96-13STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT RESOLUTION 96-13 CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL VACATING STREET In the Matter of the Vacation of all those streets lying within the plat of the Townsite of Otsego, lying south of County State Aid Highway No. 39, and east of the Plat of Bulow Estates, as more fully described on the attached Exhibit A. The above entitled matter came on to be heard before the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, upon the Petition of Bulow Inc.by Christopher M. Bulow, its President, for the vacating of the streets above described, and the City Council having given due notice of said hearing by published and posted notice as provided by law and said hearing having been held on the 22ND day of April , 1996, at 7:30 o'clock p. M., at the City Hall in said City, an no one appeared in opposition thereto, and the said Council after hearing the evidence presented to it in favor of said Petition finds: that Petitioners are the owners of all the land abutting said portion of above described streets; that said streets are not serving any public purpose, and that it would be in the best interest of the public to vacate said streets; Council /Meleidner introduced the following resolution, to -wit: All those streets lying within the plat of the Townsite of Otsego, lying south of County State Aid Highway No. 39, and east of the Plat of Bulow Estates, as more fully described on the attached Exhibit A., be and the same are hereby vacated pursuant to Minn. Stat. Ann. 412.851. Member Which resolution was seconded by Council/ and being put to a vote a majority of said Council vote in favor of said resolution, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted by the Mayor of said City. Dated at the City of Otsego, Minnesota this 22ND day of April 1996. Mayor Norman F Freske ATTEST: Clerk Elaine Beatty, City Cler Zoning Adm. STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Elaine Beatty , being first duly sworn says that the is the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, and as such is custodian of the records of said City; that the above resolution is a true and correct copy of said resolution taken from the records of the minutes of the City Council of said City, for the regular meeting thereof held on April 22, , 1996. Elaine Beatty, City C k/Zoning Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22ND day of Argil , 1996. 11, 94 �' " t� . 4UA�'On o ary VZ41ic �r JUDY L HUDSON NDURYPl21L"NNsS011 WFUW COUNTY 16MyC0MMbb0&Pk0JM.31,2=1 W s EXHIBIT A All those streets lying within the Plat of the Townsite of Otsego described as follows: C Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39, except that part previously platted. B Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39. A Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39. All that part of Fifth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Sixth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Seventh Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Eighth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates.