97-03CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.97-3_ RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN INTERIM ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego is in the process of studying the feasibility of constructing a wastewater treatment plant, either jointly or by itself, and is also pursuing other alternative means of providing waste water treatment and water facilities to its citizens; and WHEREAS, the City Council has also directed the City Planner to commence preliminary studies regarding needed amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, a decision regarding provision of wastewater treatment facilities and/or agreements is inextricably connected with the City's revision of its Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, virtually all residences and businesses within the City are currently served by individual septic systems; and WHEREAS, information has been provided to the City Council that numerous such private systems have failed over the years; and WHEREAS, the continuation of approval of residential subdivisions which must rely upon individual septic systems in greater numbers raises environmental concerns; and WHEREAS, the decision as to whether or not to proceed with the provision of wastewater treatment and water services will fundamentally affect needed changes to the Comprehensive Plan and official controls: and WHEREAS, the present Comprehensive Plan is based upon the original assumption that sewer service would be contracted for from the City of Elk River, said assumption, while possibly valid at this time, has been invalid for a period of years; and WHEREAS, the City has initiated and has been provided with an engineer's report regarding the possibility of establishment of a joint waste water treatment facility with the City of Dayton; and WHEREAS, the City has also been provided with limited information regarding the possibility of establishing City water services in conjunction with construction of wastewater treatment facilities; and WHEREAS, there have been recent indications that the City of Elk River may once again consider offering waste water treatment services to Otsego on a contractual basis; and WHEREAS, the City has presently received numerous applications for residential development within the City; and WHEREAS, at this point in the decision making process City staff find it difficult to give proper guidance and information to Developers regarding said residential developments because of the uncertainty regarding wastewater treatment and water services; and WHEREAS, decisions regarding residential development which are currently before the City, and could possibly be presented to the City in the near future, may fundamentally affect the City's ability to deliver wastewater treatment facilities and water facilities to residents of the City; and WHEREAS, construction of a wastewater treatment facility by the City will mean the assumption of a great financial burden by the City, and it is imperative that all available planning controls be initiated to assure that development is properly controlled and correctly staged; and WHEREAS, the City needs to continue to consider and process applications for Commercial and Industrial development because of its crucial need to expand its tax base; and WHEREAS, while the City has the authority to adopt a moratorium which would affect those applicants already in process, it desires to allow those applicants already in process to proceed with their applications, while preventing further applications which could potentially affect the City's service delivery capability; and WHEREAS, the City Council has regarding water and sewer service made as soon as possible, and has decision; and determined that the decision is a priority item which must be set a date for the making of that WHEREAS, additional residential subdivisions may be contrary to the City's ultimate development objectives; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the present situation requires a temporary halt to the receipt of applications for and processing of residential subdivisions, with those specific exceptions set forth in the Interim Ordinance, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and herein incorporated by reference, in order to protect the planning process and the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Otsego. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that said Council does hereby adopt by this resolution the attached Interim Ordinance Establishing A Moratorium On Residential Subdivisions Within The City of Otsego, Exhibit A. ADOPTED this 27TH day of January, 1997 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Virginia OPPOSED: Wendel, and Mark Berning, Council Members No One CITY OF OTSEGO z-� ` Larry rn er, Mayor 4Elailneefteatty, City Cler