05-23-11 WSITEM 2 TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520_ TPC@?P1anningCo.00rn MEMORANDUM TO: , Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 18 May 2011 RE: Otsego — Rogers TH 101/CR 144 Interchange Project TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Rogers City Administrator Steve Stahmer and City Engineer Bret Weiss attended the 9 May 2011 City Council work shop to make a presentation regarding the proposed TH 101/CR 144 interchange project. The cost of the proposed TH 101/CR 144 interchange is $22 Million. Rogers has obtained a $9 Million Safety and Mobility grant from the State, is seeking a $7 Million STP Federal grant and $2 Million from Hennepin County. Rogers will be responsible for the unfunded balance of the project costs. To this end, Rogers is seeking support from Otsego (and Elk River) with upfront planning costs for the project that if completed in advance will strengthen the STP grant application. These costs are estimated at $400,0.00 and Rogers is asking Otsego to consider contributing $100,000. This contribution would be made by executing a joint powers agreement and Rogers City staff provided a draft resolution that would be adopted by both Rogers and Otsego to consider entering into such a framework. City staff was directed at the work session to draft a letter of support for the proposed project for review at the City Council work session on 23 May 2011. Exhibits: A. Rogers draft resolution supporting a joint powers agreement B. Otsego TH 101 Project Cost Summary C. Draft letter of support RECOMMENDATION This item is for City Council discussion and further direction to City staff in advance of the June 13, 2011 City Council meeting. POSSIBLE ACTIONS No action is required by the City Council or possible as this is a work session item. C. Tami Loff, City Clerk Gary Groen, Finance Director Ron Wagner, City Engineer Steve Stahmer, Rogers City Administrator John Seifert, Rogers Public Works Superintendent Bret Weiss, Rogers City Engineer 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2011— A JOINT RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE FORMATION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROGERS AND THE CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the City of Otsego and Rogers have recognized the benefit of regional planning and advocacy for transportation improvements through their support of the TH 101 and 194 coalitions; and WHEREAS, the construction of the TH 101 flyover of South Diamond Lake Road has improved the ability for commuter traffic to pass through the City of Rogers and move more quickly to Cities located north of Rogers; and WHEREAS, the future economic growth of the corridor will be limited by the continued congestion and non -fee flowing movement at this intersection; and WHEREAS, the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 144 is the last at grade intersection for northbound TH 101 between 194 and the City of Elk River; and WHEREAS, the future construction of an interchange at TH 101 and CSAH 144 would improve the safe and efficient movement of travel for area residents and regional commuter traffic by eliminating an at grade intersection; and WHEREAS, an interchange at this location will improve safety and access for students, parents, staff and visitors to the school district facilities located in Rogers adjacent to CSAH 144; and WHEREAS, Mn/DOT has awarded the City of Rogers $9,200,000 in Safety and Mobility funds(SaM) toward a grade separated interchange estimated at approximately $22,000,000 and has committed to provide other soft costs including design and construction to complete this project; and WHEREAS, the City of Rogers and Hennepin County will need to provide a letter of financial commitment to Mn/DOT by June 30th agreeing to a local share of $3,000,000 for the project to continue forward; and WHEREAS, because the SaM funding does not fully fund the project, the City of Rogers, with the support of Mn/DOT and Hennepin County, will be applying for surface transportation program funding(STP) through the Metropolitan Council; and WHEREAS, the competitive STP grant application would be strengthened by the formation of a partnership of communities benefitting from the improvement; and WHEREAS, the City of Rogers has committed funding to complete the SaM and STP funding applications and has initiated preliminary environmental and interchange justification and concept level drawings required by Met Council to keep the project moving; and Moved by Councihnember , seconded by Councilmember The following voted in favor of said Resolution: The following voted against the same: The following abstained: Whereupon said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk dated this day of , 2011. Otsego Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Estimate of Total Cost of TH101 Upgrade Project Name Relevancy Rating Explanation Engineering Infrastructure RR 1 RR 2 RR 3 RR 1 RR 2 RR 3 TH101 1 Attend Predesi n Meeting $72,000.00 1 Construction Observation $5,250.00 As Built Plans and Revie $4,800.00 Locales during nonstrucito $23,800.00 $105.850.00 SE Quadrant Study I 2 Com lets Stud on Lo $15,000.00 $15,000.00 TrunkSanita Se 2Pre rePlans and.$ ecs $57,700.00 $926000.00 2 Constructlon Staking $14.600.00 2 Construction Observation $40700.00 2 EasennentslAs Builts I 1 $16,000.001 1 $129,000.00 xtra Turn Lane CS4 2 $11,000.00 Curb and Gutter CS 31 10, 00.00 Tum Lane L;5AH 3 71 1 1 $60;000.00 $105,850.00 $541,800.00 $31,475.00 $60,000.00 $4,093,000.00 $227,000.00 $679,126.00 $4,380,000.00 $6,069,125.00 DRAFT FOR CITY LETTERHEAD June 13, 2011 Mayor Jason Grimm City of Rogers 22350 South Diamond Lake Road Rogers, MN 55374 Dear Mayor Grimm: The City of Otsego City Council was pleased to receive a presentation by City Administrator Steve Stahmer and City Engineer Bret Weiss on May 9, 2011 regarding the proposed interchange project at TH 101 and CSAH 144. TH 101 from 1-94 in Rogers to US Highway 10 and US Highway 169 in Elk River is a transportation corridor of regional significance. This route carries substantial traffic serving regional commerce, commuter traffic for area residents and recreational traffic between the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, the St. Cloud area and northern Minnesota. Continued investment in this roadway is important for the economic vitality of the Cities of Rogers, Otsego and Elk River through which it passes -but the greater region as well. Improvements made to the TH 101 corridor have already increased the capacity and efficiency of travel in the region including: ■ $60 Million in local and State dollars in upgrading TH 101 from the Crow River to the Mississippi River to freeway status including construction of four interchanges within Otsego. ■ $7.6 Million in local, State and Federal dollars for construction of the northbound TH 101 flyover ramp from 1-94 over South Diamond Lake Road and ramp improvements from southbound TH 101 to east bound 1-94 within the City of Rogers. The proposed $22 Million dollar interchange project at TH 101 and CSAH 144 is the next step in the process to improve this arterial roadway for both local and regional benefit. Once completed, traffic will flow non-stop from 1-94 to US Highway 10 without stop lights. Beyond the TH 101 and CSAH 144 project, future investment will be required within the City of Elk River to eliminate remaining signalized intersections. City of Rogers Page 2 To this end, the City of Otsego supports the City of Rogers' efforts to obtain STP Funding from the Federal government for the TH 101/CSAH 144 interchange project. The City Council at its regular meeting on June 13, 2011 adopted the enclosed resolution stating the City of Otsego's support for the proposed TH 101 /CSAH 144 interchange project. Sincerely, CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp Mayor encl. C. City Council Tami Loff, City Clerk WSB Engineering ❑ Planning ❑ Environmental ❑ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego From: Bret A. Weiss PE, President City of Rogers City Engineer Date: May 20, 2011 Be: Calculation of annual benefit related to the removal of the CSAH 1441TH 101 at grade intersection cc: Gary Groen, Finance Director Dan Licht, City Planner Ron Wagner, City Engineer This memorandum is a follow up to our presentation on May 9th at the council work session. The City of Rogers appreciates your willingness to entertain our request for participation in this important project. During our presentation, we had identified a contribution from the City of Otsego of $300,000 out of the estimated $1.5 million local share of the estimated $22M project cost. We had identified benefits including the reduction of crashes, reduced delay and increased economic development due to improved access to your city. The City Council had asked for some justification for why we are requesting $300,000. I had mentioned at the time that we were in the process of preparing the justification, but felt that a $300,000 contribution could easily be shown as the benefit to the City of Otsego. The CSAH 144 intersection is on the City of Rogers northern border and has limited impact to our residents and businesses from a delay and crash standpoint. The Rogers City Council is most interested in the improved safety and access to the school facilities but recognizes the regional benefit and is supportive of this project. It is difficult to quantify economic benefits associated with better access, so we are not trying to justify that number with this memo. A calculation of benefit related to crashes and delay is a much more recognized method. This memo only addresses the reduction in delay and crash costs that can be attributed to the volume of traffic passing through the intersection from the City of Otsego residents. Additionally, we only used Otsego residents using TH 101 for their work commute. We could have attempted to increase the number of trips using non -work related trips, but we wanted our analysis to be as defendable as possible for the City Council. We did not attempt to put a cost benefit on the CSAH 144 delay related to access to the school facilities, even though we are sure that Otsego residents will benefit from the roadway improvements on CSAH 144. May 20, 2011 Page 2 Using only crash and delay savings for work related trips on TH 101, we have calculated an estimated annual savings to Otsego residents of approximately $160,000/year. The remainder of this memo will address how we arrived at those annual savings and provide you our methodology for the calculation. While we didn't include any savings related to crashes and delays on CSAH 144 or the potential economic return by having free flow traffic to your city for northbound TH 101, we hope that you recognize that the potential savings and benefit -to the city, your residents and businesses is much greater than what we have calculated. It should be noted that the savings we have identified are realized by your residents and businesses and not directly to the City of Otsego. Those residents and businesses will realize additional time and fuel savings, along with increased safety through crash reduction. It can be assumed that providing your residents with additional time could result in increased volunteer and charitable work or could provide them more time at work or with their families. As is apparent, the annual savings to the Otsego residents and businesses amounts to a two year return on investment considering the $300,000 request from the City of Rogers. We hope we have provided some information to help you justify the expenditure. We believe there are additional benefits related to access to a school system located on CSAH 144 as well as to make the City of Otsego more competitive from a development perspective from both residents and commercial/industrial as it relates to easier access to your community. As was mentioned during the meeting, the City of Rogers would be willing to establish an agreement with the City of Otsego to make your contribution subject to the completion of the project and payable in 2014. Thank you again for the opportunity to present this information. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287-7190; Steve Stahmer, City Administrator at (763) 428-2253 x317 or John Seifert, Public Works Superintendent at (763) 428-8580 x203. May 20, 2011 Page 3 Delays & Crash Savings Analysis for the TH 101/CSAH 144 Interchange City of Otseeo Residents Using TH 101 for Their Work Commute The first part of the analysis involves determining how many residents leave the city limits and pass through this intersection on a daily basis on their travels to and from work. As was stated previously, we did not include the Otsego residents who pass through this intersection on non -work related trips. We utilized information from the U.S. Census Bureau as shown on the figures below to establish the percentage of working residents who travel south and southeast daily for their jobs. This information was from 2009. We are sure that there is some margin error in the information that was provide by the U.S. Census Bureau, however, we are confident that the information is reasonable for this calculation. We utilized an occupancy rate of 1.35 persons per vehicle to reduce the resident working population of 3,124 to 2,314 vehicles. One way ADT on TH 101 is 20,250 which amounts to 11.43% of the ADT on TH 101 is from Otsego residents traveling to and from work. Where Otsego Residents Jobs are Located 286 6.2% NE 243. 00 Area ADT Otsego 5.7% ,16 2284 49.6% S 840 18.2% SW 241 5.2% W 193 4.2% NW its. �' •�. 4.2% OTSEGO 5.7% .e = 3 2 62 0 rr3BIStAl9 49.6% 18.2%Piro 07 2M M. MGM Source: U.S. Census Bureau - OnTheMap, Employment 2002-2009 N 286 6.2% NE 243. 5.3% Area ADT 20,250 vehicles 5.7% SE 2284 49.6% S 840 18.2% SW 241 5.2% W 193 4.2% NW 252 5.5% TOTAL 4603 = 3 2 Home to Work •3,124 people Occu anc 'Rate 70neWayro'ect 1.35 people/vehicle Total 2314 vehicles Area ADT 20,250 vehicles Otse o Percents a of ADT 11.4% vehicles May 20, 2011 Page 4 Savings Related to Reducing Crashes The table below identifies the number of crashes that occurred at this intersection for the years 2007 through 2009. The cost of each crash is categorized using the following criteria: K = Crash involving a fatality A = Incapacitating injury or one that is likely to require ambulance service B = Non incapacitated injury that may or may not require ambulance service C = Possible injury and property change N = Property damage only Crash costs are generated by Mn/DOT and the US Department of Transportation and are average across the system. As is shown on the table, we converted the three year crash information into a one year average and used the crash cost to arrive at a total crash cost for the intersection. At this location, we assumed that HWY 101 would experience a crash reduction of 80% resulting in an annual crash savings of $53,565/year related to Otsego travelers. K 0 A 0.00 $7,100,000 $0 1 B 0.33 $415,000 $138,333 1 C 0.33 $137,000 $45,667 10 N 3.33 $91,000 $303,333 25 8.33 $12,000 $100,000 Intersection Total $587,333 Otsego Percentage 11.4% Otsego Crash Cost/yr $66,956 Proposed Crash Reduction 80% It should be noted that in the application Mn/DOT prepared for the SaM (Safety and Mobility) funding, Mn/DOT added crashes to this intersection that previously occurred at South Diamond Lake Road. These crashes were eliminated with the flyover project, but Mn/DOT has assumed that they will resurface at this intersection. We did not assume the cost of these crashes in this calculation in an effort to be conservative in our analysis. May 20, 2011 Page 5 Savings Related to Reducing Delay This calculation is related to the total amount of delay for the roadway network associated with this intersection. Currently there is an existing pm peak hour intersection delay of 203 hours, which would be reduced to three hours after the proposed interchange is constructed. This will result in a total time savings of 200 hours. There are many different ways to calculate the value of time delay with the most common method incorporating a dollar per hour per person for their time which includes operation and maintenance of the vehicle. This is calculated to be $13.80 per hour per person, or using the 1.35 occupancy rate, arriving at an $18.63 value per vehicle. The $13.80 value was provided from the U.S. DOT Guidance of Travel Time in Economic Analysis, 2003. The annual delay savings as calculated below amounts to $106,604/year. PM Peak Hour Existing Delay 158.4 sec / veh Total Vehicles 4625 vehicles Total Delav 732,600 seconds Total Delay 203.5 hours Proposed Interchange Dela 3.2 hours Time Savings 200.3 hours Value of Time $18.63per hr/vehicle Cost Savings $3,732 per prn peak hr/da Working days r 250 260 weekdays -10 holidays) Annual savings $933,000 L��-O.tsepo Percentage 11.4% H: Memo - Otsego - Calculation of annual benefit CSAH144-THI01 at grade - 052011 ITEM P C 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 3 _ Anoka, MN 55303 --- Phone: 763.231.6840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC@ Plan ni ngCo. corn MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 19 May 2011 RE: Otsego — Compost Facilities TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND The City Council has been discussing options for making compos facilities available to Otsego residents.. The options under consideration are: ■ Elk River. Elk River works with Sherburne County to provide compost facilities for all County residents. Elk River City Administrator Lori Johnson as informed City staff that there is also a non-resident permit available for $50. This option is available now to all Otsego residents without the need for a agreement between Otsego and Elk River. Albertville. The City of Albertville is agreeable to allowing west Otsego residents to deposit materials at the site but not remove black dirt. Albertville proposes allowing access for 2011 at no cost as a trial period to be better able to evaluate demand and assign a potential cost to Otsego users in the future. City staff would propose to implement this option by issuing a permit to property owners west of Nashua Avenue and registering users to establish a count. ■ Private Haulers. Most private garbage haulers will provide a yard waste container for an annual charge that can be used to dispose of dirt, grass clippings, leaves and small branches. The container is picked up on a schedule from spring to fall months. ■ Wright County. Property owners may also take yard waste to the Wright County compost facility located west of TH 25 along CSAH 37. Distance to the facility and limited hours of two days per week during business hours and one Saturday per month make this option less convenient for Otsego users. City facility. The City has area available on the public works site that could be used as a compost facility. There would be the need to add security measures such as fencing and cameras as well as Public Works staff time to haul materials to the landfill. Further review could be done of this option to determine a cost and charge a permit fee. City staff would note that dumping at the Public Works facility is already a problem. RECOMMENDATION The Elk River, Wright County and private hauler options can be implemented without further action by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to pursue access to the Albertville facility, City staff would recommend formal approval at the June 13, 2011 City Council meeting. With the availability of the existing Elk River and Wright County facilities, City staff would not recommend establishing a compost site on the Public Works property. C. Tami Loff, City Clerk Gary Groen, Finance Director Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Andy MacArthur, City Attorney 2 ITEM 4 TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, 'MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.584.0 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC@PlanningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 19 May 2011 RE: Otsego — Emergency sirens TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND City staff received two complaints from residents of SunRay Farms after the severe weather on 10 May 2011 that there were no audible warning sirens outside. There is only one civil defense siren in Otsego, which is located at Otsego Elementary School. This siren was installed to serve the school and Riverbend Mobile Home Park but also provides coverage of much of the east sanitary sewer district. There is a warning siren located adjacent to CSAH 19 in west Otsego that is operated by Xcel Energy to be used to warn of an emergency at the Monticello nuclear energy plant and it is not used for severe weather alerts. The decision regarding installation of additional sirens has been discussed previously by the City Council. Based on the rural residential character of the City before sewer and water became available, there may have been less expectation for warning sirens to be in the area. However, the development in Otsego since 1998 is largely an influx of people moving from older, established cities where warning sirens are common and become an expected basic City service. The Public Works Subcommittee discussed preliminary information gathered by the City Engineer showing coverage areas for possible siren locations. The coverage areas are assumed to be 5,700 to 6,200 foot radius depending on decibel levels making it possible to serve the most populated areas of Otsego with five sirens. It was noted that the existing siren at Otsego Elementary must be upgraded to a narrow -band radio frequency by 2012. Discussion included providing additional information and competitive quotes from the two major system suppliers. The additional information to be obtained includes: ■ Contact Xcel Energy to determine if existing siren near CSAH 19 can be used for severe weather alerts. ■ Map siren locations in adjacent communities. ■ Obtain information for on-going operation, maintenance and service costs. ■ Contact Wright County about availability of grants for installation. Funding for installation of sirens may be considered as a public safety expense under the general fund or special service districts could be established to assess the installation costs to benefited properties. Exhibits: A. Coverage area map RECOMMENDATION This item is for discussion by the City Council at their work session meeting on 23 May 2011. City staff is seeking direction as to whether to provide the information outlined above for further review and possible future action. C. Tami Loff, City Clerk Gary Groen, Finance Director Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 2 AA L£ HD K U n M U 0 S. G d W P � O lq yN� < pQM' V O 0 E- LL N o E LJa� v�o M± N TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 1.00 Anoka, 'MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCOPlanningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 19 May 2011 RE: Otsego — City Administrator; Exec Search Firm RFP TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND The City Council issued a Request for Proposals for executive search firms to assist with hiring of a City Administrator. The Request for Proposals was advertised in the Elk River Star News, the League of Minnesota Cities Marketplace website and mailed directly to the reference list of executive search firms obtained from the League of Minnesota Cities. Three proposals were received by the 18 May 2011 deadline and are attached. The next step in the process would be for the City Council to review the proposals and determine if interviews are to be scheduled. Exhibits: A. M&A Executive Search B. Springstead Incorporated proposal C. DRI Consulting proposal RECOMMENDATION The draft Request for Proposals is for City Council review and discussion at their work session on 23 May 2011. POSSIBLE ACTIONS The City Council may direct City staff to schedule interviews with any of the proposers and/or schedule action items for the 13 June 2011 City Council meeting. C. Tami Loff, City Clerk Gary Groen, Finance Director Andy MacArthur, City Attorney M M&A Executive Search A 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road S. EXECUTIVE SEARCH Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 545-6980 PROPOSAL City of Otsego May 5, 2011 Ms. Tami Loff City Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 DearTami: Thank you for the opportunity to propose for the City Administrator search for the City of Otsego. M&A Executive Search, LLC is a firm with over 30 years of combined executive search experience and many years of experience placing City Administrators & City Managers. In this proposal we will describe our firm, process, fees and guarantees. Our proposed timeline for this search is 90 days. M&A Executive Search, LLC was formed in April 2008 when the two partners of one of the area's most respected executive search firms, Sathe Executive Search, left to start their own firm. M&A Executive Search, LLC specializes in executive management searches for non-profit and for-profit organizations. Together the partners of M&A Executive Search, LLC have over 30 years of industry experience. We have served the City of Eden Prairie, City of Blaine, City of Hugo, City of Chanhassen, City of Bemidji, City of Rosemount, City of Lakeville and many other cities over the years for City Administrator searches. M&A Executive Search, LLC accepts no more than three active searches per partner at a time ensuring you the fastest possible search process. Plus, we only accept one search of a kind at a time and two of our partners will be assigned to your search. We have extensive research capabilities and experience for City Manager searches. All candidates developed for this search will be for the exclusive review and consideration for the Otsego City Administrator search. We are a retained executive search firm and all candidates, regardless of the source, will be interviewed first by M&A Executive Search and have their references checked before review by the City. We are retained for the entire process and our fee is owed in stages based on performance. We will continue the search until a candidate is hired, at which time the final payment is due. 11/I eA EXECUTIVE SEARCH M&A Executive Search 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road S. Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 545-6980 STEPS WE WILL FOLLOW IN THE SEARCH FOR A CITY ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE CITY OF Otsego ASSESSING THE OPEN POSITION, ORGANIZATION, AND ITS CULTURE The first step in any successful search is gaining a complete understanding of our client's open position, its organization and culture. In order to do so we: 1. GAIN AN UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR NEED: Meet with the City Council of the City of Otsego to begin to understand what you're looking for in your next City Administrator. 2. ASSESS THE CULTURE. We will visit with you and your search committee, in person, to learn about the culture of the City, Council, and management team; and the sub -culture in which the successful candidate will be working. 3. SURVEY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: We will design a custom survey that the search committee will complete to help us identify key attributes of the search. This tool also helps us gain consistency among the search committee with regards to what we are looking for in a successful candidate. For example, some committee members may say 'experience in managing growth is most important' while others may say 'ability to manage staff and keep the council informed is most important.' This tool will help us early in the process to define the important qualifications of your search. 4. POSITION PROFILE DEVELOPMENT: With all the information gathered above we will develop a Position Profile. This profile will include a detailed summary of the City of Otsego, a position overview, reasons why someone will have interest in this position, the qualifications, the reporting relationships, and the position's key metrics of successful performance. M A EXECUTIVE SEARCH DEVELOP AND INITIATE A SEARCH STRATEGY M&A Executive Search 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road S. Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 545-6980 1. TARGET DEVELOPMENT AND SOURCING CANDIDATES: We will develop a target list of cities where potential candidates are currently working and start contacting the city administrators and managers about your search. Our targets will include but are not limited to: A. Identifying and accessing candidates through our extensive database B. Direct sourcing from other cities and counties in MN, then WI, SD, ND & IA; then continuing throughout the Midwest and USA if directed by council C. Associations like the League of MN Cities and ICMA D. Appropriate school alumni who specialize in MA programs in urban planning, public administration and public policy E. Online sourcing of passive candidates and online advertising F. Internal and external researchers may assist in the search to generate names 2. PROGRESS REPORT. After approximately 20 working days we will provide a progress report to present our search status/market survey. At your request we will provide a search status each week thereafter. This report will provide a confidential and brief summary of those contacted and their interest level, a survey on their salaries, current status and feedback on the City of Otsego's reputation in the marketplace. 3. CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS WITH THE CITY OF OTSEGO: A. After approximately 20 working days we will begin presenting candidates to be considered, and our recruiting efforts will not stop until the search is completed. We will make every effort to meet all candidates in person that we've presented including, if out of state, conducting video conferences. B. Each candidate that we present to the City of Otsego will include a resume and candidate profile. The profile will summarize why we think they are a qualified candidate, why they are interested, their accomplishments, their compensation and their availability for making a change. C. Your search committee will choose the candidates they'd like to interview and we will arrange the interviews. M M&A Executive Search A 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road S. EXECUTIVE SEARCH Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 545-6980 4. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND CHECKING: A. We check references twice: Initially before we present them and when they become a finalist candidate, we will also conduct a 360 -degree reference check with supervisors, peers, subordinates and community leaders. B. We also do a comprehensive internet search and check their background in terms of lawsuits, articles written, negative press and social media activity. C. At your approval we will contract with an outside vendor who will conduct background checks including, criminal, credit, degree checks and Department of Motor Vehicle (driving record checks), among others. This is done only for the final candidates at a cost of $150 per candidate. 5. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT. We offer online psychological assessment through our assessment partner, Profiles International, at $200 per assessment. You may also choose to hire an outside assessment firm to conduct an additional assessment. 6. FACILITATING THE OFFER: We will facilitate the negotiations of the offer with the City of Otsego and the chosen candidate. 7. EXECUTIVE INTEGRATION: M&A Executive Search is committed to ensuring that the candidate you hire is as successful as can be with the City of Otsego. We work with several partner organizations that offer Executive Integration programs designed to ensure a smooth integration of the new City Administrator with the council, staff and community leaders. This service is offered as part of our fee for the first month of the integration of the new city administrator with the City. After that point, the City of Otsego may decide to engage the consultant an additional cost if there is mutual value. 8. FOLLOW UP: After approximately 60 days and every 60 days thereafter during the first year we will follow up with the City Council and the candidate to help ensure a successful hire for the City of Otsego. If there is a concern about expectations not being met we will facilitate a discussion to reach mutual agreement and realignment of goals and expectations. M A EXECUTIVE SEARCH FEES AND GUARANTEE . M&A Executive Search 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road S. Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 545-6980 M&A Executive Search, LLC accepts only retained searches. Our standard fee is based on one-third of the selected candidate's first year annual compensation plus expenses, and is paid in three payments. For this search for. the City of Otsego, we propose a flat fee of $21,000 plus expenses not to exceed $750. We will invoice in three equal amounts of $7,000 each: • The first invoice initiates the search, due upon acceptance. • The second invoice is sent after 30 days when candidates are presented, plus expenses incurred to that point. Invoice terms are Net 10 days. • The final invoice plus remaining expenses when the offer is accepted and the candidate agrees to a start date. Invoice terms are Net 10 days. If the selected candidate leaves or is terminated within a period of two years, M&A Executive Search, LLC will refill the position at no additional charge except for expenses. We look forward to the prospect of working with you and the City Council of the City of Otsego on this extremely important and integral search for the City. Greg Albrecht will be the lead consultant on the search and will commit at least 30% of his time to this search. Albrecht will be assisted by Chandler McCoy, our President and Co -Founder. We will not accept another City Administrator or Manager search that would compete with candidates for this search until this search is successfully completed. Attached is a detailed account of our process which has a success rate of 100%, a listing of some of the city searches we have done, relevant references for your review and our Bio's. If this proposal is acceptable to the City, please sign, date and return this agreement with the first payment of $7,000 to engage our search. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. We are ready to start immediately and we are extremely excited about working with the City of Otsego! Best regards, Care ,AUwecht Founder & Managing Partner M&A Executive Search, LLC ChaAdler McCoy President & Founding Partner M&A Executive Search, LLC M M&A Executive Search -A 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road S. EXECUTIVE SEARCH Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 545-6980 Agreed to by: Ms. Tami Loff City Clerk Date City of Otsego _' EXECUTIVE SEARCH MY REFERENCES (partial list) City of Eden Prairie City Manager Search Nancy Tyra- Lukens, Mayor (952)937-1898 (H) (612) 209-9350 (C) City of Waite Park Chief of Police Search Shaunna Johnson, City Administrator (320) 252-6822 City of Blaine City Manager Search Tom Ryan, Mayor (763) 757-3390 City of Little Falls City Administrator Search Cathy VanRisseghem, Mayor Work: (320) 616-4959 Cell: (320) 630-9843 M&A Executive Search • 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road S. • Minneapolis, MN 55416 • Tel. (952) 545-6980 -Fax (952) 525-1088 • www.maexecsearch.com EXECUTIVE SEARCH 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road South Minneapolis, AIN 55416 Phone: 952-545-6980 Fax: 952-525-1088 www.maexecaearch.com Greg Albrecht Managing Partner Greg Albrecht brings over 18 years of executive search experience and 18 years of human resource management experience as Co -Founder with Chandler McCoy to form a new venture as M & A Executive Search LLC. Prior to starting M & A Executive search, Mr. Albrecht was a Senior Partner at Sathe Executive Search where he worked with manufacturing companies, professional services, telecomm, construction, city municipalities, and non -profits assisting client companies in recruiting and hiring positions from Senior Manager to President level searches on a retained basis. Mr. Albrecht's expertise includes manufacturing operations, procurement, sales and marketing, human resource management, finance, and information technology as well as city government. Prior to joining Sathe Executive Search, Mr. Albrecht worked as team leader for McGladrey & Pullen's search practice for 6 years focusing on CFO, finance, technology, non-profit and manufacturing management searches. Prior to McGladrey & Pullen, Mr. Albrecht worked as a human resources director with a specialty chemical manufacturer; an electronics manufacturer; and the world's largest manufacturer of picture frames, all in human resource management roles. Mr. Albrecht played a key role in establishing the human resource function, facilitating company -wide reorganization, and recruiting management talent in the areas of finance, information technology, and manufacturing operations. Mr. Albrecht has a business administration degree from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota and an MBA in Human Resources Management from Dominican University in Chicago. Albrecht was President of the Rotary Club of Eden Prairie and served on the board of the Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce and several other non-profit boards including Eden Prairie ABC Foundation and the Eden Prairie Foundation. Additionally, he has served as a mentor for the Carlson School of Management for the past 10 years and won the prestigious "Mentor of the Year Award" for 2003-2004 for the Carlson School of Management. I 0', EXECUTIVE SEARCH 5821 E. Cedar Lake Road South Minneapolir, MN 55416 Phone: 952-545-6980 Fax: 952-525-1088 www.maexecaearch.com Chandler McCoy President and Founding Partner Mr. McCoy is the President and a Founding Partner of M&A Executive Search, conducting his national search practice out of his Minneapolis office. He conducts senior executive level and Board of Director searches for profit and non-profit organizations. He has 15 years of executive search experience serving international non -profits such as The Center for Rural Policy and Development, University of Minnesota and Fortune 500 clients such as General Mills, ConAgra, Toro, SUPERVALU and Clairol (now a division of Procter & Gamble), as well as small and mid -cap companies such as Blow Mold Specialties, Len Busch Roses, Wilbert and Fabcon. Prior to founding M&A Executive Search, he spent 11 years in total and 8 years as President of Sathe Executive Search, one of the Midwest's most respected retained executive search firms. There he consulted in all areas of non -profits, consumer goods, manufacturing, and professional services. He started in the search industry in 1994 where he conducted national searches for a variety of consumer -good and related companies. Prior to practicing in executive search he was a General Manager for a division of PEPSICO. Mr. McCoy was named one of the "Forty under 40" by The Business Journal in 2004 and in January of 2008 was named WCCO's "Good Neighbor." Mr. McCoy's commitment to the community has been significant. He is currently a President's Council Member with Northern Star Council/Boy Scouts, and serves on the board of The University of Wisconsin- Stout Foundation, is a member National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and on the membership committee with The Minneapolis Club. He was the President of the Minneapolis Jaycees and Chair of the Board. He served as an Ex - Officio Board Member of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce (now the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce) and has served on several of the area's largest charity fund raisers. He holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Business from the University of Wisconsin. Springsled Incorporated 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul. MN 55101-4705 Springsted Tel: 651-223-3000 Fax:651-223-3002 www.springsted.com May 1-8, 2011 The Honorable Jessica Stockamp; Mayor and Members of the Otsego City Council c/o City Clerk Tami Loff City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330-7314 RE: Executive Search Services Dear Mayor Stockamp and Members of the Otsego City Council: Hiring a city administrator has always been one of the important decisions a city council makes, but today this decision carries even more weight given the financial and service delivery challenges facing local governments and the demand for: creative thinking and results -oriented collaboration. In our role as executive search consultants, Springstedi is committed to working closely with. the City of Otsego to conduct a thorough, well -executed search that identifies qualified candidates with proven leadership experience and management talent for your consideration. Springsted has extensive experience conducting local government executive searches. We approach every search by establishing good two-way communication and trust with the governing body; understanding the city's current needs and future goals; and providing elected officials with thorough candidate research. The Springsted consultant team assigned to the Otsego project includes Sharon Klumpp and David Unmacht. Both consultants have a well-established track record of helping local governments recruit and select experienced administrators and department heads. A description of the general search process follows. Being responsive to your needs is important to us; we would be happy to meet with you to refine this proposal as needed. We look forward to working with the City of Otsego on this important project. Sincerely, Sharon G. Klumpp, Senior Vice Pr nt Consultant Vice President Public Sector Advisors City of Otsego, Minnesota May 18, 2011 Page 2 City Of Otsego Proposal For Executive Search Consulting Services In The Hiring Of a City Administrator Organization Firm name and contact information: Springsted Incorporated 380 Jackson Street, Suite, 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-4705 651-223-3000 651-223-3002 fax Sharon G. Klumpp, Senior Vice President 651-223-3053 651-268-5053 fax 651-270-6856 cell sklumpp@sprin.psted.com Sharon G. Klumpp Senior Vice President and Consultant David 1. Unmacht, Senior Vice President 651-223-3047 651-268-5047 fax 612-202-2391 cell dunmacht@sprinasted.com Ms. Klumpp, who specializes in organizational and management consulting for public agencies, will be the lead consultant on this project. Since joining ` `Springsted seven years ago, she has conducted numerous executive searches and a 1 broad array of organizational management studies. In addition, Ms. Klumpp has extensive government experience, having held a variety of positions including Executive Director of the Metropolitan Council, Associate Executive Director for the League of Minnesota Cities, City Administrator for Oakdale, Minnesota and Assistant City Manager in St. Louis Park, Minnesota and Saginaw, Michigan. Ms. Klumpp is a member of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and has served as the chair of the Ramsey County Charter Commission. She holds a master's in public administration from the University of Kansas and a bachelor's degree in political science from Miami University (Ohio). David J. Unmacht Senior Vice President and Director Mr. Unmacht is the director of Springsted's Organizational Management Group. r=- Mr. Unmacht will assist Ms. Klumpp in the recruitment and evaluation of candidates and serve as Ms. Klumpp's backup on the project. Mr. Unmacht brings more than two decades of local government administration experience, having worked for Scott and Dakota Counties in Minnesota and as City Manager in Prior Lake and City t. Administrator in Belle Plaine, Minnesota. He guides local governments in organizational and leadership development, staff/elected official relations, intergovernmental collaborations, facilitation services and strategic planning. Mr. Unmacht is a member of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). He has a master's in public administration from Drake University in Iowa and a bachelor's degree in business administration and political science from Wartburg College in Iowa. N Springsted City of Otsego, Minnesota May 18, 2011 Page 3 II. Process Springsted's search process is described below. We would be happy to refine this process as needed to meet the City's goals and objectives. 1. Trust and working relationship—Springsted commits to meeting and exceeding the expectations of the City from the beginning to the end of the search. We will create strong lines of communication, be open to ideas and develop a strong partnership with the City Council and staff. We do not bring any preconceived notions or expectations about the City and prospective candidates. Our work with the City is open and transparent. 2. Position review—Springsted works with the City to facilitate an evaluation of the City Administrator position based on the City's existing and future organization, operations, programs, activities and financial position. Within this framework we meet individually with each City Council member to define the experience, skills, knowledge and abilities the ideal candidate will need to be successful as Otsego City Administrator and identify the priorities and challenges the new Administrator will be facing, both internally and in the external environment. We also conduct a focus group meeting with department heads as part of our inclusive process to understand all of the dimensions of the City Administrator position. Using this information, we prepare a position announcement that explains the qualifications the City desires in its next administrator and profiles the Otsego community. The position review also includes a salary survey of comparable positions to assist the City Council in advertising compensation. 3. Recruitment and targeted outreach—Springsted develops a customized recruitment strategy for the City that includes placing job ads with professional local government associations, such as the League of Minnesota Cities, the Minnesota City/County Management Association, the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), and schools of public administration that regularly provide information about job openings to alumni. We also work with neighboring state municipal leagues and state ICMA chapters to increase the exposure of each search. Our outreach includes personal contacts with prospective local, regional and national candidates to inform them of this position, answer their questions, and encourage them to apply. Springsted sets up a special e-mail for each search and encourages an electronic submission of applications. Applications received by mail or by fax are scanned to ensure that we have an electronic record of all materials received. The City receives regular updates on the status of the search. 4. Applicant screening and evaluation—applicant screening is based on criteria established by the City Council. Using these criteria, Springsted conducts an objective and systematic review of each application to determine those applicants who most closely meet the City's desired qualifications. We conduct in-depth telephone screening interviews, typically with 10 applicants, to expand upon each candidate's background and experience, particularly in those areas important to the City, and affirm the candidate's interest in the position. As part of the screening process, we will disclose any past or current professional work association or any other relevant association with applicants whether or not the applicant is recommended as a candidate for the position. 5. Presentation of candidates—Springsted prepares up to 10 written candidate reports explaining how each candidate meets the City's established qualifications and why the candidate is seeking the position. Written candidate reports also include a review of information found through internet searches and preliminary references. The identity of candidates remains confidential throughout this step; we label all reports as confidential, a reminder that the written candidate reports are not to be distributed or discussed publicly. Springsted City of Otsego, Minnesota May 18, 2011 Page 4 6. Selection of finalists—Springsted meets with the City Council to present the written reports on the recommended candidates and to answer questions. Each candidate is assigned a number so the City Council can discuss the candidates in an open meeting without disclosing the candidate's identity. The City Council selects the candidates who will be invited to interview. We generally recommend inviting 4 to 6 candidates to interview. 7. Reference and background records checks—Springsted contacts references and provides a reference report for each candidate participating in the interviews. We also conduct a thorough background records check, which includes state and national criminal and civil history, driver's license review, educational verification and a credit check. The timing and number of the background records checks are coordinated with the City. To date, we have never had an issue with any Springsted placement. 8. Interviews— Springsted develops the interview schedule in consultation with the City Council. Typically, this process includes a tour of the City and an informal opportunity to meet department heads and City Council members. Springsted coordinates the interview schedule with the candidates. We work with the City Council to develop interview questions; we also provide the City Council with a candidate evaluation tool and structure a process for the Council to receive feedback from others who have contact with the candidates. A Springsted consultant is in attendance at the interviews and will assist the City Council in narrowing the field of candidates who could be invited to a second interview or in selecting the top candidate(s). 9. Employment negotiations—after the City Council identifies its top candidate, Springsted will assist in developing an employment offer. We will negotiate an employment agreement with the successful candidate in accordance with direction received from the City Council and input from the City Council's legal counsel. 10. Ongoing services—Springsted's commitment to the City of Otsego does not stop after the appointment of a City Administrator. We are available throughout the first year to facilitate a discussion about performance issues, should they arise. 11. Guarantee—if Springsted is retained to do a complete search (items 1-9 above); we will provide the City of Otsego with a 12 -month guarantee. This guarantee commits Springsted to performing another executive search if the new City Administrator voluntarily resigns or is dismissed for cause during the first 12 months of employment. The guarantee search and other ongoing services are provided at no additional cost to the City, other than reimbursement for actual direct expenses we incur. 13 Springsted City of Otsego, Minnesota May 18, 2011 Page 5 III. Project Costs and Timeline Project costs—Springsted's professional fee to provide the search services outlined above, including the guarantee, is $14,000, exclusive of out-of-pocket costs. Out-of-pocket costs for this project, for such things including but not limited to advertising, background records checks for up to three candidates, overnight messenger deliveries, photocopying and mileage for four on-site visits will not exceed $1,350. The not-to-exceedprice for these services is $15,350. The City will be invoiced for these services as follows: • 50 percent of the professional services fee and expenses to date, following the presentation of candidates • 50 percent of the professional services fee and the balance of expenses upon the adoption of an employment agreement with the successful candidate. Project timeline—we are available to begin the Otsego City Administrator search immediately. This timetable provides a tentative schedule for project milestones based on a June 1 notice to proceed. We are happy to modify this timetable as needed to meet the City's needs. Milestones and dates shown in bold involve City Council participation. Protect Milestone Proposed Date Notice to proceed June 1, 2011 Position review and analysis June 9--17, 2011 Profile development completed/ approved by the City Council June 27, 2011* Recruitment and placement of ads/candidate outreach June 28, 2011 Applicant screening /telephone interviews begin July 20, 2011 City Council receives approximately 10 candidate reports August 5, 2011 City Council selects final candidates August 8, 2011. Reference checks/backgrounds completed August 18, 2011 Candidate tours and interviews (City Council, department heads and others as designated) August 19-20, 2011 Offermade/accepted, special City Council meeting August 29, 2011 Effective start date (estimated with 30 day notice to current employer) October 3, 2011 x Special meeting can be called to complete this task earlier; other project milestone dates would be revised accordingly. Q� Springsted City of Otsego, Minnesota May 18, 2011 Page 6 IV. Contract Our standard contract form is attached for your review V. References All of the searches listed below reflect a complete search in accordance with the process outlined in this proposal. Additional references are available on request. City of Shorewood, Minnesota City Administrator (2008) Ms. Chris Lizee, Mayor 952-960-7900 City of Lake Elmo, Minnesota City Administrator (2009) Mr. Dean Johnston, Mayor 651-777-4444 City of Watertown, Minnesota City Administrator (20 10) Mr. K. J. MacDonald, Mayor 952-955-2681 City of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota City Manager (2008) Mr. Mike Trepanier, Council Member 763-425-1822 City of Coon Rapids, Minnesota City Manager (2006) Mr. Tim Howe, Mayor 763-755-8850 Springsted ryw= DRI �� CONSULTING 2 Otter Lane . St. Paul MN 55127-6436 • USA 651-415-1400 dric@dric.com dric.com C1W OF TSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Proposal for the Otsego City Administrator Executive Search Proposed Project Leader: Dr. John P. Fennig, CEO (Alternates: Lisa Wilke and Chelsea Berryman, Consultants) DUNS#: 120200626 18 May 2011 Please contact Dr. Fennig with any questions: (651) 308-8412 oriohnfenni-gOdric.com Thank you for taking the time to talk with us by phone to provide information about the City of Otsego and this Administrator search project. From what we heard from Gary Groen, the City is in a very strong place to attract the next Administrator to help you reach the next stage of growth. You will attract many resumes. What appears will help you most is the help of a firm that can help City Leadership (and perhaps key stakeholders) define the specific profile of your next Administrator, and help ensure you select the best fit to that profile from the larger pool of candidates that you can expect. Your criteria for choosing an executive search consulting firm, as we understood them, includes: • provides the most expertise at a competitive price • understands you and what you need in a new city administrator • has a record of success doing the same or similar work for other cities and similar organizations • has the ability to deliver results effectively and on time We are confident that upon review of this proposal you will find that we meet these criteria. Through an initial project meeting, we can review and finalize our mutual expectations, goals, roles, resources, work plan, time table, and budget. Key for us is to identify how we can add the most value to what you have, know, do well already with regard to this project. Information You Require for this Proposal A. Organization — DRI Consulting 1. Main Office and Primary Contact Person: DRI Consulting 2 Otter Lane North Oaks, MN 55127 651-415-1400 John Fennig iohnfennigCcD-dric.com 651-415-1400 ext. 2 Direct: 651-308-8412 2. Name, position, experience and qualifications of those individuals designated to work on the project.. Dr. John Fennig has done search, selection and human resource development work for over 27 years. His hundreds of organizational clients include cities, counties, states and federal government organizations and private sector companies. Local cities/entities DRI Consulting has recently served include: • Minneapolis Md 2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 DCONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 2 • St. Paul • Minneapolis Park Board • Golden Valley • Blaine • Hopkins Schools As a founder of 6 companies, Dr. Fennig knows first-hand what organizations need to succeed, and how to find and select the best people to make this happen. As an industrial psychologist, Dr. Fennig uses proven work personality profiling tools to help clients get the best talent and the best fit for their organization. He is also a pioneer in the use of the internet for consulting. As such, DRI Consulting uses technological tools to maximize the quality and quantity of the candidate pool, and to make the application process as easy and fast as possible for all involved. Our preferred method of working is team -based and collaborative. Suggested Project Staffing: • Point of Contact and Project Lead for the City of Otsego • Project Support from the City (e.g. Clerk) • DRIC Project Lead: Dr. John Fennig (Resume in Appendix A) • DRIC Project Team: Consultants Lisa Wilke and Chelsea Berryman B. Process: Describe the process to be utilized in carrying out the scope of services as outlined in the Request for Proposals. Suggested Work Plan — Combining standard steps from DRIC's SearchWorks process and what you request in the RFP: 1 Project Launch and Preparation for Search Facilitate an evaluation by the City Council of the City Administrator position based on the City's existing and future organization, operations, programs, activities and financial position to determine appropriate areas of expertise and minimum qualifications required of candidates. We will also help you determine the usefulness of having external input into this hire — from key community stakeholders. (Suggested elements) • Evaluate City's current and likely future status • Evaluate City's needs and expertise of new administrator • Establish criteria for hiring • Evaluate the Mayor's and City Council's expectations for position and hiring process • Confirm DRIC/City of Otsego team for search and selection, roles and responsibilities • Review/advise on/confirm project budget and timing of payment • Review/advise on/confirm or write role description • Review/advise on/confirm compensation package 2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 i i, CONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 3 • Review/advise on/confirm advertising for search 2 Get candidates Organize and facilitate the candidate screening process in coordination with the City Council, including establishment of criteria. (Suggested elements) • Identify targets for recruiting • Produce and post ads and role description to websites • Place paid ads to targeted publications • Recruit candidates to pool 3 Pre-Screening/Pre-Qualifying Receive and screen applications and recommend candidates for personal interviews with the City Council. DRIC used cutting edge tools to collect applications. (Suggested elements) • Accept and acknowledge applications • Monitor candidate pool for quality and quantity. (DRIC uses an online tool and can share real-time monitoring with the client organization) • Prescreen applicants • Preliminary phone interview 4 Finalist Selection As organizational psychologists, and unlike typical search firms, we can administer testing that predicts job fit and performance — and compares candidates head to head with each other and against national norms for other executives. We will administer a battery of executive work personality measures that you approve. (Suggested elements) See www.dric.com/assessment options for the list of assessments available to you through us. See https://www.box.net/dric-assessment-model for how the testing is shared with clients, in folders with detailed reports and summaries. DR1 2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 1�. CONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 4 5 Interview Candidates DRI Consulting will assist in whatever way you need as a partner in the interviewing process. We highly recommend having interviewees do things to demonstrate the skills you seek in your next Administrator — such as give a prepared presentation on an operation plan. (Suggested elements) • Help develop interview format • Interview training/practice • Participate in interviews and rankings 6 Assist in Selection and Offer DRI Consulting will help Council/Mayor/staff in whatever way you need to review finalists, gather additional information and make an offer to your best candidate. Confirmation: We will work closely with the City Council to ensure the City's needs are clear, and are met. We will leverage the City Clerk to coordinate the scheduling of meetings and sharing of information. We will attend meetings with the City Council, City staff and/or candidates as directed by the City Council. We use a secure online method to share all candidate information, real-time, with those involved in the search process. Simple, accessible, safe! C. Fee Schedule: Provide a schedule of hourly rates for services and detailed description of billing structure (i.e. time segments, mileage and expense charges, etc.) and an estimate of the total cost of the process proposed. As the holder of a GSA Schedule with the Federal Government, we publish our guaranteed minimum fixed rates at dric.comhgsa . The labor categories we will use in this project are: Principal, Consultant and Administrative Assistant. Given our familiarity with this kind of work and the straightforward nature of it, we are proposing a fixed price of $9750 inclusive of all time, materials and travel (except advertising). Options: • Executive assessment work cambe incremental to a larger group of semi-finalists (6-8) or done more in-depth to fewer finalists (3-4). The fixed price is for incremental testing. In-depth testing is an additional $1900 per finalist beyond the 2 that we would do as part of the fixed price. • Consultation time to help with orientation of new hire, billed at hourly rates. • Developmental feedback meeting with new hire — typically 1-2 months into the position. $950. DRI 2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 ���„�' CONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 5 Ad Budget: We will determine this jointly with you and have the vendors direct bill to the City. DRIC is skilled at cost effective marketing and this should not exceed a few thousand dollars. D. Contract: Form of contract used for previous services with other municipalities. Professional Services Contract format. Fixed quote plus options. We can use your form or a variation of the one we use with the City of Minneapolis. https://www.box.net/shared/5u8i0ihda1 E. Additional Information: Include any information considered relevant to the fair consideration of the firm and its proposal. Our insurance coverage for workers compensation, professional liability and auto are of the level satisfactory to the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. We can name the City of Otsego as "additionally insured" by our State Farm agent should you wish. Details at: hftps://www.box.net/shared/pficrmpxzf F. References DRI Consulting's staff have helped many public and private sector organizations with their staffing needs. City of Minneapolis — 2001 to present (10 years of ongoing selection and development work). DRIC served in major capacities on over 15 Department Head hires — providing finalist candidate testing/advisory services to Mayor, City Coordinator and/or Council. We also provided performance feedback processes to all Department Heads in 2005, 2007 and 2009 — including the City Coordinator (their version of City Administrator). DRIC has served on interviewing panels for the hiring of the head of Public Works. We have worked very closely with the City. Coordinator as trusted advisor and have good familiarity with the role Otsego is hiring. Elected Official Contacts: Mayor R.T. Rybak (via) Jeremy Hanson Willis Chief of Staff, 612-673-2785 leremy.hanson(-ci.minneapolis.mn.us City Council Vice President Robert Lilligren - (612) 673-2206 robert.lilligren(a)ci.minneauolis.mn.us WaIL D�2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 CONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 6 Staff Contact: Director of Human Resources Pam French (612) 673-2139 Pamela. French(aD-ci.minneapolis.mn.us City of St. Paul — 2006 — 2010. Provided Department Head finalist testing and hiring recommendations for several positions. Provided coaching services in highly sensitive/confidential situations. Provided developmental survey work for all Department Heads in 2006 and 2008. Mayor Chris Coleman (651) 266-8510 chris.coleman(aD-ci.stpaul.mn.us Staff Contact: Nancy Homans, Policy Director (651) 266-8568 nancy.homans(aD-ci.stpaul.mn.us Private Sector: TPG (Hedge Fund) — 2007-2009. Provided significant search and selection services to fill critical positions in a very short period of time, as well as more strategic hiring where we conducted the finalist testing and interview support work. Rory O'Neil, Principal (612) 851-3002 rory.oneill(aD_tpgcredit.com CarVal (Cargill Hedge Fund) — 2007 — present. Providing pre -hire testing, advisory services for senior hires. Elizabeth Ogren, Director of Human Resources. (952) 984-3733 elizabeth.ogren(cD-carval.com G. Conflict of Interest Statement DRI Consulting is not currently working on any other search projects, and typically only is involved in one at a time — to keep things focused and clean. We will disclose any relationship we may have with candidates who apply for this position. As we use objective testing methods and the science of industrial psychology, comparisons between candidates are evidence -based and not based on our personal opinions. �: R �2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 � NSULTING 651.415.1400 page 7 Appendix A: Resume of Project Lead John Patrick Fennig, Ph.D., L.P.� DRI Owner and CEO, DRI Consulting �. • coNsuLrlNc "I Profile —Organizational Consulting Psychologist Dr. Fennig is a capable executive level manager and consultant. His reputation is producing significant, lasting and timely results through teams within and across organizational functions. He has special skills and interests working with the gifted/talented and high potential leaders of medium and large public and private organizations, family-owned companies, and entrepreneurial start-ups. Industry interests include professional services, healthcare, high technology, education and public sector/government. The firm's clients now benefit from his more than 25 years expertise that includes: ■ Leadership Skills: Demonstrated record achieving results as founder and leader of several businesses. Able to work closely with and through others to implement positive change and accomplish objectives across strategy, people and technology. Good at and enjoys sales/marketing. ■ Consulting Skills: Effective advisor, facilitator, and expert resource who adds measurable value .for managers, teams and their projects. ■ Thinking Skills: Exceptional individual contributor to and facilitator of team -based strategic . planning, problem solving, decision making and creative solution generation. ■ Technical Skills: Significant credentials and experience applying the science of psychology, practice of business and PC computer technology. Implements "high end" tools for: o Organization Development o Change Management o Human Resource Development o Performance Management Systems o Career Development Processes o Selection and Staffing Systems o Assessment, Measurement and Analysis of people and their work o Computer Software/Internet Applications ■ Professional Supervision Skills: A nationally recognized "consultant to consultants" for the last 10 years. Experienced supervisor of the professional consulting work of nearly 100 pre and post licensure professionals in consulting psychology. Professional Work 1991 to Present Managing Partner. DRI Consulting, LLC, North Oaks, MN. Founder of an organization and human resource development consulting firm. Delivers information -based organization development, executive coaching and leadership training to organizations and individuals. Specializes in integrating strategic planning, people factors and technology. Provides comprehensive, intensive services to emerging and entrepreneurial businesses and work teams. Rd , DRI 2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 �• CONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 8 Firm offers professional training to graduate, undergraduate and high school students in organizational consulting psychology. 1994 to Present Board of Directors. Navitas and NAE Energy, Inc., Minneapolis, MN. e DRI 2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 i; CONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 9 Provide Board level oversight to an independent power producer. NAE is a developer and generator of electrical power through wind technology. In this role, provides expertise in general business strategy, small business start-up and human resource development. 1999 to Present Founder/Board Chair. feedbackshop.com, inc. St. Paul, MN. Founder and Chair of Board of a web -based psychological testing store (retail customers) and service (business customers). 1998 — present Adjunct "Community" Faculty. Metropolitan State University, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Team with my teaching assistants in delivering HRM 330 — Personnel and Industrial Psychology as a web -delivered independent study to nearly 60 students annually. 1982 to Present University Instructor. St. John's University, The Ohio State University, University of St. Thomas, University of Minnesota, Minnesota School of Professional Psychology (now Argosy), Metro State University. Design and deliver presentations, lectures and courses in organizational and consulting psychology, business processes, leadership, philosophy. 1991 to 1995 Chief Executive Officer. Developmental Resources, Inc., Edina, MN. Co-founder of a general business consulting firm and small business incubator. Managed office operations, marketed services and products to clients, advised each emerging business in the areas of strategy, operations, marketing and professional skill development. Generated over one million dollars in combined business activity in the first two years of operation. Successfully launched several independent businesses that are currently operating profitably. 1993 to 1997 Board of Directors. QualityCareTM Inc., St. Paul, MN. Founder and director of a psychological services and mental health care network with over 200 providers and clinics. Provided marketing, practice development, and research and evaluation services to clinics. Education Ph.D. The Ohio State University. Program in Counseling Psychology (APA Approved). Licensed December 13, 1991 (Minnesota License: LP 0397). M.A. The Ohio State University. Counseling Psychology (APA Approved). March 1985. B.A. Saint John's University. Psychology. (Minor degrees in Philosophy and Spanish). e DRI 2 Otter Lane • St. Paul MN 55127 i; CONSULTING 651.415.1400 page 9