08-18-04 WSi OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP, August 18, 2004. Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Dan Scharber, Virginia Wendel, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael''Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson, Bookkeeper Kathy Grover, and Accountant Gary Groen. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. City staff reviewed the preliminary budget with Council and discussed the following issues. MEDICAL & DENTAL INSURANCE KC Foster of First National Insurance was present to discuss insurance costs. KC reviewed the current medical insurance with Medica and the dental insurance with Principal. KC explained what was behind the increases�in costs the City had been seeing the last few years. Administrator Robertson noted that they had shopped the City's medical insurance to see if they, could get a better price. KC Foster stated that if the City did not switch plans its costs would go up $18,000. Council was in consensus to switch medical plans to Blue Cross whereby it would have similar coverage at no extra cost. Council was in consensus to switch the dental plan to AIG where it would receive similar coverage at less cost than 2004. Council was in consensus not to change the amount it contributed toward employee insurance. SALARIES Council directed staff to budget a 3% increase. DEPARTMENTS Administration - Council was in consensus to add an intern position. Finance - Council was in consensus to add a part-time bookkeeper and more hours of Gary Groen,"s time. Council directed to staff to provide more financial updates during the year. Police Services - Council was in consensus to keep the hours at 32 but to set some money aside if an,increase was needed. Streets - Council was in consensus to add dust control back into the budget. r Parks - Council stressed that the Commission should seek recreational opportunities for all ages!!of kids. Other items were to review Contracted Services, make certain all related legal and planning costs were accurately accounted for in Parks and Historic Preservation, examine the estimated ball field and park maintenance costs. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m. Michael doertso;F� City Administrator