10-25-04 WSCITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MISSISSIPPI SHORES 6t'' and 7th ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENTS MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2004 3 PM 1. Mayor Fournier call Workshop to order: Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 3 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers. Absent: Dan Scharber. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Ron Wagner, City Engineer, Jeff Elliott, Assistant City Engineer. 2. Discussion of Possible Improvements. Dan Licht gave a brief background of proposed improvements in this area. Mayor Fournier asked property owners if they had a plan. Rudy Thibodeau explained that the group met for the first time today. He said that the five businesses have different thoughts. The Vet. Clinicseems to benefit the least. He isn't sure if the liquor store would have any value from this. Mr. Thibodeau wants to improve the appearance of the area. He said they don't understand the City's desire for sewer and water and stormwater and asked if there is any financial aid. Bob Fields, LandCor, stated that each owner has a different motivation and asked what tools are available. Ron Wagner said there are two options: 1. Replacing; -the service road and adding sewer and water, and stormwater, curb and gutter.;; 2. Converting the service road into parking lot which would be owned by the businesses. Jeff Elliott went over the preliminary feasibility report showing all water, sewer and stormwater would be installed. Mr. Wagner said storm sewer pipes will be sized so, there won't be a need for onsite pond and the landowners will be able to use land that otherwise would be needed for ponding. Mr. Fields also wants to talk to the owner of the liquor store and Mr. Thibodeau about connecting their buildings with his to form a strip mall. Mr. Thibodeau asked about the snowplowing on CSAH 39. Mr. Wagner said the retaining wall and fence will slow down the snow from collecting on the service road. Mike Robertson said this is an area where snow will be hauled away, catch basins will collect the melting snow and there should be',more storage than what is currently there if this remains as a service road. Bob Fields stated he prefers that the street is vacated so they can have the maximum amount of land to develop. City Council Workshop of October 25, 2004. Page 2. Dr. David Gilgenbach asked if Mr. Fields gets his wish list, how would this affect the rest of the road to the west. Mr. Licht replied that could become a dead-end street and would need a cul-de-sac. It also could be converted into additional parking .for the business owners. Mr. MacArthur explained that whenever a Street Vacation is requested, a Public Hearing is needed and the Council could make it a condition that a cul-de-sac is needed or could make it a private street. Dr. Gilgenbach stated he has never been against sewer and water. He supports the redevelopment and upgrading but the service road should remain. Mr. MacArthur explained the petition, improvement hearing and also there would have to be an Assessment Hearing. Dr. Gilgenbach questioned why not install a sewer line along Park Avenue. Mr. Wagner explained that the overall plan to have a sewer line along CSAH 39 and also a sewer line running up Park Avenue. Mike McChesney asked if a sewer line on Park Avenue would open up more property for commercial. Mike Robertson explained that commercial would go in along CSAH 39 and is not planned for Park Avenue as that road is not designed for commercial. Mike S. representing Goodyear was concerned if a median would go down CSAH 39 in the future which would reduce access to his property. Mayor Fournier explained that would be up to Wright County as it is a County Road. Mr. Thibodeau suggested that the landowners get together and come back in to the Citywith a plan. Mike Robertson supported that idea as that is something that the 'Council has always wanted. The Council agreed to extend the Public Hearing. 3. Any other Business. None 4. Adjourn. The Workshop adjourned at 4:36 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.