96-31CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 96-31 RESOLUTION ELIMINATING THE POSITIONS OF BUSINESS/FINANCE DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, the position of Business/ Finance Director and Director of Economic Development was created by the City of Otsego in 1995; and WHEREAS, said positions were established with the expectation that such positions were needed on a full time basis, and that they it was a primary need of the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego was incorporated as a City in 1990 and is without the normal infrastructure (City sewer and water and/or other utilities) of a fully developed City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has become concerned about the amount of money expended on the above named positions (a salary in excess of $52,000.00, plus benefits) relative to the actual need for a full time employee to provide such services; and WHEREAS, individual Council members have investigated the possibility of such services being provided through contract, have talked with individuals knowledgeable about finances, and have obtained quotes for services to be delivered on a contract basis which would provide substantial savings to the City; and WHEREAS, upon reviewing these quotes, evaluating the information provided, and upon reassessing and reevaluating the original decision to establish the positions, upon review of the issues regarding those positions, upon information received and presented by individual Council Members, and upon the general observations of the members of the Council in their day to day dealings with City Staff, the Council hereby makes the following Findings of Fact: 1. That based upon review of the quotes, and discussions with individuals knowledgeable in City finances, it would be more cost effective to provide such services on a contract basis. 2. That such services are only needed for an average of 15 to 20 hours per week. 3. That delivery of services by contract would not require the payment of salary and attendant benefits, and would save the City substantial money. 4. That it is the intention of the City Council at this time to begin reorganization of the City staff, and to begin the process of investigating the hiring of a City Administrator. 5. That at this stage in the development of the City a qualified and experienced City Administrator is needed in order to more cohesively organize the City and its staff and provide leadership and expertise which will be needed during the coming period of transition. 6. That economic development issues can be assigned to a qualified and experienced City Administrator, and can be included in that job description. 7. That it is important to try and hire a City Administrator as soon as possible in order to proceed with reorganization, and to address the sewer and water situation and other important issues facing the City at this point. 8. That elimination of this position is merely the first step in a reorganization of the City which will include the following: A. Reevaluation of other City jobs; B. Pursuing investigation of providing other City services by contract, such as snow plowing and the taking of minutes; C. Review of existing City contracts; D. Pursuing investigation of other, additional, City services, that can be delivered more cost effectively than they are at present. WHEREAS, pursuant to law, the present Director of Business and Finance has been given proper notice of the City's intent to eliminate the position and has been given an opportunity to respond to the proposal. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO that: 1. The positions of Director of Business and Finance and Director of Economic Development are hereby eliminated. 2. That the present City Director of Business and Finance and Director of Economic Development is hereby given three months notice of termination of the position, as per contract. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 19TH day of November , 1996. IN FAVOR: LKrry Fournier, AeVing Mayor, Ron Black, Suzanne Ackerman OPPOSED: and Vern Heidner, Council Members in flavor. Norman F Freske, No One Mayor, Absent. *4. Elaine Beatty, City C1 CITY OF O SEGO A -al-i to - .- -F eske - -Mayor - - Larr ournier, Acting Mayor Elaine Beatty, City C1