06-30-04 WS—ITEM 3_2 OTSEGO-ALBERTVILLE JOINT COUNCIL WORKSHOP June 30, 2004 Rall- a11_:_ Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Dan Scharber, Virginia Wendel, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson. Albertville City Council: Councilmembers Leroy Berning, Tom Fay, Ron Klecker, and Dorothy Rich. City Staff: City Administrator Larry Kruse and Fire Chief Kevin Roden. The workshop was called to order at 7:00 p.m. SHARED ROADS Albertville noted that the Town Lakes development would like to see County Road 19 widened from two lanes to four lanes north from 57th Street to 70th Street. They wanted feedback from Otsego on how they would like the 70th Street and County Road 19 intersection designed. Both communities discussed the timing for improving 70th Street from County Road 19 to MacIver Avenue. Otsego noted that keeping the costs of the 70th Street and County 19 intersection minimal would free up more money to do 70th Street. Both Councils were in consensus that an agreement on these roads should be developed and they directed their respective City Administrators and Engineers to prepare a draft for consideration. FIRE SERVICES Albertville Fire Chief Roden discussed their fire response times. He indicated that the areas they had arrived at before the Monticello Fire Department were just outside Albertville's district boundaries. He noted that the Monticello Fire Department does not respond to medical calls because Monticello Hospital does. He said that Albertville was increasing their medical training for firefighters. WATER SYSTEM CONNECTIONS Councils discussed the desirability of interconnecting the cities' water systems. Both Administrators stressed that this would be for emergencies such as a fire or a well being off line, not for regular usage. Otsego said they would discuss this further with their City Engineer. OTSEGO CREEK Albertville noted their City Engineer was revising his design to meet the Otsego Creek Agreement's requirements and that they expected to build a new control structure as part of the Town Lakes development. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator