96-18RESOLUTION NO. 96-18 CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS WHEREAS, Frankfort Township and the City of Otsego have been working cooperatively to consider a joint sewer district to provide municipal sewer services to portions of Frankfort Township and Otsego; and WHEREAS, Frankfort Township and the City of St Michael are considering a possible orderly annexation agreement or consolidation; and WHEREAS, Completion of the Otsego -Frankfort -Dayton sewer project represents a matter of the highest priority to Otsego; and WHEREAS, Otsego intends to locate a sewer plant in an area which is downstream of the area of Frankfort east of Highway 1-94. This sewer plant would be the logical location to provide sewer services to this area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The City of Otsego hereby initiates pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 414.031 subdivision 1 annexation proceedings for the property herein described. 2. Otsego hereby authorizes its Mayor and Clerk to take such steps as may be necessary to initiate annexation of the following described portions of Frankfort Township: From Township 120 North, Range 23 West, Wright County, the following described property: That part of Sections 1 and 2 lying north of the Crow River, All of sections 3 and 4 and that part of sections 5 and 6 lying North of Interstate 94 and not already included in the Albertville City limits; section 12 lying north of the Crow River. 3. Otsego has already stated its position in the existing annexation proceedings before the Board that portions of Frankfort can best be served by Otsego. The Mayor and Clerk may cause the City to clarify its position statement in current Municipal Board identifying this area as appropriate for annexation, or to initiate additional proceedings to accomplish this objective. 4. The parties entitled to notice under Section 414.09, in addition to Otsego are: Frankfort Township and its Planning Commission, Wright County and its Planning Commission, City of Albertville, Hassan Township, City of St Michael, and the City of Dayton. Resolution No 96-18 City of Otsego, County of Wright - Page 2- 5, The City of Otsego abuts and is contiguous to the petitioned area. The area is, or is about to become urban or suburban, is in need of municipal services and is presently under consideration by the Municipal Board to determine the appropriate city which should provide those services. Otsego is in the best position to provide those services by reason of the regional treatment facility planned for this region. Municipal government is required to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and annexation would be in the best interests of the affected property. Dated this 18TH day of June, 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO a Norm n F Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zo MI Administrator SUN