reserved in the east sewer district that could serve his family's land at CSAH 42/TH 101. Mayor Fournier responded yes. There were no other questions. Mayor Fournier thanked those present for attending and mentioned that there would be a second information meeting on Thursday, October 7, 2004 at 7:00 PM to present the same information and deceive input from any and all interested persons. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. Submitted by: I D, DaMW[icht, AICP Senior Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc 2 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE October 7, 2004, 7:00 P.M. City Council Present: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner and Jerry Struthers. Planning Commission Present: David Thompson and (Pam Black City Staff Present: City Administrator Mike Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson and City Planner Daniel Licht. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and began with introductions of the City Council, Planning Commission, City Staff and Mr. Keith Knutson, who was the only member of the public present. City Planner Daniel Licht gave a presentation regarding: the draft Comprehensive Plan specific to the area of Mr. Knutson's property, which was followed by an open discussion among those present. i The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. Submitted by: 9, Daniffl-Licht, AICP I Senior Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 1