05-09-11 WSIYEM 2 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 T'PCTPOPPlanningCo.corn MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 4 May 2011 RE: Otsego — Rogers TH 101/CR 144 Interchange Project TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Rogers City Administrator Steve Stahmer, Public Works Superintendent John Seifert and City Engineer Bret Weiss attended the 28 April 2011 Staff/Development meeting to discuss the proposed TH 101/CR 144 interchange project. The cost of the proposed TH 101/CR 144 interchange is $22 Million. Rogers has obtained a $9 Million Safety and Mobility grant from the State, is seeking a $7 Million STP Federal grant and $2 Million from Hennepin County. Rogers will be responsible for the unfunded balance of the project costs. To this end, Rogers is seeking support from Otsego (and Elk River) with upfront planning costs for the project that if completed in advance will strengthen the STP grant application. These costs are estimated at $400,000 and Rogers is asking Otsego to consider contributing $100,000. This contribution would be made by executing a joint powers agreement and Rogers City staff provided a draft resolution that would be adopted by both Rogers and Otsego to consider entering into such a framework. Otsego City staff agreed that there is benefit to Otsego for the project in terms of employment access and access to schools used by Otsego students. The project would also coordinate well with Otsego's planned 70th Street improvement to provide west Otsego residents a transportation alternative to 1-94. However, Otsego City staff also reviewed the costs incurred and those still pending as part of the TH 101 project in Otsego that included the local share for Wright County and the City of St. Michael. This project provided both local and regional benefit similar for TH 101 traffic as the recently completed flyover at South Diamond Lake Road and proposed TH 101/CR 144 interchange. Otsego City staff stated that it is very unlikely the Otsego City Council would to contribute financially, to the TH 101/CR 144 interchange project. Exhibits: A. Rogers draft resolution supporting a joint powers agreement B. Otsego TH 101 Project Cost Summary RECOMMENDATION Rogers City staff asked for an opportunity to meet with the City Council and make a presentation regarding the proposed TH 101/CR 144 interchange project. Otsego City staff suggested they attend the May 9, 2011 City Council work session that is scheduled to follow the regular meeting. POSSIBLE ACTIONS This item is for discussion purposes only and no action is required by the City Council. C. Tami Loff, City Clerk Gary Groen, Finance Director Ron Wagner, City Engineer Steve Stahmer, Rogers City Administrator John Seifert, Rogers Public Works Superintendent Bret Weiss, Rogers City Engineer 2, RESOLUTION NO. 2011— A JOINT RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE FORMATION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROGERS AND THE CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the City of Otsego and Rogers have recognized the benefit of regional planning and advocacy for transportation improvements through their support of the TH 101 and I94 coalitions; and WHEREAS, the construction of the TH 101 flyover of South Diamond Lake Road has improved the ability for commuter traffic to pass through the City of Rogers and move more quickly to Cities located north of Rogers; and WHEREAS, the future economic growth of the corridor will be limited by the continued congestion and non -flee flowing movement at this intersection; and WHEREAS, the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 144 is the last at grade intersection for northbound TH 101 between 194 and the City of Elk River; and WHEREAS, the future construction of an interchange at TH 101 and CSAH 144 would improve the safe and efficient movement of travel for area residents and regional commuter traffic by eliminating an at grade intersection; and WHEREAS, an interchange at this location will improve safety and access for students, parents, staff and visitors to the school district facilities located in Rogers adjacent to CSAH 144; and WHEREAS, Mn/DOT has awarded the City of Rogers $9,200,000 in Safety and Mobility funds(SaK toward a grade separated interchange estimated at approximately $22,000,000 and has committed to provide other soft costs including design and construction to complete this project; and WHEREAS, the City of Rogers and Hennepin County will need to provide a letter of financial commitment to Mn/DOT by June 30'h agreeing to a local share of $3,000,000 for the project to continue forward; and WHEREAS, because the SaM funding does not fully fund the project, the City of Rogers, with the support of Mn/DOT and Hennepin County, will be applying for surface transportation program funding(STP) through the Metropolitan Council; and WHEREAS, the competitive STP grant application would be strengthened by the formation of a partnership of communities benefitting from the improvement; and WHEREAS, the City of Rogers has committed funding to complete the SaM and STP funding applications and has initiated preliminary environmental and interchange justification and '~ concept level drawings required by Met Council to keep the project moving; and Moved by Councihnember , seconded by Councilmember The following voted in favor of said Resolution: The following voted against the same: The following abstained: Whereupon said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk dated this day of , 2011. Otsego Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Estimate of Total Cost of TH101 Upgrade Project Name Relevancy Rating Explanation Engineering Infrastructure RR 1 RR 2 RR 3 RR 1 RR 2 RR 3 TH101 1 Attend Predest n Meeting, $72,000.00 1 Construction Observation $5,250.00 As Built Plans and Review $4,800.00 Locates during construcito $23,800.00 _ $105,850.00 SE Quadrant Stu 2 [Complete Study on. Lon $15,000.00 $15,000.00 xtre Yurn Lane CM 2 $11,000.00 Curb and Gutter C it 31 1 1 1 100.00 Tum Lane C 371 1 $60,000.001 $105,850.00 $541,800.00 $31,475.00 $60,000.00 $4,093,000.00 $227,000.00 $679,126.00 $4,360,000.00 $6,069,125.00 _-CS II 144 AND TH 101 A WSB ecent History of TH 101 near CSAH 144 Congestion on TH 101 NB leads to backups on I-94 • A flyover of South Diamond Lake Rd was built in 2010 to alleviate this heavy WB -NB movement • Resulted in greater congestion at the CSAH 144 intersection - Unimpeded NB traffic • Last at -grade signal system on TH 101 for the heavy I-94 to TH 101 NB movement Flyover Project ti ? ar Al 1-4� T-rdffi FO Aj � F I jl;l p�l W_11 64� 144M AOLJ7 ;sb , Traffic Information Existing AADT: a TH 101 north of intersection: 42,500 E TH 101 south of intersection: 41,000 o CSAH 144 east of intersection: 8,850 a CSAH 144 west of intersection: 7,400 2035 AADT: o TH 101 north of intersection: 59,000 o TH 101 south of intersection: 58,000 o CSAH 144 east of intersection: 18,400 Hi CSAH 144 west of intersection: 12,700 5/9/2011 Interchange Options p � Tight Diamond Interchange (TDI) MW -�� T•• .. ry 1 1 .1MWMI Interchange Options Ingle Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) <, &7 - � _ *=� ti Interchange Options verging Diamond Interchange (DDI) =� F - p _ lw ' hl UI` ding the H 10 1 /CSAH 144 interchange E $22 Million - Design and Construction Hi Awarded $9 Million Safety and Mobility o Seeking a $7 Million STP Federal grant E Seeking $2 Million from Hennepin County o Mn/ Dot Completing the design & construction o Rogers & partners- responsible for the unfunded balance a $400,000 Upfront planning - strengthen the STP grant application o Otsego - consider contributing $100,000 ITEM 3 COURT, MACARTHUR & RUPPE, P.L.L.P Attorneys at law Michael C. Couri* 705 Central Avenue East Sarah E. Schwarzhoff Andrew J. MacArthur PO Box 369 Robert T. Ruppe** "Also Licensed in Illinois "Also Licensed in California May 4, 2011 City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Tami Loff, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 . St. Michael, AN 35376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) www.courimacarthur.com RE: Proposed Extension Agreement- Appello Group, LLC- Great River Centre Dear Council Members: Please find enclosed a revised extension Agreement regarding the Great River Centre development, based upon our most recent meetings for Council review and input. The revised Agreement extends the time frame for completing the remainder of the street and other public improvements until July of 2012, assuming that the Developer is able to extend the current Letter of Credit. In the event that the Developer is not able to extend the Letter the City must be notified and we will draw on the Letter of Credit. If the City decides to or must draw on the Letter of Credit, the City can determine whether or not the funds will be used for completion of public improvements or to pay down City debt service. If the money, or a portion of the money drawn, is not used to complete the public improvements, the City can, at its option, assess those lots owned by the Developer for the improvements and they agree to as the assessment and waive any right of appeal. The Agreement has been drafted in light of the most recent information provided by the Developer relative to the present market conditions and their ability to make payments. I am providing a draft of the Agreement for City Council review at the next City Council meeting workshop prior to sending it to the Developer. Letter to Otsego City Council May 4, 2011 Page 2 I will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding the draft Agreement at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting on May 9. Very truly.,.you, Andrew J. acArthu. "URI, MACARTHUR & RUPPE, PLLP Encl. cc: Dan Licht, City Planner Ron Wagner, City Engineer DRAFT- May 4, 2011 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND APPELLO GROUP, LLC REGARDING COMPLETION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND PAYMENT OF CITY ASSESMENTS WITHIN GREAT RIVER CENTRE AGREEMENT entered this day of , 2011 between Appello Group, LLC (APPELLO), a Minnesota Limited Liability Company and the City of Otsego (CITY) a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, APPELLO and CITY previously entered into agreements regarding completion of certain public improvements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to those Agreements certain funds were escrowed for that purpose with 21 st Century Bank; and WHEREAS, APPELLO completed a certain portion of the work in 2010, utilizing the escrowed funds; and WHEREAS, APPELLO was to complete the remainder of the public improvements by July 15, 2011 or to request City extension of the Agreement by April 15, 2011; and WHEREAS, APPELLO did request extension of the Agreement in writing by the required date of April 15, 2011 indicating in that letter that they would not be able to complete the remainder of the required public improvements by July 15, 2011 due to the current market conditions; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council by resolutions adopted at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting on April 25, 2011 authorized City staff to draw on the Letter of Credit unless a satisfactory additional extension Agreement can be reached by July 15, 2011 ; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the Parties as follows: 1. APPELLO agrees with the conclusion of the City Engineer that the roadways (specifically Quaday Avenue from 87th Street to 85th Street and 85th Street from CSAH 42 to Quaday Avenue) within GREAT RIVER CENTRE that have not received a final lift of bituminous have deteriorated to such an extent that those roadways will have to be re -milled and an adequate base will have to be laid prior to application of a wear course of bituminous. APPELLO agrees that this substantially increases the estimated cost of the work to be completed. Further, APPELLO specifically agrees not to raise the issue of the adequacy of the initial laying of the base course or oversight with the CITY and agrees to waive any and all possible claims or causes of action against the City and its employees, agents and contractors based upon such allegations. 2. APPELLO agrees to hold in escrow any available funds from any closing scheduled within GREAT RIVER CENTRE (or any of its additions) for lots owned by APPELLO, said funds to be utilized by the CITY, at its sole discretion, to complete the remainder of the public improvements required within GREAT RIVER CENTRE or to be applied against CITY debt service related to unpaid assessments allocated to APPELLO for the CITY CSAH 42 Project. 3. APPELLO agrees to fully complete removal of existing base course and installation of new base course and wear course on 85th Street and Quaday Avenue as set forth in the City Engineer's e-mail to City staff and APPELLO dated May 28, 2010 to the satisfaction and approval of the City Engineer by July 16, 2012 utilizing funds escrowed from any closing occurring between the date of execution of this Agreement and July 16, 2012. Additionally, all other required public improvements (landscaping, street lights, trails/sidewalks) shall also be completed by July 16, 2012 unless otherwise agreed to by CITY. APPELLO shall notify CITY of any and all closings for properties within GREAT RIVER CENTRE and shall prior to the closing disclose any amounts available from that closing to be placed in escrow for the purpose of constructing the additional public improvements or covering CITY debt service for the CSAH 42 Project, as determined at the sole discretion of the CITY: Any funds available for those purposes, as reasonably determined by CITY, and approved by APPELLO's lender, shall be placed in escrow for either purpose. The obligation to escrow for public improvements and/or debt service payments shall remain in force and effect until such time as all CITY required public improvements within the Plat have been constructed to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer and sufficient surety is available to cover all applicable warranties and all delinquent assessments have been paid. 4. APPELLO agrees to keep in force and effect at all times from this date forward the required Letter of Credit in at least the amount of $300,000.00 for purposes of assuring CITY that all public improvements are completed and that assessments and taxes on GREAT RIVER CENTRE are timely paid as required by the Developer's Agreement and addendums thereto. This provision is to insure that the CITY always has available to it security to cover the costs of public improvements that must be finished by CITY and to assure that taxes and assessments on the Plat are timely paid. In the event that the CITY must draw 2 upon any posted Letter of Credit for the purpose of completing public improvements as set forth in this Agreement, APPELLO must immediately cause there to be a replacement Letter of Credit in the same amount, and in force and effect for a period of not less than one year from the date of posting the Letter of Credit. Any new Letter of Credit must contain an automatic renewal provision and be issued by an FDIC approved and insured banking or lending institution with an office at which the Letter of Credit can be delivered to draw upon within fifty (50) miles of CITY. 5. APPELLO must notify the CITY at least two weeks prior to the expiration of the current Letter of Credit whether or not the BANK will renew the Letter of Credit. In the event that the Letter of Credit is not reissued, replaced or extended the CITY will draw down the Letter of Credit and use the proceeds at its sole discretion to either construct all or a portion of the remaining public improvements or to pay off existing or future CITY debt service. APPELLO agrees to cooperate with the CITY's draw on the Letter of Credit. In the event that the CITY draws on the Letter of Credit it does not reduce, change or modify any obligation that APPELLO has to the CITY under this Agreement, the original Developer's Agreement or any addendum or other Agreement between APPELLO and the CITY related to GREAT RIVER CENTRE. 6. In the event that the CITY determines that the Letter of Credit must be drawn down to insure the CITY's ability to make current of future debt service obligations prior to completion of the public improvements, CITY may determine that the public improvements must go forward as a CITY Project, in which case all costs associated with the CITY project shall be assessed against lots and outlots within the Plat owned by Appello, LLC; specifically Outlots I and K, GREAT RIVER CENTRE FIRST ADDITION; Outlots A,B and C and Lot 1, Block 2; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 4 GREAT RIVER CENTRE SECOND ADDITION; and Oulot A, GREAT RIVER CENTRE THIRD ADDITION. If the CITY proceeds with the CITY project and assessment APPELLO specifically waives any and all hearings, irregularities in the proceedings and any right of appeal of whatever nature including the right of appeal in Minnesota Statute 429.081. APPELLO specifically agrees that the remaining public improvements increase the fair market value of the above described properties in at least the amount of the costs of said improvements. 7. This current Agreement does not affect any of the terms and conditions of those previous Developers Agreement and amendments thereto between APPELLO and CITY, unless specifically amended or modified by this Agreement. All other terms and conditions of the previous Developers Agreement and amendments thereto shall remain in full force and effect. 8. Any and all required upkeep and repair (such as potholes and crack sealing) of those portions of the road (85th and Quaday) which will not receive the wear course until next year as well as prompt mowing of all lots within the Plat, are the responsibility of APPELLO. Any such required repairs or mowing, as determined at the reasonable discretion of the CITY, shall be promptly undertaken and completed by APPELLO upon receipt of notice of the same from the CITY. In the event that APPELLO does not promptly make the repairs as required by the City Engineer or undertake mowing as required by the Zoning Administrator, CITY may make such repairs and/or undertake mowing and bill the costs of the repair or mowing as well as any attendant administrative, legal, engineering, planning'or other costs incurred by the CITY to APPELLO which shall promptly (within thirty days) make such payment. If APPELLO fails to pay for any costs CITY may draw upon any available escrow or security that it holds to cover these costs plus interest and/or assess the costs against any property within the Plat owned by APPELLO. Failure to immediately pay any such repair costs shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement, and CITY may immediately terminate the Agreement. Dated: APPELLO GROUP LLC By: Its Dated: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk CONSENT 4 21" Century Bank as Lender to Appello Group LLC and as the issuer of a Letter of Credit on behalf of Appello Group, LLC affecting Great River Centre, has reviewed this Agreement and consents to its terms and conditions. Dated: 2.1" CENTURY BANK By: Its ITEM 4 I ` Halt�ns®n Main Office: -- - -- 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 Anderson www.haa-inc.com MEMORANDUM TO: Ronald Wagner, P.E. FROM: Charlie Christopherson, P.L.S. DATE: May 3, 2011 RE: Subdivision of West Wastewater Treatment Facility as addition to Block 1, SUNRAY FARM ADDITION As per your request, I have broken down the tasks and estimated costs to subdivide the southerly portion of the City of Otsego's West Wastewater Treatment Facility (plat of PLEASANT CREEK FARMS) into Outlots. My understanding is that they would be attached to the adjacent lots in Block 1, of SUNRAY FARM ADDITION. The tasks to subdivide this property are as follows: • Compute, Plot and Draft Final Plat > Submit plat to County Surveyor for review. > Compute individual Outlot areas and prepare individual Outlot exhibits for property owners. > Have final plat mylars prepared by others. • Field Survey > Locate existing property (lot) corners along rear of Block 1, verify positions and establish new monuments if missing. > Set new corners of individual Outlots. I have estimated the cost of conducting this work to be $3,150.00. The cost does not include plat checking fees, reproduction of final mylars for recordation or any other fees payable to others. ot109rwmemo Page 1 of 1 CITY OF OTSEGO Finance —11 Memo To: City Council From: Gary Groen Date: May 5, 2011 Re: Capital Equipment Revolving Fund Update for 2011 Background The City -finances the purchase of public works, park and larger administrative equipment purchases with monies accumulated in the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund. This fund is financed with annual budgeted transfers from the General Fund. The budgeted transfer for 2010 was $200,000 and was reduced to $160,000 in 2011. The revised projected fund balance remaining in the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund at the end of 2011 is $445,968. The original 2011 budget schedule of equipment purchases provides both actual 2008 and 2009 information plus projected 2010 through 2014 equipment purchases. The original 2011 budget was included in the budget book under tab 5, page nine, and the anticipated expenditures totaled $208,500 as detailed in that schedule. The 2011 budget has been revised based on discussions at the Public Works Subcommittee meeting on April 27, 2011. The Public Works Subcommittee recommended approval of the changes to the capital equipment schedule that are on the agenda for Monday, May 9, 2011. The actual revised capital equipment expenditures for 2011 total $159,624. The revisions in the schedule are as follows: • The all purpose utility vehicle is estimated to cost $15,000 and was moved from 2010 to 2011. It is anticipated this equipment will be purchased to allow for summer use yet this year. 9 Page 1 • It is expected the City will buy a used air compressor later this year. Originally this purchase was schedule at $10,000 in 2010 but has been moved to 2011 along with a revised cost estimate of $14,000. • The last item moved to the current year from 2010 is a one ton truck with plow. It is anticipated to cost $35,000. This is an additional vehicle for the public works staff. • There original budget included $20,000 for miscellaneous and small equipment. This is now budgeted in the General Fund and is now longer part of the capital equipment replacement schedule. The small equipment purchases will also be brought to the City Council for consideration prior to purchase. The City staff is working to continue the capital equipment replacement schedule to 2015 and 2016. When that is completed, it will be forwarded for your consideration. Recommendation The updated capital equipment schedule was reviewed by the Public Works Subcommittee on April 27, 2011. The City staff recommends the City Council review the planned capital equipment purchases for 2011 and provide direction as to proceed with scheduled purchases for 2011. 9 Page 2 (,itv of ntqpnn Equipment Revolving Fund - Fund 206 I I ALL CAPI, UIPMENT EXPENDITURES REQUIRE COUNCIL REVIEW AND AF T R- Actual 1 Actual Projected AL 2008 I 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Actual/Projected Fund Balance, January 1 366,985 $ 405,992 $ 598,991 $ 387.481 348,668 ::92,384 $ 287,194 General Fund budget transfer 180,000 190,000 200,000 -1 160,000 180,000 200,000 220,000 10ther, 2,071 Interest Income projected at 2.5% of beginning of . . .- -T year balance 9 15,212 12,675 14,975 9,687 8,717 1 4,810 7,180 I - lBalance and Additions 1 FT 562,197 608,667 1 - 1 1. -d- - I 816,0 $ 557,168 397-194 514,374 Less: Public Works Vehicles & Equipment 2008 Sterling L8500 plus plow equipment Crane/Box for 2002 Fordd j 141,243 14,962 kAA --VINCI . . ........................................ Used boom truck ( finance from street lighting fees) = j 9,676 LaserFiche Document Imaging 20,742 _-r .......... Sterling 2002 1 Dump with Plow 52,990 12010 Mack Dump with Plow I j j I j 197,609 !Budgeted but not expended as of this date 2005 Cat Loader 53,331 All purpose utility vehicle - gator 15.000 Air compressor & equipmentl Acquire used 10,000 Hydraulic 18" mill (9,500), and Harley rake (8,000) Rent in '10 &'11, acquire in '12 - 20,000 Upgrade skidster loader - plus $3.000 per year for new upgrade (INC. TAX) I 15,129 - 1 ton with plow moved to '11 from '101 35,000 45,000 JD Z925A Mower and side discharge deck I I 13,469 J 10,000 20,000 Replace Landpride mower Tractor to replace Ford 3000 I I 38,500 H125.000 -Sweeper Sweeper Evaluate annually - leave contingency 50,000 pickup j 30,000 I 30,000 1 i S/A Dump W/Plow (Replace '93 & '94) - Evaluate annually 180,000 190,000 Replace pickup with a one ton w/plow 45,000. Purchase an excavator (INCL. TAX) I 55,286 ]Blacktop hot box 20,000 Purchase a sign truck 60,000 Road d grader Recondition or trade for used I 50,600T I miscellaneous small equipment Reduce by 5,000 annually 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Total Expenditures I I 156, 205 9,676 428,556 208,500 345,000 110,000 400,000 Actual/Projected Fund Balance, - December 311 $ 405,992 $ 598,991 387,481 $ 348,668 $ 192,384 $ 287,194 I $ 114,374 I Scheduled for 2010 acquisition and now are planned for 2011 I Con; Range Tax Projection - Public Works Capital Equipment - Page Nine fl City of Otsego . )ment Revolving Fund - Fund 206 ALL CAPITAL iPMENT EXPENDITURES REQUIRE COUNCIL REVIEW AND APPROVAL Actual ActualActual Projected Actual/Projected Fund Balance, January 1 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $ 366,985 $ 405,992 $ 598,991 $ 434,725 $ 445,968 $ 234,376 $ 350,235 General Fund budget transfer Other 180,000 190,000 200,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 220,000 Sale of assets 2,071 Interest Income projected at 2.5% of beginning of year balance 24,000 15,212 12,675 7,804 10,868 11,149 5,859 8,756 Balance and Additions Less: 562,197 608,667 832,866 $ 605,593 637,118 440,235 578,991 Public Works Vehicles & Equipment 2008 Sterling L8500 plus plow equipment 141,243 Crane/Box for 2002 Ford 14,962 Used boom truck ( finance from street lighting fees) LaserFiche Document Imaging 9,676 - Sterling 2002 L8511 Dump with Plow 20,742 2010 Mack Dump with Plow 56,044 2005 Cat Loader 197,609 All purpose utility vehicle - gator 53,331 Air compressor &equipment Acquire used if possible moved to '11 from '10 moved to '11 from '10 - 15,000 .Hydraulic 18" mill (9,500), and Harley rake (8,000) Rent in '10 &'11, acquire in '12 14,000 Upgrade skidster loader - plus $3,000 per year for new upgrade (INC. TAX) _ _ 20,000 1 ton with plow 15,129 _ - - JD Z925A Mower and side discharge deck moved to'11 from '10 - 35,000 - 45,000 Replace Landpride mower, net of trade plus sales tax 10,000 20,000 Tractor to replace Ford 3000, net of trade plus sales tax 9,068 Erskine 781 Front Mount Snowblower attachment for above 37,931 Sweeper Purchase in 2011 - half paid in 2011 and 2012; $82,500 less $10,000 trade in, plus tax 9,883 Speedwagon Review on a year to year basis - moved to '12 38,742 38,742 Replace pickup - 9,000 S/A Dump W/Plow- (Replace '93 &'94) -Evaluate annually 30,000 30,000 Replace pickup with a one ton w/plow 180, 000 190,000 Purchase an excavator (INCL. TAX) 45,000 .Blacktop hot box 55,286 Purchase a sign truck 20,000 Road grader Recondition or trade for used 60,000 50,000 Total Expenditures 156,205 9,676 398,141 159,624 402,742 90,000 255,000 Actual/Projected Fund Balance, December 31 $ 405,992 $ 598,991 _ $ 434,725 _ $ 445,968 $ 234,376 $ 350,235 $ 323,991 Long Range Tax Projection - Public Works Capital Equipment -Page Nine