11-04-04 WSA-LrEhM 3_4 CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC WORKS WORKSHOP November 4, 2004 Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Dan Scharber, Virginia Wendel, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael;Robertson and Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair. The workshop was called to order at 7:0b p.m. CANVAS OF ELECTION RESULTS Councilmember Heidner, seconded by Councilmember Wendel, moved to approve Resolution 04-67, A Resolution approving the 2004 election results. Carried 5-0. NO DISCHARGE MAP Martin Valerius was present and noted that he hunts with friends in the area just west of Odean Avenue that the Council just added to the No Discharge zone. He would like the land, which is owned by him and his'friends, removed from the zone. Councilmembers said they had!'added the land to the No Discharge zone to protect the landowners and adjacent residents. They agreed to remove the land from the zone because it was the owners request PUBLIC WORKS NEEDS Vehicles - Public Works Supervisor Bradi,Belair reviewed the list of needs he had drafted. He said the industry standard is that one truck is needed for plowing per 20 miles of streets. He stated that given that Otsego is constructing 5- 7 new miles each year it needs an additional plow truck every 3-4 years. He said he would work with Administrator Robertson to prepare a capital equipment plan for the future. I Salt & Sand - Brad stated the salt & sand budget has been high in the past because the City was hauling the material rather than having it delivered. Also,,the sand was high in moisture which meant City crews spent a,lot of time breaking it up. He has had some drier sand delivered which will flow more smoothly. Salt Shed - Council consensus was that ;they would rather go with a blacktop pad at the current Public Works garage and construct a salt shed in the future at 'the site of the new garage. Snow Plowing Policv - Brad noted that the City currently had an informal unwritten snow plowing policy and discussed his ideas for putting it in writing. Council directed him to present a policy to them in the future., New Public Works Facility - Council discussed some of the potential sites. ,Administrator Robertson said that he would bring some appraisal numbers to the next Council meeting. Robertson said that he thought the process for designing a new facility should include the Public Works staff touring various newer facilities and accumulating ideas for what they thought would work: The Council could tour two or three of the top sites recommended by Public Works staff. An architect could be hired to design the facility to City requirements. Council consensus was to;begin work on this process in 2005 when the new Council was seated. Building Inspection Trucks - Council discussed purchasing vehicles for the Building Inspectors rather than paying them mileage. After discussing whether to purchase larger trucks with the thought of turning them over to Public Works after two years of use the Council decided to purchase smaller trucks. Robertson was directed to put this on a future Council agenda. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Michael Robertson!j City Administrator' i'