96-19C _- CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 96-19 RESOLUTION AUTHORISING PAYMENT FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY CURRENTLY OWNED BY THE JOHN LEFEBVRE LOVING TRUST CONTINGENT UPON AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE, EXECUTION OF ACCEPTABLE EASEMENT AGREEMENT, AND AGREEMENT TO USE FUNDS TO PAY OFF ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED AGAINST PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TRUST AND JOHN E. LEFEBVRE. WHEREAS, an Agreement To Be Assessed was executed on the 31st day of July 1990 between the then Town of Otsego (now City of Otsego), County of Wright, State of Minnesota ("Otsego"), John E. Lefebvre, the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust and other parties relative to the improvement of 85th Street within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, said agreement set forth two separate assessments each in the amount of $15,469.00, plus interest at the rate of 9% per annum over a period of ten (10) years to be certified against the respective parcels, i.e. PID 118-500-221300 and PID 118-500-221301; and WHEREAS, by the terms of said Agreement both assessments, principal and interest, were deferred for a period of two years from the date of adoption of the assessment; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego did defer said assessments and interest for the agreed upon term; and WHEREAS, said assessment was duly adopted on May 25, 1993; and WHEREAS, said assessment is now certified upon the records of the Wright County Auditor as a special assessment against the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust property; and WHEREAS, the City has reached a verbal Agreement with John E. Lefebvre on behalf of the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust to purchase certain property owned by the trust located upon PID No. 118-500-221300, as described on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, said purchase is contingent upon various factors, as follows: 1. That the parties enter into an agreement acceptable to the City regarding the terms and conditions of an easement for ingress and egress across the described property in favor of property of John E. Lefebvre. 2. That John E. Lefebvre and the trust agree that the money paid by the City for the property shall be immediately used to pay off the above described assessments. 3. That the necessary steps for land acquisition pursuant to the terms of the ISTEA Grant to the city be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of that grant so that said land acquisition is an eligible expenditure for reimbursement under ISTEA. WHEREAS, a proposed Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the transaction has been presented to Mr. Lefebvre. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Staff are hereby authorized to pay to John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust an amount not to exceed thirty thousand nine hundred and thirty eight dollars and 00/100 cents ($30,938.00) for acquisition of land owned by the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust subject to the contingencies previously stated in this Resolution being successfully resolved. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event that City Staff are unable to successfully negotiate an agreement with the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust in accordance with the terms and conditions stated above they are hereby authorized to commence proceedings in eminent domain to acquire the above described property. ADOPTED this 24TH date of June, 1996 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Vern Heidner, Ron:.Black, Larry Fournier and Suzanne Ackerman, Council Persons OPPOSED: no one 4 4� tlaine Beatty, City Cl(9kk CITY OF OTSEGirm-44L OO oodoj6n�, Norman 1w.Freske, Mayor