08-04-04 WSITEM 3.2 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP August 4, 2004 Ro1.1Ca.1.1_:_ Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Dan Scharber, Virginia Wendel, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson, Bookkeeper Kathy Grover, Maintenance Worker Rick Knutson, Maintenance Worker Don Mass, Building Official Tim Rochel, and Accountant Gary Groen. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. Administrator Robertson said that the department heads would be attending the budget meetings to discuss what they felt was needed not just in 2005 but over the next few years. STREET DEPARTMENT Lacking a department head, both Don Mass and Rick Knutson, Maintenance workers, were present. Rick & Don noted that they currently have five trucks for plowing snow, and that they feel the oldest one, the 1981, needs replacement. They also feel that the growth on the west side of Otsego will require a sixth plow truck in the near future. Council discussed staffing, equipment, tools, and building needs for the department. Council also discussed the City taking over park maintenance in the future. .1 Council directed Don & Rick to provide the following; A list of the current plow routes, A list of what tools are needed in the shop, A list of their current schedule of tasks, Cost estimate for a new furnace for the maintenance garage, Cost estimate for insulating the garage, Cost estimate for a new steamer, and Cost estimate for a new plow truck. Administrator Robertson was directed to contact Randy Begin about selling his land and to start the appraisal process. BUILDING INSPECTIONS Building Official Tim Rochel reviewed his department's needs. He said there is an immediate need for a third Building Inspector and thinks that a fourth should be added in 2005. He noted that the hotel water park will pay an $80,000 permit and require approximately 1,500 hours of inspection. That's one inspector full-time for eight months. Council directed Administrator Robertson to add authorizing a new Building Inspector to the next Council agenda. Council directed Building Official Rochel to determine what type of vehicle would be needed,for the Building Department. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator