96-03RESOLUTION NO. 96-3 CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FOR THE CITY OF OTSEGO AN EMPLOYEE DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY FOR DRIVERS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES WHEREAS, The City of Otsego is required to have a Drug and Alcohol Policy in place by January 1, 1996, and WHEREAS, The City of Otsego has enrolled in the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust, 125 Charles Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55103 Ph: (612) 224-3344. and has signed a Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Participation Agreement on January 8, 1996 and agreed to become an Associate Member of the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust (MCIT) to be eligible to receive the services provided in the agreement and agreed to pay MCIT an annual administrative service fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) during the term of agreement. WHEREAS, The City of Otsego by signing the Participation Agreement with MCIT also is under the Service Agreement between MCIT and Medtox, Inc, 402 County Road D, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55112, the laboratory that does the drug and alcohol testing. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The City of Otsego hereby adopts the City of Otsego Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy for Drivers of Commercial Vehicles and this policy will be added to the City of Otsego's Personnel Policy. Dated this 22ND day of January 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F Freske, Mayor A EST: Laine Beatty, City ClerklZ#ing Administrator (City Seal) Attachments: Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy MCIT Drug & Alcohol Testing Program Participation Agreement (Exhibit I - Service Agreement between MCIT and Medtox, Inc. ri THE MINNESOTA COUNTIES INSURANCE TRUST DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT THIS PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT provides for the delivery of drug and alcohol testing services by the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust (MCIT) for the City of OtsegX, " Member." 1. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED MCIT agrees to provide services to the Member in accordance with the drug and alcohol testing service provider contract or successor contract, the current contract is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 1. WIT is not obligated to provide such services should the drug and alcohol testing service provider contract be terminated or cancelled. 2. SERVICE FEES The Member will compensate MCIT in accordance with the fee schedule in ARTICLE IV of Exhibit 1. MCIT will submit invoices to the Member on a monthly basis for services performed under this Agreement. The Member will provide payment to MCIT within thirty (30) days following receipt of invoice. L 3. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by MCIT or the Member upon thirty (30) day written notice to the other party. The Member will pay for services provided up to the date of termination. 4. MCIT ASSOCIATE MEMBER The City of Otsedagrees to become an Associate Member of the Minnesota Counties .01 Insurance Trust (MCIT) to be eligible to receive the services provided in this Agreement. The City of Otsegg assumes no liabilities or obligations as an MCIT Associate Member except as set forth in this Agreement. The City of Otsegd agrees to pay MCIT an annual administrative service fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) during the term of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MCIT and the City of Otseghave caused this Agreement to be executed by the person authorized to act in their respective names on the date shown below: MINNESOTA COUNTIES INSURANCE TRUST Date: `,Z — 1 9- f 7— Director CITY QF OTSEG�Pcy I *� Date: 1 / 8 / 9 6 NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR Attest: --- -ITYYL RK Date: 1 /R/96 CITY OF OTSE G e. Elk O 889k R Njer, MN 55330 Exhibit 1 SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 27th day of December, 1994, between the Minnesota Counties insurance Trust, Hereinafter referred to as MCIT, and Medtox Inc., Hereinafter referred to as Medtox. ARTICLE I PURPOSE 1 PURPOSE The MINNESOTA COUNTIES INSURANCE TRUST (MCIT) is a joint powers organization created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 and 471.981. MCIT provides a means for Minnesota Counties and related entities to self insure workers' compensation, property and casualty and employee benefits through a pooling arrangement. MCIT also provides its members with risk management services to help assure compliance with state and federal rules and regulations. MCIT desires to secure the services of Medtox to assist its members and members of the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) in complying with the federal rules for drug and alcohol testing. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the duties and obligations of the parties. ARTICLE II - SERVICE CENTER AND PERSONNEL 2 SERVICE CENTER AND PERSONNEL 2.1 SERVICE CENTER Medtox shall maintain a principal Service Center in the State of Minnesota for coordinating the delivery of services provided under the terms of this Agreement. 2 2.2 PERSONNEL Medtox agrees to assign competent personnel to perform those tasks necessary to provide the services specified in this Agreement. Medtox shall make certain that its staff possesses the necessary professional background, experience and on-going training to provide the services described in this Agreement. MCIT will be advised of the identity and qualifications of all professional personnel providing direct services to MCIT. ARTICLE III - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 3 SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 3.1 Collection Sites - Medtox shall establish collection sites/clinics throughout the state to collect urine specimens for drug tests. Medtox shall permit members to make independent arrangements with clinics as collection sites and allow such counties to purchase other services pursuant to this agreement. 3.2 Supplies - Medtox will provide Members with all supplies necessary for the collection of urine specimens, including but not limited to, specimen bottles with instructions, labels, order forms, chain of custody forms and prepaid overnight courier supplies. 3 3.3 Testing laboratory - Medtox shall conduct an actual analysis of the specimen provided by the collection site/clinic, using an immunochemical method, to determine the presence or absence of the following drugs: 3.3.1 Marijuana 3.3.2 Cocaine 3.3.3 Amphetamines 3.3.4 Opiates 3.3.5 Phencyclidine (PCP). At the request of the Member, Medtox shall screen for additional drugs. Medtox will automatically confirm by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) all presumptive positive results from screening of the drugs named above. The level at which a positive result is confirmed shall be according to SAMHSA standards for the respective drugs. Medtox will report all test results to the designated Medical Review Officer within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of the urine specimen. All results will be reported either negative or positive without numerical value. 3.4 Chain of Custody - Medtox shall maintain proper chain of custody controls during all testing and/or handling of urine specimens and proper chain of custody documentation. Medtox will retain custody of any confirmed positive specimens under proper chain of custody and secured refrigerated condition as per SAMHSA regulations. 2 3.5 Medical Review Officer (MRO) - Medtox shall arrange for Medical Review Officers to independently review drug test results received from the testing laboratory and report results to the member. The MRO shall protect employees from false -positive results due to collection or chain -of -custody difficulties, technical inaccuracies, or drug interactions. The MRO should ensure that no legitimate medical use of drugs gets reported to the member as an unacceptable positive result. Before reporting a positive result to the member, the MRO shall give the individual an opportunity to discuss the test result. The Medical Review Officers shall be licensed physicians. Medical Review Officer services shall include but not be limited to the following functions: 3.5.1 Receive and review test results from the laboratory. 3.5.2 Review certified copies of chain of custody forms. 3.5.3 Report negative results to designated member personnel. 3.5.4 Interpret positive results. 3.5.5 Conduct confidential medical interviews with positive tested individuals. 3.5.6 Consult with collection site and laboratory personnel. 3.5.7 Request quantitative results, if needed. 3.5.8 Order analysis of split specimen, if requested. 3.5.9 Determine whether positive tests are the result of prescribed or illicit drugs. 3.5. 10 Report results of verified positive tests to designated member personnel. 3.5.11 Store all positive results for five (5) years. 3.5.12 Order blind specimen testing as needed. 5 3.5. 13 Assist members with post -accident testing requirements. The Medical Review Officer shall also assist members in conducting random, unannounced drug and alcohol tests. Unless changed by DOT, the total number of drug tests conducted each year must equal at least 50% of the safety -sensitive driver positions. Random alcohol testing must be done at a minimum annual rate of 25% of the average number of safety -sensitive driver positions. These tests must be spread reasonably throughout the calendar year. Members should be given the opportunity to conduct the random selection through participation in pools or consortia, in which the number of drivers to be tested may be based on the total number of subject drivers by the pool. 3.6 Alcohol Testing - Medtox shall assist members in the development of procedures to comply with federal and/or state regulation for alcohol testing. Such assistance shall include but not be limited to: 3.6.1 Designation of testing/collection sites. 3.6.2 Selection and procurement of Evidential Breath Testing Devices, if necessary. 3.6.3 Selection of alternative alcohol testing methods as allowed by federal or state regulations. 3.6.4 Designation of certified Breath Alcohol Technicians. 3.7 Record Keeping and Reports - Medtox shall assist members in developing and maintaining records and preparing reports required by federal or state regulations. 6 These records and reports shall include, but not be limited to: 3.7.1 Verified positive drug and alcohol tests. 3.7.2 Refusals to submit to tests. 3.7.3 Required calibration of Evidential Breath Testing Devices (EBTs). 3.7.4 Annual calendar year summary. 3.7.5 Records related to the collection process and required training. 3.7.6 Negative and cancelled drug and alcohol test results. 3.8 . Periodic Statistical Reports - Upon the request of the member, Medtox will provide, on a monthly or quarterly basis as requested by the member, a statistical report of the rest results during the reporting period, to include the following: 3.8.1 The number of specimens tested during the reporting period. 3.8.2 The number of specimens tested positive. 3.8.3 A breakdown of positive results, indicating the drug for which positive results were obtained. 3..8.4 A breakdown of results per test category; i.e., pre-employment, post -accident, random. 3.9 Expert Witness Testimony - Medtox will provide expert witness testimony if requested by the member. 3.10 Education and Training - Medtox shall provide education and training to members regarding their obligations under federal and state regulation. Medtox and MOT shall 7 agree to the number and location of training, as well as the content of the meetings. Meetings shall include both regional sessions and selected on-site member meetings. 3.11 Update of Rules and Regulation - Medtox shall inform and update members regarding any revisions to federal or state rules and regulations concerning drug and alcohol testing requirements. ARTICLE IV - COMPENSATION 4 COMPENSATION Medtox shall be compensated in accordance with he following fee schedule: 4.1 Laboratory Testing Fees 4. 1.1 Five Drug DOT Panel - $23.00 Inclusive drugs: Amphetamines, Cocaine, Opiates, PCP, THC (100 ng/ml) 4.1.2 Drugs of Abuse Screens (non -DOT programs) Five Drug Panel - $23.00 Inclusive drugs: Amphetamines, Cocaine, Opiates, PCP, THC (100 ng/ml) 6-8 Drug Panel - $25.00 Inclusive drugs to be determined. 9-11 Drug Panel - $26.00 Inclusive drugs to be determine. 8 4.2 Additional Service Fees 4.2.1 Specimen Collection - $20.00 each. 4.2.2 Location and Coordination of Collection Facilities - No Charge. 4.2.3 Training and Continual Monitoring of Collection Facilities - No Charge, 4.2.4 Split Specimen Collection Kits - No Charge. 4.2.5 Automatic Identification of 6-Monoacetylmorphine - No Charge. 4.2.6 Automatic Separation and Identification of d & i Methamphetamine - No Charge. 4.2.7 Ability to Identify and Confirm UrinAide/Gluteraldehyde - No Charge. 4.2.8 Testing, Customer Service and Professional Staff Available 24 -Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week - No Charge. 4.2.9 Customized Statistical Reports - No Chargc. 4.2. 10 Medical Review Officer Services, per specimen (includes random selection program) - $3.00. 4.2.11 Expert Witness Testimony. Phone Discussions - No Charge_. Subpoenaed testimony to support the integrity of results -1y4e Expert testimony no directly related to the results in question - $ l .25 p 4.2.12 Employee Training - No Charge. 9 4.2.13 DOT mandated supervisor training involving two (2) hours on substance and alcohol abuse recognition - No charge for u to o Eight (8) training sessions. MTeffirsM. •I •111 '110-7-11511 4.3 - •1 4.3 Terms of Payment - Medtox shall submit invoices to MCIT on a monthly basis for services performed under this Agreement. Invoices shall itemize fees by MCIT or AMC member. MCIT will provide payment within forty-five (45) days following receipt of invoice. Payment by MCIT does not waive MCIT's right to object to charges later found to be improper. ARTICLE V - RECORDS AND FILES 5 RECORDS AND FILES 5.1 MCIT Access and Ownership At all times during the term of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years following any termination or expiration, MCIT, its attorneys and other representatives, as authorized by MCIT, shall have access to records and files maintained by Medtox for MCIT and each MCIT member or applicant during normal business hours. All records, books and files relating to the operations and business of MCIT are the property of MCIT. As custodian of these documents, Medtox shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Minnesota Governmental Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the requirements of M.S. 13.61 or similar state or federal laws. 10 5.2 Care of Data Medtox shall take all steps necessary to safeguard data, files, reports or other information from loss, destruction or erasure. Liability for cost or expense of replacing, or damages resulting from the loss os such data shall be bome by Medtox unless at the time of loss, said data was in exclusive custody of MCIT. 5.3 Confidentiality Medtox agrees that information related to drug and alcohol testing services provided under this Agreement shall be kept confidential and shall be used only in connection with the performance of duties for members. In case of a conflict between this paragraph and the Minnesota Data Practices Act or similar state or federal law, the Minnesota Data Practices Act or similar state or federal law shall govern. 11 ARTICLE VI - NON -COMPETITION AGREEMENT 6 AGREEMENT NOT TO COMPETE Medtox and its subsidiaries through the acknowledgment by signature agree during the term of this Agreement, unless waived by MCIT, and for a period of four years after termination of the Agreement, unless MCIT agrees in writing to a shorter period, not to compete in the State of Minnesota with MCIT or AMC by marketing or offering 1.) any similar program of coverage or services provided by MCIT or 2.) the services provided within this agreement to MCIT or AMC members who are or were members of MCIT or AMC at any time during the term of this agreement. Medtox and its subcontractors agree not to use any records, files or date developed or maintained as a result of this agreement for any purpose other than to provide services listed in this Agreement. 12 ARTICLE VII - TERM AND TERMINATION 7 TERM AND TERMINATION 7.1 Contract Term The term of this Agreement shall commence on October 1, 1994 and shall continue in full force and effect except as stated below until December 31, 1998. 7.2 Termination Either party may terminate this agreement upon sixty (60) day written notice. MCIT may terminate this agreement immediately upon a major breach in service or duty by Medtox. 7.3 Renewal Rates Medtox will submit any proposed change in rates in writing to MCIT sixty (60) days prior to the date of termination. Rate change becomes effective on the date that it is accepted in writing by MCIT; during the interim, the old rate is applicable. 13 ARTICLE VIII. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT 8 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT 8.1 POOL BOARD'S POLICY In the event of any disputes or questions as to exact nature or extent of services to be provided under this Agreement, the parties hereto shall look to the record of the MCIT Board's policy decisions and other relevant facts and circumstances as the frame of reference for guidance and clarification as to said dispute or questions. 14 ARTICLE IX. INSURANCE/INDEMNIFICATION 9 INSURANCE/INDEMNIFICATION 9.1 Errors and Omissions - Medtox shall maintain errors and omissions liability insurance with limits of liability of at least $1,000,000. Medtox will continue to maintain such insurance with such limits during the term of this Agreement and will provide MCIT with certificates evidencing such coverage within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement. Medtox shall notify MCIT within ten (10) days of any change or cancellation of errors and omission coverage. 9.2 Other Insurance - At all times during the term of this Agreement, Medtox shall maintain General Liability, Automobile Liability, Fidelity and, Workers' Compensation. Certificates of insurance coverage shall be provided to MCIT upon request. 9.3 Indemnification - Medtox warrants that Medtox's drug and alcohol testing policies, procedures and practices do and will at all times, comply with governmental laws, rules and regulations. In consideration of MCIT using Medtox's drug and alcohol testing program, Medtox agrees. to defend, indemnify and hold MCIT and AMC and their officers and employees harmless from all loss, cost and expense (including court costs and attorney's fees) resulting from claims arising from the failure to comply with any applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations, and from any act or failure to act in 15 connection with Medtox's performance under this Agreement. MCIT agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Medtox and its directors, officers, agents and employees harmless from any loss, cost and expense (including court costs and attorney's fees) to Medtox, arising out of or resulting from MCIT's negligence with respect to the test results after they are received by MCIT or AMC members from Medtox. 16 ARTICLE X. MISCELLANEOUS 10 MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 Certification - Medtox represents and warrants that it is in compliance, and will continue to comply during the term of this Agreement with federal and state laws, rules and regulations applicable to the licensure and operation of drug testing services. Upon request of MCIT, Medtox agrees to provide MCIT documentation regarding licensurelaccreditation. 10.2 Subcontractors - Medtox shall not subcontract any of the services which it is to provide without the express written approval of MCIT. 10.3 Independent Contractor - Medtox is expressly forbidden to act for MCIT in any other capacity, or to represent itself in any manner as an agent of MCIT, except under the terms hereof. During the term of this Agreement Medtox, and Medtox's employee(s), shall be considered and act as an independent contractor and shall not be considered as employee(s) of MCIT or AMC. Medtox shall furnish all labor required to perform the services and will have full control and direction over the method and manner of performing those services. 10.4 Authority and Freedom from Conflict - Medtox represents and warrants to MCIT that: 17 10.4.1 Medtox has the lawful authority to enter into this Agreement and is free of any obligation or restrictions that would prevent it from entering into this Agreement, create any conflict of interest or impede its performance hereunder. 10.4.2 Medtox will not enter into any other agreement, undertake any obligation or commit any act which would prevent its performance or limit the rights of MCIT, AMC or their members hereunder. 10.5 Non -Waiver and Cumulation of Remedies - The failure by either party at any time to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement or any right or remedy available hereunder or at law or in equity, or to exercise any option herein provided, shall not constitute a waiver of such provision, right, remedy or option or in any way affect the validity of this Agreement. The waiver of any default by either party shall not be deemed a continuing waiver, but shall apply solely to the instance to which such waiver is directed. The remedies provided under this Agreement shall be cumulative and not alternative, and the election of any one remedy for breach shall not preclude the pursuit of other remedies. 10.6 Entire Agreement - This Agreement embraces the entire Agreement between the parties. No oral agreement or representation concerning this Agreement shall be binding. 10.7 Choice of Law and Venue - This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota Any action arising out of or relating to this Agreement, its performance, enforcement or breach, will be 18 i � A venued in a state or federal court situated within the State of Minnesota, and Medtox and its sureties and guarantors hereby irrevocably consent and submit themselves to the personal jurisdiction of said court for such purposes. 10.8 Severability - Every provision of this Agreement shall be construed, to the extent possible, so as to be valid and enforceable. If any provision of this agreement so construed is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 10.9 Assignment - Neither Medtox nor MCIT may assign, delegate or otherwise transfer this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, except that claims for money due or to become due to Medtox under this Agreement may without such consent be assigned to a bank, trust company or other financial institution. 10.10 Amendments - This Agreement may be altered, extended, changed or amended in writing by mutual agreement of the parties hereto when dated and attached hereto without altering the other terms of this Agreement. 10.11 Notice - Notice to be given hereunder by either party to the other shall be in writing and may be effectuated by delivery of U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Notice 19 It V hereunder shall be sufficient if properly addressed and made to: MEDTOX LABORATORIES 402 West County Road D St. Paul, MN 55112 MINNESOTA COUNTIES INSURANCE TRUST 125 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MCM Medtox have caused this Agreement to be executed by the person authorized to act in tb* respective names on the date Chown below: Manesota Conatim Laurance T rest