10-27-14 SCC attachment0 OtsTeF o MINNESOTA TO: City Council FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: October 16, 2014 RE: Senior Programs Background: 55 and over programming has been a departmental goal set by the City Council since the beginning of the remodeling of Prairie Center. City staff have started the process of programming by meeting with staff from area senior centers and with potential volunteers from Otsego for the past several months. From these meetings staff have recognized the trend is moving away from "senior" programming and moving towards programs for "active older adults". This change in terminology follows the changing trends in programming for this population also. Programs are now catering towards more active programs and healthy living. Staff is proposing that the City host a kickoff event on January 5th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. During this event, older active adults will be able to come to Prairie Center and meet both staff and volunteers, the open house will also include a guest speaker who will be reviewing estate planning. Estate planning, Staff have learned, is one of the most popular topics among active older adults. After the kickoff, Staff is proposing establishing set hours for older active adult programming on Mondays & Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2p.m. at Prairie Center in the Fireside Room. During this time, older active adults will have the opportunity to partake in programs and activities that will be put on by staff and volunteers. Trips will also be offered to participants, the first being held on February 17, 2015 in conjunction with the Elk River and Monticello older active adult centers. Transportation is included with all trips and the cost for the entire trip is directly charged to the participant. Conclusion: Staff is requesting direction from the City Council on moving forward with programming at Prairie Center for active older adults.