05-03-04 WSITEM 3-2 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP MAY 3, 2004 7 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will call the Workshop to order. Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 7 PM. Roll Call Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Jerry Struthers and Virginia Wendel; Planning Commissioners: Richard Nichols, Dave Thompson, Steve Schuck, Pam Black, Tammy Fallon, Tom Darkenwald. Absent: Ken Fry, Jim Kolles, Doug Hackman, and Carl Swenson. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Karee Rowell, Deputy Clerk; Dan Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 2. Presentation from Developers. John Jackels and Mike Gair, Emmerich - gave their presentation. They have 320 acres west of Highway 101 on County Road 37 and are proposing a mixture of single family and town homes. Ray Baird, Orrin Thompson - gave his presentation. They have 200 acres east of the East sewer plant and are proposing a mixture of single family and town homes. Bruce Pankonin, Rottland Homes - gave his presentation. They have 90 acres north of the County Road 37 and south of County Road 42, They proposing a mixture of single family and town homes with no commercial at the NE corner of 37 and Highway 101. Dave Hagen, Backes Companies - 100 acres east from Odean and north of Lin Bar Estates. Approximately 200 homes single family homes are proposed. 3. Discussion. Set up the June 7th Planning Commission meeting at 6:00 pm, so they are able to tour different development sites. City Council and Planning Commission Meeting of May 3, 2004. Page 2. 4. Adjourn. Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 8:26 pm. Mafor Lar�oum er Attest: i"J—� Kare Rowell, De uty Clerk