97-04Resolution No. 97-4 Resolution supporting City of St. Michael in designating Nabor Avenue as a Major Collector Street. WHEREAS, It appears to the City Council of the City of Otsego that the planning and construction of Nabor Avenue from the Crow River to CSAH37 is a regional significance in the east portion of Wright County; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Michael is requesting of Wright County that the functional classification of Nabor Avenue In that City be changed from Minor Collector to a Major Collector; and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners of Wright County are requesting from the neighboring cities of Otsego and Albertville to support St. Michael for this change In functional classification; and 'WHEREAS, the County is proposing an Intra -County Road to be constructed In the future from Hennepin County CSAH116 to STH241 and continuing north along Nabor Avenue over 1-94 to Wright County CSAH37 and north along an alignment to Nashua Avenue ending at the intersection of Wright County CSAH39. When said road is completed, Wright County would take over the road for perpetual maintenance and operations; and WHEREAS, the proposed route will need the functional classification request to be eligible for funding under the current State and Federal program. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota: 1. That the City supports the change of the functional classification to major collector on Nabor Avenue in the City of St. Michael. 2. That the City will coordinate with the City of St. Michael, Wright County, and Mn/DOT on proposed alignment of the Intra -County Road. 3. That the City will establish a route for the road and Incorporate that route into the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 4. That the City does not agree to pay for any portion of the roadway costs that are outside its corporate limits. 5. That the City is not obligated to construct the road simultaneously with the City of St. Michael. Be it further resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward four certified copies of this Resolution to each of the following public entities; Wright County, Mn/DOT District 3 Planning Engineer, City of St. Michael, and City of Albertville. Adopted thin 24TH day of March , 1997. ATTE T: City Clerk Elaine Beatty I hereby certify that the above Is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted, and approved by the City Council of said City on this 24TH day of March .1997. " I 6 - 1 �x'�4-6-ej- Clark Elaine Beatty 7,40 I hereby certify that the above Is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted, and approved by the City Council of said City on this 24TH day of March .1997. " I 6 - 1 �x'�4-6-ej- Clark Elaine Beatty Resolution No. 97-4 Resolution supporting City of St. Michael in designating Nabor Avenue as a Major Collector Street. WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Otsego that the planning and construction of Nabor Avenue from the Crow River to CSAH37 Is a regional significance In the east portion of Wright County; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Michael is requesting of Wright County that the functional classification of Nabor Avenue in that City be changed from Minor Collector to a Major Collector; and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners of Wright County are requesting from the neighboring cities of Otsego and Albertville to support St. Michael for this change In functional classification; and WHEREAS, the County is proposing an Intra -County Road to be constructed in the future from Hennepin County CSAH116 to STH241 and continuing north along Nabor Avenue over 1-94 to Wright County CSAH37 and north along an alignment to Nashua Avenue ending at the intersection of Wright County CSAH39. When sold road is completed, Wright County would take over the road for perpetual maintenance and operations; and WHEREAS, the proposed route will need the functional classification request to be eligible for funding under the current State and Federal program. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota: 1. That the City supports the change of the functional classification to major collector on Nabor Avenue in the City of St. Michael. 2. That the City will coordinate with the City of St. Michael, Wright County, and Mn/DOT on proposed alignment of the Intra -County Road. 3. That the City will establish a route for the road and incorporate that route into the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 4. That the City does not agree to pay for any portion of the roadway costs that are outside Its corporate limits. 5. That the City Is not obligated to construct the road simultaneously with the City of St. Michael. Be it further resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward four certified copies of this Resolution to each of the following public entities; Wright County, Mn/DOT District 3 Planning Engineer, City of St. Michael, and City of Albertville. Adopted this 24TH day of March , 1997. ATTEST: Chy Clerk Elaine Beatty Mayor Fournier I hereby certify that the above Is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted, and approved by the City Council of said City on this 24TH day of March , 1997. OltyClerk Elaine Beatty