96-11Councilmember Fournier introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-11 RESOLUTION CLARIFYING THE INTENT OF ORDINANCE 91-04, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS the City Council adopted an ordinance establishing salaries for the mayor and city council, and WHEREAS the adopted ordinance needs further clarification regarding additional compensation in the amount of $25.00 for special council meetings, meetings attended as ex -officio members, and attendance at additional meetings as directed, and WHEREAS there is a need for the mayor and/or city council to attend various meetings, seminar, and workshops on behalf of the city to allow them to gain information and knowledge in the performance of their function as mayor and council members, and WHEREAS there is a benefit to the City of Otsego to have the mayor and/or city council members in attendance at various special and committee meetings, and WHEREAS clearly defined meetings eligible for compensation allows for better controls of the general operating budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that attendance at the following meetings by the mayor and/or city council will warrant additional compensation of $25.00 for each meeting attended beyond the regular scheduled city council meetings. 1) Additionally scheduled special city council meetings attended. 2) Committee or commission meetings attended as the ex -officio member assigned to such committee or commission. 3) Planning Commission public hearings attended. 4) Other special meetings attended as authorized by the mayor or any other council member. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that in addition to the compensation listed above, the mayor and council members shall receive as compensation for attendance at workshops, seminars or conventions $150.00 for each full day of attendance and $75.00 for each half day of attendance in addition to reimbursement for expenses related to such attendance. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Black and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Norman F. Freske, Councilmembers Ackerman, Black, Fournier and Heidner and the following voted against the same: none whereupon said resolution was passed this 28th day of March 1996. ATTEST: 16 10& Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zonin�Adn. '4� 6-4Norman Freske, Mayor